V ' i 1tiMi' v SATURDAY, JUNK 84, 1lt THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON ? 'J" 25 PER CENT OFF ON ALL SUITS AND COATS We must dispose of these lines, and we intend to do so, regard less of profit. v AD Spring Millinery at a Big Reduction aMluws'ysjswwwwwwM BBBHyfBH BmaaK Town Topics ly Cattleman Here Eldla Dennis, a prominent cattleman of the Bty district was a visitor In Klamath Valla yesterday. ly Visiter Mr. and airs. Frank Obenchaln and son frank Jr. were here from Bly today. For the Fourth Get one of those Oregon Cassimere Suits with two pairs pants for Fifteen at K. K, K. Store These suits are made of $he celebrated Oregon Cassimere, all wool and finely tailored; fine lot of patterns to select from. I aaaaaaaaaaak. D li Bxa 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaas m ' LAmWW ' LBebbw' ;v'--- -ispBs1sH WBaHHBBsWHHBl SPORTHATS Are now such an assortment that everybody can suit them selves. Come in and See Them Stilts Drygoods Co. " WHERE THE LADIES SHOP " Visiters from Ben Robert, Harry and Monroe Lytle of Bonanza were in the city today. Here from Bonanza George Elliott wsa In Klamath Falls from Bonanza today. Here on Business Trip O. T. McKendrec came In last night on a business trip from Lakeview. In from Lorella H. E. WInnard Is la today from u A They are as good find in most stores and don't forget you get an extra pair of trousers-all for Fifteen Get your Fourth of July Toggery at Southern Oregon's largest, livest men's K.K.K. STORE &Bmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaanm l H-Bbbb?IHF NEW arriving and in Winnard Fleet ranch sear Lorella. Dont forget the big dance tonight at Pelican City. Dance given by base ball boys. Tickets, Including supper, 1 per couple. J4-lt Entertainment and Dance Don't miss the big dance at the Pa vilion tonight. "Blondy" Ballarls, high class vaudeville entertainer, win render the latest songs during dances. Good Music by the Pavilion six piece orchestra. 24-lt r BjMSBSrrLBI PER 9 SUIT 1 as $25.00 suiU you'll store Leading Clothiers and Hatters At the Churches Chare t Christ are held on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and Wednesday evealag at S o'cloek In Christian Science hall In the Jacobs' block, earner Third and Mala streets, upstairs. 8unday school from 9:43 to 19:41 a. sa. ; The subject for tomorrow's losson will be, "Christian Manet." The reading room of the Society Ut the same location will he open 'on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday .afternoons from S:S0 to 4:30 until lurther notice. (2 rare Methodist Ksdsoopal Cewrch Corner Tenth and High streets, a). Ct Klchards, mlaUUr. 10 a. ui 8unday school, E. M. Chll eoto, superintendent! 11 a. a., preacalag- 7 p. m., Epworth League. John C, Yadon, president. 8 p. m., sermon. "Cartoon la Char acter." Midweek service Wednesday even ing at 8 o'clock. Choir practice Thursday at 7:M p. m. Vernon T. Motacheabacher, choris ter. Miss Loralae BUton. planUt The pubUc U Invited to the preach ing services. Chnrch of the Sacra Heart Coraar Worden avenue and Donald street. Rev. Hugh J. Marshall. First Mass at 6 a. m. High Mass and Benediction. a. m Sermon topic, "The Need of Talk." Week day Mass every morning at 7:15. .w Emmanuel Baptists Meet in the li brary building, corner 3d and Mala. Bible school. 10 a. m.. O. P. Couch man, superintendent. Baptist young people's service, 7 p. m., Mrs. Perkins, president Communion service first Sunday of each month. Cottage prayer meeting. Wednesday, Sp.HL ' Women's home and foreign mission ary society meets trst Thursday of each month. Mrs. Miller, missionary superin tendent Mrs. Ortgeby. temperance superin tendent You will tad a welcome with the Emmanuel Baptists. e First Presbyterian-- Cauroh Corner Third and Pine streets. Charles T. Hurd. pastor; residence 1113 Mala street. UnUl further notice services will be held regularly as follews: Sunday at 10 and 11 a. m. and at I p. m.. and the midweek service on Wednesday evening at t p. m. Christian Church Comer tin ave. and Pine street J. W. Jenkins, pastor, room 8, Hotel Washington. 10 a. m., Bible school class, Geo. A. Haydon, superintendent 11 a. m., preaching. Subject, "How Shall a Maa Be Just With Oodr 7 p. bl, Bndeavor meeting, Miss Ap plegate, president Evening subject. "God's Fidelity to Hu Ward. ' All not worshipping elsewhere are cordially Invited to attend these ser vices. Baptist Chnrch Oomev Mghth and Canal streets. Rev. J. B. Orltstb pastor. Bible school at 19 a. m., C. B, De tap. superintendent. Regular morning services. Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Everyone cordially Invited to these services. Bonanza M. E. church Pastor Sidney W. Hall. Services for the month will he held as follews: First Sunday At Bonanza at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; at Dairy at I p. an. Second Sunday Poe Valley at 11 a. m.; Bonanza at 7:30 p., am, Third Sunday At IraUa at 11 a. m.; Bonanza at 7:34) P. px Fourth Sunday At 1inis at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. ni; Dairy at 3 p. at When there are Ive Sundays la the month, morning service will be held at Lorella at 11 a. at. and at Bonanza at 7:30 p. m. Organist of Bonanza church sad inn day school, Miss Grace Lytle. Sunday school at Lorella every Sun day morning at 10 a. at, superintend ent, Henry Haines. Sunday school at Dairy vary tret and fourth Sunday, superuteadeat, Mr. Sedge; organist. Miss Ode. e Last night was the annual gueet night of the' Woman's Library Club, and the husbands aad frieada at the members of this live organisation war the guests in attendance. Altogether, ; Society there were over slaty people present, aad the evening was highly enjobable for all. Mrs. Elmer French gave two splendid readings, and Rev. B. C. Rich ards awde a abort talk la which be paid high tribute to the splendid work the club Is carrying on. Mrs. Balnter, the retiring secretary, made a report on the 'work of the club for the past year. In addition, to maintaining for Klamath Falls a free library and read ing room, this club, through Its special departments, Is carrying on other good work for the upbuilding of Klamath Falls. The study department held six teen study meetings, at which tne arts, poetry, music, painting, sculpture and architecture were studied. This de partment la under Mrs. C. P. Stowart The home economics department, headed by Mrs. C. V. Fisher, hold a number of meetings, with demonstra tions, etc. The art department, of which Mrs. Syd Evans Is chairman, gave free instructions In tatting, needlework and crochettlng at eleven meetings, while the philanthropic de partment, under Mrs. Charles aravet, supplied thirty families with clothing and shoes, food and wood during the year. la addition to distributing clothing, groceries nnd wood donatod, the department spent 184.33 in the re lief work. After the reports, conversa tion was enjoyed, and refreshments ewer ervd. . The Klamath County High School Alumni Association has Issued Invita tions for an dancing party to be given at Houston's opera house Wednesday evening. The anniversary 'of the birthday of Helen Brown was the occasion for a surprise party at the Nobrbaa home in Shlppington last week, there being In attendance Mr. and Mm. Nehrbas. Mr. and Mrs. Brearcliffe, Mr. and Mrs. Putman. Mr. and Mrs. Seeds, Mlsao Helen Brown, Nsdlno Brearcliffe, Grace Brown. Minerva Bell. Crane. Mildred Swinney, Theresa Seeds, Dor othea Nehrbas, Louise Uhrine, Mm. Jess Swinney, Emll Setser. Al Coe, Joe Brown. Ned Jacobl. Mr. Crane and Georgie Nehrbas. e The dance given Wednesday night for the benefit of the baseball team wsa well attended and proved highly enjoyable. The affair was held at Houston's opera house, and the Peer less orchestra rendered the music. A small dancing party was held at 8t Cloud last night to formulate plans for two or three dances during 'the Fourth of July period. After the bus! ness of the session waa transacted. several hours of good old fashioned dancing were Indulged In by all present CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS The following civil service examina Uons sre anneunced: July 18 Assistant petroleum en giaeer. July It Laboratory aid In seed test ing; calculating machine operator (male or female). July 10-30 Attorney, Interstate com merce commission; mechanician nnd laboratory assistant If you expect to buy a heme In the city er country, Chllcete can aave you money. t A bigtourii)ff car;for-fivepeople 5000 Spectators See Saxon "Six" Win Against Higher priced Cars at San Diego Exposition Before 6000 enthusiastic spectator, a stock Saxon "Six" captured two Brats and a third place, and won the most points In the demonstration contest just held at tbe San Diego Exposition Motor Demonstra tion Show. Although exceeded in both power and number of cylinders by higher-priced entries, the Ssxon was tbe only car which won tbe trophy In two events, Tbe performance of the Saxon was so con vincing that a spectator bought and paid for tbe victorious "Six" on the Exposition Grounds and, with out waiting to get It cleaned up, drove the winning car home. Tbe bill climb, which tho Saxon won, wuh one of the most gruelling ever staged. Contestants in this event were required to drive down tho flftyllvo pur cent grade of Exposition hill and up the thirty-five poi cent pitch. Then the drivers were obliged to turn around and reverse tho order of descending nnd I climbing. The Saxon not only The above Is an Associated Press ? MOVING a F. J. Era Cash Dry Goods Store will be open for busi ness in their new store on Main Street, near Sixth, on Monday, June 26. Everybody Welcome H OUSTON Mttropolltan Amusements s atAATUVVwsreJvviJT-rT" --- mm ma HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE DANCE STAR THEATER "QREEN STOCKINQS" Five Reel Vltagraph Featuring LILLIAN WALKEIt Paramount Cartoon Sunday IW8TIN FARNUM In "A QENTtEMAN FROM INDIANA" PEERLESS ORCHESTRA TEMPLE THEATER "The Blsck Orchard" Three llcol BeliR Featuring Wheeler Onknian and Kath leen William nnd "Tho Spoilers" All-Star Cast. "Fable of the Preacher Who Flew His Kite, but Not Because Hs Wished to Do So" Gcorjft' Ado Comedy "Paths News" Suriday and Monday "Strange Case ef Mary Page" Seventh Eplsodn "The Evsless Eden" Kalem Comedy "The Bridge of Danger" "Hazards of Helen" Boric Admission Always 10 Cents CLAS8 A PHOTOPLAYS MATINEE DAILY AT 2:30 MERRILL OPERA HOUSE Merrill, Orsgon MOTION PICTURES WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Man nnd wife for general ranch work. Apply J. E. Henley or phono 18F4. 24-21 For the w best life and accident insurance, sss Chllcete. v SAXON "SIX raodo tho best I lino, report of the San Diego Exposition, snd TELFORD BROS., Agents -ianaBaaaaaLsaaaaaaaaaaaaam JmmmmWmWmWmm XrBBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBP BBmBBBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB I sIbbbbbbM VVSbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV afBBBsTJem W IBHIVSisSSSalgSBMfHDn ORPHEUS THEATER Saturday Only "Madcap, Qusen of Crena" Two Reel Gold Seal Prelum "Torrent of Vengeance" Two Heel Bison Drama "When the Losers Wen" One Reel Nestor Comedy "Universal Animated Weekly" v The Up-to-Date News Plcturu Sunday and Monday BLUEBIRD PHOTOPLAYS Present J. WARREN KERRIGAN In u Sensational Romantic Dramu "THE OAY LORD WARINQ" Supported by MISS LOIS WILSON The Blutn-Wldo Prize WlnnlnK llrnut) of Alabama's 400 "The Wrong Bird" t One Reel Nestor Comedy S Reel Qeod Muilc Admission Always 10 Cents BROWNE BROS. BROWNE BROS. Did ou know that tbe price of wall paper has ad vanced from 10 to 20 per cent this sprlngT We bought a law shipment Just prior to this advance, so we are In a position to serve you the lat ent designs at (ho same old price. You can get paper for ev ery room In the house from $1.26 up for a room 12x14x9. We also have a complete line of W. P. Fuller A Co. Paints, Oils and Vnrnlshrs No old' stock. Dont forgot the number, 1029 Main Street SATURDAY 8PEOIAL8 20 per cent discount on nil Wall Paper. is I! a o z CI m a o w 01 a o i z a a o BROWNE BROS. BROWNE BROS. ft but wiih oiio of tho few cars able to reach tbe top of I ho lirty-flv( per cent grade. More expensive cars were defeated by the Haxon In tlio reluy race. Tho Haxon romped around tho track In rust time, winning tbe award of tbe Judges, tho applause or tbe assembly nnd five additional points. Then, juNt to demonstrate Its flexibility In the quick "Kcl-aay" went, the Saxon won nn even break with ii lilghr rprlccd machine for third. Tho time of one twelve-cylinder and two eight-cylinder cars wan bottom! by the Saxon. Probably no stock car has ever given a better demon i.t ration than tho Saxon unvo at the San Diego Expo Mtlon First In tho bill climbing, proving ampin linunr; necond in tho relay, Knowing high speed, and tliluj In ihn quick "Rot-nway," completing the remark able showing of the cur. Let us arrango a demonstra tion nt your convenience Saxon "Six" 1916, f. o. b. Kluiimth Falls. the performance ef the Saxon "Six"