ii v, 'IWf ; ' 7-fM w4 4,''"6'4,,''r''5"''i,4' ' ." "' t ' ' - . . - -. - - g- . - i4"' '.Kit 'r.,-k::m m - ! J pffc7rf J" -i'i. ill Ttnth Vtar N. I,t48 KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1916. .v CM ' I v. -..? "',1 R . - ",V .tBRaaBaaaw . ' --" '-,' , . if ,;."- V1 aaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaw. bbbbI bbbbbbbTbbbbbbW .b. .,, BBRaKatr I -sBBBBBfl .. a jbbW bbbbV . t' -T"W ' ........ . , - ., ..."(..' OFFICIAL IttWIPAPER f.J 'JJ J V J J U VI4vlViJ 1 QICTO Allied GERMANS ARE AFTER VERDUN REGARDLESS OF ALLIED OFFENSIVE IRLIN ADMIT CAPTURI OF CON. TALMAIMN HuMlint ani Tutn Prprln$ far a Mintwal af tht Mruf alt en trechoa' Rlvtr on tht laat Front Tht Kalttr Taktt Man Frtm totnt tf Fltrct Fighting ta Rtlnforct tht Ftrttt at VtraNin I . United I'rtt 8flot LONDON, July 11 Tht exlaaslre Allltd offeaatT aaaartatly la staring a crUk Nortkeaat of Albert tht Brit Ua arv attaekia Martlanich htlttU. Two Oar-Baa amy eoraa art opgoe lag the BrlUaa Mraaco on Baaaaaaw. The OerawM alao art heavily coun tering to the aaathtaat of OonUlmal- The lirllUb Newfoundlaaiern today vrot4 tht mot formWablt aeeUon ot tht froat, facing a tare artillery una aMcalat gaa Irt. 'Thty caatared aa Important aoaltloa. Atreplaaea Vera active In support of the Newfound lander. A (Icnnan trtaeh raid aouth of La baaee waa refute. Halted fieaa Sortlaa ' PKTROORAD. July II. It la report ltd here that both tht Oeraaaaa and Ruanlaaa art actively redJatrtbutlag their force aad aaaaalag arUllery, pre liaratory to a renewal of tht Stroched River atragd. United Preaa Senrlte IlfiRUN, Jaly It. It te adaUttad that the Brltleh have eaptartd Ceatai-n-aUon. rraaak attaeka oa Barleox Kfltrea have bat rtpalaed. Ibr. Oermaaa art oanaolldatlng In tht poMtloaa thty have captured north tMt of Verdaa. Today S,4M Preach vurrendered hear Verdaa. tinned Preen Service I'ARIB, July II. The Qermana art determined to coatiaut their aaaaalta on Veidua regardltaa of the allied of-lonMve-. Thla ia avldtaced by th re peatvd ntoraUaga of th Souvllle ap proach. New gaa and ew men have been brought fraaa th weat bank of the Meuaa, what th fghttag haa betn moat violat No White Men Here When He First Saw City ii For tht ftrt tlaa aiao th apriag of mi. wata ht paad thrmigh what ta aw KhuaaU fIU oa a atialng trip, OaaKorrlalahr6a1avlalt. Htaow stVMiwtlia Aagttta. la MaVt of m, M Morria aad wrta tr siarttd from Yraka h Praptttiag trip, tha4r dtttlaaUoa Wag Wiihlgajtaa. At BU Grk tkty saw a few eaaapa f etwboya, Wt froa thtr U Th DaUt thr Mdat t a wklu aMtitr.; 0:ta gra watr aow ataada KtaaM4h jTMIa, Mr: Merria aayar oa a ladlaa rajnlly 8,'Mtrtaf,' ' .,. teitwhr atoa Modoo Poiat, Mr. Morris i pat air Just whr. ta In wua bad tUaMd a hug pit of. ,,-,a.lg( ntaly mitow pa Offensive Believed to Be Wearing MeDFORD VOTES DEW LEOGE ROAD THE ROAO 18 TO HUN TO THE UlUE LCDOe MI-IF. ANO WORK 18 TO ITAftT SOON, ACCORDING TO MIDFORD FARIR lly u voto of nearly three to one at Monday') election, the pcoplo of Med fonl approved the Dullln contract for tlw conatruction of a railroad to the Illue Iedgo mine. The vote waa 1,008 for to 38 againat the contract. "When it la conaidered the drat election wna merely on the general pronoaltlon of allowing the city to bond Itaeif, while' the aecond Involved the acceptance of a contract againM which there waa considerable conaplc uoua oppoaltlon, the reault la regarded a a great victory for the progreaalre cltliena of Medford, the Commercial Cltib, Merchant' Aaaoclation and the Oreater Medford Club, and poelUve proof that an overwhelming majority of the people are behind the city and Mr. Bullla In tho undertaking now be for them," aaya the Medford Sun. "C. M, Thomaa aaid the reault la a great victory for the people, and that Mr. HuIIIh would arrive from New York today prepared to enter Into con tract and commence work on the road niiM ami in mirrhfUin It from th city at the end of five yeara on the con dltlona that have been printed and dla ciiMcd heretofore. If alao aald the Irrault of th election had been wired to Mr. Towne, and that be would com nirnco work on the mine before a unit of the road la built, and will be pre fVred lo deliver 150 tons of ore per day promlaed before the road reaches the Blue Ledge." The Hawley pulp and paper mills have built a $10,000 warehouse. Tho Oermana today gained slightly near I ho Vaiu road. Artillery action la brisk along th Somrae tonight. la aa Infantry action tho French penetrated into the Cham pagne district aad checked tht attacks on Arfionno and Voaga. batwMn the rocks and the shore of UwMr Klaiaath Lake. There a few of them stationed themselves, and col lected toll from all who went by. it waa on naia of hivina- the rocks rolled down on them If thty refused, aaya Mr. Morria. tut all white ae paw ton. Whaa hla nartv raaehad th OOUatry aorth V-Wamath Marsh they encoun tared eoaaiderabl mow, aad were held ua for many daya. Before they wer able' to go on litarly 500 , whit ,ain, bound aorthward, badgatatr wnn ilieni, all being Mocked by th dp anow; Mr. Morris and, family art hart In thalf aiiio to at Crattr Lakt. From thertthty will go to Cmctat City aad then down th coast to Baa rraaeUoo. Mr, Morria Is T ytara old. MWMWWWMWWWWWWMWWWWMW Censor tor Mexican Wat-Operations II ) i .loir a.'wj gH BgggHagsaBBBj HMJfflE9BD)PHBSBK BBBBBaa?Wrifl?ry-'gTyi iBa iSSvfatfflff'iawHBa BknK';jjBf YBBjBt!--u 1!k o.BbW kla 1" 4ggvgBBwkMHH Major Douglas MacArthur of the gaatral ataB f the army ha been designated by Secretary Baker aa oalclal censor during Mexican operations. Tht' information, whether ot operations in Mexico or along the border, or ot the mobillzallbn and mustering in of National Guard, will' paaa through Major MacArthur1 bands. He will doclde what portions fth intonfiatlon In his possession are to be givta 6 t, but'wlll make no effort to control the manner la which the information la used. BIG BRUSH FIRES i IMPERIL TOWNS! RAILROADS ARE RUSHING MEN TO SCENE OF FIRES HUNDREDS ALREADY ENGAGED IN FIGHT ING THE FLAMES United I'lesa Service SANTA ROSA, July i3. Hundreds of men are fighting a bruah fire that is threatening Rio-Nldo and Ouerney Vlllo. Thej-allroada are ruahlag men on special trains thla afUraooa. It la feared that both towaa are Im perilled unless more aid arrives very No Auguat Helldaya lltillod Preaa Service LONDON, July 13. Premier Aaauith toduy announced that all holldaya la August would bo auspended to inaur a Htendy output of munitions. Ha aald tho allies are determined to continue tbo offensive in the Somme region for months it tbU offensive Is ncary to achieve a victory. Shark Kills Faur United Press Service NEW YORK, July 13. Scores ot small boats are oruislng the New Jer sey coast bunting for a man-eating ahnrk. The ahark baa killed tour bather during the week. The hunter nre dangling raw beef on grapllng hooka. Lighter Than. I Sxpacttd". ,, United Press Seryiee lf. QAUTHAOE. Mo.,, July 13. JfhaJ Austin Hooper, faaaaw bregoa and California bandit, today waa etavtcted of necond degree murder. H. waa aa tenced to serve ten years la tha'atat penitentiary for killing' a polletaMtr..' "Llgittar than, I expected," waa his commtiit, when ho nnard th aeatmee, 'aalfjl?" Wrockf, Plant Unltad Preaa.Btrvlep BUf fjALO.'.. Yi. July II, Aa taplo aion jhta1, sftfBOoa partially wrkd (ho fi'pat' folway coaapaay'a Hant, kllllag ,'thrt Ughtalng struck th distal ahed. . ' juVfiiVnAfwVVu-iVuyVyYVVAVrgVivriiVMVri- n -yn'ir-i -i-"f l-iivift -"Tl" STANDARD Oil HAS NEW MOTOR TRUCK TO BE USED TO FILL 0R0ER8 OUT SIDE OF CITY WILL HOLD 688 GALLONS AND MAKE TWELVE MILES AN HOUR A tour cylinder, fifty horse powejr Packard motor truck waa received this morning by the Standard Oil com pany. The truck, which .holda 898 gal lons In its three comparementa, will be uaed for filling ordera la all places oustido of town, such as Fort Klam nth and Merrill The new truck will make twelve miles an hour. Heraaaa AraoM haa been engaged to driv It 4 ' Formal Notification July Stat United Press Service, N15W YORK. July 13.-T8eaa,tor Har ding today announced that, the formal notification to ex-Justice Charles R. Hughes ot his nomination as repub lican presidential eaadidat will be held here on July Slat Colonel Roose velt, ex-President Tart aad several prominent progressive have been in vited to attend the aotlloatlw, , Approve Raoraanlaatltn TJnitd Prtea Servlc BAN FRANCISCO, July 15, The atato railroad commission today ap proved th reorganisation plana' ot the Western Pacific railroad.' The com mission denounced the ehargtag of big S fee by attorneya aad xprta la th bankruptcy proceeding through walch the road went -ii n nm j. ' . Ntldringhau la ftenst -Ualtad Prw arrto - BUFFALO, N. Y.. Jsljr lt-H. F. NaMriajpaaaa Jr., of sjfLeak, today waa choata laiperlal ptatate ot ihe Bhrlaara.- ' Sating, Crattr ,Lakt.t , H -" The private oar t 0. 1, MoConaiok.' thir4 vie pradtat of th jMthra Fatilo company, cam, la laalgM; aad la waiting oa th aldtttaeka ofta IwalyardaforMrvMcConakk. H la at Crattr Lakt aow, but, la iptttd br in a fw day, aad wUl tafttrata hit tar. ' V f t ir . KLAMATH AFTER ROAD MONEY FOR! NATIONAL PARK! TELEORAM6 SENT TO AND GRAVES SINNOTT Tht Former Say Authority la Put en SUta or County to Make Reaueata report from General Pershing, who iaj for Roada-lTh Matter to Be Taken at "o head of the punitive expedition . , . .'now In Mexico, states that he believea Up at Onee With the Governor and , - TT i the Mexican trouble is settled. He Board of Highway Commlaaloners, jBay8 that the Mexicana near his expedH Saya Secretary Fleet. Thl mamath ,nntv m t anre tn , . . . , . .?.? costing the United Btatea govern KBl uer uuo mam m 'W" autnorued in a nm now neror ireei- dent Wilson to be spent aaanarry on, roada In national forests, Klamath. Commercial Club already is on tho Job.. The bill passed congress, but has not bepa signed by Preeldtnt WIlaoB. According to a story In last Sunday's: Orcponlan, Portland is after a good sired allowance for improvement of, the no-called ML Hood loop. It la aald 12,000,000 la. needed for this work' alone. Also .$45,000 will be diverted, if possible, for Improvement of the road to the Josephine county caves. That Congressman N. J. Slnnott of this, district will help Klamath county get bei share la indicated In a tele pram received this morning from htm bv the Commercial Club, In response to a telegram from Secretary Fred Fleet, Following are two cablegrams. also the one sent to Chief Forester Graves. "i:?Iresentntive N. J. Slnnott. Wash ington, D. C: 'Orcgorto share one million national forest road appropriation going to Portland for Mount Hood loop, etc Klamath county la entitled to substan tial portion of this fond. Three, Crater Lake roads run through national for est. Hvery road entering countr ex cept from south runs from threo to forty miles- through national forest Please take up matter with Forester Graves Immediately and advise result "Klamath Commercial Club," "Klamath Commercial Club", Klamath 'Falls, Oregen: "Forestry department has made no disposition ot road funds. The law puts the initiative upon proper officers of state or county to make request for roads. I also requires an agreement betweon the state or county with the S rotnry of Agriculture, The forestry department Is now propnring rules nnd regulations for prowiire., Sam will not bo con'pieteU for tv o weeks. The forestry department recommends tint you file application with' district for ester at Portland. I would advise you to take tho matter up with the govey. nor and highway commissioners. MN. J. Slnnott" "Chief Forester Henry S.' Graves. Washington. D. C: . ."Klamath county feels entitled to substantial portion from national tor eat road appropriation Just passed. Three' Crater Lake roads run through national forest reserves. Every road entering county except from south runa from three to forty miles through forest reserve'. Pleaao take thla into consideration la fund distribution. "Klamath Commercial Club." MILITIA 18 RUSHED TO SCENE OF STRIKE United Pre gervle ; wv , aPRINOFIBLD, Ilia., July 18.-OOT1 erarf Dana' todyrdd th rstattj mllltta to patrolthetowV of taBaJW and Ogleeby, wh'tr. 1 M9 cement work r.ar striking. , It'l'faredrthat a riot wlU tak . '; !wi i t.v Th Albaay chtta factory haa start ed with a naa if .8,80 pouada of avUk aar.'a)r. -- a m ww w iitMai "i MEXICAN TROUBLE ENDEO-PERSHING ESTIMATES BY DEPARTMENT OF WAR SHOWS $1OV0OQl00 A MONTH IS BEING SPENT TO GUARD THE,, ft gffitfffl& order - t United Preaa Service WASHINGTON', D. C. July 13. A I Uon are "very friendly ot late." ' 't'niled I'ress 'Servlrc k WASHINGTON, D. C. July 13.-UI rovera- .rnent UO,000.eo a monthto guard American-Mexlcan, border, according to estimates furnished by the war, de iDaruaeat today. United Pre Servie NOOALES .'July IS. Two or CallfornU cavalry hovtiittrtrf'JB'ii - - here today. Most of them wBla),taryi. xK'.i4fli:frsh A-'" aa mounts f or taen eaUat'ed ttl9&ftf!fifSryS.( Xn. v. , ,;r.ra..Mjiai Several encampments wUl Bsarredfiai slKmednthat .alltwr'aarwnBJ ; arer to thteplae to b within r that-thfttoSfe:Wi nearer striking distance of several strategic Mexican points. United Press 8ervlc COLUMBUS, N. M.. July is! Well nrmed and mounted bandits' are report ed to be mobilizing In the San Simon Valley, preparatory' to an attack on the American border. It is believed that Villa is leading the band, seeking to create further Mexican-American complications. ': American cavalry patrols are alert- United Pre Service v EL PASO, July IS. Carranxtk agents' have furnished American army officials with details of the Treyino plot to as sist the rebels to later oust Villa from leadership ot the revolutionary forces In Mexico. It is.charged that General Trevino gave munitions to' Vlllistas. General ObrCgon 'has removed Tre vino for thla reason. Concentration of late' of Mexicans loyal to Trevino Is considered significant Carranslstas allege that Trevi sent much ammunition to Jiminez so the Vlllistas there could easily capture that place. Heat Kills Eight United Press Service NE WYORK July J3. ttaln this at ternooh broke the heat wave here. Bo fore it came eight deaths and scores of prostrations werereported. , Clarke May Succeed Hu8hes United Press Service WASHINGTON. D.C., July 13. The White House today Indicated that John K. Clarke ot Cleveland might aucceed os-JuMlce, Charlea E. Hughe to the United States supreme court. $9,000 Being Improve Phone The PaciSq T(ephone and Tlgtaph company' at appropriated appron matsly 8,888rj aHaloa ,WOt.",'ln KlaawthFasi, .WiwilaVawvte progmfc.f iTa' work 'eait-.' .tlHg iww h and paclag oaMa'froai, Sixth BadtKlaathCavau:io'SHag Btrt aad-plaoiBg new pol oa'Slath from. Spring to Oak, and on" Waa from SixthjtoiDivWon. v ' A,aw Ua wiU alao b eastnttd fromUDhaja atMtta Bhlauslaaitai via 'Ortgoa'av-au, ' l'iiBji.Bia " -... ..L-r,"A; Crisis i JOHNSON SAYS FUNDS SECURED TO MnVF TROUT -. , i "i'.v-r.-?H-.g.w J-v , 3 .'t.. .u ni&to&!$v I 1 J rJZZZ. i i z z vi I inBBnrwBwi a, UBBTBWBTBiaTraaB' .ei M ' '- - ?! A.?r','.i:v, : - -.-i.-:?2r..s.i8i V.''S fHvf .vFl TO MOVE FR' :im-i&$s , .i.,. . i - u .".. , v. ' . . Automobiles Will 'Start, Tarvi-fr, h -8oncerCrk to ttk:BWlTrWi;:M V Mw .tdiiM !' ," ' , t. - - ' A0vtJL a i r -, - . y-w A' vrwiir ' ' r 4 V j-tr !i - 4 Bt UrttV; . '' -.. -e- ( .t-'v rj jiBSM, v- ns,T5Rai-! ,'-..wS. .J-WF 5 j. - -im-mv, V-4 .VMitWi The 300.000 Ut' fry , slitr . batchcry arw b ,aavsLral; everyone of rthwniwfcBtb-1 ."I. T. : AAsyi' -2U.- ""' eigau aiaereavij vtMisr ., t... rr.t.-iiM'JfrdefitrtfI:l Jt.AB' 1MT" Waiil fnliMHt'ai'itiai MaMaf ariaidl aaV7f I v rfn j& .S?y-nk?ir& pv. -i?A noon aoauiat aouanvTaaT; aaa bea,sHeriedt bM aata '. (IBM WW' .iuiii uiu,-Mn tuaaa (jira: -aar3taaBaBtWT araaaBBBia: '4 .-- -. iii-1,'-'."'' fff?' asicea. oui so wmmy .; v V -"r " r'nM. .i,-' -v 1 money um me.Btes sprrssa wr i 'Auiomowie, aira?w.uuraasf. jfsja scrlbel today wUl :iev;tiaaTrtw'fe' morning for. Spencer;.Crlc.aa .tMte will be loaded "withcbniW"R;;,J0a-i4; taining thou8andof:taytrt.f yG The boom t tW aehing In KHaaai8.Ic: Day" can -hardly e -appeeftat-1 three or lour yeara. ta ;afwii.; day wiHNpe .?, nnrlM fnBl VjbJI vBEtrtE Of Sta-tea." a3jlWpUltf Lakeprbvv thta "mhrt&nmM yeara?asi'irow;MIl-Lawa'lB ot fu.W.rFiy,:.wjrjplaatd.faa. spring, ha, b$terifJalBnwwaaVt8BJ88 anywhere than In;Foar ,Mto;Lah uiiuh aitsiAf !! vaia i:rrtV'4 , .CASES IS' FALllNGlwBi I , -l-M'2 In.i.-j i, -.J ... .T-XVJi UJU-eu rioN, act i,-, ?) Sil vcn vrttat- l1 1 rLl'''tilVil VGA 11 v,. t,J w 1, v. present torrid wave, new, cases of ta; fontiio TiiHtnlii ani 'ilMlliiu. fflakriv, :r"::.j:r- iir.L; zZ2tzzjez5n& the last a total death. "SHOULD BE A 8RIRI NATIONS. OF WORLD" WILSON United I'ress Service. S: WASHINGTON, I D. a.july If .pf? twenty-rour nours. 'situjawatjaj during tht'.ophitmic SptiAil'M h$b ?MiBh $m T'AMONB::' juinwsing a cuuenswp ooatw,f ji mm; luuajr, ncoiuoiiv ,.,v.w-j.-T.jrA'.i that the United "Sririt among' the .....! A ! U oU all" iiIIhmi:i all natlcMlahoalAM' 1.11. ,U- ,w A ""w ,, n-"ni-mj, pjomofe, prj'dtihdMdM: .Tti c i "-.. '-. m 1 .IrM'sM Anpni tMWff!WA wwirti viv;a BKvv-va;j 18.! ' avt:trw': m f'-lfc"j''. VK r 'iWRfffSfft SMSWI.fKM m'--? Ji.-jVV!-7 -J-i "' Ctri i h' ,amt kaiaWL al -" ' ' '"-i ,'.. ' 'llll,,i' malm aatwaHaiatlr. it. Saw aad(;s.e8;ftfC: " - i: -.- . '-- Li Tir - ? " n .. ""-.? &W-,$ ..-aMMHra '.. ti-Aji ?. Ofilar '' Kra-44ltlBtt jBBBaiBBJj WVBB1 PrW and . Mjt- J' -''WinWM i-J' i -J V ! . ! i -ir . ' --J ' i?v,ItAyiftr.tBKi;7.l. t t- mi .VMSsvSaaTMB t , ? T VarBBTrTfaraTtB '4 zmrw w-sjnasi m .V.'n..W.5',Ji" 'i .tJi'' v. ir:vr''-! .rs .'? - Sal m .vii ii v. H t.iii .,