;w-KS3- . &' Via 7?; nfrivw'isr ii';ff ; i J? """'' f KLAMATH COUNTY'S 0M. NEWSPAPER tlii - h Eunittn Herald KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1$16. DUTCH STEAMER j rJaV BBJ EBBA Efl n (m MM Bm U II u HA all PI wJ It K Pries Five Canto BY SUBMARINE NMB MAN WILL MAKE REVELATIONS IF PROTECTED i Refused to Blow Up 't "-'--'''''v'M, Med Works Are Taken by French in Hem, Monacu Fight Canadian Heroes of the- Great Drive on Western Front 4zit? a.VS&l ? r.& tV,-!!.!- .,- - ' a; l THlltTY.THrlEE AEROPLANES BAT TLI OVER GERMAN LINES Um say Irltlih Oiln In Hand to Ha Njhtlng Around Posloree. Mia Admit! irltlih Occupation of TWetais Batn Marlncourt and Afttr ArtllUrylng Qermans lleVsiixWooda. Dattad Fret Servlco FAIlt, A- I. It li announced this atMoaaa that the French baro cap- 1 tni feruled works between Ham and. Uiaiani mnA hat fM-j-tmlabst at I . ! atrtaveit of Dcntcourt, li iht Champagne district tho Rus- ; a reeoanalimncc hnn dispersed a Wrata detachment wrt of Aubri- The Germans lmo gained In tai Tiu woodi after sovoral deeper-tfnttaaka. A ceaawalauo report that thirty- ttw uroplants fouiht thin morning NT the German lines. Fourteen of u Oenaaa aeroplanes won. forced to hod, u4 one was downed tnlted Press Servlco LONDON, Aur. 2 The Dutch nteitm. trlttlud tu submarined thla morn- Iha crtw was saved and haa been J. It li said that tho commander tknaanarlne boasts of sinking Ave "wwier to the Zealand. PnMPraaiStnlco WN,Aug. 2.-Ocn.inl IlalK re Mrti tkst is n,iu..i. . I JT7T. """n "' Kaining near " by hand to hand nghtlrig yaiy stacks oust of High- Z! t!!tn "'n- Elsewhere little chance. Jr" tjd Press Servlco 4N, Attf. 2.u s admitted that nwhhava occupied trenches be- S '""7 ogbtlng. Elsewhere Mucks have been repulsed, HhmI.. I thaw J ",rm"" " "nuyUTON. D. C. Ai.ir .. "'HltBMnt ttnnniitino. it.-i I Eng- DEUTSCHLANO H LEFT FOR GERMANY- VESSEL HAS NOT BEEN SEEN SINCE SHK FIRST LOWERED HERSELF IN WATERS OF BAL TIMORE HARBOR Untied Prcso Sorvlco DALTIMOnK. Aus. i.TUo Dcutsch land Halted yettcrday nftomoon ai C:3& n'cloclc. Slit' hits not Ix'on imi lutro slnco then. It la bellered she hna ovadt-d Hie allied wnrahlpu off (he Virginia enpen mid In now eafo out In the At lantic Ocean. Mr -' '41 LPIHtlaatW T?iv . ''Awm wimBk--'ZFx Msa-aa i UPk'jLDu 3glaVii'l fPaKaXHED'-Ni)ir Wi J'v4l i , (BiyutiBn:tSMV2 ECSSuiBECEiBBiStMM'.HANisnl I HilalrMaSMkifaaV: wEMMBEKBum1ltt& 'A' J ikJX, WXnMHEnPaflZIVIIakViEHlaaXiEEa 1 yy fiiSSESEVwiaVflEW aWEWiwi i ' ' W- 'IMaWiP)afcSllaBM KKJHHWaW PJb1I J iltiT ,Ar44waEEa''KJa3EZvUEB I EaWaEMWBBTiamai iTlraVt r jsK'lr klflP bK2eWieVbVEeVe1 EaEE rrEaHP eVAf AeVeVeHeVeVeVTeVeVeVeVbVPbW iH v'BM fV!wEHEHKdEEHEIEHEMBMVNt'A3uE7EHEj EHB flEHEIEEHEHEVI EHEHEHK & ". xri faan ' H i E&ri,KfJIPEaEMaEElEEr'WAE99EP1 EEUAXElEHsEanEEaaaM. la. S3T cfiSaEEBHlaaEm I&BHBIiVtl V ilfliEEVaVaHEaKVPMI aEVaHEEVaWHIiSI diJ- &A BSBflWB2tSEl IIISHeVHeWSHeKv'I -'4.nBHKI eehehehm1PsWeXSi JTlAA U' EHEHEHEHEHESI9HEMHPnaEV4VHEl I EVfVBESaEHEMVHraBEKAt ""2? 'EBEwSKEm Wal 'AeHeHeHeHeHe9eB09 KHEKKiWl HeIeEEEEHeHeH 1 1 "EcflKtV rtttlS5TOKflPWSBawEKjPEHaBT ( gMHHBaMaillBlBLaSlB BiiHaBKiaMaalM'MHiiMaaiMlHMHiBMnMaMMaia for $200 City and State Executives Vf, H .' i V tvt()ttii wt.MUimeiu saw Cnnndlnns havo dono mora than their duty In tho groat drive on the western front, as they have done all through tho wnr. Theso two pictures nhow sotno of tho men who have made the name feared In the German ttvnrhcs Gortiiaus sneered at the first hlgblandere, but they quit that after they had met the Canadians. 150MEXICANS CROSS BORDER CAVALRV, INFANTRY AND MOTOR CYCLE CORPS ARE RU8HED TO FORT HANCOCK TO OPPOSE THE BANDITS Unltnl Press Service LI. 1'ASO. Aug. 2. Two tioopu of ravaliy, a motorcycle corps nnd Infant imcn havo boon rushed to Fort Han cock, following reports that 160 Mox Icimih hnvo rrosned the International line. General Doll soys there Is no con Hi motion of ronortH of fighting lost night botwt'rn bandits and inllltinmon and regulars. United Pros Hervico UL I'ASO, AUK. 2. Captain Kelloy, commanding tho troops rushed to Pott Hancock, reporttt thnt tho rumor of a Mexican Invasion Is unfounded RESTORATION OF BELGIUM, SERBIA BEFORE PEACE PREMIER ASQUITH OUTLINE8 ENGLAND'S P08ITION Says Oarmany Alao Muat Maka Repar ation for Davaated Areaa In France German Commander in North Sea Battle and Russia Also Statea That Black-! list Will Continue aa Only Oafenao Against Economic Aggreaalon on Part of Germany. -.... vuumreim, ' Mexican Invasion Is unfounded. Free Delivery Has Rom I. im-.L J 1 lm L wameaDyiiepannem R fit w w w , i " ' - ka bi& grantaa t. mZZTf' To aJad Udtmmm IwJeZTiaiAM.l.gram '.mmk w, uu fro sWTWatU ha. ..,. It u wougnv tnat two or umt ar riira will ba employed. It It not known lust wham fraa dallvarv will batln. tttt it will bf goon. Muob of tho credit for getting free delivery for Klamath rails tnuat go to foatmaattr Dfltell. Blnoe ht Irat took outs bo aaa'worata meawaaauz tkla, koUi wMk tht pof toffloo depart BWBt tat wita tho ple of Klamath falk. United Press Service LONDON, Aug. 2. Promler Asqulth In tlio liouso of commons today declar ed that England regaidn tho material and cconomlcnl restoration of Dolglum and Serbia, nnd the repair of Uio de vastated portions of France and Russia by Germany as an essential part of peace conditions. Ho said the blacklist or firms trad ing with England will be continued UnouBhout the war, declaring that It is the allies' sole defonse against eco nomic aggression. Asks Clemency for Irish United Prow Sorvlco nrAcwtwrjTriN. D. C. Aue. 2. The United States government today tot- mally requeued Engianos ciewency for Sir Rogor Casement and forwarded the congressional appeal In behalf of England'! Irlih political prisoners. LONDON, Aug. -lt (i definitely an nouneed tonight that Sir Rosr Caao men( will banf tomorrow. Rrtaldcnt Thinks Same WAIHINOTON, D. C, Aug. 8The president this morning announced that bit attitude on women's suffrage li unchanged. He still Insists that each state should aetUe the question for ItftSlfc sssVIbbbbbbbbV E!i4f!l BSbbbbbI HKMtBsfW4kSD bbbb19BIbsELw sHslCmggSgW SBBBBBBBW ' i K KiJgSBBBBBBIaAr BBBBBW Ss-p6 $ SBBBBBfiF VEeidiaK I -EbbbB sHbEwW IHbbbbbbbbT asi SStZaatevtlBBBBBBl B? ssVaWMgaA?9ligl KiMliMllBBBBBBBm ssMrr3l41sBw sFIMIislEP A bbbbPiVv ' ufai4asMaV ssssVvssEH PHI TWO KILLED IN AUTO ACCIDENT AT BRAY STATION MRS. A. W. 8CHULZ AND FRIEND ARE DEAD- Car Was Loaded With Women Mrs. Schulx Lost Control of Car When It Rounded a Sharp Curve All But One Girl Pinned Beneath tho Auto mobile Accident Occurred One Mile From Bray. Vice Admiral Bcheer, commas of the German high seas fleet, la today; bla country'a hero. Admiral Bcheer commanded the German teat in the re cent engagement In the North Sea, sad since hi return from that battle bo has been fete and honored oa STtrr aaa& An automobile party from Nine Lum ber company, consisting of Mrs. A. W. Shulz, her two daughter's and four lady friends, turned over on the Bray hill, one mile from the railroad station, this morning, killing Mrs. Shulz instantly. One of her lady friends waa ao seri ously Injured that she died a little while later. Miss Schulz was driving the car, and upon rounding a sharp curve she lost control of the car. All were pinned underneath the machine except one girl, who walked to Bray for aialst ance. vThe body of Mrs. Schulz will be tak en to Halsey, Oregon, for burlaL and ; that of the young lady killed, to Cnlco. 1 All lived at the Nine Lumber oompa ny's mill excopt two of the girl, who were visiting the Schulz'a. The namta of the other parties could not be learn ad thla morning. One of the visiting-young-ladies was from Modesto, Calif. DEER SEASON TO OPEN AUGUST 15 REPORTS FROM MANY DISTRICTS 8AY THE BUCK ARE IN ABUND ANCEMANY PREPARING TO GO OPENING DAY BILLING8 AND NOLAN CHARGED WITH MURDER Judge Cabanlsh Denies Applications of Billings for Habeas Corpus Proceed Inge "W. G." Says German Took $150 to Plant Bomb and Then Fled Into Mexico to Escape Capture and' Punishment. tlnltd VntM Sentoa IffJItftl (llA AIMIllll A tA JAAM MAAMMM I aaaYZc? teTC .SAN FRANCWCO, AaavTha po hunters are making preparattoaa-to Uc8 hT received a letter signed "W. pursue the fleet animals. According' to O.", the writer claiming to have the many reports reaching the Qua Store, ! deer are plentiful in many sections of Klamath county this year, and a sso cessful season for hunters is predicted. A great many local hunters ore planning to leave August 18 or 14, aad be in the tall timber on the morning of the 15th. "ETERNAL CITY" WILL BE SHOWN HAVE SECURED THI8 PRODUC TION FOR MILITIAMEN BENEFIT. H. B. PASEMORE MAY APPEAR AT THIS TIME Blight Hits Crop United Pros Service CHICAGO. Aug. 3. Reports from the district affected say that bUght and rust la the Northwest la heavy thla i i-v- nrn i. oarmaav aa w. d that aTan the crops in Can He U looked wen laoannany aafcr j Junptd , man who wm evcn.uauy to the kaiser's navy and merchant line. aad etnts today. September grata at Utt and December grata at "The Eternal City," by Hall Calne, will bo the film production shown at Hojston's opera house next Friday evening at the benefit entertainment for dependent families of Oregon aalli tiomon on the border. J. V. Houston has donated the aae of his opera house for the entertain ment, although a show there that night will cut the receipts at his Temple and Star theaters. It K hoped that H. B. Paaemore, who is expected here today or tomorrow, wilt appear at the entertainment Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt has said she would aak Mr. Paaemore to appear, aad it is expected that he will do so. Ha is a musician of ability. confidence of the dynamiters. He of fers a revelation if protected. Hesays the "gang" offered him 1130 to plant a bomb near Mayor Rolph end Governor Johnson, but that he refuiied. He said a German did it for 1160, and then went into Mexico. Billings and Nolan appeared in court this morning. Judge Cabanlsh dismiss ed Billings' application for habeas cor pus proceedings and postponed that of Nolan's. Both appeared la the police court to face a charge of murder. Nolan's case was contiaaai la Asisjaat Ith and Blu ings' to August 9th. The grand Jury at noon returned seven indictments for murder, each charging the defeadaats on eight counts. Billings, Nolan, Mopney and Welnburg were named besides two "John Dee" indictments. It is believed that all the defendants will he tried slmiitaaeoaaly in separ ate courts. Wont Confirm Smith WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. a. Charging that President Wilson Tio lated the law by making the farm loan board democratic instead of non-parti san, republican members of the senate banking committee have delayed con firmation of the nomination of W. S, Smith as a member of the board. Muat Be a Mexican United Press Service EL PASO, Aug. 2. Advices from Mexico City say that the minister of Justice has decided that foreigners de airing to exploit Mexican oil fields must swear allegiance to the Mexican gOTernmeat Says Will Capture Villa Quickly "At All Costs" United Press Berries MEXICO CITX, Aug. i.---0aaral Malootta has arrlTtd here to assjtar with General Oeregea regarding trass to capture Villa. General MalaatU in tends to oap'Ure Villa talekly, "at all eosis," aatq a rsyiaessHairre sesw w assws the QaggssAaUsV iBtortita ft -l . V tectlon from bandits so they can re open their miss -. mmm, " , . , '! - . i.tJt 5, -JS, unttea rres aernce - , "lvia NEW TOME. Aug. 1 A refreeWOa- ,1 Uv of tha OeggeaheLsas eUted this i ''' jk.."f ? moralag that aslaiag by tha4(eeafaay.?-.,. In Maadeo waa'luA to.ta,lesjSjsdWl', MiatBBaaaVeaaa. -a- JS T--T TT V-T " tt-"Fi&hl r4 . H L. " .iv