- i" - (! ""JtMBrASCI rv fiti. P 7 HaWta 'H' i 'i- w&v r-xkm H r i'.ai, w ' .frr'S .74 -WM4!v"r" Vvyx ,..i -. aL'v' i -. .aaiiAftc wfc- &w . .?. Hf 'SJ&Sfr&i fj&s i "tv l V 'i If I KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER t..TTT-rTLTjjiuji.rBramTx-icC3ycgf!jaTr:r.' ;;,. rrrrr.-tiB-BSTTnrrnn nnif ri TMihVar-Nt.MM , 111 ' J IIRfFH TO STOP HFRF URGED TO STOP HERE (IN HIS TRIP TO f OAST y ....nUi ...j ..r.r INViTAllON-tXTBNOlO BY CAP TAIN laMtN TO OR 100 N' ,Jt ...... VIM i ) tan FraiMltca o Nw Yn-.Wil' k SraufM M Scar i rt t'-'Ott RtpuMitaft Namlnta M ita-l'o' ' tor in Outintf ai craur uaM :tKr ,nko no MkUt In iwhmIiir ;ur F.lnan Bay ii. H Taur af tht wl lTBraU,m herc " , I Ntftt ilO'ilh 11ml Cbftrlw Ii ukhw. rtiubllenn rr.ndUluto for prui-ldfnf of thi Unllfd Hlatea, nay aM4 at laant a porili (.r hU vacation In Klamath county In mil onl it iKwMblllty, but In nulu proaaMe. Mr. !IUKbe will make a tour of the Wit Mrly In AHKtut, and it wan plan ned after laavlm Ortgon to vlalt Cat Konla. Nevada and anend n couple or week' outlns wwewhere In Wyonlns or Colorado. After the announcement of three plana by Ralph K. WUUa, nMeaher of the republican national conwilttM from Orecon, an uwHati"waa extend isl to Mr. Wlllleaw by Captain J. W. Hleneni of thla city, to have Mr. llufbw vUll Crater Lake and aUo atop at Hwrlnun !odir on I'ellcau Hay. It wan planned to have Mr. Uughea and party leavn the train at Mdford, and be taken to Crater Lake. From there they would a to aUntnaaa Lodse remain m loan aa they found tt convea lont. Appttreally thla Idea occurred to 8. 0. Johnnon and Mr. Pletahaecker about the name time It did to Captain HletneiM, aa they Inuaedlately not huny tbrouRh Mr. Lament and other promi nent friend In New York to induce Mr. Huibes to coeae to Harrlman Indite for hla annuatr vacation The followlai eey of n telecrau Kent to Mr. Huthea y Ralph WUUama, which waa received here thia mernlnf. ihowa that Mr. WiUlanu U very enthu xlutlc over the plan, and la ualni hia every effort to carry it eat Mr. Wil liam la one of the oldeat aad moat prominent membera of the national republican ceaunlttec. and aa he en joy tho coatdenee ef the rentiMieaa Presidential nominee, It la believed, that ho hu n good chaaee of laduclni Mr. Huatea not only to vWt Crater Lake, but to apend hla vacation In Cirrgon. The telegrau followa; "Hon. Charlea K. Hughea, care Aator Hotel. New Ywz ' "I have in mind vacation you Hpoke. of on Weatera trip. Oregon hat the fnmouH Crater Use, which' la auppoaed be the meat pictureefue and won Urful scene In.Amerlea; located In. a oiater or an old veUaae, i,M feet ubovo aea level, by far the highest frnta water lake in the world; the tn yl of mountain ecenery. lae Bahlni ml hunting. Ute R. H. Harriman ae looted tbl apot aa the moat" wonderful Mace In the world, 'Mr., Harrlman tulll bero a moat wonderful aununer 1'ome, having eyery aeeMunodaUoa for i largo party, with every; luxury and convenience or your ataateni country home, we canvreaeh awe by nil toad and boat In lew thM ten houra fiom main line,, after vlattlng ieattlf nnd rortland, en your way to CaUf; "' By making this trip you could wt ihts the' heart ef the teeet monn ( NMMqr It AitortM with emaller xpeadiure of time and atttagtk than fy ether mountain trip that oouM w PoealWy planned. jo. nmatiOn ''wmwIJ Wg ke it la the world,; The Mar f'M heene, known aa the Karrintan wl. ia tendered yeu a long an you Me it to hm aUM.' We wUl provide ovtry oemiert aad eenveoieoee tar - -, ? v v .- ,J- mv&Mffi Sty iV- yourself and pa-1 Mitk. a HpeclKl pf' iHii(i a up vacation at CratA- l.nk tmd llarriiiiwi S.fMlcn. I umhuik 4(iii I lift I vou'wlll nav. ' JM'itre.grel It Tlii ppopln of Oregon, i- ,iKMdlMH of purty umilalloii, would b arwttlr BOBorM r liavinK you an our ICHttt at thia, the mont wonderful placu In tlto unild. If ynu iui lnun;nltil, wire mo. and I will aaka all MOM.irr (trmiii;i Hfhtti. 1 1 Kuln anHiiro you ilm. coBVBleac and acceMHlbility, con-f aertrhiK yout lliu, and ulrcnuth, vcu ' RAID ON BORDER IS FRUSTRATED ANO OF VILLISTAS SAID TO IE APPROACHING THE BORDKR. PEOPLt ANO VALUABttt TAK EN FROM TRAIN United Freaa Service HL PASO, July 17.-Oenerai Vun Rton'M precautionary meaaurea were re warded today when a petrel force warded off an attempted Mexican ban dit raid on the nig Bend country. The bandit disappeared Into the interior. All communication with Jlmlnee are rut, following a battle there yeaterday bi'lwwn VltllBtiw and Carranta force. United Pre Service , KAOLK I'ASS. July K CarranilHla In the PlrdKtiw Negra region are mov Iuk Nouthwnrd to oppove a large VII- llta force which I approaching tbe border. Mexican arriving from the Interior of Mexico report that VlllUta have robbed a train near Torreon, tahing many paaenger and valuable. They do not know what- dUpoaltlon the VII tn are Intending to make of the pa engcn. They ay revldeata or Torre on are'Vllla nymphthitera. SILVER SHORTAGE SAYS LOCAL BANK FIRST STATE AND SAVINGS RANK IS TOLD THERE 1 NOT BNOUOH SILVER ON COAST TO FILL NEEDS According to a letter reeelved thla morning by the rirat State and Sav ings bank, It la Irapoealble to get enough silver to aupply the wants of euatomera. There la not even endugli In the mint at San Pranclaoo,, aad an adequate aupply cannot be obtained until new design are formed at the Tlie following letter to tbe First State and Saving bank from the FIrat National bankjof Portland explains the silver shortage? "We regret having to advlae you that we and it lraposlble to obtain the beceasarv amount of sliver to aupply the' wants of our correspoadenta, and cm taking the matter up with our San Francisco ateaUtaay Mttfy ua that silver oannot'he sroeured ifrom tue mint borore.tne.aaw msigaayj f"iraH iWut September lltb, and that they m ihaMfor. auke unable' to til any crderr for aUvor bjofan tto jgato' "' . ii Tf W :tt Loom united froaa. Sorrlee 1 r - t- w"-- r."ii-- ., WAlHiNQTO,? . , V-. ,rfwy,Mt--f PrWWeat WlUwn' today granted Cjltfll war vwcrans t in tae , goveraaaeBi ar- yjoe a Uave of aheoooe with pay, to.at toad the Konaa City eaeamimeat: 'V Ih ., . tw iEuettf ng lraiJi 2 tp . '-'"'. irr - wfcf wMtf.,--, - - .' n'i , , , , ,, . ,,, ,,.,. ,,,,. . .. ,- jui'jfc , KLAMATH, FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 17, 1916, ,- i ''',,'',w I German Merchant Submarine in Baltimore Harbor, Captain and Originator i .,...-.,.. 'r Ballllllllllllllllllllllllllm I aalllllllllllllllB I i waHHHHaallv RbB ' '"' Lllllllllllllllll BBBBBBBBBBBBbw Bmmmmmmy 1 ' SBB Thl shows the Qerman merchant submarine anchored in Baltimore the hnoplent tnnn In the United of Alfred iolimann, who presented ALLIES ADVANCE MANY PLACES ON WESTERN FRONT 262,000 RUSSIANS KILLEO IN OFFENSIVE OF. Central Power Claim no Victories Te-' pillion hunting him will return, aad day Sixty-One Merchantmen Oe.,"l wima ikne P811" UMla, tven on the border" will return to their strayed by Germane and Auetrlane In homes. He saya' Villa's name la being June Home .Secretary Saya War Costs 'Qrtat Britain 3e000,t Dally Now. ti PAK1S, July 17. it is announeed that the Hussion soldiers Sghtlng on the west front tonight succeeafully countered a German attack in the Champagne district. Heavy loaaea were inniciuu uy uie cssr iruus. t - r ignung loaay w me bobbbso sector Ih unimportant. Went of Floury tho French are making progress. Two Gorman attack on Iorralne have been repulsed. United Press Service IIBRLIN, July 17. It is semlSlcial- iy nnnouncod that the Ruoatan leaaei In men killed since the Russian often rive on the east front began on July 1st totals MJ.OOO: ,K -I " United Preti Servtee l ' PETrjbnruD, July IT. The JJeri man arc auiasslng enoraoua foreea for the defense of Kovel. The, capture of thia important point would seriously endanger the Lemberg,, Brest Utovak and Plnak" region, necessitating a wahdTOwrl of ' the Teuton forces." Unltwl 'ProH Service LONoW.V 17. It waa officially learned today that Kaiser Wllbelm.waa wntcliVa'thVairaan retreat. Ho.Ylei: cd Upfront fqt several day. rf tinlled Press, Servleo' ' , ' ' ' UERI.1N,. July 17. Reaitming tho. of fenstvv, .tjio DrltlsB have penoWttoH tbe Ovilllere woods, It kbaseiaRy, ad mitted today. South of the Seiai'ino there'iJr lively Sghtiug with the leoow- Artrying'all along the WHBttae te asuvoc1 ' y ' During JUae Austrian and Qonnaai crafta' octroyed alxty-oao eaemy wor chanon;;H, la, MUtooaod.' J lateeBa. est meute OMtnn eiaweo my w f "''"!'' v;r . i-t: af ",' .. nj-YTTi II 1 1 IMiiTl State when newapaper men aaked hla the idea tojhe Ctermaa gov,erajaeal ' ! V t" 'f '' - ft Says Villa is Mlulted Pre Service WASHINGTON, U. C, July 17. An cCcial high in the war department 't-uy that Francisco Villa la dead. He predicts-that within a month the ex- ued .by the reraiutionary force to frighten Vsrraaiietaa Carraasa Is said to.be stronger than. I BROWNS ARE SUED BY WICKSTROM FOR NOTE To recover 1119 aBsgod to he due on a proaiiaaory note algaed December t. 19161 oayable la alx months. A Wick- strom of Shlpplngteu today9 started fcn RCj0n taw in' vareuit coun jcalnat a A. Brows aad Fred- O.I Utyvr. of Crystal Creek. Tbe defend-J jpn:.- signed the noto'aa. Bron Brotu-; (civ, by S. A. Brown; The, atalatlff l-' leKflf that no part of it -haa been paid, j Horace M. Maaaing U attorocv for Wkkstrom. ' ' Cause Buried With Him , ., , . jaih. Fall' and Weed announced Satur-' tacks have been jaMnocooafui,' thefday by the Southern Pacific, will be- French toeing much gcoeid: gin tomorrow morning. Train Np.v SI ' Large German forooa arc opposing wiUleave hera at 8 'elock nd arrive VL. ,i.i.U-. i At u!i a.....!. KKin fat Weed at 11:25. connecting with No, the Up River; ' fttistitii attackai16- north o0"" WDicB lVea Woed,ianyrae. he declaree, ale feU to the spuUvweer of LuUk have been re-'"1 U:ll n"K layover at Weed (aow-elad gTmin and when he reached pulsed. ) , - United Pros frvlce i.6NnoN.jiilv.lT.-ieralHatr-'th?'af,on,00,V 'AZTfo "thi. r-Jto. ifc.Ttrrf-.hf captured the Qermanaeooad line posl lion northwest of the BaaeneUne-Ledx 1'oVt .wood, and have pualod'theilne to .the outskirts of'Martiapueh. Boih flanks are advaaclag.', 's " " Hone Secretary MoKeaaa announc ed; today, that; the BrRiah'wariexpea dlt'urea now aaoakKto SM,aeoM Berlin, admit thatihoBrttkh have progreMod' toward Poalarea.; jtiperta of lively fighting woa of Peroavaa have reached here. Berh awe adintu that thoaermaa right, whag. la rotreatlag WV J' 'iWl It!."- I .'.' " l " 1 la - M 3tt',i -r V ,, v. V, talta IT Sorvtoe . j. PBTROaRAD. JulyaT,-t,U oaV eUU'y anu'eunnad tlit IISoo fiiistrlina arwewew, tseawwa,a'B"Bww'0rOB) wtaowso eaoyworw 0Twwesoww owapBawa woreteituredat' Vely, amaaW m ?.-sr t harbor after her voyage of 4,000 mile ahenthla trip. This remarkable feat of aoeae month ago. j aaUnw' an Dead and ever in Mexico now because he averted i a war with the United State without "1'twering the dignity of the Mexican people." Other oBcials In Waahlng- , ton any there la "not one chance In, a thousand,"- and that further trouble Is probable. , Following the latest exchange of note, the war department oSMally fi-els that, the trouble is ever: ; "We think Villa, is. dead, and that ) the causa he, championed was burled v?th him,' said oae.oaacer.of the army. ' NEW TRAIN WILL. BEGIN TOMORROW WILL NOT STOP AT ANY POINTS BETWEEN KLAMATH FALLS AND WEED ON RUN EITHER WAY, SAYS AQENT BROWN The new train service between Klam-. w on, lony-aeven auneie.. a tier oMe sao waa dying. train leaving, here at 8 o'clock will ar.' Harlan dfofi in hie aims, Orpet said, ! ? hor on the return VsThe'bey: adafit.tel thaf he Hod hack'te ... . J Mi.aad hia4e eyery effort toW TVnew 5 - M' ,e5Te,'. " Mrti- . Orpet j Klamath Falls at 12:01 la the 'noon and arrive at Weed at 3; 15. It; will connect thero with No, 1J, souu ther wa no, basis for her fear, bounds o1 wd for 11; Friends of Marian stated she-bad Francisco at 3:33, making a layover' admitted to them that she know she for southbound passengers from Kkim- aafnot In the condition she told Or athFaltobuteIateeainlautea. Te prp atelttoi ho had seat new ,traln, on tho return, trio to Khun-' Maflan .abortive nediclnen . 'some, ath Falla. will arrive at Tijl Ui the 1 moot h. prior' to the trago, .t. ' eyeoiag. j MrteoV Hty'wne" 'fa-tad by 'her " The order issued by the. Southern ''father, Frank H. Lambert, auporln Paclfie atatoa'that tratai Noa. 4lW;toadeat oa tho rjoajso) Iftrpoesheimer A9 fclll tmuaVaft- aa lAaabl snJPAMai ltoi liavaim Klamath Tall and Weed. Henee Simroi f tVaaaaoW'' ammiaAJ BagaJSlaVal lr"ITW W ' - (i. - - Wikira;art "- ik t . .. .'fiwyf.i"!!' . ''.''' r.k: ''.'i..Liii : .' .,TMH i alie tk' trJai;k'vhi IB BHIBK . J IB neoeeoi ariar.sJ "..., t .Tr-T7"",TV-- ll ( ABtJ'?:' iBJmiuiila;Ta' -l.T i 1.- vC".'Airi;iTM waw'w tat R;-may;o;: BVaM'letar1, r-rZ.?TI-iiJ!. t.au'traiaa oer WBB win BHI S0WB1 i '?' il5 i.'.i-ia i.i:v. iiii'i k...- vr..'.. .v ij.i .:.iA-.-,7i.?.v--"i..,'-.i8VTi .Ai 'W - from the MARION LAMBERT JURY IS OUT FOUR HOURS, AND FIFTY, MINUTES Bey ef Wisconsin Will Net V Fay Penalty for Death of His Sweet, heart in Weeds Last FebruaryThe Case Was Myeterieoe, and Attracted Attention in All Parts ef the United State, t; W. 1 IV .. 4, "t V United Preea Servtee WAUKBOAN, July 17. William H. fOrpet, accused of' the murder on' Feb 'ruary 10th, of Vis girlfriend; Mariaa I Lambert, was acquitted by the Jury , Saturday, night The jury was out only 'fow'houra, and fifty minutes. It was the contentk of the defesi that the girl had eoaamJtted anlelde. ' . Aft BWPOiiMtio ow oallVI a mmmasI the fact, that he had left Madison. Or- pet weat to Lake Forest on the night jot evnroary euu Tae next iaonuag ornet met Marian br aeitatxeat In tie woods, toM;her he wise "thrbogh." -and was, going to marry Miaa Toukerv Marian. Ct declared.' sobbed, call- him back, and evidently swallowea; nolaon wheri he' refnged to return. At nmaBea4amlBBiBttBmaVMBmama ".i ..'- ! -o i TS''Wii v SSa?BSBPJBHP- i01 - theMenfejrand .ether4tttte-'l 'Bremen: Captiia Paul KoenJg wait! . : .-' ".,-;sy-it; .JiJAK-g? i -Cermaiwwaa-due tb:a BBwawtfamiVTi'TfeSTrSSTll -- rVfcf ' 7 cj.h?JoIMj;vSee;iBerei mmbhV .-OPJHIRiRllfift; e -, r , i . t . -i i. ir, .!, . it & , naaaajeirana --' -" - ' . after-Stated; had told him she waa fearful of her condition. An autopsy showed .. i n.t-r - .'. . -. t -rt. , , - "La '-.?' Biif 'ak i- ' - -''I". ' -' lBoBBa-alBPmjBlBVam aaar, fBjgxejgm-aBmmmm tm-m kkuath hpBAaWa fiaunUil aaT aw T. ?JTv.a""7T"-TaYj-,f .Wli5l iMM.rvnn, nwn.wni tu aaa- awrkaof:rloleae on the girt: and the a'5: oaoaeTef ,her. 'death' remained' a'-aro- Bt,BNnw eronsa.ao a wrong peoa w eaoo nSB.UW JBWTi OOM IflSIT- t .V . KM ,?V.jj. sT ? v-i i rUAMArJ MSJFAI SnF . :4yr"' '"'k'&L .. - .',' n''r- ..--.',--,- 'Wff.fr' V ' lRWf S. P. OFFICIALS F. ''-"''"S.tftft! :.-cjftK) vtf-rMfxypjm ' uvraakM';i'M'; iam i 4 $& &H&HZ&: tmmmm n : ikiTCcarn. nu i''uu.uu.i..'l .. . ...Htl . . ,.. . UVKIIIIHBH W . . ' .; t.-, o. ;..'.. j.-jw-v,T Tt,.j';i "-.' .'iJ2.r - T ' trniiff -j ...ya-jN-ji I iMI&K &li '''&&M$sm at Country MMlteenle andOtfMr At; - '.. .;ir,t..;&frf?t! , traetJonar-Rallradd :d Prtpartnt fer ' , , VfJS'WVWvii anr9in '.J Pelnta. - ' "vv.., ". -Vls v " VT ,i-i rar tM-w eotludvim Out W.; .1 i, : isJ-jil,!P',"?j : f iM..j(",.iiMaf'!:.HJ uvT linn r Tin niniTniii ninni I sourees 'andgee IM'Mld 8J)e;Uw bh Mwr';Ui- or 'thp Uirited:BeT!Bw;been''4oreei:. -n.--jr 11' . f "tUS'.1Atl(t.liI?n! H-..U, .1 W ipa.msTCJOHTvlBJtBjBEaBjr U '. . .a ... - --- y-i-- a-. -" -,ia and the PaetSc Coaet hi'lHM-aidjBore i ;'rwWntrM?iMikf .itL'.': dd'r.iraSM,d8ofleVe.tlea't?! ,tInue.XThe rallreMar'are making atreei-1') uoh8 eforu'to;'-ertwnd;pTtde:' of tjravertlltei the (mrcidfce'ilJtir-SpriaiwFat A,hUml nd; !ay -s Wi poiBt5er.Etereitait,tWc'Tey. vmueu uk ram ttmvBmmv.mr.. i raiW. -rr$z?3L&:nnrSKm m. ' -J fi'a ?fi 3?f S. -iJ53'iA-, .. .'..i."-- a-iitftL-i! nr Afin,i..-iI wl vi mi villi' lllllall LUbfll JS! rJr rrwny,Keaeriij X,. .&.? 'l&lMH.t-S-t tST& TC-,ViWKl"it msmuim. y" ,. ci jvi 'liitj . t.4.-l L t. J" -". .4-' aw-wviB c. ai aK . avrA .aBHK.:iv ii ttygmmmm&iXM C ?i JiJL "1XT' VT""TJ,wnv r.;v1iTirr?T- tas,i ' ir !.,. T'X Sea Frcl;r(:ti. hua4red? 1 of natinnnl';'ntfcM?Milif itL'.': eral'davs lenr: ,! will "m. i tw--.1 v -,r. .--'Vt - '- ;JV'"K, 'i.1 ' T.I'!' beauties werecaught to OBeaea.C ranging from'two to otoe powad. tav weight. Therei4ere'paogra4 to-F i-day by C; H. MIMer, j wlUprobehly' . tJii'iehtngitrtp,, and. -seeperyfand;;;. attractloM:ofKIamaeoaVfT not. us ami. yisii nere; ror no nanaae;v peverartrips, julastraralltm Proi- Tjjk A. iillli'"i.fritirf'a'nrBtTT',J of the Interior Mather; r'MrpBoott't.'v1 BW gOUll lilOBU;,-,wllvIMIp,,JJr and cnthueedover. hlB;,siMcea.'aaJaf:' j flBhennan,unUl Mr.(McCbrmlek;laBOt od on havlVgdnavottho,!!!.. which over we vianHKo project, ano, moo.wiit;? probably go" to Crater Ie, 'Saturday j-. . - !-.. ii. i.v.'-'.1.'..ivir) ...m. inuu tu.unv'ofcWTwiai.wwi w,riwiS3 '... ..J a "in 'n.t.,a.. ..-4 i otuU' .e,cb .lwwherethelfeaiwliwJotoS'; , qa;spiVfiil'Abejrwo:: ra...at.. '-' r 'i t'i' 'ft t ri n-. .i 'n1-' bv used ln.tbe;new;4vertlng of 'tBOfe, Mr. McCormick is enthuetastie veri.y; he landed ocupy'flrsplaee; WW!: J ;turo taken.;:.; ConBldeVoeiTfO'i .r j" if .mi ht "i j.ij i- m the picture ry has sprung i BprujiK -uu ,uvwto w3' big railroad oaclnlsa to (wWeMpt; the lar'etirnd;thjbalpot !,''; and wheMi.MqCpmlerixofi, o ln? '!? fWf.HP' I TOTBB an h.6pa t;fv ,Tho rl"ifcj iao 'BfrjABiM;i SifJIMIL ' JMBV BrBB! : 'simna.'. arrtot,l PBhBBttaMOM smKamttT Id!-Crater J iirr. , .- , av. iw.mh ww.anitiKFw VUTVVBV that rjt .tlnhr w eaoe 'sdl'tha&wi'am ISBMttBBBH BiBjg-aJM-l--llBl mm f ,a i k '. . 'A. ? v . flAUVVi "fA. v. ', j;iffi'. k ..4v. w-.v.' "fc11 - -