W3"T ) & .wfe -Y Herald E? fc WmR?K . j a ;Aii KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH PALLT OFFICIAL NEWtPAPflft t rrl,1i-y ft Tenth Year Ne. 1,040 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 10, 1916. , t 7 M "'- MHtf gsja .anfsmmmmw saMmmmm in rn jKitimmri ft .-asanw ..daw' r1 PHta five Omlr - , . .. . . , ." 01 AA AAA 1 1 li F 1 I l i9! 11 1 WML ' Ml Mi Ml ! ' . M JL Hi m - -m ML Mi M- Mi Mi . $ i u v, v v v ASKea to r mm inianue r araiysis i i li I .... ....... ' iJ- -....- 1- - --Llllw1Jl .LUlJULU.---!H1- , EPIDEMIC SPREADS IN NEW YORK RAPIDLY iWILl STEAL PIE 1 1 MORROW AT :30 IN FILM i - PHYSICIANS IN CIVIL SERVICE TO I DRAFTED Ntw Cases Break Out In Three till. Towns Serleusntss of Situs. of. nolo Hon Causes Combined Efforts National, State and Municipal Au thorltloo Another Chloo Caso li Reported Today. I STRAW HERE IN A FEW WEEKSi RAILROAD BUILDER 8AV8 HE EX. PECTS TO VISIT KLAMATH FALLS LATE IN JULY WIPE TO ACCOMPANY HIM DIRECTOR INVITES PUBLIC SEE PICTURE T Itnlird Pre Bervtrr WASHINGTON, I). C, July 10.-Tbe public health service ha decided to auk congressto appropriate f 100,000 to was the fight against the present epi demic of Infantile paralysis. ' It aUo wilt aak permission to draft physicians from the civil service Into the federal service to help In the fight Captain J. W. Siemens In In receipt of a letter from Itobert E. Strahorn, In which llio railroad man states that he will be In Klamath Fall the latter part of IIiIh month. Mr, Strahorn planned a trip through Oil M-cllon, via Ilond, Sliver Lake and Lakevlcw, but wait forced to postpone I, nn hmiaiihI nf tl... .Imai!. A Up The nenate today unanimously adop- '. "-v " - "" MV-" " - . .. '...., ...' . , Htrnhorne's sister In Spokane, lira. Htrnhorn will accompany her husband on the trip, and they will probably ted the Gorman resolution authorising' the use of the Kills lalaad hospital la upectioa facilities In the attack on the i disease. , United Press Service NRW YORK, July 10. Despite most .itrenuous clean-up measures la jUl part ofyOreater New York, taenia fautllu paralysis epidemic Is spreading. In the last twenty-four hours 103 new rases have been reported. This makes 1,0(3 casts since June . PIWINarUsLD, Ills.. July lO.-New infantile pmmlysla caaea have been re wrtcd la three Illinois towas. A dis trict inspector from New York Is here Inveitlgatlng. spend a week at llarriman Lodge oa Pelican Day. CHICAGO, July 10. Infantile parnly ili or dyperthla caased the death today f the S-BMBtaa-oM aen of C. J. afore- iie. The authorities are Uvestlgatlng the rase, for fear of aa epidemic of prrtlysls. WATER RIGHTS GIVEN TO 29 CONTROVERSY OP LONG STANDI INO OVf R ANNA CREEK WATER RIGHTS FINALLY ADJUDICATED Y WATER BOARD Two Big Scenes at 11:30 and 2 VCIeck lKldss Thirty Other Miner Orev Chief Baldwin to he en Hand With His Bis Oun to Sheet at the Fleeing HighwaymanTalent all Local People. H, GermanlMerchant Submarine CERMANY CONCEDES GENERAL ADVANCE! EARS CUT FRUM All WHO REFUSE United Press Service RL, PASO, July 10. Vllllataa are car rying on a vigoroua rocrultlag cam paign In southern Chihuahua. Gen eral Oonxalea today Informed the atate department that agenU of Villa are cutting off the oars of all who refuse to enlist Several hundred already have been mutilated. General Qontaloa also reports that a battle betweea 3,90 Vlllstas and 3,000 Carranilstaa Is imminent. They are irghting near Las Nlovas, Duraago, with the Vllllataa entreachetl. n'lion certificates of water rights oa Anna Creek were received yesterday from the state water board a litiga tion of Jong standing was ended. Twenty-nine owners of land In Wood lllver Valley now have clear and un- (disputed title to water. following are those to whom County Clork DeLap has sent certificates after recording the certificates in bla efflce: li. A. nrannan, F. L. Burns, R. R. Oaldwenn, Robert Connor, L. W. Cope Innd, E. Denton, F. M. Denton, George M. Denton, Henry J. Gordon, James L. Gorden, L. A. Harbaugh, Mrs. Louis Hesslg, George O. Hill, George A. Llsk, Henry B. Loosley, J. W. McDonough, lllchard Molhase. R. A. Moon, S. O. Moshlor. Vf." R. Nicholson L. BS. Stur- ttiB. W. n Nloholson. Frederick H, Page Froder(ck S. Strattoh, James Polton, Horaco h. MeU M. Peltoa, o. W. Ryan, W. C Sanderson, L. C. Slse- more, L. M. StreeterMfcner Weed. IlanK-' Uang! Dangt If you hear that kind of a noise tomorrow morning at 11:30 yotLwIlt know the moving plc- Uiro being made for J. V. Houston Is lwinK filmed. Chief of Police Bob Bald win will hold the gun, and will shoot at the llcolnc highwayman aa be dashes past the Star "theater. This wlU be but one of the many scenes In the local talent movie. Tho real big feature scene will be taken at 2 o'clock in the court bouse park. B. D. Hall, as the female cook, will be the leading lady, aad Lloyd Low will enact the role of the tramp. CoiaeJaad nee It-he gets away with the pie. t About 100 persons are to take parM In the picture, all of them local people. Director 8harits, who Is making the movie, invites tho public to the two Rcenes In front of the Star theater and In the court bouse park. About thirty other scenes will be filmed during the day, but the public; Is not Invited to the taking of these. The entire reel will be completed to morrow. V Tp-TiEfBst -sT EEEJ BHH sgMSJgfc ,'1s',IP3P'5TBHBBsasBlt'PJrTsmaa HBBJBBBasa'sassaVBJBajHjBJBJBJBJBawBasswjajBa9 "WiBBSBBBBWaT. " ".'t-aKyt '- rr0mmm . r. i.a-i i- " "- z?sLJ ip; -" ?izr wmmmmismrxaa&BMueaB Tbe Germans aaaouacod bave .. ... I mercoaav suDssaruw- u on uw way to the United States, aad this Is the photograph of her upper works sent from Berlin. It is their Intention, they declare, to inaugurate a regular sob marine merchant service between Oer- ' J-., "w gggm2mm a many and the United States. Tao saa marines would carry cargoes of valu able merchandise, which would aot tw ulre great room'. Among the arttoleo this vessel Is supposed to carry sa a quantity of bematroplne, worth 13479 a pound, and atropine, worth 31,440 a pound, the Germans declare. SubmarmeMerdianlman Arrives at Baltimore, Md. "I WON'T HELP EXPLOITERS Of MEXIC0"-WllS0N RUSSIANS AMI MAKMM CONWBT' NT aVUMB "A I Reported Prone Maw Tafcon j HiHVfWsfdm Tr9HH99 cMMl ? aVHssh Repalssd T Heavy Lesoss te CWmoSos)Prlsewere Maw at "MEXICO PgBLB WC WANT POSMMHER to; Ualtad iMJa aa akMMJ Eba aorta. n Address Before Balsomaaohlp Cea-i BS30JN. Jaly IS. K aa aress President Tahaff a Raa at tha'11 ,l,rt i ansae) " fca saw capiuiists Who Want United Bcatoa to "Btitt In- Bays Ameriea la atoot Coneervatlwe of tho Nasiona of aha World. United Proas Bortlea DBTJtOIT. Jaly 10. la 3.SM dUsastis U tkj f -tn United Press Service to the Deutchland. BALTIMORE, July 10. The Deutch-i Crop conditions in Germany this b. .h nit.. i. Mmni.i i. .in und. the first German submarine mer-, year are excellent, declared the cap- " aI. . .. , ...a n ,.v k bl.. I.. A .MAWX..M Iftl.. W uk.M.M ak Otrnw iUmtm. ,MHllllWH W W3 PCVfl AU J1IUOUM, IMIi. wi- ouunu v im dw uimn. i . , .... ...... t . reacnea uaiumore yeaieroay. one is 300 feet long and 30 foot wide. LOCAL BOYSf ARE CALLED TO FRONT TROUBLE WITH MEXICO CAUSES J. O. AND L. C. BENNETT OP THIS CITY TO REPORT POR DUTY ON INTERNATIONAL BORDRR Willlnnt Penny, who la logging for Howard Van Valkenburg, Vtbo Keao district, is hero today, v State Compensation Law Becoming Very Popular Ralph B. Kootsr, traveling auditor .of farmers and stockmen, aa wall aa for the state Industrial accident isoaa- various other operations not automat- mUMon, la la Klamata Falls, aad will M w,"f remain in this, vicinity. for the 3; Hoveral days, In tho laterosta of the ' cun bo hmugnt under by application, commission. According to Mr. Kooxer, ' Mr. Koozer Is accompanied by bla the workmen's eompoasattoa law of wife and daughter, they having-taken Oregon s worklas out most success- Quarters 'in tho Jacksoa apartmoaU. fully, is steadily growing la popularity ! Before taklag up taU work a year ago with both emplayea and employers, Mr, Kooser was editor of tho Lake He alio states that a largo number I County Isamjaar for several years. When the national guard of Califor nia was called Into service recently for duty along tho border, J. O. and L C. Bennett of Klamath Falls, members of tho guard, left for the South. With hoi,' father, C. K. Bennett, they had lenKcd the O. K. stable on Sixth stttat, but had hardly more than got settled when the mustering call reached them, i'oth wero mombera of Company A of tho California national guard, J. O. Rcniwtt, la now on the border In Art zonu, and L.'C. Bennett la at Fori Me Hnvell, near San Francisco. He Joined the regular army when trouble with Mexico arose, and soon wl)t leave for tiuty closer to tae scene or action. Jasper Bennett, their uncle, la luslst itiK 111 the u. k. stable wane thny are awaj. ., Leaves forCanada. D. B. Campbell, will leave tomorrow morning for S. .Thomas, Canada, m resDoaae 'to a telegram whkh atatod that Hialbrotherhad been atrlokog? with pahtlysls, HIa niece, Mrs. J, J. Elliott) 0? ttiifl city la already at tae bedtlder'' " .,- ijtfc: Ssea'Dlvnroe, A .".il ,i'jl..... .. B..k. Via,. A SU iWI UlTUllia IIVUI CtWWWt) Tl- sonrhas been filed la circuit court by Lela Vinson.1 ' Wt' H. A. Reaaer la at torney for. plaintiff. Plalatll asks cus tody of tolr t-yaar-old daughter, Xuby. The Deutchland carried mails and dyestuffs. She left Germany, June 23, and went 800 miles out of her course evading cruisers. She sailed over 4,000 miles In reaching the United States, and averaged nearly fourteen knots per hour. Captain Koenlg said that his vessel lay on tbe bottom of tho English chan nel all night on account of rough weather. The crew played the phono graphs while waiting for a smoother sea. The members drank champaign and ate the best food. Openly the '.'Deutchland sailed 3,800 miles. Only 90 miles wore negotiated under water. Captain Koenlg declares that his feat shows that the British blockade of Germany is Ineffective. He does not doubt his ability to evade British ships on the return voyage. According to Captain Koenlg, the Duesche Otean Rbederlo company of Bremen has built several slater ahlpa On the return trip this new aader water merchantman will carry nickel and rubber. She is manned by a crow of 27, captained by Paul Koenlg. United Precs Service WASHINGTON, D. C, July 10. The treasury department today Informed customs officials that the German mer chantman Deutchland la .not a war ship or armed vessel. Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo Immediately told the , state department regarding the submarine's status. t -rt lhal S&aaTBVi " -fc.iw5ft I'aitai. Pros. Somen ' ' ' M7 aava aenemoon aannvaM' snsjb fsaN1 addaonaSan .. .. ' . j.-l!l'. . "3 t? "T aava aooa hsavBi raaofiasst. !? t warhtn aaaav ' Thn --- lawn sfcMiti Wnsi" MaWMMsmV aamMMI' mmmt aTCamamW mlfmm mM Mamm dls-aajggm aajav- MamamaaamV 11 1 aifji saajajrv tMJVmmJa nToTfaPJaaT amBBm EEff amyaw mmmjammjajV 7M afornsMML A mm onmaw JBLJamv dalfBmm va-anmnanav .j."'-,!,, m onae, aad oaptniodms gemeanwa: " sovvroJsjBgylT n snnnsn t BHiHssa xrnaa lnreo a aas naams-,-. aJong n tea aatw fraoU. ."v. J inssesHsasww veH's mfJItaat call by sayiac Use Uait- ed Stataa arast rosaect tko ofVexIea. "I say tats for tho aoaett at taoao who waat the UaMed attatoa to aatt bb." said the president "Moxieo faom that we waat to possess her. Tain la be cause some Americana tried to ox ptottaer. I wont hot taoao mom." la another address before tae De troit Athletic aak. President 'MIL, declared Ameriea was tae werarn aaaot consorvaUvo aatioa. Ho Ualtad rroasSorrioo PETXOGX4CD.' Jaly M. Two oeoiipwn Taay aroragHty aar- Keael, a groat 71 M Uoaary aaalaen mea aaaot "take a'l back acat" la an address before tan Ford aatd- moblle works empleyoe, 1 UtedUtemoa betas lathe of a man who boUevee egtdeacy la tae real foundation far saeeoeo. - Slvar row tar.' IB are retroaUag laoa XrvaL right w4aday U jj 1 at 1 vJA J2 161 W, 1 ..'. Uaited rrosa Servfee PARIS, Jaly M.-Tao Froanh have captured several Osrmsa'tiaaali'.: southwoat of Fereaae, FIto lyarda of traaohee ta tho district have aooa PROQRESSIVES ON . O. P. COMMITTII United Press Service BALTIMORE, July 10. As soon aa the Deutchland docked her crew Im mediately began unloading her cargo. Barbed wire barriers were used to keep the crowd back and tho work waa closely guarded. Captain Paul Koenlg declared to day that other submarine merchant men are to arrive In the United State toon. Tho next one due la tae Bremen. ASSESSMENT ON STREEU0NI6HT MATTERS OF INTERIST AND CON SEQUENCE SCHEDULED POR TO NIGHT'S MEETING OP THE CITY COUNTIL Levying of assessments for the Im provement of Eleventh aad other atreeta are expected to he made when the city council moots toalgatv The contract for Improvement of the Shlpplagtoa road will be considered toalght also. J. H, aarrett waa the successful bid der for this work, aad the contract probably will bo lot to him this even- M TWO MILES OF RIM IN AOTO DR. HAMILTON STATES THAT HE WENT ALMOST TO RIM Of CRA- TER LAKE LAST TWO MILES TO SB READY SOON v Automobiles can now go to witaia tnu miles of the rim of Orator Lake according to word brought aaoU this moruiag by Dr. Jl. R. Hamilton. Dr. Hamilton went to the lake yesterday ord returned today. riovr and other road ImptoauaU are now'busy oa tho mat two milos, aad within a very short lime the oatlro dis tance can he made la aa automobile. Many visitors are already coming to the park. The road from hero to Mod ford via park headuarters la aaw oaoa all tho way, saya Dr. Hamlltoa. Dlrectera Moot Tsworrow. Tho regular aiootlag of tao directors United Press Servleo lot Klamath "- - Ctah wsM an NEW YORK, July IS. It waa aa- held toaaorrow ovoaiag at the otak nouaced this afteraooa from retaa-heade.uarters. mnttota of tmpertaaeo llcan headuarters that alx formor Bra- are to coaso u. ' ', Kreulvea have Joined tao aatloaal ro-J 1 a publican campaign committee. Among jChastal to Plan. ,'' them are George W. Porklaa of Now Circuit Court Clerk George Chaatam '' York, Jamoa B. Garfield of Ohio, Caoe-'and family will leave toasorraw 1 ter Rowell of California aad William lag for Spring Creek to spend a week H. Crocker of California. fishing. Eight Hundred Indians Celebrate at the Old Fort ft-af l 1 ji FORT KLAMATH, July le.-Tae oal- tfl i ..&',,rk ebratloa of Iadiaas of other reaarvatloaa olosod today, after a week's festivities la honor of Inde pendence day. It la a faet obvious to any observer that tho Klamatha are earaoat la their patriotism, aa damsa atratod by their deoeraUoaa. by their public saoooaatv aad by too doalra oa tho part of tae yoaager mamhsrs of tao tribe for eiUseaaaip. Saeidoa Kirk, la ala olaalag sUtomoat of ala said: M I staad bolero yoa aa Ino of tola oaaatr, a ward of a aatioa, but aot a free maa," Tao Kla maths aava aa Ideal earn lag ground of IN aoroe aot aaido mr them by tao aajveramoat. ttmaatka aamofWoodaUvor.aaaUabalawFort Klamath, aolag a graaa aaifotod Btoadow aurrouadod by grirpsm. la the eoator la a large liawalo heartM Old Glory. Arouad tao bordar trees the tao teats of taa ro Aleag tho rivor aaibk w thatr o-rouad, hall, saaai-ataai ataada.1 la, oao oafaar was built for taa SasBiri. a reunions ardor waa held asm W ,- , V . V " r ' slaatle mssllaas vaf. . ,&m S' BMUn; mi $'& AfttgaMnV M4m aJaaVmsmmBlT''mmmsmm ami dnansww ' esnammmmmmj wTffV.ni , anmad. Waa. , Sjy sj-u ena4BamagfadMB)J' fMmmV (axSMSJSfs Bjajgls gjESanweESx aaaswSl flvjm? aSMrnBF; wort harao laoaatv ling matehos aa4 1 Taa SS traotod walk lag ap a waoiethasayda : 'ipsa