' 'Mtyjj v -' o V3, l - - ' o"y d .-Vi-4' tbit gf W JaMMil KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER H? .-Hires Tenth Vtar-Nt, MM .. . KLAMATH MLLy SamnoWWeUoaaaWW ) OWCB) -. UBBaSBaaBWBW OFFICIAL 'etfOBOahlMABBBBB1 lv l TTy J 1 &1feV KLAMATH FALLi, OMMtON, THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1916 ft. 'r .i - ii t - -' . w-f i .. i - ,"1 ' " ' " ' ' - - -- ! ii i. .... i i..i ., . ..i.i .. . i i.i ii Carranzistas Attack U. S. V 1 I ! V i 'K vfri. ii M..', fW ; " c aSt. ! - iiM bbbbb ' v -A JSlSwWi 'i B Tl . W "5 WnsBBx BBSI B .BfeW ISBSw mmmjmm -mmm BPJ BBBBW hWmm MM BhVBanWjm ka H ' '' ML W-. I wBT'bTbI V::'lj bbH taaMMM-MMMMWNflMV , . - ' ''SI . . ,uwirt "Bpma Bk fBPav BBSBBP V SB. wtamBJ H W- Vk jYbb.bb.vbwBbt BB7 B IB M'm MllkY I W 111 Ml 11 1 lill ' '1 llJmll Vl B " .Ml M"MWL j j ' -st,;jt v A. m W 111 " 11 A. lllilftl . ''. 'tVt ilWlftA H' mmmw , h- ftl II H '.la, k iljll mmmr. & W m mi Mm, Aw . '' wlvFfl .m. r .H-Lr mmL-m aft T. KvMALJ HH MMW. MVWMW HiaHW BSV TAWAWWWr v. - r "a,3i: flTB MH VAy-P MBB .iBv CjVjiJiyj fJMM&WT gJBJV CSMMa. , VAVAhVAhbVAVJB 7 MJ VJ mm K 'MJBK BH B BJB' B7 Vi BBTVBE WVBHBT.BJ M ft M TbV v H h bV V &' b lft'1 ffk w bbI Tft bT nl ..' aft vStTVL nv if h ii imt i m ii'i ''ii. "m4?Kvi . I in mM-U'-MM 1 Pl-m":'lvl:-l VbVT BBl BbV BBI VbHBBBBBVBBB) .. BBFLrAIMj'VBB'BBBl.BBB? ., - t.' ' - i "- i:n T 1 st, 53" .-f WJiS r ra jfi-a w t is ar i ,. j w ,, "w"f ' rt. a., j " r fi. J .1" , r t V" ftl,-l wiBfySavviK. i . a, t ft.' , Tii 'Li OSfJ. MILITIA WILL BE SENT TO BORDER AS SOON AS FULLY EQUIPPED CALIFORNIA QUAROIMIN WILL M AMfN.THf FIMT I PllW(iq 9nffrne With rtildant, Secretary ! War Announctt TJut All tUtt Trop Will Rushed to tht mr4r WMn Thty Art Equip pd Tmi)Hrts'Ar HM In Radi ntsa t Mavo Quardtman Unltad rraaa Sanrlca WAtHINOTON, D. C, June 22.- Attar aoafarrlag with President Wll f on, faorafary of War ewtonLD. Dak ar aaaouaced that all atata mnlUa will he rushed to the border when they aro , property equipped for active service.) Baker aaaouacad that the war de-l-artajeat haa ordered the national, Kuard of Caltforala and Kanaa to start for the harder Just aa soon ns theee traefa are ready far service Baker ;aieo ave Chalraiaa Hay of tha hM caaaaiUtee on asllltary af-' falra a reeateUoB aathorUlag Prosl-j daat Wllaoa to draft tht allitla for Mealcaa service. This will be sub aaltted to coaaraaa. Tha war dapattaaat haa ordered tha traasporU Kllaatrkk. Meade, Rufart; asd Suaaaser, now at Norfolk, aeaaarad for service. It la thought they WW ha used la carrylag the Vlr glala awlltlsaiea aad other troops to Qriceeta. Ualtad Preea Sarrtoa SAN lltANClSCO, June M.-MUIUs recraltlag oalcers were rushed today, following tha aawa that tha war de partaaaat lnteads to rugh tha Callfor ala, Mlaaourl aad Kansas asllltla to tha harder aa aooa aa possible. Uaay at tha ualU are aow ready fareervica. Others are a Uttla below tha ratalrad aaeaarieal atreagth. BaBBBBBBBBBaVd.k BBBMaHM bbbbbbbbbbbbbZI Bpfi TZOkmY WILSON AWAITS ULL REPORT ACTING A I V t z mm Commander of Troops in i Fight With Carranzistas T SOUTH. AMIpAN WILL IE IN- rimm0 I !l $" ""i to Antl-Aimarlean ii Propaganda Started Threudh Mexican Sources. MswKran AmMsader Asks Admin istration Whyaershlng Force Was so rVar f reta Headquarters Ameri cans .Rushed from Mexico City by, Speoail Train !' , nlu'il i rrn &f Ire i WAljjNQTJjtti, D. C, June 22. President Wilson; said cabinet officers today. 'does nof intend to change his i Mexirhp pjn)icy, unleHR It Is definitely eHUb)lhed,xb8ifcarranxlstas are de liberately atcclng and harrasslng the Amerlcaa,troops. j , Mexican tViijbsisador Arredondo to- jdny asked Secretary of State Lansing to explain yrny rersninrs men were ho fax. from,, headquarters. He also ' M . min a. COM Carrisal'battP Pershing ".h'as t0WH- (i-i Lansing real lorawuoB.rai tlons. t-i v Secretary of State laker RUMORS THAT LOWER CALIFORNIA WILL SECEDE SAN DIEGO, June 22. Lower Cal ifornia Is about to secede from Mex ico and declare itself a republic, ac cording to rumors current here today. The story Is gaining credence aad newa arriving this afternoon from En senada, LaPax and other peninsula parts seems to support the rumor. Gov ernor Cantu, who la the virtual dic tator of the district, la said to' ha behind the plan. Inland Empire Mill Men Pay Visit to This City ralla waa Invaded last night by a party of Northern huBber- BMa.oathalrwayhoaMfroaaMcOloud, where a eoufereaee waa held between tht plat maaufactarera of tha Inland Umpire aad tht ettaUia of tha Cal ifornia plat ataaafaetarera association. la tht party wart: A. W. Laird, aaaaapjar PtUatch Lum bar Co., Potlatch, Idaho. J. P. MoOoWrlchaaaaatar MeOold rich Lumber Ca, Spokane. J. M. Richards, manager Idaho White Piae Manufacturers Agency, Ipekaat. T. H. MoCaan, maaagor fhtvlla- Hlxoa Lumbar Co. Mr. MoCaaa waa acaempaaied by hla wife aad thlktraa, W. .J.' Laa. ihavlln-Hlxon Lumber Ct,, MlaanpaHs. Qaarst M. Carawall, editor Tat Tim benaaa, Partlaad. Fred V. OlbJaaa, rattle Coast man apar Tht Amerteaa Luaibemsa, Chi Thavtaltora wart tha castta of the Ptllaaji Bay Laaahtr ataspaay aad tat WhHaaHUaaa hatat whta they arrived last sighfreea MtCtand. This awra 1st Mm vlaKart, with Mataaa. Martea Ml arLBiB ,af FsaUss Bay Lumber company, MrB. Mortensoa, her mother, -Mrs. Kennedy, Mlsa awthar Moore of Bend and Miss Magat of Baa Francisco, boarded the Pelican Bay company's steamer Klamath and made a trip on beautiful Upper Klamath Lake. Lunch waa served at tha Eagle Ridge tavern, and after a cruise to otber lake points of Interest, the steam er proceeded to the Lamm Lumber company's plant at Modoo Point, where automobiles were awaiting to take tho visitors on to Bead. Mr. Oil man ' and Mr. Cornwall returned to Klamath Falls to spend a few days In the Interests of their publications. The visiting lumberman were loud In their prdlses of the hospitality of Klamath Falls people, and they were areatly pleased with the timber out- lttk hare. "I have often heard of Klamath Falls. baCnever before had tht op portunity of visIMat your section," said Mr. Laird. "Yoa are cartalaly la tha midst of a remarkably ana halt of timber, aad' every eoadltlon la pres ent to laaart a large davalopmtat with Klamath ralla as Ita etattr." Uon of the reported asd of the report that occupied two Mexican that be haa no in- ling any of these ques- 1 h United." I'r; Sfce BUEtid 'AIMS. June 22. The MexieaaapveranMnt haa launched an antl-Unlied States .campaign In South America. . , . lYHawr; Argentine Congressman Pa lscio tbj&ay accepted an offer to make a tour . if South' America. aDeaJdna against jht" United SUtea. This will be under thea$iplcea of the Mexican wuur icuonuuu . e . , j WAfllilNoAN, D. C. June 22. The houie1 today, passed the fortllca lions bill, agWoprlaUng over 125,000, 000 for' coafrdeTtaaaa aad laid ar- uuery. ! ' . aIi. PreM Service Juae 22. A special Aemricaaa atartad moralas. Dariac other Americans de- ing about 260 here today. Unltiia MBXICO train "caii for Vara: the .'week. parted, leal SA'n'.B.NARDINO, June 22. Fed eral agents! today arrested Samuel Louis sihdojra', former Carranxa ooa sul at.HJPslo.Jon suspicion of apylag upon' ericKa troop movements aad smuggUnjanuQuaitlon into Mexico. APOPLEXY KILLS tL JOHNSON, WHO HAS CONDUCT ED SMALL STORE NEAR W. NBMA LANDINO, WILL IE BUR. IED HERE .TOMORROW Burgoyat Johnson, who for several years baa conducted a small store aaar Wlnema landing, oa the Upper Lake, died late Tuesday Bight of apoplexy. He waa about 70 yean old, and waa a member of tht Grand Army of tht Republic. Coroaer Waitltek tot In touch with a relative la Prairie City, Oregon, wht Instructed tht aaaial to bury Johnson here. Tht fuaarai will be held at WbltlockT chapel at 10 o'clock to morrow BMraiat, Bar. B. C. Rtaharda conducting tat 2-1 rx Colonel William C. Brown, command-, tfces regarding the fighting at Car ing the Tenth cavalry, one of thejrizal indicate a battalion of Brown's United States regiments -composed of negro troopers was the force attacked colored 'enlisted mta. Unofficial ad- by the Carranzistas. War Bulletins United Press, Service PBTROORAO, June 22. It Is official ly announced that tht Russians gained ten miles near Bukowlna in the last twenty-four hours, capturing 1,000 prisoners. The Russian force haa captured Radauts, twenty-five miles south of Cseraowitx, which waa taken Sunday. Auatrian forcea have evacuated prac tically all of Southwestern Bukowlna. it Is claimed, have captured a number uf good positions between Soknl aad Hialewha. United Press Service PARIS, Jdfae 22. Greece haa ac cepted all ooadltlona aet forth on the allies' recent ultimatum. This includ ed the demobilisation of the Greek army, which la aow about compittea. United Press Service , BERLIN, Jane 28. Today's official aaoaaeamtat says tht Germans art continuing a successful counter attack agalast tht Russians. Tht Teutons, in rub F IN HILL m MODOC POINT OFFICE IS TO IE OPENED JULY FIRST ,1V THE GOVERNMENT, WITH W. E. LAMM AS GENIAL Pt M. United Press Service PARIS, June 22. There la little ac tivity along the Verdun front Ar tillery duelling continues along both banks of the Mouse. Word haa been received that the peatoBce department haa granted the rttatat for tht establishment of a postoffice at Modoc Peiat This will be opened July 1, with Wv B. Lamm aa postmaster. - Modoc Pout la oa the Klamath In dian ResenraUon. Quite a little settle- meat la spriagtag up there ataoe the trtfltloa of tht Lamm Laaahsr tarn- May's sawmtM, , LAKEVIEW STARTS REBUILDING WORK ALL STRUCTURES BUT THE LAUN DRY WILL IB REPLACED IN LESS THAN TWO MONTHS, SAYS TELEPHONE MAN LakeVlew people are losing no time In bewailing their loss la tht reeeat fire sweeping the business district, ac cording to L. R. Robertson, local man ager of tht Pacific Telephone A Tele graph company, who haa been at Lake view assisting In the re-eatabllshmeat of the telephone exchange. "Many of the losers In the ire ap pear to think that It waa time the shacks were removed aad replaced by better buildings," said Robertsoa teday: "They had mea at work right away, clearing away tho ruins, aad they will replace nearly every burned business building with a briek atrae- ture. Jn fact, it is estimated that with the exceptloa of tht taaadry. where a aew set of machinery will ht aeaea sary, all of tat baraed balidlaga will at replaced with hatter balldlaaa la Iftydayg.". , Robortaoa aaya tat toaa la betweta $80,000 aad 100.W0. Ht aaya tat W?.iV -T'VX, M 't , jjfiFi i.t.4S)fU 0!M - -: i4e?.SAa v"jr 5WBB i. tWA . tv&&A !.'.& ,!! wm 4-f-JXiJX a.Wita.v&t mmm ,V. ,Ji -.Vl rtf Mm :MMa; uzwhtf; i-i a-M ' r. w i rr -t i(.?.i txjta m MEXICO CITY. June 2& The war office anntamea tht ItweralTre. ,:m " A t. -5' , S. i-liTFi. - m . . .. .mm . . .... i."-- I' .X- "E--- 'l vino-s Torces reauisea American Mi il-t..TJ. 1 &$& I UiraJswtf A vay. Jlt-Wfc 4" 'jmm , 't(&Ji-i'.jl SS ffW?lffi- r T?V-' 51 j SHMH ( 'iilicl l'ri'i. Senit treep. at Carrlaai aiaaiTalmWfi lean Central railroad Sunday. The Mexicans claim forty Americana were killed, awd.aevsa4eesi;wee ,?y,)p captured. ' General Felix Oemez died aftarwarda J .. - t, HT J- " . " t,j- - f jr The war office announces that atrshiM's deSanoe af Bewtral -Taaxlae'sa': tv'i. t r i j ji. ' i .tr -i,. fifc rn ' - -. order to halt Morationo eaueod the battle. f roeoivf .--.tw & awawa, mm l. i?A-J KS,9!St; wrH dr -., ii t jv-i v fnMcd Press Service j. ,& ' EL PASO, Juna.2Zaeneral. Pershing 'le. semHim: r ml ' or j w , ' .LWWPfff strdhnthen the Tenth uvilrv..MliiUM Um mmh ttinaiist'1 wherein forty AmerlaMa mtawMaaatL" 5' KA"&8 Ungate. mlviM. .r. 'ui mWfmW i i rvporm un m Aioneana, miiwsfint) paw, ware'; thousand Meklaiwav T"' ' KJf '2LT j. -K-iii fc-jv v- fZ?IrT IVmSZISH ar juaroa -ressivetyaa iim mmMmMm --wmm-mMmwmmmrmM .mmmammmm wjMuiMi:Maiu,i.v.Mvja.MKa...HMM.i.7. stating that OonertU .Ohregeai.,ordered the JCarranaieftae ta attslaas Aaxrf W tCencwl aMat'aatwa1wamaaa4ia,tiaMloMHa .- A.uf .. ww -.0 j, Ti X " -PBl KnHAIffl tt 'V"-t. offlcera, wenTkilM beftre the AmtrUana jotroaiod, oarryla, II ai j? sSiSgyl - . i. - - - 1 .- l, ". -"Sri (,i-T K.V " . i.'U TJ ed. The' Moklcana,.acordlna to . ? .. - aeSbrartMiualee and Ma 1 American forcea have Paso. United Preea Service lMBbmU' taaasd aTsiaiadlaiaiasi wmnwawa, away iwi 1 11 g 11 Z" wk T,-r Tertaaiarti en if .5.1 i.l" i J-iilSiMP-t aVJSO VV! MSWOK ZlMtmpM'Mi Vi t-r fl i.. s . .'i "Km-:ir,Sr.. SAN ANTONIO. 'Juii. 0. W..rtlH. t. Owil .-;"" . -7- w m -t - 77tT"m , today wireioased that ho haa aa yet received Mka1llela4rep,aYgt.;' f tie with Carranalaiae, although ha haa aw troops W'Uvoeahjatfc'fe';:''f :;: . ryor ::; It I. believed hera that a jrtlon ' tM Tenth v" foeeo yil capuin ..yd. waidstam la Unr NM. - Mf& persning atataa that ooMenuTrevHie lMW'araradra;,delaltaat-;;;a!i mahdera to aee that all MaxteaMonllet or eurrahdor their (EDITOR'S NOTE Early battle waa' fought Sunday. All .J1. .Wjj! officials say, tho battle eecurredj '..:.:t :.!.. 'i".--.-"1 mexiosn. nsansimsnia any 'motfiwaei i? j i. ? m ArwiKwmi.m . - ri mSSBm ,'-5- aador Arredondo at Ws occurrenaa. United Preaa Service -' tmmmmr Carrahaa'a report to tsw j4- a 'xm.&f-m wKe5i 'wimm -'MBM WbbHBbIM ,BA -1bB B A -j - -- , ,w w. v.Tr ... Lj 9 ji'c:. v-V'' t. ,. v j r 'Slr V. M T 1 -a' SAN FRANCISCO, Juno 22. '. Reporte from Columbua, N.' CapUIn Lewie MeVey commanded. the sdatathmewt the Carrlaai battle, i . The gunboat Aanapelle, off Maaatland, wiroa tha navy dipartmint ahat Maaatlan la wildly eaeMad. Every afaxkan lo armed.. Fathers Bill for V -TJ.? I?1 . jf J .'"Vv-rX -r."?3 jS.W't W Armmw iflHfl h WW. awawMMW 1 MZJmmrj-L zrx-;x-: rajBBBF'?'' imwMmiiQWQ'. -?a. "M T? c j j h 31. fWK r -VMU " Vf.S :-JS".TC af Amsriaaw aetaaa at 4zfcm k ' V. 'AVIfy'Maft- m :ymm&m$& jfi....?i"rri. T.TW &&: e tM. I'aaesmBBBBBBBgjr wnw ' ' MmW&MW4 .';! " T.-iJf "rs4SiSn3Mf. T1 ,1 ,(.fc..l..M,iVtiMi. to valrv Mmmt Sty rM'1' " WASHINGTON, D. C, June 22. Oa the report of army osteara that tha European war haa robbed tht United States of most of lta suitable cavalry horses, Senator Plttmaa' of Nevada la fathering a bill for goverameat aid la breeding a aew aupply, ,r,,f, Attentlon waa oeatered am UUs'mlU tary waaknaaa of tht.ttaatry wheal officers were able to hay, cavalry, re-. mountaJor tha Maxteaa eampaiam'aaly of,l 1 unuauwi aiga arteoo, wh.i kJi inferior quality. J! J i 1 .,i-i. mm - Bar fw jbbt Mil Twre:fi ;xaK: x . . fii. iUHH .?t,t sji'nX' fHoraaa for eavalry saM baaaStjr ' J Bu, , vmymmu nwi sss majawt- i,,, ;t. "Wa,have gdmitytmBf.aipto BBmBBBT FT'Vi 1 ' ""-J commeratal uae,,btrtha baa largely daat away vttfcl uryvaiat., What, at jNJst4 piy ec peBMe: aM to s 1 v-rrws bru'ehtataadayl IngoftaroaMetdaad' stoak. Tht,' M vt; 'h R '; . Officers reported to Pittmaa btftrt la'j he latrodaead aiaaiU thatJjaaN.art tM . . j JnvE ti ilv.i oaiy af,ff eevawy aorsta aajjasa fwa aw try aaHahto far Immadlatt addsaate jvahj AaamwHaatl aamatMBB BBJal faajaXakm hMj bb1b I bMbB' eWAeBBBsaBBB BaamjaramB fPBBi BBmaj Blfw awBH I MJHHk ' ' . f. 'fi.f ... f " . . fL ' "MB ' BBBJBBBBBBh gfH'fJBf eaUbUahad la tat Hotel Tahtrlew.' ' ' t i ' t ' " " i - ' w- A ,' .;. v :.: "- . V