l' v . . AV t f?W at i'-.i l,K S.$$ ,, iy avr.J J1 ffi tj? Sunning Unttfi KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER V. 4 i Z i fe8&&&j ki..ttrBtfiK,n. 41- OFFICIAL NEWSFAftlR i ; -. siivfv 3 Tnth Year Ne. MM Te m. r& KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1916 ':.. rrie rum V. Ail -Al Signs of Unrest Noted Along Border .. , , . --- - i ... i . - , i ,-, l ' i i t; t : , . " j FORTY-ONE SIGN UP FOR FORMING MILITIA COMPANY PELICAN SAY PLANT HAS IIQHT LISTID Oregon Militiamen Start tor the Border Today; , Adjutant General Interest In Formation of National Guard Company lacreeees, and Thee Interested Expect a Sufficient Number Will B Secured In a Few Oajra Departure ( Third Infantry far Border Significant. Blovaa more name were added to Ib liat of thoae who will present them alvaa for enlistment If a national guard company i formed bcre. In f addition to tba thirty mentioned In laat I night's Herald, the following have! filmed up; ' timer Mills, Clyde K. Brandenburg, ! John B. Ooldy of Merrill, Kleth K. Am-' breee, T. F. Maurlng, H. L. Prltehard, A. M. Pike, M. P. Holland, 0. L. Right- .meter, C T.vOllvr, Ed Owen. ona deelrlng to join tho proposed should call at the Herald , the Commercial Club, upon some er of the recruiting committee, Composed of J. a McAllister. Philip J. .SJanott, Dr. E. D. Johnson. Dr. W. A. - Leonard, W. F. Arant or E. It. Rcamea, for give'their names to Lester L. Tor- wllllger, Virgil DeLap, or any of the f;j' toys who nave signed up. it is ncces- . aary that this be done as soon aa pos- P? m White Commands Troop "A" CS 6? VT' '' "DAK toOTfly i 'MS ---r... """tH I """eg"' S.OAK. ff I M W W& L ;'-r- N&HBSSKfftfW r;r h r. t.. -., J - . i. imiv i -- - tnTttu jf Ttv m. ( "U. . Nair;-o j;T ; ,,9off,CI,$ j X it ( 'o !" iM1H r4tft suWSt I r i -' mM (ss!yh92 Ac. ""'Z. i' N.MEX. ; I i'kkmiu I ask J T V .C. V weN u..jS!f ffiS2s '- -,; .', Lat-AssWisMa i Vt'"- 5H--v--r . sn ; s. .w cnrMM. mo. i a? r. X. VL. Wr : s-1" " - ASii 4- ' Ti H ' . I .AlWEADVOH K)ltDgr3 VTIV V- . J?A -C - - )rtA. r V W. V ' ' jf " "9ixN r, j 4, , r " V l Oul or MEMce . V 7 . 'v Os. OF BISBEE ARIZ. FEARS MOVE t,l Wj &y 0 V..m.svw BYMEXKWI United Freea 8enrtce SAN ANTONIO, Jihm 27-Oeneral Funaten today erdired ha Tweeity second infantry from Pewgtoa tb Nm, Arixena, In preparatleii W a roewrted Carraiuteta plot ta aMack llabee. United Praaa Serrlee OWNSVILLE,Jime27 TwaMexleana tried te it v he, : Grand and land an American aelL American aentriea challsngod ahaaa; anal vena they failed te anewer, er obey cammanda ta halt, the aontrkw nnkm-S i . & ,r. iitfl oa and wewndlnf the ether acaapant of 'the beat. a"-. vK,S, . ti- W - nL ' K Uatte Praaa garvlce " ;ir Xf'v! it?' WASHINGTON, D. C, Jum XTOiatamata ef aaveral Latin Amerteaa na-m. Nana hava telegraaned Oarraaaa, araina him te Imi aftka Taath aavalry, held atCarriaal. eJaae their The admlalatraUaa la Impatiently awaiting CarranaaVaaWak i .- i'..rui'i y.raioaao.me aw' a arteiWateMha1a-aato ttTlBMllSMal, 4S bMRMfffJIj WIW; . 1 -!--?. J- l .i,... - s S SfiTfe'K" " r J: . ' S. J ,..1 ' T STRENGTH THE NATIONAL GUARD OF THE UNITED STATES, SHOWN BY STATES ! New York Weeps, Cheers tlamea relieve tb regulars, who have lblo, so the matter of may be definitely aettled. The Pelican Day Lumber compnny'ii employes are responding readily, ns five of the names mentioned In todnyV iut m imntnvna of thn rnmnanv. bo- Hams, tho regular army officer sldea J. a McAllister. C. D. Taylor charge of mustering into federal scr and 4 V. Corker)', already listed. United Press Service , ilajor Carle Abrams of Salem 'com- COMP W1THYC0MDE. Clackamas r..ands this batalllon. Ore.. June 27.-The Thlrdl The Second baUllion of the Third In- f ,, ,fM ,fc. ,,,,,,,'vtalonal Infastryaua. ln nti4 nntforv A rlaiM rill Ids rv I NEW YORK. June 27. Militiamen heen ordered to the border aa s n.nuniini. cnuntv. batalllon of tho Thlixfmfantry, Oregon fan try. and D&ttery A, field artillery, j national guard, entrained at 2 o'clock leave for the border tomorrow. Kegt- , .- Caa. Call fr Sailor ... o m. m.i....L k..j...ri. ... ..i.i... ..... 'scenes were much Ilka thrni itarinp thn ,..,. . - . HUH HlllTllUUI! 1UI OUII UIL-fcU. iuu ukuuii ucauHauiciiii usnuuuug gnu ' UHIICS. XTCS3 SeiTlCS 1 i. j . .-, ' pro- I the city today, en root to Mexico. The at tho order of Captain Kcnncts Wll- units and the First batalllon move on Spaniah-Americaa in . vice. Thursday. Trftrtn A tinattarhnri ravalrv. leavfHi Friday. Adjutant General Oeorge A. 1 with Tho companies comprising tho Third White, commanding the Oregon na-'threw flowers to the guardsmen, t WASHINGTON. D. C. June 17. The Cheering, weeping crowd packed house committee on naval affairs to- the streets, and houses were decorated day reported favorably on a Mil nm- patriotic colors. Many women vlding for the tederalislag of the naval i" v ." rr7zz': v .-i nonai guara, accompanies ine iroop to Owing to the departure of the Third Oraaaa for the border, there Is an- Imtallion are paftatly sufficient cause for the forma-' Company M, Salem. Captain Max .the border as commander of the caval." Uoa and instruction of a troop or com- (lehlcr; Company L. Dallas, Captain ry troop. j United n k.M -hi. . i.w i iin. nt .or. Conrad Stafrln: Comoany I. Woodburn. The troopers this morning circulated! SAN reserve, or naval militia. Coast ArtlHery Out Praaa Earn DIEGO. Joa 27. The coast vice later oa. Captain O rover Todd; Company K, a petition asking White to command t artillery militia her has been called Corvallis, Captain Charles A. Murphy, j them. He agreed to do ao. ,ior duty at rwt Jteaaeraaa. Tha aiflj- in Cavalry Muaterod United Preaa 8nrle , SACRAMENTO, June 27. The First Squadron of California cavalry mustered Into federal aenrlca today. si ., Tr i ft I andorateod that Praaident Wilson Intend t aofc th!armleoienJ , cMaraaa for th wa f the army te rescue thW'arlaMra,:htol,,thr ri loaoea refuaed. i? 3? . United 1'raw Service - - t TOLUMbHIS, N. at, Ja 27-Cavalry patrola, today found fear additional '' aarvlvra, wh hav boon wandering since the .Mexican attackWa. Tenth cavalry detachment at CarriaaJ. a Th mm war In a altable condition. Two were awfferi'ncKterriatyfram lack of food and water. 9r- ' 'T " Th mm atat that they would hide in the day time, and crawlvthraaah' tho doaertoand and brush at night They aald that Carranaa aaval'ry aeoared tha cuntrymaaarcJiafthaurvl vara, and the Mexican tri.frwtly paaaad near thlr hidlna Biaeaa. .,, -,.' -, - h ., &L li . ' s -".' . r? United Praaa Service T LAREDO, Tax., Juno 27-A twenty car troop train, carrying 100 Car- "S1 M f s YOUNG MAN OIES WHILE AT WORK EMPLOYE Or- SAW MILL AT MEA DOW LAKE DROPS DEAD LATE IN THE AFTERNOON HEART DISEASE IS CAUSE Wllllaan H. Lockmon, an employe of the Welch aaw mill at Meadow Lake, dropped dead while working at the till esterday afternoon. Death oc cjrred at 1:45. Coroner Whllloyf waa notified, and he la of th oplalna that valvular heart pod there Thursday morning. Lands Big Fish. Mrs. L. A. MarUn or the Hotel Hall qualified aa an expert angler yesterday at Eagle Ridge, when abe landed a beautiful 12-pound rainbow trout Eastern Star, Attention Stated communication of Aloha Chapter, No. 61, tonight Important business. Officers and members re quested to be present. Banquet will bo served. ttojhlc was t'.io tnuso. A postmortem animation may to held In the mora In 1 I-ockmau was 34 years of age, and lias resided In Klamatn county for four years. Ho has a homestead In the Meadow Lake district The parents of Lockman reside In Stuart, Neb. Tho remains will bo ship- War Bulletins"" MUED TO Mil Lulled Press Service , ithat the Oermaaa again defeated the nniiMN. June 27. The British, with Russians west of BokuL Since Jute unprecedented Intensity, are bombard- Oermaaa hav captured alxty Ing the German trenchea on both banks on officers, ll.WO bmb, two cannons of the River Somme. '- tty-four mathlae guns. French attacks to the west of Tblau inont and southwest of Fort Vaux have ' "ni Pr Sarrtca been repulsed. ! ROME, June IT, Tha Italian force Seven hundred Russians were, cap-'cPiUMd twrt Aaatriaa positions tured west or SoJtul yesterday. UWng a wlda froft iaaaay. Tha Hal- Mans are aald te be auklng amatlng ' progroas in thalr new offeaalve. T Coast Trade is Hurt by Commission's New Order Hulled I'rcxs Service PARIS, June 27. Three French aero- planeH, carrying cannon, trod sixty-Eve ( shells at German ships off the Belgian coast j French Infantry advanced: northeast I I of Verdun. . j United Press Service , ROME. Juno 27. The Italian troops ,have captured the fortified tow,n of Arslero, also PoBnla, and nearly a dot-J 1am nikaa 94 t A aA A tllttlail ffWVslIt IAMB In' Vl WaV( 1UIIIHVU rmtMvwa now the Trentlno district. J FOREST MEN HAVE BEAR STEAK FEAST RUIN, WEIGHING 200 POUNDS, WANDERS INTO CAMP NEAR JENNY CREEK AND IS SOON PUT IN THE CAMP'S COMMISSARY ) tlnlled Praaa Service - SAN FRANCI8CO, Juno 27. That tha awrchanU of th Paclflo Coast are eorely hurt by th farms of the new ruling of th Interstate Commerce : ' kraaaaaent wholasaiors of this city. ,., It la believed by many that United Press Service rciinvmnnu, nam w -. slans to data have captured 4,090 Ger-( man and Austrian officers In th new Bear steaks and other "Ursusarian" ... ... .1 ... .I.. ... 'oflcnslYo- dainties have been eajoyed by the coast shippers will appeal to the .u-, cr-w Jemy prerae court. united Press Service creek, according to W. A. Deliell, who Soth Mann, who rviircsentcd the San LONDON, June 27. The Duke of with J. W. Bryant and Austin White, Francisco Chamber of Commerco at Devonshire succeeds the Duke of Con- made a tshlng trip te Jeany Creak naught aa governor general of Canada. Sunday. Th hear furaUalag th .inrMod dlaadvantaaw in their cam- ""- , tbepulgn for business expansion. BERLIN. June 27.-U is aanouacM amaa. na waujaaa ovr atw , CotaatUalon regarding transcontinental " commission hearings, says the rul freight rates, la th opinion of the'lng puts all Pacific Coast hquses at a : Oki....t .k.i.i.M n,ia niiv iioriilod disadvantage In their cam- JACKSON COUNTY MAN WELL KNOWN HERE. BECOMES AS SI8TANT QUARTERMASTER OF THE WESTERN DIVISION Captain O. C Applegate today re ceived Information that his brother-in- law. Colonel H. H. Sargent of Jackson ville, has received aiders to proceed to Rp.n rrancisco without delay, to act aa assistant to the chief quartermaster of the western iJlvis'or. of the army. Ihls is a duty for which Colonel Sar gent is well llttod. hecauae of his many years experience in the regular army.N During tbu Saaakb-AaMrtoaa war, Colonel Sargent waa aotoa! of tha Fifth volunteer Infantry la Caaa. Dur ing the Phlllppiae jEktUloa he waa lieutenant colon! volunteer infauirj inand of the tt Mateo, when killed ri ranxlotao, arrived today at Neuv Laredo. & .i . - United Praaa Service DOUGLAS, June 27 Th railroad agent at Hachlta report that Mmlaant bandits croased th herder laat night ten miles southeast ef Hachlta, anil ; raided and looted an American ranch. They are aald to hav(khjod th ranah f swner and hi wife, and t hav driven the ranch stock aerooa'tn arart " " ) T United Press Service GALVESTON, June 27. The Mexican consulate t'edav raalvaJ a ea'aia. anm aaulni, fartu.Hu tkauaaBj .. ll.j.j i.ji. LJ ... ;..' ... f j? . ,.... ....,-.... mmw ,H Wlwrara inaiana nav Jinejin MOXMBn: armies. United Presa Service Bl Bill l... n.u m. i ,. . . ...-i .TV " ,?n . ni ..n. "-"" wwrr wanran la nare is pamciBBt HI Ul eM RI B aai auISU tkau Uswl... -.! a a .-. ' a1- 1 A " if-i J ........ n,w, n, muHun awing arrang ay in AmrfRMian gl) miiuanam. mo oxner American conrroro are oxneetad km. aiui h Mm. 1 J. . r i7i. P w V.wcT ,w' .. i77( 1 .. rMUs-MS -J: -tn- " "YV ' , lean committee Is on Ita way from Mexico City. Coast Freight Rales Are ooosted by lommission afgTTwoatyaJjth aaaaaV.waa laaaaaaV 'jaaaaaaaaaaawTjvsT aaaah retuaaaaaaaaaaaaWTaaaaaaaVt"" r. ovaaaaaaaaW aaaaaaaHTJaaaaaaaaaVillil stMk gggggggggBF JBaaBaaaaaaaaaaaMaaaal - BaeAJByjEEEEEEEEEEEEEE JaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnExar oaHKeaaV A Uaited Praaa 8rvic; WASHINGTON, D. C. June 27 Th Interstate Ceaatsaraa Commlsslea to day revaM Ifte eraar graatlag PaeMc Coast ':la;lawer ' traucaAlaeBtal irataaiaaF,aaa laoa1 aivea ta M traaea4;iaiau. This I eaTaative pm directs ,ta traaicoatl- ta freaar and. tie, new ia'aoowaaaoe with kH - ' it .j- l?VX SK. i nV l' Panama eaaai ljia. competition rate .for waaCajM. w faieaCBBHaM aw , ta : V-i ..K Misa "---' -" "- wdt f . . v ... ir. v for a yrt;vl14,CaiSaV ati .m,m.:m P ' ilm;Mf x'lsrf.viJSf fm T:ry 2T1 IA V SaaaaaBi bbmbbbbbbY riBBf EEeaJSB. .VJSISV mmmm , .& , W 2 Jf 'V, 7P. J.aai nun ji v " tS3&S&!iM vN W- ' i .fiiV' ia lV , "! ViM wm I VJtfJfwa S 'sa fiid tf M "J&SL Mm &&JM t: . m i'J Rr ' "J! F .&ki 'iS.Ti ?il.'. Ji?.i 4:?I i aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT JBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBkM faBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa. r JBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBOSaaaaW ?;r.f.. 's. ,Vf