v -V j --fvl .' l J vi iA "VW.wii1 d Herald KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER jsss: gfef rjnWT .1!!: 'Mi.TiT'tp: Tenth Year Ne. M KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1916 Price Five CMta mh Heroic Steps Taken to Stop Disease Twenty Thousand Austrians Are Trapped jLnjnrrwmm'mmmmmmmmmmmmmm . . ........-. -... .-. - ..-. .....--.--.!-.-.-... ..l TEN THOUSAND TO AID IN FIGHT ON BABY AFFLICTION TENEMENT CATS MAY IK EXTERMINATED A Battery of "Sevenfy-Rm" the FIVE THOUSAND BEST terribly Effective trench Gun nnneoiAM cnimrnc FALL BEFORE BRITISH Eighteen Deaths and Ninety-Five Ntw Cases Today f xcosslve Heat It Be lleved to Be Cause of tht Ntw Out. break of Infantllo Paralysis Total Numbtr of Cases Reported Now Rtaehta M2. I nlirtl Pre Service NEW YORK. July t. Acting Police Commissioner Godloy today summoned 10,000 members of the Hone Defense' league to aid in the fight against In fantile paralysis. Rlxhtoen additional deaths and nine ly.flve fresh cases are reported today. Thin makes the week'e death total 120 from this disease. The total number of cane reported J 891. Excessive heat Ih believed in be the cause of the new couch. It In suggested that all tenement dis trict cat be exterminated at once. The now deatba are dlvldod as fol fel fol eow: Brooklyn IS, Manhattan 8, Queen 3. jl. l mftlKEtRilMKtBKli&Wtm&Bm&t Vr- KBMMEif sS MnwK l.tf aVaaJawMCI aMaMiaaaaaaaaaaaaBiW JH lmP'NBnnnnR!9B n 'V JaBHHsiBBBBI 9SHbHT SeVrBBnVBflRlitamBrK '-rWBlBnnnntnBBnnnnnnnnnnnnnB9 iKtBnmnlBBnnnnmi$rBaaaaaQ LiSP''LiaaaSBTLiLHF.'' Bnnnnne9eHBnMaH'SSs? P3LBnHnLiLinHni RBBBsHA'Lt b BSHBBBaVHai9,'rjp9aBBBVrZ3ej79vYIa' JBnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnBBM f mi i in i ii awtnLnnT! BmT aW BnnaTnenw- inBnnnnnnniBMKIBnir "-'--i'BLB fci BBSflBMKJvBBLaBBBBBBBBBBSBleBT amWBBUVti.- vSlBBBBBBBBBflBk MCFSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBByZnWaiBK t w gW' aBBaBBlBFaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl Si BanEes'""'JnsETTBBnl vBaVFtEBjBBVBSBBnsaVHaVaV ''.leeBjlBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBm ua MnS aVPBpm l4iiMll2SBnnnnm 'avBTiL- .1rB'BntfBnnnnnnnnnnnni S slW 7 J5G,WW'5b ' Tetl' ISsHbHbB F EflBTY Efe. . ITa. tawRW I BRM WBBV 4fc BaBBBPBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmwsrVlBV) ,enS JRBmwnunnnnT Bkv J- V. fx OsnUWBr MB . k. TBnBBBBHBajBBBBBBBBBBBmaB l laWtVy 3uat I'j jHMBaKaVBjejBBaaiBsaBBflBBBt&tfi i tnsaW "i'-... ' - -"igs aQkBBBBBaH PJ amjLUBWeaVnlnBVB KE! -TBJMnVal.BaaVBVFTJRHB (IJnltl PreM Service PETROGRAD. July 8. It is as .nounced that the Russians hare cap tured Ootjitis. OrasUtiB aad Maaarit . cbln. near Kolki. These places were jdiately pursued the submarine, but un successfully, j PETROGRAD. July . In a sUte- ment issued tonight the war oalce aa- taken only after much hot bayoneting, nounces three more Tillages and 1,009 Twenty thousand Austrians hare additional prisoners captured. been trapped southwest of Kotoaea. ! North of the Lewer Lipa as Austrian In East BaronoTitch the Germans j atUck was repulsed. slightly repulsed the Russians. South east of Lake Naroca, the Germans re . captured several trenches. Tim lrncli nrlllU'ry linn proven ltrlf one of the niont effective brnncbes of the allied nrmles, both In the defence of Verdun and offensive along tlio western front. HoirliMilineiils by the French artillery hne preceded every big drive, nnd the beglnnlnp of n new foreranted by n laconic dispatch to thetffect that the French artillery i re-foiriliiRor Hint a hcay cannonading ha been opened by In tbe present allied attack Is geneally the deadly "75'8." t'nited Press Service LONDON. July 8 Recent ralas hare greatly hindered the allied, drire oa the west front The British are latprevtag their positions north of Somaae. Five thousand of the famous Prus sian guardsmen have been killed around ContalaetJaea. The French have progressed slightly south of the Somrne, and .captured 400 1 j infantrymen. ' j Bombardments, mine explosions and trench raids are freaaent along the! whole British front HALL AND LOW IN FILM SHOW SHERIFF LOW'S GROWN-UP SON, THE DEPUTY, WILL DO THE PIE THEFT HALL WILL IMPERSON ATE A SHE-COOKIE I nlti'il Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, July . Mildred ( Davis, nged four months, an Infantile imrulyhlK suspect, was quarantined to day by (ho authorities. The mother' trouKht the baby from New York, rci-klng to escape tbe disease there. GULF HURRICANE THREE THOUSAND 'JULY 18 SET FOR U. S. WiU Not Help Casement KILLEO HUNDREDS MANY SMALL BOAT8 ARE MISSINO AS RESULT OF TERRIFIC HUR-. RICANE WHICH SWEPT OULF STATES THIS WEEK I nltcd Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, July 8. The M'liutu foreign relations committee to day decided not to report the resolu Hon urging President Wilson to Intor ene to suvo the life of Sir Roger Case monl, convicted of treason in London, nnd sentenced to death. I'niled Pies Service 11ILOXI, Miss., July 8. Estimates of the loss of life from tho hurricane which raged over tho whole gulf sec tion Wednesday nnd Thursday, may I rench 100 victims. Scores of smnll schooners are miss ing. A flotilla of gasoline launches to- I day started searching tho Mississippi lllvor sound for minding schooners. MEXICANS FI6HT SAYSJSPATCH VILLA LEADS FORCE AQAINST PARRAL Bandit Chief Again Said to It Plan ning Raid on American Towns With Band of Unknown Strength Mexi can Plot to Burn Army Buildings In El Paso Nipped, and Many Arrests Follow RULE ON MOTION TIME FOR RULING ON MOTION FOR NEW TRIAL FOR RANDOLPH 16 POSTPONED TEN DAY8 BY JUDGE KUYKENDAtX ASHLAND PRAISED BY LOCAL PEOPLE CELEBRATION FAR EXCEEDED EX PECTATIONS OF ALL, AND VISIT ORS WERE GIVEN EVERY CON SIDERATION THERE t Work of selecting local movie stars for the production or "A Stolen Pie" I has progressed so nicely that Director today stated that the first , United Press Service BERLIN, July 8. It is admitted that Sherrits jthe Austrian have abandoned the ad- of the scenes, the picnic gathering, will J vance lines along the River Styr Vol- be taken Tuesday afternoon in the court house yard. All wishing to watch the making of a movie play are Invit ed to be present Lloyd Low was today engaged for the role of the tramp. It took a good deal of explaining to show Lloyd why re- he couldn't sing "Beautiful Eggs" The official i again, and have his Babylonlous, in harmonious voice as the big feature of the film, but at last he consented to do hia "durndest." ELBERTUS B. Hall, who when not y. Crater Lake Road Will be Open in a Few Day: EL PA80, Tex., July 8. It Is report ed late today that Mexicans raided the Perrlne ranch in New Mexico. The ranch hands gave them a battle, killing fourteen Mexicans, 1 Mexicans are also reported as raid Ling American territory In the Big Bend region today, attacking mining proper ty at Putrto Rice and kidnapping three 'Americana. Tho motion by attorney W. H. A. Renncr for a new trial in the case of C C. Randolph, charged with larceny of a steer, will bo ruled on by Circuit Judgu Kuykendnll July 18th. The case enme up lu circuit court yesterday, but Judgo Kuykendall granted ten days moro bofore ruling on the motion for a now trial. ' ',fcSt wl,rpssed any place In Oregon When tho Jury brought in a verdict oituide of Portland, of guilty sovornl days ngo. Attorney The civic improvements brought Iionnor for the defense immediately' ftboUt in recent months in Ashland motioned for a new trial, objecting to Klamath Falls people returniug from attending the Ashland celebration are loud In their praises of the hospitality of tho lltbia city, and the splendid eel- btntion held. The parades, fireworks. i m.d other features were by far the certain Instructions of the court, an objection to the court issuing addition al Instructions to the Jury after it had tbi-cn out seven hours, and alleging that evidence material to the defense had . been ruled out. According to advloes recdlvod from Otorge Hoyt, who has charge of trans-1 bortation for the Orator Lake company, Ueutanant Ooodwln'a road crew has' cleared the snow from the roads from llio government park headquarters to tbe Klamath and Medford entrances to tbe .ark, It will only be a short time now until (he road clear to the rim of the lake oan be traversed by automo biles. The park opening is later than urual , this ear. Already the to. have been t number of tourists here, attracted by the rnmn of Ciator Lake, to witness, .... ... . .- .11 .u-ll i ills Mem Hcuiiiu wuiiuur. United Press Sorvlco EL PASO, July 8 General Gonseales aii r thnan'Jaures today received a aoiayoa cm- parties hnvo made the trip to tho lako'buahua City dispatch saying 2,000 Car- ... . . . .. . .. ... .... ,.... flat.!,. OAA Vl partly by macnino nna paniy oy wain- wi "" v .. ng, llstas southeast of Jimlnes, General riant year'a attendance In Crater Contrcras leads the Vllllstas. Lukt Nnllonnl Park was the biggest In1 It h unofficially reported that Villa the park's history. This year, how-,18 leading 8,000 men against Parral. Aver, tho trnfflo of sightseers promises .One thousand Carranilstaa garrison lo b ovon greater than a year ago,! Parrel. They are attempting to check dwpite the delayed opening season. (Villa's advance. A Jack to lift telegraph or telephone poles from holes has been Invented by a Chicago man. United Press Bervlre EL PASO, July 8. It is reported here that Vllllsta troops are approach ing the Big Bend country, intending to raid American towns. The strength of the band is unknown. It la reported that Ollnagn la now threatened. It was learned today from secret sor vlco men that a Mexican plot to burn all army buildings in El Paso has been discovered. Several arrests are Imminent io tho cause of much congratulation j fot the town. The entire town entered into the spirit of the big affair. I Fire Hits Fresno $30,000 Loss thnia. before superior Russian forces. Repeated Russian attacks in the Lake Narocnz region and a minor at tack northeast of Buczacs have been repulsed. Repeated allied attacks on both sides of the Somme River have been pulsed with heavy losses. The off! statement says that the heroism and tenacity of our troops prepared the enemy for a day of delusions. On the Verdun front the French vainly attacked Frolde Terrc. Weak engaged In fishing, exercising "Rex" advances against Daraloup were re-, or telling what he thinks of Chaplin, pulsed. Daniels, et al, is engaged In the hotel 'business, is also to take a star part, Unltnd Press Service 'that of the kitchen lady who bakes BERLIN. Jnlv fi. It is announmd thn fanxus ileRsnrt. It is honed that t . .. , , I that an enemy submarine on July 2, jho shows up according to press notices, without warning, attacked nine peace- as be has so bored the membership of 'ful German merchantmen, en route the local Elks Lodge with what he from Swlnemude. Tbe German ships could do in a film production to such luckily escaped. .an extent that the Elks arranged to The wake of the torpedo was ob- ( have him in the play, so he can make send when it passed between two ot good and draw down scads per week, the ships. Armed patrol boats imme- or over afterwards hold bis peace. Says Japan Welcomes Investments by the U.S. United Press Service j FRESNO, Calif., July 8. A 830,000 flro here today destroyed the Plaza theater and damaged the Polland building. There was no loss of life. ! '"iTI ' 1 & (also touched upon American relations.,; ' ,1C! A new stopper for milk bottles has a f pout nt one side tor pouring a valve within tho device closing against the admission of air when a bottle to which it is attached Is held upright. United Press Service NEW YORK. July 8,The New York j " weicwuw ww m ,' Times' correspondent In Japan today l""' "-" " -j , v .!. if'H w. . ... . . ,.wlE8t. especially in China, aa they tifcjrA tv cabled from Toklo aa interview wlthi.,.. .taSlte-i'WnFajA' . Pnnnt niriliiat th .Tntnattszaan rtrABtlesr The interview was mainly regarding always maintain the oi w poHejr regaraiBg uiuw a mm cwinnewa. the significance of the new treaty be tween Japan and Russia, Its benefit to each nation, and 'lis effect upon nut ters In the Far last, but the premier; eluded. doing much for the oevewpmeni, -ogyg,?, i these backward section ewtWttme.-pf? "It is Japaa'a ateadfeet tftfatlaeitfA; j (kn.klM with ka worU." he aeau ', K i':i wr- -- - ----- --. .,, l