o 'if If kk faaaWaa)iateaaeiaianaf r ! m. i;4 FOR SALE f Is! j. m FOB SAUt-Cheep; It HHHIH I 'I'll Bayaea auto, te good eoadittea, . MLwn Call at Dodge garage. -tf I' 4,fltAl-WaetalamlaCaUtermJa tfef it taken quick. Lotk J nr ala ap. Mr. Baaeher, where they an 'faatahg'taetr third crop of kar aow. J JM Addreea Ranch, car Herald. Mt ( j!'3 FOR 8ALE Second kaad baby buggy, j J practleally sew; will tell for bait if'ej prtee. Wlllard U Smith, phone 2S4Y. t fey - i SB 10 5 ?M FOft RatTO-Deelrable mai. raaa-l -' iki eaeMe, AantrllMPteeat Mt 1 MISCELLANEOUS - ' v f 3 : '. ,3 ;0 SALE r rwaaagt H player ulk " A sjamg JjatAan - i taraaa aaa. fi B tMVTwGBy MM gMOa CaUsM WCOB MM HukaavjraariacwaaaV.lsatafmfani fsTtera, several good aewteg atrhtea, jE 1W Irm. aaat to Tuntst Grocery. I MICH i Laaaaw ftaaalf "THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OPJCOON TheEwiing Herald W. O. SMITH, Miter PubUsaed dally axcapt Sunday at Tba Herald Publishing Coaipaay of Klamath Fall, at 116 Fourth street. Entered at tba postofike at Klam- atb Fall. Oregon, for tranamlaatoa through tba Balk u second-claes matter. "' I - l l SubecrlpUoa tens by nail to any addreea In the Uatted States: One year S6.00 One nooth v....... .SO KLAMATH PALLS. ORBQO.X TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1916 PEOPLE SHOULD WAKE UP "Good Bye, Daddy!" WANTaT-Beer bottlea; will Bay 15 ata a deeoa for quart bottlea de livered at Wlelaad brawary te net leea tana two deaea Iota. We will eaU for jlete at Ire doaea or over. WbXa M- tana bTfaral 8artegs Co, phone 1W. T-St POst 8ALB OK TRADKHlga grade tearing ear; w trad tor weH le aker clalaa or otber property, i at MS Mate atreet 10-tf MOMST TO LOAN oa eKy or farm raWBaan. 11-tf LOST AND FOUND artegattek. Betam te Herald esnee city Sau tMleate. at flt.ttt ob aa- 9MMea aai WW aa Wood AKB BOAT aay la OarbMMl KLAMATH FUEL CO. oCrnjaaa. Mfr. Fha 187 FEN FOLKS HAVE GRAY HAIR NOW OVE of the greatest attractions of Klamath county to the tourist and visitor is the excellent fishing that ob tains In the hundreds of streams and lakes In the county. Practically every-; one here recognlies the value to this section of keeping the streams well stocked with young fish, so that this sport will continue indefinitely, and wins rami u m jvmtij uutiwq a uitr tourist travel, yet the impression teems to prevail that our streams wUl re stock themselves without any effort on our part, or that outsiders will do for us what wo should bo glad of aa oppor tunity to do for ourselves. Occasionally one hears talk of the possibility of securing a fish hatchery in this county, yet the people seem to expect this will come without any ef fort oa their part. With demands from ' every section of the state for hatch eries and expenditure of money for fish propogatkm and game protection, the state commission Is not going to build a hatchery here unless the people show te a decided wanner that they want one. Simply because Klamath county has a member oa the commission is no rea- son that they should expect him to se cure all these much seeded concessions single banded and alone. They should back him up te his efforta and show In ' a public manner that Klamath county! Is a unit te Its request for a hatchery. Wo have a very good egg-taking sta- tie at Speacer Creek, but the location t is entirely unfit for a hatchery. This ie recognised by the commission as weH aa the local people. From this station hundreds of thoatanda of young I try have been liberated te the lakes and streams of the county, and even a greater number have been shipped oat to otber sections of the state, where there were better facflities for feeding, sax thousand young trout were placed te Four MBe Lake two years ago, and teat year U5.M0 were planted te those waters, with the resuK that Four bffle Lake this summer wfll bo the greatest Ifiy casting body of water In the country. This simply demonstrates what can jbe done te the otber streams and lakes of the county, it there were a hatchery here. One or more suitable sites have already been found, any one of which can be obtained at a very reasonable I cost, provided favorable action can be t secured from the state commission. To do this the people here must show that they want a hatchery and some .movement toward this end should be started at one, to that the alto can be secured and the hatchery bunt this fan. te readiness for operation early In r- : r ssszMMBaTammmmVammmmvaaBu ' 3? 'vMVBBBMVMtjiamftssaaaaMaBauauummaaaaaaaam Si VhmBBBBBBBBfJr NsJ. TlajtBBBUjH aajaggjaMmBBBBBBMBv "'"IwB -SBBKljWlJBBafRVr C 1 9aaBHIf!filPIa?iBtf9S I t !' sataBaVtaW kOlSsKJsabatamL TfTls&JlSi K JaTs&Ts&Ts&Ts&Ts&Ts&Ts&TsHidaW Nf IbkaV vaTlaTs&TaTs&TaVTT i aTs&Ts&TaTaTaTsl Bv j. vvmT T aaaV iiBlli 1 v h i . m.-..-- .v mrn. . m . ... ( .r t u tmmmmi&BnBFirF WTATTtasmmraper tsi vn n l . E WMaTM 1 f. . 7W amanmaaataTg; MabvJt .. JWagg? f I SBUuBanaaaaairJi;Aii m a mFTmmu -s-mr.'fm-sri k l iBTVJKesUaSH&IHRra! waaaaa.ganuuananaBMananaaajfjfey z m maaaaaaaaaaaaw. -.'-. aaaBKT?iwaBaaaaw, iMaaanaaaaiN b aasaaaaaaaaaaF:,:v As..ri'aaaaws. waziBBUBKav aaaaaaaaaau n s sBaammaaaaarvawr'i'-amBa$r iriSaaTBk .dvtw u is amaaaaaaaaaw aarvxvamaamsT vaaiaMjr - '. -i1 "rt aaVlaW aaBaVaVBBalB aa ! aaaaaaaaar j-;.raaaT.v, . aaaaaatjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai aaaaai m taBaVlw aHI-BaHHWSaBalBBBm?'' 1 aaaYVvaBKViLMmBBVBHNaMl BaaK!'mMbJaBBBviaEaBardaBaa?!SBaB HafaHaBaEHl ! I aaafWaHRan ?J V::i;VaTaTaTaTaTaTaTdaVi .1 MmB f t-?j, Baaaaaaaaaaas ?, bbbbbbbbbbbbkw aaaaaaaaaaaaaaav i kKVdaBaaW WvaTs&aKr BBKm h imzmmMmym&mMMMwmMmmmn UkmmWmm:mM flESlaWaBfeSKLaHS v'Bktt TirllSiiaW'BBBl OREGON ANIMAL LIFE 18 STUDIED CITY HAS CLEAR TITLE TO CANAL i UNIVERSITY CONDUCTING. 8TATE..0EIDS TO WATER RIQHT8 FROM i WIDE STUOY OF ZOOLOOICAL1 FORMS RARE SPECIMENS FOR' THE MUSEUM THIRTY.THREE LIVE RI0HT8 OR. OERED RECORDED CITY'S POS SESSION IS CLEAR TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1S1S MUST PUT IN SEWERS BEFORE PAVEMENT LAID A leaolullon past ad teat erealsg by Urn city council directs that all prop erty owner along the new Mavoath atrrct pavement must construct eewrri lioi'ore the pavement la kid. The sewers must bo laid from tb main to the property line. See Chltcott for horns In the city or country. 1 LEGAL NOTICES -u I itMivPRairv np nnmnv k i .. i ana... k.. ...I.I ..-.. I. rl.rk Kone. uly 11. Kare birds and animals i" i"" j , , w . i Delp for re conllnc the thirty-three .seldom or never before reported as ox-,. V . . . . i. deeds n water rUht uiuler tin An- .M.,.K ... un.nu... an- uv.uk iuuuu i..Kn l(). cnnft, , ,ftt m,H,r,l,nt tri WS in the Cascades by the members of thenkeu to fotewr clonu the tllttfl. The t'niverslty of Oregon biological nun'cyjilitrty-thrce deeds, which Include nil ,cainp above Oak ridge. , This camp lslllK Hghts In the canal, will be re- 'rwlabllshed tn tne interests of collect-, c,rae'1 ,m,ay- !inK (.peclnens for the university mu- 1'orfome llm.Mhe city has been uulet- iteum. Tlin lillnllnc nml Irannlnr la nn.l '- "". ! " ,...... , Nttlca of tend Salt Notice limiting Proposal to Purchain When the city council la.t evening , .. . u-rrii Hcfundlna Dond . ho clalmnl water from the ditch. Two Ith and Water Uonds, .Sfiili.t iiropoials will bo lecelved h Hk lteeofder of the t.'lt) of Merrill, Oreptn, until Augunt IS, 1910, at tin hour of 8 o'clock 1. tu. (nt which time iroioah to purchnne will be openni and cotiflderel)for the purchanc t 3.s00, or any part thereof, city of Merrill refunding bond, payablu Jul) t. 1931, with the option of the city to pay them, or any of them In numerical otder, from and after July 1.M92I: aald bond to be Uud lu denomination of fCOO and one bond In the sum of f joo AIo for the purchase of 11.000 or ati imit thensif of water bonds, payable (July 1, 193C, In denomination of 1500 Said bond are lNUd for the put- tx-v.e (if refunding the outatandlng dor the direction of A..11 Sbelton. cur tor of the museum, who spends most of riM aro "m out but no "noa w his vacaUona in this way in far parts of a c,e,lr cn f " hastate. He is assisted this ear by ... . v.. iwj " i-Yank Scnlefe and Jack Montague. u'ck- ,u" wwIP of n Oty to the I One of the rare specimens is a red- Ankcn' t'anHl ian now "v'vor " "uc' ejed vlreo. a smalbblri reported hjwtully contested, In court 'fore from this state, which Is ery rare. I '0 WBU'r wl" run ,n lnr cflMI 'Another rmrr. .iwim.. nKi.inM i. , '"Is ' ummcr. Only the carrying out of ' . . t .... s . .. . a Jew leral fnrtiialllle wllh thn ITmIImI wrau '""" wmenus prooaoiy sim-j- """'"."" ;--"--"",, f ,.. ritv .ml ,,r ih liar to the Alaska bird of the same'15"8 now 8,anua n ,no wJr 0I u- V , . 1 ." name , nl filling of the canal with dirt. These I'oe of providing water and fire pro The survey camb will spend five a "pecteo to oe carnw out soon, a ..,....-.. .vr."..-.-.-. --. veeks in the region forty mile north i,lu' W and wvernment already arej""" cnaner oi me v., o, nr rrai.r i.u ..,.t .w....i m j'tn acreement on them. Morrui. peak. "The survey this ear Includes birds,1 lESERVATION OPENING mammals. Insects, reptiles and amphlb- QET8 000D PUELICITY lans," said Professor John R llovard.) The movement on the part of Klatu head of the department of biology, un- ath Commercial Club and other Inter dor which the survey I conducted. ,ete to secure tho opening of Klamath "This is Just a part of a big survey ladlan reservation I securing much of the entire state which we are taking 'needed and valuable publicity in the Said bond are to bear Interest M the rate denlnnated lu the successful bid. not to exceed 6 rnr rent per an num. payable cml annually on July 1 and January 1 of each year, at the office of the treamirer of ald city. In t'nltrd States gold coin. Uach prono'sl to purchase mutt be ror the university. Last year we spent ' liwt. according to a clipping from the r'r"l't by a check, certified by rorae time on the cot. and again this Arxu press Clipping bureau of New'0""' reponlble banking institution, spring, and are now hign in the moun- York, the Financial American, nubllah.1.!" "' amount of & per cent of the pro- tain region. Another year we hope to ed in New York, has printed' a splendid IP0"81' MWl1'1 pable to the Recorder Ko into the Eastern Oregon region, and attlclo by Secretary tred Meet of the'0' Merrill. Proposal must be sealed wlil then have a survey across the ' Commercial Club. The paper included' n"' endorsed "Proposal to Purchase tnte. We expect after that to m Into ..n Intrrwiltixilnn in th rii. . ltefundlnr Ilondu" or "I'ranaul la nur. s . ...... VHV...WH ,v .Mv m...v.v. " -- - "r -- w- cliao Water Ilonds." The council reiiene the right to re ject any and all bids. Dated at Merrill. Oregon, July 7, 1916. PRANK n rtl.MBV Phompt attention given to renul ol-1 .Itecorder of the City of Merrills Oregon lections. Chtlcote 1 i 7-30t omer regions or tne sute to get repre- According to Secretary Kleet. pub senUUve animals for the university I llcity by Eastern publication of such i museum. A comparison between the'r'nndlnr a ih Pin.nri.i nriM specimens from the Western and Eaa-1 will help mightily to get the bill to era sides of the Cascades will be open the reservation throuab concres. Says Armenian Revolt Quid of Turk Abuses the spring. Scattered Shots SAYS LAOIES UMIM RECIPE OF EASE AND SULPHUR LET THE other fellow do It, has .been the attitude of the people of " Klamath county too long. It's time to -rg, get busy. GAY WILL FARM i FOR CALIFORNIA! t - KLAMATH FARMER IS SUCCESS-' FUL APPLICANT FOR POSITION! AS FARMER FOR CALIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL UPPER LAKE TRAFFIC Wo are seat for Oattoaa HaaaUtea's freight boat on tho Upper Klamath Lake, every uiorateg esrepc tteaday, m 7:M. wall. Ilaara leave till aStce riiu.Na; ia? Western Transfer Co. ' MAI.V STRRKT. XKAH rTFTH Editor's Note A leader of Anaenlan thought In the United States, who s associated with a Western statu college, volunteers this reply to' the iigned statement of Dr. Ahmed Sate, editor of the Constantinople Tanln, concerning Armenian atrocities that are charged against the Turks In re Questing that his name be withhold the writer says: "I would prefer you not to uao ay real name as signed under tho story I am doing this In order to safe guard the three remnants of my lmmedia ' family of thirty-four. who are te Turkey at present The rest were killed by the Turks within this last year. If you wish to use a name you may use jbs pen name Axad Ardxive. utukk SECTIONS are snendtea- I real money for things Klamath could 'secure simply by asking for them. Ra eater and teatra.! "" jSJLI" " FODBTH OP JULY ia passed. ay a look at aalaaar 'tai after tnt th vniw nn.A. Lit te tataoaalr. Oar a tetetaro of taaa Tea aad Satekar te oka dark aad boaatiful. aai at "va-aam aad . wh. tatea tkat oroa atobr. that boaaUfal Vk aaala at hair whieh te ao attraot-MMlyttdBoUtteMroeipa. ra sat tua faxaeas xafx y tho aaVHttea of other by asking at. nay drug store ' far a P) aaat bottM 9t -WyotVa Saga which dark ao oraaly, teB K Taa a wa it, aad draw ata Ubm. 9f twaatda. wlth Wyatha te a hair i sues. AreyoaraaoyT IT IS HOPED that the red tape of tho government win not delay ua neceaaartry tho final deateg of tho An-keaycaaaL X FUTURE CANDIBATBS for mayor wiu nave to find a aew platform, now .that tho Aakaay canal nuisance Is prac tically settled. It certainly served for a good many yi (Written for tho United Preaa) NEW YORK, July 1L "Revolution ary movement and open treason" have been the cause of the present plight of the Armenians in Asia Minor, accord ing to Dr. Ahmed Emin. editor of tho Constantinople Tanln. aa set forth te his story. "The Other Side," recently printed In the press of the United States. When the Turks conQuered Armenia COO years ago there were 40.000.00S Armenians in that country. Today there are hardly 3,000,00 of them aU over the world. The 37.000.000 Armen ians perished as the result of periodic annual and daily maasaereatat the bands of the Turks. A fanatic may consider this the work Grant Gay. for the last few years a. farmer of Klamath county, will learn tomorrow morning for San Luis Obis-'" po, Calif., to enter the employ of the California state polytechnic school. Mr. Gay will superintend the farm work at the school. , When he was In California last fall Mr. Gay took the examination for this position, and among a list or 300 appll cants ranked second. Mr. Gay formerly' farmed the Van Valkenburg ranch on the Keno road,- waves of the river to where the ChrLiJand this summer has been in th m tiaa battleships were anchored. To the 'p'0? ot Ellis Young, a farmer of the mind or our critic this may be "abac- Lost River section. lute equality with the Tarka." j Not long ago the government sent' Ministers of all denominations will official doctors to "vaccinate" the Ar- father at the University of Oregon for raenlan children of the town of Zeitun. 'be last week in July for the annual Instead of lnjectine vaccina umm Oregon interdenominational Mni..... they Injected poison, and 400 children" - - died te one night If this is the work .'Armenian men. women and children kL?., e Ce Wht HUtfct ,tB e Hed Prticipatio of orutai deeds ' -. . . .c nimcniuun m treasonable act? QooiOiMooooam3aasimeKUg!iaaoaD Hot Water Each Morning ' Puts Roses in Your Cheeks brutal deeds My own experience In the massacre cf 1895 and 1896 are still fresh in my rremory, and if necessary I can enum erate, tales of horror which I hoard and raw. With aU these cruel tefifctlens. instead ot fostering revenge, one Ar menian political party held tho bloody SELDON KQtK said something te htaFourth ot July speech whoa ao re marked: T stand before yea aa abor- ixho or thte eoaatry. a ward ot a aa uoa. bat not a free ni a -nnmuna aw ih ... , ' -- n-c. nanus or the committee ot union and Indulge to pointing out the fault, ot progress, saying that te enough. other nations to justify the barbariclar brothers; let us work for ttewel MMminuoB or, tare or the countrr. Special buQetias deaeribteg the work lalaaeat ot taa aeteek ot ureal- It alio brlasi 'trnirr maimerm 1nuratM i.- (iaa ciewt ajA Metre, aai gives it have beoa tetaod by tho UaiveraHy ot wsoa. aad wM bo aaat fitaa aa I aaaaasaaM at Mimi, f Wisar 5 BaWam antaal aateaaataJM "WarlpaTsf bV EtaWaVsraWsy aTr raaap aai b aaaaBaaas ipsa avnBBWp 1 flatBSBC SjaapV tSaaBt A VMRaavWal aMBsjaft HlsV VMP spEafva R aV SpK sVMaMaM VsV aaaaaam aV-L-- trXt wTrfi'f rf K Miit .Tho auaaer'aehoal at tho Ualvarattv at Oroaa te aaore than twteo aa Ms at it van two years aaa. This mf. was Tt per acU of iU own. the Armenians Is a historic ImpossibU ity. Even the Turkish practice ot rut. ting the tongue of every Armenian when be failed to speak In Turkish did not make successful the asalanatioa policy of the Ottoman govemmeat By what sense of Justice, then, does we tutk argue te favor of his own government as a giver ot freedom of H-nruage what does tho gentleman mean oy "rreedoa ot community" if ne aoes not wish to contradict Sally ire nau or tne ottoman raters Thirty thousand Armenians were massacred te Adaaa at tho haaaa ef the so-called Young Turkish party te isos eooa after the aroeteaaatioD of the '-constitutional sotmsu" w When the war broke out the Armen ian men of military age were sent to the front to dig trenches and do other menial wnrlr That- -.o. ---. r tributed among the TTes', V ne" " "Bd ne'' and killed. Who was it, then, that re-1 to niY ,B,W" btth ach belled? The old men, women and thelm0ru,n t0 fluh from tne the its' ., ifi v 'gggggggggggggSaWigeavsl yjf&xs&"'i6 SBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaNEaBaaaa I wrv?W 'S Zi 'ggggggggggggggBaaaaBaa SarBw9aPBBEnr''BBW' V ,.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm B gL'lkaBaT -v2aT '' ' agggggLaaB ! k Btf iwrvaaiaaaw &aBF .gagagagagagagagagaBaa h O aak-.V'iaiaBaL .aaaF ' . (aaaaaaaaaaaa g a EfV AvE&Vaayaaar h aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaj b Xfatm- 'ftiEiamaaajpggLnaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanH SaTsarn'r ""PaTaTaTalKaStaaaTaTaTaTafBaTsaaa wBa v. uaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiK S BaraTaV t.2mi.mmmmmm&mmmmmMx S sasamiaBaBaBaBBHr" ABVaVaVamsTTTTTTTTTTa tf, w'wa5SaTBBalX f BaH'aBaBaBBnHBaBK" ; v.'jaT ' laLWs too Armenian revolutionary move-c-fent waa the child of persecution at the hands of the Turkish government When apparently a change took place In Turkey in 1901. the revolutionary parties automatically became aoMUcal parties. Suppose that a few Armenians or a group of them had coaaafrad aaateat the government Why vara aot those directly responsible paateaodr DM the United States deport aad aaaeacre the uermaa population hr. roust of tho law leas acta of a few members ot that rationality? Did Groat Britain aat to the sword tho Irish ptnaU awm. wo men aad children because of tho proa- em uprising? children? The Armenian language belongs to the Indo-European while the Turkish language U a mixture of Persian. Ara bic and Turkisb.i-wblch consist of about 500 words. Religiously the Ar Hoaten are Christians, while the Turke are Mohammedans. GeneraUy Bpcuiug. mere is social similarity be previous duy'a waste, sour fermeate- lions and poisonous toxins before it Is absorbed Into tho blood. Just aa coal, when It burns, leaves behind a certain amount or Incombustible Ma terial In tho form or uahos, ao the food und drink taken each day leave la the alimoutary organs a certain amount i .. ... - joi indigestible material, which, It aot taTda lha m.UJi .. the worTd. TLZJ?" el.ted, form texlaa aad poteon. imea were crucified. One of the By what logic than. e T-rk i mwo aaa imf way o rrTirTrrnspfiareswErear lines of social habiU are sharply drawn oeiween me Turks and tho Armenian. The extermination aoUer ot t Turks was followed even by Su'taa SaUmCanoony. It la aa old aa are the nmisn invasions. Tho dlaaaaesrane., which are then sucked Into the blood through the very ducts which ar In tended to suck te only nourlsbaeat to sustain the body. If you want to too tho glow of vwuir Bioom ia your cheeks, to S3 per MU offcoArnr TUr V?" ,et amnr nd ' .i, .- Tul TM AmM, Populf.- are told to drink amy morn!... un Iiass or hot water with i 1 of limestone nhoaDhai i i. uki.i. ,. . . - w - rr. Ahmed Rate Ira t -7. ..". " MTmit- wi of wash r -" WMBjrwcivtis, ,1 ttea and the attem. Z."JZ"r" ,u u."" VmT crjfc teiMtirruMuaa;,;::!::'0- ,a or w,tn rkUh venT::Vl.c"?,,.,,,.u, or Pboaphaf la of the Turkish government shows thst' IfohaBllBAdan tklA u... . wV, wcuca jusuaes tht telling ot a Ho when it ."aven. -. iivib an --. s me waste material and toxins from the stomach, liver, kidneys aad bowels, thua derating, awaatealng j ru;wf vae eauro aliaeatary r iiuct, burore putting more food Into tho stoinachi , Girls and women with sallow skins, llvor spots, pimples or pallid com plexion, also those who wafco up with n coated tongue, bad teste, aaaty breath, others who are bothered with headaches, bullous pells, acid stom uch or constipation, should begin this Pbomilmtod hot water drinking and are assured of very pronounced re sults in one or two weeks. " A quarter pound of llaaatoaa nhot- Phato costs very little at tho drug store btit'U sufficient to deaoaatrate that Just as toap aai aat water cleausea, purlflas and fraaaaaa tba "kin on the outside, to hot water aad limestone phosphate act oa tho tesMe organs, We must always consider (bat Internal sanitation Is vastly aoro Important than outaida rJ.Bnn.u because the akin pores to aot absorb Impurities Into the blood, white bowsl lores do. Women who dealra to b.. it,. beauty of their complaxloa should just "' lu, ior a week aad aotleo raeultt. (AdvarUseaeat)