',;-AA''T15T V1V " .'' fy ':4& i v - .?.. i i 1,., ".& vTi ffll KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER "Vl KLAMATH FALLS' , OFFICIAL. NEWSPAPK ' 'u j tenth Vfr No. 1,046 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. SATURDAY, JULY IS, 1916. Price Five Cnto !. .' A V ' in tiff ; " She lEurmnn iteram Germans Admit General 30,000 TUETONS ARE CAPTURED BY ALLIES IN GREAT OFFENSIVE ONLY TEUTON SUCCESS ON BAST. CRN FRONT In Wtsl Central Powers' Forces Havo I Bftn Puihid Back to Third Lint of Otlenit London Clalmi Sixty Mile of Frtneh Territory Haa ton Taken In ths Allied Offensive, I'niltsl l'rci Service UKUMN. July IS. It In officially ad' milled here Ibnl the British have pen rtrnlrd th HoselegrtM Languoval lino und have occupied tho Tronne wood. The DrllUb attack haa been stopped, however, KlKtitlnit In thin region con tinue. The UtMslana have been repuUed in an attempt to cross the Dvlna River. The Merman have recaptured Import ant positions nrould Skrnbowa, lout a few dayn bro. Fifteen hundred Run clan were taken prisoner. The Auotrlans have submarined nn Italian torpedo destroyer. United I'M Service LONDON. July lr.. The ruaulta of the allied dffenalve, began a few nyn ay, in dale are. ok follew: Twenty-five village have lieen cap lured. Sixty-live mllca of French territory has been reconquered. Thirty Ihoiuand prlnonem have be4n taken. German Ioshi-m have ainminted to "5,000 men. . i The ilrltlnh nre within aevea mllen1 ol their objective, Daupahume. The) Kre nrh are within a mile of I'eronne. , The llrltlNh have advanced mile and the French als, four United Pre fcervlce LONDON. July ID.-Oeneral Haig. commander In chief of the British forces, reports today that.tho Oermana at one point on the west front have Iwen backed to their third line de fenses. The lirltlHh rear guard baa been punned front Frlcourt to Maraett. Tho rench have alao been retired a ahort llntaiice by tho Ocrmaaa. In other aectont Keneral Oritlah ad vancoH are reported. The British kavo ken 10.000 prlsonera and large quan "li'H of materials '"Hed I'reaH Service 'ARIS, July lG.-Unlmportant acUv y In the Somme regton is resorted. n the west bank of the Mouse a ae 'n Krenado attack baa bee broken. Artillery flithtlnR la active everywhere. Minor attftck'i by the Oermana to tho Houthonitt and northwest of Verdun have buon repulsed. Delinquent Taxes Since '09 Collected by Sheriff count,, ?' 0t MiUi KlwaUi SILT9!?1 t0 ,"teM-t;oo. the period from January ,WO(o The baiane, of tTe,lt., la tkwt'J 300,000 TROUT FRY LIBERATED TWENTY.FIVE AUTOMOBILES ,IN USE YESTERDAY TO MOVE FRY FROM THE SPENCER CREEK HATCHERY Willi money (.ubscilbed by local HportMium, the HOO.OOO trout fry nt the Spencer Creek hntchery yeeterday were placed In elhl different creeka n ml tlvere of Klamath county. Today there I not n fry left ut the hatchery, iicconllnn to V. Paul Johnaon, who had charKv of "I-'IkIi Day." . With twenty-five Ford cunt to carry (he I! hIi cunn, the trout were taken rroiu Spencer Creek yeaterday morn lnt. Very few died before tho atreanw In which they were liberated were reached. "I am mlghUly pteued with tin; cplenilld enthualattm with which local people donated iijptiey to move the trout fry. It kIiowh the Intereat of tho people In keeping Klainath'H Htrearaa well stocked with trout," aald fltato FUh and On me Cominltuiloner C. F. Stone, who originated "Fiah Day" aa a iiirnuH of movltiR the fry from Spencer Creek. MUCH LANO IN EASTERN OREGON FOR SETTLEMENT VALB, Ore., July ICThere are bin tructa of surveyed land open to settle ment and within the Jurixdlctlon of the United Hlntex land office ut Vale. The lands ao nltunled In the aeveral coun Ilea follewa: Baker county, 28M.71& iil-ivh; (Irani county, 1S.410 acres; Harney county, 3,054,0-t9 acre., Tbn locnl land office claaKOH the land ua dry farming and liiRlt KrazliiK. It la expected that when the 640-ncrn atock homeatead provialon PUhhch the senate, sreat activity In se lection of much of the higher land will follow. Merrllllte Visits. T, H. Lynch, a realdent of the Mer till aectlon, waa a buslnesa visitor In the county seat today. Heavy curtain lire Jus checked the nermann In the Apremout forest, United PresH Service CAIItO, July 1G. Arabian reboa tola morning raptured Mecca, according to dlapatchea recolved here. A garrison of 26,000 men la reported to havo sur rendered. portion of the 1916 levy hoa been col lected, a the boolu turned over in the sheriff on January 1, 1916, ahowa that $41(0,4(18.68. waa due on (be 1915 levy. Much haa been exerted by the aharl'nV ooe this year' to oolleot de linquent taxes, The fact that III, 634.08 haa been collected ahowe thft theae efforts have been largely suc cessful. r .. ! I ---"------"-",- ... ..- . Man Who Invented Fokker Aeroplane r,rtoyKyvtJiluMn,fc,iua ' . .v KS . . fc JM . ' UM . Lieutenant Fokker la the Inventor of the aeroplane which bears his name. It Iiiih been tho most deadly aeroplane on far used In the war. LOCAL GIRL IS MARRIED TODAY MISS JESSIE TELFORD AND E. JACK EDWAKD8 UNI THO BY REVEREND MORGAN BARcV THIS MORNING The marriage early thin morning of Mlnrf Jennie Telford, daughtor or Mrs. n. C. Telford, to Kliaa Jack Bdwards comes ns u sudden Hurprlae to their Inrite number of local friends. The wedding took place quietly at the home of the bride' mother on Conger ave nue, and soon thereafter the couple left for Myrtlo Point, where Mr, Bd wards haa a farm. Both oartics to the wedding are grad uates of Klamath county high school, with tho class of 1911. and are well known. Tho bride waa raised In Klam ath county. She haa three brothers la business hore, Bay, Hurry and Wilbur Telford, ' Mr. Bdwards also grew up In Klamath county. .... ,- AMERICA! IS SEEKING PEACE MOVE IN EUROPE Unlte t'reas 8orvlce IIHRLIN. July 16. The Amsterdam correspondent to the Vosalche Seitsng declares that American reareeeata tlvea are confidentially aouadtag as liuHsadora In European capitals retard ing International conditions la aMrope. it H tlfought the. object is to Initiate i mo e for peace. Paymaster Shot, Nebbed Untied Vtn Service nriufnu inlv IB Pavmaater Catuit- boll of the ' Continental Oaa oompany, was ihtt Md robbed by two thage tkia afternoon. Th.e thugs got 1 1,8W. 8po tatora to he holdup were too surprised to cAaat'tae' robbers. ns J - .. 4Y - TWO TRAINS TO RON FROM HERE. TO WEEO. CALIF. i t IMPROVED PASSINOER SERVICE J BEOINS JULY IS Eouthcrn Pacific Company Adds New Dally Train to Handle the Summer Business Traina to Leave Klamath Fall at S a. m. and 12 Neon, Says Announcement. I A iioM schedule Just issued by the I Southern Pacllc company auouneea that two passenger trains will fee ran between Klamath Falls and Weed dull), tegianlag July 18th. Train No. 39 will leave Klamath Falls each morn ing at 8 o'clock. Instead of 8:20, as It does now, and will arrive at Weed at U:2S. The new train will leave Klamath Falls dally at 12 noon, and will arrive lu Weed at 3:15 la the afternoon. The Brat tmin out of Weed fer Klam ath Falls will leave Weed at'l2:GO In the afternoon and arrive here at 3:25. The dther train, No. 40, wiB leave Weed at 4:15, and will arrive la Klam ath Falls at 7:45 in the evening. The new train k being put on be- caua of the ejrpectei'lnereCSMUravel during the summer months. EXPLANATION The Herald la a little late this evening, but It might have been worse. A cog in one of the big wheels of the Herald press broke, 4 and as a result two gears were stripped and another cog wheel smashed. Through the competent 4 work of the Klamath Iron Works and Carl Schubert, the big ma- chine waa put back In shape prac- tlcally as good as new. CONGRESS FIGHTS OVER SITE BILL HOUSE HAS PASSED ADAM80N BILL, BUT SENATE IS IN FAVOR OF BILL PROPOSED BY SEN. ATOR SHIELDS United Proas Service WASHINGTON, D, C, July 16. Vice President Marshall, chairman of the tonate, today 'appointed Seaators Shields, Bankbead and Nelson as the senate conferee who shall meet with a committee from the house of repre sentatives to settle the controversy over the Shields and Adamaon Mils. The house has passed the Adamaon bill, permitting Individuals and oerpor- UllVlin IV tVMf.C IflJHOI mmi VMMH B4VVW,, but giving the government aa option on theae sites when the franchises ex pire, provided the goverameat par chases the Improvements made by those holding the frsaehisat. All three members of the senate con ference committee favor 'the SbtoMa Conservationists In the' senate threaten a allbuster wsaJnst' the Shields measure. ' Aute Maker Suicides United Press Service NBW YORK, July 16. Paul Sailta, vice president of the Chalaiera Motor company of Detroit, oommiUod aalaUe this morning by Jwnalag frem a teath story window of his hotel. y Smith had been ill for some time. , British Successes "lYiillirYril - "l - l - Tri- jirrr -r Organizes Hospitals for men on Border Pft&fVtVr' Colonel J. R. Kean Colonel J. R. Kean, V. S. A., is di rector of military relief, American Bed Cross. It Is his duty to organise bane hospital unlta throughout the United States, especially near the border, to cere for the wounded troopers who have passed beyond the first aid stage. He haa already organized twen ty of these units fn'tbo larger "cities of the country. A hospital with ample facilities La usually chosen for a base hospital and the physicians In it re ceive army commissions In the event of their being used In army hospital ork. ARMY CENSORSHIP ACTIVE ON BORDER ORDER MAY BE ISSUED THAT MILITIAMEN ON BORDER MAY BE STOPPED FROM COMMUNI CATING WITH FAMILIES EL PA80, Tex., July IS. Army cen sors have been smitten with a peculiar degree of Injustice, which if permitted to flourish, will mean that news of militiamen along the border will be cut off from their anxiious families. Today Major Farnswortb, command ant at Columbus, N. M where the Sec ond Massachusetts Infantry Is encamp ed, ordered their correspondents with that unit not to even place a date line on their "stories," censure the doing of the guardsmen, nor recount the said "dotata." Lieutenant Colonel Cabell, General Pershing's chief of staff, had ordered that "not a word" be sent out concern ing General Peraing's preparations to remain all summer tn Mexico. It waa explained that the state de partment fears to excite further wrath of the Mexican government. Hence, though truck trains are running night and day to Colonia Dublan with sup plies for an all summer stay of General Pershing's force In Mexico, It is calcu lated that by censorship of such activ ities Carranxa will not learn of It, and thus gradually come to forget that the punitive thorn Is tn bis side. Killed in Her Weep.' United Press Bervtee ST. JOSEPH. aMo., July II, Mni Oscar McDaaiel. wlfe.of the prooeeat- lag attorney ef tats county, was robbed and killed. If1, &" while she was asleep, Her'huoband was lured away !y a fake telephone call, On, retarn ng he was fusilladed by the murderer,' who escaped. ,;itia believed the mur- oerer was laaaae,;, ue dm wnuea threatening lettere UMeDaaleU. " r j "rri"nvnnnn.iTn ia.yv nrnrvvvvvvVrvviAjXruuunjutjui.JUj POSSES HUNT WOMAN HIDING IN MOUNTAINS WITH NEW GOV. JOHNSON BEGINS CAMPAIGN CALIFORNIA'S GOVERNOR DE CLARES HE IS FOR HUGHES AND IF ELECTED WOULD' SUPPORT HUGHES United PnMs Scnrtc LOS ANGELES. Julv 16. Br 6tmx t S. ff- . Ms-.1fMaKl.M. A. fUuJalta m SaAar.mBMBl mJJbaw'l?' $to uiniK. kmaarr nirm .bh. bs. lKUK.akk ttl - gresslve candidate for ric icesldiat "" r . ,,. u.i. . U. . ' ,.. , ., ur- -v- "f United SUtes senator from tats state, "If I am elected senator 1 wiH repre- The proa peater states JULJtmaMf;eSi sent all the people.'' .said Qovernorjasaa did net aelt fair help, asm tma4aagl' johnsoa. "I am for Hughes fer presl- dent, and if elected will ceaUame to! support Hughes." COFFEY IS HURT IN AUTO WRECK FORMER EMPLOYE OF HERALD NARROWLY ESCAPES OEATHIN r AUTO WRECK NEAR GONZALES,! I CALIFORNIA According to a letter received tats : morning. Charles CeeTey, rmplnyed aa the Evening Herald until receatly. aar rowly escaped death a few days ago, when an automobile in which he aad others were riding waa wrecked. One person In the car was lastaatly killed, and Coffey was knocked uacoa bcIous. He did not regain conscious noes for six hours, acoerdlag to the letter, The accident occurred near Gon zales, where Coffey Is now located. PROSPECTS FOR OIL ARE FOUND IN FIELD NEAR VALE VALE. Ore., July 16. Work started again last Tuesday at the Sunset oil well north of Vale, Dr. Richard Cart wright of Salem. 'having chare of the operations. The 8unset haa been active tn prospect work during the past two years, and the abowing made has beta such that further Investigation Is held to be JuatlSed. The present management announces that the work will be pushed energet ically and the drill will be drivea to a depth that will bring a flow of oU. if It la to be had at the Sunset prospect House Passes Corrupt aTm ' y M.'i.M'.'. .w i . I, rranwra n m StWRrslFmWV X 1 " . v J T WASHINGTON, 1. O., July 1& The houao of repreaenUtiyes today passed tho Rucker corrupt praoUosa aot, which axes a limit ef expadttures far .ii4i-.t'' .ill. "rt AL i WUMCI WBJM Si J,,' Under the provision, of thlaet .aot BORN BABE ' i REFUSES SUCCOR-dttCrPAINOf HIDING -Preoporter Frees VrekaTaMe AiiMwr $S -i Itiee ef Diecevery :. ' Yeimf Woman With 'Baby Just Sera. Men Ruenlnf te Aid Find, She Hat Avaiaea inew Heiav jy - j xbow-ujw, Jaiy,.. tiZStET' ....... ? YlVi I posses on California afSWwfJl" lS forests in eaeit Jmt . - ?? reachmc hew tedw froas-Y!eka tit Ti T1 .. - i . -. . .?',j -..i of his SanlaK tae.waaMn,ta;tta, wed fra; fa.1 -f,,'-ul-''-J-."i'k.''fcl -"- "T'-----15re,?T5?ATr??rTrXWl cmm. , ,w&Wfc3&r ed te leavd taespetf' he a amp lid tofaM .-l"H .V J,V'. .TT,rrs,asfi ,to;iaas i w mmfwrnmn. Si A"1- i iierwaeavue wstk !eral ether aaea J". .. n A M ii-iii-wiji??sr,i BBnWSBBBBaW (to tae iteat her. WamaaaaBU SaamV SBBawJT caBJHiBM SjVtSJar !,!!.. A xr'.. v wHxm . fc. fliihi rtASmvm -it.. h x . . ' s i It Is aot kaewa from manV, la;wi i ; ri I name to the preafeetcr. BIG APPETITES tf i VT : s a'nii--veiaMi'sV riiiviviipuwi, IMIIIULI IvVsKL i - - r -s .i --- irn. -, , wn uarAnTsaarfT wti iwh.itia- $ rr -wn fA MEN EAT FIVEAYS'RATtS)NS' ,f Sj, i -JfWHfo, IN THREE OAYS-FOOD SAID TO E OOOftV, :: w United Press Servm; ?$. WASHINGTON. D. C.jJab. f i. The big appetites, aad net'a short ago of food, is causing cooaplalats by xseMUa-, men that they are aot given eaough ratloas, aoeordlag to. a statemeat7k- sued by the' war department today; Ihe departmeat says the eat five days ratloas la three days, Tae,, food given bow Is better than that. far-'f?'' nlfshed ta war tlaaes. Fi Accused ef Bigamy . I. w ".. ".' ! V. ' - rf4J. . ,wv -f , ' ',i ftalted Press servK .., SAN FRANCISCO, July 16. Marge- Iret Abercrombie's aaaty marrtaje.to . BHorman urawioru was aaaauesneawyj' yy-i because Crawford aot saatty h, vorced from bJstrst wife. He aaeVi i i.i .i. ,....ii nf mmu t' i yj- w TJ ' ' Does Buslneaa Here, 't ,- .M) Peter Bour. a farmer of roe VaUejri and daughter, MaWe. atteaded'to asm;. ness matters to Klamath llk today; m : tlr. t:ii .uiKat': "A v. T mt wmv, , WmTmmi I ; J smmi - immw ipraaav . 'Ki Jfi4fc- w. .v rfi - i.: k&'.'tuaAiViik. sat, aw J. 3SJMRmRajBjaaj aaaa amaBBaasaaai mwv States aad m can '.si 1...--.---- VJ Ti.'!V'.'' ! jaeaaaaaafl MIMNWI y - .' dJL.. . , v 'k aaaaaaaW ? iBawiHr-ii ii -Xil . w ;m I' tll Zm v?i -( t "w: .i A' J c MJ1 J m Jl h,M . i IB--Ai 'H 34-1 '(A,"!' 31' MliPY; ' ;l i r : -yl 1 & - . I rtjt l ?VM ..r & M v m '7H ,'l AJ I ?J vm &M "51 & tl ,' 4 ?i1 . 1'jr.