lf? Eueuitu HraUi 'KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALL' V ' OFFICIAL NEWS1AJ jojxtanacai- XftzsaaxstxTS- jtczT3sjMvzx2mm -nn rr-'sr- irnt. rsizi l';,tj IVJ Tnth Year-No. W KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1916. Pries Five Casta Russian Troops Penetrate German trenches ijijiVWii' TELEPHONE CO. SECURES RIGHT TORUIN STREET BIGHTS OF PROPERTY OWNCRO IQNOHED BY COUNCIL 8; MlifprMnltln and Fraud Local Company Obtains Permission to Crcct Line of Pole on Conger Ave. nu(Narroit Driveway In City Only t'lac Where Double Lint of fol4 l Permitted. 'j to propcrl) owners of Conger uo uix ire conildcrably nniUit-d oer the rcilon of the city council last vruiiit in (ranting peruUnlon lu Ibo Pacific Trkphone and Telegraph company to rnct a pole line on the went ildn of 1'oo.tr avenue. Urpruenlatlvrji or tho conipauy ap peared befoir the council last night td presented a paper signed by uve prions waiving objection to the erec ts of lae poles. Showing the que tiouable BwtbotU adopted by the tele pbeae company to secure favorable rruon by lb council. It later developed ikit uu of the uaines on (be petition it lecored by misrepresentation, jaUe the other four wero Iboee of pnferly owner not In any way Inter wteo or affected by the, proposed Iocs tiw of the pole Una. tome time ago employes of the tele paoae company, without consulting the property owner or Unit securing per.SuniU ,n yard and 3hoot. N.lghbor. "WW IIWUI (UV w u ItUIA USf SS h.ole and locatini; u new pole line' aVUst wtit ildo of Coaser avenue.' WbSt tbia work wan ntopped on com-1 iUw of otto of tbn property ownem, j tseaun iepreenllnit the company be-, cast very IndUnaut, uud uueatloned ik rl(ht of anyone, property owner or cily offlclal. to Interfere with the loca tion of the polei, wherever the com puy wUh to place them. However, proteatn were made to the council, and a hearing waa had. Al that time a committee wan appointed to bake M In filiation, conalatlnx of 'he mayor, city enitlneer, and membere the llthtlnR committee. Following iba report of the committee, the coun til refuted pcrnilinlon to the company UBlew they dmt necured permlMlon to rect the polen from the property own t affKted. No double line of poleH huve oeen Meted on nny itroet In Klamath KallH w yean. The council ba in the paat "iy connned pole linen, both for . power nnd telephone, to one aide "J the itrecl. Only one aide of the Mmt In permitted to be uaed on Main jfMt, Klamnth avenue, and prnctlc r ll the other Htreeta In the city. " thue Htreeta are nlily font or In width, Conicer avenue la only alf that wide, and the property "MM claim that they are entitled to "t the name coimldoratlon an la J w Placing polon on other ntreeta "tatdty. " I pointed out that tynice-r avenue n.J rA0f th attractive promenodoa whTTr comf H t0 town for few dyM Ai th n0t ,lmk0 ft lr,P UD lh rlr- ,h '"'lrMt I" unavoidably narrow, ' l,i. . ?g of nn extrtt Pl0 " out X it "' tnB for foot Hldewalk would Hktol ?r,cUc"r ImpMMble for JJJ- In addition the property J2" Panning on bavlag the "jw wd, and in order to moke It id ns. u pM,b,a to' ftoi T IT18 Paener( eipeot to have talk T wt,no; ovw the Zr i'0,t to doluh, It la not de- JJJJJ0"" on the weat aide of the wver. th i.i. L. i at j 7. "" uouipany bob 1 t to ntlralv in. .. C-L.. .. tke to,":'""' ,B0 y nhU of 2 M wy method, however JwwispUah their purpce, ' Hw,,tfcthttoirttlalsth. ---- -i- - ---i-i-i - Won; the Crew of jr .? . j lKPRli. 'z&SNtKEKKKMKKKKBBEUKKMKKnKKKR iiH'iHHI' (iflff 'i' . ?3UPHKIBHai BiV' ?!'-''' rE!-Fii-B-a--Pi-9-- HflHM-:' x-i W'KrcBVlBBFVl WifaBpa y Tbt-,) Sr E H nppHIHe''' JflHV aw HVHHV'-dB'VBlHHHHHHr sl afiBBBH lc(!iIHzl3P KBAaBfl?BiALk'ivVi',M VH ' VW VPJ rTBfMHfmSBEiJHfAS PHflpKVfWffip H I . JCV i&rtf &- -n "4 ""' - ' "" "..,' cLfJaWalMMftMlBBBHWWHBBWBBBBBBal t -litm-irg' ii i w i wwei i i wti f I Tin happiest men In tin t iiIImI H tnli'n ui th tnoini'iil UiIk plioloKi-npli tt ,t, t.il,.'n wn ).iiIm'IiI;hiiI wlilrli hiiclioicil m Haiti tnoiv nfiiT ii o):ikc fnini Drrmcn six are KiiifO by A GRAZED' NEGRO; IS FINALLY SLAIN BELICVCD HE WAS "SAVIOR" OF BLACK RACE a Faat at They Appear When At tacked by Police Barricaded Hlmielf In Houet, and Driven only when the Houie Wae Dynamited, CHICAGO, Jul) 18. Six peraona an lend nnd four are wounded an the ro und or a bnttln thlH mornlnR which rifKeil for hour In Urn populomi Weat Side dlMtrlcl or CIiIchko Henry Mcln tre. u rnued nuKro, ntootl In hln yani HliootltiK nt bin nelRhborn oh fnut they appeared. He kilted threo nnd wounded ono, then barricaded hlmanlf In hln houan. I'ollcenmn l)enn wn nlnln, and two other policemen wero wounded m thoy iippronched the house to get Mclntyre. . ... .....-.... nn..mn .n.i.ii ihli'K .1, county, und are doing their WUh fUHhiadeH. ,7, ,0 ",oU ,,,u rcW0UrCM f tb'8 During the volley, quarry men dyna- nettlon. .... ,e "t h" houo and the nogro dodgtnl ' Since the announcement of he extra hLth the rulnn. still tiring nt ,hel..ln nd I'ullnmn senlce on the Klam- offlcorH. IVIerllvo Hughes fatally wounded Mclntyre. He died later. Mr-lntyrn wns found dead among the ruins or the house, Thousnnds of Hperlntnni witness the battle. Mclntyre believed that ho wns the "navlor" pr the black race. . PRESIDENT A8K8 PASSAGE OF TWO IMPORTANT BILLS WASHINGTON. D. 0.. July 18. President Wilson personally called at the rnpltol this morning nnd urged a change In tho caucus program to per mit nn early paHsngo of tho workmon's compensation and child labor laws. Tho president told sevoral senators that ho did not wish to begin his cam paign for re-election until these meas ures were passed. The presidents call at tho halls of conprfKs cnuHep a sensation, oumo Heiintftrs are puwled, while others aro unirorod. Despite' President Wilson's request for a change of tho caucus pro rrn.ni, a filibuster on tho child labor bill Is threatened. street. The action last nignt was so cured without nny notice to .the prop erty owners, and at a time when their representative on tho council was un avoidably absent from the olty. the Deutschland Felt When They Landed in Baltimore 20 Are Killed By Floods, Hurricanes I tilled rrcitii .Service KALKIOII. N. C, July 18. Delay ed, Kfh indicated iimi appalling iodhchi" lime renulted from ItoodH nnd hurrf r.tner In North and South Carolina. It Ih I.iiom'ii that at lenst twenty perHonn r.re dead In North Carolina. l'ropurty lont- aro Immense, and KLAMATH FISHING BEING ADVERTISEDJPME AS BEFORE VICE PRE8IDENT OF THE SOUTH ERN PACIFIC PLACES FINE TROUT ON EXHIBITION IN SAN FRANCISCO j Oillcilh of (lie Hotithurn l'acluc com- lny lire mum u pcii "'' " nth line. Sun Francisco papers aro car rying good siied advertisements of the railroad company, announcing special rates to Klamnth Kails and Crater Lake nnd tho fishing and outing resorts of this county. In ordor to cicatu a greater Interest in this section and acquaint the people of California with the superior fishing pr Klamath, Vlco President McCor mlck this morning forwnrdod to San Francisco ror oxhlbltlon purposes, twenty flno trout caught Jy himself and Mr. Scott." Thoso are to bo piaceu on exhibition nt tho Paine hotel, and an nouncements aro to bo placed in tho Sun h'rnnclsco newspnpors Informing I he public that thoy will be able to hoe with their own eyes evidence of one day's fishing In Klamath county. ENGLAND MAKES BLACK LIST AMERICAN FIRMS LONDONi.Juiy 18. The British gov ernment tonight Issued a black list of American firms with whom trade with Knglnnd or English firms Is forbidden. Tbo floorgo W. McNoar company and the Petroleum Products company of Snn Francisco are Included In this list. Stockman In Tovyn. , Charlos Horton, a prominent stook Klamath I man of Yonna Valley, Is a Falls visitor today. the members of tlio creu of tin- smit German submarine, the in Carolinas :ecral tralnH are marooned. The po- '" hnve cominandoml all food and In the Ashvllle district lx are known ta bu dead, and the damage there Is .estimated at $5,000,000. Mi.ny people aro clinging to tree to oscr.pe the furious waters Heroic res- , rue work is being done. MAIL SERVICE IS NEW TRAIN ADDED TODAY WILL NOT CARRY MAIL PULLMAN SERVICE ON ONE TRAIN ONLY EACH WAY Although, beginning today, Klamath Falls. Is to have a train service of two trains a day each way, the new train will not carry mall nor will Pullman cms be attached to both trains. The unlii leuing here at 8 o'clock in the morning will carry mall, as will tho one arriving here at 7:45 in the evening. Pullman servicewill be given on the train "reaving at 12:01 and on the one arriving heio at 3:33, but not on the other trains, according to Local Agent Drown. RAILROADS APPEAL TO THE PRESIDENT DESCRIBE PRE8ENT SITUATION AS A "BU8INE8S CRISIS" MAY ASK FOR AN ARBITRATION OF THE STRIKI WASHINOTON. D. O., July 18. Hemmed In between 'the threatened striko and tbo provisions of the Clay ton act, which governs purchases by railroads of supplies, railroad repre sentatives plan to appea. tomorrow to President Wilson for asalatanco In the present "business crista." ' u Is believed they will also suggest arbitration of the proposed strike threat by trainmen and MStsemen. ' ' VWVWMWWWWVVWWMW ROSS DECLINES NOMINATION OF PARKER ALSO REFUSES HO BEAR STANDARD Felt Certain That Merger With Dry Factions of Other Parties Will Not Be Made Majority of Prohibition ieta Opposed to Any Change In the Name of Their Party. United Press Service ST. PAUL, Minn.. July 18. Moat of the uolegates to the national prohibi tion convention in session here do nqt encourage the attempt to merge with tho dry faction in other parties. Only ono progressive at the convention fa vot3 the amalgamation. John M. Parker, who was nominated by tho progressive party for vice pres ident on the' ticket with Colonel Roose velt, Telegraphed today, refusing the nomination of the prohibition party for vc president It is reported tbat Ko? of Massachusetts has declined tho presidential nomination. It is felt certain now that a majority of the delegates do not want to change the Hume or tho prohibition party. PACIFIC COAST GETS NO SHIPS ADMINISTRATION NAVAL PRO GRAM FOR THREE SHIPS THIS YEAR IS PASSED 'BY THE SEN ATE TODAY United Press Service WASHINGTON, D.C., July Id. Sen- atoi Works' motion to permanently station three of the proposed dread noughts to be built by the government on the Pacific Coast was defeated to day by a vote of 48 to 18. The opposi tion held that the motion infringed on tho powers of the president. The seuate adopted the administra tion's nuval programe of eight capital ships this year and sixteen In the next three years. Mr, and Mrs. M. S. Spencer spent yeaterdajr la this city from their reach below Kern. PROHIBITIONISTS GERMANS WEST OF MANY LICENSES SOLD THIS YEAR MORE ANGLERS LICENSES ARC BOUGHT THUS FAR, BECAUSE THE HUNT1NQ SEASON HAS NOT OPENED FOR MOST OAM E A total of $1,282 has been collected by County Clerk DeLap and depntles already this year for hasting, tshlng and combination licensee. Anders licenses are far in the lead In number because of the good Ishlag for the aet eereral months ami becaaee the hnnt ing reason for deer and other game has not opened. Since January 1st, 720 anglers have bought licenses to try their keek la Klamath waters. Besides these ltl persons hnve bought combination l'.rerres, which ouHtla them to both fish and hunt OuV ITS haatlag it - ceiiFe. have been lsnuMds.'aaeJaaaary;auaa today by tho BiM-ih. lat Four veterans of the CivtlKTar have taken advantage of the law which ea - uues mem to comsutauoa without cost These gray-haired hnnt ers and anglers are Henry Newaham, O. A. Stearns. G. F. Voee and O. at. Shlppy. COMMERCIAL CLUB THANKSSPROULE SECRETARY FLEET SENDS TELE GRAM EXPRESSING KLAMATH'Sl I gratitude FOR I M ft o V E D TRAIN SERVICE To show that Klamath county ap predate! the Improved train service be- tween Weed and Klamath Falto. In-i nugurated today, Klamath Commercial I The price of all kinds of powder Club has sent the following telegram J used in shotgun and rile sheila has a4 to President William Sproule of theivanced about 20 per cent in the last Southern Pacific cempany: few days, according to nriee Uses re- " Accept sincere thanks oT Klamath Commercial Club and cltitena of nth Falls for recent material isarTe ment In passenger service, which will prove of inestimable value in our ef forts to induce visits from settlers sad tourists Company's splendid advertisements exploitive of Klamath scenic attrac tions are also greatly appreciated." Casement Appeal Denies) LONDON. July IS. The appeal of Sir Roger Casement, convicted of high treason and sentenced to death, for a year." said Mr. Chambers this saara new trial was denied today. lag. Vistas Flee Bandist Not United Press 8errlas KI. PASO, Tex. July It. The VU- lhtas are Seeing south, aad aet toward the Amerieaa border, aseeralag ta a telegram from Oeaeral Trerlae met cU at Jaures tossy. The wire aaaJss that VllUstab have captures MsSri lie says, he U tafctsc every araeau COUNTER PERRONNE BRITISH ATTACKS THREE POINTS AT ONCE Ceneral Halg Reports British Advance of 1,080 Vsrds en the Ovilleres Fraai, Germans Are Driven From Several Strong ..Feints Fighting .oa the Semme River Is Msst Active of All. I'nlted Prera 8ervlce BERUN. July IS. It U saasuejssd that the Russlaas made a streag at tack on Sign this moralag aad peae trated the German treaches. Later ta the day they were ripalsei. A Bas sian force in VoihyaU Latak ska has been repulsed. After heavy artillery eaemy patrols oa the have been repulsed. i The British sad Fraaaa ara ,ing Masoaett, Berleax aad United Press Seme LONDON. July IT. reports that progress of LSSS yards aa lthe OviUeres freat reglea has heea heavy ratas, the Oermsss hav J driven from several streag IThey have PARIS. July IS. It that the Oerawas are tag west of Peroaae. The awst active today to oa the The at La- '-Jl maisonnottear aad' also at Yi PRICT OF POWDER SOARS TO SKIES QUOTATIONS RECEIVED BY J. CHAMBERS SHOWS ADVANCES RANGE FROM FIFTEEN TO TWENTY PER CENT j eel ved by J. B. Chambers of the Qem Store. The letter received by Mr. Chambers says the advance tat arises was declared last Thursday, ami Is eme to the extreme scarcity of the raw -U rials from which powder ta nude. The advance In nriee of black now der ta 20 per cent, of smokeless IS per cent, and of aaetallc eer cent The price of suns of all kinds also weat up 15 per cent i This raise in the price of pewter makes the increase ta cost saw abaat 140 per cent over the price this time last to South; Near Border tlon to sreveat saadits from apareaea tag the eerier, t tatted Press Eenrtee f HAJUTVOM. Tea.. Jaty ---. esV Ue betweea V-mtn aM cartas torees Is Bettered ts as tweaty saves sea- af it-i Uttarysataas 'i? m w f-iV YM m rv m hi isx . v'tfS i jiai m m $.& m Ffi mi I?4 iRi M Wit ' ( . n