3tt? burning Hrralii KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Yr-No. 104 KLAMATH . KALLS. OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1916. Tnh Price Five Cent . - 353a-wsTcsrJ:rrc Day s Successes Are With the Allied Forces PETITION UUT IS FOR CRESCENT EU6ENE HIGHWAY fORTYONE CRESCENT VOTERS HAVE SIGNED IT Thi County Court U Asked to Con. itreet R From Crtietnt to the UN County Line Psrt of High wsy to Connect Eugene and Klsm. Ith Falll By the Shortest Posolblt Olitinct Aklii(t llir count) i unit to Improve And retiirucl n autoiiiubllo road lo the Une count llin. and koIiik to (Well and CriTretit hikm. a petition In Ulus clxcuUtnl l renldenln of ('nw itol. Abend) forty one voter of I'rrtcmt bate nl lined the petition, and Uvt itDt co'de lo Klamath Falls l r clrculited. Tbt petition auk that the road Minll "befln it Crwcenl, thence wenlorl) W the 0)01 feasible route to the uj'let of Od til lake, and a branch road lo Crtictnt like. Thin road W lo be th Ant unit of the road ncrtwi tho raotfhuiu to Eugene from Crescent and KUntith Fall Thl leclfon of the roml could bo contrttctd yet thin fall or early noxt prlnr, and thr m-cond unit could b coiutrucleU licit lutuinnr," naya II. f-lmmertnan, In a letter to Klamath Commercial Club He centinues: "iMtlmite that the total coat or I ho tntlrt road not to exceed 110,000, and not even that much. If the road la not traded all the wa Thin estimate co?r (be work on n riant of way thir ty fret wide; all tri-cn and ntumpn re mored twelve feet each nldo of conter, sd all bole Oiled and rublnh cleared off of rlrJit of way- Alno two bridge of timber and hewn planking lu the AM lection or orlt First unit to bo iwtttyone or twenty-two miles, and w to exceed an expenditure, of about 15.000. Becond unit wll require one. 1 Ionic brlilRcn and n number of 'Mil ohm. More gmtllng will be ro quired on thin Nerllou, which will bi tout thlrtoen nillni long, but will about tho Hiimo mm tho first unit, 15.000. Tho ncond unit cannot W located Until n liiontlnir rw.lnl tin. wnnrreed upon by Une and Klein-' its countlei. "I believe In Lo in.. ,. 1.....1 .nt. .i.i.. ---. ..... iii;iiU mill imn i nlt, and the second will rome In 'iM course of lime. The main polnln are tho hiivIiik of MUt Seventy mlli.x l o.i. i....... . Jfon point from tho Willamette j; the dlvemlon of tourist travel hrourt Klamith county. (natcsd of i . tMle Vmh- "oiu'' 'lnvlo, Z nd ,J,k"lw. resulting In w money pent Klamath county. "luable property, more taxes tad. m , Hm bul not "w,' rul a only PBll or lh0 , B wwer volume of hn-in . . . ......... inn hi U Kill- "W, trocew, clothlnK alre, Hportlnic "".CT, rcnrnntlnn rOBOrtH In Offers to Manage Railroads toriSoldiers mjl j, ,f : .Mlijur :iilitlim llllieof VIlKlnln, fop titer vice prtmldt'iit of tint HoiHheni !' rlttc line lu MkxIco, ban offered bin eervlceH to llm ko eminent In the man itKi'iiient of rnllromlH for the trnnnpor tiitlon of tioopi, Hlimild American iol-illi't-M Invade Mexico The major Ik a Went Point Kiaduati. no he known the iHi-i or rnllrondri fnuit n military an well ii it railway point of vluw HAZEL BARNESIS MARRIEOJO COOK WEDOINO TOOK PLACE LAST NIQHT IN TWIN FALLS, IDAHO. COUPLE WILL MAKE THEIR HOME IN KIMBERLY PROHIBITIONISTS MAY HAVE ANTI CATHOLIC PLM ICOMMITTEE SAV8 PLANK 18 "CON SCRVATIVE" Final Platform Probably Will Declare lor the Withdrawal of General I'er ihlng'i Troopi, Women Suffrage, Government Armor Factory Bulxer Arrlvei From New York to Stampede Convention. I mii'it I'n'i-n J.i vlii KT I'At'U .luly 2(1 -Aftfi n mont IiIMit IlKlit. tli committee on the plat fu in for tho prohibition party reported thin afternoon In favor of n "rnnneitn thr' 'uiill-Cntholllt plank. The com inltteK wan lu nerret xenalon all day. Opponi'iilM of tin plank fear that it will hiitui-otilzi' all Catholic dryn. The prohibition platform, wben com pleted, probably will Include a demand for withdrawal of Oeneral Pcrablnsr'K piinltli expedition from Mexico, nn eiidorM'tnent of nntlonnl women suf frage for women, nn eight-hour day, preparedneHH for peace, a government armor factor" and aupport for farmers' inoM-meiiln. William Htilzur, former governor of NYw York, arrived today to attempt a , ntampede on the llanley atrength. Here's Some of Mexican Army the Boys May Face Tim wedding f Minn lliuel Uarnvn, ilnugliter of Mr. mid Mm. William II. Hitmen of thla city, to Hurt L. Cook, took place at 7:30 o'clocl; lant evonlng In Twin Fall. Idnbo. Mr. and Mm Cook will iimke their homo lu Klmboi ly, Idaho, where Mr. Cook In pitching for the Kiiuberly baneball team. Moth purlieu to the tnnrrlago are wnH known In Klamath Fnlln, tho brldo hnvliiK renlded hoiu with her purontH for Hovornl yenm. Mr. Cook wns hero lant Hummer and lant winter. He wna on tho pitching ntaff of tho local ball t-lub 60 ALLOTMENTS WILL BE SOLD i onOER HAS BEEN ISSUED FOR RC- 1 PORT ON CONDITION FOR IRRI- t I CATION OF ALL THIS! LANDS) t flplaaaMMi.iwIM4AflHaMMaflHMa H kCkkk. & fc 'BkBBK ' aaBBBBH W VBP& "JB f iS M rlllllHIlllH V l"www III1, BBb 7t j. jl V'K N. . T 4BV " "V GERMAN AEROPLANES BROUGHT TO GROUND SEN. LAFOLLETTE OPPOSED TO ARMY FOR COLLECTIONS RU88IAN8 CAPTURE KUQI ON THE EAST FRONT Berlin Send No Announcement ef Vic toriec Dlapatchee Say the French, Bntlth and the Rueelana Gain en All Front The Entire First Line ef the German Trenches ere Taken by the ENDORSES WIL80N IN 8PEECH IN Frencn at a.tux. THE 8ENATE Wisconsin Senator Denounces the "New Born Policy of Guaranteeing American Investments the Protection j of the Flag" Says the People Will Eventually Know About Prepared United Frees Service LONDON. July 20. Oeneral Half re ports that this afternoon the British recaptured the few sections atoms the tongueval front which was lost to the Germans recently. North of Lo&ffae val the British advanced to Leipzig. ness Money. W KH .iiii Carrnuxa'H aoldlera have trained n any or their women to shoot, and this photograph shows three young women who have been taking revolver les Miitd for months. Mnvl.e If (Airanza It, hard pressed and he Is very likely to bo ir tho national guardsmen cross th e border some of these girls will face American troops. ARE STILL AFTER SISTERS' HOSPITAL HARMAN ON 'I HE MARKET Hot In Middle West "iilietl Pi ohm Service rillC'AOO, July 20 A thunder tUoim Itrolio tho beat wave today nftor Ami were) dead from tho beafa ofTecl Thei o If no pronitno of roobr weather' In tl.o lladlo West thla week. flirt, ovory bunltionn will bo lienellted In porno way or tho other." Tim' dlHtuiico fioin CroHtont To Cioh cent Lnko la 18.2 iiiIIom, from tlu-io to Kitmiiilt Lake twnlwi iiiIIom. nd f"" llteio to the l.nno county flvo-lentlm or n mile. Tho tolnl dlatiitico from Creii rent to Kugono la 110 mllca. former Local Attorney tried tor Embezzlement ntnt Z2 "Mi", for embexxle. l::, "WCh she nilH him jT "UTI air w. ' "" " --v,mi ivi a divorce. Tho dotectlvea were not hired, It Is alleged, and her huaband did not file a counter complaint. Crane then te fuaed to return the 400. Crane Is well known here. He prac ticed law with George Noiand. He left Klamath Falls only a few years ago. ;:Uiy allotmontN on Klamath Indian ioiratlon, belonging to estates of tloft'iiM'd ImllniiH, are to be placed on tho iniiikel, for xnlo to hlgheat bidder. Tlmt much or this land Ih tillable and Phils of It Huncoptlble to Irrigation la Inilluited In the fact that Agent Wil liam H. Freer han directed Engineer II. W IlinrkH lo make u report on the lioiiilbllltlcH for 1 1 rl Ration of each of tin ho nllotmenta. Knginoor lllncka In to make hla re port an aoon nn ponnlble, and It In be lloed Hint noon therearter the allot inuilH will be nilvortlned for aale. Much valuable land on tho reserva tion now belong to white men, who have put dinned It from catateH of de ceived Indiana. The sixty now allot HontH will Increase this acreage ma- lot lolly. F.VANS BROTHER8 BUY FINE MAIN STREET LOT KiKhty-Hlx feet of Main ntreet propor iv. nt tho corner of Tenth and Main MieolH. wna purchaaed yesterday by S.mI II KvntiH and M. rorcy Bvann, pro niinmra of the Sunset grocery. Tho propetty l that Juat below the old pub lie rcliool building and just east or toe Nunnl bakery. Nineteen feet of the property ex i.,hu hnnk to Wne street and the re maining sixty-seven feet runs back 1M foot. Tho deal was made oyA. A. awn man & Son. PELICAN CITY TO PLAY DAIRY BALL TEAM SUNDAY Tim Pelican City baseball team will Joutney to Dairy noxt Sunday to play a mime with Ross Sutton's Dairy Cow boytt. It will be lumberjack against cowboy, and la expected to be an Inter eating gas. i COMPETITION WILL MEAN BET- TER SERVICE AND WE ARE DO ING TO BE COMPETITORS, SAYS PRIEST ASKS YORE LICENSE WANTS COMMERCIAL CLUB TO RESOLUTIONS IN FAVOR OF ! INCREASED REVENUE FROM AUTO OWNERS I II iiitcd Pious Service WASHINGTON, D. C. July 20. De ! nouncing the "new born policy of guar anteeing American Investments abroad wltn the protection of the American flag," Senator LaFollette, In a speech in the senate today endorsed President Wilson's Mexican policy. He predict ed that the people would vindicate the president next November if Wilson Is made the campaign issue. Senator LaFollette expressed the hope that "Hughes would not endorse the using of American forces as a col lecting agency." He said the people "will demand and are going to know whether the in creased appropriations by congress for preparedness are for defense or for in dividual collections and profits to mu nition makers." I'nited Press Service T-KTROORAD, July JO. It U am ; t.ouneed that the Russians have occn 'pied Kugi. Repulsing Teutonic ad- 'ances, they have penetrated into the vicinity of Ougli Arsonovitcbi. United Press Service PARIS, July 20. It is oatdally an nounced that the French resnxeeJ the offensive today and captured the en tire first line trenches at Barlenz Soye court. South of the Somme the French line has been straightened. Drives la the vicinity of Peronne have been success ful This morning the French captured fortified works northeast of Verdun nnd progressed west of Tblaumoat. Two German aeroplanes near here were downed at daybreak. A German outpost attack on Argonne bns been repulsed. Worry Causes 8ulclde SANTA ROSA, July 20. Mrs. W. a Smith, wife of a wealthy Oakland the ater owner, died this morning as a re sult of drinking chloroform Tuesday. It Is believed she was mentally unbal anced through worrying over her two sons In the allies aviation corps in Europe. Howard Manage Oaks i OAKLAND. Calif.. July 20. Presi jdent Frank Leavitt of the Oakland 'baseball club of the Facile Coast League announced today that ha had 'sold his Interests in the club to Dal j Howard, former manager of the San 'Francisco Seals. Howard will asauxae jthe management of the Oaks on Aug :ust 1st lit an effort to secure Sisters for a Ct.l nolle school and hospital in Khun nth Falls, Father C. J. O'Rlelly or this diocese of tho Catholic church will leave soon for a three months' trip of tho Kant, according to Father Marshall of the local church, who returned last evening from u convention at Baker. Fathor Marshall was accompanied here by Father Murphy or the Lakeview church. "Cnthollcti in Klamath Falls are just ten years behind time," said Father Marshall this morning. "For that long iwe have needed a sisters' hospital here, and we intend to have it, although it may take three or rour years to get it. "No hospital gives the best service lionslblo unless it has competition. Thin ban been round to be true even with sinters' hospitals in towns where hov had no comuetltlon. I sincerely believe that better hospital service will be given when u Catholic institution is established here, ror the reasons mentioned." Qualifies on Two Tickets I'nited Press Snivlca HACitAMHNTO. July 20. Governor Hiram Johnson today qualified by filing IiIh petitions for both the republican nnd progressive nomination for sen ator. i In an effoit to bring pressure on the next legislature for a law which will "biiiiR increased revenue from auto mobile license fees," C. C. Chapman, publisher of the Oregon Voter, has ap pealed to Klamath Commercial Club for aid. He requests that tho follow Ins i eolation be bi ought to the atten tion of tho directors or tho club for "discussion, appropriate report and action." "Whereas, The wear on Oregon roads is caused principally by automo bile traffic, and, "Whoieas, The Improvement of thtougli highways is of direct benefit to automobile owners, in saving tire nnd other expense, and, "Wuorens, Automobile owners as a class are liberally disposed towards road improvement and will endure an Increase of nuto license fees if the pro coeds are to be exponded by the state ror permanent Improvement or through ronds; therefore, be It "Resolved, That wo recommend to tho 1917 General Assembly of the state of Oregon the onactment of such legis lation us will bring, an Increased reve nue from nutomoblle license fees, same to be tho basis for providing Interest and sinking fund payments for bond Issues for permanent highway Improve ment by the stae." Paralysis Leas I'nited I'iohh Service NEW YORK. July 20,The health department reports today that thoro la a very gratifying decrease In the num ber of cases of infantile paralysis. Old Man Runs Amuck SANTA CRUZ, July 20. Louis Mill er, aged 58, without warning today shot and wounded Policeman Robert J. Rob ertson and son, and then set fire to his cabin. He volleyed with the police and firemen when they approached his cabin. Soon after the police fired on him he committed suicide. ' Return ta Work j SAN FRANCISCO, July 20. Long shoremen at this port returned to work work this morning, ending a six weeks' strike. The coast district officers of the longshoremen's union have not sanctioned the resumption of work. It Is predicted In some quarters that the men will quit again soon. $28,000 to Be Spent in 1916 tor Indian Farmers River Boatmen Work SAN FRANCISCO, July 20. Follow ing the discharge of the strikebreakers river boatmen around the bay returned to work this morning, ending a strike started yesterday, Seven more miles of drainage ditches nnd fifteen more miles of laterals are to be constructed on the Modoc Point irrigation project this summer, accord ing to Engineer H. W. Hinoks, who has charge of the work. The new laterals are being built to cover the high points on the project not watered by the orig inal laterals. In addition to this work, 100 concrete turnouts are to be built this summer. An appropriation for Irrigation oa Klamath Indian Reservation of 228, 008 was received last month for work to be done In 1916. Of this amount, 20,000 is to be used for new construc tion on the Modoc Point project and 8,000 for miscellaneous surveys and construction. Much of the miscellaneous work Is to be done in the Yalnax country. Bn glneor Hlncks today is looking for chainmen to be used In survey work on tbe Yalnax project, which will begin at once. To date, a dam 192 feet long, and twelve feet high baa been built on tbe Yalnax project, and four miles of canals have been constructed. Two canals take water from this dam, one on each side. The dam Is near the Har rison Brown ranch and stores water from springs there. The two canals now Irrigate 1,020 acres but the ultlmateacreage of the Yalnax project is 22,000 aerea. Other recent construction work mm on the reservation by MBglneer Hlaeks is a rock crib dim la Pert Creek and has a splendid bridge acreae Wet Creek, in nlace of tbe old oae that was ithara for manv years. rl , jA M '