m Si?? 3u enfrtg Hmttfi , AMATH COUNTY'S KLAMATH FALLe)' j OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1916. Price Five Canto Tinth Ytnr-No. S.OM Klamath May Have New Lumber Industry ,A .. fc. ..-j-.. -.JJ.J. . .-,-,.-. ... . . ""i-irunnryjnruyiTVUijxuvvs MONTANA MAN HERE TO MANAGE PLANT Views of Siege of Chicago Negro Maniac, Where Six Were Killed mauw,w4, "P&tt&Ji&JiGU&Mr WILL II COT.UP PLANT FOR SASH AND DOOR Mn It ft' Loc Lumbermen to Take Ovtrlht Old Savldge Irethtra' Mill n Sixth Street-The lltt It Splsn did, tnd the Market for Output la Ctrttln, Sayt Experienced Mill mtn of Thlt City. CRATER LAKE IS AS GREAT AS ANY: , EXTENSIVE TRAVELER FROM I NKW YORK 8EK8 KLAMATH'S NATURAL WONDER, AND SAYS ! IT RANKS HIOH garage. "I have visited Hip Holy Land, tti I. tuntlM nnd Mies !. Daniel. DEATH IF THEY i RAISE PRICES1 MAJOR RBNO HAS COMMENCED Thlnss look bright for Klamath Fall ,.,. , , , to hive new industry in we very Mir future. The now Industry con- wnn mo Bremen nmurm wonuorn i tunpltted l n cut up mill to mak hare aocn," said D. II. Dnrnett yeater- uih tnd door lumber out of common day. nfter returning from the Inko with rvegh lumber. The prospective mill Uf p,trjclt of tnc white Pelican In to be backed by locnl men, including TnoBU Hampton and otliera. m IamI. avjip (tin IWirittlhlHllfta llf Miirli IVIWBUIll ' ,'."-....- -'- .-.... ap I mill here, to confer with local lum- lp ana mom or the Historic nnu ' bermtn from whom the rough lumber. "nle attraction of Buropo and other most be purchased, nnd to generally countries, but Crater Lake rank well IsTNtlptt. 'J. P llole of Missoula. besides the. beat of them." Mont, arrived Innt night. Mr. Bode i Mr. Darnett In from Now York, nnd hu had thirty year1 experience In the Pnd practically all hi tlmo travel hunter business, many of which were With him wore Mr. Barnett. Mia Fpent In the cutup business. He baa been most highly recommended by Mr. Cornwall, publisher of the American Lumberman. It U propoted to turn the mill and pttat formerly operated by Savldge brother on Sixth street Into the now cut-up plant Mr Iloilu looked over the Strldco plant thin morning, and thli afternoon I visiting tho Johnaon md Mortennon mill nt Shlpplngtoti nd Pelican City "The mill It Is piopoHcd to use I tdtqtute for our needs, nnd la splon Oldlr located," unld Mr. Ilode, at no.m I' 'ft "I tin abn i olv no.l)lr. if Mrktt for all the imlerlnl we iiruld " i'P, and mucn u .re Thcro .o fily two things ,( .m seo enn nt.v tad In the wn -f nturllnK the cui- 'i' mill. "tint, we mum bo nmtured of helnir Me to get at a reaaonablo flmiro nil the rouxh lumber we need, and aeo- d, we mutt have adequate capital. unaemand that themt condition " he nut." A tut-up pant n Klnmath Palla U tonildered by local lumbermen a fetal- ' undertaking became of frelgh tU to the East, ny cutting and An- "Wnx the rough lumber Into aueh ttpe that it can bo roadlly made !, ,a'n' door and other thing, and " "vlngs In frelRht to the Eaat will wved through tho decrcnBod weight d buik o, ,umbor Qn (he flther "wa. the proposed cut-up plant will Z 1 lumber ln, AnlHliod doors "'W height rate to Rtern point.. tim u ... ""ercM" local lumber- g-.. '.uww, niw.w i'MimMMuiMmwmmmm;m 7. ,, j f . . . . . F 'l Ifc V ' if g tAi'Ti -? f"llgfiiatMalaaaaTaBr7Tl"irTTi- s B ri&rrw' 9B J, yjr K "B i Sll'JaH .aaaB 'fyefrr- "j&J " - ttgaBUa JaBa H CLASSIFICATION OF GRANT LAND HAS BEEN BEGUN WOMAN HAVING BOMB MISSIES IS DETAINED 1.000,000 ACRES TO COME WITHIN FORMER DYNAMITE CARRIER IS CLASSIFICATION Aa 160 Acre It 8lre of Claim, About Five Thousand Claims Are Available. 2,300,000 Acres-Are Within the Grant Although Alt the Land Cannot Be Cultivated, Much of It Being Good for Grazing Land Only ARRESTED I Police Are Seeking for Strike Agitator and Wife Following Raid Which Re vealed Evidence and Records Impli cating Them Jltman Is Arretted for Hauling Men From the Scans of Sat- ' urdas Explosion. Rifle uted In alege. Home dynamited by police Rifles used by Negro and wife Henry Mclnntyrc, it maniac ncur o. and IiIh wife were besieged In their home In the West Side of Chicago, after the man had killed acvoral pcrao iih. llcforo tho place was dynamited b y the police they shot a patrolman and wounded three other pernon. In all t hey killed four. The wife was shot d own and her husband was killed later hy a detective, who charged him. Th e persons killed were neighbors and p aaaerebr killed from the house. PORTLAND, Ore., July 27. The of flc of Louis L. Sharp, chief of the field division of the general land office, pre-' eents all the activities of a moblllza-i tion camp, ,rellmlnary 10 commencing ;lhe big task of classifying the 2,300, '000 acre of Oregon California grant 'land. Men are coming and going, plans are blng mapped out and the ' whole place is humming with activity preparatory to taking the field the lat- ' ter part of the present week. i Some idea of the land hunger of the people, and some glimpse of the scenes that will probably be re-enacted when America Disputes Right NS a r-- j i. di.1i- WEEPINGS SHE US Ul LllgldllU IU DldlHHM "'"" Mr- Bdo hero to manage It - ' me Klamath Commercial secretary Prd Pieot ha been AN INSPECTION OF THE FEETtPnllt-il IW Sorvlro ' WASHINGTON, 1). C, July ( Counsellor Polk of the state depart ' nient announced this morning that tho Or ALL GUARDSMEN AND REG ULARS ON BORDER fulled Pre Service Kl. PASO, July 27. General Hena.-n hi thientcned merchant of Pat-nl, Mexico, with death If they refi-) 'o nioept Cnrranxn currency or if :liey rulno prices. It I announced huro that General nil will soon visit the militia sta tioned on tho Paclc Coaat. Mnjor Reno has begun an Inspection of tho fret of all regulnr nnd guards men on tho border, I protest of the American government , nullum the ICiikIIhIi blnckllst order will be. rorwimiod to London tonigni. lne blacklist blacklisting or American Arms, and 27- disputes England's right to establish tho list. Polk contends that the blacklist or-, , dei- In principle is a boycott The government will ask assurances Hint there will be no extension of the to Americans and neutral protest ii.nk.s Immediate, and specific countries dealing with the blacklisted guarantees regarding the effect of the' (Inns. ARTILLERY PLAY8 BIG PART IN TODAY'8 BATTLES Russians Capture Large Quantities of Munitions When Erzingan Is Taken. Berlin Claims Allies Are Repulsed In Many Places, Often With Heavy Losses and Muoh Cost In Men and Blood. CHARGED WITH Hughes and Fall Confer United Press Service NBW YORK, July 27. Charles B Hughes, republican candidate for pres ident, nnd Senator Fall of New Mexico, wio ha just returned from a private Investigation trip to tho Mexican bor der, conferred today. Neither would comment on their conference, Hughes naylng It was a "pleasant conversation." VArku. . u -.i'ui linn '"runs on it.. ... . position ror more "wn a vn, i,,., .... been caused through inability to get a suit Kble man to mnnago the plant. This obstacle has been surmounted by the procuring of Mr. Bode. Aeroplanes, Warships to Protect Deutschland aorvlc. Pluti rE W 27-N" "ro- oWd the h " lh0 R,lled KtH WS S. ComP,ole Protection Stairvontpr,vatevMls mii' "'" the ye'..,,,.. tul a myattry. It Is believed that she Is ready to depart any moment, but la waiting to catch the allied warships off their guard, when she can dash sea ward with greater safety. Thus far, however, tho vigilance of the allied ships Is usTrelMtlng. . Nothing has boon heard of the Dautsehlaaa'a aiatsr skit, the Brsman, although the latter was expected here several days ago. FORMER LOCAL IS LAWYER GUILTY LARCENY OF CHECK H, S. CRANE IS CONVICTED IN EDDIE MANN IS ARRESTED AT 8TOCKTON OF EMBEZZLEMENT, OF CLIENT'S MONEY IN SUIT i FOR DIVORCE United Press Service STOCKTON, Calif., July 27. H. S. Crane, an attorney, wns convicted Into yesterday of felony and embezzlement after a sensational trial. Crane's stenographer and. chauffeur, who testified In bla behalf, havo been aftoHted on a churge of perjury. Crane wns accused of embezzling f 400 from a client in a divorce suit. United Press Service LONDON, July 27. General Halg reports intense artlllerying this after noon on the British front The big guns are active everywhere, and to night hand to hand fighting is taking place. The Germans are making extensive use of gas and weeping shells. United Press Service . PETROGRAX). July 27. It Is an nounced that Czar Nicholas troops cap tured large quantities of munitions at Erzingan, formerly the Turkish supply Charged with larceny of a bill of ex-depot. The Russians are In hot pursuit change, Eddie Mann was arrested at , 0f the Turks. Heavy artillery fighting Is going on around Lobuzy. At several points the Russians have crossed the Slonlewka River. German attacks on Urochlsch and Bereznome have been repulsed. RmIm hail (WAa.la takMAtAA.l ...n 0.ia I aicmm una kivHHJ u4uyotm .ud nu.- Mann cashed the check on Blan advance into Gallcla. FORT KLAMATH AND 18 NOW IN THE COUNTY JAIL ON A SERI OUS CHARGE Fort Klamath yesterday and brought to Klamath Falls last night. Re will' be given a hearing before Justice of the Peaco'E. W. Gowen tomorrow. Tho Information gotten out against' Mann charges him with the theft of the' Mtianfr frmn Thnmnu T. .TArlmftn nt Wirt I Klumath STEIGER 8EEKS TAX LIEN ' FORECLOSURE WILSON LAND J. W. Llndqulst, proprietor of the Rexj BERLIN, July 27. It Is announced i that the British reconnaissance near cafe. The check was drawn by Burge united Press Service Mason In favor of Coley Ball, and had ' boen endorsed over to Mr. Jackson. - . 11... - ht.lL. 1 U ...l . W A ault for foreclosure or, a lax lion racuuurK una ucvu niiuuni. ciom-u wan Instituted in circuit court today by' UROTHER OF D. B. CAMPBELL i assaultb on Barleux and Floury also J. J. Stolger. Lloyd Wilson et al are1 DIBS AT ST. THOMAS, CANADA, have been repulsed, as have grenade named as defendants. Tho land cov-( attackh west of Poileres. ored by tho tax lien is the SEK of, According to a copy of the Bt. Thorn-' righting continues everywhere, with NEK.Nli orSE,andSEU of 8E J as Times, Ontario, Canada, received j artillery active between the Sorauw section 35, township 40 south, range 13 ' this morning, J. L. CampbelU brother j und Ancre. east, Wlllamotto Meridian. B. C. o! U B. Campbell of this city, passed Russian attacks on Schltichara. west Thomas Is attorney for Stolger. awny last week. Death was due to .of Berestezkp. have been sanguinarily paralysis, from which the deceased had repulsed. - ' Sharks Got Bodies i.ufforcd for some time. I Vienna announces that the Austrians United Press Service , U B. Campbell and Mrs. J. g. Elliott, have retired south of Lessnyow before MOBILE, Ala., July 27. Coast daughter of the deceased, were at the' superior forcea. The Russians have ad ,,BrA nfflrni-R declare that Bharlcs ate bedside when the end earn, later-, vanced slightly In Radilvlllov. it,. hnriiM of the crew of the wrecked ment was made in the it. TtSBWi.oee.- ArtlUery attacks by the Italians on .,. . ---. , . 1'nited Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, July 27. Follow ing the arrest last night of Warren K. Billings, the police have detained Mrs. Belle Lahen after Ending In her room missies similar to those Ib the bomb exploded during the preparedness pa rade last, Saturday. Israel Welnburg, a jitneymaa, has .been arrested, charged with hauling two Implicated people away from the explosion. Thomas Mooney, aa agita tor, who attempted to cause a streetcar strike here, and his wife are sought. the agricultural lands of the Oregon-1 following a raid which revealed lacrltB- uaiirornia grant are tnrown open to entry, is gained from the prospective opening of the Colville Indian reserva tion in the state of Washington. Up to the present time approximately 100,000 applications have been filed for claims in that reservation. Big Rush Is Going on inatlng evidence and records of dyna miting In other cities. Billings has served a term la the penitentiary for carrying dynamite to Sacramento during the strike trouble there. Three suspects were arrested today. Two are Ed Nolan and Joe Federer. 'I he big rush is taking place not-; but the police will not divulge the idea- withstanding the fact that there are not more than 3,000 claims to be thrown open to entry In the reserva tion. Out of this total number not more than 500, at the outside, are. such claims as would be looked upon with favor by western people who Vnow the farming conditions of this country and the limitations which sur round pioneering In a new country. tlty of the third. It Is believed he is a former labor agitator. it Is reported that Billings has con fessed, but the police deny this, but say information gleaned from him in dirates that the outrage Saturday was but one of a contemplated series in this vicinity. It is also indicated that Billings was connected with the at tempt to wreck the Sacramento power The Colville land is in the rough plant and the San Mateo explosion. mountainous country along the Wash- it is rumored that Mooney has been ington side of the Columbia river, and located in Los Angeles, the greater part of It is not suitable! for cultivation. In spite of -this, how- United Press Service ever, 100,000 people are taking the, SAN JOSE, July 17 The police here trouble and going to the expense incl- received a letter this morning saying dent to filing, in the hope that they j thai Billings is the wrong man, and will be successful in securing a gvod , threatening the explosion of another claim In the drawing. Claim Is 160 Acres bomb If he Is not released. The landlord of a hotel here has Isjden isToTt estimated that close to 1,000.000 acres oT" two suspects who stayed at the e: land will come within the agnoul-; hotel during the week preceding the tu a) classificattoD, and that appoxl-' San Francisco explosion. mately 800,000 acres will be such land i as can be entered and cultivated witb j Militiamen Cant Veto vi lying degrees of ease and profit United Press Service rmm the beginning. I WASHINGTON, D. C, July 27. The Iheh land grant cct fixes 160 seres! senate reversed its action of yester !.., iK size of a clum which will f-ir- day, when this morning It eliminated ui, h 5 000 claim?. II is probable tfcat from the army btU the amendment per the piovlsions of the act relating to mlttlng mlUtlament to vote In their rrevloua settlement and amount of , camps In the November election. limber on already t-e tiled claim? will result In there bc'n more than 5.(00 ilalnis carved out rf the tract Tticpt. who knot the history of the land grant Utlgatbn remember that In iran Instances .". high as ten Indi vidual applications were made tor tle purchases or entry of the some claim at $2.50 per acre, which would indicate that the same condition will prevail When the classifications are finally made by the government and the lands thrown open to entry. Senate Passes World's Largest Peace Time Bill seheeaer, Carrie Strong. 1 etery. J Valsugana have ceased. Uuited Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, July 27. The senate this afternoon passed the army appropriation bill, which carries 1312, C00,000, " The army bill as passed by the sen ate la the world's largest peace time apBfetriaUos. The appropriation as aaade by Mm house was tm.OM.SM, and R to ex pected that the house will t'tjtttf ly the increase made by the SiieV The amy bill as It caste frm; seaate lacwaea an tptepneu dependent families er I ' : v 'H .tw mJ. .My 5 '- "" (! ..'' PT4V.