9tt?? -.. -Ettttthui Herald KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NliWSrAFISR KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ..--:" ,M tjimaamtniatiti w. Tm i iingagggjj i -w.it., rf arkYnma t'w-Jsv-.ttars,: saorctri'U -A'jBri-rg"; Ttnth Vr-N. 3.0W KLAMATH HALLS. OREGON. FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1916. .r-i i-r Prlee Five Coats Mexican-American Conference is Approved ARMOR COMPANY to TIME "I 1 ih. m, c Ir a pd ama APPniim CAN'T Mi IIS MATTER FREE ITIRHINO SPEECH MAKES THE SENATE FLOP In m Attsek on Senstor Oliver, Mn. lUf AMd ,h Parmer OP', mmi Otvtrnmtnt Armor Factory1 ItMiM Ho Want to Legislate Into Hll Own Posketa The Abuse of rnnki Seersd 1'niM Preo Service WASHINGTON. I) C. July 2l.-Af-lr our of Iho mom bitter debate at ihU stolon of congren. tho senate to di tttupornrlly refuted lo permit the Brtbtlrm Steel company's anllgnvcrti nrnt armor iTatp factory propaganda bbbbbbVHiPv 4aaBBBal aaBBBaWSi'T', )aaiaW 1mtfl's2MmfmWmWmW frawHB' bbbbbbbbbbt r'aawc" "Jf faPJj7"JjBwAaaaaaaaf f BP aVW -V V wIafjaaaaaaV As4 ' VajW iLllaaaaaaaW egBnBLK(E't 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakaaaaaai u. 5' !Er V'9nVitMSL' -- STEAMERS SUNK BY AUSTRIANS GERMANS ARC OUSTED FORBUX WOODS FROM -U.v aJ Minion take, tho Bridgeport, Conn., itiluiuirnt- builder, lin toadied Bloody Fight Whin tho Frenoh Results the atrman'a AtUok en Ntw Peti tion Berllh Clalmi Nina Vessels Destroyed Between July 10 and 14, English Town la hailed by a Bub.) marina. fulled ITkiih Service LONDON, July 21.-Qnersi Half re-' Hiit Hint tint Itrltlih force on the, wcit front nro continuing their gigantic ' Kiintli ttgnlnM tliii German linen. This' iiietiiliit: in.) oucled the. Teutons from' tln Korc'U wicuk Tin' Hi Itlnh lUmiiura Karma aad to be printed and circulated a n "pub lie docaawnt." itioiiuime mumcr, unx tuaciicii ait (jrnngomoor were Hlmultaneoualy nub-! After Senator rcuro had secured '1Krt,,",',,t vfl,, n'promittntlrca of the ( mnrlncd in the Medltcranean today.' Uneoaient of llin Senate to circulate! N""1' rnmii l.lid compan) of The Ilrlllnh ateamer Yaer alno wan th Ularaturo under the Kovprnmentv"' "'. who oiDconi wore luritelyjaunk. uae, Realtor Heed, a Into arrival to! riiH)nnlbli fo th Doutachland. to( The JVrcux wooda are to the aouth ibefbiaberattackedl'enroaeandSen. I"'"J '" conjunction with them 5.00O- of tho main highway leadlna; to", tor Ollter. The netiala then rvvlaedi,un ubiimrluen hare to ply belwicn,inupnume. It la believed the Besting It. !! .. J.hl..l ...... ttlH ITlltllHt flflfl.M tllltt l2l.rtM.tll. tl. fiir, Itlt.rM Im Mfft llAtnr.t In iImI.Iai I.a VIIVW RWI Urillltl WllltTl. ' " "- --- -""". ,- - ... . .n . .vmi. w hhwBIu uc Beaator Kevd denounced the pmo- r freight. It wan reported that Mr. llrlilHh line. Ilea of lendlnR frank to pciiiI prHII-.ukn """ u Halllmoio fenrltm tho - d proparanila Ihroujth the inn'l)eutachland wan nn Infringement of fnltt'd I'tvih Mnrvlre tm. He cbarci-d Henntor Oliver In."1' Pnleiita, and that ho might libel the I'AHIS, July 31. It la officially an otaoilnf a federal armor factory with veaael, Hut he will now work In har-'nounced that heavy German counter at- .mony witn tho owner of captain I'aui tiiekn on the new French poaiuona ICoenlaa vvaael. wore ropulacd thin morning with much loaa of blood to both aide. The French have conaolldated In theae poeltlona. An official communique reporta that tho Trench havo been aucccaaful every wliern on tho line. Between Rhlema and Solaaona the French today penetrated the German trenche There la heavy artlllerylng in the Verdun aectlon and in the Vosgea aaaBaBaBaaalBaBaBaBaBW rnKwk "nirU i -tejL- r i VaT - P aiWBTk''.a.'.7 i? 'J-6. aBaaaaaaaaVMll VS. 7 fc i' j3.-f I aaabaaaaWr Vf aaaaaf4 W-1 H t mmyjKk:WM f LIT ... i awl 2biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBc a &. r l ' aaBBBBBBg th..A aJl,!.. a-'-L. 8BBE.J:iBkJB1 Ht ' P flH! "" V- La av9aVlfvWrWataBHEcr9 M i Fl aaiiDaBlF; , '' fcflTila'J H f JatWaaalaaaf ? J .; BaVBaaiiK.' ki Mil 1IM' IrR'liJamiBBaiiiBf tflMaS't 1'-. -JaaBaateaVjHEaQLaVjawl!S!vvk flir- sawKLiiLaKM it f'A, 'sC'ftT . . 4cTibki.eBaal . -lviil(BBl fi t liii" j C ARR A NZ A APPOINTS MEXICAN MEMBERS HALF FARE FOB l SUNDAY 0UTIN6S 80UTHIRN PACIFIC WILL OFFER, ROUND TRIPS OUT OF KLAMATH ', i FALL8 FOR REGULAR FARE ONE . WAY " GOVERNMENT MAY ACCEPT FLAN TOMORROW i I Acting Secretary ef SUte Ceirfera WHh . the Mexican Ambaaacrfer Abewt Car- ranaa'a Sugfeathm C-Oarit(ve Beraler Fatrel la Fart ef ttw Flan fta Keep the Sorter Quiet, anal Frevttrt BandK notice. I Tbia means ;UliUtlDi Into lilt own pocket - ENW000 WILL P LOCAL TEAM lirrfiatiatinr iihark whlph has an lnrth anil the, whlf aharlr in lurjn ' ., w , . w Hvw w ., HH ...w H..w n . a... , fur killed four bather alone the New There are nineteen varieties of shark Joraey'coaat Is cither a tiger shark or in lhi Atlantic Ocean off New Jersey n great white shark. The former grown und MnsHachURetU), but these only are! to be from fifteen to thirty feet In; dimerous. Itrona to vlalt jday of reat W- n a OFFICIALS WERE DUNCAN NAME COMMISSIONER SHOWN SI6HTS BIG LIGHTS ARE PUT AT CORNERS BLACKLISTING IS DENOUNCED TODAY 1 8ENATOR THOMAS SAYS buuniriY anuuuu reply withj T; titled Pnas Service WASHINGTON. D. C. Jafar XLAt- fter a conference today batwaa JfaaJ- can Ambaaaador- Arredaedo, Aedac i Secretary of State Polk aad lartiaaaa THIS jdor FletcBer, It waa Intimated that tlM r government tomorrow probably weald accept Carranza'a sacseatSon for a SEVERE .1, MANY TROUT SECOND BACKFR uyil I oi aw i mr LOCAL ATTORNEY IS APPOINTED mountains tho Germans are violently 0AM E SUNDAY KEARNS OF nttnrklnK the French positions. .. i BY FEDERAL JUOOE TO OFFICE ,n,w"' " MI8 PLACE AT i .,1.,,. p.. -sh Service Kiy,T0N , VACATE BV C J- "R0U8N "" i'kki'in: iu.y 1,-The admiralty CENTLY annnuiicec that a submarine shelled i Henry Stout, deputy game warden; - tla iron woiks at Sonnara. England, on , O. V. Itobertson and Carey Ramaby, "Olaw1 (IreenwiM t d - Jus JJ Hot ween July 10 and 14, sub- deputy warden, returned' yesterday 'f te the KlninaTll VabaaebaH W. M. Duncan ha ivcoived un ap.jin"ini.. destroyed nine British vessels .from tho north fork of Rogue River mm. Will play his Inm game with (h poliitmeiit an United States Commix vice president Mccormick ano! power company places high PASSENGER AGENT SCOTT 8Ee WATT LAMPS TO LIGHT CROSS- NATURAL WONDERS AND CATCH INGS OF MUCH U8ED 8TREETS TO TEST SERVICE on the rant coast of England. 7,000,000 FEET TIMBER FOR SALE 0ttl8unday acalimt Mmlfnni nin. sloner from l'odeial JuiIko Dean. Mr, wr" hu lcn offuied n position with lJl,nc'"' auiceeUs Clms J Koiruhoii Ui railroad near I'urtlnnd, and leaves w ''ntly ii-mIkiuhI. "t ek to accept it. , Then In considerable business be- Orwnwood Is considered onu of tho fol lnu I'"Hol Htutes Commissioner I Kwl viluablo pl)irs on the local ln Klmimili I'iiIIh, particularly cases ' He covers much ground around "r'H'"K "" ,,lu Klmimth Ilesorvutlon !k!!P0Dd',nfk' ft'"1 '" n ''00, mn nt monk In" Indlnns. m. blt'n,p,nch MnKer Watt la - " 'Wl to get young Kenrna, who la Naval Bill to Senate ' on (he Ohlro learn, it la un-i WAHIIINGTON, 1). 0 July SI. Tho wriiond (bat KeHrns would like to InrKi'iit nnval bill known In I ho history bare, and Is it Kood hitter and!ortho world, calling for an oxpoudltujej .i, oj ni'iii'iy iuou.uuu.vuu in lurco ;( vu fnajorrow will witness u veritable "' "ll" w'l ,0 ,m nennto today for ? Pliers, fun. d fas- " nPProva!. ' m Mmd for Medford to aee the I " " iMvaskn 8undav' Tho team will Tho dip will tnko nhotu four oi Iho tlmbnr on Klamath Indian reservation di la 0(:luck '" lho nfternoon ' hours .y thoGreon Spiinim rond. Man-k io be sold to the highest bidder on liii ?por"" of lll rootera wlll'agei' Wntt him comimmlcnted with JAunust 19th, nccordlng to word from ""Mmi thu nnornot,n or early In .Mcdfoid, and has nrrunged to make jmdlnn Commissioner Cato 8elUjThla Mr, i""' Tll remainder will atart'tlu) Hotel Medford tho headquartora for (timber Is on allotments of doceaaed In. 2"5y morning. ., Klsmiuli nuoolo Sunduv. idlnns. According to Forester J. M. and other streams, where they spent the Inst several daya with O. E. Mc cormick, third vice president of the lllg incandescent lights are being placed on Klamath avenue and Sixth street by the California-Oregon Power company to give more light at the siifot corners. At Sixth and Klamath n 4)0-wntt light has been placed di rectly over the center of the street Southern Pacific, and John M. Scott, crossing and 200 watt lamps are to be Keneral passenger agent of the com- placed tit Fifth and Klamath, Fourth puny. Uesldes the north fork of the and Klamath, Third and Klamath, Rogue, many other streams were visit- s:tn nnn walnut and sixth and oak. d, and the railroad officials were' The lights are being put up only shown several of tho scenic wonders temporarily as an experiment. Similar In the north part of Klamath county, lights may be placed at other street The party went from the north fork crossings later. LIES BETWEEN CHILOQUIN AND.to Medford. where the railroad offi-' I claw private car waa siauonea. air. AGENCY L,NBB-ri -a "" stout, Mr. Robortaon and Mr. Ramaby. GEO INTO THE LAKE, SAYS THE I returned by way of Ashland. FORESTER REPRISAL CONDITION. Joint commisslc to settle the border 'trouble, SHOWS NEED OF NAVY ,t u baea u acceptance by the United States awaita oaly approval by .Mexico of the report of the ooafeieae j today. Seven million feel of yellow pine MEXICANS STEAL GUNS, THEN FLEE TWO ARE CHARGED THEFT OF HORSES libitionists Name Hanley for President rr- nedford of the reservation, the mberL)ncAJ8 WOHKINQ ON oeneral .lies between Chlloouln and Agency (MEXICANS WORKING ON OENERAL SHERIFF LOW CATCHES WASH BURN AND QUMM IN BLY WITH HORSES TAKEN LA8T WEEK IN KLAMATH FALLS and can be logged off Into the. PERSHING'S 8UFFLV LINE IN, MEXICO STEAL GUNS AND AM-' Charged with the larceny of u team 'from the Dennett stable on Sixth St., ,Carl Washburn and Harvey Gumm jwere arrested yesterday afternoon by Sheriff C. C. Low. They were brought 'to Klamath Falls laat evening. Washburn und Gumm took the team It was learned , hist week, saying they were going to Henry Ford. to make the nomination unan- hiinlc. drawn In The convention teitdont of tho Klamath Indian school, 'must be submitted. These cnecxa wm wbh today nominal-llmoua, he returned to unsuccesaiui muaem, prest Dr. Ira Landruth of Tensaaaea waa applied toward me payment ior . Ml tin!. ? - 8UtM' now-lnomJiialed unanimously for vice praal- If bid Is accepted and oontracu eniereo Waa H.B, KY flru Wlot, Tho ' dent, otheT caadldatea withdrawing , Into, and retained u i a forfeit If the bid SMu, "S 4- 8l-r HU Hen- The convention adloumtd Hat die at la accepted and the bidder fal to com- f wnn ettitd, ladudin, ?.no o'lak. ply with the rttlrttata of .- I "lUjd lru a Etrf,lUtt4 Statea. III. Lnko, lake. Tho minimum price per thousand foot, board measure, which will be ac- munitions copted Is S3. All timber must be out, and l amoved under the reguuUloM pre-' Hcilbed by the Commissioner of IadUn affairs befo.o June 1. 1M8. With each ""''' ,0M 8erv,oe i ,. nnrtlfled ehack In the. COLUMDUS. July 21 ninoiinl of $1,000 on n solvent national here today that several Mexican labor- Bonanxa and would return Friday eve- nillOlini Ul ,wvw w . .. ..l..l ..,!, ,,l ainn lk loft h ..M, u. favor of the auperia ere viupwyvu wu nu a w ....... .. , .,, .. . .... along Genorel Pershinrs auppiy nneiuonneti m not near rrom mem. last night stole the truckmen's guns J Washburn and Gumm were brought und ammunition and headed south to I before Justice of the Peace S. W. join the Vllllatas. American cavalry- Qowen this morning. Their hearing waa men are pursuing. e' for 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. It Is thought that renewed activity. In the absence of District Attorney on the part of Villa troops caused rest' Irwin, Horace M. Manning will cos lessaeae ejaoai tie laborers. duct the prosecution. Cnlted Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C. July 2L De-i nounclng the blacklisting by England j Perse-ally Asks Relief of many American business firms as an t.'nitr d Press Service outrageous insult on the citizens off WASHINGTON. July 21. President thlt- country. Senator Thomas is the Wilson this morning algaed a penaaal Donate today advocated a severe re- .appeal to the niton of each C the el priMl. He said thu. boycott emphasizes liferent countries of Europeurghig a t he need of a strong navy. quick eolation ef tie sroMeen of getting 'relief to the atarvlag peasants or, Pol- WASHINGTON, D. C. July 21. Vet- and. ;r.s Secretary of State Polk announced a this afternoon that he has made formal ' Brings Refugees representations to Bnglaad regardlngjtlnited Presa Bervtee the blacklisting of American Emu do- SAN DIEGO, July 21. The cruiser ing business In England. 8an Diego, the flagship of the PaclEc j fleet, arrived today from La Pat with Is Recovering. 1 twelve refugees. The oalcera of the Mrs. L. Louden, who recently under-'ship say tho lower Mexican coast is went a Berioua operation, to regaining j quiet, but that the people are la the her strength very rapidly. ' midst of a famine. Indian War Veteran Bill Not Out oi Conference The bill before congress for pen sioning veterans of the later Indian wars has not'been made a law, aa was understood locally, but is still pending In congress, according to a letter re ceived this morning by Captain O. O. Applegate from the oommlsstotier of pensions. When the bill passed the hoase It piovlded for pensions to soldiers who had served ninety days or more ln the Indian wars. This would exolude from a pension a large part of 4he state tioops and volunteer troops, according to Captain Applegate. The saute amended the bill, making thirty days the minimum time of service to he en titled to a pension. The hoese re jected the bill as ameaded, aad It mow h la the ooafereace ooiilttee at the twe Following Is the letter received by Captain Applegate: "Referring to your letter dated the 6th instant, you are advised .that the bill to which you refer has mot hacneae a federal law, but Is still pending he fore congress. "Your letter bos been placed on fie. and should the bUl In questloa be tail ly enacted into law, a proper Mask declaration thereunder will be mallei to you. Blank applications la butt are not furnished to a notary or ageat, bit if In the event that this bill Mosses a law, you will furnish the addresses of prospective thereunder, proper blanks fer their ape will be mailed. KsipseUnttly yoars. C. TOJalAN, a j ... , .. . . . t .United Press 8errlee Beginning Sunday. Jmly 30. the MEXICO city Jul si .immi Southern Pec.Ec will -offer a .JSKfS UaiX. one fare round trip excursion out of 0f the snasUtm br PdfaT until the fall months, or until further w.r mm-, w- -.ZT the United States, the Mexteaa ease mat one can make a tni..in.m .. i.m.iw .u - , round trip to Weed or any other point toy , from which be can return to oae day. nct Mlatettt. Crtw .n, the Southern Pacific win he good ostfy are . co-tartoaew aaased. - .w. .,. wiu u iwwe u auow pa- - Vtaiemn n-oaO. ant aaU m. to visit nearby towns oa the . .. ." -TrT -lncmdes. a ce-oyersjUve herder satreC Aawrtcam withdrawal of the treepe now la Mexico, and as UvestlaVtiea te determine who are the instigators ef tbe bandit raids oa smsrleae soiL -, ..! 1?3- ti m Rtsa fl II OrkH -fiT ,, ft