'iHi,lM)wf"-r' v ry fl, fT.T r- ' "r ' ' tF"i'Zffrryprr t-pr' fti ' rt&VW i-Stt t . -1 7? ittfnfng ITteraU. 'AW1 "j KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH P&iiT , .1' I OFFICIAL NEWSPAPlit kl .. .j1.' -p ' v '3 - -r-r. 3Ct, ? .SBT ;.TTi7BrilTgVfli ABC- -i-i.-t-r -.Tt irT -,. Tenth YeerNo. 3,037' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1916 Price Five Cents 'KfFW Allies Forge Ahead on East and West Fronts RUSSIAN ADVANCE IS OVERWHELMING THE t TUETONIC FORCES V WILLIAM PHILLIP SIM8 t PRTROORAD, July 6. Half a million Autlriant have been killed, cap turd or badly wounded tinea Oanaral Brutlloff started hi ttrrlbla sweep through VoUynla, Qaliela and Bukowln. Oanaral Letchllskya's advanca Into touthcattern Qallela ha baan to rapid that hla army hat manacad Stanltlau, Lemberg and the whole of eatt. fin Qallela. The right wing of tne Auttro-Oerman line la alio under heavy prctiure. I , The Auatrlana are itaggarlng back before theee heavy blows through the muddy Pruth and Onleatar vallaya. They are abandoning greatquantltles of uppllei, at the road arc all bog. Petrograd la confidant that the central power are effectually trapped be tween the concerted allied offensives, and are turrounded by deadly danger, being unable to thlft their troops In time to meet the conttant hammering along all frontt. i It It believed that the Oerman foreei remaining In the Interior are not sufficient to check the combined offenalvea. Apparently the Ruselsns have overcome their munition thortagee, and thcutandt of men and women are feyerlthly working In .the faetoriea, turning out gun and ammunition. ' It la announced that the Russians have captured Mlkullcsyn, the railway center thirty-eight mile south of Stanislaus. In thla way Ihey have cut one of the main Auatrlan line of communication, and have alee aelied the main railway connecting the Auitrlan forcea with Lemberg. WWWWWWWWWWWWWWMWMiWWMWWWWWMWWWWWW WtfWWWWWHWWWWVWVWW VVMJMMMWMMMMMMWM.VWMMMWW,'WWyWMMMMMMMWMMMMWW Marines Again Routing Rebel BTsMBSBBBBBBBBMimTsVoaTSmBBBVw ' BSBrJwsvraBBBBBBsleSllSBBBBBBBBBM aaggWffiBJBBBjEsffipBBBBBBBBBJ aWlvfaiBaBaavtdBaBaBaBaBaBaBV' MiHHaBaBaBaBaWr gBTaBBMtfmBBBBBBTwBa JbbbbbbbbbsP!bsbbbbbbbb. I BansansnasansanBiBSsBSsni 1 LKaaaaaaafllaaaaPJ hSuhi IBodies of Carrizal VicN on, cafes Reach America for Interment KLAMATH MARKETS AND RE8TAU- I RANTS RATED -r : Three Week Sojourn Here Reaulta in a t Scoring of Nearly All of the Meat) and Milk Supply Firm and the Rea- ' taurante and Canajy Faetoriea Poor I Building Are Cause of Some of the Low Ratings. A romprehensive Inspection of Klam ath Falls dairies, meat marketa and (restaurants has Just been completed by I A. B. Tulley, deputy state dairy and, J food commissioner. Mr. Tulley left thin morning, after spending three1 weeks here. He vaa the Erst autoUt, to enmp in the city's free camp ground, j According to Talley, construction of j WASHINGTON, D. C, July 6. Do ' building, etc. counts forty points, and . Admiral Caperton , United i'rcaa Service United Pre Service BERLIN, July It la admitted that the French have captured Belloy-en-Santerre, south of the Somme. The Oerman have alto evacuated Hem. The British have alae progressed slightly, and they now have a firm foot. hold In the eallent aouth of Thlepval. Brltlth artillery fire la Increasing. Southwest of Fort Vaux the French were repulsed last night. United Pre Service LONDON, July!. Oeneral Halg reports a slight British advance near Thlepval, south of the Labasae canal, the British raided Oerman trenches,, uilng gas, The Welsh Fusileera In. thla engagement captured forty prisoners, a trench mortar and a machine gun. The 'Highland light Infantry penetrated Oerman trenchee near Hulllch, capturing and killing many Teutons. layed advices from Admiral Caperton, In charge of operations In San Domin go, are lo llio effect that American ma rines Saturday routed 250 rebels, kill- jlng twenty-sevon and capturing Ave. j One American was killed and eight pvero wounded. OOitRIS IS N01 A GENIAL HOST KLAMATH FALLS PEOPLE NOT ESPECIALLV PLEASEO WITH TREATMENT THEY RECEIVED AT THE BALL GAME United Press Service PARIS, July 0. It la announced that Oerman forces recaptured two small woods north of Hem. The French, however, carried the wood to the northeast of the town. German artillerymen fired heavy bombardments at the Verdun eathedral. In the Alsace region, French troop penetrated the trenchee near Bur haupt. The trench waa crowded with dead Qermana. Fighting aouth of the Somm hat decreased In force, French artillery la shelling the Peronne defenses. French cavalry yes terday entered through a gap In the German second line tranche, and ap proached the railroad cenneotlng Peronne and Chaulnea. LONDON; Julys. The Chronicle Infers that Oavld Lloyd-George Is to be appointed aa successor to the late Earl Kitchener. Lloyd George la af pre. ent minister of munitions, and hla appointment to the new post Is said to be dlrd by the officers of the Imperial army staff. Klamath people who attended the celebration at Dorrls yesterday are not very keen boostorj for the hospi tality of that town. In fact, they say the word If not In the town's vocab ulary. The several hundred people who wont to Dorrls yostoiday went with the express purpose of attending the loll (tame. The gamo was played in the aronb of tho raco treck, so far from methods, cleanliness, eta, count sixty points, the scores all being figured on a 100-polnt basis. He states that many of the low score are doe not to neg lect, but to the pedple not being fully familiar with the requlreasenta of the state laws: The scorings follew: Marketa. Score Poople'a Market, Ezell Bros. .... 63.3 Klamath Falls Packing Co.. S. Bresler -. 1 S7.3 Hawxhural Market, W. R. Hawx- hursts ....M.... 64.6 Independent Market, H. C. Cham berlain ....- ..3G.4 Mission Market, Hamilton and Stilta ! 3S.0 City Market, Hamilton and Stilts.J54.6 John Cabler slaughter house con demned, j These markets scored lower be-1 cause they have no slaughter house, which counts SO points out of a possi-l ble 100. ; Bakeries. Score Candy Factories. ' Score;the "caii " " their defense at Pelts Candy Factory, H. E. PolU.65.6 ' Carrlsal. Mexico, and his family, taken .'iV--"r . , . I I I I i I I l" " I I IllsasssssasassssassaWa a III . J I I B lilaJBafl Bsst1 aBBBBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBSBBiliiiiiiiiiiiiii BBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBaV Hjk v gsBBSBBSseP'i9awL ESbsssssssWB rBS3MKKIm-k 3 bbSbbSbbSbbSbbSsbSBbbSbIbSb " 'BssasssSsPC S ' <$ fa jF ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB?' !'-&$ BSBVlT 4 jrfdBBBBBBBBBBBBI -f'''' SSSSSMBt J X?LWaSTK -A 71 ?W -fcip fjt, :3" V? sssTSTr $, . S fvt 'Bi isr'woiw iTSaK jvSajys?rjsrsse)i'-1.'v BVBSBBBfrAA'BKteM v'M5S"'v'lfJS?3if BsBSMFdBSHSBBBv&A&vi &i. HH .. wm - - .,-.."-.- ' - ' -- - jt REMAINS OF NINE OFFICERS ANfVV MEN ARfi BROUGHT TO EL PASO FP.OM CARRAZAL t 1 Cavalry Detachment MeeU the Special 4 Train and Eseorta the Casket. t Fourteen Men Are Still Unacceu'nted For Starving Women In tan Lttie Potosl Riot and Pray That Ameri cans Take the City. ' -: - s Y Uniled Ifress Service - 1 EL PASO, Tex, July '.- tl A t.t ' f . . .A mwuiHiVi'i Ij-, ..j '.-j. .- ..- -. ' f ;si irain ioaay Drougni me dooms of cap- kv i fnln.TlAvH LlAMfanaH 'Al mji ... lfi w...vw, M.wulanil ai m.a m amjwm & f'l . , ' A. c r--i t, : if VSS lie;, troupers OL IBB J.VBUI eSTaiTJ, .J , it who were killed In ttir mimirai it i ,11 J1 I. i Pnrrtval fIftAvM i . 'Ifit' r,i,w ' ..H... . ,vBiu4.MniMm.ipia ofthe Tenth "cavalry maecBted ferU v .Five ericaa.oiBeersieaeorted the f ' I remains across the berdsr.-Tbe ess- p kets.wetptoconjat;eir: sii'a. ;. switch engine pulled the .ear ever tbewt ' international bridge freea laans-V . Arriving at the Amertean eaei of Uo" ! " j bridge, the caskets were draped With American flaS3. placed, on KOtor tieksv , rhnd escorted to the underUklngpar- lors by a detachment of the aVghth ' cavalry. t The bodies will be seat to relatives. &rr ttsoistssjsjeemm C7?lJ r. BOYD zSfatrt ,-iW -J X, FrtMJLY This photograph shows Captain Chas. T. Boyd of the Tenth cavalry, who led 61.0 at r)u- Leavenworth, Kans. Captain Boyd began the fight when he found lie prnmlstand that It wns impossible ;8eeda Boarding House to hem the umpire's decisions, or tos,de, Retaurant. J. Slade 65.0 jewoi uaie, J 00 uunra .,..........os. Shasta Confectionary, D, H. Len nox ... ;...-. Restauranta and Hotels Scorn 'General Felix Oomex, under pretense of Wliile Pelican Hotel, B. B. Hall, ' .,. .. . ......... nr a peace Pa.r,e. was surrounding the manager . ...2.f ) Marshall House. Fred Noel 91 J " '" an iroops. He Rex Cafe. J. W. Undquiat .74.4 leading bis troops. Mrs. Boyd was ' d 4... of the Army Schoo, r the omici nuwc, mi ounvu n.v.ui mv uvuku, n. ., bi ner momers il.ine In 1912, Kellers Cafe, A. J. Wiggins Tan, ... . ....68.3 &ND home, when she heard her husband United Press Service HEADQUARTERS? AMERICAN EX PEDITION, July, 6. Reports jutvet .reached General Pershing that starvlM i j women in San Luis Potosl are .rioting, t demanding food. Mexican troops beat s' tnese women, it is understood. l A M ':! 1 1 tw.. r .j al- m .. : I maf uw sena ine unugoee,7 was tv, the cry of the rioters. Carrania troops are said to be over- was killed. running the country-, confiscating alt Captain Boyd was bora in Iowa, Octo- fd- - ' ber 29. 1870. On graduaUon from the t1 " r - ', J United States military academy at West Point he became a second lieu tenant In the Seventh cavalry in 1896. He was made a first lieutenant in the Seventh cavalry in 1901. In 1903 he' was promoted to a captaincy in tne' I Tenth cavalry. He was a "dlntingulsh- WORK ON STREET PAVING STARTS Prohi Gumshoe Work is Expensive in Klamath fudging from the claim filed with the county court, the work of keep. Ing the Demon Rum out of Klamath county Ih Juat about as expensive as Ihe efforts of the Wilson admlnltra Hon to settle matters In Mexico. Witness the claims aggregating 11,-:I79; 010.95 filed In the county court. Slavs. uiese claim are all "for procur-1 woekH and ten days, 143.28; ng evidence in the illegal sale of In- C. Hardin, five weeks, 17. toxlcatlng liquors, pursuant to agree.) Just what the county court will do mint with John Irwin, District At-1 to those claims is 0 matter of interest tiey. to all. The claims are aa, follews: Jesse Mlllett, four' weeks and four (lays, $68.57;' Charles A. Otis, three montliH und' sis days; IS7!i Charlea I). Wynn. four montha and ezpeasas, Janius 11. Moore, seventy-nine 107,10; Dude Mlllett, three llrelyn nl, much about the gamo. The Klamath Falls fans, boing loyal rooters, accordingly started across the track to got near the base lines, where thoy could seo, hear and make them, selves heard. This was not to the lik ing of the Dorrls people, who had bet heavily on Willows, and when O. E. Wllley and others started throughMhe fence, four horsonwn charged into the crowd, driving them back. One of the mounted men struck Wllley n blow on the head with a rope. Ah there were many "special" ntun wearing stars und brandishing pieces of bnseball bats or pieces of pipe, the Klamath Palls fans, knew they would perhaps precipitate a. shooting affray If thoy attempted to cross over to the game, so they had to coaieat them selves with hooting' and Jeering the mounted pollco squadron. It was in order to assist Dorrls and Ashland In their celebrations that Klamath Falls cancelled nil Fourth of July plana this year. City Restaurant, Edith Sing 60.6 Farmers' Home, J. A. Rutherford ....50.2 Van's Place, R. S. VanCamp nad White Lunch. 8.W, Kratxer, not scored. ' City Dairies. Score Whito Dairy, Prank Ira White 81.7 Strnws Dairy, J. W. Perkins, mgr...66.1 , WEED Klamath Palls Dairy, Auten and Looaley 69.2 . SHASTINA WANTS TO BECOME CITY i. Visiting Relativea. i Mrs. Mathilda Gleseke and' her daughter, Mrs. Fred Mclntyre, with )helr chauffeur, Jimmle Hurd, motored! over the Warren Construction here from Los Angeles to visit the for mer's daughter, Mrs. Carl A. Plata of Wttta .U. ipk... ..til ..Lit- r.n,M. .L. mw vi.j. &ucy nail vibu viaius iMAtf Work on the paving of Biefeath street from Main street to Upham. and Upham from Eleventh to Prospect street, began today, The work I be ing done by J, H. Garrett, who, took 't? n Sutton Dairy, A. M. Sutton -41.3 The following dairies were not scor-, edDunbar ft Oreeg, B. O. Terry, W. H. Hawkins, 1'Vetl Smith and J. B. Moore. Of the foregoing places not scored' IS DRY, BUT SEPARATE BY A STREET IS DE CIDELY WET. INCORPORATION IS REQUESTED ny's contract.. , 3i . s. The street Is to be. paved with, oiled 9- macadam. . Garrett, has a sawll crew, at . . . r . ,i 1 " v""' -".work today, but with bis supplies oa OI8TRICT1nndotherKlamathcountP0,nt8O'n- tho way he expects to employes full terest while here. 'crew by Monday or Tuesday.- , the two restaurants were small lunch YREKA (Siskiyou Co.), July counters not easily rated, and the The hearJng oa tho wUtloil fQr . aaines were inose navuig eaiy a tew Thirty-Day Claus Kept 'v;1 h ' . 'r.n: r' si cows, and selling largely to neighbors. election on the question of the iaoor- ppratlon of Shastina will be taken up Alec's Car Again. : at tue meeting or the supervisors la Once more, Alec Darts' livver is up two weeks. The petition was present- for repairs,' Accordlag to Alac, tais'ed by a delegation of Shastina citizens in Indian Pension Bill !Pi!t iUwrm ii'jv...?i. T.mra- 4,,-Mi TtiA tnattv tnHlnn wnr vinianntt 'rtf t llmv iWorA nUasliMi.'sBl BVj iaesMT BTlJaeBaiBt. time the .teerlag apparatus went oa and claims th populaUon of the pro- Klamntn county bad mxi9 caU8e for leaponKo o tb jtarBslV Application has been received by the government from mountaineers la the Southern' Appalachians, to buy all of the black birch bark in one of tho aa tlonal forests of that region. Tho bark Is uiedto atako sweet-blroh oil, a ash. stltute" for wUtergreaa oil the blink, aad tho 'car, after weaving posed municipality la 663. along like a togger returning f rem Dor-, Shastina la separated from Wood, lis, amasaed lata a pole, aad the presto- the town"W the great lumber oompaay lite outtt sot tho.aasoliae aire. of the same name, by a street Wood ' Is .owned by the lumber company, The, manufacture of tasks, silos, which prohibits the sale of liquor. wood pipe and conduits ranks third Saloons, were built outside, the limits among tho wood uslag Industries of of the property and tho town called Oregon, High grade Douglas tr is the Shastina. With the building of several foam by their. prpsatKFfv: duad .sevflralk;upristea XHWm& could become serioasv J 4$W$$y'"t!& ' Captain' 0, 0. Apolesaia 9t,mi. fJBR. mtiwmm BBBSBaWSP j chief wood serving tho seeds of this Industry. business bouses, aad dwelUags, gaa Una has becosoe as Urfo aa Wood. celebrating on the Fourth, for word has been received that the bill providing for the pensioning of the veterans of -ha"rmtutinddsa-ao the later' Indian wars has poised with in the Moiloc Warhead tho amendment providing relief for c. nrJeut: worker f6r-ita;. those who served at .least thirty dayp. the l.lll,',li belag;efl?,fch. This will benefit the Modoc War vet- Iron) forinobfojstisow.al hat J erans, many of whom vrere In service larlclns for 'i&UtaTyHMraaV less than ninety, days, the limit at Irst.they can esta taotrosstM 'Bs prescribed, but who served at the Uaw I sloni. ',4. '' "K'Af&3&.. '. a&i rMJel: raL ."bbV - MlAlMiMmj, mmmmmmm