u ttitttg Wtmlb KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. rthVui-No. tM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 31, 1916. Price Five Cents h l" EIGHTY CARS MUNITIONS BLOWN UP HAND TO HAND FIGHTING FAVORS THE TUETONS uJvwylWVyMy-ryVl'llr""'" ------.-..--... ...-.--...- .. . - rr-a. - ...V...r aao 17 WAREHOUSES AND SIX PIERS DESTROYED IXHODINO IHILLI CAUSI RBIQN OF TBRROR Itirapnil Explosions Makes Impossl. bit Obtilnlng of Details en iKplo. dinDamage Estimated at 150,000,. OOO Patrol Boata Pick Up Bones of Kspleaivaa From tha Watar In tha Harbor. United ?m Herrlca NEW YOUK. July 31. Eighty cam tad four large, loaded mostly with Msltloni being lightered for the allies were bllown up and burned Sunday, aorolnc on Dlnck Tom pcnlnaula near Btetoe't Island. Seventeen warehouse sad ill piers were destroyed and tha shock wss felt for miles. The exploding ihella caused reign of tarror. On account of Intermittent shrapnel explosions anion k the smouldering rains, It will bo Impossible for several daya to tit accurate detalU on the Bliek Tom explosion and fire. Two art known to bo dead, and It la be Uitei thirty are missing. Oa hundml nml sixteen persons wne wounded by the explosion, and this flnre docn not Include tboae wounded by fallliiK' rUhh here and for a ilz mile radius. Faisal boata are removing the boxes of axplotlTt floating In the harbor. It li thought that the etatue of lib rrty Itaelf la not hurt, although doors ud supports In Ita baao were dam tstd. Tha explosion caused a rain of rietastrta coats on Ellis Island. Two oflclals of the Lehigh Valley aslhray KiUonal storage coatpany charged with manslaughter, tad fasUtst of the Lightering eesspany awgbt on a similar charge, s a result or tho explosion, federal data Intend to probe munitions throughout tho entire country. The oiclau say thcro are lndlcatlona of In ctndltriin. OBclals of Now Jersey estimate the """is done at 160.000.000, Includ ing IUW.000 loss in plate glass. Giant Submarine Carried Letter From Kaiser to Spanish King STRAHORN PARTY ARRIVES HERE RAILROAD BUILDER WILL SPEND TWO OR THREE WEEKS HERE. HAS NO STATEMENT TO MAKE FOR A FEW DAYS Robert E. 8trarn, the man who is to build the new railroad from Bend to Klamath Falls, arrived here yestor day afternoon with Mr. Strahorn and C. fl. Iluditon of Dcnd. Tho party will be in Klamath county for two or three week, nccorilnK to Mr. Strahorn. When seen at noon today Mr. Stra hers would give no statement for pub lication, but promises to havo some thing to Bay In a few daya regarding the proposed road. Re ud hla party are staying at the White Pelican hotel. They hare Just completed an auto trip from Spokane. BLACKLIST ONLY FOR FIRMS NAMED ENQLAND'S QUARANTEE 8 AY 8 THAT FIRMS NOT AIDING GER MANY WILL NOT BE SUBJECT TO THE LIST United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, July 31 Ilrlt Ish Ambassador Spring Rice presented to the state department Saturday Eng land's formal guaranteo that her black Uat order will apply only, to firms named In the order. It says no firm will be subject to the blacklist unless It Is proved to be an agency or contributor for Germany. Forda to Be Cheaper United Press Service DETROIT, July 81. It Is rumored tbslt the Ford Auto company will an nounce a reduction in me pneu ui i taurine: car from 1490 to $360. Officials wer Ussrs Meet Hsyoral Importnnt matters relating K omath project were dlacuaaed hy "C ClrectOl-A of Klntnalt, W.I.. TT.. AfMlBllon at tlinli- mnAlliiB In vlMlk' . ik. u.n...., Mrai n mumii the r n s Mturday afternoon and avenlng. port, but promise a statement tomor IWte action n. ..u. ... . I L- Mull.. MM HIIUK, M ll' . Th6 d'r0Ct0r" W,U mWt Ul ""' ""'Unity, and at that H It la vv.fe V. rancher of POB Val JWJta that actios of importance will ley, transacted buiinese lnKlamath -; tua touay. Police Believe Guilty Men Are in v $ 4P ''-':tpte! ; SsTa?JsssjMfcSle!7.RStg"lft I RBBBxBIBlmintwSSSmmiQr VSn 'VgHJaBJaHQaf '( I FaBP A siN flBILiT n-H" ., - i-'rL,LLiiM&SklUiktXlMlf',Y BBBBml M t mo fat mb. aiaBBBBWfeM.BBMBwflBFvawaBrWaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWBWMV'xARV'4w w sBaa.s ' , .n - - i "as 1sjajty-t-.-sajBSjsssaaaggaajtjjBssssssss g i SstKit: I--S-SzzSMfiSfflPP 1 ttoahxxxrrrXttJa&-Tzatnmm TIiIm Im tln Klnut German submarin c wiilch carrled'a'lettcr from Kaiser W llhelm to King Alfonso. She went out through the Nortli Sea and tho English Channel, eluding the whole Britls h fleet, just as the JJeutschland did. This ilinlo,raph showa the.vesael in pot in SlilnVlilofii?.1Co the lnterne-1 tl ennan steamer Roma. 'The submarine curried the Interned sailors medical supplies, . , , BRITISH, FRENCH ARE CONSOLIDATING MEN AUTO PORTLANO- 1 KLAMATH FALLS! BERLIN 8AY8 ALL RUSSIA TACKS REPULSED AT- ONCE A WEEK STAGE WILL RUN BETWEEN THE8E CITIES TO 8ELL KLAMATH COUNTY REAL ESTATK Russians Advance to Qraberkl Two Violent German Count ra Bloodily Checked London 8aya the British Hav Advanced North of Bazentlne and Le Ptitl Thla Afternoon. United Press Service LONDON, July 31. The British A weekly automobile nta.ee service I made a concentrated advance on an from Portland to Klamath Palls an(1;i?ht mile front along the DelvUle and i Homme wooas tranaay, taxing tne oer- i.ian third line trenches. The French COLON BACILLI NOT FOUND IN KLAMATH WATER HEALTH OFFICER'S TEST SHOWS REMARKABLE PURITY Bscterla Found In Four Samples Are Practically Nil Samplea Taken From Scattered Fauceta In Klamath Falls Dr. Hamilton Says Test la Higher Than That of Portland City Water Indian Commissioner Sells Visits Klamath Reservation Cato Sells, United States commis sioner of Indian affairs, arrived yester day afternoon from Washington, D. C, and left immediately afterwards for Klamath Agency with Superintendent William B. Freer. It Is believed that Commissioner Sells will remain sev oral das on Klamath Indian reserva tion to study conditions there, this be ing bis first visit. SPOKANE MAN TO GET CHOICE LAND NONE OF THE KLAMATH MEN WHO WERE REQI8TERED IN THE LOTTERY WERE IN THE FIRST FIFTY DRAWN The naiiies of none of the Klamath TWO AMERICANS ARE KILLED IN A RUNNING FIGHT FIVE MEXICANS DIE IN RUNNING BORDER BATTLE Bandlta Were Surprised When They Were About to Raid an American RanchThree Troops Cavalry Have Been Ordered to 8cen, With Ordtfa to Go Into Mexico, If It la Necessary, to Catch the Bandlta. Custody tAjrhuTC,8C0, Ju,'r N'-The au- that amoeg the evidence U a letter Ai2LU0 " ""ft tsw.fwsi oe suseeet to uotheA , totSTthat u mwury H ppUc " thf gan' ,n' teaoec w tnrow w ewaa sivw rest of a buildUg further op M trket treat, but fearing It was aUsthMd; drosBd It at Bteuart-aad aftrfett street. 'th.t si , irreTuVhr.": SB "" WMcted with the ' laua ,y ww B0t nthI the con- , :y?,7 "" enaeaee. it i DUN8MUIR The city wator of Klamath Falls Ib absolutely free from colon bacilli, the bacilli that produce typhoid fever, and lu bacteria ,1s remarkably low. This information comes in a loiter to City iT-niti. nntnnr TJ Tl Hnmlllnn from David N. RoborK. state health officer, men who registered for the Colvllle In-.cans were killed who has Just completed an analysis of dlan reservation land lottery were in tho city water. j the first 600 drawn at Spokane last Dr. Roborg tested four samples of, week. George T. Lennon of Spokane water. One sample was drawn from in tho man whose name was first the faucet at the court house park, 'drawn. Only one Oregon man, R. C. one from tho pump station, one from Tomllnson of Baker, was In the first tho White rollcan and one from the fifty, faucet in Wbltman's'drug store. More than 9,000 were reglatered. In the flrat samplo, that from the There are 600 homesteads to be drawn, court house faucet, 26 bacteria per , Drawing of names will continue until cubic centimeter were found, from the all the land Is apportioned, aacond 18 bacteria per cubic centime ter, from tho third 22 and from the fourth 20. Dr. Hamilton says this test hows the water in Klamath Falls sow to be purer than he has ever seen it, and purer than Is tho water of Port land. "Never in any city have I seen water showing a purer test than that submit ted from four faucets in Klamath Falls' said Pr. Hamilton this morning. In legard to the colon bacilli, which paroduce typhoid fever, the letter from Dr. Rebergeays: 'Neither gas nor colon bacilli were recovered -a! te.r 72 hours incubation." The Bamplos of water sent to Dr. Rc berg were drawn on July 26fh, and were shipped to Portland m air tight ceauiner packed in ice. United Press Service EL PASO, Tex., July 31. A trooper of the Eighth cavalry patrol and a customs Inspector were killed this morning in a running fight with Mext cans near Fort Hancock. Five Mexi- MR8. LOUI8B OHL DIM AT DAUGHTER'S HOME The troopois surprised the bandits, who, It is believed, planned a raid on an American ranch. Three other troops of cavalry have been rushed to Fort Hancock and have been ordered to pursue the bandlta Into Mexico, If necessary to effect their capture. return has been Inaugurated by the Cramer Stage and Realty company of Portland. A car will leave the Imper ial hotel in Portland every week, and go to Salem, Roseburg, Mcdford, Ash Ian and Klamath. Falls, returning through 'Eastern Oregon by Bend, The Dalles" and ti'e "Columbia River high way. The new company will make-a spe cial business of selling Klamath county land, and will haul passengers from Portland who intend to buy land here, captured on Sunday a number of Im portant positions when they advanced along a four mile treat 'General Halg announces that thla af ternoon the British advanced north ot Bazentlne and X Petit The British are consolidating yesterday's gains with ground prerloasly taken. United Press Service PARIS, July, 3L It la announced that violent German counters on Mo- without cost. The company will work; uaco and Hem were bloodily repulsed. .iri In combination with the R. E. Smith Realty company of this city, and will have offices with Mr. Smith. Appam Must Be Restored. NORFOLK. July 31. Federal Judge Waddel today decided that the British steamer Appam must be restored to its owners. He said the German govern ment forfeited all claims to the prize as the crew brought the ship into neu tral waters to be Interned. Dance at Merrill. Announcements "are out for a. big dance and show at Merrill next Friday night. "The Stolen Pie," a local movie, and five other reels of pictures will be shown, and the dance will be held afterwards. The Peerless orchestra from Klamath Falls will play at the show and for the dance. Auto .excur sions will be run from Klamath Falls. The French are consolidating their po sitions north of he Soaute won yes terday. When the Germans today attacked IU11 No. 304 and aux Chaple but were i epulsed. The French an progressing south west ot Fleury. United Press Service BERLIN, July 31. It la announced that the allies' attacks oa Longuval ttnd along the Somme have been re pulsed with bloody lose as to tha Preach. Hand to hand fighting around Po zierea favors the Germans. AH Rus sian attacks today have heea repsleeo, ' United Press Service ' PETROGRAD. July 31 It Is official ly announced that the Russians have advanced to Graberkl, oa the Seret River, near Brody. ' ' Klamath Falls Defeats Prineville Two Games VS. KLAMATH FALL8 NIT SUNDAY The baseball card for next Sunday at Modoc Park'Js Sunsmulr vs. Klam ath FallB. The ansne will be called at Mrs. Louise Ohl, snether of Mrs. M. 2:30, and promisee to be a good one. D. Glnsbaugh of thla city, died yeter- In n letter received Saturday hy day afternoon at her dauahter's home Manager Watt, Dunsmulr says a car on Ninth street. The body, will be load of fans Is coming to support their shinned to Ohio for burial. i team, and that the team itself will The deceased was 74 years old, and y be strong. It Is expected that the rep had resided with her daughter for the'ular Dunsmulr team will be strength last year. Death was due to, heart ' ened by players from nearby northern trouble. California towns. English Plan Delivered Get Many Fish. Aihmeht Loawe and William Starr United Press Service nnr returned from a two weeks' ash- BERLIN. July 31. Ambassador 'Ger- lng trip to Jenny Creek. They report ' ard ot the United States today dellv splendid luck at, catching trout Mr.lered to Germany England's plan .far Starr Is from 8a&s rraaataee. Ush relief. "The champions ot Central Oregon" was added to the list of titles designat ing the Klamath Falls baseball team yesterday, when Prineville was wal loped decisively In two games. The scores were 4 to 2 and 9 to 1. Klam ath Tails now claims the championship ot Southern Oregon, the championship of Northern California and the cham pionship ot Central Oregon. Some title. The first game was close. Prineville out-bit the home boys 10 to S, but Klamath Falls won because those five hits vere bunched In two big Innings, the first and the fifth. Prineville scat tered its hits over six Innings. The game was practically free from errors except for dropped fool balls. Fred Canaan waa oa tha saouad for Klamath Falls in the second game, a seven Inning affair. He let the visitors down with seven hits, while the locals garnered the same number. Errors by Prineville caused the second game to he worn by 'such a .large awgla. ale though some clean hitting played a prominent part Klamath Falls 'made Ita first run in the first Inning, when 'Carman knocked the apple over the right field fence and Nelson' followed with a crash to right conter. Three scores cinched the game in the fifth, when BIgbee and Sheehy bit, Palmer walked and Johnson dou bled to center. Prineville made ita two In the seventh oa hits by Ellis, Bectell and Lister. Two hits by Carman, two hy Aiten end one each by Bowdea, Bogart and Johnson brought nine runs la the sec ond game. Pstaevllle got He one la this game whea Canaaa washed three men, the last foreUg la tha tally. Bogari did aot alay is tha Brst gaate because of a sere foot hat wast la after Nelaoa had torn a lUsasMt, la Ma toot in the second laalag at tha seeaad game. Jtmmie Sheehy, the Weed player who was brought here far a harrr ap Continued o faft 4