' .J' 1 VVft -, THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MONDAY, JUNK 2S, 1tt WAILOP GRANTS PASS wonhes ATKKK STORE LEADING CLOTHIERS H T.'? nits mum mil . Fm i Maay playa wtre aoctaloae were uafav to the leeele, bat all reallied that the h were Hun, and called tho play ae they r theaa. la tte Int. Tucker Johaaos waited, waa aaertaced to second by Bowdes, tbc fifth on a walk, an error, a kilt b l'emoll and a delayed steal. Ono bit, two runs. Klamath Fall really wun tho game In the seventh. Bowdcn lived on an error at flret and scored on Nelson's third bit, a double .N'oUoa and Lyle tallied a moment later, when LyJo put the ball Into the north weal corner of Josephine county for a home run. Two MONOPLANE B1RDMAN WHO THRILLED THRONQS AT EXPO. 8ITION, MEETS DEATH At fit-M; SULTOF LOOPINQ LOOP Oregon Cashmere (Suits I oa Keleoa's smash to right .. . M U - ft-.. ',. - easier, MMt Korw ia on mi ui.niu, mrre ma. United l'rens Service IMitorlMU. Two hits, two rsaa. I Grants rasa scored U.eir last run in ( OraaU Paas la their half made one the seventh on two error nnd a aacrl-' 03HKOSII, Wis., June 26. "Do-Any- whea after Weckler atrvek out, 'flee My. thins' Charleu Mice, Monoplane nvl- To make tho game safe, Klamatb'ntor, died hero this morning as the re made four In the ninth. Nelxon looked too dangerous to Cornell, o ho t.alkcd. Lyle cot a blngle. Ginger With Two PairsJPantsfor 'Fifteen Dollars Some Mighty Clever Patterns to Show ou Osborne doubled, west to third when Altea footled Bogart'e bit, and acored oo a aacrlSee iy to Johnson. One bit, oaoraa. It waa raialag bard la the third and Lyle walked the Irat two men to face 'suit of lujurlea received yestordav when he fell 200 feet while looping the loop, Nile was for some time connected Kit one. Clarke sent a lone fly to left anil Kelson scored after the catch. e .J aha. Bogart drove the ball out of the Lyle was right on his heels, and whun W,i, the Carnuulsta forces In Mexico, let for a boater, scoring three. Baker I !.. ralAa frit a AMU in af.innrl . dropper He also made a number of aleo got a alt, bat the next two men were easy out. Two hits, three runs. la the foarth Klamath tied the score. Neleea alt, weat to second wbea Green weed get kit by Cornell, and both eared oa Clarke's two-base crash, filler daaMeatad aad ecorod Clarke. Three htta, two raaa. la tae ifth, KUaaatb took the lead, and Greenwood scored, while Bill tal lied on Johnson's second two-baso hlL Four hlU, four runs. For a moment In tho ninth Grants Pans looked troublesome. Osborne struck out, Bogart doubled and Baker hit, leaving one out and two men on bares. I'urnull was up. IIo smashed gettlag two ma oa Olager'a doable ' the tall over second, but eomeono had altar Jeaatea and Bowden hit and Lyle I forgotten to remove Johnson from tho had beaa aarfoeely paased. Three field of play, so Tucker pulled a neat aMa, two raaa. J running catch and raced across second tho Basra was tied, Oranls btiie, doubling Baker unassisted. Two raaalag la two la their half of hits, no runs. saHHL f m SBJB! If OrVar afafsl exhibition tllghtn at the Panama-Pacific ejtponltlon In San Francisco last sum mer and fnll, and ho sustained two falls whllo there. WILL GIVE DANCE ON FRIDAY NIGHT THE LADIES OF SACRED HEARTf Gomes irom the House of - Kuppenheimer Models and Patterns to Please Young Men and Old Men $20 to $40 ROYAL TAILORED sXreetere Meat The Ceaaaserclal Clab Directors moot aight la regular seeslon. Haaai Frooi City, Beaut A. Jeaaeoa has returned f root a boataeae trig ta faa Itaaclaoo. ' - Mm, Dob Data hae retaraed froaa Weak., where ehe was ay tto iesalse of her aletar. Mara Veeteraay. "Mflka HaaW "Doc" Ualaui were la tMa aatlem yattaraay, TtelUag the taaaa at tto Martaa raaeh la the In taroata of tto Aaalaad Xoaad-Ua. VMNata farae Haagtaad left' yesterday for eh leal, to TiaH her graaaaother. Mm. Harvey, aad other relatives la the ttogaa Hirer Valley. From Prlnevllle. Mr. And Mm. I). G. Wallace come in yesterday from Vrlnovlllc, tho former to conduct tho prosecution In tho llous-ton-Joltey case In the circuit court. Crescent People Here. Charles Thomas, Charles K. Street, Jess Davis, V. XI. Funk and Eddlo San try ro among thrf Crescent people In town to attend the Houston-Jolly case. CHURCH ARRANOE FOR AFFAIR AT THE PAVILION, WITH SIX PIECE ORCHESTRA At a meeting of the ladles of Sacred lle.irt church, arrangement were made for a dance to bo given Friday numlng. This will bo given at the Pavilion, and an orchestra of six will furnUtt music Tickets will be placed on sale within the next few days by tho ladles. IS CHOSEN A Moves His Stock. F. J. Kra yesterday completed the re moval of his dry goods stock to tho Bolvln building on Main, between Fifth j and Sixth, and opened for business at j tho new stand this morning. AROUND PJUDG E CLOTHES t: Made to Your Measure Made to Suit Your Individual Requirements Made by America's Master Tailors. Suits from $16 to $35 This Big Store for Men Can Serve You Beit ! I f" ty '; 7-1 K K K STORE Leading Clothiers Leading Hatters Return Home. Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Keller left to day for tho Keller ranch in Langell Valley, after a honeymoon trip to Up per Lnko points. Come in and see this new Victrola Victrola XVIII $300 Mtutinl m)ioitir osUnft v. iih mmUJ mouUmf , wU (nn nJ Uc ThU new Victrola XVIII is representative of the very highest type of construction known to the art of cabinet making. An imtrumcut of .unuiual beauty If you mctlccllicily in your home, yuu'll lie intcioicl in the ta iicvt it) Ic Vktrolat cquijiet evtth electric muiuri nu vIin!injj im-eiiaty Victfoh XVIII electric $350 Victrola XVI electric $250 Ktoa ia any lime and we"ll ily demomtratc thre Vlcimlat and play ay mutie you with to hear, Oikilttt'rtoMSt Vlttut VUltli UOKtXlO, Ikmu t.ll r lontmUac It i'Uitl VICTOR HIADQUARTKR8 SHEPHERD PIANO DEPOT Next Dear reetemee Klamath Falls a WELL KNOWN KLAMATH COUNTY STOCKMAN AND PRE8IOCNT OF PORTLAND LIVE8TOCK YARDS ARE APPOINTED J. Frank Adams has been appointed ono of tho judges of tho Wild West events at tho ftogua Hirer Round-Up to ho held at Ashland July 4, G and 6. The Ashland association has re ceived word from Win. II. Daughtrey, president of tho Portland Union Stock Yards company, that ho would accept tho Invitation to act oh ono of tho judges of events during tho Round-Up. This nows is very pleasing to the committee, and will bo to all contest ants. For fnlrnosn and ability It will J bo hard to heat Mr. Adania and Mr. 1 Daughtroy. See the new bunch of Three Way Collar "Sport Shirts" just in. Exclusive Agents for Hatch One Button Union Suits. B. V. D. Style Union Suit with long legs. CRESCENT CASE IS UP ON TRIAL ACTION RK8ULTINQ FROM SALE OF ESTRAYED HORSE IS SEINQ THRC8HCD OUT BEFORE JURYL THI8 AFTERNOON WOMAN LASSOES ".A K0TED0UTUW MRS. WILL 6IMS SUCCEEDS The Bret law case of the June term of tho circuit court began today with tho trial of the action of J. C. Houston against Augustln M. Jolly and others. The null Is an action for conversion and damages, growing out of tho sale .of an estrayed homo for damaged he caused on tho property of one of the defendants. N. O. Wallace or Prlnevllle appears for tho prosecution, and K. L. Klllott for tbo defense. Tho jury wan com- , plotod this forenoon and the testimony IN iu being heard tbls afteraoon, American Lawyer Defends Casement NEW MAI KLAI m TILLAMf fiW THIiVVl ysifr I8T Wl fWr M m CAPTURING WILD STALLION. THIRTY KLAMATH HORSES FOR ASHLAND ROUND.UP' Quito n roplnc feat waa accomplished iby n Klnmnlh county woman last week, when Mrsv Will Sims successfully roped and captured "tho wild stnlllon of Bow loa Creek," who has been sought In vain for Home timo by stockmen of Klamath and Modoo counties. This Is considered qitllo a feat, considering tho horse'i i,rjf.t imputation for clevori nosa In tivotdlni; capture. Mrs. Siuii was out with her husband, who has n contract to deliver ten out law horses, nnd twenty wild horses for Urn Ashland Hound-Up. Tho stallion wII be pent over u one of tho wild .fcorfes, nnd ho ouKht to give consider- wuo trouble to Uio acquero drawing him In tho wild horso raco. Sims has rounded up Rim-Rock Johnny, Skylight and eight other tad buck-era for Uio Ashland show. They are all In Ono condition. For the very best life and accident Insurance, ece ChllceU. mms aessjaaT" igP ,,. 3B3BB ewiMaiiiBsBjlljtos t,t j UMI Mttalft for unfthwh tM k hid ' aiainyat tor i eleioeel, mookjdsi Any at ' MlthielOe'Wi Mlebael f, Uoylo i We eew JiFBBBBBasaa 4bbj I OaMeiaasi oH UpM I Miioialaeaha- w- -... . .'!' iiL w,. w (, ia U tmi tou.) S iCT.' . ' He lib ooaMsk .Towar ar Slfii 1 3 1 i' 4 M mvf ' i'4h. m ,k; v jt s.&" w .. if , .i ki Tii Oor WajBt f A KoHfllljBBfl Mtektkt YW :Mi V SrfJL vi .P-f. .' J A j. m .wi jiM-mi 3 L.A. r Ridge Tayom. CLASSIFY ited ae; iymk fa to- " "T HfWUl a ' LXMM B .i -. . rf . i -?; ' Wl:.. S t' .a LJ JL J p?i Sa.j r $M rJifi "( i?l'l im '." kffl sHl'RBBBBBl Hyp ' I m mzma j aw mafBwojapBi 'hi '. f v$s LVV-A, At'-'' S'W 'xtr f- ( '(!