. '-: S4 j31 - . ; ,. , V V-'-1'. afp .H.- i AfcWP Sip lEifttftttg Mratf " V" ; .rTJkllATHCOVIltV'l !". -r i-TH "" K1.AMATH PALLS; - j OfFIIAL HlWIMfft OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER . ' - ---in 11 'i KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1916. Ttt yp n. 'w1 rlc Flv tenia jijjJBjaaWW'- French Rep ulse the Germans in Four Battles MYOR CRISLER mm wwwmWWWWWWmw s wvwwwwt CARRYING OUT NAVAL BATHE EXPECTED OFF HIS PROGRAM EASTERN COAST ITIIL HITCHING RACKS LATISTjDEUTCHLAND 10 READY TO OABM IMMOVIMINT ! TO BlA Hat WresMd City Health Officer U Report Saya War Submarines are Pilot Make Aaalyala of Cllly Wattr ana gttert an III CondltlonAle Trv. laf If LleM City treete Better anal Mere Cfceesly. . k. i Urt. As laotbar act In hla program, an aouncftl after hla election of gener ally laarovlag the city. Mayor Crlalar litaavlar.BC Installed bitching racka a Maiajtla avenue, between Third atresia. Thane racka ara plp, and extend almost tWeffj dtttanca of taw block. Be iMaf Im rteke here, others ara aoon la ke Dated on Klamath avenun b tttta Ttalh and Eleventh streeta, and ttaaai botot on Sixth street, to ha da taratoel War. Thaaa racka ara for fVatoaaaecatlon of farmore and otb miiaaaattaJltovltatsa. , Thffrwatwraavsroaa; already aHeMtaae tack of the old Lakeside laa, la aaolher of the acta of Mayor CaWar aa the council. Thi camp poaada an faU every night, today a HaMatf tallat la being Inatalled on i toeesdeecent street lights Maedav it ttui Art mar nt i aviate' and ThM. Pnunh JMh ajl Itxth atraeta la an expert t JtvWsttae dty atreeta cannot VUeJetel much belter and aa cheaply Htam,alf lampa aa with the little Jjjjijjjiak n power poles. If the JfifjB.fme aatlafactory, and It la wjwa tkey will, many other atreot ?. will be Illuminated by them ,JijL M ,h mct condition o tlN OBrt Wltftr Vim- rl.1 l. l&pHMaa, dty health officer. .JOtf J.w " lMTa made arair Mp ZLj wnai-.ejr, wa water tat ws or iniaajaa falls alwaya any jw tbat fee water they drtak to Hit, "Jfku Wen an Intimation from 2tSw that the city water to JLr"1' P. and It to our pitr mir mct,Jr oa J5S " Health Officer Hamilton Z 2u P WMl,y"to bow aa ". M a report will be forth ""tMiooaaapoaalbla," 22 PWlyato baa becotae ua- aatalJi!? !? y-wrda the eiaaam new cam alaoa the -"awaa. VMn aW Mm. a a ... HH iIlc'M011' "er of ty. MB, "-""wo w TWt with her inej Merchantnmn Bremen to Bait I mere and Allied Warahlpa Arc Ready te Attack Her Deutchlnnd May Be Pounced Upon When She Stnrte on Journey Home. UnlteO'lSo- Service IIALTIMORn. July 22. A imviil tmt tie off the Mnrylnnil cnpmt In hrlnoil hlhly probable itn n roaul or a report that Oertnan war nubtiinrlnca nrc cim roylag the aubmnrlne frolshior, Iln awa, to thtn port. Offlclnln of tho Our maa company opvratlng tho euhmarlnc merchantmen lino wlU neither eonrtrni or deny the report. Allied warthlpn nru waiting off tho eapea for (he Drutchland. When ulio comae eat of port they expect to rn aage her In battle and Mitmmrlnf tier. lfOflbfe. The Deutckland U rondy to ilm-h ( ward, when tho proper moment nrrlvex. Tho DeutachlnmlH clenrnnco pnpem were filed thin afternoon, hut the ves- itel haa not been granted rlearnuce yet eeBpjpjreaahw iSM9Ca I WkaaftiaaaaaavH ''- I aEaBatf4aVal I aaaaaaaaaVBaaaat aaaEaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal B 2 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! IS I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa9 iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal f- 1 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWaaaalaBaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaai V Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalb mm,ufYWwfWfjjjjt Here's a Real Fighte fjjj QASE 18 LOOKED AFTER Will Succeed Judge Hughes a-IWaWevSftffiS L0G6ER IS KILLED T WOODS DAY IVank SIh1m, tho Austrnllnn heavy weight, who twenty odd years 01,-0 tnude .I0I111 1. Sulllvnn quit talking I about llRlitlnt'. la now a private In a ICnni'dlnn regiment In Kuropo, and tl'cu he Is Just as much a fighter M rlieu ho was In tho ring Slavin U now Sil jc'TH old, and ho stands six feet n.-.i and one half Inches, us ho did when he tan 25 years of ago t.nd at hla phy ilcnl prime F. R. HINRY, AN EMPLOYE OF THE ALQOMA UUMOER COMPANY 0118 800N AFTER BEING HIT WITH TIMBER V nwnen f.. It Henry, a woodaman employed hr the Algoma Lumber company In tho wood back of tho company's mill, waa ! killed thla momliiR. Doflnlto dotalls concerning tho uccidant havo not reached here, but it "to reported that he waa atruck on tho head with a stick or timber, and died only a fow mlnuton afterward. The dead man'a body has beon sent for by Undertaker Whltlock. No fun-. era! arrangemente hare yot been made Leekjaw Victim Dlaa United Press Service VISALIA, July 28. Ropcated Injec tlona or antitoxin failed to savo the life of Mra.'WIerbau. Sho died thla aaoming. Bit hundred dollars worth o aeruaa waa injected into nor spine In an effort to check the attack of lock jaw, but the treatment came too late. m Returni Heme. Mlsa Franoea Dacon returned to her bnoe la Aahland today, after a visit of lareral daya with Mlsa Feme Hoar laad. of England Give Demonstration for Work ' tllbx 7njerfu. wiTTi WBaaM aa-a 'aiwi.. Jr ! s laaaou'ika wiaaMaf Swaaaw caeared MUidMoallr- even by the WcweaVa Baatal PoUUeal Union, who fanaerjy waa eranea" aa aaarchlaUq aeeauae it included aailltaat utta etea la ta aumbera. It to heltoTed.that the damonatra Uea tooay will get many more woman workera for the munition factories. 'LCTTER FROM DISTRICT FOREST- ' - 1 ' ER CECIL 3AY8 DUE ATTENTION WILL BE GIVEN TO THE INTER. EOTO OF KLAMATH COUNTY Thai the inteitwi ot Klamath county In the JJ.OOO.OflO tinnutl appropriation for roailB In najlonal forests will ho Klveii due (mention by the forest de partment Is eldenced In a letter ro- I'lvril thin morning by Klamath Com mercial Club Tho letter comes from , the district forcuter at Portland, Geo. 11 Cecil II Ik tetter follews: "Your letter of July 13. 1910, regard- I lug the dlHtiihiUion of funds from the load appropriation hill, has been re ceived. "This oUlco is engaged at present In compiling duta for tho Washington offlco with regard to road projects In the stute of Oregon, Which are to be cnnriructcd under section 8 of the Dankhead bill, to which you refer. Duo consideration will bo ghen to the mer its of each particular case, and you can bo suro that be.intgrests of Klam cili county will receive duoaTtentlon vhen tho list for apportionment is tnbdo up. "We are pleased to receive your offer of data regarding the forest service lniulo In Klamnth county, and should m find that such data Is lacking In our 1 ccords we shall bo very glad to accept (.'ir offer." Another letter received from Gover nor Wlthycombe says the state execu tive will uso all his official power in tho I.V.crost of national park roada in Ore- gnu jsjmmmigmm aaaaaaaaPsSaaaaaaaaaal aaaaaa'lMBfEaaal KeBBBBBBr Z y -M JSf ' f t TaaNagHggVajEaVBxVajB y jfa EfExW- L & "SMaaaaaaa ' EaaaaF f 4 o'Mt ' aaaaB -I 1 aBBBBBBaW ' hUiMm aflBBBBBBBBBBBBBHtKBBBBBV BERLIN SAYS MAIL WAS CONFISCATED SUGAR FACTORY MAY COME HERE GERMANS RELEA8E CAPTURED STEAMSHIP TWO MEN EXPERIENCED IN MAN. UFACTURE OF SUGAR FROM BEETS SEEK INFORMATION AS TO CONDITIONS HERE 'Halg Says the Teutona Use Gaa anal Lacrymoae Sheila In Heavy Artillery. ing on the Britlah Front Aeroplane Clash In the Voagea Mountains, With One Loss to Each Side. 15- r"r: rjs2SEsarx3fflffiaK5a Judge John H. Clarke of the United Slates district court at Cleveland has Leon nominated by President Wilson for associate Justice of the United States supreme court to succeed Asso ciate Justice Charles E. Hughes. In Cleveland Justice Clarke for a long time was associated in politics with the late Mayor Tom Johnson and Sec retary of War Baker. He has been classed as a progressive democrat, and has taken part in several reform movements. United Press Service BERLIN. July 22. Advice froaa Tba Hague say that the British hare con fiscated a consignment of ftrat'daaa mail from the Dutch liner KyadyanL en route tQ Rotterdam. The German admiralty today re leased a .British steamer 'after It waa discovered that the Teasel waa tiired in. Swedish watere.-" . United Press 'Serrlee . j t PARIS,- July .22. It to cdklally-aa-Bonacad-thatOamaaif iweavaariaaatee attacks on MonlUa-Beaateaieat.'or- LARCENY CASE IS DISMISSED TODAY ACTING PROSECUTING ATTORNEY MANNING MOVES FOR DISMIS SAL OF THE CASE BELIEVED BOYS MOTIVE NOT BAD On motion of Attorney II. M. Man ning, acting prosecuting attorney, tho bMo of larceny by b.idc npalust Catl Uimhbtirn and Hnivcy Oumm was dls 7.li(ii dl by Justlco of thi Penco E. ft'. Oowcn this morning. Tho boys wore elmrged with keeping Ino horses fr.'in the Ucnnott stnblo, which they hid hire', for n trip to Bonanza. Thoy dl I lot ntimn tho horses when promised It wae bollovcd that ho boys had no had motives and In ten 'led to koep tho hoisos only until thoy woro through toorl.'ng in the Bly country, where thoy ci" arrested. Tin boys claim tut thoi wrote r lottor tr Wr. Bennett, say my. th y would keop tho horses tbir'.y dns. Mr. Bennott Mye lie, did not : c?lvo the letter. Naval Bill Paaaed United PrsB Scivlco WASHINGTON, July 22-jg?e senate Into yesterday pnssod tho "ilnlstra tion genoral naval bill. It carries an annronriatton of $150,000,000 OAd Pro- idea for tho immodlato construction of four battleships and four hattle cruw era. Tho bill cairicd by a voto of 69 to 8. Go Camping. R. C. Shipley nnd wife and Rich BFAtvnA and wifo loft this morning for a- fishing and camping trip to Odell Lake and other waters. AFTER PERSONAL TAXES FOR 1914 UNLESS DELINQUENT PER80NAL TAX IS PAID, ASSESSMENT WILL BE MADE AGAINST REAL PROP- CRTY OF DELINQUENTS Statements to moro than ISO owners of poreonal property In Klamath county aro being mailed by Sheriff C. C. Low In an effort to collect delinquent per sonal property tax for 1914. Several thousand dollars aro on tho delinquent personal roll for 1914, although a large amount has already beon collected. Tho statements being sent out by Sheriff Low say, that: "Articlo 36S3. Lord's Oregon Laws, piovldes for the sheriff to levy on and sell all such personal property for un paid taxes on samo, and if necessary, to chargo tho said delinquent personal tax against any real estate you may cwn In Klamath county. "Unless you show, cause why such personal tax should -not be assessed against you, or pay .the same Immedi ately, sale will be made a above pro Tided." Raturna From Visit. Mrs. Frank Howard and aaugmer Mary hava returned from a visit with relative la Lakeview. Feara Mob.Vlolahoe United Press Service EL PASO, July .23. Harry J. Span nell, who ahot hia wife and -Lieutenant Colonol Butler at Alpine,' waa brought here this morning .for tear of aaob Tio- lenco In Alpine. m 'Man Kills Three United Press Service HUGO, Okla., July 22. A posse is eeeklng 3. P. Marlow, .who ahot hla wife and two white men when ha be came enraged over gossip aboat alleged illicit relations between hiawelf and daughter. Before shooting big wife he told her that be had Just ahot two men and would be satisfied when ho bad shot two mora. IMPROVEMENT OF ELEVENTH MOVES ALL ROUGH GRADING 18 FINISHED AND CURBING IS LAID ON THE FIRST BLOCK SHORTAGE OF OIL 18 FEARED All the rough grading on tho Elev enth street Improvement has been com pleted and the curbing on the first block has been laid. Contractor Gar rett expects today to do tneflnishing grading on tho first block, from Main to Pine streets, and Monday to begin laying rock on this block. W. D. Miller, who has the sub-contract for laying tho curbing, is rushing this work on the second block, and will havo it completed soon. Contractor Garrett fears he may suf fer some delay in getting enough oil to lay all the macadam as fast &s he is ready to, because of a shortage in the supply of oil. He says that in Califor nia thirty-nlno more carloads have been asked for than can be filled. Defectives Returned United Press Service NOGALES, July 22. It is indicated here today that the California guards men rejected in the federal physical test will be started home tomorrow. On August 7th it is expectad that the Infantry troops hero will move to Tucson. '. Party at St Cloud A very enjoyable time was had at St Cloud lost, night, when twenty in Titod guests of Commodore Nosier gathered to trip the light fantastic. Light refreshments were served at midnight. Valley Farmer Visits. J. R. Dixon, a prominent farmer of the valley south ot town, bought sup plies In Klamath Falls today. 1 To Kanaaa City S. S. McGavran will leave next Mon day for Kansas City, Kansas, where he will remain indefinitely. He will gaaka the trip la hi aui That Klamath county Is still being considered as a location for a beet sugar factory is indicated In the visit of Henry W. Hinze, ex-president of the Southern California Sugar compa ny. Mr. Hinze left this morning after spending several days looking over local soil and studying climatic condi tions. , f "' ' ', When Mr. Hinze left he did not, say anything definite aboutL erecting a sugar factory here, yefhe sald-bis visit vni not for nlpnsnm nnlr. - - . , . , , , Mr. Hinze recently sold his interest' &? "acjts oa neauoap sad a in fho Soulnern California Snrar com. I stronS. assault on lB0rtk Bala-T-St pany to F. H. Case. Now Mr. Case also ihav,e b,een "Puked. 'HeaTy artJUery 1 interested In Klamath conntv aa bombardment by the German "ot Fa- site for his factory. In a letter to the Klamath Commercial Club, Mr. Case writes that many conditions about Santa 'Ana, where his factory Is now located, are not favorable, to the grow ing ot sugar beets, and that he la look ing for a placo to which he can, move his factor'. Secretary Fleet has for warded to him exhaustive data con cerning this country. It may be that Mr. Case and Mr. Kinze are figuring on Jointly erecting 9 IflnlAMt Vava alelt net)! Okla . MAba 4 IMbWlJ UC1, atlUUUgU UJ4Dt V VVIUBvii' Is only a supposition. . . . " j 7 'mln KSilot-v linoA Iiaaii imaiuMMfBl French airmen last iilc'dSMjteY Metiablbn, in the "napa ";"flfiaa aeroplane attacking them waa dowaed. One French aeroplane to J -. A i .iv" "' ,' BUSINESS MEN s SEE MOVIE ADS SECTION OF LOCAL FILM SHOW ING BUSINE8S HOUSES EXHIBIT ED TO ADVERTISERS THIS MORNING The advertising section of the local movie, "The Stolen Pie," was exhibited to local business men at the Star the ater this moming. This section ot the film shows a largo number of promi nent business houses, with patrons go ing in and out, and with the' proprie tors smiling broadly. Among the many firms in the movie aro both the banks, Rex Cafe, Sugar Bowl, K. K. K Store, Underwoods pharmacy, K. Sugarman and others. ,' "The Stolen Pie" will be exhibited at tho Star theater next Monday night and tor six days following. Every foot' of this film was taken In Klamath Falls and all the characters are local people. United press Service. LOMJCtN, July 13.-r-Oeaeral.Hala , reports that most violent arUltocy fir bjf .both .sides ia, goto;, oat aloaa;Jta British, front. The Gerataa aza aatnaf and tocrymoMi t LONDON, July . it la. the. British bombardawat itabaaaa a new advance. The Oeraaaa ara artll 'feryingjtn an effort to lad a waakafot for counter attaaaa. ...,, United (Press Serrlc "PETROGRAD, July 11 It la an nounced that the Austriaa foreaa ara ' surrendering in units before Oeaeral Bruslleoffs advance on QaUela. at to believed here that the Raaatoa ara now In Galicla. i , t , , . Huge forces ot Ruaalana ara aoaaaa tratlng at Jab Lonltsa paaa, eatering Hungary tor a circling moveaaaat. General Kuropatkin haa awept asms a three German lines at Riga, Tha Sua-, slans are further progreaalag ia tha Caucasus. Deutachland Still In I United Press Serrlc , BALTIMORE, July it Th atom la a which it waa believed the Oeraaaa aab marine Deutschland would daake ward has passed, with tba Tael atlll in port. Officers of th Doatiahtonrt are non-committal about their df art ure, i - ' ' - 5 'Been In Lakevlew. - -!.-- , . Mrs.' M- Motsebeabaeaar aad two 'sons, Lawrence and Peter, itarad yesterday from Lakevlew, wher tbay visited for two weeks. -I' UA- (7 H t I f i ( Blacklisted Firms Are i JfT. A I - at urganizmg ror acth.ii United Press Service olal actlftn' until 'Ambaiaadic Bata 1ra'r WASHINOTON. D. O.. Jul 2J. The norta from Leadoa. 'J5t H'AZi - ' - w - .-- , i."V.l--i1.1 Whlta House learned today tbat the A majority Of.tb fill rtMUld , taaal Hir-! American business firms blacklisted re- are large. South! Aidartaa aaataaa.v-iv, j ... . -. -l ..:. . ... , u:i nantlv hv ITttarlanH im nrnnltlnv anil 'Tha nHtlati mv Bar aajf MIHaia .ifi K. :r.;..:r-T7r ::-r-r' r - -..r"-. ,v wjji pui- uw maiier personally efor , carry meir gooas (irm mumm mammwmt v Froaldent Wilson. but exert pressure a,maaa I v n I I '8I