" ii i-.-r,J iSxstnbm Herald KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER b? llivtnth Yer-No. 3.061 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1916. Price Five Cents ATO SELLS FA VORS OPE NINGOF RIVERS ARKER SAYS HUGHES AND WILSON NOT ENDORSED ttWWWWWWWWWftMAWMWWVWVMVwvwwvy EW YEARS AGO GAVE 'rmmiH MKM IHAY ENIER KLAMATH FIELD ORDER CLOSING THEM! Two Senators in the Good Old Summer Time Interviewed yesterday by LOCAL BUSINESS MEN ayt Indians Should Have Mere Mon ty fr Livestock, Machinery and lm provemsnt of Their Farme Action Along This Line le Expected Not Oeflnlti on the Question of Opening th Reservation. OpcnlttK ' i lie lower partH of the R'llllamiiuii ami HpniKUo rlvent to log- lint I favored by United 8tnlen lu- turn ConiiiiUlimer Cato Sell. Thin ra liar 11 ill yesterday when Cnptnlit J V. Siemens, Itobei t K. Htrnhorn, E. 0 WELLS FARGO TO HAVE NEW OFFICE REINFORCED CONCRETE BLOCK STRUCTURE WILL BE BUILT 100 FEET NORTH OF THE PASSEN GER DEPOT tvop-fmmw-wcr; -tj:visujttvj5Vi&rB'!,a i aummassm " rr :2aoa.r.'ii ' rfeiJ&JgH , ll,i i.rrvVvsi2 NORTHWEST GRAIN AND WARE. H0U6E COMPANY MEN HERE i ', President of Wadhams & Co It In Auto Party That Left This Morning All , ! Think Well of the Klamath Country t and Like the Free Auto Camping Grounds Touring State In Three I I Automobiles. I IlocuiiMi of tlu rnililly increasing ! builiX'KH duno by tlio locnl office, the ' Wi-lln I'nrco company will erect n tub n'.tintlnl biillillnK on the Southern ! , r.lllc company's ground near tho paw-1 lall, C. V. Kberleln uml 8. O. JoIiiihoii cm:er depot. CoiiHtructlon of tho Mriuttiro will bo atnrtod on August 10. Tho now building In to bo 24x36 foot, mid will not 1(10 foet north of tho pHHIst'tlger To look over l lie grain Hlluntlon In j.lHimilli county with n view of pos-1 nlbly ciili'iliiK tho local Held and croct- lug wart'ln use hoio, Abo Colin of tho ' Northwest Grain and Warehouse com-, pany and party havo boon In Klamath Falls for n few days. They camo In ' throe automobiles and camped at tho j nd W. A. Dclzcl motored to Klamath acy and hud n conference with fommlssloner Sells. Mr. Sella lias been on tho roaorva- Hon for apteral dnyn, ami li Ih thoUKht bat his study of conditions there havo lauicJ him to change bin mind, About ! .- ..i.n i... ........ .... a,i ninu. u'ill tin iiirutrt nf pnnrrAln l.ltirkit. rp!n- .... ,c..o ,.Ki. ,.., .,... .... u.uv. ...vo - - I,.!!,,. It..ibl...lt....r nroul.lnnt nf Wml. tfl.c rlvora to IorkIiik operatloni., ffwcil with uteri, and tho centers fj' . - who csalo grocer and CommUsloner Sell., also Mated ye;,. block., filled with concrete. " J ; olcsa.o U ocer and itwij inai ne iioneveii mo iiiiiiiiiih on i i "'" nuwuun .uu. ui, l.c wervntlon Hhould havwiiioro enp.1 the bulldlm; will hold ten loaded lit with which to biiv llveMlnrk nnd triickc. The main ontrnnee will bo on ..! .1. . i . lt.. .. ... .1. I.. ..! .. tn-l.. a .. ..Al ru.cii.neryn.iii improve u.eir raiiiMioi. " ........ ...; ,, ....... , ...... rurU.u c ,.,, ,i iVhlli! he would innkii mi nonl(lvi W. 1. Miller had the control f'.r, . . ... ' .'. statement to Hint effect. If In hclloved rur-M Miction of tho building. Tim p!i. lat mou afier ho returns to Washing- lc;sl work will bo done bv It .', on ho will tnko stepa toward sotting :ilient nnd tho plumbing by :umcy Into tho hiindii of tho Indiana, tcunx or Improvement purpoacn. Tho do- m lopot and In lino with IMH" i'ulv .ji . "' "j. In exterior flnlah. oven to tho roof. It '" "' ,u"", ' "" '" """ ,"' will rcMemble .. cloaoly an poaalbln w " vl Crn,cr l'"ku nnd I'm KtiuHKiit-np itnnnl. The Klrnrllini "'l"1- "-' -..r."- --. . - '--- ....!.. . .... ... i jirmtiep .ur. iuiiii, in mu iiuii wuiu; I'ortlimd, Leo Poyor, Hecretary of tho NorthwcHt Grain and Wnrohouao com- i pany, M. Hoyer of TeKoa, waan,: mish 0. aILh of how thlK money will bo glvon Dine inuinnu ihih not uecn aniiounceu, lut they piobahly will receive it ua nog time loans. Commissioner Sells would jnnko no Bcflnlte statement to his Intervlcwem trn hla attitude toward tho movement lor openlnK tho reservation for de velopment. More Paralyals Caaea. I'allcd I'rcua Sorvico NEW YOIUC. Auk. 3 With 217 caioa ported today, UiIh Ih tho blKRmt day number of now cases since the In- lanlllc pitrnlyelH epidemic Hlurted. Tho uaiiliattau dlatrlct Ih afflicted tho noet. DEUTSCHLAND BEHIND TIME FRENCH 8ECRETARY SAYS AMER ICAN SUBMARINES CR08SED THE ATLANTIC OCEAN MORE THAN SIX MONTH8 AGO ! l'red FleckliiBteln All members of tho party exprcssod the opinion that Klamath Falls was ono of tho most progrcsalvo towns they havo aeon sinco they loft Port land. Thoy spoko woll of tho free auto camp Kround, and said It showed this town was Interested in tho comforts of Its visitors. Tho Northwest Grain and Ware house company is a largo concern, and handles millions of bushels of grain each year. It has worehouaes nnd offi ces at Portland, Seattlo, Tacomn, Spo Itune, Garlleld, Telcoa nnd San Frnn' Cisco. United Press 8orvlco LOB ANOBLES, Aug. 3. A fleet oi American inndo submarines crossed tho Atlantic ocean to Franco under Brown 8uoreme Chancellor nlled Press Bervlco ORTLAND. AllC. 3. John .1. Ttrown " Vandalla, ills., was today unanl-.their own power six months boforo tho uniBiy elected Sunriinin ni.rtiniii ni nnmiim unhmnriim merchantman Knights of Pythias. Doutachlnnd crossod the snmo water. i necoiilinK to Under Socrotary Ilasquot Tilnix Merchant Here. cf tho French department of com- a Wolford, a morchant of Yalnax, mcrco. Ho soya tho submarines were '-'" inB "unty soot on buslneas. (lellvorod In Franco. ibrike May Bring Hunger to Soldiers on the Border "Blttd Press Service f fidlnMeriUBneM 0f ih ,r0Wem 1 Wing the soldlara nn Ih. mi. i"n'1 th8 punlUve Pedlon $m or; rs: .:.?.. "- britnj f".uimjr. oi io ""ttened general raiim. ..!,. " m that If the strike should he- serai and train, unuiiii. aouM be Utd up for many daya, thaf Ynen on the border might actually suffer (or want ot pro? visions. So largo Is the aupply of food consumed by the regulars and militia men that enough food probably could not be got to the border by means oth er than railroads, President Wilson today appointed 0, ,K:!iM 4J&itmrarimmm , V. s im&zm j'vmzm . 3 4 y Ilx4?' I4t""1 f If v till "7kl i ' '- u $3 'w$8m 1 fit. CO SflO-jT SenrjT&g. cri.fi THREE PLANS ACTION FOR PROGRESSIVES 3,000 STREETCAR MEN QUIT WORK POLICE ARE GUARDING CARS TIEUP SEEMS UNAVOIDABLE PARKER WILL NOT ACCEPT PRES IDENTIAL NOMINATION Progressives Not to Make Fight Next November, to Endorse Woodrow Wilson, or to Call National Conven tion and Make Vigorous Fight This Year Against Wilson and Hughes. UNLESS COMPROMISE IS MADE IMMEDIATELY ' United I'reas Servico INDIANAPOLIS. Aug. At "the; United Press Servico opening ot tho progressive"conferencev NEW YORK, Aug. 3. It is estixnat- here today three Plans of acUon are up ed that more than 3,000 street car em- for consideration, ployes are striking. The police are 0ne ls t0 make no flght in Novem guarding the cars. Der DUt t0 call a conference immedi- Clty officials are convinced that a atel after tbe election and begin tho tleup is inevitable unless a compro- campaign of 1320. raise is effected. X The. public service commission . InvesUgaUng the trouble. ' " v- fCMrtrjH TO Vt'fVffip The second is to endorse Wilson. lg! inc mira is to can a national con vention anormake a, fight, next No vember. United Press Service Captain John Parker, vice preslden- NEW YORK. Aue. 3. Following tho tial nominee, does not believe that failure of the street car men and their ( eiiher Wilson or Hughes will be en employers to agree at a conference ' corsed b' tne progressives. He re called today by Mayor Mitchell, it la fufes bimself to accept the preslden- Whlto Is tho favorite color or tho chosen white. These pictures show members of tho United States Senate. what Reed Smoot, of Utah, and Chas. Many of them, nil those who regard J E. Townsend, of Michigan, think of their dress at all, have this year, white. SAYSWE SHOULD BREAK RELATIONS CONGRESSMAN MOVES TO BREAK OFF WITH ENGLAND BECAU8E KELLY PARTY WA8 NOT AL LOWED TO LAND United Press 8ervlce WASHINGTON, Aug. 3. In the house of representatives this morning, Congressman Oalllvan moved to break diplomatic tolatlons with England be cause of the refusal ot England to al low the Thomas Kelly party to land with tho Irish relief fund. The motion startled the house, some members favoring such actions nd others doscrlbing It ao childish. No action has been taken on the mo tion. . Peace Delegates Named United Press Sorvlce MEXICO CITY, Aug. 8, Louis Ca bora. Ienaclo Bonillas and Albertl Pan! today were formally appointed ns the Mexican members of tne joint comnu.v ulon to study the trouble on the Me W. Hangar, a member of the federal lean-American border. They will start mediation board, Indicating that be Is fot the United states as soon pu yrepaijlBf (or an fotrftacy. slkta, German Losses Cause Reforming Regiments United Press Service .defeated. Tbe enemy gained slightly PETROGRAD. Aug. 3. Warned byRt Moncau. ec'-ora of gas, the Russians this morn- Russian advances on Lake Nobel, tog shattered tho German attack on Kowelsarnyry and southwest of Luble- Sniogen with heavy loss. Machine predicted that stop tomorrow. all surface cars will szew have been repulsed. Tho French gained southwest of Fleury. The Germans have recaptured a trench in the Laufee forest. i;uns and rifles were captured. United Press Sorvlce PARIS, Aug. 3. It Is announced that the French have progressed ma leiinlly south of Floury. Since Tuesday tho French have cap tured 1.100 prisoners east ot the Meusio. Sorgennt Chalnat this morning. German counters south of Estrees downed two German aeroplanes in the . ere repulsed this afternoon. Sommo region. The battle In tho air1 German losses during the last four loated for hours. Another aoroplano days has necessitated a reforming of r.ear Chauny was defeated by a Fronnh nil Gorman regiments on the west United Press Servico ROME, Aug. 3. It Is reported that Pope Denedlct has, been pleading with Kaiser Wllhelm to not resume extern ! sive submarining ot vessels. aviator. United Press Service LONDON, Aug. 3. General Halg re ports heavy artlllerylng on both aides today. This morning the Germans explodel a mine near Souchez, but little damage was dono and few lives lost. Tho British are consolidating their gains of the last tow days. front. MUNITIONS 8HIPPER8 NOT WANTED AT N. Y. United Press Service LONDON, Aug. 3. The British United Press Service NEW YOHK. Aug. 3. Further ar rests ot railway officials as a result of the Black Tom explosion Sunday are predicted by the authorities. They are seeking to make munition shippers go elsewhere to load their boats. Congressman Hamill is trying to get HORSES, MULES SHIPPED TODAY WELLS FARGO, WILLIAM M08S AND HARRY 8TILTS EXPORT LIVE8TOCK TO OUT8IDE MAR KETS VIA 80UTHERN PACIFIC Many horses and mules were ship ped today from Klamath county to outside points. William Moss of Lake iev shipped three carloads of horses i.nd mules to the E. Clemens Horse company. They will go to Chandler, Calif. Wells, Fargo & Co., shipped twenty. tial nomination. EXECUTION IS SCORED SENATE SENATOR MARTINE SAYS "WE EX. FECT BARBARISM FROM BAR. BARIANS" PHELAN ALSO HA8 SOMETHING TO 8AY United Press Service LONDON, Aug. 3. Sir Roger Case ment, Irish rebel, was hanged this morning nt 9:07 o'clock. WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 3. Ex coriating tbe execution of Sir Roger Casement, Senator Martlne said in tho senate today that "we expect barbar- two fine draft horses to San Francisco. ism from barbarians, not from civil- This stock was collected in Klamath, Ized Englishmen." Lake and Siskiyou counties by George j Senator Phelan of California de- Manning, ouyer tor wens, 'argo & tiarcu mac casement am nouung to Co. I condemn him In the eyes of the world lltriy Stilts will ship a car of hOBb' by refusing to reprove a serloun tern: ."row. blunder. President's Position is "Full of Dynamite" farinrnl nntlrm in nravanfr n ronaHtlnn ... Tl.It U .. AMAJr.al UIj - ,.w,w. M .-jw.w.. bieiunur utm n of Sunday.8 explosion, lUOrillUK, HID icoooi nun uuaiunu. Sbc belonged to the Cocker Une. United Press Service Cloudburst Kills Many United Press Service M1DDLESBOROUGH, Ky Aug. 3, IlERLIN, Aug. 3. It la announced Fourteen portions are missing follow that the British attacks east of the lug a cloudburst last night in Barren Tronnos woods, the French attack? on Valley, Tennessee. Twenty-flve bodies Pailoux and Thtampunt and between have been recovered. Trains havo Maurepasa and the Sosune have been been halted. The loss will bo heavy. United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 8 Pres ident Wilson this morning requested a m& position is full of dynamite, say uU advisers. It is not believed that the president will decldo on what course to take conference with Commissioner Cham- unU, the voto of the railroad brother- bers of the federal mediation board, i,Codr. on the strike is announced, presumably to discuss the. threatened The board of mediation plans to or vullroad strike. The administration ls fer its service immediately if a strike receiving scores of requests for a fed-; ls called. This falling, the president may attempt to prevent a strike,' eral investigation of ths trouble. Prominent members ot tbe adminic tuition say a problem "tremendously daufcerous In Us economical and pollt-' regarding tho outcome p--!'.t leal aspeots" faces President Wilson, ence, which is scneaiueaior Both the railroad owners aad the brotherhood oalclato are -W--C- "-"""iV .&& v r. ", jBfc. " ry -'v. &' jr