tjlj? lEuintiig iterato . ..tOTista :YlMAT!ICUunv- KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, JfRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1916. ,v.MhY."-3'M2 Price Five Cents ITALIAN MAIL STEAMER SUBMARINED s RUSSIANS CAPTURE VILLAGE BY BLOODY ! STREET FIGHTING Where Nine Were Killed in San y Franciscd Preparedness Parade i LlllANS ARE AOVANCINQ ON KOVEL Pirii ty Violent Fighting Around Virion It 8e-8aw Qerman Attack -TMmount and Fleury R-pulsirJ.' OtMrsI Htlg Sy That Artlllsry Flrt Mirks the Fighting Everywhere M Wtrttm Front HAILSTORM AND TORNADO RUIN (BUILDINGS IN NORTHERN MINNE SOTA TOWN BLOWN ACROSS RAILROAD TRACKS FEARED CROPS ARE RUINED I'lltnl Pre 8ervlce LONDON, Aur. .Tbo Italian mull ttu&tr Ltllmbru was niibmarlncd thin nonlDf In thi' Mrdltrrranean Ron psajs)ssesMssssssssBaiBsjPiwes in ,wwrwwfi'ip!'ia"i'i"! "i .mrsggcaB fjjfr Lf Jt r - wC"--trL!L bbb? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb P Br & & W 3 yif je'Cwe'sHfo' ,v 'vLLLLLLLruUPP i rrjv. ' 'aavem. sr -. . TO 5 .i fffiitifitifti. tun iPrA'fa. 4tV!. I J "3ijI J..J- i.i ,- . tla"iirwiir3wrja5uusTa:utt' ' l... T .&'&arjtsXK. AiSMi.3x" '...vewwia25KiiKtJcxfc ttrslesicbait, killing and woundlnc i aiBbtr of those aboard tho vessel. Tkt pauenseni were thrown Into a panic after tho steamer bgan to alnk, tad the lifeboats were being lowered. United fro Hervico ST. PAUL. Minn.. Auk. 4 -Crops wore ruined and htilldliipi deittroyed In k inMtHn nti.t linll dlnHti flila Innrn. Onto three boats of nurvlvoni worn , '" , SL n..-.. . ..! inn nn ng In Northern Minnesota and South- "T . tern Canada. UulldlnK were blown '"tS .unlvon. nay the ubliur,n0 cr,.a railroad., halting trafflc for ov iMMtfat ittamer at clo.o range, af- nX uourr Tiio aaroaxo is estimatea ai mora than 11,000.000, but no fatalities are! reported. Tho Crookaton district was hit too wont. Re-cstabllrhed communications with tho affected district indicate thai tho UiKtd Pram Bervtce wheat crop damage will amount to be- PETROORAI), Auk t It Is official- twecn $10,000,000 and 116.000.000. Mll-J Ir announced that (lie nusulans havulllons of ocrcn were swept crowed tho 8tochod Tllvcr and arc ad TUdsi on Korcl. Thoy havu occu pied the Seres hciKhta near I.ubccho. Aficr Moody Hrlit In tlu streoU, ike Husslom today captured 'ln vll hie of Rudka .tlrlnnkalo, wont of tho Ptochod. Durlni; tho Inst few months lib rlllaie has changed hands repeat- Mir. Ctnntn counters around Korytnlk tate been repelled Elnwhere heavy urtllloryliifi is go-hicotj. United Press Service PARIS, Aug. J it U announced that tMt IthUnc northeast of Verdun MttlnBH In a scosawlnB manner 0hi made by one sldo one day ro lost tht next. A united German attack this morn- lI In the Thlamount and Fleury aec w wu bloodily repulsed after tho Bf"! desperate nKtillng. Tho French ""Piured tho fortllled works of Thin Wml, only to lose It Inter. HAND CREEK ROAD IS t OPENED TO AUTOMOBILES! Tho Sand Creek road to the rlm of J Crnior Ijiko wna opened yesterday for. thn first time this year, according to V. V. I'ntrlck of tho White Pollcan! enrage. Tlmre Is still some hiiow on the road, but It can be traversed by automobile. Until the Band Crook road waa open an los had to return from Crater Lnko by way of Fort Klamath, oven aflnr they had been around tho lake nnd veuchod tho Sand Creek road. Nino persons were killed mid many were Injured when a valise contain-' Iiik n Riant charge of dynamite was placccd at 8lowart and Market streets during tho preparedness parade In BACKWARD PARTY TO BE GIVEN SOON REBEKAHS WILL ENTERTAIN WITH NOVEL 80CIAL AFFAIR IN ODD FELLOWS' TEMPLE NEXT THURSDAY EVENINQ Sun JUly 22.. Many nrreats have been made, and one Tbo Francisco, Saturday, Newspapers of San Francisco had cupped virtually has confessed.. received warning that the,' parade i oln'o expect conviction of several of would be followed by such a slnugher. Itne (suspects. At last night's regular session of Prosperity Itobekah Lodge it was de cided to entertain with a public recep tion at I. O. O. F. hall on tho evening FLOWER SHOW IS 4 . , 11 mam SIX NW ARESTS . IN BOP PROBE CARRANZA TO INSIST WITHDRAWAL TROOPS McCORNACK WILL GIVES $800,000 EACH OF 26 NIECES AND NEPH- EW8 GET $25,000 FIVE BROTH ERS AND SISTERS GET $100,000 EACH COMMISSION TO MEET ATLANTIC CITY OR ASBURY PARK INDICATIONS ARE THAT MANY POLICE ORGANIZE PERMANENT WOMEN WILL ENTER FLOWERS FOR VALUABLE PRIZES AT COM PETITIVE EXHIBIT Great is tho Inlerest being manifest ed in tho local flower show to be held in tho lobby of tbo Hotel Hall tomor row afternoon. Mnny entries are to be SQUAD TO WATCH MOVEMENTS OF ALL KNOWN ANARCHI8T8 IN THE CITY SAN FUANCISCO, Aug. 4. Instruct-, ing the bomb squad to renew their activities, tbo authorities announced this morning that six new suspects Tho affair will be in tho made for tho prizes, and also many face arrest, U. T. Anderson, a stockman or tho Dly country, Is here on business. Ovllllore nnd around Oulllemont, North Monuc.u and Darlouz. Called Prws Sorvlco ,BBRUN, Aug. I. It Is offlclally an ? tht ho Gonnnns this morn tteiptured Floury and tho trenches Ml ud northwest of tho village. rw uernuns aluo regained the Iosh United Press Service I1KRLIN. Aug. 4. It Is announced Hint a submarine sank eight English I motor sailing ships nnd ono stoam iniwlcr off tho Drltlsh coast last night United Press Servlco LONDON. Aug. 4. General Hnlg re ports that tho Drltlsh hnvo gained west Lf ninm unit that small sains havo to French attack south of Thinmnnnt . ! boon mnilo in minor operations around ta the Chapltro sector. j Dniontlno and Lo Petit and In tho Dol- French advances In tho Vosges for- vllle wooda. J" re been bloodily repulsod. The Artillery Ing marks tho lighting every Litiru o' allied attacks north of where. Federal Commissioner to Confer With Both Sides of August 10 nature of u "backwards party," at which each guest will wear somo ar tide of clothing In a reversed position. No article Is barred not oven shoes. Tho public Is Invited to attend this affair, particulars of which will bo pub lished later. At last nipht's session tho members of tho lodgo were entertained with "Somo Klamath Komlcal Mustek by Ham. Hclny and Hlnk," directed by Brother Hyman Wochaler. Tho trio rendered in costume, "I Wont to Go Back to Michigan." "Kentucky Home Jubllco," "Where Can I Meet You To- nleht?" "Ella, Como Under My uia Umbrella." nnd "She Sang Aloha to Me." Miss Harriott .Sufmiman as "Hani." Miss Esther Calklm o" "Heiny," and Miss Fny Sugnrman hb "Hlnk," masked nnd costumnod, ccrtulnly entertatneu In a delightful manaer. 4i W Nli8irylc I WAttmOTON, D. C, AUf. d.-Af Z " CoattUM,"w O. w. Hangar of ! biT? B"aUon WM Mnt n Tork this morning following 212' Jwn U railroad broth- jr W tht nitni owners for Sr' Hantr w" with JJ'jjjfcM that tha govarnmant will 2jtofa,trik.ara,mta ,,u PWt WUaoa U Commissioner Chambers, and In dls cusslons of the matter by tha cablnat. United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C. Aug. 4. The four railroad brotherhoods which re cently votad on a atrlka wara scorao before conaress today when the Inter state oommaroa committee of tha house passed a resolution favoring mediation of the railroad controversy by tha Interstate Commerce Commls- Babcr Buys "Eureka" United Press Service EUREKA, Cal., Aug. 4. Graffio Ba ber, well known race horso man of Southern Oregon and Northern Cali fornia, today purchased the race horse "Kureka" from Charles McDonough. The price wm lUM. Danish Islands Bought Unltod Presn Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. .Bec retan of State Lansing and Danish Minister Brun today signed the treaty for the purchase by the United State of the three Danish West Indian ls lands for 126,000,000- nualness and Pleasure. Harrison Allen, a prominent attor ney of Povtland, and B. Clemens a San Francisco capitalist, with i..u viva are here on a combined business and pleasure trip. They left this morning for a visit to Crater Lake. teokman Here. Charles Horton, a stockman of Yon sa Valley, la la the city ea business. flowers entered merely for exhibition r-urposes. . The show will bo free, both for spec tators and for persona entering flowers. Following Is tbc list or prizes: Best general collection of flowers First prize $5, second, framed water color painting by Mrs. Z. C. Kimball. Best collection of roses First prize $2.D0, second, hand painted plate by Mrs. W. T. Shive. Best collection or sweet peas First prize S2.50, second, hand embroidered handkerchief by Mrs. C. V. Fisher. Best one-color bouquet of sweet peas First prize $2.50 second, band em broidered centerpiece by Mrs. R. B. Wattenburg. Best collection of gladiolus First prize $2.50, second, Boston fern by Mrs. .I H. Bath. Best collection of Shastn daisies First prize, framed water color paint ing by Mrs. O. A. Stearns, second, book by Mrs. H. R. Harrison. Best collection of nasturtiums First prize $1.60, secona, pottea piant oy Mrs. Charles Gravos. soldiers' benefit given tonight SPLENDID FILM PRODUCTION WILL HEAD THE PROGRAM. SMU8IC, READING AND AD DRESSES TO BE HEARD "The Eternal City," by Hall Calne, sis reel film production. reel film production Vocal Solo Mra. A- J. Voye Reading Miss Bdna Walla The growing mass of evidence Is In volving more persons dally. No idea was bad of the magnitude of the bomb plot until tho number of persons in volved wa9 discovered. The police today permanently organ ized a squad to watch anarchists and to turn all who are arrested over to federal authorities. Robbers Get $45,000 DETROIT, Aug. 4. Masked robbers this afternoon robbed a bank here and a messenger of tho Burroughs Adding Machine company, escaping with about $45,000. The guard for the adding ma chine company's messenger was wounded in trying to protect tho pay master. Posses are searching for the robbers. Address "It Isn't Your Town, It's You,' Father Hugh Marshall Duet Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Motschen- bacher Address "Activities of the Commer cial Club," R. H. Dunbar Music Prof. H. B. Pasemore (provisional) ' This is the program for the benefit entertainment at Houston's opera house for the benefit of dependent families of Oregon militiamen on the border. It U to be given in response to nn appeal from Governor James Withycombe. The admission price will be 25 cents. and it is hoped that a goodly number will attend, both because the cause Is a worthy one, and becauso the enter tulnmont will be worth the money. It cannot bo stated positively tbnt Professor Pasemore will sing. His throat is bothering him slightly, duo to the ride from San Francisco. He vlll appear, however, If the condi tion of bis throat permits SALEM. Aug. 4. The will of E. P. r.Ii'Comack, disposing of an estate Mhich, according to his own estimate, hat- a value of $800,000, was filed here Tuesday afternoon. After making special bequests to his blether and sister.?, Mr. McCornarkf dii'i'e'l the estate equally among tweii I; Fix nephevs and Tileies. It Js ?sti injited that this gives them $2.i,00') ertb. The Wocu3 ranch l:i Klamath coun ty, n-hich is scheduled as worth $175. C0C. will have a valuo r.t $600,000 whtn the development wor now going on 's completed. The will directs that Herbert F. Mo Cprnack, brother, and Helen I. Steven son, Janet Collier, Agnes M. Geary and -MAryBMcCornack, .steUrjshall.refc ceive zio.oou eacn; tnat nepnews Hoy, Alexander end- William McCornack and Harold, Frank and Herbert Wells shall receive $2,600 each. Mrs. Mary Moody shall receive all household fur niture, jewels, silverware and articles of all kinds once the property of Edna Moody McComack and the sum of $5,000. Drusllla Moody West and Adel bert, Francis, Zenas, Eugene D. and Edith Moody, nephews and nieces of Edna Moody McCornack, are to re ceive lots 6. 7, 8, 9 and 10. block 83, Salem, subject to the life estate "of Mrs. Mary Moody and also $1,000 each. R. J. McCornack, brother, Is to receive $10,000 to be invested for Leatho M. Wells, sister, who shall receive the proceeds, and at her death the $10,000 shall go to the brother. The remainder of the estate shall go equally to the following nephews and nieces: Eugene R., Kenneth H., Wal ter W., Emily B. Condon C, Elwln A., Eugene, Mary E., Agnes, Frank, Rob ert and Helen McCornack; Ruth Stev enson. Adlson, Donald, Agnes M., and George "E. Stevenson; Ethan A,, Percy M., Andrew M., Alfred D.', Charles and Dorothy Collier; Everett; Arthur, Ed ward and Roland Geary. The will was made .January 25, 1915, nnd provided that, Percy M. Collier should be appointed executor. Mexican Note Following American Ac ceptance of Conference Plan Is P re rented to the 8tate Department. B.-cader Issues Advocated by Wll. son Are Not Mentioned, But Are Implied. United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C., Aug. 4 Am bassador Arrednodo of Mexico today presented to the state department the Meiican note following acceptance by the Vnited States of the joint commis sion plan of settling the Mexican houble. Arrednodo is authorized by Cairanza to arrange, in co-operation with America, the date and place and other details of the meeting of the con.misslon. I'ntrol for the international border will be one of the first things dt3- (tusred. The Mexican note 'does not rpeclfy or mention as a topic of dls cusrlon the broader Issues advocated br the United States, but these are Im plied. II is believed that the commission will meet at-Atlantic City 'or Aahsjry Pork., In the Mexican note'Carranza insist that General Pershing's expedition be withdrawn from Mexico. FIGHT NG IERS Shoes Racehorses. O. R. Melsner of Meisner Brothers blacksmith shop went to Dorrls this morning to shoe two racehorses for O. T. Anderson. The horses will be run in the races at Dorris Sunday. SCARED WARSHIPS COAST STEAMER CAPTAIN 8AY8 DEUTSCHLAND SAFE, BECAU8E FIGHTING SUBMARINES WAITED OFF VIRGINIA CAPES L'nited Press Service WASHINGTON, D. O, Aug. 4. The presence of fighting submarines off Virginia Capes enabled the Deutsch lnnd to escape and make her way Into the Atlantic ocean, accordlug to Cap tain Knowell of a coast steamer. Captain Knowell thinks that the dis covery by the allied warships of the submarines caused the warships to withdraw to some distance beyond tho three mile limit Brings Hogs. Ernest Hamaker returned to his ranch near Bonanza today. He brought a load of hogs to Klamath Falls yesterday. In Fit of Anger Russian Sets Son on Hot Stove To Investigate a report that C. Evan- siring to hear the story of the boy and ikoff, a member of the Russian colony, other members of the family 'before .-,.11, rn11o t hla imill "'""'"S w -i.n. . i QUUIU V 4VIU4fc4 ' MAA9, DVfc UU aiumt son, Nicholas Evanikoff, on a hot stovo a tew weeks ago, Acting District At torney H. M. Manning this afternoon Is questioning witnesses. Mrs. Bvanlkol, P. W. Sexton, Nellie Evanikoff, the boy It is reported that BvanlkoaT. who la a big burly man, became, enraged at tho child, and, in a fit of eager sethlea on the hot stove. The boy was badly burned, It Is said. - Fearing that should the boy teu-ef in.. riUiM nf.tha Mutual Maatar. himaelf and Nellie Slivkoff. lnternre-' his father's aot he would be puaJalMd. piece Film company to aid the cause is'ter, were brought Jn from the Russian! it is said the boy said nothlag abets evidenced in their offer to donate) a production for the benefit entertainment. colony this afternoon by Sheriff Low, tbe affair, but that .persoa nor. w im A warrant for Evanikoff's arrest has family accidentally learned of it, and not been issued, Attorney Manning de-1 immediately told Atteniey WMiBfi: t -- va . f Vii- K"M tS ( .&' kt rVf!l 0 . v-r.l u8P