- i .i -a " I r T -.fftl Sty fT ' KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH, FALLi J ? wrrtvuu. niiHITArM ,' Tnth Yesr-No. 3,0M KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1916. frtat rtvOeMe -. !-rr jt n itumlttn iirrald Russian Forces Have Captured Erzingan i i y"1 m......! .iri. . r .n v S anew' TROUT WONT LIVE IN DIAMOND LAKE 7,000 FRY PLANTED IN 1013 ARK ALU OONI Have Either Ptrlihtd orQone Over' the Umpquii Falls and Can't Return. Biu From the Columbia River Will t Planted In the Lake Next Sum. mtr Stone Saye the Lake la a De Hghtful Spot ll'l" Hi" furl ttiiil 7,000 rainbow trout fry ere planted In Diamond Lake three years iiko, there I not n r.li in Hi 11 lakn Kxtav. mo far nit State m and Game Commissioner Charles 'r-llf,,nmon " t"" uoer regarding V, Atone ami party, who returned tunt JnrlhliH there, Crculdent Wilson to evcnlwt from the hike, could lelL,Nor d.iy wrote an open letter to tnllltlu. in any 01 wiu crecsn nuwin imu r) irom we mite are any unii iw w icii. "We Kpcnt two days at the lake. walked around It, a distance of ton mllM, And wore out on it la a, canvass boat, but not u sign of a fish dldjwe lee," said Commissioner 8lone Ibis mornlni;. "Kllhcr tho trout have found In the lake something to eat which kllled-thcm, tirtrr'ifflTgHC'uw I tbo falls of the north fork of the Ubjd qua andlrannot Ket back. Th fallal ,,,,,c T,", Msnn, ,od' preP nn are about 200 yarda bolowthe point I nwndmcnt o the army bill allowing where Ibe rher mnn out of I he lake.' ""' "l"i vote In tho Novem nd It I phyalcnliy Impoimlblo for b"r fctlonMlMrcampa. Iliem lo afrend It, nlthoujch thoy mlifbt go over It nml live. . "Next Hummer wo plan to ntock niamoml l.nkc with bnN fry from tho ' idoue.hu of the Columbln nivor. Wo' believe that the bniti will apnwn In the bke and not dencenil tho river over the fll. "There nro two beautiful, clear, cold Mrcanw runnlnj: Into Diamond Luke,' Silent Creek nntl Short Creek. TheHo ' Mrem will mnke Hplcndld water for the baR. - "Diamond Ijiku Ik onu of tho mont beautiful bodien of wntcr I havo over ecn, 'and If bnnn will llro them It IH becoiiui a pnrndlao for anxloni. Tho lake In 87.7 mllon front tho Warn- ath postoOlcc, nnd oil tbo dlatanco can' be Invented by automobile." i Thoiio in thu pnrty with Commln- loner Stone wero Warden Henry I Slout, Warden Carey Ramaby', Joe' Skelton, fleorge Ketiidover, William j HouMon nnd Gun Mclhaoo. , CRATER LAKE PICTURES DRAW MUCH APPLAUHE The moving plrCct ti of Crater Lalto, 'he world's m t beautiful fresh watori ie, taken Ins, winter, wore nnnre. 'Pd by n full house nt the Orpheus 'hwiMlaat nlRbl. The pictures wero kcnbyc.R.Ml0rinndnrothoni8t only, movies of the Inko when f -lowbound over exhibited. Theso pic "'w will bo repetteu tonight. Deutschland's Crew is Afraid Allied Warships ""I press Service" OAfvriMOnn, July 2..Wfew of awman submarine Dautsohland Mmed tho fenr today that allle4 MIM WouW lMli9 Um Sn iff t0.,nUack th0 Deutachland Brui-h PU"oU Rnobor tot Otnatw. ON BORDER LONG TIME YET REPORT MRESIOENT WILSON TELLS MILI TIAMEN THEY ARE NOT ON THE BORDER MERELY FOR DRILL PURPOSES l aliiMl I'irmt Hurt Ice WASHINGTON. I). C July 26. Re pi) Inn in rornplnlnta .of mothers of ,,. , ymU,r Horvc,.. j,0 ,,, ..,10j , .,v . , . ,. .,..., """ " " ",v" nip ni our country" placet! mo men on the bnrdor, and that they wore not there merely for drill purpoaoa. It In not bcllovcd that the men will r l.eart, in view of tbo facto n.i pre sented by Prealdent Wilson. i-m. lu in thought, that tbo militiamen will to kept on tho border for a Jons NICHOLS KILLED WHEN TEAM RUNS BONANZA MAN DIES WHEN DROQ GEO BEHIND MOWER FUNERAL WILL BE HELD IN BONANZA TOMORROW JnmeH Nichols wan killed yciitcrday whon tho team with which ho waa iiiowIiik hay ran away. The accident occurred near Dly, and hln body wnn tnken from that plnce to Ilonnnxn last night. Tho deceased Ih u brother of Harry NlchoU of Bonanza. The funeral will ' bo hold at llonanza tomorrow, Rev. S. ' W. Hull conducting tho services. ' Appoint Relief Committee United Press Sorvlco LONDON. July 28. Tho Iirltlsh gov- i - ernmont will submit to other belliger ent capitals proposal that President Wilson of the Unitod States appoint a .commltteo or citizens from neutral countries to direct tho relief work In Poland and tho Balkans. with oilicials of tho German company wuh to discuss voluntary Internment. To date Ihoro Is no sign of the Bremen. Clearance pnpors for tho Deutsoh land, wero grnntod lato this afternoon. Unltd Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, July 26. The battleship North Carolina and three destroyers have been ordered off the Virginia capes and the Baltimore har bor to "preserve neutrality." This la done as a result of seeing: ft British warship inside the three mile limit. -v.-.. MAN IN HOSPITAL ARRESTED TODAY . AS ASUSPECT POLICE ARE SHADOWING MANY SUSPECTED PCRSON8 eighth Victims of the Tragedy of Laat Saturday Diet Today Police Seek Three Men Who Atk Metal Worka to Make Iron Box That Waa Dupll cate of the One Used by the Fiend During the Parade. Culled 1'rcnB Hervice HAN FRANCISCO, July 2C DIMrlcl Attorney Flckert and Police Mcutun nnl lluntier HiIm afternoon went to the l.nne hoMpltnl nnd urrcxted u ntan lhon whoKo nnmo Ik not rereuled. The man nppllcd for treatment for InjurleH evidently rocclvod na n reuult of the' bomb exploHlon. It la believed that he knnwH much about tbo outraxe. He in being KrKled. Cnlieil l're Service utv enivpioen iniv ! rnn. rqt m .www, w... -w. ,- i tnln Reuben Vnushn, another victim of ' the bomb out rose Saturday, died thin mornlnK, thim brinKlnj; tho total ilcatbH up to Hoven. Tho bomb squad Ih teleKraphlnc to other cltlea In Cal ifornia for photographs of every .... .,.u.UH.l.ua . "',...,,,. Tholr winter towri.ohrr h..t n eoort known anarchist Indicatos the "'' flirt! of bomb men in California who have figured very prominently in East ern plots. Tho police of this city are. very active, but non-communicative. Radical organizations havo an nounced their intentions of aiding the police In locating the fiends. Thu police aro socking two men who ' left on n street car a few minutes he-' fore the fatal explosion occurred, who had nn old suit caso In their posses sion. The police believe that ghouls were very nctl.'e following tho cxplo-' sion, as many of tho victims were rob- bed of their valuables. , I United Cress Sen-Ice HAN FRANCISCO, July 26. Tho po lice have descriptions of three men who three weeks ago asked tho Motal Welding Works to make them a dupli cate of a high explotlvo container used on tho bomb outrage Saturday. It In reported that tho special bomb M1und have gained tho confidences of mcn believed to be implicated In tho nrfnlr. Arrests nro expected any hour. Mrs. Kinsley Van Loo, the eighth victim of the boom explosion, died to day. Half of the bomb sqund Is shad owing suspects Two men soon leaving a street car with n suitcase before tbo explosion are believed to havo been In San Jose the preceding week. United Press Service FRESNO. July 2C Osmoud Jacobs, suspected of complicity in tho bomb nutrnge during tho preparedness pnr nde last Saturday in San Francisco, I was roleasod today after bo had es tablished nn itllbl. Ho was arrested 1 yestordny. I . WOMEN TO ROPE STEER AT CHEYENNE, WYOMING United Press Sorvlce " CIIRYRNNB, July 26. The National Council of Women Voters, holding their annual convention here simulta neously with tho twentieth annual Frontier Day celobratlon, will see their sisters rope n thousand pound steer nnd brenlt a wild horso. KventH for women are scheduled for overy ono of tho four daya' program, which opened today, Some?of the past champions In tho broncho busting and roping ovonts for men nro entered. A honvy attendanco la oxpected from Colorado, Cheyenne being the favorite "oasis" closo to the Colorado prohibi tion desert. ! .vi.,,...0..vw.wMiWWw., Two Best Dressed JCntrro. u MmaiUTOM ue v-' In the summer time as in the wint Iwis of Illinois and Speaker Champ C j best dressed men in congress. These C F. Stone is ' .... aiiiiiiiiiH-Qm aKJiSr i' -i&Ml lil ymMmmbMM SMb1s -I'-ISlW 1 aaaaaaaaaaoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax aavMBaaaaHBBr jjri' fits' HVal aaaaaaiBaBNB-aaH l(itl!w-1, K'iW n'M nipCji' hlM I nBHa3' T BBBBBi T "G&fBBWVi X 7 -' C- f i(M aiiiiiiiiiiWlW'iaiMl-?!' .! mm t', kU ivWmW-t? 'irU$ i Oni( '.& 1 3Hffi to Climb Cowhorn Peak Although tbc font has been tried many times, often by experienced i mountain climbers, the first man to i climb to the top of ML Thlelson. or Cowhorn Peak, is State Flab and Game Warden Charles F. Stone. The feat was accomplished a few daya ago, and required six hours from the time Commissioner Stone left his camp, nl the base of the peak, until he re turned. Five other men in Commis sioner Stone's party attempted to reach the top, but gave up the ship long before the Bummlt was attained. And Commissioner Stone lacked about twenty feet of reaching the very apox of Mt. Thlelson. He and Henry Stout are going back again, probably this year, and try to reach the top most point. "The very apex of Mt. Thlelson is about largo enough for two mon to stand without crowding each other off," said Mr. Stone this morning. "The Inst twenty-five feet of the peak Is not more than ten feet In diameter, and Is smooth except for a few narrowicrev Ices,. It is our plan when we go again to drive railroad spikes In these crev ices, climb up on them as we drive them, and when we get as far as we can go this way, to throw a rope over tjie apex. We will have to throw the rope about fifteen or twenty feet, and pull ourselves up by U. "1 havo boen on nearly every nota bio peak in tho worexcept those of the Hlmalyas, and frees nbae Is the sight so enthralling aa the one from Mt. Thlelson, even from the point within twenty feet of the very top, where I wns. I could see far into Ne vada could see Mt. Shasta )and Mt. Lookout, Diamond Peak, ML Pitt, Mr. Scott, tho Three Sisters, Yamsay and Mt. Balloy, betides many leaser peaks tbo napios of which I do not know. "Fish Lake is fifteen miles from ML Thlelson, and on the opposite aide of the Peak from that on which I climbed tho peak. By leaning allghtly and stretching "my neck, ! got Just a AMMMMAMMAAAMA 4 Men of Congress 1 Sfp&iKe CHynerfrcrrta7? er time. Senator James Hamilton lark of Missouri hold their own as the photographs show them in their sum- First Man glimpse of Fish Lake, and that only with my left eye. So ticklish was my position and so difficult was It for me to maintain my equilibrium that I didn't take a second glimpse or try to see the lake with both eyes." ENGLAND EXPLAINS BLACKLIST ORDER BRITISH EMBASSY SAYS EXPLA NATION WILL BE PLACED BE FORE THE HOU8E OF COMMONS. PAGE CONFERS United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C, July 26. The British embassy in this capital an nounced today that England will ex plain fully the recent blacklisting or der in the house of commons. Ambassador Page has cabled from London that- he conferred with the British foreign office, but that only a vary indefinite understanding was reached. McClure Muat Leave United Press Service LONDON, July 26. The authorities this afternoon ordered S. S. McClure, an American publisher, to leave Eng land by Saturday because of "his ac tallies in Germany." Stntenced August Sth. C. C. Randolph, convicted of stealing a steer from Mayfleld brothers of Crescent; is to be sentenced August 8. He was to have been sentenced yester day by Judge D. V. Kuykendall, but the aentenclng was' postponed to August Sth on request of the defendant. 'ria9iKiP ttrf;:--j ' AREQUARTEROFWAY I TO THEIR Jl DELIVERY io rniioTDATrn! 10 riU0lnHlLuiLon,,o,,8ay,Bwt,A,',M,-,Nt,M ' the Moat Decelerate Kmmimm V TWO CONVICTS 6AW WAY OUT AND CUT OFF LIGHTS GEN ERAL ALARM AVOIDS WHOLE. SALE DELIVERY l lilted Cress Service CAT flf I..l.r oc ,tt.J . wholesale Jail delivery at the sUte port,d thte fteoa tka Aaatn-r-enitentlary today after two convicts, lia, troops, after three dajra e kaa , had sawed their way out, reached the 1 pov.-ej plant and cut off the lights. A fioneral alarm prevented an out! l.i enk. .The ring leaders In the at - tempted delivery were captured DRESON l. injiwMns DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ANNOUNCE8 APPORTIONMENT OF $85,000,000 FOR CONSTRUC TION OF GOOD ROADS i ' United Press Service j WASHINGTON, D. C, July 26. Cal ifornia has been apportioned 1161,063, Oregon $78,867 and Nevada 164,398 of the first distribution of the 185,000,000 good road fund for improvement of roads in national parks, according to announcement made by the depart ment of agriculture today. The apportionments are baaed on areas of land, population and mall route mileages in the states. Kaiser Gets Appeal United Press Service. BERLIN, July 26. Ambassador Ger ard hn delivered President Wilson's appeal for Polish relief to Secretary of Foreign Affairs Von Jagow. The mee sngo has been telegraphed to Kaiser Wiihelm. Strike Vote Unknown Cnltcd Press Service CLEVELAND, Ohio. July 26. War ren Stone, president of the Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers, said to day that the vote on the strike pro posal has not been counted, and that it will take at least another week. The Jesuit of the vote of the four brother hoods will not he known until August Mh. Medford Man Visits. H. L. Noblett of Medford is in Klam ath Falls for a short time on business and pleasure. Cavalry is Withdrawn From Pershing's Line United Press Service COLUMBUS, N. M., July 26. Ac cording to reports reaching here thla morning, General Trevlno, a Carranaa general, has withdrawn his cavalry force from the vicinity of General Pershing's lines. Tension to eaaed la Pershing's 'eamp because aawlcan OBJECTIVE AUSTRALIANS WIN IN HAND TO HAND PiaHT That Has Taken Place DwIm Mm War It. Retention by the rttian Endanger Salient of the Qerman'e Potlttoaa. I'nitai Cresfl Service LONDON. July 2Heacral Hole re- to hard fightiBe;, are hnlllni all at Voaiereu. The territorial kav a- tured two treachea la Wiut'F-M i and monr nrlaa-ara -The flghtiag aronad Paaterea la most desperate tlMthaa-tains fclaaa duriac the war. TtMcaatweoCPeckraaardMBftt- lsireBtly GerkwiMit await imai Thlntl -m t..n TOMwhera tateie an lew, SMHWH-k --v United Preea PETROORAD, July X-ttU I dally announced that the this afternoon captured : Under the pen muI eeaemad- ef Czar Nicholas; the Rttaelaa Cereee are now a quarter of their way to Angora, the Russian objective. After crossing the Shara this morn ing the Germans were heavily re pulsed. It to reported that after a fierrc battle, the Russians'scored aaialt successes northwest of BaranowitekL The capture of Erxlnau by the Ras rians clears the Turk from Arawala ami opens tho way for an advaace ncro's Asia Minor to Constantiaopls. United Press Service BERLIN. July . It to oSkially ad mitted that the British have captured Potleres. Enemy attacks, on the Fureaux and Tronnes woods have been reputed. On Hill No. 304 the Germans have ad vanced slightly. Russian attacks east of Qorodlehehe and northwest of Bereetetako hare been repulsed with heavy losses to the enemy. C'nited Press terrlee COPENHAGEN. July 26. The Sou Zeitung announces that Turkish troops are aiding the Austriaas In OaUeta. The paper says Russian and Italian advances on Austria at one time aeeea sitated this assistance. Wants the Wherefore United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, July Id. It was teamed here today that the Uatttd States government will ask Bugtoad to explain why Thomas Kelly, treasur er of the Irish relief fund, waa Mt al lowed to land on English soil yastor- A toe. Aa'eMlMaW--- J" '; . Trf - ' '- fflBet . Jrt HeTeMBBH " . fltf scouts have not eneeuatered aaOn'-' tf ' rantlstas'for several daya, The Carranitotaapeaelbly aiif-r s south to meet Yttto. V; f Miutia oaeers ajreMyaft nmm. tlontag winter HtVkmJHmrimli'l .lV clothes for tkav that forces are Is t itho border PT Meow VsBJISp 3M Ml l A. flt a 'i T1 m .ri 'iSfj - LT'S-tiX HkTV-t v-l Gi ' v i.iU-M