BTa&s&wm X. ''- jV ' H ?: V ' 9 ' mi- asBa,. w l iz mm tn IraRtw ' 1'- liar'' THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH PALLS, 01MOON, TUMDAY, JULY H, lata HnVsOaMiiediUn. Ah earit nma are primed at the reeaef Mm. lavaffteaea hi a Hereafter a aliartaw creatM aalee ac lei kr (Mh. The Evening Herald W. O. SMITH, Editor Fashion Steals From Priests ot Poland FOR SALE FOR BALB First ckus saw hay, al ftUfa aad timothy mixed. ChUeote, ; Mala street. SMf PuMleaed astty eaeavt Sunday at ma tisraia nnnuii uiHiwar i Klamath rail, at 116 Fourth street. Kntered at tba poatomce at atlas atb ralla, Oratoa, for traaaaUaatoa through the malls aa eeeoad-claae matter. Bubavrlpttoa terms by'aaall to aaj address la the United Stales KOR tALR-Cheap. oaa S4aea Itajat , aire wagoe. oaa aat heavy work bar taeulnr SM Piaa atraat 14 iess fXR SALE or Exchange Fine slayer piano,, ona single and two twin sm iorcycles, one good farm wages, oaa heavy spring wagon, lot ot nice furai tarc, several good sewing machlaee, typewriters, put, cameras, books, etc 8yd Evans, next to Sunset Grocery, tuftfri Oae year One moath B.e .10 -Hi FOR RENT FOR RENT Modem room, for one or two gentlemen, at the Clairmont, 288 Fourth street. J5-tf MISCELLANEOUS rARM LOAN8 Moaey to farm security. Rata lerms good. For partkalare, eall or lite. B. L. KUIntt, attorney. WHltta "illillng. Klamath FalU. Ore. U4f KOR SALE OR TRADE High grade touring car: will trade for well to- ated timber claim or other property. -! quire at ,208 Mnln street. 19-tf v.DNBT TO LOAN on city or farm property. Artnur IL Wilson. 11-tf WANTED Beer bettles: wUl pay 16 "eeata a dosen for quart bottles de livered at-Wleland brewery la not leas that two doses Iota. We will caU for leta of bto doana or orer. Wklte Pel iaaa Mlaeral Serlage Ca. phone 11V. xMt WILL TRADE 80 acres of laad for Ford automobile. For particulars see Theo. D. Young, Midland. Ore. 84-8t THE NEW Edison Ambrol Records for August have arrived, and go on sale today. The list this month Is unusu ally good. The only place to get them la at the KLAMATH FALLS MUSIC HOUSE, 726 Main street 86-lt LOST ANT) FOUND I.08T Mad guard from.motoreycle, oa 'road between. Olene and Welsh ft Chamber's mill. Finder communicate ;th H. H. Ode. Klamath Falls. U4P FEW FOLKS HAVE GRAY HAIR NOW DRUGGIST SAYS LADIES ARE USING RECIPE OF SAGE TBA AND SULPHUR Hair that loses it color and lustre, or when it fades, turns gray, dull aad lifeless, is caused by a lack of aalpkar in the hair. Our grandmother made up a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to keep her-locks dark and beautiful,. and thousands of women and men who value that even cololr, that beautiful dark, shade ot hair which la so attract ive, use only this old time recipe. Nowadays we get this famous mix ture improved by the addition of other ingredients by asking at any drag store for 60 cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," which dark eas the hair so naturally, so evenly, that nobody can possibly tell It has team applied. You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it, and draw this through your hair, taking oae satall strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; but what de lights, the ladles with Wyeth's Sage aad Sulphur Compound is that, be sides beauUfully darkening the hair after a few applications, It also brings sack the gloss and lustre, and gives it aa appearance of abundance. Wyeth's gage and Sulphur Com aouad Is a delightful toilet requisite to Impart color and a youthful appear- wee to u hair. It is not Intended for tke, cure, mitigation or prevention ot unease. Adv. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TUESDAY, JULY M, 11t ANALYSIS OP OUR COMMERCE THE department of commerce has issued a bulletin on our foreign commerce for the calendar years 1913, 1914 and 1915, which contains much in- J terestlng Information, both as to the source of our Imports and the markets of our exports during that period. British territory is first in both, sup plying one-third our imports and tak ing nearly oue-half our exports in 1916. Imports from the British domains In creased from 1672.000,000 In 1913, to $624,000,000 in 1915. The colonies, however, sent imports worth 136, 000,000. although taking but S495.000.- 000 of the $1,686,800,000 America sold In British territory. The bulletin, when analysed, proves that the war demand is responsible for the great growth in exports. The Brit ish, French, Italian and Russian do mains bought from us in 1913, S1.389,- 100,000 worth of goods. In 1916 they bought 82,634,200,000, or nearly twice m much. The Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and Spanish domains bought $401,800,000 in 1916 aad only $199,800,000, or less than halt aa much in 1913. Moat ot these purchases were by the countries, and not by their colonies. They are contiguous to the war sone. Our greatest gain In imports was from Chile. In fact, the gain from that one country, $307,700,000, was nearly as much aa from all the rest of the world combined. Expressed in percentage, it was over 1,000. Chile is the source of nitrate, the basis of explosives. We did not sell much to Chile, however, our exports in 1916 totaling in value $17,800,000, as against $16,609,000 in 1913. Our imports from Central' America aad South America generally gained, but out exports fell off. Leaving out the striking case of Chile, tho imports from South aad Central America gained $117,700,000, while the exports fell off $6,300,000. We gained $9,500,000 in Imports from Japan and sold it $17,500,000 less. The imports from China gained $12,700. 000, while the exports to China fell $5,500,000.-81 Louis Globe Democrat r T"l "v - x -. VI arJBaEVEwEEx!KaTEmE4 ExaTE9EaTeTaeTerS6eTeTeTeTi BasBeB-aeBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaeBBBBM H-ES''BEEEEEEEBaw W gigJ'VEEEEwEEsaM Moving Pictures I amount of $1,009 oa a solveat NaUoaal bank, drawa in rarer o we "-- Undent of the Klamath Indian School. 'rauit be submitted. These checks wUl i bo returned to unsuccessful bidders, mi.111 mwam ti tvaaaa( fnp ttSElbar i.w"" " - rtr-: -." "tzzz:, A Fox five reel uroductlou. -The .irbia is acceptea ana conirmcw " UuUng Passion," a story of the Far L'ast, and produced in the West Indies, will be ahown at the Star tonight. This production Is a story dealing with the tribes of that country, aad features Claire Whitney. It Is said to be one of Fox's best productions, and will undoubtedly please. "The Stolan rie," that Klamath Movie, will be ahown also. The reception to be tendered tomor row Bight at. Odd Fellows hall to Mrs. R. R. Wattenburg, President of the Rebekah Grand Assembly ot Oregon, will start at 8 o'clock. Visiting Re- bekaha and Odd Fellows are Invited to nttend this affair ns well as the mom bera of the local lodges, with their hus band! or wives. LEGAL NOTICES into, snd ratal ned aa a forfeit If the bid Is accepted and the bidder falls to comply with the requirements ot his bid. The right of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to waive tecnmcai ar fectis In the advertisement and pro posalr, and to reject any and all pro- ponnl-i, Is reserved, ronner inronnw tlon as to the timber and copies of ap proved regulations and rorra or oon tract may be obtained from Mr. Wil liam B. Freer, Superintendent, Klam ath Indian School, Klamath Agency, Oregon. CATO SELLS, Commissioner of Indian Affair. 20-26-27-1-3-8-10-16 IMtt ) Plnckert) REPORT STATES BREMEN CAPTIVE MUCH ACTIVITY ABOARD THE DEUT8CHLAND, RUT NO STATE. MENT FROM HER OFFICERS. WIRELESS HAS BEEN SEALED ' Fashion has stolen this from the an cient priests of Poland. The coat la In castor tryko, trimmed with Nattier blue velvet and lined with blue satin of the antique costumes of Poland. From the source of the Idea the gar ment is called Polonaise coat. The fluted band at the bottom is a new feature, as also is the chemisette of Nattier blue velvet, which has a high soft collar. The deep velvet col lar In back comes over the shoulder and forms a point reaching to the waist line. A narrow belt finishes off the waist line in front The coat Is fasten ed with gray omnlllth buttons with blue rims, these buttons also appearing on the sleeves. United Press Service BALTIMORE, July 26 The wireless telegraph system of the German sub marine merchantman Deutschland was sealed late yesterday afternoon, under the neutrality laws. Much activity is noticed aboard the ship, but no state ment is forthcoming from Captain Koenlg. ' The company owning the ship and her sister ship, ridicules the report that the British haye captured the Bremen. TO HOLD CIVIL SERVICE TESTS P08ITION8 OF FORE8T AND FIELD CLERK ARE OFFERED SECRE TARY DUCT EXAMINATIONS BOQARDU8 WILL CON- IWo o d ''ajb? a aa asjit ..!.. ?- v. """f i nai bhhjv 'i- j i.T Z " W&3&. J..." MJNlaaftk. Oar best "r"' 'iw i.fc ufwwd . II--4 .',?- ,-" ..-wwwi 'raw tkt4, aad la always eVy. One Iim4 wUl i eoarlaet yea. sff f 'ItLAMATH.FUEL CO, j'fT'"" at FaaMJtT . j"f . '" Cleudaurat Kills United Press Servlee GUERNSEY, Wyo July 26. Fire bodies have been recovered from the automobile party which was over, whelmed in the cloudburst here Sun day night Reply Decent Answer United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, July 16. It Is officially stated that administration intends to inform Ambassador Page that the British reply to seizure of Americas mails by English authorities is not considered a response to the Americas note. John M. Ordway, professor of Cheav Isny. says: "Dead air space is abso lute! the bast Insulation that can be ustd iu refrigerators.?' Our refrigera tor.! are built with dead air space aaJ provision chambers Used with odorless white enamel. Come in and w us demonstrate then to you. No trouble. The United States civil service com mission announces that a forest and field clerk" examination will be held in this city on August '19, 1916, to fill vacancies as they may occur in' the forest and reclamation services. The usual entrance salary la $1,100 to $1,200 per annum. It is possible that vacancies In the reclamation service may also be filled from this examina tion at $900 to $1,000 per annum. Applications will not be accepted from persons who do not show that they have had at least one year's actual experience in clerical work In a business office. A knowledge of sten ography, typewriting and bookkeeping Is required. Both men and women will be admitted to this examination, but men only, between the ages of 18 and 40 years will be employed as forest clerks. The age limits are 18 years or over on the day of examination. Persona who desire to enter the ex- animation snouid apply to the local secretary, board of civil service exam iners, at the postofflce, this city, or to the secretary, 'eleventh civil service district, 303 postofflce building, Seattle, Washington, for application blank. form 1371, and Information for appli cants. GET YOUR WEARING APPAREL IRONED It will pay you to atop helDiaa with and worrying about the family wash ing. Send It to us. We will return the tat pieees ironed and folded, the wearing apparel rough dried, pieces starched that seed it for alx (6) cents per pound, by the pieee, or forty (40) cents per deses: or wa will Iron the wearing apparel at a vary reasoaanie extra charge. Notice of Sale of Real Property for Delinquent Paving Assessments. Whereas, on the 27th day ot July, 1914. the City or Klamath Fnlls, Ore gon, duly levied an assessment against IFiA fnllnwlnv Hjhairlha.t tuinAli nf Mil Dronertv an benefitted nnd liable for a proportionate share of the coat for lm proving Eighth street, from Main to -High street. High street from Eighth to Ninth street. Ninth street from High to Prospect street, Prospect street from Ninth to Upham street, Upham ntreet from Prospect to White avenue, White avenue from Upham to Delta street, In the following amounts set opposite the respectively named par cels, to-wlt: Lot 7. Block 63, Nlchloa Addi tion (Assessed as the property of W. F. Arant) $198.81 Beginning at the south easterly corner of Block 65 In Ntchlos Addition to Unkvllle, now city ot Klamath Falls. Oregon, thence north westerly along 9th street, 62 feet; thence westerly parallel to Frasklln street, 86 feet; thence southerly parallel to 9th street. 62 feet; thence easterly along north side of Franklin street to be ginning. Also beginning at the south westerly corner or Lot l, Block 66; thence northerly parallel to 9th street, 100 feet: thence westerly parallel to Franklin street. 54 reet: thence southerly parallel with 9th street, 100 feet; thence easterly along Franklin street, 64 feet to be ginning. Above described property abutting on Franklin street, 140 feet and on 9th street, 52 feet. (Assessed as the property or W. F. Arant) $280.31 Beginning at the south easterly cor ner of Block 65 of Nlchloe Addition to LInkvllle. now city of Klamath Falls, thence south westerly along Franklin street, 140 feet; thence 'north westerly parallel with 9th street, 100 feet; for the place of be ginning; thence easterly parallel with Franklin street, 64 feet; thence northerly parallel with 9th street. to tne southerly line or Prospect street, thence southerly along the southerly line of Prospect street to a point which would be the inter section of a line drawn parallel to ana 54 reet distant from the west erly line of said Lot 1. Block 66; thence southerly parallel to the westerly line of 9th street to the place of beginning. Above describ ed property abutting on Prospect street, about 60 feet (Assessed aa the property of Wilbur White) ....$166.02 Lot 6, Block 3, Fairvlew Addi tion. (Assessed as the property ot Lydla Reed) $330.48 All of the foregoing assessments were on the 30th day of July; A. D., 1914, duly and regularly entered and docketed in Vol. 2, of the docket of "City Liens" of said cltv of Klamath Falls, Oregon. And whereas, said aforementioned assessments have not been paid nor the liens thereof dis charged and whereas more than 20 days have elapsed since the said docket entry thereof, now. therefore, under and by virtue of a WARRANT and order of sale issued by the nollce juoge or saia city or Klamath FalU, Orgeon, on the 16th day of July, 1916, and to me directed, NOTICE IS HERE BY GIVEN, that I have levied upon said aforementioned real property and each and every parcel thereof, and will on SATURDAY the. 19th day of AUGUST. 1916. at the hour of 10 o'clock of the forenoon of said day and date, at the front door of the City Han In said city, offer for sale at nubile auction and sell to. the highest bidder for cash in band, subject to redemp tion according to tne cnarter of said City, each and every narcel of tha aforementioned and described real property or such part thereof as caa be sold separately to advantam tn m said aforementioned assessments, to- seiner wun interest wereon at the rate of six ner cent ner annum frnm tne saio agin day or July, 1914, to gether with the costs and expenses of this sale. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, July 15th, 1916. v ' m R. T. BALDWIN. Chief of Police of said City. 1B-4D-1-B-1D Summons In the Circuit Court, tn and for the County of Klamath and State ot Oregon. Jennie Cann, Plaintiff, vs. Henry Clay Cann, Defendant. To HenryClay Cann. Defendant Above Named: In the name or tbo state or Oregen: You nre hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In tho above entitled suit on or be fore the 29th day or August, 1916. that being the last day or the time pre scribed In the order or publication or this summons, and If you rail so to ap pear, plead, answer, demur or other wise move, for want thereof, plaintiff wilt apply to the court for the roller pinyed for tn her complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds or matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant,, for the chang ing or the name or the plaintiff from Jennie Cann to Jennie Fox, and for such other and further relief as to the court may tetm meet and an to equity appertain. This summons Is served upon you. the ald defendant by the publication thereof In tbc Evening Herald, a pub lic newspaper or general circulation, printed and pullsbebd at Klamath Falls, Klamath county, Oregon, once a week for six HUccenslve weeks, the first publication to be made July 17, 1916, and the last publication August 28, 1916, by order of the Honorable Marlon Hanks, Judge or the county court or Klamath county, Oregon, so circuit judge being In Klamath county, Oregon, at the time or making said or der, which was made, dated and filed In this suit on July JO, 1916. W. H. A. RBNNER, Attorney for Plaintiff. 17-34-31-7-14-21-28 NOTICE OF SALE OF AL PROPERTYOR DELINQUENT PAV,Na u'h.ri on the 10th day of December, 1914. the City of Klamath ftfe Whereas, on m ""' ...lltti ti, following dmnriim.i ..." WLr beiiofi ted " liable for a proportionate Vh ol"K r?y.mD?ovli.2 ol -Third Strec. from Main Street to California Ay,S to the following amount sol ' U" ' " ' " Lot 1. Ulock 6, Kwnunn "HhtiiAd ""tf"ffi7 ' " Ul (AMMed ns tho properly of Maggie M. Wagner) Lot. and 7 Ulock 5. iwaun "' "'" (.8KuhhcI aa the viupertyar O. 8. 1 uriiyj lot 8 lllock 10, Kwiumn Heights Addition , (Aimesied oh me invi.y ; -- --" i ,.i in lllock 15 Kwnunn IIcIkMh Addition (Assessed as llie Piopcriy o" Carl C. Illud. lekaon) LOU3 "S3 4. Btock 17. Upturn ,"" AW ln (Ascended b the propel ly of kllM Mrplo) xa 10 Ulock 100. liuunn VUla Addition...... Ul i Assessed a. lie properly of II. K Gould) Lots 1 and 3. Ulock 12, Klut Addition .., Lot 6, Ulock 12, Flrel Add I on. . ., I.., t murk 12. I'liHt Addition -... (Assessed u (he properly of II. Plnck Lots 3 and 4. Ulock vi mm auuihui - Lot 6, Block 12. Klrsl Addition. ..... .... (Assessed as the piopeity of C M. Fulghmu) Lot 6, lllock 29, First Addition (Assessed ns Hit piopeity or Wilfrid M. Snow) Lot 10. lllock 29. Flint Addition - (Assessed as lliv pioperly of .Minnie Montgomery) i ..i i in,.k 3d. First Addition .. . -. - ... (Assessed ns the piopeity of (' K. Urninpton) Lot , Ulock 37, First Addition (Assessed as the propel ly of Clins. J. Anderson) Lots 2. 3 nnd 4, lllock 3D, First Addition. . .......... .-. . (Assessed us the proper!) of HMbeil II. Rollins) Lot 4. Block II, First Addition. . ..... (Assessed us me piopeny oi aiiiih iimiu u All of which mild foieitoliiK iiHHi'ssnientH wen. on tho 2tth day o December. A 1). 1!H, duly and lOKnlurly entered mid docked in Vol j o the docket or "City Mens" of until CU or Ivlnnmth Falls, Oiukuii Aad wherein., snld nfoiviiienllonnd ussessnienlH lime not been paid nor the liens thereof dlsrhnrged and wheiens more than 20 dnyn Imve eliip.u-d stnc the Hold docket vntiy thereof, now. Ihoiefoie. under nnd by lrluu of i WARRANT nnd older or tulle Issued by the Pollen Judge of suld City i Klamath Fulls, OreKon. on the IDlh da) of July, 1U16, and to ino dlrocUd NOTICK IS HKHKIIV tllVKN, Hint I haw Itivled, upon said nfui ttitutloaed real property nnd each nnd eveiy parcel thereof, nnd will on HATURDAY tt 19th day of AukukI, 1916, nt ih hour of 10 o'clock or tho forenoon ot old day nnd dnte, nt the rront door or tho City Hull In said City, offer for uk at public auction nnd sell to the highest bidder for ensh In hand, subject to redemption uevordiiiK l 'lie dinner of snld City, each nnd ovir) psrcel of the aforementioned nnd described leal pioperty or Mich pnrt tlieirof u can be sold separately lo ndwintuce to pnyxuld tifoiumoulloned iinn-NHinent together with Interest thereon nt the rule or silk per cent per annum from the said 24th day of Dccemlirr, 1914, loi;ethei' with the coils nnd I'ltirniM of this sale, Dated at Klamath Fulls. Oregon. July, 1916. It. T. UA1.DW1.N, 18-2S-1.8-1S Chief of Police of snld City. AYnut. -wit: Hill U R "U i Jill H UN 11.11 UN 11 u l 1311 I UN 11M 11 M 21.11 tiii i:i:i NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT PAVINfl ASSESSMENTS. Whereas, on the 2Mh du of Noember, lull), tho city of Klninnlh VtUt. Oregon, duly levied un ussessiiient iikuIiisi the followlitK described psrctli of real property as bcnelHlwd ami liable for (he cost for Improving SIXTH Street In said city fioui Klntock Avenue to tho easterly city limits la Mm following amount.H set opposite the respectlvol) tiaiued parcels, to wit 1170! Hm(iHuMII Notice of Final Settlement Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned aa administratrix of the es tate of Henry W. Keesee. deceased, has filed In the county court of the state of Oregon, for Klamath county, ho- final account or the administration or said estate, and that the court has fixed Friday, the 18th day of August, 1916, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon as the time, and the court room or said court aa the place for the hearing of objections, if any, to aald account and the settlement thereof. Dated July 18, 1916. ROSE E. KEESEE. Administratrix of the Estate of Henry w. Keesee, Deceased. 18.26-1-8-16 llltt ill 1S.TI ) 130.1) ma 740 411 15 MM nt II tl'l USD Lot 13, Ulock IT, 2nd Rnllrond Addition.. ((Assessed us property of Kdnu Knee Cnpron) tat 18, Ulock 17. 2nd Rullroad Addition (Assessed ns proper!) of l.uclndu Itnce) Lot 3, Ulock 203, Mills 2nd Addition Lot 7, Ulock 203 Mills 2nd Addition Lot 9, Ulock 203. Mills 2nd Addition Lot 10, Ulock 20U, Mills 2nd Addition . ... All Ulock 204, Mills 2ml Addition . . . Lot 11. Ulock 202, Mills 2nd Addition Lot 9. lllock 208, Mills 2nd Addition ... .. ... Lot 12, Ulock 208, Mills 2nd Addition Lot 4. Ulock 218. Mills 2nd Addition Lol 5. Ulock 218, Mills 2ml Addition ........... (Assessed as the pioperty of Klnmnth Korporutlon) Lot 3. Ulock 205. Mills 2nd Addition. . (Assessed as property of 11 J. Ktuns) All of which snld foreKoIni; assessment weie on the 26th day of N'oTce ber, A. I)., 1913, duly and leKtilarlv entered uml lokii,l in Vi.i - nfihi docket of -City Liens" of suld City of Klamath Falls. Oregon. And whenu, snld aforementioned assessments have not been paid nor the liens thereof discharged, and wheieas, more than 20 days have elapsed slncu the itl docket entry thereof, now. theiefoie. under nnd be vinim nt H u'aiiiiivt and order of sale Issued by i he police Jude of said city of Klamath Fall' wresu. un uiu mm uiiy in juiy. iyji,, ami to me directed, NOTICK IS HERS uY UIVEN, thai I ItiiM- luUed upon suld aforementioned roal properly ul ?.m,JS2 VL1:? ,,arfrl llcr,,of. 'i win n Saturday the 19th dy t AUOUHT, 1916. at the hour of 10 o'clock nf ih rirnnnn t ...i.i ,i... ,a date, at the front door of the City Hall In suld elty. offer for solo at pubttt- .utuuu .uu st-n io me niguesi uimier ror cash In hand, subject lo redB tlon accordlnu lo the charter of ald elty, each und every parcel of the afore mentioned and described real property or such part thereof na tun be mU separately to odvnntiiKe to pay said nforemenlloiied nssesHiiieuts, (oli ! SU,reLU")w,(i", '!l "'V "ll" "f hix uer Lvni l"r inntim from (he M 26th day of Nov. 19U, ogelher Willi tho costn nnd expenses or this sK Dated nt Klumnth Pulls. Ori'Kou, July lfith, 191C. - R. T. UALDWI.N 18-25-1-8-1G Older or Police of said Cliy. Klamath Fall li,u i .j.u ? Wtl.Tia.TAtfuainnu,. mwwm-n nv,y nWr,v.n,lUflK, uu. rSOMNI, tm Sal of Timber, Klamath Indian Res. ervatien Sealed proposals, In duplicate, each en velope marked "Proposal for Timber, Klamath Indian Reservation," will be received at tne office of Jbe Superin tendent of the Klamath Indian School, niauiaw Agency, uregon, until 13 o'clock noon, Pacific Coast time, on Saturday. Auxust 19. 191. for th ,-. chase and removal of approximately seven million feet of yellow pine on fourteen allotments in Townships 84 and 86 south, -Range 7 east, on the Klamath Indian Reservation. Con tracts for the purchase ot this timber must be made by the succAaifiit maa- Ufder M advertisement with the in- utTiuuai Buunees or weir neirs. The minimum price per thousand feet. .boadP,wure' wUcb will be accepted U 13.00. All timber must be cut and removed under the regulations on? wribedby the CommlMlon.r ol Isolat Affairs before Juse 1, 1918. Wlthaaeh proposal a certlled cheek it tS Notice of Rend Sale Notice Inviting Proposals to Purchase City of Merrill Refunding Bonds and Water Bonds. Sealed proposals will be received by the Recorder of the City of Merrill, Oregon, until August 12. 1916, at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. (at which time proposals to purchase will be onened and considered) for the purchase of .s,800. or any part thereof, cltv of Merrill refunding bonds, payable July 1, 1931, with the opUon of the cltv to pay them, or any of them In numerical order, from and after July 1, 1921; said bonds to be Issued in denominations ot ouu ana one bond in the sum of 1300. Also for the purchase of f 6,000 or any pnrt thereof of water bonds, navahi July 1, 1936, in denominations of 3600. aiu ponds are Issued for the pur pose or reforming the outatandlne wai rants of the city, asd for the pur pose of providing water asd Ere pro tectum, all under the provisions ot sec tion 136 of the charter of the at nt Merrill. Said bonds are to bear latereat si the rate designated la the successful bid, not to exceed 6 per cast per an num, payable semi-annually on July 1 and January l of each year, at the office or the treasurer or said cltv in United States gold coin. Each proposal to purchase must be accompanied by a check, certiled by some responsible baakiag lasUtatlon, to the amount of 6 per cast of the aro- posal, made payable to the Raeorder of Merrill. Proposals must be sealed and endorsed "Proposal to Purchase Refunding Bonds" or "Proaosal to on-. chase Water Bonds." The council reserves (be rlaht to r. Ject any and all bids. Dated nt Merrill, Oregon, July 7,' 99, FRANK D, OLNBf . Recorder of the City of Merrill, Oregon 7-0t TeacK the Youngster to Save And you will ha conferring upon blm a blessing that ho will lhank you for again and again. Tho habits or saving acquired In youth will be bis comfort and mainstay In time or trouble or when old ago approaches. Why not open n small account hero in bis name and start him on the road to prosperity. FIRST STATE M2 SAVINGS BANK KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON UPPER LAKE TRAFFIC We are .,,,. for Calklas Hmullton's mail, peast-agcr sad r.rigln Inwi. ,) the ltp,w, Mke. mvc this " e-rj morning rurpl Nunday, et TiEO. Western Transfer Co. MAIN HTUKKT, NKAH M-TH CHUNK N7 1 Keep Your Hands Nice Wear Household Rubber Gloves 50c, 75c $1.00 per pair unde WVr KLAMATH TALLS OREGON . OREGON mfw I m saiai am bbtimi II I M. iRlSfu i " "lr..TCf?,'ULAn PCOPLK till I II uruniTYJ BUY TMeiR DRUGS IAgKjgUc3 I eeaaaaaaaaaaaaaajBBaajBaaaaaaaasaw Ui