c lj u injtmii Herald V - KLAMATH FALLS' j OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ! ...auaTH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ,v,nhYHr-.N,303 KLAMATH FALLSi, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1916. Price Five Cents EOCENE MEN COMING TO DISCUSS ROAD ROAD TO RUN FROM KLAMATH FALLS TO FLORENCE ON COAST Victim in Strike That Makes 400,000 Walk HIOHWAY URCCD MAINLY FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES Eugene Delegation Appear Uefore Iho (late Highway Commlaalon and Hide Propoied New Road First to lePretenled far Conilderatlon Eu. Ctne Clllient Due Monday to Oat Klamath Cooperation. To talk oei v II tt tli people, nf IJjmiIi county tin piopoNed miihI from Khnwlh I'nlU in Curonu iin.l nonnrf, fuiir ini'iiilii-m of the Dmeno I timber of CoimiHTt o will arrive here Monday M iii. ' nilto Tin' KilKune Pitt; will con tint ir i: J Adam, prrtldent of the Harbor Soutul Invent iimI company; 0 W (Irimn, it hard wire merchant of Kuc'ne: II. W Hipon, head of tho bnienit of road nd aljbwaye of the KUKono Chamber ofC.MMflfrce.aiid Mr Srltx of KuKine. TV people of Eugene lui to uncut o ii.o corporation of Klnmnth In tho toad from her to Kukiiio, through tho Willamette Paw. and from Kugeno to nortnc on the. coaM It Ik hoped to re money for Dili mm! under tint Fteklcfonl till, ncuitl) paused by ttn;ms. Sereral prominent cltlzottH or Cti Mne appeared before thn Stnto High Mr CommlMlon InHt Monday to ple.ul tke catue of tlio proponed highway. lie member of tlio Cukciio delegation contended that Iho Florence to Klnm ih Talli road In entitled to flint ron t'l'cratlon In upending funds received i' Ike stnto under tlio terms of tho SWkleford bill nt pmtxed by congrean Ortfoa'a ihare of tho federal Appro priation announced In 178.000, which luwt be ipeni doiiiir for clollnr with fundi to bo provided by tho Mate, TliPIorneo to Klnmnth Falls road, It U uld, will open up n now country d illl mean nctunl development. It leiai urff d as a commercial project ird not u scenic highway. It Ih nr M (bit It will extend through n ice- Oregon which Id lo ho deprived hr amounts of revenue by tho ie Jfwloa ot the Oregon nnd California to tho government, niul that It wtnet an area In which tho federal fwerameat retnlnH the ownership ol ere land than In any other section of '"IWW, III u letter received from Mr. Tlionip Him ol tho Eugenei Chnmber of Com merce by Klnmnth Commercial Club, ho rnyn rurnrdliic thn conference with tho hithwny roiiunUMon "Of couimj the board made nu deel nlim, Wo worn nuking for money un der tho Hhnckleford bill, Tho Hhnrk- leford bill will r'iiln "nine nctlon on I Iho part of the mute hefoto It goen Into effect: how-over, wo htuo iIiIh ndvant K( our proposition won the flint one to be presented lo tin- board mulct Hie .Shnelilefoiil bill, Those meetlllKH are rnther luformnl, and there wax a good denl of roiivornntlou back nnd forth, which Indicated In n muiui of Hie I thing we will have lo rountenirt. Mr. lliel reemed lo be of the opinion Hint tin llml km' of Slmcklefoiil money lboilld be In blllldlni: n hard xlirfacu road north and nouth nlniiu the I'fi- ,clflo hlchwiiy. I don't xuppono thin plow will npiioal very mroiiKly to your j people. Mr Kay Inquired a :ood deal 'of U.I In te'niid lo nrcenn to Crater l,nl;e, nnd hiippeitted Ihatlt would ir.uko n better road to Crnter Ijikn to Impim-i the Pnrlllr. hlKhwny, nnd then have n rond from Hoiburn to Crnter l.rtke, I don't fee) th.it thin will np peifl lo yotn people very tttroiiKl)'. either. While we nnnwcrod their queHtlotiM In revard lo Crater Lake nnd 111 till thai lie better rond would he nlniii: tho rend we were urglnp. with n i hie road to Crnter lilo from Iho ee.f t Hide of the mnuulnlms we did not In our prlnclxl tulk miy nnythliiK about Crnter like. Wo MroiiKly urced thnt ihl money wiih appropriated to build iodH for eommeixlnl purponeM, nnd that we we ie tiBkliu: for n rond which voiilil benoflt the development of tho emiiitrf wlilli It trnvumed. nnd which iwoiAd help the commurclal necoHHlllen of tho coiniiiunllloa which It served. Wo wore all of tho opinion thnt wo had n ntrotiKor cane by dwellliiR on com- ! mcrclal ndvnntnKCH of this road rathor than tnlklnr: tourlat trnfflc nnd pcenlc hiphwayn. Personally, I bollovo that tliwo appropriation were mado for coinmorclnl dovolopmont, nnd I think that tho rofiulromenln of commerce nre the main bnnls for nHklng for the rond we iiURRoatod. ' "It will bo necennary to have eon- ceriod nnd atrong effort on tho part of jour people nnd oui-hoIvoh If wo nro r,o 'iiir to carry thin thin,? throuh. You ctiit lendlly neo thnt Portlnml would ' nntuiiill) prefer to have tho mouoy npent on tho Columbia hlKhwny and Us continuation earn, nnd on tho Paclflc hlrhwny. This would oxplaln tho sor.io- rvLrAJLlJ-LrLr jvu-uuAAAAAfcA.v wwsjMiAAA.AAMVwwvwvAAAAAf ii iiiii.ii"MViiWvirtfxruijxnjXrLrul whnt KllKhtiiiK mvnllon of our efforts Hindu In tho Portland uapora. "Wo do not want your pooplo to th'nl. that we nro undertaking to an- "'i any undue control In thU mat- tCi nnd we would hnve wnltcl until ve could lme hnd full consultation with you f it hnd not been for the fuel thnt we believed hitHto to be very utk (til, nnd Ih'! nilwintiiKoK of thin rond lo our C'o'umiinlly nte ho ntipnrvnt I llli I we felt hUle you would be In fnvnr nf the load. Wo would bo veiy glad to hue our miKKiHtlonn In rognrd to tho ciitryini: on of thin cnmpnlKii, nnd It vould piobnbly bu well If In tho neiu future 11 few of our Kood roads men could meet n few of ourn, nnd Jointly lormulnle plonn for cnrryliiK on the (.nmpalfin" i MEXICO 8AY8 IT WILL BE BROAD NOT BELIEVED UNITED STATES WILL APPOINT COMMISSIONERS UNLESS MEXICO WILL DISCUSS BROAD ISSUES I'nlled 1're-n Service WASHINGTON, I), t", Am; li. Con fidential ndvlrex from Mexican nlUclal rourcox Indlcnto thnt Mexico Ih will In C. to dlKdii'ii tho Renernl pndilonm In volved In tho Mexlcan-Amorlcnn trou ble an well n the minor quctlonn, pilch n withdrawal of Oenernl Persh Iiik'h troops. It In believed thnt tho United Statea will not definitely appoint Its member of Iho Joint commlsHlon until this gov ernment In iiHHureil thnt the conferee w 111 work along broad linen. - 1 AUSTRALIAN FORCES TAKE GERMAN LINES IN POZIERES BATTLE MANY ATTEND FLOWER SHOW BEAUTIFUL BLOSSOMS RAISED BY MANY WOMEN ARE VIEWED BY INTERESTED SPECTATORS AT HOTEL HALL HEAVIEST FIGHTING IN WEST ON VERDUN FRONT British Warships Are Shelling Turkish Right In Suez Canal Battle Hand to Hand Engagements Continue In tho Fleury District Rome Decree An nounces Italian Boycott of German and Austria. jvssasaasainaswwjrewgqHaeqtaci --JK All tho trolley lines of tho Tho Oronx, a borough of 400,000 persons within the City of New York, were tied up when the conductors and TV C - " V " "" - motormeu struck. Rioting followed the first day of action, and this photo graph anows a striker after arrest bleeding from a fight. A lnrfjc number of interested people, mostly women, are attending the flower nhow this afternoon in the lobby ot the' Hotel Hall. The lobby is be decked with flowers of many varieties and multitudinous colors. Some of tho flowers were grown In bouses And some outside, but all were grown in Klamath county. Dozens of) women entered beautiful bouquets and pots of flowers in competition for the SAYS "THE GANG WIlLjET YOU" POLICE OF 8AN FRANCISCO RE CEIVE THREATENING LETTER FROM PROMINENT MAN NAME WITHHELD Manning Tells Russian Not to Repeat Offense clthi extreme lmnrnhhiiuv "wcllon. and for other 2?h .5" EV.,n'k0ff' th0 RUMln ' 'ml? ,U,W "t nla lO-year-old' li ?. " "ntly. Instead, EZ'!!,a' i.,'"" "n annolniarf ....1.1 1 ""a OSmi. "-'" ; pro STU k6ep th0 district at JVct. PP Mi ot ,ny r,,,u- l"Urttral.MUf boy tellB " .!. "' .ht story when Ia- 1.- miss ;; pi.;:; It very bard to convict Evanlkoff. "Tho cano would cost the county $1,600. and even If a conviction was se cured, 'the mother and six children, one a suckling babe, would have to be cared (or by the county." Attorney Manning bad Bvanlkoff brought before him last night, and talked with him for a long time. He told Evanlkoff that althougb a child mliht be aet uoon a bot stove In Rus sia, oven a dog could not be treated that way In the United States. He admonished Bvanlkoff that If another report of abuse of bis children reached the district attorney's office he would Immediately be arrested, and that ev ory effort would be made to lead aim to the pealteaUary. United Prom ficr '-o PAN PRANCISCO, Aug. C The po lite hnvo received a threatening letter from a prominent man of San Fran elbco whose name Ih withheld. Ho jiiya lo tho police, "you may got our friends, you may send our brothors to mlRon, but Iho gang will get you nnd nil your families," ll Is not believed that tho man send ing tho letter Is ono of thoso who sent threats to tho nowspopeis beforo tho dynamiting during tho preparedness parade. Asks Support Hughes United Press Scrvlco CHICAGO. Auk. 5. Chairman Ilay. mond Bobbins of tho progressive con ventton today lssuod a stutement In nuport of Charles B. Hughes for presi dent. He urged nil progressives 10 unlto with the republicans at this elec tion to put Hughes in office. Mrs. Manning Better. Mrs. H. M. Manning, who was oper ated upon about two weeko ago, was removod to her homo today from the hospital. She la recuperating rapidly from the effects of the operation. To 8e Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Ulrlch will loave tomorrow morning for Crater Lake, returning In the evening. Illustrated Sermon. A spocial sermon, Illustrated with ..nntin niiiies. will be glvon to- morrow evening at the Christian church by Rev. J. W. Jenkins. The ser. mon will bo entitled, "Jerusalem, the aa All a 1m. City of tho Great King.- ah vlted to hear this sermon. HUCK li Htm iBIGBEE. CARMAN ARE PLENTIFUL! PLAY AT SISSOfI 1 WILLIAM SIMS ESTABLISHES A LOCAL BALL PLAYERS WILL CAMP ON MOUNTAIN TO CARE WEAR McCLOUD UNIFORMS TO- I FOR CAMPERS AFTER THE DE-! MORROW IN A GAME AGAINST LICIOUS BERRIES SISSON To guide and take care of campers seeking huckleberries, William Sims has established .1 camp on the top of Huckleberry Mountain.- Sims says the huckleberries nro plentiful on tho mountain, but tnni iney nre very Lyle Bigbee, pitcher, and Fred Car man, outfielder, for the local baseball team, left this morning for Sisson to piny ball there tomorrow afternoon. They will play with McCloud against Sisson at Sisson. When they left this scnice in the I.nKo of the Woods coun-' morning they did not know what posl- tty. Hucklebeny Mountain is thirty 'tions they would play. miles north of Toit Klamath. I Digbeo nnd Carman, also received William has about thirty saddle offers to play tomorrow with Weed horses niul pack mules at bis camp, and uunsmuir. it is unaerstooa uiai nnd will meet nil parties nt the foot of DunBmuIr plays Redding tomorrow, al tho mountain, which is about four though they had scheduled a game miles from tho berries, and which is with Klnmnth Falls for that day. tho fnrthoieat point to which automo-j prizes. An orchestra furnished Lmuaic.duing the afternoon. " ""- STRIKE LEADER WAS DYNAMITER United Pres-J Service NEW YORK, Aug. 5. It was learned today that guards and ticket sellers of . the elevated and subway street carj lines are preparing to present their de mands to their employers Monday. Many attempted acta of violence have been stopped by the police. The street car companies allege tha one strike leader was connected with the San Francisco dynamiting. The union men deny this. - Despite small riots, it is not be lieved that It will be necessary to call out the state militia. United Press Serviee LONDON, Aug. 5. General Halg re ports that this afternoon the Australian forces on the west front resumed the offensive and took the German.second line 'positions on a half mile front north of Pozleres. He says the opera tions are "completely successful," and that all counters have been repulsed. The Turks are making vigorous at tacks near Roman!, twenty-three mllea east of the Suez canal. A battle- there 1 has been going on for the last three days, with the Brtttshyleldnf gnHtaaV .British worships in Tina Bay are shell ing the Turkish right The battle front extends -for seven miles over the desert. United Press Service PARIS, Aug. 5. It is announced that the Teutonic counters on Thlaa mont and Fleury have been checked. The heaviest fighting on the western front is taking place in the Verdun sector, where the Germans continue to hurl vast forces against the French lines. In the Fleury district hand to 'hand United Press Service PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 5 The street car employes of this city have given their cmnlnvora thlrtv.luuir nltlmA. turn to increase their wages and recog nize their union, or they will strike. engagements fighting. continue to feature the United Press Service ROME, Aug. 5. An official decree Issued here today forbids Italian la Italy or abroad to trade with Germany or Austria, or with the allies of either. The decree nullifies the German-Italian trade contracts, and provides punish ment for violations. biles can go. A man has been em ployed by SlniH to stay at tho foot of the mountain to c pair nnd gunrd auto mobiles of nil turtles picking huckle berries. To Lava Beds. , Captain- I. D. morning for his Lnva Ucds. I Applegate left this sheep ranch in the To-Sprlng Creek. 1 Mrs. C. V. Fisher nnd daughter, Con Stancc.nnd Mrs. L. N. Haines left this morning for Spring Creek to camp for several days. . e Don't Need Autos. Bo yo reminded, you automobile own era who bo Iclndly consented to help show tho DunBmuIr people ever this city tomorrow forenoon, that ' Duns mulr has decldod not to come, and that you bonce need not be at tho de pot at 11 o'clock to meet the visitors, From Klamath Agency. Mr. and Mrs. Orvllle Elliott are In the county seat for the week end from Klamnth Agency, where tho former conducts a general merchandise store. - Motor to Lake. Mi nnd Mrs. R. C. Shipley are among tho many local, people who will motor to Crater Lake tomorrow. Two Days' Trip. Glen Con veil and wife left this morn ing for Crater Lake, Medford and Ash land. They expect to return tomor row evening. Visit in Lakeview. j Miss Wllla Leonard, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Leonard, left this morn ing for Lakeview, to visit with friends. She was taken as far as Bly by W. T. Lee of the White Pelican garage, and from there will take the stage. Fish In Rogue River. Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Motschenbacher, Miss Maude Newbury, Don Newbury and Lawrence Mehaffey will leave to morrow morning for Sliver Camp, on Rogue Rlvor, to spend ten days. To See Ice Caves. Miss Frieda Steiger, Miss Ella Dews, Miss Ruth George, Charles Sevlts, Clifford Sevlts and Forrest Pell will start tomorrow morning for the Lava has forced the Russians to retire south- Beds to see the ice caves and strong-.east of Kuty. The Russians are ad hold and other attractions. I vancing in the Caucusus mountains. United Press Service BERLIN, Aug. 5. It Is' announced that the British are attacking near Pozleres. French attacks on Maurepas have been repulsed and British assaults on Ovillere have been heavily repelled. Fighting around Verdun la bitter. Russian attacks everywhere have been halted. Vienna announces that the Russian attacks have slackend because of the heavy losses. There Is no change on the Italian front. Lively arttllerylag Is taking place around Iiconao. PETROGRAD, Aug. 5. If la an nounced that the Austrian offensive Leave Today. Mrs. Erall Pell, who has beerivlslt lng relatives In Klamath county tor two weeks, Captain O. C. Applegate end George T. Baldwin left this morn ing In Mrs. Plel's car for Ashland. Captain Applegate. will go to Central Point to look after mining properties there, and 'Judge Baldwin will go to tlon'a handling ot the Mexican sltua- Lewis Says Republicans Encouraged Mexicans United Presn Service gave the Impression that the country la WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 5. Sen- not united in support ot President Wl- at'or J. Hamilton Lewis, In answering1 son, that It embarrassed the president, In the senate today the criticism of and heno encouraged the Maileaa aaa pnarles E. Hughes of the admlnlstra- dlts. Portland to attend the state democratic conference ns a delegate from the local WUeoa and Marshall Club; He declared the Mexican- iaeaedvw tlon, blamed the republican leaders for been raised because dlscussleavoc tae the border trouble. , prosperity rendered by the Undrtea Senator Lewis said their anxiety. tariff waa laipracUoaWe. 1 t. KHI-fl -K-i i.n.iM fr'-A-V m '