t't"uri J 4. & ' '. : - , . ..'i.nef4a!fl.' ;;. J-tH '-;:' : "i-!y ! ' h. :M nvvaib ; '.'t"tej KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER J"SVC irtiuA iVJSSI jzzT "..m vrris.uu nSWBFATUI IF f - . -.- - ,.:.- l 3 .ct' v .v J ..V . w . - , ... tflKffaaamjMl j. .-,epv- .. Qlqv iEurmnn S3aaamtSBxn!caxum:;. ., , ,, -" ' aaTii, Tenth Year Ne. MM AFTER RESPITE, DRIVE IN FLANDERS PUSHED BY ALLIED TROOPS KLAMATH KAtLS; OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1916 Untied Press Service LONDON July 7. After little activ ity yesterday the British offeaalve wu resumed today at dawa.Tha various dlvlslona simultaneously smashed the Herman lines aloag a wide front General Halg at boob reported that ICO yarda of German trenchea eaat of Mboirelle were captured. Several Im portant tactical positions were also seised. The heavy deraaa force were burl ed back by tbt DritUh advances des pite heavy couater attacks la tbe An ire and Fricourt districts, CLARKE CAN'T Bf IN SUNDAY GAME HARO-HITTINQ AND EVER-PIOHT. INQ BACKSTOP OF THI LOCALS ' IS HAVING TROUBLE WITH IN. JUMD HAND United Press Seme s IIERUN July I. It la admitted that the (lermaas have abandoned "certain linen" In Volhynla. Russian attacka to the weat of Kolkl bave however been repulsed wltb heavy loase. German troope bavo resumed iho offensive both north nd aoutb of tbo Bouime. There la terrISc ffghting south of Cost al Matsoa and around Heat Halted Preaa Service PKTJUK1RAD, July 7.-The Russian haw captured Orade Komerovo, and are coaUauiag the pursuit of the rout. o! Austro-Germaas. United Preaa Service PARIS, July ?. it la announced that tietman aeroplaaea bombed the nnfor tlfled town of Lurer, HlllnjT eleven wo men and children. PlKhtlaat uloog tbe Somaae Blackened last nlfbt. The war oc eaya tbo lull preaasea a new attack. The French a-e reorrbnlslng their fo;ea and -na-i-Inr artillery for another emaab. United Preaa Service AMSTERDAM. July 7. The German admiralty haa announced that a por tion or the high aeaa fleet approached clono to the British coaat capturing tbe IlrltlHb liner Leitrie Wednesday. This In tbe second time within three weeks that tbe German fleet baa been close to the English coaat. United Preaa Service i SAN DIEGO, July 7The British war office baa notified Mrs. A. O. Spalding of the death of Albert O. Snaldln Jr.. adopted, son of tbe millionaire sporting goods manufacturer. Spalding, who was a lieutenant tn tbe Tenth Royal Innlaklllen Fuslleers, waa killed In action In Flanders July 1st, at the start f the DritUh drive. lliero In docp, Hoddon gloom among the aiiH un a result of the announce ment that Jlnimle Clarke, one of tho host men on tho local team, will not bn able to belp Klamath Falls win njtnlnm Willows Sunday with bis splen did catching, his unerring pegs and bis effective stlckwork. Clarke Injured bis band In retiring a runner at the plate In tho game at DorrU Wednes day, and the Injury has become ao bad Ihnt the doctor has ordorod Clarke to stay out of the coming game. In the meantime, President J. II. Car naharuand Manager Hay Watt of the local club are burning tbe wires in an effort to And a man of Clarke' calibre for the Job of stopping Bigbee's shoots Sunday, Clarke is one of the moat consistent players on the Klamath team, as well as oue of the most popular with" the fans, ills catching work la always good, and he catches many a man on throws, to second, wbllo be works ev er)' minute he Is behind tho bat, taking all kinds of chances for fouls, and keeping up n rapid Are of talk that dls- mays many a batter and Injects pep Into tho rest or tho Klamath team. Clarke has n wicked eye when It comes to batting, and he always sticks over tho' .340 mark, pounding out many an extra bane swat and scoring many of tho runs. He will be on the bench mi a pinch hitter and a coach, however. nnd can bo depended upon to do bis utmost for a Klamath victory. ' American Aviator '! Given a Medal j; J L)TsalllEalV aTaTEBBBBBBaT MM SSxjMfkmm '""$ $H$0k -"SBjBjBwwwagr IT'-vllSBBBBBBBBBB I ymmmB tuw" HHlllllHrilllHBal aflsilllllllV BaPfJri3aB liZ WXVZU mm I7,TJ WPJm tttttM f toMUiviJGLMmtirR0rm1k wmmmm I . " km Hee rtv urn, -' '; -". t "2S" pJnswersCarranza!WMHffl ir HURRICANE: NSACOLA f ,18 ISOLATED STORM V Commended HELP HEW YORK'S SIsMy Pereens Are Missing at New Or. leane Snipe Are Wrecked and Sea bear Air Line Tracks Are Tern Up. Vlekahwi We Full Effects of the Hurricane Today Coromunleatlene Are Paralysed. United Press. Service j JACKSONVILLE. Fla.. Julv 7.aI hurricane aweepfag tbe Gulf secUoni completely destroyed tbe Eacaabrlai bridge, the principal approach to Pen.) sacolo. (mnlatlnr tk. Mt, m.. a . . . - vt .mv w7. tua ova board Air Line tracks also are de-1 stroyed. f The latest aatlouiiM nia-. h. j j ' at tweWty in akibsms, Louisiana and ! Florida. The property loss Is not tab-1 ulated. bat to known to be heavy. William Thaw, tbe American, on of the most daring among the aviators with tbe French army, whoae feafi over Verdun have often bees aseatioa in tbe French oSlcial reports, waa wounded while figbtlng a Genua ma chine high over tbe fortress. While he was m Paris convalescing he received the cross of tbe Legion oT Honor for bravery. United Preaa Service NEW ORLEANS. Julv 7. El-rtatv persona are missing in the hurricane here. DhMtean fn Prnmun u. Ico, say the ateaater Frelda waa smash. ed to pieces ea the Alaroaa reef last Friday. The crew of twenty-one was savea. LOCAL PEOPLE TO STAR IN MOVIES United Press Service MONTOOMMtrr Ale Julv 7 Tki Oulftreeja-U'centerlni Inland near) Vlcksburg today. No loss of life la re-' ported. Property damages amounts to' nundreda or tbousaada of dollars. t DaUHIalS ftrt IwBW rtfJaWaViT BM IMIMPJMl -- aaw vaimsPKmisaa. 4rz gHsWlgagagWgai i WW!?AfgggggBLHfsaW ' 1 iiii9ataalannH MfliSsiSlaiHHmmmH ) Hw jSV a 'SSSnSS?dCsBnnuMBSBBBBBBBBBBBBlBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBH mbKIBK &M.?atutt,vrf .'T..aaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwfl . UJ&:JaBBLIIaBBBBBB l9SwaSU'vS&i'2:": r-rv .KmtB. feaaae t HEALTH aiRVICE SENM EXPERTS ITS I . . . Infantile Paralyaia Mm Spread to SJHL er CHIee and Week ef - imt j the Dteeaat ft Taatof the IpjSEais' ef Many "" " tWMadalii ftow y AwiOf. ks r, United Pres. Servlee NSW TORJC. Jatr 7.-Th day eleaei every Itirpiaiiaal eirm- la Greater New Tatfcv That it ( ---,,. M -an -. wtrrmm ap u-n-uc -n uuhauM pataiyaia .the dty. ' This .order atecta 1M.MS United Preaa Sarvtaa WASHDfOXON. R O, Mt 7la . "BBEUtaP adhatlPla i -.--. . ' ., esvpwasra tT-J VV EfflEf MMVftT. U , Ime-iaTaa - a - a... - v' T- - h T & - - aav-pana aa i regaraiag federal aid ia ""-" awrwraia eataaaata t.,Hmm.i - AamJ . aar.- .1- S ae-PaaV eaaalBa aaKjaBaT aaBaaLtBafalaatl aMMamaa t "" esasa-al -aEtawlSBfJI dwMBV ir' f!- W i-sav ev .lAt-r . ' . . -.'.. .. - .awfUl Him. OkTBaWM Mar'aHK. IWtS to CI MWsUtWtih ttf lto TdM f -t . , " . T. . !.c to aha UrewTerktolead i LATEST PICTURE OF CARRANZA DEFENSE RESTS IN THE TRIAL OF YOUTH Hum la Improving. Ralph Hum, who recently suffered a difficult nasal operation, ia Improving rapidly. He Is employed at Klamath Dye Works. , The metropolitan water board tor tbe city or London announces that atroeta will not be sprinkled this summer on uccount of the war. About 700,000,000 feet of timber was out on the naUonal forests la 1916. United Press Service WAUKKOAN, July 7. The Orpet defense routed this afternoon. The prosecution at once started robuttal testimony. Tho defenso Is confident that Ornet'a Innocence has been established. Tho case will probably go to the Jury early neat week. LAKEVIEW WANTS TO JOIN FORCES ; United Press Service H i ransa force at CoraUtoa, Calhaaaaa, ' WASHINGTON, D. C, July 7. Sec Wedneseday. He advises Aawrlea to iretary of State Lansing today replied, watch the border Basra etoaaly, THE STOLEN PIE," A FILM SCREAM, WILL RE ENACTED IN KLAMATH FALLS BY KLAMATH FALLS TALENT to Carrania's note. He said the Ualtod States Is ready to exchange views aeak ing a practical nlan for the elimina tion of the difficulties causing the Mexican-American controversy. 1 The American note exDreeaes gratl """"""" fycatlon at Caxranza's frank statement KVilliarlnar fl.A .. . ... . rArmrHInp thn rllfllmllHoa unA lila urn. Gantenbeln that Klamath Falls andlre6ervcd expression of desire to reach Lakerlew cooperate la the organUa- an adjustment tion of a company of volunteer infant-! Mexican Ambassador Arredondo to- ry for Gantenbein's proposed regiment. day notified the state department that hep of spread of the i . jwas .. i , MM aa::ke " : I As a result of this episode, ft in era I ' Pershing may advance farther aeata la search of Villa.. To Siskiyou County. ' Mr. and Mrs. George J. Walton and fnmlly and J. a. Camp leave tomorrow for Siskiyou county points. Mr. Camn will stop at Copco to study the big dam being built by the Callfornla-Ore. gon Power company, and the Waltoas will go on to visit Mrs. Walton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Bowea, near Yrcka. Mrs. Walton will alatf visit in other places before returning. Pendleton Boy Wins the Ashland Bucking Trophy Herald Special Servlee ASHLAND, July 7. DeuaaJ caaaoa, llyearpid Pendleton eawboy, won rat prise la the Rogwe River Round, up bucking contest, thn prise being a 1300 saddle. . Aady Beck or Dairy, George Fletcher, a Pendleton nenre. and nronnhn Bnh Hall were la the laala with Caaaoa. Beck made a beautiful ride la the serai Sato, but he wu thrown high In the air la Ue laala. '. HRilBf his chaps caught on1 express events, and -- mvru g ue MaaM Md tte boy roplug contest. IYa??!? narad yards by the, The total three-day atteadwee aweaed broncho. Ha waa not sari, the raaaaVaa waa IMM. ously injured, although he had a nar row escape. Later Cannon rode tbe same horse la tn exhibition. F. L, Gregory is In the hospital with a broken collar bone and other Injuries sustained Wednesday. Smlloy Corbett rode for Gregory In the finals by common consent of air con testants. He waa thrown. ' Duffalo Vernon of Penfclleton won Hut hulidogglng money. Taylor also of Poudletop, took the relay gad poay Roaob .woa the All of the thrills, laughs and excite, inent attendant at tbe bjg moving pic lure studios, is to be brought to Klam ath Falls. For be It known that Klam ath Falls is to be tbe scene of a real movie play and furthermore, Klam ath Falls people will do the acting, ao tho picture will be shown In Klamath Falls. John V. Houston today closed a con- tract with Dan L. Sharlts, a well known motion picture producer, to produce thn comedy, "the Stolen Pie." The work of picking the-.caat will soon start, and, our local Plckfords aad liushmana will have a chance to acla tllUte in acreendom. ' "The Stolen Pie" is an entirely local situation', and In the unravelllag of tbo laughable plot. local scenes aad local celebrities play a prominent Dart. There will be upwards of fifty people used, aad already there la said to fee bitter Jealousy between Paul Johnson flnd Bert Hall for tbe leading role this meaning the man who steala the pio. Sharlta also reporta that Barl Whitlock L. O. Vaa Bellea, Kieth Am brose and other "doable-dyed movie fans bave actually offered Mat oaaa to use bis influence in getting their faces on the film. A big picnic scene will he stund in Uie court house lawa. aad taa ether scenes will be takea at other plaeee of Interest here.'. When coaapleted, the film will be shown. at the Star theater. ... M and the aoegario prepared ahawa that It will be eaual'to any comedy oaTarail by the beat ofUh'e tlm sarvicea. ', C. H. Young, a Lakevlew man of mill tary experience, has written Dr. Ham ilton and others here, seeklnr infoe. matlon. This will be taken up by the local men In favor of a company. I In his letters Colonel Gantenbein' suggested' the consulting of Dr. R. R. ' Hamilton of this city, owing to his ex-j perience both in volunteer oritanlia-" lions, In active service, and in recruit- (ng and medical service for the army. The work of enlisting men for the proposed company continues, with more signatures added each day. o , From Olene Mill. i H. H. Edmonds, manager of the Ed monds Lumber company, la ia Klamath Falls from his sawmill beyond Oleae on buslaees Villistas practicaly destroyed tbe Car. WILL DRAW LOTS FOR .i United Preaa Service COLUMBUS, N. M.. July 7. Mead- cans report that Villlata ageats are! recruiting a large army to the soath of I PershlnB ailvanraa Wu TV. iri iuitu m ak. ... ..... " - -w ... ahwww r-.Mrfti ww rrmm is l.lit Dar-( . ... . .. I .. - . . ---tw.,.-, V agents are lemng tke aauvea that VUla U alive, aad they are cassias many desertions from the Carraaaa ranks. HOMESTEADS &i FIRE THREATENS LOCAL SAWMILL BLAZE DISCOVERED IN BOILER j ROOM OF THE KLAMATH MANU FACTURING CO.'S SAWMILL IS EXTINGUISHED BY MILL HANDS PEIL TAKES JOB ON THE HERALD FORMER MEMBER OF NORTH. WESTERN STAFF, NOW ATTEND. INO COLLEQB. WILL HANDLE NEWS DEPARTMENT ' Here f ranvOrafn. Mr; and Mrs. O, Mateoa aad aoaa came la iaawght from Drala to vUit at the feokley, raaeh aear Fort Xlam. lath, rfr i Forrest Pell, who receatlv rataraed from tbe.Ualversity ttt Oreaaa. where he la atadylag In the acaool of Joar- aaliam, haa accepted the aewa editor ship of the Herald, aucceediag PUUd J. Slanott, who leavaa la a few days for San Francisco to bacone aaaoolat.l ed with the PaelSo Coastthranch of tbe United Preaa Asaoclatioo. Pell Is waU kaowa locally aa a Uve aewa hustler, aa ha waa coaaeeted with the repotorlal staff of the Northwest- era duriai aad after his blah school dayt. What might bave been a very coatly fire In tbe sawmill of the Klamath Man ufacturing company at Salpplngtoa j was soon -put out last evening by em ployes of tbe mill. The blase atarted In tbe boiler room, but waa discovered before It had made much headway, aad with the use or the company's Ire pre vention system was extinguished be fore help from here arrived. Four or five men were doing extra work in tbe sawmill and the box fac- toryrew was working a quarter shift when the fire started, about 6'clock. A large number or people from Klaav ath Falls quickly reapoaded when the alarm waa turned la, 'INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS AT ODD FELLOWS TONIBHT Under tbe direction of District Deputy Grand Master Fred Bremer, Klamath Lodge No. 137, L O, O. F- will Install officers for tbe iasving term at the regular meeting tonight Besides the installation ceremonies the lodge will coaler the Ilnltatory de gree, and all members are requested MOfBAV TO PARTICIPATE r ORAWINSS FOR LAMO ON COL VILLE RESERVATION -e ' ' ..Mi I ti The latest Klamath Falle maa to I come inoculated with the hoaaeeteaataa; - w. 6 i rever are George J. Walteav Fred B. .: !.. ii .i OaVaa Cf1 . 'k..1 m..' """i xwvn mtvmMiumn mmn uu. They wUl leave Moaaay far taa Omt f vine reservation. la Baatera Waaaaac- ton, to participate hi the big arawiag to be held there later tala aeata. whea the reservation will ha throwa epea to eatry. ' The party will make the trip by aato- to attend aad assUt ia the two cere- m0blle. coaalderiag the oatlag as their mi m ft -'Miil i. ., Former Local Doctor Km '""0tf.v, MARINES EXPECT TO ENTER SAN DOMINBO United Preaa Service WASHINGTON. D. C July 7.-The Americas marines eapaat to eater Saa Domingo without oMeaHlaa today, ac cording to Admiral Capertoa, whs aeat a radio measaie to the effeet that taa Dominicans are eaJet ' The navy department talaka that aU agbting there ia ended. , l 1 .? a---. fCTTV, r- . '$k PORTLAND. Julv 7. Chevalier Mor. UirM miina rra tw. arl 'Lvk&& row la on bis way home from the ware, sooa became director and diw:w. To thousands of Oregon peoole. taa aeaa iof ta eatiM viik tkAaaaii.r?v chevalier Is just Karl V. Morrow, icaa Red Craaa iaTBrikyam. .Wefcai'fe of all taa aalts. The iilietlsa laK apoa him eat'of a'aU)U:etBaaaiiav''' of auraeoaa gaUared.trim,:aa' just Karl V. Morrew. sometimes general pracUtiaaer at Klamath Falls, where he had. bv dlU- geat head to the technique at the heal ing art. won some repute aa a, deeter. But whea be geta back to Fortlaad'ha will be weariag toe deeoratlaa af tea order ef Leopold, Biased on his feaaaaa by aa leaa a peraoaage thaa KJaa Al bert of Belgiaa. Dr. Morrow la a sea of Dr. J. Morrow of jPortlaad. He ia SI oM aad uamarried. Ho waa aeat to Belgium alxteea 'aaeatha ask "ate months after the great hioaMaat hraka out oa the ooatlaeat t Avaia; aa aa emissary of taa AaMriea Itoi Oraaa. He was asalgaed a salary of M r moath. Statlaaad al tk asl bam haa. pltalof the Betelaa amy a( UfMhaa, iWP stssBr Mi'Wtaa. " world. Aiaag taa i list were the T aetata New Yerk. ema! "it 'Hii'mk z ."". -" t-.1 I i m i eater, Miaa.aad ether ana ef Maa fame. JK VfX&gm Dr. Morrow arrived ia MtW Vark a., few days ago aa tfea'i beau from calved aVtelearam rival aad aarfau aa waffMi te Pertkwd.aaaat Mt f$Hk W RpP" .". w"w wPwHe" "ffl Red Craaa, rM-Matapv tsi i taa dlamhatloa aff ' faada '' BJSBKBBBBBKBT BBBBBRBJ dvOfUgMBi ; JBB eviMMEr .Maaaawaalaa 'J ' A I II 1" Coatfemf SB I I' Imt, "ifcJvi ft , '... xc