' vi't:jt Jj) iEuimmg IteraUi KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER I - .&& KLAMATH i 4 vf 'TfS OFFICIAL ; NEWIPAPftft ! U 1 1 p " f v.v rcu V Tenth VontwN.SJM7 . KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1916 ''.,' Prle7or Af Vj ;L., . , ... .. J " .A. .,.'- 1, j J$, Militia Measure is Passed by House PROVISION IS MADE FOR SUPPORT OF THE GUARDSMEN'S KIN United Pre Service . WASHINGTON, Jun tt. The House of Representatives today adopted thi Hay reelutln empowering th preeident to me the state militia In Mexico., Tha two socialist members of congrctt votad no. Tha Hay resolution providing $50 a m'tnth for tha familial of militia man paeeed unanimously. The lattor bill carries a $1,000,000 appropriation. It Includes malnts. nance ef familial dependant upon militiamen's salaries. Secretary af War taker today ordered every department commander to send tha mllltla forces to the border as soon as they are equipped. It la officially laarnad that America has asked Oreat Britain to Uke chart af the American consulates In Mexico In the event of hostilities. American consuls are still stationed at the soacoaat towns. Many of the Intsrier oensuls have departed. , , United Press Service CLACKAMAS, June 21 Tht Oregon National Guard was mustered Into federal service today. Company M, af Salem, was the first to uke tha oath. wary man In tha company paaaed tha examination. OMeer xpeet to have all mustering detail attended to tonight J . . SACRAMENTO, June M The California mllltla la mobilising on the stat fair greunde today. The strength Is 3,400 men, there toeing 416 enlistments yesterday. , I ' United Prows Service NORFOLK, June 2J The transport Sumner, carrying a detachment f Ceaet artillerymen, aalled far Tampleo today. On the return trip, the SiMMier will aarry American refugees to Oalvetton. PINE LUMBERMEN PLAN CONVENTION NEWLY ORGANIZED CALIFORNIA WHITS AND SUGAR FINK MANU FACTURERS ASSOCIATION MAY MEET IN KLAMATH Tentative plana arc under way for u convention of the California Walt and Sugar Pin Manufacturers Asso ciation hero In August H. D. Morten son of the Pelican Day Lumber com pany la president of this new organi zation, and ha charge or arrange meat, f Daring the flrat week In August, the Whlta Pin Manufacturers Association of Spokane will hold Ha annual con vention In Bend. Aa this will be at tended by all of the pine lumbermen of tli Inland Umpire, the two organi zation may meet together to work for better grading and market condition. Mexico's Neighbors Will Aid Her.They Tell World unltajVpreta Serrie MEXICO CiTT, June S3. It Ijts pert, that Salvador and CoaU lies have notified the Maxieaa government Chat thy Intend to join Mexico In the event of war with the United State., ' Americas are stljl going to Vera Crn. Tlte battlhlp Nebraska there haa t,m amirta-i aboard. t'nited Pre faerie WASHINGTON, D, C. June 18, Secrotary of the Nary Daniel today ) MEXICANS CROSS LICK REPORT SANOITS, ACCORDING TO PRIVATE ADVICES, CROSSED BOROER AND ARE BELIEVED TO HAVE PLANT ED DYNAMITE United Press Service COLUMBUS, N. M., June SS. Cen sored private dispatches say Mexican bandits Invaded the United State fifty miles west of here, looting Parkers' ranch In the Playaa valley, southwest of Hachlta. Dynamite fuses were found in a Mex ican aback there, and it is feared that the bandits secreted dynamite prepara tory to attacking the supply base here In the event of war. Up from Merrill Constable T. M. from Merrill. Durham Is here Instructed Admiral Wlnalow to investl gate the reported presence of Jap acese warships 'in West Mexican water. IJiiIuhI I'H'hh Sen-Ice WASHINGTON D. C, Jun J3. Mexican Ambaador Arredondo today visited several of The South American legations, explaining to the minister the present situation from tn Mexi can standpoint. Gives Up Astor Estate to Wed BBBBBBBBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat LmmBSBmmmmW I 1 1 BBBHEfffSBBSaaaaaaaaarJar' ' VvaiH.aar VdBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSrJnw BwSwSwSwSwSwSwSwSwSwSwSwSwSwSwSx SBSaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTj? Jeaaaaaaaaaaaardaw This is Mrs. William Karl Dick, who until hor marriage to the New York honker yesterday was Mm. Madeline Forco Astor, widow of John Jacob Astor. who perished in the wreck of the Titanic. The marriage of Astor and Miss Force in 1911 excited nation wide comment, aa the groom was paat fifty, while tho bride was then only seventeen years old. ny marrying, Mrs. Dick loses all of the Astor fortune, as a provision In the will of the multi-millionaire pro vided for a division between his then unborn son by hia second wife and Vincent Astor, bis son by his first marriage, In case of a second marriage. ASHLAND BUILDS MONSTER STADIUM ROUND-UP PARK GRANDSTAND AT LITHIA CITY IS CONSIDERABLY LARGER THAN THE PBNDLE. TON STAND Work on the granatand at the Round up park in Ashland la nearlng com pletion and advice from that city are that the stand erected will aeat 10,000 people. The track la being put tn good shape, and bucking horses, cowpunchera, wild horse and other components of a real wild and wooly Wild West show are arriving dally. Pendleton will have about forty rid ers and ropers present A good many Klamath riders are expected to go "over tho hump" to participate In the contests and beat the "let-'er-buck" bunch to the money. Many Klamath Falls people will at tend the celebration to be held July 4th, Gth and 6th. This celebration is primarily the dedication of the mineral springs project, but the Wild Weat show, baseball, night and day fire works and general celebration all com bine to make this an affair worth while. Parties Intending to make entries for tho celebration at Ashland, notably In connection with featuring the chil dren's and comic parade on July tth, are requested to communicate with Mr. B. H. Bush, 12 Beach ayense, Ashland, at an early date. All entries should be made by June 25th. allies: shells siezed by u. s, SIXTEEN CARLOADS OF MUNI TIONS ARE REQUISITIONED FOR UNITED STATES ARMY USES THIS AFTERNOON United Press Service- SHAMOKIN, Penn., June 83, Army officer this afternoon requisitioned Blxteen carloads of ammunition billed to the all!, when the train ontered North Cumberland yards, The ear were immediately started for the arsenal at Port Worth, Texas. KLAMATH FALLS ASKED TO FORM A MILITIA BODY MEETING TO BE HELD TOMORROW NIGHT Following Inquiry Sent to Adjutant General White, He Telegraphs Lo vcal Men Aaklng If It Will Be Pos sible to Raise a Company,, of ISO Men Here for Infantry or Coatt Ar- i tlllery Sorvlc Are you Interested in the formation of a mllltla company here? if so, be at the court house tomor row night Definite steps toward as certaining the' sentiment of the men of Klamath Fall will be taken then. The Oregon National Guard' com-, raander, Adjutant General White, wishes a company formed here. To (bat end, he seat telegram, to Cap tains O. C-Afplegate and Frank B. Ankeny, who have been correspond in with him far aeveratsaeadk re garding an. orajanlMtloa . -i j In these telegram. White asks if It will be possible to organise a com pany here of 160 men, for either in fantry or artillery duty. He asks defi nite information aa soon aa possible regarding officers, men, etc. In order to settle the matter one way or another, the Idea of holding a meet ing was decided upon. The meeting will therefore be held In the court room In the court aouse tomorrow night and all men are asked to attend. PORTLAND MEN TRY FOUR-MILE FOUR MEN MAKE A SPLENDID CATCH IN VERY LITTLE TIME AT THE LAKE JUST RE-OPENED TO SPORTSMEN Another fine string of big rainbow trout waa brought in today from Four Mile Lake by E. A. Rosa and J. B. Campbell of this city and Bellas J. Sidwell and F. PJ.N8teinmetz of Fort land. The Ash were caught In a re markably abort time. The Portland men are highly elated at their success, and they promise to spread the fame of Klamath's match less fishing throughout the Northern part of the state. MUST CUT WEEDS OR BEARRESTED CITY ORDINANCE PROVIDES FOR THE FINING OF PROPERTY OWN. ERS NEGLECTING TO CUT NOX IOUS GROWTH Property owners of the city who have neglected to cut the weeds from their premise and from the parking in front of their holding had batter get busy, aa Mayor Crialer and Chief of 'Police Baldwin are plaantag a war on these delinquents, There I a city ordinance providing tor the arrest and pnaJshment of Inron- erty owner who are nesUent la thi nutter. Two Commanders of Troops Near the Mexican Boundary aanBEenaw 111 .aEeEenEenW'iEen I .aafeTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTanY RP jfsEenTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaW 1 lPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPJPPPPPk EflMSBaBaBaBaBan BBMsBsBsBsBsanxSMsm isasBSBSBSBHEBMlBBSBH InBsBBpM ''.' gHfiaVLHgggggggV , iSSmrJaTdBTdBTdaTdBTdBTdamEiBBTdBTdE '!BBEEEEEEE '' logggggggggggggggggggggV'' BJBjgE?BjEjgExBJEjgExBJEjg EiBmijEiBBrJBrJBrJBrJBrJBrJBrJE BnEenEenHsnEw EenEenEenEenEeWl l ' sHEtEr AslEisr I eavjBjBJBEv "EJBjBjBHaW General Liggett Brigadier Generals Bell tnd Liggett a,-e mentioned frscuentlv in the dis patches regarding tie 'Mexican aitna tlon. Both are stationed at Texan Cltyr TexasTaa'dnre' active -intx work being carried on under General Funs ton.. General Franklyn J. Bell Is corn- VISITING TEAM IS REAL CLASS HARRY DUKE AND AL HUGH80N ARE COMBING THE 8ACRAMEN TO COUNTRY' FOR THE BEST MEN OBTAINABLE A little foretaste of the class of baseball In store for the fans attend ing the games here July 2d, 3d and; 4th can be gleaned from the lineup of Duke & Hugbson All-Stars from Sae ranmento. This team Is the cream of the Sacramento Trolley League, and the beat of the Independent players In the Sacramento valley. ' The pitching staff includes a Mc-I Gee, of the Chlco Trolley Leaguers, ' Johnston and Dayle. Elmer Perry, of i no Biroas; Auuura umuu, nan dcthi signed up as a catcher. mi t..-i Aj nf.llM McGee. ling umtiku uu ujr suw, . both Trolley Leaguers, will be in the lco, the new law provides for a suf Infield, Ting at first and McGee at Sclent number of increases in the, third. DeLoss will play second, and National Guard to make the forma the well known "Eddie" Foy will cover 'tlon of another regiment quite possible. short. i AL Huxhson..one of the organizers ot the team, and well known as a ,aro holding off enlisting wlth'expecta- ball player, Ross Smith, ot the Trolley tlon of serving under him." circuit, and Nixon will comprise the'- , - - : outfield. J Hary L. Duke, who la associated with Hugtison in the venture, is well known as a promoter ot amateur athletic sports. A few years ago he brought tho basketball team of the SJaera- mento Athletic Club here for n eerie ' of game. War Bulletins United Press Service BERLIN, Juno 83, It ,1s officially announced that the Germans have ad vanced against the Russians south west ot Lutsk. ' Three strong Russian attacks have been successfully repulsed. United Press Servlee 4 PnTreOOaUD. -Jim .-Th XV man have eapUredBuW Mumera. Sftey mile south of Csemowiu. General Bell maader of the Second division of the army. He comnsnded a.lrlgnde la. the, Philippines before being; trans ferred to Texas.. -.. A' BriaeenWratwter3iM command the Foorth brigade.. He la one, of the army'a forcaaoat taetletams,' and la head of, the Army War CoUeaje. PLANS MADE FOR" FOURTH INFANTRY COMPANY PROPOSED FOR KLAM ATH FALLS MAY BE A PART OF THE INFANTRY REGIMENT BE INQ CONSIDERED The prospect of Klamath Falte pros pective militia company being a her of the Coast Artillery corps doe not appeal to old Infantrymen. Bow ever, there is a prospect of the oom pany being part of the new Fourth Oregon infantry, according to the foK lewing: from the Portland Journal ; "Prominent National Guard officers expect tHat tho Fourth regiment Ore- gon National 0uards u &. ed as soon as the Third Is filled. With- out any 'apprehensions regarding Max- "Judge C. u. Gantenbein is likely .to organize it, and It la said some men Peace Party Mediation United Press Service NEW YORK; June xl. -The AmerM can Union Against Militarism today! seat telegrams to William Jnninga! Bryan. David Starr Jordan and inrajOc . PWalsk, urgingthep to meet hearty ot prominent Mexicans at m Pase to arbHraie the MextoanAmeriean' tron? "t. ; , j, , ' : The UalonheM an aU' night Mealen " wu.wmi wja? TTr".i"p.if neaanut war. ' -' '.v: 'yrtwi r ' , . ' v - ' jfi The oStoial also t DETAILS STILL ; LACKING ASTO . i :' NEWEST FIGHT 'J ' 'r'VrJ?W -.. ..Asi-lftfKs-' " -- ijztnfi TWO TROOPS ANNIHILATil -v r 'tilt i. f. MINERS fa A1 &i - Uneanflnna - - i--.---k..m. .. . i ..i-'-t.-fwIK -' . , ' i VU-"V"4 2 Mining Compile Aibto ;aWea:A - inai Mexicans; Aner ;woniagf ene Snjt.tVuf!, . i. - . ..,''":' k.,. Ki ' unoricanv ureve tno nrtWW I it m the, HIIIerli,:Rrt; gyo XT'. ' tMea Wore' iiTr' " if "jm v t-iet i W (g IWlf 15 i. . I 'a. til United Pre Sonriee ? &$&' 'I hWashinotok. DL:cr''jrn1mss7- The.war departXAenTtCMlayJaiBfi J' lldGeneral Pershing's nrefWtW the Carrisal SgJitnThsT( Mexican asked n attempted to maims. '$1 -i.wfj;fr snire dtSsi Aaassa?i C' tkinBodtede,-;--. i.AhMM-A. uaHe..rra')er Wi PAV -3w5 BMn km nave ; ed ' reeutaat'TToa theTeanMaman wJIrtai-ifcM-.''3.', '-i 'fi,;w k, "'' vJl mjimiMmi ..... -.-.-,, r6aa1aef'W, fa JBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan-"-J-'''iJ)tfif- . v -r f.""" ep wzvxiu .j? Bfir ft adrle . PrivaU adTleM ' aWlM-aai.'V.X';. unefi r. float : Hill til A ', ii K i .-- ...i JTJi" ,1 1 II Thi" 1ti W!-??' onciooa wtiwm&tm, . -i ii -; v . '- -" v t? r- battle eontradiet this.' '&$&'$$ A f oodatnsT, esabarr t along, the border. ' MrV " &' United Pre gervtae rt i j " 'r . t- js;j rmswm s.varawnet tne, r,f .tA" . fArJJ-Xli '" .1 .-V- ' L i 8AN ANTONIO. Ji ing wires General nlai.tk.. .;-v Mextoana nave 'f)M A" ' V S5irr;' Grande. He dees not T52SSSSC Mi pation of the eity. Tkl. .. ... j-i' ..-....: ,'. ' A W,l - -- -'TT. !"" ;.-.. ,.- JVi mm ! mmnmm-mrw- mi&r-ix Mextean'.town. -L v , REQRGANIZATI Aac i. .. ..xr'.i.Tv ,, . -yw. -. . " 'i r.i ia ijt m en ?? M PAN0ffD w -, w , w .- i.e irt". RAILROAD COMMISSION PUTS ITS" ;'. ii O. K. ON PLAN FOR RESTAB- - t LISHING THE WESTERN PA- reM CIFIC RAILROAD, a untiea rres serneer MiW ..... -. , u ,'... j--' SAN FRANCISCO, JUWr , The'- ' state railroad co1liee) 'today'an-', preyed the Western .PaetnVayreer-' , ganimionplas. lThilnb:tr ' auance. of 175.000.900 vwdrfltfrfjeloekf r " and bond tor W.0QOjm,tV V Arranging Yf &. .W ., ' vixr $ -,vr(&. Xza li'jtJ.!ii " 'ar-'i'.'i i. '5 s, c.,& Confer . n-steomm ..a-w io i r-.t.i"i . m..'T 2L1 'WWV( J'f-tfirrfl)' LfTHv bbexPb? rafiw?aj,U'.fi XArrwr-QSi MMCKX) TT. MbmAUikt- a,. w.p:edai Li BJpa ModeMe.KeltHMI iSlaslaaiFlti6s !e.n.;.t:,aoe4 tkB -iPt, tn amsnee gnM bvm to nM:ltfev' i w f wmsmmmmmj: r -t?m X i- .J.L t. . r ii ii ri .AHerwft iv.i'ti',,-'. :', S& attend .the, nSpy-; t'H iU , sttospv :0i .United PMwftmr ' i&frl.' V; j K 'Vf. t " n wl -,. ' JsHi EsWIi '!l , i!l ?.(& ji. ' ll ,8 II m Vf ,' sy Vi.,fl "-"M ' , i ? VtMfe. mism ilfiS V.f .6r