fT Vty ,y ii 4V i $? y j t - Herald V KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ) WM ' KLAMATH FALLT OFFICIAL NIWIF) T "'; a ft Tenth Year No. M1 KLAMATH FALL, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1916. n.inmnin riibM, UKC.UUIM, iUtSLAY, JUL.Y 11, 1916. Price Five coaat MM"MM"IMT?S!S!S!!!gS!SS!. , . . t 1 1 I . .' - Austrian Cruiser Destroys Four Patrol Boats WWlWWWM(WiWMW'.WWI' WWWM)WWWIWWWW WAR ON INFANT DISEASE FAILS TO STOP SPREAD NKW CASES APPEAR IN MINNK. OTA Epidemic Orews In Mil of (very Ef. fert te Check It Sates In Brooklyn Hay Increased Meet Te Data, 'l,27S Caata Hava Been Reported ta Haalth Ocpartment,Nlnety-Pive tain Ntw Caaaa Reported Today. -Scene ot the Battle of Carrizal ! United. Press Sorrier NEW YORK. July IL Despite pro digloua afforta to atop it, the Infantile paralyala epidemic la rapidly increaa lag. The aUta health department re porta ahow that deaths and new caaaa bava lacreaaed 1M per cant In Brook lyn during the Uat tweaty-foar boura. Tba total number of caaaa I now 1 271. One hundred and ninety-lve are new today. Thla la an increase In New York of II over yeaterday'a re port. , BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB I , " Em&W?- BBBBBBBBBBm BBBH .fik. SBBBBBBBBBBBBBn . t 'BnmBBBBBBW BnBBVBBBBv . BBBBBBBBBVOHI IV ? WnV " ? XBBBBBBBBBbY BBBBBBBBBBBWBbL BBBBBBBBTaV r"i f J 1 BaaaMiliplllS aBBBB"nBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSaiaBBBBWBBa .H Tl 4aalBBBBBaBBBBBBB"aB"1""Baaa" MANY PRISONERS TAKEN i , BY THE BRITISH SOLDI r&- w . Thla photograph shows the principal Direct of the deserted adobe town ol Carrizal, where the ciaeb came be tween the Amerlcanx and Carranza's soldier. The Carranza men, or many of them rougat rrom tne old church in the background of Ibe picture. It wan tbo detention by Carranza of Mtverat American trooprs engaged in the battle of Carrizal that nearly brought on war between Mexico and the United State. Only their release very rfcntly averted probable hostll IliM. Caruso May Be Called to Colors DITCH WATER FLOODS ROAD; AOTOS STOCK United Preaa Serrlee ST. PAUL. Mian., July 11. Twelve InfaaUla paralyala - eaaea and jpre tleatba are reported la aflaaeeota "dur ing this J. P. LEE TO RON FOR ASSESSOR DECLARES Hit CANOIOACV ON IN- DEPENDENT TICKET SAYS HI WILL PILE Hit PETITION IN A SHORT TIME , I Captain J. P. Lea, uaiBcoosiral can-' ('.Mate for the democratic nomination for county aaaaaaor, la to make the race for that oface in November on U' In dependent ticket - "1 am a candidate for the ofoce and will run on the Independent ticket," aid Captain Lea last night. The petition to place bla name on the ballot for the general election in No vember la aow being circulated, and will be filed, aaya tba captain, wham ho retuma from n trip In tba southern part of the county oa oflclal buslnei. Lea ban been awaor of Klamath county for twelve years. He ran for the democratic nomination at the pri maries In May, but waa defeated by Jasper Bennett, who waa assessor many years ago. Austin Haydea, republican nominee, l!l be tba otbar candidate in the leld. LACK OF GRADING SAID TO RESPONSIBLE BE Uulted I!nm Service FLORENCE, Italy, June 11. (By mall) Should the war endure another year, Enrico Caruso probably will be called to the Italian colon. The singer i today Is back, recreating at his sum- J several Autemebllea and Wage Heav. mer villa In the Florentine auburn, t Caruso belongs to the class of 73. ELEVENTH STREET WORKSTARTED CONTRACTOR GARRETT SAYS THREE SLOCKS WILL BE GRAD ED AND READY. FOR CURB BV TOMORROW NIQHT ISTRIKE CALLED ON STREETCAR , ! LINES FRIDAY MEMBER OF UNION EXECUTIVE BOARD IN CHARGE Streetcar Operators' Will Ask Union Recognition, Increase 1ft Pay and Shorter Hours Men Say They Will Leave Their Cars In the Street at the Moment the Strike la Scheduled to Begin. i I lly Laden With Weol Are Stuck in the Mud Last Night and Are Com- ptlltd to Walt Until Morning Before Rescind Bad Place Near the Hertan Ranch In Poo Valley. The men of '83 are under anna. Cer tain In-between Clausen even now are waiting and preparing for the call. The tenor had a touch of war on hi recent voyage from America. He aailed on a French liner, which during the last day of Its Journey to Bordeaux waa busy avoiding Oerman submarines. Caruso at this moment la most con cerned with the problem of reducing. Ho thinks ho haa solved it. Fivo pounds melted away from him In aa many ilivi Tfla nlan l flv hnnra flf itftllv ;.. a..- . .w... w. ., . cross-country walking In either rain or ( Moore got stuck Uat night at 10 .o'clock shine. Uae a march atep, and do not and dW nol get out unUi u,u morning avoid hills and other obstacles. "oic'nboul 9 0,clock ror mem. i "Do this." he says, "and you will , With three other automobiles and a wool wagon, Charlea Moore of thla city Jrpcnt Inst night in the mud In the road near the Horton ranch In Poe Valley. feel Ilka, a 20-year-old." MORE WILLS FARtO HORSES SHIPPEO OUT Bight head of laa draft horses war "hipped yeeterday morning by Walla Fargo Kspreea ooangaay. Tba boraea went to Oakland. George Manning, purcbaaer for Walla Fargo comnaay, collected tba stoek. About eight mora carloads of boraea we to be ablptad from Klamath eovn ty aaoB by thla aaampaay. . Among thla ataak art three anra ot boraea, each weigblag i,M potHMla. Already thla year theWelta Fargo company haa shipped thirteen carloads of draft boraea freaa thla ooanty. GLAISYER VISITS CENTRAL OREGON COUNTV AGRICULTURAL "AGENT RETURNS FROM AN EXTENDED TRIP CENTRAL OREGON ABOUT LIKE KLAMATH Tharo'a a Reason R. W. fcarborovgh, salesman for tbo PoaUaa Coronl Coaapany, or BaUla Creek, Michigan, la la tba elty, Utro auclng tbo prodacU of this famous breakfast food eoaoera. Ha la aampUag tbo oaUro elty with Post ToaaUaa, one of tbo aow trodaoU of tali County Agriculturist H. R. Olalayer and wife returned last evening from a three weeks' trip through Central Ore gon and Willamette Valley. Three days wero spent at the agricultural experi ment station at Moro, where county agents from all counties east of 'tbo Cascades met in convention. Mr. Olalsyer waa In Moro when a cloudburst occurred threo miles away, killing four persons and doing much property damage. Moro waa not touched by the oloud burst. , From Moro Mr. Olalsyer went to The Dalles, down tho Colombia highway to Portland, and from there on the Faerie highway to Klamath Falls. He declares the roads In Central Oregon are not Water from tba irri , Ration ditch that carries water to the 'Horton ranch has completely flooded i tho road, according to Moore, and made traffic almost Impossible. 1 In going to Bonanza yesterday Mr. Moore went through the water with only slight trouble, but when he came back last be could not get through. Three other automobiles and a wool wagon already were stuck In the mud. and not until thla morning did any of them get out Moore was the last to get ouL The road for some distance along the Horton ranch is not graded up, and any water reaching it stands and soaks up the ground. Efforts are being made to atop the leak in the ditch. Then the road must dry up, there being no way to drain IL With twelve men and fourteen horses on the JohrgSBdiag of JGtereatb' street preparatory for curbing and, macadam' izlng is progressing rapidly. The first three blocks will be ready for the curb ing by tomorrow night. If ail goes well, according to J. H. Garrett, who has the contract W. D. Miller haa the sub-contract ror putting In the curbing, and will begin his work Thursday. All work on the street is to be rushed as faat aa possible. Preliminary work in improvement of the Shlpplngton road will begin as soon re necessary legal proceedings with the city council are concluded by Mr. Garrett., who also baa the contract for this work. Hla bid was accepted at Lint night's meeting of the council, and tho ordinance awarding him the con tract will be paased next Monday. IRISH CANNOT CARRY FIREARMS United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO. July 11. Thomas Mooney; organiser for the Amalgama tion or Street Raiyway Employes, la a platform announced today, says a strike will be called in San Francisco next Friday night The strikers will demand recognition by the streetcar company of the operator's union, an increase In wages to 37 tt cents per hour, and shorter working hours. The men plan to leave the cars la the streets Friday night A prominent member of the execu tive board of "the union is en route here j from the East to handle the strike. UNDERWATER SHIP NOT MM OF WAR NAVY CAPTAIN MAKES INSPEC TION OF GERMAN SUBMARINE TO SEE IF VESSEL CARRIED AR MAMENT United Presk Service BALTIMORE, Jar 1L-Cattala Hughes of the United fftatea navy in- day boarded tbo merchantman Ttnnlanbbind. far aa hv specUea, to ascertain whether ar the veaael carried Manager HIBtea ottho portatioa company gave The state dcpai latent specuoa on account of tbo aaaaa' aag geatioa that tho Deatehlaac prabably was not a peaceful (toited'Preea'Borrlm " WASHINGTON, a C-. Jniy 11 Navy Captain Hughes thin afteraoea lafcrta ed the state dspaitmeat that the Deutchlaad aaaoabtadly waa a peace ful merchantman. CARRANZA MEN AREDESERTIN6 VILLA IS HEAVILY REPULSED IN ATTACK THIS AFTERNOON ON PARRAL BY THE CARRANZI8TAS, SAYS GENERAL TO PROBE TRANSPORTATION OP SOLDIERS TO BORDER WASHINGTON, D. 0., July 11, Tbo house of repreaentatlvea today nana Imousjy adopted tbo Moore resolution asking Secretary of War laker wheth er the railroads seat mlUUamea to tho Texaa border in delapidated care, aad whether tho men while aa route wero poorly fad and Improperly eaalpoed. BENSON UPHELD BY HIGH COURT SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE HANDS OOWN DECISION AFFIRM. INQ JUQBE BENSON IN f. i OIVORCE'OASi; REAM THIS PROHIBITION IS EFFECTIVE THROUGHOUT IRELAND, AND AFFECTS ULSTER NATIONAL VOLUNTEERS, SAYS DISPATCH MM United Press Service I,ONDON, July 11. Lord Lanadowne today announced that aa order prohib iting the carrying ot firearms tbronh out Ireland haa just been lRsued. The order afTects all Ulster national volunteers. General Chamberlain, chief of tho Irish conatabHwry, baa resigned aa a result of the order. o Ask Pennission to Feed Poles LOCAL WOMEN ARE THANKED FORHELP LETTER TO MRS. W. P. JOHNSON BEARS GRATITUDE FOR WORK OF LOCAL WOMEN ON BEHALF OF FRENCH WOUNDED. . OVER QUARTER MILLION v IERS OP" CENTRAL POWBUS TAKEN PRISONERS ' Only Nine Saltern fawned When tret Beata Are, Claim te Have Capsared Twenty T Heavily FarUBed VNMajoo Biaao Allied Offensive Began Tan AceOther War I " " t&m&tM ...& TrVmTYVwU f.t. - f-'eM w"wn, f WMJ A. UBjBJBJlU I i . . .- !'-'' "wwi,imi iaw snranri etoraeed and aaaaaa aertheertef Afterc. Hghty-afcao priianers warn. BaToralHaoBor tethahtaaaet are takes beta., , Ualtaa Preaa fMcrloo - ' PARIS. JmylL-Tbe peaetrated tatartha trenahestatae ij.iiiT.'l lOV of trlet - - Dartag tba mat tea, daya the aUies have heavily fortified tJlWlj 'J r !! ; United Press Service COLUMBUS. July 11. Hundreds ot Guerrero natives have disappeared, most ot them presumably to Join the Vllllsta army. Motor truck drivers re port that the district of Guerrero la a veritable hotbed of Villa sentiment UnittHt Preaa Service EL PASO. July 11. It Is unconarm amly rumored that several hundred Carranzistas have deserted tho Chihua hua garrison and Joined the ViUIstas in the Parral district Representatives of the Carranza do facto government emphatically deny thla report General Gonzales Jaures announced today that VUla'B attack on Parral thla afternoon waa heavily repulaed. Unlteil 1'reia Servloe SALBM, July 11 Tho supreme court of Oregon today afarmed fonaor Cir cuit Judge Henry L. Beaaoa la tho di vorce 'case of' Clara Ream va, adward Ream.' both of Klamath ooaaty. ju'dgBnason granted" the diroroo, awarded Mrs. Ream oae-talrd right to defendaaiV ranch of 1W acrea, ftMO, aad aasesaed' coata of case agaiast do- United Press Servloe WASHINGTON, D. 0.. July 11. Act ing Secretary of State Polk today aoat cablegrams to tho South Amerieaa em bassies la Leadoa, Parte, Petregrad, Berlin aad Vleaaa, aakiac thoao aro- peaa beUlgereaU to ooaaarato la a plan to allow America to aaad food supplies to Benanaa Farmer Mora. vraacia J. aowne, who oparatea a largo ranch la tho Boaama ooaatry, la la tbo ooaaty aaat oa ASSESSMENTS SETTLED FOR ELEVENTH STREET The city council last evening do olded that the first sixty-five foot of property on each aide of the aow amar anth street improvement mast bear SB per cent of the coat of lmproToaaaat The remaining SB per coat will bo distributed over the remalalag prop erty In the Improvement district which reaches to the middle of tho Meek oa each aide ot tho atroot Pamoao Paoor Dieo Te Derrla on Bualneaa. United Preaa Borrioo O. A. Plata, proprietor of tho Star MINNaUPOUS. Jabr 11 Daa Fatah. drug atore. to speadlag today to Dorria tho world faeteet paoor, aaoi today at oa baalnaaa. tho Baraga The following letter to Mrs. W. Paal Johnson expresses the feeUag ot the San Francisco branch of tba Ameri can Fund Wounded for tba aorrieao ot local women who sewed bandages to dress wounds of French seXUers: "Please accept our warmest Omaha for your moat generous contribaUoa, and I would also like to tell yoa how greatly we are obliged tor the excel lence ot the work. It la a real pleas. ure to handle artlclea aa wall made aa these are, and It yon could see some ot the consignments that came to ua you would understand the deep gratitude we feel, not only for tho qaaatity, bat for the Quality ot tba good. It la a tremendous help to receive so largo a lot of dressings. Any letter that cornea from Europe begs for gauge, ao yoa caa Imagine how pleased we wero with tho results of your labors. Pleaae thank everyone who baa worked with yoa, and let me once more aaaara yoa of our appreciation ot what yoa hare done." NEW ORLEANS MAN IB EXALTED RULER United Preaa Borrioo BALTIMOWB, July IL The teat aad Protoottro Order of eoaroaUoa today elected Rlgbter of Now Orleaaa Oread aamNofi Ruler. Rlgbter boat Lloyd MaxwoH ol MarshaUtowa, Iowa, by a rote of M tolM. Tho aaat roaalaa wlU bo held la Bee- ton la lalf. Cnited Preaa aarrlea t BERLIN. July IL It in that tho Aaatrloa eraJaer Norrami destroyed fear or five at patrol beata. Tho battle wao oK Otraato roads, v Only atoo Brttlah aalloro caed. v United Praa- aarrlaa BERLIN. July It It la hero that tho Oonaaas bare stroag Britlah attacks oa bothetdei tho awpaaaae River, oa taaatgaarthi way botweea Aaere aad aJSjE-1' German aMeatoa.ajaaaJKrad'd Ue attaokan. hT. t Repeated aaMah aatogapt to ro tore tho Treaes weoas hava faBaa. The Oermans are atroasty attaaj Volhyato aad are atteaaptlng toil the Rusaiaa advance toward Korel The Raaalaaa wero regale ad- the Stoebod Rlrer. Icalaa SM United PETROORAD, July IL It la noeaced that General BraallobT haa tured over STLMS Aastriaas aad ' mans since the starting ot tba 1 oaTeaalra. m rt WANTS TO KNOW OF JAP TRFA I SENATOR LEWIS ASKS STATat PARTMBNT WHETHER' Rf j- " flti RUSSCslAPAN TREATY 71 i -.I m OOORTOCMHiA J ' X i! rr-j-tP WABUtUVUTUn, U. V MW: ator J. MiNaRaa. Laeyto;iaahr daeeda of ftta4e Leaemg to Btrlss Bat wboaaer ; tba agar;: treaty Baa VVaBBBRaM a eBaa haaajry la traatra .' , . f-x ;