'Wt I? f &t - NfaA, v " - r - . ,7 . ;4,l jj KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NKWSPAPKR Tenth Ytir-Np. MN America to - """ " - - FINANCIERS TO THE PRESIDENT elLieVID FINANCIERS BENEFIT. ED WILL ACT Publication of OlacMlst Bslng Held Back Brcaui Wall Street Imkiri Havi not Approved of Iti Public. Uon-CUImtd That Only Houses Tht Aldd Gsrmsny Are pn the Cnjllth Blsckllst. r WASHINGTON. D, C, July 26. Tbo United Prw l nuthorlllvely Informod tbal lhi llrltlnh blacklist will not bo publlahod until the approval or Hnvornl .w York bnnka Is aecurod. It lit belleed thttl IIiIm may ciiumo ruerful llnnnrlor benefited b' lb. blarklll to trliiK pressure on the gov romi'nt atnlnitt reprcacntatlons to England xlnl the blacklUting.order. Bunker on Wall atreot are InitlMont that only bouie directly aiding 0r- many will be t.o colled by England,1 aad Hint the Hit or house will bo cup tilled. The financiers who would brim preaauw on the government would be thomj not on tho blacklist, and who thua profit by the order. .tmbaiuiulor Hpring-Itlco today lor null aaaured the state department ihv the Ilrlllnh blncklUt waa not la tended to nflcd neutral American home, and wilt not affect existing contracU. ll) TO CRATER LAKE RIM IS OPEN HAS BEEN OPEN ALL THE WAY ONLY IN THE LAST FEW DAVI. TRAVEL TO THE LAKE IS COMINQ HEAVIER The road to CrMer ljke Ih open all the way i0 thn rlin, according to Oeorce Hoyt, who la down from Fort Klamath today on business. Only dur ing the last few dnyH Imvo automobiles been able to roach tho rim when the aler lo the lake can be neon without Retting out of tho car. Tiavel throuRh Fort Klntnath to Cra. 'r Uko la becoming heavlor, aa the lourlM aenaon progresses, aaya Mr. Hoyt. STOLEN PIE SAID TO BE A SUCCESS CTINQ IN LOCAL MOVIE IS CON- 8IDERED GOOD FOR AMATEUR CHARACTERS - FILM SHOWN l,YVEEK "II... Btolo., ?,.. A one.M ocn, irV'11"1 .".considered a h )VlH'n U WUR ifiow W NalUa!riMlB,W' AlllhsrttV. Cn.2rctoro,nthefl,D're CoMh"K,,iBOOdthrOUbOU.'- w hMe th0 entrance. 'CniJht thi.p,e" :m b irr1 r i.Wg!MJJ-gga- l.-t.- , . .,., - - - - '" - - V.WW.1..,,,,, ... MAY GO 23 KILLED WHEN WJRKMEN STRIKE BIG GAS POCKET WIRE TUNNELING UNDER THE ID OP LAKE ERIE Bpark From Machinery Explode Qsj and Kill Ont-Thlrd of Retcue Crew, j Company Did Not Provide Work., men With Helmeta or Pulmotor. City, County and State Official to' Probe Into Matter. I ' i l'ttl'fil I'ti'iH Service CI.ICVKI.ANI), July :5. Twenty'l three workmen are dead and tnlnalna:' i.k n rchult of htrlklnK a natural aa pocket todny In oxcftvatlnr; for the new witlfiworkn tunnel, 120 feet be low' tho bottom of Lake Erie. None of the men hnd pulmotora or helmeta. Twelve of thn workmen wen brought out allvo at noon. Thin iiftornoon n npark from the ma chinery uaed In thn reacue work limit-1 eil the k't'-i. kllllnK a third of the reacue crow. Tho city, county and mate offlcerai are to probo Into tho aliened unprepar-J odnoHi or tho rompany for emorcen clea. RUTENIC PARTY SECURES RELICS ON TULE LAKE BEACH, EXJOSED BY RECESSION OF THE WATER, MANY VALUABLE RELIC8 ARE FOUND BY PARTY The party composed of J. O. Itutenlc, floor ko Snyder and A. C. Yaden of thla city, und Kloyd Brandenburg of Mer rill, who left Auguat 15th, returned Sunday from tholr trip to Tulo Lake, the peninsula and lava beds. Thoy re port enllro huccosh In tho fathering of atone relics on tho beach or the lake, exposed by tho rocoaslon of water In the last few years. They aecured clov en fine mortars, 140 peatala of varloua kinds, two ilpen, a atone doll, two plummets or flshermons charms, two broken war hniiimuis. six platters, a dnien or more disc and other grinders, hovonty-llve perfect arrowheads, elev en Hpeaihonds, five knives, twelve not weights and anchors, besides some rel ics of tho Modoc War. To gather these things between fifty and sixty miles of bench was carefully examined, gen erally throo abreast, while the fourth rowed the boat used by the party. Each member of the party will give the Klamath Historical Aaoclatlon for Its collection a few perfect pieces of his find, and the remainder will be come part of Captain Rutenlo's collec tion. Tli parly camped on tho peninsula on the Coppock place, and commend vary highly the hoapltallty and aid df the Coppoeki, who furnished thoaa with tent, cook atove, hay for bedding , a rowboat hnd supplied milk, eggs, the uae of largo launch aaa groat aaany convealences and nteamriaa, thua enabling them to cover to awak ground ia eight days. te iEuimfnn .., .. M ., KLAMATH Purchase Danish IRISH QUESTION GO TO VOTE OF THE PEOPLE IUOMOND DEMANDS IMMEDIATE ACTION BV COMMONS A Coalition In the Cabinet Refute to Carry Out Propocala of Lloyd-George With Reault That He Offer to Re. Ign a MlnliUr of War Only With drawal of Redmond Demand Can Avoid Break. LONDON, July 25. Thu threat wn Hindu today that tho Irish (Uf8tlon may he submitted to a vote of the people. Apparently only the with drawn! of John Itcilnioiid'fl deimfhd for liiinu'dlaltt iictlim in iiarllnniont on the (iicHtloii fiiii slop tho break. In the houxo of common thin morn ing Itedinond accused tho cabinet of hrenkliiK fultli with Ireland. David I.loyd-QenrRO haa mado prom hen and propotnlH to tho Irish nation iillatN which are ncccptablo. Hecauae I In- cabinet will not carry out thesis piopoanlH, Lloyd-Ocorgo han offered to rexlun an mlnlatcr of war. CAMPED AT OLENE SURVEV HAS BEEN COMPLETED' AS FAR SOUTH AS HILDEBRAND,1 AND BEFORC LONG IS EXPECT ED TO REACH OLENE The camp of the surveying crow which Is survoylng for the Strahorn railroad Into Klamath Falls was inocd today to Olene, according to R. O. El lengwood, a member of tho crow, who enmo to town yesterday to have his in jured foot dre.Hxcd. Mr. Bllcngwood rut hi foot with an nxo while swamp ing out iiailno. The survey camp has boon near lllldehrnml rot- somo time, but the sur- eying has been dono so rar toward Olene that tho camp hns bcon movod' there to lmvo It nearer. It Is expected thnt the surveying will bo completed to O'.ene bororo long, and then tho last stretch to Klamath Falls will be begun.' Governor -General Named for Canada MAY SRAHORN SURVEY .aflBaVBaaaw BBBBBBBBBBBBL. BW-Y'lfWri VmLbbbH s BiEhbH BLRS LLBM jBaalBBBBBBBBfl B , bHjbbHbbbbbH mB wSMigSwlPBBlalWB FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1916. v. ....,,....,. ...,,WWWWWWWW...WNWVWVW, Carrying Fish to Tho bureau of flaheriea, department or commerce, haa equipped and man-' ned with a crew of alx men each aix enrx to be used exclunlvely for trans-' lxirtfng young uah for'thoatocklng of! t;i reams throughout the fruited State. i;nch car contain 140 refrigerated tans, and each can -contains 200 flab, of an average length of two Inchea. A puricotionflcatlon ayatem operated by n pump in encloaed in the front of each car, and is connected with each can by aLBBKaVmaV''y;BHET' Yc!fcLLBi;VaSwiaiiaBHCBB BaY-nliaHBTtBOeCl.aBHB j. jaaaBaBKMeK EBIE.3fwflBBBF9BBrBI iRviBezflSkaHBlSflBBBBPSiRBPlB aauilhMBBHBV &.V BLV jyHB kbBBhBHbDLJbBBvK' Mt t'HVr''tPBaBBn m aWi BjcirflBBBBBBBBBBBaai aa HBBBBBflfsfui BBsflBraBBBP ei IwVBHBBBBBBKaBHBBBBBHHBnalzaylpiLI! r. f1 i awBBaMa J IMBBBSBBBf BBBBMaWil aaavaBBj&)v' w aaejvt?- 5VaanaaW aaamsaVti cr!SaaaaSBJBEaaawlav PBaVaviB'vBaBaBrk 22! i i2T?vt.ct ", ir BBBTi? ! illflWRRwaer . - . ' - - f . Recall Suit Thrown Out By Judge The defendants' demurrer to a writ of injunction against former Mayor i Mason and Councllmen Mathews. Doty.j and Miller was sustained by Circuit Judge D. V. Kuykendall in a decision handed down late this afternoon. Thla practically means that the recall caae CRATER LAKE IN BREMEN TO LAND WINTER TONIGHTJAT BOSTON, MASS. MOVIE TAKEN BY C.,R. MILLER LA8T WINTER WILL BE SHOWN AT ORPHEUS THEATER TO. NIGHT ANO TOMORROW NIQHT C. n. Miller's pictures of "Crator Lake in Winter" will be shown at the Oipheus theater Tuesday and Wed nesdny. During the middle or last win tor Mr. Mlllor organized a party of nature lovers for n visit to Oregon's mont beautiful bit or scenery, Crater lnke, for tho express purpose of taking some movies to show the people of Klamath Falls and other metropolis in tho vicinity what their dearly loved, loionuo -or steady summer Incoaea looked Uko. The party left Fort Klam ath on snowshooa, braving the wild storms of the Oregon mountains and wild animals, such aa coyotes, Jack rabbits, etc. But what la the uae of I telling you all about the pictures now. Como to tho Orpheua tonight and at nil of tho thrilling, hairbreadth es capes from dangers that tke hardy party of movie-taker had. Herald' Inland Streams 0 a system of rubber pipes. The water is thus constantly aerated, and the fish live in the same water for a week. In the top of the car aire berths, just as in a regular sleeping car) except that the' are all uppers. The government formerly shipped fish to streams by ex press. Tho present method will insure M'c deliver' of the fish to their destina tion In good condition, whereas, in tho former method, a great many died in transit. Kuykendall against the officials is thrown out of court. , Tho 8tute or 0reKOn mA Wake. ...... , , ., , 8,d and othere re D,a,nUff8- c"y Attorney R. C. Groesbeck represented the cllty In the litigation. , WILL NOT GO INTO PORT WITH THE OEUT8CHLAND BECAU8E OF WAR8HIP8 OFF THE VIR GINIA CAPE8 . V United Piess Service BALTIMORE. July 25. Officials of tho German company operating the German submarine merchantman line state that the German government positively has ordered tho Bremen tb land at Boston on account of the risk or being attacked by allied warships oft the Virginia capea. The Deutachland is still here. Pro moters or the company and Count Bornstorff, ambassador to this coun try from Germany, will confer tonight. Student! Released WASHINGTON, D. C, July 26. The war department today Issued an order i tieaalng all college students In the ifillltla from border service. The de partment proposes the formation of all college militiamen into an oaaeers' teeurve corps- West PRICE FOR ISLANDS ABOUT $25,000,000 fiUSSIANS Slltl Oil MARCH INTO FRENCH LOSE HEAVILY IN TWO ATTLIB German Grenade AtUek on Hill Num ber 303 Repulaed by Machine Gun Fire French Claim Vietariaa In Ground Gained and Teuton Counter Repulaed Turklah Crulaer FhjMa Five thlaa- Uaed Proas Sarrlca London, July 26 General Hals ra- l'jrted to London this afternoon that the "ereater portion of Podaraa la ours." Nowhere, have the Qaraaaaa i cached the British trenches. Tho British have repnlaed Oenaan counters around Potielre and hare f-nliu-d additional ground. United Press Service PARIS, July 25. It ia otlclally an nounced that the French, have carried the fortified blockhouses south of Ea cres and nearby trenches. Oarmaa counters everywhere hare been re pulsed. French machine guns hare checked a German grenade attack on Hill No. 303. North of Vermandovillera the French hare captured several German tionches. Dnlted Press Res-rice ItOME, July 25. It Is officially an nounced that the Italians have cap tured Mount Cimone, the highest peak In tho Appenlnes. Long Austrian entrenchments near Caaerazebio also havo been taken. After crossing three lines of entan elements, the Italians have established lines below the crests of Mounts Chi esa and Campiigletto. t'nited Press Service PBTROORAD, July 25. It ia an nounced thla afternoon that General Sakzaroff's forces are advancing far ther. They have penetrated the Tea ton entanglementa along the Sloaerka Rirer. In the Caucusus mountains the Rus sians are within ten miles of Brsiagan. Pnlted Press Service BERLIN, July 25. It is announced that the Germans have recovered losses south of Estreea and have de feated allied attacks on Potlerea and Maurepas. The French lost heavily at Seyecourt and Estrees. It is admitted that the Russians have penetrated the German first lines south of Berestecko. Constantinople announces that the Turkish cruiser Midilal battled a Rus sian battleship and four destroyers south of Sevastopol for four hours. The cruiser returned to its base un harmed. SAN FRANCISCO ATTORNIY TMlNKB KLAMATH 18 GREAT On a tour through Northern Califor nia, via Susanvllle, and then Crater Lake, Mr. and Mrs. William M. Can non of San Francisco were la Klaaaath Falls yesterday. From here they went to Crater Lake and will return by way of Medford. Crescent City and dowa the coast to Baa Fraaeiseo. Mr. Can uon la a prominent attorney of lam Francisco, and has osaces la the Hol brook building. GERMAN GROUND KLAMATH FALL' j urriciAL NKYVIFAPssR j I PHe Five Owrtw Indies I INSURES NO FOREIGN BASE NEAR TNI CANAL OreiiJ InelMea Three Small ItJan at 19t Square Mile and a Population of 121,000 People Treaty far th Purchaae of Theae laland tlfiMe) In 102, But Wa Rejecteel by the Dan lah Landtthlna. WASHINGTON, D. O. Jaly JSU ; believed that negotlatioes for tke purchaae of the Danish West ladle. Mand by the United States wfll he closed today. The White Hojaee states that the consideration is appro!-' mutely $25,000,000. Theae islands are of very' great strategic raise. Their pareaaee by the United States gives aaamraaee that no foreign naval base can be eats b lished Bear the Panama caaval The Danish Islands are St Thoaaas. 'St. Croix and St. Jean ttk a.i area-of 138 square miles and a papala Hon in 1901 of 120,892. The feral trade amount to about Stt.OM a year, the imports slightly exceedmg the ex ports. A treaty for the sale of these island to the United States was signed ia Jan uary. 1902, but was rejected by the Danish landsthlng. PORTLAND JUDGE HOLDING COURT JUDGE DAVIS 16 tlTTIMtt IN UV ERAL CASES IN WHICH JUOAt KUYKENDALL IS DISQUALIFIED TO OFFICIATE Orders in four cases In the Circuit court hare been made by Judge O. V. Kuykendall and Judge George N. Davis of Portland, during the last few days. Judge Davis Is holding court here la several cases in which Judge Kuyken dall is disqualified because of coaaee tlon with them when he was a prac ticing attorney. Judge Davis yesterday dismissed the complaint and the defendant's demur rer in the case of J. F. Colohan agaiast O. T. Anderson. The case was oa Ik which Colohan sought return of money paid on a Jack. Judge Davis also confirmed tke sale of property in a case of the Oregon State Land Board agaiast J. L. Cmo nlngham and Luke E. Walker. Thla land is the Wl-2 of SW1-I, aad the the BE 1-4 of SW 1-4 of Sec. 4, also the NE1-4 of NW1-4 or Sec. 9, T. 38 S. R 13 E. Judge Kuykendall has issued an or der confirming the foreclosure of a tax, lien in the case of R. S. Moore agaiast Phil F. Bowers. He also has dismissed the suit of B. 8. -Grlgaby agaiast A. Kinney for recovery of money. An or der confirming the sale of property in volved in the case of Oregon state land board against Sam C. Trajraer and oth ers haa been made. KLAMATH HORSIS ' , I' INT TOMSjBjBJOW Another carload of Klamath.oeeaty hones is to be shipped tomorrow. I. M. Tlllson of Denver wttl ship, these horses to Denver. They wan cairn inw umm brothers aad other Charles Snow, a farmer V3?tS6 brldgw, transacted county seat today. JSP rf? 1 &" i jf'. !JtJ .j tl t m r - t " wl f-W x jra . -"tfrQi 5B Vr."&j JamsiftFS. :T. J' r