..r'Liim IjV ' : ' t THE BVBNINO HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OMOON W1DNK1DAY, JUNC , ,. MMt'MUft ''! KT.&- Crater Lake Inn May Be Ooened in Another Week MEDFORD, Jane 1L H. C. Teller, who will manage the aotel at Crater Lake the coming season, arrtrad la Medford Monday with a trained craw of hot! helpers aad will laara Tnee- day tor the laka. He will open the total at Anna. Spring at once and ex- pact to hare the lna la operation by Jaaa Sth, the day the Unit party of toarists Is icheduled to arrire from tha east "The hotel will be able to offer nrat class accommodations the coming sea son, for the first time," says Mr. Tal ler. "The building Is now complete and well famished. Beary Bookings for tourists hare already been made, guests that we had la ltla. Word from tha laka Is to the affect that tha snow la melting raaMly. Thursday there was but three (eat depth at headquarters, sad moat of this has gone alaoa. Park Supervisor Will O. Steel aad Court Hall left Monday with a crew of men to work on the roads, where the road men will begin clearing away the small trees and snowdrifts that obstruct the road from the goremmeat camp to the rim of the lake. Aa the cars can bow reach a point within five miles of the rim, It Is expected that regular service to the laka will be in operation by the ttth of this WORKING GIRLS' HOME NEW IDEA NEW YORKKRS PLAN TO IMPROVK CONDITION OF TOILKRt IV PRO. VIDINQ OOOD tURROUNOINtt AT LOW COST and we expect doable the number of month. Town Topics Missionary Society Tan Gone for Outing W. D. Coter and family left this morning on aa awto trip to the coast .They will be gone for a weak or tea- Jdaya. The. Foreign Miaaloaary Society of ;BinMS Man Meat the M. E. chnreh will fire n ton at Utmfm Association will the home ef Mrs. C V. Fisher at 3:M meet at 8 o'clock this evening at the '"f - " "u- " T city hall to attend to matters of tat- uuh saa upr unai m ibtimb.; portanc. From Maths William M. Chandler waa hare from Malta today atteadlag to enema mat ure, i 1 United Press Service NEW YORK, Jane U. Warn "Was begun here today oa n talrteen-etory hotel for Gotham's hallroom girls. The structure, being put up by prominent New York women, will contain "beaux rooms" or "spooning parlors" on ev ery floor and the girls may do as they please about the hours they keep. It Is to be called the Hotel Irvln for Women, aa tha idea la Mrs. Klchard Irvln's. The first consideration la to provide an Ideal aad Independent home for girl and women where charity will have no place. Each guest will ha as independent aa any'gaoat of n hotel anywhere. "Tha guests of tha Hotel Irvin may go aad return as they please at any hour of tha night, and there will he no question of propriety aa to the hour," waa the announcement ; Mrs. Philip Chadborae said than veto 70,006 working girla In boarding houses in Manhattan, most of whom have no place In which to receive BBBBBBBBBBBBwV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW mV V1 sVeBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa bbsK'tbsbbbbbbbbbbbbH (VsWlmMlDLIsUlJeBYgPsi For tht balance of thin week wc wlU offer Klamath County Indite tht BEST BARGAINS in fhllpett w cttlnen , Fuli citisensaip waa granted Jamas"" zF" mw rmuytm, t ,!! jmmmmmj. Low te Crescent Sheriff C. C. Law left this saomlaa P0 .'tor Crescent to serve snhpoanaa In! "W - nerer ' t0 ,,am the Randolph ease. j amaj mw n mn iu jiiiumiuuj, Hig i"- vubbwir 1 it-.- .BBBBsa'aA.b - Wk IlLrVaema ' ' sa m BSm PeywflpSHRt W SHIRT WAjISTS ever offered in this city. This line include garment! of the vary latest style, and the materials are of the besV Probably the beet bargains are to be found in our i Crepe de Chine Waists at $2.79 Cut From $3.25 They are bargains athe original price, but in order to reduce the stock we have concluded to give the profits to our" customers:' At the same proportionate reduction we will offer for the rest of the week all Shin WaUta'ih stock, itv eluding Taffetas, Pongees, Voiles, Sateens and a choice line of Waists of the cheaper materials. Don't miss this opportunity to supply yourself with this line at thit time. It is a chhncc McCormlck waa la from the gg. Be Keno secUon today. He took two "Out we have letters from girts com- 'plaining of their lot la such places, ! especially of the rule that prohibits Phllpott waa boran amgtsad. and he ." T3T aTrt aJT.rf . u,e,a 8eem tnelr aad friWMU at their fnki to h ttj7i e.i.. i. th. coyote pelta to the court honae, and as . j .. . . , ,. . . - w i- mmH ! mm, Ium.i. 1.Im uv.. mm tvMia m iiui mwmm mm gnaaUh-Amcrteaa war. ," "m " T" """ yMm- Lea vee fer Heme Mis Xelah Parks, who has taught at i Out en Bend Florea Krlegh, Indicted by the grsad L,mblr ud m to tte frecuentlng cafes or walking tha streets.' "The hotel will have a dance and Fnrt Klamath for two years, leave, inl" J arc JV""1 tha morning for CraawaU. where aba pele tnm V Br '; will spend thai ackaaPart Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Heyt and Astra0 " . Colonel Castel have returned U Tort nsmatb M.,o. wnuna aad wKe. and bar after a short vlak in the county seat. Mrs. Barl Whltloek. house laundry, each girl may use a small laundry on each floor for wash ing handkerchiefs aad waists," said Miss Virginia Potter. The thirteen I. JHere tar Visit Mrs. Dora Bolter of Portland te hare goors wlU accommodate more than 406 '- ' .OntryHea Vie ( Jean and Bava 'Dairy.. ' Ha K are In from Frees YaMax t- i. . B. Welford la bare from Tainan v t sab-agency r on 'a "., There are toba a number of these "bean .parlors," where each gneat may have privacy. They are alee to bare a roof garden, a chafing dish room for little parties, a big restaurant, a gym- (aaaiumi n, hospital, sitting rooms, sew. . aeBssecMipHi kmBmBmBBBma' m vLsTlC SsVmaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBn, XsmBmBmBmamamamv w. Vsssssssaiaa . a-siaYflaTASBiaYflH.VH you can't afford to miss. Stilts ?K .&WkK: ', titu Drygoods COMPANY Where the Ladies Shop imBmBmBmBmBmumt1 M mWmXmmXmM. W mM Lmm 9 Tfli .; tag rooms, and all the luzurtee ef n modern hotel at cost rangtag from 14 to f S a week. The greatest spend thrift wlU not be able to exceed IS a week for room and board. The hotel derka",wlU be women, and the only men will be the porters and originated the Mills hotel enterprise, furnace men. .lias assured the projectors ef tha wo- The cost of the structure aad equip- men's hotel that the Investment prom inent will be HW.000, for which shares Inns a fair return on the capital. Wo of stock remaining will be offered to men , who continue as permanent those who wteh to taveet ta promoting euests will get a rebate or a share double harness. welfare work. John L. Thomas, who 'annually In the surplus earnings. , (.Klamath Pall. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY rr FOIl 8ALB-Onr bay hen, walgai 1,500; one' H; Data' ato ' Atldreis'HlerV tin, . 'VlZ'-r-- THE MERITS OF THE - - ffl mamam ,.i.,.l st .. l . gl J. F. Mag Bamaal m uire Co." Closing Out Sale Has Been Acknowledged by Hundreds of Customers i Wc .have, absolutely reduced all lines of merchandise in every department, not by advancing regular prices and then making, a reduction which is higher than the original price. OUR8 ARE REAL REDUC TIONS! We are offering many lines of merchandise for considerable less than we could replace it for. If it were not that we are determined to close out the merchandise stock of J. P. Maguire Co., Inc., it would be very poor bneinssa on our part to sell the many lines that we are for ' t . m 10 to 25 per cent Less than the Present Market Quotations Our policy in advertising is to state facts in a manner clear enough for anyone to understand, for we believe misleading statements are equivalent to untruthful advertising. The large patronage we favored with during the Closing Out' Sale naturally has diminished some few lines, but we still have a well balanced stock of Men's Women's and Children's Ready-to-Wear. Drygoods, Hosiery, Ribbon,' ( oiwis n u ucnJHWiBi iui tuvu, nwuw auu biuuicii, uiu vwijr bvmtpicic aiuvK ws sbvii a riuiusiiuia, nmvm, iiuukii, viiunncw, wtuuuiig, snu WUTK WlOulCa, nna have 'been Corsets, Etc., M Remember Every Article Reduced The benefits derived from your attendance at the Closing Out Sale are mutual for you, the saving you arc sure to make for us, the disposing of the merchandise which we are exceedingly anxious to do. :! "DRESS AND APRON GINGHAM, per yd. 3c Medium, Light and Dark Colors. HIGH GRADE CORSETS 25c Only small sizes in this lot. Former values tip to $2.50. SHIRT WAISTS .... 25c Broken lines of Gingham and Percale Waists: Former prices up to $1.00. CHILDREN'S MIDDY BLOUSES 45c An exceptional value. They will not be here long. WOMEN'S HOSE , '..... .9c ' 50c and 25c Lace Hose a great bargain. - OMEN'S AND CHILDEN'S. HATS ., .10c , Who can't have a rjew bat now? CHILDREN'S HOSE ., 12c ImO; ?lack and White. An.,excejlent 15c, value. iOYS' MEXICAN HATS . , ,; ...... .9c n ' . "'Bl 1 1 'Hw'l I' ' ' ' .A mrA -.,-. Am, Urn rl. . i. m mWM .TT IMT lli jTi V. '. MEN'S CLOTHING, per Suit ... $7.50 Formerly sold for $10.00 to $12.50. Others at , . . , f .,$8.95, $12.45 and $16.50 Former prices, $15r.00 to $25.00. GROCERY BARGAINS 2 lb box Leslie Salt, 15c size , , ,,. , .Jc 3 lb sack Leslie Salt, 10c size . . ... ..'..:.." 8c 5 lb sack Leslie Salt, 15c size . . '.A . , S& 12c 10 lb sack Leslie Salt, 30c size ."., ''. . .;.'.' .'. ..;. . r. ,28c 20 lb sack Leslie Salt, 65c size ,." . ... ; '....; 45c If you try Leslie Salt onceyou will use no other. Small can Cusco, 35c size . . . ., .y,'. ,29c Medium can Cusco, 70c size . . . .', . . . ,b.'. . ; .,. . ,59c Large can Cusco, $1.50 size , ... ,..;.. $1.19 Small can Rex Lard, 60c size '." ,.....,. ,''.. 45c Medium can Rex Lard, $1.00 size . , ,75c Medium can White Ribbon Compound, 75c value .'..,,,.. (67c Large can White Ribbon Compound, $1.75 value $1.39 Small can Cottoline K;.. .i..., , , . , ,29c WAIST OVERALLS , '..'. . 75c Good heavy Denim, fast dyes. MEN'S .KHAKI TROUSERS .',...,..... $1.15 An ideal trouscr for summer. ' ' ' CHILDREN'S SHOES ALL REDUCED VVe have not space to go into details but the prices arc.lpw and will appeal to you. ' ; ' ',. MEN'S LEATHER PALM GLOVE! 20c Always sold for 25c or more. r- MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS '. f . , ...',, .v '.', ... .,. ?c Large size, good quality. "' lf '' . , MARTHA WASHINGTON COMPORT 8HOBI : ... 68c f , Only small sizes in the lot. " ' "i;, ' WOMEN'S KID SHOES .,.,). ..'.... ...,,-. . '.':u. . , .'frtfc Button or lace; - ' , ,'.'" WOMEN'S GUN METAL SHOE,! . . .V, : .V. 1 .' -'- && 9 Button or lace. Spendidvaht f , MEN'S DREIS SHOES ,.....' .,:.;. ,,.,.',,.. ,92.86 x Button or lace. A good $3.50 shoe, JlJt tfa 9