i aMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER German Aeroplanes Bombard VVQS.IMVA KLAMATH FALLS . IS READY FOR FREE DELIVERY LAIT OP.9TACLE SATO TO BE R. MOVIO Poiimwtir Delull Believes That Im. prevtd Mill Service Removes Latt Straw In the Way of frit Oellvery. psitotflet Inspector Mas Olven O. K. toHoutt Numbering With mail hitIvIiik In Klamath falls Mil leavlliK (wire each tiny. II In i.o believed llmi valid argument itanila In the way f free mnll i1Ilv tty for thl clt Home Hum ago n post efflft Inupcrior wn bore nnd nenl In hli approval of lli liiiiln'Hr liinirti unit traldence numberlnc For several )fm the rrcrlplH at the Incnl post office have been mine (linn ininiKli In rarrant wtabllhtiierii of n frii ! livery system. The objection on which the ol offlc department ban stood out long est ifriut framing free ilillvir in Kttfealh Fall l Hint free delivery otiU delay the time of natron getting ibWi mall. The ilcimriniriit ha argued Hut null coming In on the evening traia eeeJd be gotten from the office liv i:V or 10 o'rlnok thi snme night, therein by freo delivery II could not teach the patron before llio noil foie roon. Novtb.it nbotn thieefouilhs of tho mil, Incluillnr: ptactlrnlly nil mnll (row the Rant nml nil from the South, leirhe bere on th trnln arriving nt :!$ In Ihe afternoon, it believed tile utronieat argument of the pontnfflci de partment bus been answered Mnll nr tltlncon thin train easily roulil bo do. Ilrered the Karon afternoon. PoatmaMer V A Deltell In again UMn up tin- ntaltt'r of free delivery lib the poMofflce dnpuilmcnt. It In Inown (hat the rase of Klamath Falls li being connldeied by tin. department. A mall car will be attached to the into leaving here ni s o'clock In the Morning, and on the onn arriving nt 7: Id the evening Thorn will be no mall car on the train leaving nt '1:01 p. ni. or on llm onn arriving nt J:Ki tut through mnll will ba carried n both of thexu trnlim. Mall for the nioo train must bo in tho pontofflco by : a. ni. PLAVIO "LOVE PIRACY" AND GOT MAN'S MONEY I'nlirt I'reiH Service SAN J08E, July 19.-Honlonln Htuw- lln ""J arrMtod MOr' ,0,'y 'or NWlud' f a San Francl mnn out of 1:1,100. ".. ,rretfl Bin. staled Hint Bho J'VM In the Mmn f ..0V0 piracy," n. SSa '?' mn "' ",vn hor nny iV f,Unw,ow' Sno Nld HhB had flWt Ihf Kill Hllld HllO wa n J clren, but now doclnrcH hio wobip, to rnin,IPnt Sftn KmnclMCo HWiJT, Blacklisting Dims Hope ; of Modifying Blockade dPttaa Service 'lt?WentWllHon,''Hllwk. " iL m.,K"flca"n or tho Brit. iJrlS? or, fl""ny. hope of "J MMmpitobiMBi or bin pu ' ' trday by the BrltUb gov (Elftf Iturtttng Represents Carranza Kllhi'O Ario'tumto, uiulj.ihoiuloi iIomIk ' nulo fnim flonornl CnrrnnMl'luM)xl run K(vornmon n tho Unllil Stuu-x N i-ry ! UIh now In th- iiokoiIb IIoiIh whlrh Socrotur) UiumIiik hn opont-d Up with lln Moxlcnnn lo nolllo llio iKirdor irnulilo TMIh wnapuliot nhiiMH him mi uno "I li nirc vIhIIk to tho Mrroinr of Mate ship fiveIars stock tomorrow KLAMATH COUNTY HORSES, CAT.( TLE AND HOOS 00 ON THE LIVE.j STOCK SPECIAL FOR OUTSIDE MARKETS , Two I'liilondH ni Kliiiniiili couiyy hnvsoN. tv.f of cntllo and ono of Iiok v. Hi Ih Hhlpiiod mi thf TliurHdny llv i.iorl. Miifclnl train toiiiorniw Tho' aioclt koi'H l) Hon or, San I'lniicUcn iii.il I'ortlnnd. J I., llockloy will Mend Iwo earloadM ft lieef rattle In Miller Ar I.UX of Sun KihiivlHcn Mr. llockloy Ih huylnK hoof fni UiIm llrm, nnd expoolH In purrhiiHO hutoiul llioiiMiind lionil holwoon now nnd wlnlor. I.. M, THItion anil 0. U. KorrlM of DiMivei will Mhlp iwo'CiuloatlH or local houi-c lo Donvor. Onn car or IIioho hotiieh wiiM purcluiHod from IiuIh Oer her. Mommim. TIIIhoii and I'oitIk hmo hnnii buyiOK Klamath county hnraoH for unvrrul wockn. .A cnrlond of Iiokm will b Mhlppod on" the r-poclal tomorrow by Hurry HIIHh. Thoy will :o lu I'oitlnnd. ernniont of Hovernl Aroorlcnn llrnjH. iNono of llm IIiihh llBted mny Irodn with HiiRlaml. Tlu rpfUHnl lo ullow llod OroaH ahlpmentH lo ronch (lormnny hIho wovkn ngalnat tho proHldonffl iur pone. Tho aunio Ih true of NlilpmonU to non-combatants In Poland, KLAMATH EFFORTS BEING MADE TO SECURE SHARE OF FUNDS MflHINQ TO HE DONE UNTIL nULCS PREPARED Lcttcrk From Cooyreixnan Slnnott end Chirf fortttrr't Aitlttant Show llut Orrfjoni Intercit In the $1,000,. U00 NatlniuV Park Fund It Being Looked After in Washington llm l tlie iiipeiilii from various ni it", in OieKon for it Jmt propoitlon o. in jl.onii.ooo to in. xit MMldo niniii ill) for iuipriivoiiiout of iomln in mi- Hiliiil fnrextx nii lirlni; llHteued to In V.'n lilUKtnn Ih Indlcuted hi lottotM H" relM I i'ii hi-, nint! Ii Kliimnth f'oin- ini'KKil Clue fiom ('niiKroHHiniin Sin- null mid A. I. I'otti'i, iictlnu foroHtor, I'lillnwhlK In llio letioi from Mi. I'Ottl'l "I have lecehed our wire of July 11. The tori'Mt M'lvire In now oiiKiUtod lu piepnrlni; tuleii and reKUliitlonn for oarryliiK out M'etloii S of the fodeial nld toad act aiiproved b the president ' mi July 11 II Is the Intention to nub-, mil theno lo the m-cietury a Moon iih , Approved, no that they may bo promul-, Knted nl nn onrly date. "The dldtrlct foroHler at Porlliuid. (HOKon, ImM been loquoMtod to prepare n lln of lecominended projects In or-, dor of their Impoilnnco, nnd to Inform, mo roKardliiR tho amount of tooporn-i lion which probably will ho available.) li Ih well luuualnlcd with tho roud Hltuatlnu In Klnmnth county, and I know will rotsulder lln needs when he' In piepnrliiK IiIh list of pioJortH." ( The letter fiom CoiiKrosHinan Sin nott hIiowm Hint he Im active In tho In toret of (iioKon. Hlr, totter followH- "I am JuhI lu lecelpt of your tele. Ktam of July 11th. On receipt of same I talked the ninttrr over with Amtlntant , ToreHter Potior. Ho HtntoH that tho, ilopartinont Im now Irylnc lo formulate, inles and roKtilntloni. for the proper ( pioci'diiio to be taken by tho utatcH or counties dedlrlnu a Hhnro of the funds. They are alno trylnu lo dotormlno what will be an equitable dlHtrlbutlon j for tlM! vurloiw Mtnles and sections of tho KttltCH. ' "ThoHO iuIoh and loKiitntioiiH will not j bo ready for about two weckn. I am enclosing herewith a copy of tho lawi relative to fotoHt inadn You will find! ... .i.. e .... ..n,.A I Vnn I 1110 hlllllll 111 Hetlioil o, "li l'h. " will note Hint the bill puts the InlHn tlvo upon the proper officers of tho Htnto or ceunty: Hint It nlno roqulroH un uKiecmont between tho necrctnry of nKilcuKuro nnd the stale or county. I road lo Hie aaalHlnnt foroHtor your tele Kium Ho thmiKht It would bo well for the preHont for you to file an applica tion wllh tho district foroater nt Port land. Your implication will be Riven duo coiiHlderatlon. "TIiIh ontlro matter ut Hio proMent time Ih up In tho nlr until the rules and lOKUlntloiiH urn formulated, but It would Hnem to bo wlno for you to take mi Hie matter of your rondH with the Kovcrnor nnd perhnpM the lilghwnyi commlBHlnn of the state. "I am filing your tolcKram with tho chief foroutpr for his further consld eiatlon."' Section 8 of the act signed by Presi dent Wilson on July 11th, nnd referred lln lu the letters Ib quoted belew: 1 "swiloii 8-That thoro Ih hereby ap propriated mid .made nvnllable until expended, out of any moneys In tho na tional treasury not otherwise appropri ated, tho sum of i,000,000 for the fiscal your ending Jo 30. 1917. and each ilHcnl year thereafter, up to nnd includ ing the fiscal year ending Juno 30, 1920, lu nil, 10.000.000, to bo available until expondod undor the supervision of the secret my of ugrlculture, upon request fiom tho proper oBlcers of tho state, territory or county, for the survey, Continued on Page FALLS, ORKGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1916. Hobnailed Shoes Tim war dopaitmont has ordered '.'fiO.OOn hhoert of . now pe for United S-l.Mi-s mKUlnrN and iiulliiatr.un In Mcs. lean Korvjce, 20,000 of 'rhlch have been delivered. All the t loops on the border and in the interior of Mexico will bo nut fitted with these shoes Just ns soon ni they reach Hie front. These shoes me used by the allies, though they wote llrst used by I he Turkish armies. Tho nio hobnulled, us the photograph CALIFORNIA MEN ARE DISCHARGED by ORDER SAYS EACH MUST MAKE FIRST GAME AT WEED AND RE AFFIDAVIT THAT HE HAS DE- TURN GAME HERE ONE WEEK PNDENT FAMILY IN ORDER TO LATER MAY RUN EXCURSION GET RELEASE FOR LOCAL FANS I'nlted Press Servlco i NOC.ALKH. July 19 Colonel Sago to day ordeied tho discharge of all Cali fornia militiamen with dependent fam ilies. Knch mllltinman must file an affi davit stnting that ho has a depondnnt family. These men may be given ninety days ' furlough, tho government retaining their services for use only in the event of war. Inspectors this morning condemned I vii carloads of fresh meat sent here to feed uillltlameu. United Press Service j COI.UMHUS, July 19. Mexicans reaching here report that Oeneral Villa has revived sufficiently to discard his ci niches, and Ih leading a column ngnlnst Mlnlcn, This report Is uncon firmed. Breaks Racing Record United Press Sen-Ice CLEVELAND. July 19. Helou Mut iny, daughter of the millionaire horse man, todify broke the women's world lorord for driving. She sent tho 2 ) ear-old colt Axworthy ovor the mllo In 2:18. Johnson Petition Filed I nlted Press Service OAKLAND. July 19. Petitions nom nem inating: Governor Hiram Johnson, can didate for vlco president on the pro nresHivn ticket in 1912. for United Stntes Bonator, wore Wed bore today. Two thirds of tho signers are progressives. Herald tor the Boys on the Border t-hows, whereas all of the shoes now in use by the army are smooth. A dls tiiiKuls'liliiK feature of the new shoe, however. Is that the leather is wom in sjdu out, and Is exceptionally soft. The shoo has no cap. The old shoes lasted barely three weeks In Mexico, their particular enemy being malpals rock, which lapidly cuts them into shreds. The old shoe weighs two pounds three ounces, while the new model welghn three pounds und seven ounces. WILL PLAY WEED TWO BALL GAMES Two baseball games with tho Weed team, to be played on August 20 and L'T, have been contracted for by Man ager liny Watt of the local club. The Ili-it game will be played at Weed. The return game will be played at Modoc Park. A lequeM for the two games wns re foiied this morning by Manager Watt, ami be Immediately wired that Klam ath Falls was eager to clash with the team representing the wind-swept town. In the telegram tho Weed mau n?ci' asks Hint an excursion be run to Wecc on August 20, and that a large number of fans bo brought along. In return he says he will bring u big crowd from Weed for the game here August 27th. These games are sure to bo hotly contested, because both Weed and Klamath Falls claim tho championship of Northern California and Southern Oregon? Wood has n strong team, in cluding Dill Teurck und Jlmmle Shoe liy from the University of Oregon, and this season has dofeated Medfprd, Red ding, Dunsmulr, McCloud nnd other teams. Klamath Falls has a record -of only ono defeat this season, nnd that to Willows, h team tho locals walloped hero 5 to 2. Deny Militiamen Neglected United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C. July 19. Oou omli Wood, narry and Ball today dc nled that militiamen sent to the border hail been neglected. They said that all org'tnUatlons bad ten days' rations, wlikli was sufficient, unless food was thrown away, Finish GERMANS RECAPTURE STRATEGICAL POINTS L RETURN TU WORK SPLIT IN RANKS OF STRIKING STEVEDORES IS PREDICTED. NORTHERN UNIONS ARE STILL OBSTINATE Cnited Press Service HAN FRANCISCO. July 19. Despite the refusal of local unions in other roast towns to sanction the compro : Uo offered by Hie employers of long shoremen. It is believed that local long shoremen will resume work tomorrow. Local leaders are dissatisfied with re potts from northern points. It is predicted that resumption of work by members of the local union would split the coast union, or cause others to return to work to avoid a fplit. PROPERTY LOSSft REACH MILLIONS FIFTEEN ADDED TO LIST OF DEAD FROM FLOODS AND HURRI CANES IN NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA United Pie.ss Service ASHVILLE, N. C, July 19. Restora tion of communication with the dis tricts affected by the recent floods and l.'jiricanes shows that the losses are gi eater than at first reported. It is known that thirty-five persons have boon killed or drowned. Property losses will reach $16,000, 000, nnd consists chiefly of crops, fac tories and railroads. SOUTH IS OPPOSED TO CHILD LABOR MEASURE United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C, July 19. Sen utors from the Southern states threat en a filibuster if tho child labor bill Is passed nt this session of congress. They also threaten to jockey the Im migration bill to force President Wil son to either veto it or revise his posi tion. Administration supporters are determined to pass the bill. ONCSHOREMEN Sulzer and Hanley Fight Like Old Uulted Press Service ST. PAUL, Minn., July 19. Old time politics are developing In the fight be tween J. Frank Hanley of Indiana nnd William Sulzer of New York for the Ptohlbltlon presidential nomination, The women's federation of the party revolutionized that liquor caused the European war. A fight on preparedness is certain to occur. "The call of the hour is the chal lenge of a supreme opportunity, to an unparalleled sacrifice. These are lb vords of trlumps Peaoe, prosperity KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Prlee Five Cents Town RUSIaN TRANSPORTS SUBMA RINED IN BLACK 8EA CiarS Troops Cross Carpathian Maun, tsins ?nd Descend Onto Hungar'an Plaint The Swift Russian Advance Threatens All Kaiser's Forces on the Eastern Front, Says London. t'nitoil Prcs Service LONDON, July 19. General Haig reports that in a fierce counter attack, tt-.ir. morning the Germans obtained a footing on the outskirts of Longueval and recaptured a part of Delvillere. The Dritlsh left Is menacing Pozieres. I lilted Press Service LONDON, July 19. A correspond oat of the London Star reports that the Pussians have crossed the Carpathians and have entered Hungary. A !,wift Muscovite advance threatens ell lhe Teutons' eastern forces. l.'uited Press Service " PETROGItAD. July 19. The Rus .slar.fr are again hammering at the 'Carpathian passes and entering .Hon- g-.try. There is severe fighting oa a 'co-mile front southeast of Jabollntx 'pai.s. : The Austrians, unable to brin? up their artillery, are retreating orderly. United Press Service) BKP.UN. July 13. A repon from Constantinople states that three Rus- ,slnr transports have been submarined j In the niack Sea. The fourth was 'dri en ashore and captured. i i United Press Service 1 PARIS, July 19. It Is announced )th: by courageous grenade fighting the French have progressed northeast of Verdun and by artlllerylng have gained successes along the east Meuse, Ipirticularly around Fleury- (United Press Service ! I3ERL1N, July 19. It Is officially an nounced that offensive of Kuropatkins ' niga front collapsed this afternoon be fore General von Hindenburg's forces. The Germans have recaptured Lon- ! geeval and Delvillire. The Longueval ,road commands several important i highways. , Attacks by the British on Pozieres have been repulsed. French attacks on North Parlous also have been checked. BERLIN, July 19. German naval hcroplnnes tonight bombarded enemy ctuisers, submarines and military es tiblishmonts at Revel, in Russian Fin land. A number of hits were made. The aerofieet returned unharmed. Time Politics and prohibition. Elect prohibition. Wt'tn woman into tho constitution. Turn out the exploiters of the people. Tuko privato prom irom war. awp life slaughter of peace. Save America and fcene the world." k In these words Temporary Ckalman Daulel A. Poling concluded bis keynote address at the outset of the prohibition I convention this morning. Mr. Poling, declaring mat me pro- hlklllnn nnrlv was now the sole MB!- sentatlve of progresslvlsm in natloaal , M in.! Continued on Page 4 fc a... j.'