Si1 XJU :iwm? : wfmmr- oHf iturntitg Si . mmK. "" " k3 "VM KLAMATlCOUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER t 'VL W .SMif'SM :.! ..ill tc vriuiTu.ltyr '-h "" , ?T?lA' N SMMrrSWAV UMliattMiM sAfettJn $ I mfM 1 W'X ife? rtfj 'siW'fl ,&W5lli Tenth Year Ne. 1,011 Ma f KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1916 . tX a... J x JuTO m ,7,.J Z ? X' Y Sratt Latest Report Is That Japs Officer Mexicans COAST ARTILLERY THOUGHT TO BE A POSSIBLE BRANCH LETTSR FROM WHITE INDICATES THII I I ecal Msn, However, Art' Averse lo ' Tats ranch ef tht Service, and Pre ' Ur Cavalry or Infantry tilting of Patriotic Men Wll Oo Ahead, With , New York's Irish Regiment Marching up Fifth Avenue r i S ' I "W J , fet 4A. .-. .. . JS H 3 1 B f I " - . I" ' -K.. .. 1 "" rtwwn.m iTJ. . 'VA VJJ rfr?TKSSTCifl' :p ' fr. - v mem 'AWir.. ; '? ;r"!U VJ V Si a View to Having a Readiness. Command In ! The following letter has ben ro-j rolled (ram Adjutant General Goirg)i .A. White, commanding th Oregon tin- J (tonal guard, in rraponno to n Megruiu iient hlBi last week: , "This will acknowledge our tele-, gram offering to form n new company of Infantry or cavalry, or n mnchlno' gun taction. I am Juki advised by tho ar department that nt tho present time, i.ddltlonal units In tho branches of the service referred to are not con templated." Cimalderlng thin fact. It appuar that Oenoral White Jn hla telegram to Cap tkln Applegate and Frank Ankeriy had In1 mind the formation of a company of guardxmen bore aa u unit or the'Coast artillery corps. A canvass of, (hone who have signed tho Hat or nppllcnntfl for enlistment nhowa nearly every ono to be oppoicd Jo service In tho coast artillery, with cavalryvtho prororrod arm, and Inrantry nxlose iiccond. The Plan la, however, to go ahead with the signing up or thoso who are. wllllnr to join n -local national guard company, with a view to entering cith er aa Infantrymen or cavalry troopors. When a sufficient number are avail able, the group can offor Its sorvlco for Infantry or cavalry duty, and In a short time .there may bo n possibility i for organisation under ono or tneso branches. Tba algnlng flf the llata bolnK circu jm ownantXaacll7 ,iii i i.i i irn f rw ATTZLa z fmmMiitw.tnm - -JTkS -Ji ' j, -.X U V . -k v "STEPS" Will BE TAKEN IT MEXICO I STAYSJIATORY JMEXICAN8 CONTINUE TO MAKE THREATS i Carranza 8tndt Letter to the South American Government, In Which' Blame for the Present Crises Is Thrown Upon the Shoulders of Uncle Sam, and Says This Is a Pretext for an Intervention Move, United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, June 28. The Htnte department today announced that ir Carranca does not reply to the Amer ican note demanding the release of the American soldiers held at prisoners at Chihuahua City wlfhln "a reasonable time," the government "will take ap propriate steps." In Charge of Militia I XBBSSW . f yllEBBgsBgsV 1 r .;! f 'jEfsKlaBBBBBBBaHt 'I Wmlmm I 4 -iPElBgaiBem I 3 -M$SBBBgasV I i - (mmLA kaSOBLD :lts -HlssLLslV HHV "'agagagagagagagagagagagagagaB f AgawlUgagagagagagagagL 'wglgi,gi,Ln!f fv'asaBaBaBaBasaBasMJaaW ' " gSBB3gsWxWalHg LITTLE BROWN BOYS v -I ... I ALSO SAID TO RUN MUNITION .r -M2 r U '1 4VJ,AS8! ;m m Vnitud Press Service sw e mtfii ai : . 'V r' n iw il- vk. tiB - . v?- S& -'3Bl ' '.' fi. LAREDO, June at-RefuMes arriving assert the nm eartfciV -Memi' lean treepe under cemiMUid ef JaaeuteM Meera, are en their way f rem Manir , rey to cninuaniM m reimerce t sjaritrMeii there. . w j They alee repeat a rumor te the effect that Japanese workmen have taken ''TA ' 3 ' Wil ys? Bfpai M 25r M ... v ...- a .rr"ar J --T - ut, -i. ,iii iS fm S. .k j. . charge of the Mexican eteel works at Chihuahua, and are manufaeturmg m4 : " & nitlens ef war. - r)ei -r 4 -t I Other rtfuaees arriving declare General Trevine has threatened !?. cute the twenty-live American priseners at Chihuahua CKy If theVAmerieaii, v -Ai army attempts to rescue them. ,- - f ' They aucteTravlna aa saying "Chihuahua will receive the army wHh'a rain of shot and shell." iL .. i, .t.-. United Press Service A r , SAN DIEOO, Jwat as.. Celenel Pay, cammandlng a Brigadier General Albert L. Mills. Brigadier General Albert L. atlla la 'M 3 fti' t,C, ?' A Mexican embaasy cablegram ( chief of the division of military affairs quotes Carranza a appeallag to the n the war department at WnnMaitcai South American republics, hla com-J and be is directly in charge o( tk saa munlcatlon throwing the blame upon ( blliraUon ot sUte troops for the trip tho United State ror the Matatiaa ana. to the southwest Matanjoras incidents. , "Mexico will wln.-or lose with dig-' nlty," says the note. "But she wishes; It nrst understock oy tne rest or me American continent that the conduct; t of the United SUtea la that of seeking a pretext for Intervention." BEAtfi CAPTAIN HELD FOR WRICK f '..,. -nn tin. " 3 v .; tf i ,A.i ?i - :' ,;i, MONEY IS VOTED : FOR USE OF MEN AGAINST MEXICO tinned Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, June 28.--Federal , inspectors have placed a charge of neg-C0NFRERE8 AQRtE UP0N HAyg lect or duty against Loula Nopander.j captain of the Portland-San Francisco; ARMY BILL line steamer Bear, which was wrecked'. s on a reef off Eureka, with a loss of! live Uvea. . Twcnty-Seven ind a Half Millions An. At the trial this afternoon tne in-r spector also charged the vessel's com' Tin. lvti. ninth tnulninnl nt Knv York national cuardatnen Was the first to col rendv for the stnto mobilization camp preparatory to going to Toxos. Imander with dlscrepanclea In hla re-1 Tne signing i ""-""" ,orVe- . Thoy; up Fifth avenuo bcrore jammed street on their way to their portt upon tho taking of soundings Just luted doca not bind nnono to Bonicej j I berore the wreck. . j It introiy snows mnr wiiiiuftuvaa ... train. nii.t nravidinc they can pass tho - -- nocoswry examinations, and providing j BONO HOLDERS BUY THE thc are satisfied with the service WESTERN PACIFIC LINES branch open to thorn. ' , ,1 iiIiihI Pu'ss Sorvico New Plan Flylno- ' ' OAKLAND, Juno 28. Bend holdern After tho painful dlscovory Hag uny purchagod Ul0 We8(orn pnCflC railroad that tho country's Amerlcnn flag was whon th(j lno wmt ottorcll nt ubllp much tho worse for wear as a result aucMon lodtty Elghtcon million dol of oxposum to Hie elements, tlio county ( Jnj Jg tho prJco )ul( by th0 yntiCttt0i authorities oidored another bnnner, Tho Equltnb0 TrU8t company bolda iind the now flag was hoisted on i tho mmX of thj Wo8torn Pnclflc DondSi court house llngpolo yesterday by Shcrv yFodera, commissioner Krull con Iff 0. Cf. Low, ducted the auction. RUN OVER STEER; NOTHING JARRED MR. AND MRS. TOM McCORMICK YlAVE PECULIAR MI8HAP NEAR OLD POKEGAMA STEER JUST 'AMBLES OFF For Supreme Court EUtven conscientious objoctors tof j military aorvlco at Reading, England. In Fort. , .iitenced lo.four months Imprls-1 J. W. Utter, who Ib In tho aawniUU OTment each for 'rofUHlni? to undress business near Port Klamath, cumo in' To be i mining olong a Klamath coun far medical examination. today to nttond to business mattera. ty r0ad at n pretty good tilt, and to Republican Organization to be Formed Next Month --i 'nuddenly collide wlih a husky young .steer, nearly always means a big gap nco bill 'for tho nutolsts, and many tlraos n crippled or dead steer. It was" ' loft for Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCor mlck to perform this stunt In an en tirely different mannor. A eouplo of days ago they were mo toring In the Pokegama country, and at a turn In tho road thoy suddenly dis co vet cd a steer In the road, with tho I I usual result whon a boylno la en- coun teiea, Tne ironi wnoow vubbcu. i ' 1 .gMIflPl i ' sallllllllllaMMIJ:l ! 1 at-lKHKllSili 1 gijijHJKBiwglllSf SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaPlBBBBBPSfcmL BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBByv -?Wlyratf BBbIbIbIbIbIbIb9BBbW BBbIbIbIbIbHbbbbbW bIbIbIbBIbIbH KBKm BBsHgRflBBBBBL gHHsHT HgrgJgaaiJBBBBBBBBBV 1 liHsHSSBSBSSr i proprlated.for Acmy and Navy Oper atlons in Resolution Passed Today by the House Conference EllmL nates Provision Exempting Married Men Prom Service. Oriaalutlon of tho republican of. state control commlttoo at Salem bo- 0V0l. tho brut0i and McCormlck hopped .i.J!Z ..-. natrnnBeamnalffn'foio making plans ror the Klamath ou juat ready to do somo tall thinking niMMHI " -- .- - - - l.,. .. .'...... .. J l 1I..I tvarw ranublleaa nominee rromJua- oi ganisat on. h is a ioiuuuu -"i"upon me questions ui ui' " , te 211 Chrie?W Falrbanka'slon that, Hughes will sweep Oregon. cnrcn,. out from under the car. and of f John W. Davis, a present solicitor dLe p?eclnctle: at tlio ttd centra, committee J the noarcat po88lb,e .o.ephone for a ffenerol in the g roSitaUd I at ! little later date, ac ineutlng InSalem, July 8th, plans ror a cn for gnrage man to come out andls believed In Washington, will heap SI Judg A J. Uavltt, chair-' state wide campaign will bo outlined. ;pIck u tho pieces of the car. pointed 'fSSLSSS ZZSS. Klamath county republican . It h vitfs Intention to make the ' Tho ??" lVSSwlSZ central committee. He saya there is Klamath plans In accoidartco with tho y cleared, for tho steer Just natural y OWWJ nis Is wawded more han the usual Interest In poll- 'Hta,0- plans. Hon. Ooorgo h. Merry- crawled out and ambled laway .JJgiTl; tics this year, and he Is frequently nwn of this city Is Klamath's statu cen- unhurt. The second wa , al so 2"y,8very JSJlmZSnSL asked regarding organisation plans. , comwlttoemnu, and If ho does not disposed of, ror n cawfol Return .duct of f" ' ? J Uavltt deeni 1.1 to wait until attend tho mooting at Salem, he w... showedthe car bad entirely fZTnW?vZX fter the' meeting of tho republican j send a proxy. anyoamage. j United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C. June 28. The house today passed an urgent deficien cy bill, appropriating "$27,500,000 (or financing American army and navy op erations in and around Mexico. The senate ordered Its confreres oat the Hay militia draft resolution not to abandon Its position that militiamen's families should not be paid, and they v ere sent back to the conference. As a result both the house and sen ate confreres agreed upon the Hay res olution after eliminating the provisions for paying the families of men at the front and exempting married militia men from service. CASEMENT TAKES WITNESS STAND United Press Service LONDON. June 18. Sir Roger Case, meni, on' trial for high treasea, testi fied in bis own behalf today. He de nied the charge that Germans Inspire! or financed the Irish revolution. , Casement also deate aakiag Irish prisoners In German concentration camps to join the Teutonic amies. "1 wish to fully refute this ajaader." said the prisoner. "I'aever aoM say self to any man 'or gevenuntN C A motion to quash the' Indtctateat against Casement waa overruled. heard a report that Mexieene raMea a ranch; In Marren VaHey, ianDiaMf '. W ceimty, and stele ateck. Pay'reeelvedthle mfermatlen Jfremiei waiter 0.g caiiaaeflv MnBaaMftjssaHiaeiLiiiaiia mmtvmim Im AaMA'AAiAintAAaaw mmm fir, l"il vJ 'h r- i-Jf i v iiSS.'?! t"t e i ipareai aamiaescvveaeinjg aw i'.;A.sij j.i.iftj r .I i ii .iifnrt iMi.rKr' aB.B' ti,FLr.wVFi &..V ' 3i .. r.J'" Tr-JJiZr'KL.iJlijn, United Prese feTiae MEXICO CITY. Jmm i .-, t , --- rz?- ,rr---v - w--- .tin s fr- tvfe Amiriem UMed ad ec eeptered In a ght wWi Mslsans near Maee-T 'M h. .ua -ju. - ai sk. late. -. h. 'iL. -SyH.y;;:;..f w ""' " - -.--.. --- -...-... -.. -.!. ww.ap , MexJeawa fenees, gn tkat'twe'Mesiieaiw aia.alaMai General Ohregen dealee the reaert that VWa has eiasred Meeervleee to w",vK Carransa In case ef war with the, United ttftaa. ' r , "ffid "'ll -L. - t-- ' '- . -''-Wo AN ANTONIO. Juat IB aiaaaral ranaftan alaniaa th "- t a alaak " i '1 , , ""-"-" ' --w W-....W -w . w. w jl-t S. . x t""- . ( " between the Eleventh cavalry and CarrantiaU fereec near nhiniwada,'. He United Press Service 9 V .. 1J. .n.-a. J. ays if the wounded Mexleana were really taken to DuMen? Perching weM hlua MUrttd Mil. ' ' .. "'-I ,i x C 5 V' I l '.f?i ? ' .... ,.,..,,-,--. . i.-- i, . . .- . -v j 5 V v- Trwm na i wn, u. w., June aw. mexieaii wmeaeeaeer i ip wee eewc see i t,tl state department a note pretesting .alleged mleeenduet hy.tlw Amerlsan aes-'y y dltlon. It la acacrtod that 9M resldsnto ef U Cruc were isarlreaesd by the.-'lk trAobaV. an) tkat a miiMjhgsr at " taMM' MaUHaugft gtfcain - ''::r--'-? A --r ,5 ' ;.. 4!ri DOUGLAS, June Cclenai Padllla la nhlg'10g a4ehed!rwec to HmI Nareaarl, arrivals reaert. They say all the Tmen, have deserted ; the''gen'sra 'f-M towns to Join the army. . , -, . -h g& y '- min IIkIII tknaa .,. . I l ' Ufl , .TjK. uuuntn,n. .1 x , , n, .. ... ' j.S, TntV! M, ..u.... .. M ',i ...i- .. iL2rzLl2w a wwbVMBw, nam imrmn imiisv m wwmn, n wrw "KVWu,'jil 1' .V. B V side, near Hachlta. They are theught to have been the raldera-, IsaMag) ., j?' 4 Parker ranch. f -"i - aI i-- k 0. a tS T. . 'imriy", s.t....r ,. SihTtx i There waa a triple wedding Mat aighL,V 3; :tne oiaer ceremonies-yeeeroay SEVEN WEDDINGS a j ainaa MmAMMa:v '0." ... ) as BBflsassBB ill bbbis i urfleoa nauoaai auara ra staea m. -t, II hlllafll I. laulr call tearauwThe affair "wm eetebfeied ffi ra s iiimnu nnmi.ii -.-.. . . . -m inillvlrfnal mmAAnaa., " '! There have been twelve weddinas imJ .' i.L --.i.or . .-iwi' iii-i-k-'i ;' 1 IWf night, "and twelve 'wedding ,eahca: Mere eat with a sabre iiagtared? la Btornaiajr'B Caaey bleehhoase durtas.tW.l ! i. . ..'i.,....ita V.u.VitJ! camp wiTHYCOHBV, ctaaKaawa J w mm wIa ,w j, &; County, Ore., June J8. Seven irarh?tattery "A ot theVfaU arUMeryJ an-tV brides were created la one day at the Oregon national guard afl.rtli r Youth Travels 21' t.sw hi I icf Namp inr VraUMJ7r ilWUVJUIfJNnrW,. f tw The Uteatawn te slaatfy hla wtgaag-. ness to Jala a Military coasgaay tt e Is formed here la Cecil Lew. aev'af Mrs. Stella Law, HeoaaM w.freajithe Bheek ranch, near Dairy, a dtotaaee'of twenty miles, today, ia order to pat hat name of the'ltet betag prepared;!' ' t Merle Houetoa also signed tho Mat today, A number ot aaore are galgg to sign teawrrew, aad It begUs to leek aa' lewVfJSpwsj EjSJSJCW t wWB WJ yJJ WBSpSj hliaHh faff Mgaal atatrsl ts taaJatgl tkat gavsUraUifJM r . 'V mfmi eWOBMam ,.. - 'JLJiiiai ewp gsnaeaaaaBBBraBBaBBa ? ag k'Tho. atgl imaaasa nt1 ccaaaaay aat f&f.i'-.1 ' ,JWi, :. -tif BaaagMggr WM;at aaagggjggftag Jsaa) g mi veauatwtsui BBBBBBBBBaaeUaaiaa. oeaaaeaajBT grerw waaf BBBBaMgaaapsjaw -aBanrwameBei sar f"lPSftw VWa ? faCM gas EBf aBBgaagfggggj gagj Jjajgr- r?Triir!?5t,. ... , v H sahad to aaaaadi i Wti VJ ? W P.'&! wl sly, s aSVt tflLB w I&&I .a m W 35ft l"(f t-- VrA.ri ' ' 4