'" "JMi l- "4F sV ;i 51 (Eljr lEuemw Herald . .& i.i&l JJ3$J H KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALL', ; OFFICIAL NESPAPlk -tTf.-im, iTUnm,rm!xjiiaL,. - -.-,. .,.,.. , r r, r.r , Tenth Year Ne. I,0M KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 3, 1916 Prlee Five Canto Allied Offensive in the West Still Advances BRITONS, FRENCH 6AIN IN DRIVES I ON WEST FRONTS: , i KtVERAL VILLAGES ARK CAP. TURBO TODAY I f -i-.-- ---- -.- . . ..........,-,.-,---.. -...---.-..---.-.--..--. Jjrj- .----.,- -..-.--.. "riinnninrVinnjvm-Tjun.n.njX'J First Jury of IVbmen to Convict of Felony im?imm0&&mz:& tiwkzzv sssnar Ccrman Halt Advance at Soma Point But In Oeneral There It Progres Along the Semme by the British and rrench Berlin lays Russian At. tacks Naar Lutsk Art Repulted. Fighting Hat Naar Verdun, United Praaa Servloe LONDON, July X Oeneral fllr Doug Un llalg kit announced the capture of additional defense in the British olfen. hive launched Hatitrday. Ill report say: "Heavy gating at Lallolaella nod fMt of Albert la proceeding satlsfac torily for ua. The reasnanU of the Herman garrlMD at the latter place have surrendered. "In other parte of the battle front f Imvp made progreee. The Sghllng around Oviller continue with vary log success. "His Oerman aeroplane wen de frayed and five damaged. Heven Brit Uh aeroplane are Bluing." Halg say a llrlUah attack thU morn, log gained a portion of the German de fense, and 400 prisoner. For a while this morning Qrrruon ro JnforcouenU cbaaed the llrltlitb olfcn Hive north of the Sonime. The French continue to amaah for ward aouth of the Somme. They are i-apldly driving the Qermatui eastward, and threaten I'eronne, a railroad cen ter. IWHMMI wgwfesisl u ' iaaajc a.' P-aaanr-j' , ji MjjTsrrst'wnj .. i awMLamuu . t .. Mtf?nat WW:.lWMS " mis3 r I If I Ts 1 IT iM W"iI''iA&M- in- IsIBbIBBBb. ri.' aiffJilils .; JBI ., nF-env . - 4A;jgig. . '.... Trtmmmz&i t ',, crKXTC ;,t tt v 'rT , t? i r,-- JBif w aa"--Bm w.v'.m. .Mrmwiii.'- Wk j ,e-z--t g ut gannm 1?Wimbc k&? " J, flgBvifclW'iM iPBR --' 3iwfc1egH '' t! x.ni&rmmKmvffXi 'uw'iv.mtfr,'rti h tvuvn.t au. 'i .anHinV"nBBBaim,-''vlgn7gng9-: r?7 ,?tiA t X . ;, $ savngpnangi mmmmmMrw &ZT.,wmmnmmi r$ t r nar &? wt i "aLHEBigggW( rMxtmfs ' ti&$jt7W' -. K aanngggggggggggggggggggggggggnVaV'XJBaV n liV. gggggggggggf & ih V JfFV -HPajnL ji rr TJ f k nnnnnwmwK. .& ..- . -'aanw, i - fci r ftr- v si"Ji-; iagggggggg&LHy, - v -gggwr itw -:v,-''yw. ' nnagggggggggfllnVHnVi A . flggaff ' aStffercttra- -' "t v- is?m iOTw, ? aiiirigggg!fs-w.- Keif iSsasaT- .,., --! i-m Mtwi&ffiRut!iw x5Kftwr".ffliu:,i2irfc. a4.s3 S0ZF"'V4 Al r 43U5i r i't '' f3Kf!!,'7r ' ?' f CWM'7 B jj , x 1 i.tb .. - d " TfHi l v T& .iZJJAfr3k a Y7 y'.'4i:'j&; iraw (S'aSftS!KM S4cr. ! , "' , !& j .M? lr-. WmM? wmr- MILITIA BEING PLACED ALONG BORDER; NEW CENSORSHIP IS INEFFECT jri , i riiS &-4 & m-1 r r . ? . iPt-f Kffiittd -I I WASHINQTON, D. C, July S-Thc atate department' today annaunaed hat the admlnlatratlon will net praaa Carranza far an Immediate reply to the Amtrican note, new that the tenalon ha ben reliaveel by the attrrawdat ef the Carrlsal prisoner. s)' "k I 5 ' ' Lansing declared thare la no chanpc in the policy ef maintaining. 4tn 'American forces In Mexico. The war alepartment explained that Perahtag la J shortening hlalnea for strategic reaaena, as. it la difficult to maintain nth troopa in the arid region, owing talack ef water. The war department announces that the aeuthern department ha bean divided into three sections, under Generals Funaten, PeraMng and ffeH. i United Pre Service , I . IlkJBII fcl M t..,u MM.. 1AI a. m. Om . ?.- t wbwmvw, n. tm., wmij j. . wnwr.inuiWM ran HHIWI apwa ar aB. aervlng the militia herder movement. Aa a reeuH, a aaaaeraMp Mat keen ' Inaugurated 'to prevent Carranza agent thia aide ef the Una from ebtoinlng' Top how, left to right Emma A. Davis, Louisa A. Harrison, Nannie C. Everly, Daisy 8. Clark, Minnie I. Praul and Bertha J. Butler. Bottom row, left to right Nellie D. Richards, Marc C. Bllefusa, Lucy C. Waggoner, Amelia Bell, KatRerine Wlldt Dr. Rosemond Daily, forewoman. Thin In believed lu bo the flntl Jury composed wholly of women to brink lit a vurdlct otgalfty In a felony case. These women of San Diego heard (imtlmony in the cone of four Mexican chnrged with highway robbery and found them jrallty. , Women have served on many juries in California, but It one of (he few corunoivd wholly of women. any information. I Long troop traina I f X 9 I l through here last night Theee traina ara dm- the this ' tributing guardsmen all along th herder. J. I Th reoutars on antral duty latidlv cheer the arrivlne mllUImMJ. j --r-j, r' Ni,.- V "V f nmencan iinu are cieoeiy wakening Mexicans auapeaiaei or Being . i M)a the FYonch captured tbo Gennan rt'cond lino of tranche ou the aouth tank of tbo Somrno alonx a three mile front bot!m Mlrccourt Wood and ArnvHllorca. They nlxo nelitsl (he lllnnp of Herdecourt The Qernian (umporarlly occupied Uiu fortified work nt Damloup, north cant of Verdun yeitorday. Tboy were llnnll) routed. Tho Uorman trooptt were driven Diiri I,(mIko wood eterday. As a re Kbit thoy were badly dlRorkanlzeU, ! about thirty-one batalllon being Kcadquartera repuru indicate tho' touted, I'rltlah are aublectlng the Thlepual re ivcnch anUalrcroft guns etenlay Klon to a moat terrllc cannonading, 'umarhed thirteen Uorman observation This Is supposed to be the blasting of-baiioonH. ' ' i no way ror anomer aavance. Eat of Albert the BritUh have ad-j,,n,tmJ Vrwa 8BrWt.0 vanced and selied higher poaltlona be yond Ktlcourt, taking ,000 priaoner. J UKHLIN, July 3. It i announrol North of the Ancre Valley there la but. that allied attacks cast of tho Soraiue FIVE WEDDINGS TY COBB FINED NEW PITCHER IS ON JULY FIRST! AND SUSPENDED N0T FORTHCOMING i FOR OUTBREAKS ! United Pre Service EL PASO, July & Militiamen are awarming all along the. herder. Reg ular army officer aay the guardsmen are In excellent condition, wall trained and well equipped. Y i .. "v i t United Preaa Service 1 KANSAS CITY, July a. Six hundred Pennsylvania militiamen reaehed 'S. JUNE WILL BE OUTDISTANCED AS THE BRIDES' MONTH IF THE FIRST DAY' RECORD KEEPS ON THROUGH MONTH 1 Kansas City today with no money and without food far twenty-feur hours.- The city gave the troopa sufficient supplies to enable them to reach the her-) United I're Service CHICAGO, July 3. President Ban '( FOLLOWING OFFER FROM HERE, i I j ADAM8 ACCEPTS, BUT HE FAILS! der. The men crowded three In a seat, and angrily threw hardtack from! TO CALL FOR TICKET NELSON IN BOX TODAY Tin- marriage license took an awful boom Saturday, when licenses wera ,1'tMicd to tho follewing: .loo Poster and Mabel E. Cllne; Che. tei W.Porter and Ethel EX MCSweeney; Thoniux K. Powora and Dlancho Sim- , Johnson of the American League today suspended TyCobb, Detroit's hitting marvel, for three days and Imposed a fine. This follows an outburst of temper by Cobb at yesterday' game between the Tiger and White Sox, when he threw hi bat Into the grandstand. llttia pIibbm hut aM niiiMra th ' laNt nlsht wcro rcuulsod with blooly I. ..-.. .... . mnitu Alvln n flnntiam mil IfllrllA I losses. Houtn or tno Homme me uor-i - -- - Mltuatlon la "most promising." The moat violent fighting la around mans abandoned their second lino of M tranche under tho heavy Kronen us LaUolselle.. Oerman artillery la shell Ing MoaUuban. I'nlled Pre Service PARIS, July 8 Today' communique I. riy: Clyde B. llunnah. Miller and Oraca J. the windowa at their command officer. rtx V- fli. I.' ,1 ,"u'1, ilev. K. C. Uichards married Foster The ltUKlan attack Bouuteaat of tho nna Ml Cllne. as reported In Satur-1 fortreH of LuUk have been repulsed, ,jayh Herald, and Kb also performed j. accoraing 10 Vienna auvicea. RANDALL CASE NEARS THE END Klamath is Represented at Ashland's Celebration the Miller-Hannah ceremony at the , church that evening. Miller 1 the In (.iihtrlal teacher nt the Klamath Agen-J The trM of c c Raajgn m charge jc. nnd tho bride arrived rriday even- of ,arceny of a atM)r wl B00n ,et. I ln with her mother. Mr. C. Hannah. Ued At 3:30 flnal argunent to from Ottawa, Kans. (tne jury waa compjeted, and the prep- llii. other couplos wore all married araUoa of ln8trucUomi to the Jury corn by .Tiixtlce of the Peace Qowen. All mnnA Ihreo of tho young men are steady, pop. The trllU of jy has been on In liln. amnlnvn, fit Innfll IlimtlAr nnft. .. ... . . ..., v... ,....,... . .. lne clrcull court tor several aay. cent.-, nnd like their brides, they have There raany Crogcent D00Dle Bt. j niHiiy friends here. tending as witnessed and as spectators. l The local baseball club official are mystified over the non-appearance of "Babe" Adams, a fast San Francisco twirler, who was scheduled to arrive .lost nignt anu pitcn today's game against the All-Stars, and also be on hand for the Woodland game at Dorrls. He accepted the club'a offer Saturday, and a ticket was wired him, with the understanding that he would leave on that night, arriving here last night Adams failed to show up, and "in quiry shows that the ticket wired him waa unclaimed. Nelson and Peterson will therefore pitch for Klamath Falls In today's game, and Johnson will do the slab work for the visiting team. ' United Preaa Service v 8AN DIEQO, July 3. A full regiment of' Oregon troops is encamped;, 'here, the last four companies arriving last night. '' The third batalllon, under Major Abrams, today encamped on, the border. If Klapath la not well represented at the Aabland celebration, It will not be due to lack of attendance from here, Kver also the rain let u, and it be gas to look like decant weather, there baa been a steady axodsa of automo bile parties, Invariably headed for the town where lytala water grows, and where there will be a three-day cele bration. There ara many Klamath Falla peo ple In Ashland row, and there are hun dred frenTDly, Merrill, Fort Klamath and ether part of the county. Car decorated with Klamath Fall pen- aaata war to be aeen on every hand Ibla Morning, and the esodu atlll con tlMta, Many people left for Aahland on the train this morning. Other will leave tomorrow morning, and many local Killed on State Highway ..... I Going to Salem, business men will leave after the store i ., ,,,, Hnrinnrtnt I? close tonight, or early tomorrow morn-!p . d f . b , tc, United Pres Service Ing. , morrow for Salem, to attend n meeting MOUNTAIN VIEW. Calif., July 3.- ( Tho RoundUp at Ashland will draw of th, superintendents of the state and !' p Courtney and Mrs. Jamea Court-1 many people, hh there nro a number of (0 .,, tne papers submitted In the'nw ere killed when Courtney' auto Klamuth rldent and ropera entered. rocent teachers' exams. Thoy will be mobile capsUed on the state highway , Loyo Chandler, the Picket brother, 'awny about two weeka, - at 11 o'clock thU morning. Mra.P.F. Spike Speoknian and many other have . I Courtney and ttree children were all j gone over, J. Frank Adama Is to be;Fe,hhacksr Visit. 'injured In the accident l , ona of the Judaea of events. He loft I xinrtimr VtlihhanVr 'ou of th! OLIVER'S TEAM mm FORT SEGUENDOS WILL PLAY WOOD RIVER TOMORROW, AND BUT. TON'S COWBOYS WILL PLAY FORT ON THE FIFTH till morning with a big bunch of cow-iomcnH 0f the Anglo-Callfornla Truat In Frsm "Rim Rtok." boys, who will make the PondlotonlCOninany. and Interoated In many other Frank crowd alt up and take notice. I concerns, including the Klamath De-1 Ranch. There will be a good many Klamath velopmont company, Is here from San Falls people at Swan Lake tomorrow, Francisco to rusticate at Harrlman at the big picnic and the dedication of i Lodge and look after local Interests. Snyder's red barn. There will be .a 'hualfAt nlnnin. nairiotia oxarolse. ath lotto contest and an all-night dance In the big barn, just finished. Captain O. C, Applegate will deliver the Fourth of July address. Cale Oliver's Seguendoa will go to Fort Klamath tomorrow to play a game with the Fort Klamath team aa n part Orohs la In rrom rtlro Rock 'of the big celebration up there. The 'following day, Ross Suttoa'a Dairy j Cowboy will play tht Fort team. Oliver, while at the Fort, will re cruit member for the military com- Trea to Move.Perch. "Tex" Fagan, Dave Bdler'a Brat lie ! tenant, made an uasucceeatul attempt 'pnny being formed hare. Infant Dlts. to move the Hotel Houston tnia, morn- Donald, the infant son of Mr. and Ing, when his auto became unmaaa'te-JTo Aahland. Mrs, J. H, Howie, died yesterday from able on a turn. The car knocked out a Mr. and Mra. Leslie Rogers and call infantile diseases. A private funeral' few porch pillars and damaged itself dren and Mr. and Mra. Carl Cofer left was hed thia afternoon, to some extent today for Aahland. L. J. Horton of Yonna Valley spent Sunday In the county seat Pade Change Location. Jas. E. Pade and John Shannon have formed a partnership, and will conduct a tin and plumbing shop at 1023 Main street Mr. Pade waa formerly located in the Sanderson building near tne corner of Seventh and Main. . . M Refuse All Information u 1 Ti 1 1 A Ttfct OnevloA SACRAMENTO, July 3. The aiata federal army officer refuse to give oat any Information whatsoever In, regard to the movement of troopa. It Is aav derstood that the Fifth regiment traina late this afternoon, while the Seventh regiment probably goes to t border tonight Citizenship Needs Told From Pulpit Over Nation Herald Special Service WASHINQTON, D. C, July 3. Throughout the country, from the pul pit of churches of all denominations, the doctrine of cltlxensnip prepared clergy of the United State, with re markable unanimity, adopted the ap peal of the bureau of naturalisation of the United States department of labor that a clticenship sermon be delivered on the morning of July 3 of thia year, a date selected because of its close prox imity to Independence Day, which means bo much to all American citi zens. The gospel of good cltlxenshlp naturalization that one Sunday'k each! year be sot aside aa Citizenship Snn- day, on which will be preached at the! morning aervice In every church in the country a sermon qn cltlseasbip, Thisl nesa was proclaimed yesterday. ,The I proposition has been placed before the ... .. . . ... I . - . . .. a .. . " -m A.' cnurcneu oi an denominations, ana we reBpojwea to tills feature ofthn reau'a activities have been highlygrat trying and indicative of the MtoMtelv mem or uuen a aay aa,a. permanepr i ......... T. . -.I.fc" . i-ii.i that the cburehea could aid i In forwarding the movement and inapiri waa enunciated in cities and hamleU,'hlcb have not fae4dr. to large and prosperous congregations I Kreat educaUeial1 netejBnmL I and small, struggling band of wor- bureau of natureUnaJtoB asnjW shipper alike a universal proclaiaa- peaU. nnaftV'- waneta :aim. tie instilling ira in tne roinaa or foreign reeiaenu. j per alike a universal prwlanuvjpeaU. nnaltVy weiltt angi H from the pulpit of the neoaaaity f nonace AgeaefsIV-'f , !M lllng American Ideals and patjrtot-J in, ppVoxJmfttlyxti uik;M In the rulnda of foreign reeldenta.' i - ' . ' t 'X'V ' 'Wtfjej It l the deaire of the bureau el t 1 . '" H'iJ . ?' "Wii