-'. 'i ! A.J J, KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER , I Tanth Year Ne. S.0S KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 24, 1916. Price Plve CmH Austrians Retire Before Russian Advance BOMB EXPLODED IN PARADE FOR PREPAREDNESS FOUR KILLED AND FIPTBEN ARK INJURED I Anonymous Utters Had Baan Sent to tho Nivvspspers, Threatening Dlract Action, But Wra Ignored Wlndowa Shatttrad for Blocka by thi Explo ilon Tha Bomb Throwar Eacapaa In in Crowd. ere is Boss 0 Human's Party INDIAN PENSION Unlinl IVcss Service ZZ FRANCISCO. July 24. The total reword offered for the capture of the man who threw the bomb Into tha broparcdacsa parade now reachea $7,000. Tho Oakland police report lo cating a man aeon sitting on a aultcaao supposedly containing the bomb abort ly before tho oxploalon. Mayor Rolph indicated that all agi tators will bo driven from tho city.' Proeeculor Flckart bellevee that a na tion wide organisation perpetrated tho outrage, SAN FUANCI8CO. July 84. Four persons wvro killed and fifteen In jured late Saturday afternoon whan a M 1 ' a4HW aaaaWHaal BBBP.BBSaBl P i-seaWJsBaei r BseBeniBseBeBeaeBrJ9 M'SKiW U Kefl.?lWt I iws&tom :41mm SfTS!! Vrf V $ F'9-r jaaWaaTaTafFL V."iaa.jii 1gsBuEflKifc7D; -''Ba1 I tmmmzimm Lmami.m i4aSEii3Bam t&&Gsammw i BILL ALMOST BILL AMENDMENT BY SENATOR 8MOOT 18 DISLIKED BY THE HOUSE, WWw..imn.i. in ii. ...... . . -,-ir nnAnnrLrLna I BUT CONFERENCE MAY COMPHOMIOE BRING America's Hoosier Poet t Dies From Heat Attack fSA&mi x7ms3fiBfs8S& Mls Anno Martin or Nevada Is chair man of tho campaign committed of tho national woman's party, and she will bomb In a suit cane exploded among umnutco her campaign In twolve auf the persons marching In the prepared- frmjo state. -Thoro tho men managers ness parndo and tho apectator. The of tho other two pnrtloa will havo to parade were thrown Into a panic, take tho lady Into consideration, and bo Two of the doad have been Identified very nlco to her, as II. II. winner and William Turn-i m bull. A hundred nurses marching In tho parade at once withdraw and ruahod to the scenn of the cxploslan to glvo aid. Anonymous loiters were aont to the newspapers recently threatening "dl ract action" againat tho parade, but they were not considered aerloualy. The man who threw the bomb Into the parade escaped. Wlndowa for blocka around war shattered. The explosion stopped tha i ptrado at Market and Stewart streets,' ana orutr wu not restored for half an hour. United Proaa Service CHICAQO, July 24,-Cblef of Polio Heally has ordored strict aurrslllanca r apoclal "anarchy squad" of all wchlata In Chicago and all persona "tending public meelinga. He be lieves In thin way ho may pick up clows on the San Francisco tragedy . LOQQaR KILLED LAST WIIK TO BE BURIED IN BAN DON NJURED WHEN CAR TURNS OVER "SLONDY" BALLARD BUFFER TWO FRACTURED RIBS WHEN AUTO LEAVES GRADE ON THE GREEN SPRING MOUNTAIN Two broken rlba were sustained by "Olondy" Ballard Sunday morning when tho automobile In which bo was going to the ball game at Medford tinned ovor on Oreon Spring mountain, according to word rocelvcd horeyea torday. Tbo car waa turning on a grade wlion a front wheel hit a rock and rnuaed the car to turn over. Except for Ballard's broken ribs, f.nlv mlnnp Inlnrloa tvAPA tlalni1 hv The body of v. a. nm i.a ...u,r.a in . nr a whui w tiivn Wled noar Algoma last week whan he and tho fondor smashed. U Struck With a IIm nl. t.li. 1-. j I n.u. i. -nl... k.. D..I. n. i iog, win be shipped to laadon, assist at the publlo dancea at the pa- --u, iur ouriai. Two brotbera of vlllon. He will arrive on the train Tho Indian war pension bill, with tho thirty ilayH service provision has pawl ed both houses of congress, and Is now In conference, according to a letter ro- i el veil this mornlm; from John E. I Raker, congressman from Northorn' California. The conferees of the two houses arc agreed on all tho amend ments except one proposed by Senator Hmoot of Iduho. This amendment reads : "Provided, That whon there Is no iccoid of Honlcn or payment for aame In tho war department or treasury do part meat, tho applicant may establish the HorvJco by satisfactory evidence from the muster rolls on file in the aer erul stato or territorial archives; and provided furthor, that the want of a certificate of discharge shall not de prive any applicant of tbo benefits of this act." This amendment Is proposed because of the Indian war veterans enlisted during emergencies, and when theao wero passed left their companies for peaceful pursuit without getting a certificate of discharge. Senator Smoot Hocka to allow tho muster flies be evi dence of service Congressman Raker's letter explains tho stulua of the Indian war penalon bill. It follews: "I have yo.uiVof recent date and note uhat you say in regard to the Indian war pension bill. As you have been advised, It has passed both houses, and Ix now In conference. The conferees hove agreed upon all the amendments except tho last one, No. 9. The confer ees of the house havo agreed upon the thirty day proposition. I am advised that the houso will not agree to the aenate amendment No. 9. I am sending you a copy of the bill as It psssed the senate and 1b now in conference, so you will understand what No. 6 Is. "If you or any of your friends have any Influence with Senator Smoot write him. Tho Western members are doing all they can to have the conferees agree. This bill ousht to pass, and ought not to be held up, but I am afraid It the senator still Insists upon his amendment No. 9, tho house conferees will never agree. I saw the other two sonnto conferees this morning, and (hey are willing to agree, but It prac tically requires unanimous vote before tho matter can be disposed of. We will leave nothing undone to get this conference report out If It can be done." a gsriflb aaaaiBBBBaaBBBLsLjBB IsilliH BBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBak. sHPi'fvJpPWB ? .r ,,'i - f 2lM,13ililsBBaBBaBBaBBaBBa BPWaiHlKiisBaBBV rTa,a,a,a,a,a,a,?:;y;'laa,a, r.aaB3lMSaHBBBaT llflBaBaBsBaaTsBTsBBeVr BBBBk''lwfxBS'EBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ' lt SilliBsTBBBTBsa ' TasTaBTaBmB&M'aTasTaa'aTaV Lmr iTbsbV at HbbbsTI' " T i f Tsas MrBBasTsBaBBaBBaBBBaT t I I AEROPLANES ACTIVE IN FIGHTING IN WEST HAND TO HAND FIGHTING NEAR Russian attacks northwest of Berett GUILLEMONT j zko have been repulsed. It is announced that the German de stroyers were unharmed In the engage- ( mant rttf tTiA'fPkM.. Patrol Boata and Deetroyera Battle In' ' the North Sea Germans Deny Any' UERL1N. July 21 Vienna announces that the Austrians have retired south Br.tlsh Successea Around Poxlerea of Taratov before a strong Russian ad- and Say French Attacks Have een,Va"e' T4 The Italians have been repulsed nepuieed Haig Reporta "British souui or Valsugana Panereggio. Advantagea." United Press Service LONDON, July 24. The admiralty announces that British patrol boats de flated six German destroyers off. the Belgian coast in a battle that began at midnight Saturday. The German ships were hit repeatedly, and one British boat was struck, ten men being, wounded. j Advises from The Hague say that' two German destroyers are returning' to Zcebrugge base badly listing. MA United Press Service PARIS, July 24. Both German' and HERALD TO HAVE BIG NEW PRESS PUBLI8HER W. a SMITH IS IN BAN "FRANCISCO TO QET THE, ST 8MALL NEWSPAPER PRESS OB- u TAINAELE r'-. - , To buy a new press on which, to French aviators are extraordinarily Print the Evening Herald. W. O. Baaltk active today. German aircraft are left yesterday morning for Sam ma- raiding Luneville and French airmen !tsco and will be gone sereral days. He arc dropplngbombs on Conflans. Two wil1 study the various kinds of aewa of tho German aeroplanes were brought. PaPer presses and purchase a new one down. i before returning. North of Alsne the French have cleared one trench. Bad weather is halting operations on tuo Somme. In the last ten days 800 Germans hhve been captured along the Meuse. U deceasai! arrive .j... .. n.orf " ,Untjr U HStS4 to- Jjrw. Until then no funeral ar tajumasnu wm be made. Wndsrgow Opsratlon. r!f1riM M. Manning uadenrtat Sa?,011 " Morala W totM "trouble. Dr. O. R. Merrraaa of g'bT Dr. it tutSZZ1 this evening from Medford, where ha was taken after the accident Visiting Prom St. Louis. Mr, and Mrs. Ransom Powell and two children of St. Louis are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peyton. Mr. Powell Is a brother of Mrs. Peyton. Mr. and Mrs. Powell intend to locate la JOagMta county. 450,000,000 Pounds is Asked to Further War vloe BOUMtfMMMMl "teL?!- uNMtw vi L?f mm AsttJtk jy . :.nr ! t. war the total expenditures (or war to over fu,ooo,ooo,ooo. Preauer Asqulth also introduces a bill calling for aa InvMtlgation of tha Dardaaellea aad Mesopotajnialn cam PHB. ROOND TRIP TO FRISCOJS $17.75 THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPA NY MAKES SPEOIAL OPPBR FOR EACH WEEK UNTIL THE END OP SEPTEMBER Still another accoasaoaaUoa au been offered by the Bouthara Pacilo company to increase travel la aad oat of Klamath Falls. The latest act of tha company Is the offeiing of a special round trip rate betweea Klamath Falls and Saa Francisco of 917.71, a reduc tion of about 99 from tha regular round trip fare. According to Agent Brown, this offer will be good every Friday aad Bator- day, beginning this week, aad will con tinue until September 90. Round trip tickets between Klamath Falls aad Baa Fraaelieo cold under this offer will be good for tfteca days. United Press Service melody and imagination in literary En- INDIANAPOLIS, July 24. James gUsn. Whltcomb Riley, the "Hoosier Poet," His Poem "LeonairJe," written by died Saturday night at his home here him in Imitation of Poe, proved one aa a result of a heat attack suffered of the most successful - of literary that day. hoaxes. He found a wide public, and James Whltcomb Riley was born in at the beginning of the twentieth cen- Greenfleld, In., in 1863. After recetv- tury was among the most familiarly ing a public school education, he be- known llterateurs of the United States, came a sign painter, and when he His earlier verso and his first book, deemed himself suitably proficient in "The Old Swlmmin' Hole," appeared art, turned strolling player, and com- over the signature of "Benjamin F. posed songs and remodeled plays for Johnson of Boone." the company of which he was a inem- ber. Still later he was an editorial United Press Service writer on the staff of the Indianapolis SAN FRANCISCO, July 24. Chief of Journal. Tollce White announced this afternoon He began to contribute poems to In- that the police hud been searching for dlana papers In 1873. His verses In the weeks for the porsons who sent Indiana dialect won him instant sue- threats to the newspapers and to pro cess, and the sobriquet of "The Hoosiar paredness paradors. He says he be- Poet," by which he wits generally lioves, the culprit did not intend to known. This work Is quite unique In explode the bomb on the sidewalk, but American literature. Riley was not, that shortness of time, or fear, caused however, limited to this, but wrote with him to leave it there. United Press Service , LONDON,' July 24. General Haig re ports that this afternoon "fighting con tinues, with British advantages." The British have captured portions of Pc sieres, despite a most stubborn resist ance. Tonight the whole front is compara tively calm. United Press Service PARIS, July 24. The Germans have captured Antone Marchal, fifty miles from the Russian lints, according to a Frencb aviator who has returned from a flight over Berlin and the east front In miking the flight he traveled more than 1,200 miles. United Press Service LONDON, July 24 Latest dispatches Several times during tha last weak; the old press on which the Herald la now printed has broken dowsveaaalasj much 'delay in the time of tha patroaa receiving their paper. It ta to aveM repetition of such aa that tha aew press is to be bought Through the kindness of Cataarfcaa Prehm, published of the Merrill Rec ord, the Herald is. being printed thai week on the Record press. VISITED OREGON REBEKAH LODGES It was nothing more aor last than a have been charged with another one or case of too much class for Medford. two without doing him an injustice. Re Kteaaath used too good, headwork, hit was at bat three times, and reached better, fielded cleaner. Tha score of 7 first once, then on a drive down the to 0 it a pretty good iadlcatioa of the third base line which bounded from kind of a game It waa, Never were aowden'c hands Into the flock of auto- the Klamath rooters downhearted, aad mobiles. Shorty thought the ball wu throughout most of the battle KUaaath lost and continued to take base after waa a good bet at odds-oa. 'base, until he passed third. Then the Shorty Miles, cantata of tha Medford Ml! shot from Bowden's right band, team, wu a great big part of the show. d lly had the corpulent captain He of the eye at which oae takes a uw mn' Mt rom P tOCAL OFFICIAL OP REBEKAHS WILL BE ENTERTAINED WED NE8DAY EVENING AT ODD PEL LOWS' HALL After a two months' oflctal viast to Eebekah lodirsa In nrnvnn Urm BaWrt repot t that hand to hand fighting Is a Wattenhur ,t,,i hMM i. going on around Guillemont. with the night Mrs. Wattenburg Is president of the Rebekah Garnd Assembly of Ore gon. While on her official trip, Mrs. Wat tenburg visited every Rebekah leage in Washington, Tillamook, Polk, Tags hill, Benton, Lincoln and Coos tnraatlcj and several lodges in other oouaUeo. Next Wednesday evening the local Rebekah Lodge will be hostcee to Mrg Wattenburg in the Odd Fellows' bat. All Odd Fellows and their wivee aat all Rebekahs and their husbaaae set Invited. Germans holding half the town. United Press Service BERLIN, July 24. It is announced that the British have failed to obtain a decisive foot hold In the Fosleres sec tor. The British have lost heavily. Brandenburg forces have captured enemy trenches southwest of Guille mont. French attacks of Seyecourt and Avermandovlllers have failed. On the right bank of the Muese the French are fighting with artillery. Medford is Humbled by Fast,CIean Ball Playing Blacklisting is Gettog on President's Nerves second look, be of the fun oovered pate aad the enlarged waistline, added to the attraction four errors aaa oould Aad would you believe it, this king CoatUued on Page ? Americans a great adnataae Hmtbfvn4 tunng tne bouu amencaB tree &;?"? -, United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. 0., July 34 Pres ident Wilson told callers today that the British blacklisting of American busi ness firms wu "getting oa his nerves." Hv said he wu undecided how, to ban- acBt u pwriag aa die the situation. Ust frea'lafctrsaaUea aatacB fctm'SaaVrfr a It is believed that the la answering the Uifrilia to the fact that the Brkieb Jeter' te-lellf I matt iv;BaV sa'AaaO ".'irrmi'&T. -Mi ,