vV' Vf- KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER : A4-A , """' J Jl V nspirtAi ii if. ' totffiTW i ii ummmmmm mmmmamm l I i T.; f M V' asssis& wi 1 '' 1 Tenth VasiwNa. MM KLAMATH FALL!, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1916 ;S! J f ,' -f .- -Tf-.l r Hitfitil UrvnffJA" 1 W SOUTH AMERICA WATCHIN6 U. S. ACTION TODAY AMERICAN OCCUPATION WILL BE , OPPOSED i' Congress In Meantime Considers Pas iff af Mnnni far Improving the Natlen'e Strength Mexican Cabinet I Called In.tMaUn te Conelder tht Nate ttnt by American Admlnlstra- tie United Preea Service BUENOS AIRES, June l.-outh America baa focused It attention upon tbc.MoxIcaa-Americaa crisis. Ttie nxt j miva bw faaA aa.,4 If Aiitmmt " ore being eagerly awaited. The Latla-Americaa Association to day called a maaa meeting to protest against American occupation of Ilex-' lean territory. It la Mated that later veatloa- might threaten the aafety or the Latla republics. United Praaa Barvlee WASHINOTON, D. C, June 11. Presldeat WUeaa has decided Uat en gross aaesM adapt the 'fill Irat year aaval buildlsg program as raonmmrad- ed by the aavy seaoral soar, tocluaea the eoastrsctioa at battle erulaera, four droadaoushto aad tear ecout cruisers. .' Taa lapses today vatod to tacrooao the noroplaaa aparoarlaUoa from !, SSS,SSS to fSSSSf, The war. aefartmast sBussreasa aasxivs ha laadsr for the purehaee of , heniee.aad assies far mili tary uoo To MJddle Wast la as pect4 to fhfkak alaraje ahare. tlolted Praaa Satnee M BUOt piTY. JUM U--The Car raata oajajjiyt aaat to mala) aaaeta io4ay to fhaiar the iirlaai ragly to Carraaaa.'a withdrawal deaaaad. The i dUcuaaiea la exyected to but aereral aenra. FORKtT INItNMAIIV PUNItHBO V COURT Herald faaM ervlee PORTLAND, Jaaw ll.-Maaar Coa tello. ahanad with aattlM tre. I te;br, 1116, o the SIvkiyiM wtloMl foiat to Savthwaatora Orafoa, waa takea helara Jadde Itoaa of the VaMed StatoadlatoteovtreeeaUy.aadaf toaeed to thirty days la the ooaaty jaH. ' la laaaoalag Uo aaateaea. Ue eoart coauoeated aaoa the aerlaaaaeaa of the of eaae, far which the aeaalty Uaaoaed V.. IL .I.IkIa la ' ttt Bat Ilia than t,QM) or Imprisonment for notlatro 0. W. Otey sold out hla holdings m tkaa two vaars. or .both. Caa-iln this section and .went to Seathern talk coafeeeed that walla employed by the forest service In tgbtlag tree ha had hlaweif aat Ira to timber aad uadergrawth as the fanat Medford Bewails Lack of Klamath Sportsmanship Van lasa who were at the hall ground Saadey, whaa a vlaitlag am atra, to as start to save the ataaey ke kad hatsa Medford. akM Ma a- . elates to asah a raak i .. . ' t aad whaa i- . aratoata wara, aaaaaaary, ;tkerty- Mttae gave as agklsHlassf rawdylatoasaaaalsaa sayar baas to aratos hairs haaara, katoa to tkis, frees bath '.sf the Meddard saaera: Ta aU ay baaibaH ssf irisses, both asutesr sad .atjSmslasal, aald Mas agar lwis af thsMaaiard.toiBi as sto reisis treat Ktemitk fslla. where the toaa). team mat the aiae at that eRy'pssaiy, ti hats sarar aaas S alsh witl(i as tsar s sasas sf nartesiaa- Rsjpa" BUp (ajpsjav BB) amfRfBfB' sjBBBWBs , afSwfJB" lared dirty beaehaU, 'started s tsht Mexican Minister Has Ticklish Job daaBBBBBBBBflaBHaBBBBW I aaaaaa aT Y taTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTal iBBBBBahqBf4B4BBBBBBBBBBBBBBjBBaBaBBBBBBfl ifjr EImo Arredehdo A decidedly tuny man these UayH is EImo Arrcilondo, tbo Mexican minister, to the United States. It is his duty to be the offlclal representative or. Car ranxa, and he roust take the "cuaalnga" both ways when diplomatic notes are belna exchanged. ' CAME A-RONNIN AFTER STARTIN RAINBOW OARAQE MAN COST BUT LITTLE TIMB ON THE TRIP PROM SOUTHRRN CALIFORNIA TO KLAMATH PALLS Or. J. J. Otoy arrived la KlaauUh Falla last night from Paaadaaa, BMk Ins the trip In a little less than three days. He says he aaw no oae ooaaiag this way except thoae ha paaaed, aad that even a rain storm failed to keep the -pace set by the doctor. Oahtaa day he drove 400 miles in a little ever fourteen hoars. The doctor saya that whea the con struction work now under way in the Sacramento canyon aad a few other places is completed it will ha aa eaay matter to drive to Loa Aagelee from Klamath Falla la two day. Dr. Otoy coadacta tke Otoy Inarm ary In Southern California aid the Raiabow garage in Fort Kkuaath. aad during the tourist season, devotes ail attention to tke latter. Dr. Otey was accompanied by his father. Geo. W. Otey. About two, years I California, after a residence hare of I almost thirty yean, and today ha U enjoying nimseir dnubi m mf Ifrida. at every opportunity aad contested ev ery decision, our umpire made. "The members of the team and six carloads of fans who witnessed the game, hold the same opinion of Klam ath Falls' sportsmanship aa doea the tnaaager and all hope to .revenge their to 1 defeat when Klamath Falla plays here July 1S1 . ' Medfard'a defeat waa due to errors as the part of the outfielders, who wara haidicapped. they claim, hy a very mah outfield;, cut up with holes aad slippery from the oversow of aa Irrigation dltoh along the outer edge. "The feature of the game waa a das Ma hy Medford, Basalts to MUea to Wllaos, whisk prevented Klamatk Falls from enlarglag their aad af the oara two or three ruae." LOCAL COMPANY MAY BE FORMED FOR ARMY DOTY MANY ARE HIADV TO CNLItT AT ONCS 'I Permcr .Regulara, Volunteers and tlonal Ouardsmen'Are Ready to Mn and Drill ths-Raw Recmlta Adju-jand im-y-mm .. - There la Need of Anetker Com. . . By . , L. Kln'inatb Kails may have a Natioaal Ouard orgsnliation, ..providing ,.the .... . ... .... . m -i. imhic uuiciain, nuinnnxe iob wnmurai - - -' -. r n.n w- ai. tt.. r.ri:'ike pictures were being taken. Every or a company here. Hiace toe prem-i , --;';, ... . ,. . . I..i . . . -. member of tke aarty said he would dent mobllUatlon of the aaUonal ml- gUdy uk, Jswk oa hia back and lltlft n few'days ago. the question of wtlk to Four Mile Lake from Kkua- orxaalztna- a company here for service tan been a verv Hire tonic, and there ! ippear to' be' already in sight a suf- tit lout number of men to bring the company to necessary streagtk. Owing o tke Interest shown here. a telegram waa sent to Adjutant Gen eral White, commending the Oregon National Ouardi asking if tkere is aay chance for 'tiie fpnaatloa of a aa Uonal guard pjftaalsatloa kere, aad if so. aa laaalry, to what braaek af the senioe tkis shtald he for. It U aae- Ipsii, of ctaat.'''.i expaet aa aiwer today. Among those interested la the com pany are ferater esaears af the na tioaal guard, faraaer regular soldiers, mea who iT'v" Isv' veV, aateer raaka to the Baialsi'-'iawHwia war, aad abi a 'few wha learaed tactics In the aatloaal gaati or la mlUtary schoels: Wlthtbeedxeeaasaaaeleas for aon-coaimlssleaod oalcers. the wprk of wkfftegtharaw recruiU toto soldiers shofat ' Sf assapletod in a eoa paratlvely shak'tlase. AMERICANS ARE LEAVING MEXICO i , POUR HUNDRED HAVB LSPT SONORA WITHIN A WBBK, AND MANY LEAVt MEXICO CITY TO OAY ON SPBCIAL TRAIN United Press Service WASHINQTOIf, June . State de partment advlcea, aay over 400 Amer icana have left Boaora with the past week. ( Thirty Americans left Mexico City yesterday. A special train, oarrjrlag Americans, is acBuaiucu iu w u Mexican capital today. Maay Amerleaaa are reaching El Paso from Northern Mexloo potato. . i Striker Honored United Press 8ervioe , SAN FRANCISCO, June 11. Loag- shoremen at every PacHk Coeat sort ult work between 11 aad II today la haaor of the memory of Thoaaaa Ol son, a striking picket shot by ,aea- 'WE'RE FOR IT" SAYS W00DR0W United Praaa Sarviee WASHINGTON. D. C., June IL Presideat Wllaas today Interpreted th democratic platform plank regardto suffrage af belag aa approval of assl suffrage, but aa recommending the movement ahosM have its iaeeatlas In the several aUtea. Democrat leaden claim Wllaoa wUl k-et thirty par oast aftha pregraeelva vats. , Tsay say the "Amerwaaiam welfare" plank, to the demaarat fist form wlU pull taa FOUR MILE LAKE ASTOUNDS THEM 3 PINOLfTON MEN LEAVE KkAM. ATH aJRCATtV IMPRUMD WITH , THl RltUktS OP PISH STOCK- . i f INO ACTIVITIES Klaauth'a raiabow troat sensaiion . gained saatarlaW yeaterday, Beaor- ." W, )taer. Ifarsbal Spell and Ray Bachaaka, all of Pendleton, Rotutd-Ua hlosters, bad received , JJ- g- $ j-J '- . terday atbralas aid returned tke aaaae day with. thevUaalt of the finest trout that have ererkefa caaitht lq a coun- ,tr' where, iaa.iah are the rule. I " A aaasker af afaaera men collected at" the White Pelican this morning- to, get snap shots at? tke catch. It took tlita man in hail un that troat while lath Falls, for one hour's isklng. Mr. Rltaer wal one of tke aroav lnAflt mamllAH iwi thn PAtVIA OAmttlH. tee in the but session of the legls lature aad did elective work on be, ihalf of the aaortaiiea of tke state. War Bulletins 4- United Preea Bervlde ' OiSUL Immm. Iif lliiani Mmlndari toehed Ieamk.aaaRIaaBj" lu.,! . ... .. . -... ssa a" -', "i are halted further Artillery waa aetiva aleagsata aaaju U tke M ' " ----"' -T- . LONDON. Jame'XX- respoadeata of several that .the Greek sabtoet ha under pressure brought a? of the attled countries. Xtog ,Cea ataatiaa has snmmrmad BSRsaa aad other members of Vtm: foHaer eablaet. United Presa Servlee ' BERUN. June 11. It Is announced that the Germans yesterday drove the Russians hack acroaa the Styr river, capturing 1.S0S arts aw trnluxl Press Service VIENNi. Jaae JL It is omdally admitted that the- Saaalaa foreea crossed the River Berets, aad are tght- lag the Austrian rear guard. Rtoe where the Ruselaaa wara repulsed. ' United Press Service PBTROORAD, Jaae It General Braallora northern wtag-haa repalaed several perslsteat Oanaaa attaaka sear, Voroncln. Maay prlaeaeri aad alsa machine guns were takea In these en gagemaato. - It la emclaUy aanouacad. that be tween June 3d and? Juaa Wth General BruslloCeaptured avar US machine guns, ateety-etght easaoa. aad thirty four searchlights. . . .,- , Lev tetters AdeaHted United Press Servloa WAUKasAM, jaaa:. Taa, court today idmltted-aa;erideaee tke. love letters written' by sWlWmat Orpet to Marian Lambert, tke grt ha la aoeueed at ktaass. . .- , - Uti Breaks Records for Rw.ttlU-that's wUt our Uttlt Want Adt ar-doiag f or i saaa laataaaax. ,-. Germany Lorn Another of Her Generals; Died Sunday .BSBSBBBBBBBBBBW .adJasssBlsHslBBBaW .dSBBBBBBBsBBuS'lSHiBBV. 'issssssssHsMiiiiiiw H -BBBBBsl sfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsB JlsPsmsWsifeMttsfafafafaf E BafJ BaVBBBBBHRPJsBmBBBBBBl H BBBhS BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfXt'V sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH BBmB BBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBslc'BBsVBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBB IkSsaVAHsSHI 91 1 BVBBBBHBaBBBBElwBBBBBBBBBamBH SS H4BBBB JjjrgrJkBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB iH BBmBGBsHBBBBBBBBBBHsl'Bml i HBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB m m.iiiwtmkAm&'imiMmm'! OkI Bit BHajUsjBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBm aBBt I tBBmt --- .....:-. a. .i ....-- t ..,-,;- , -I... .f..',. y'A1 T V. ..," i . y?3. JUS -.."., i : . . , ' 6jfM&m&M This - Is Lieutenant, JMoltke, coatmiasary the German army, - y '""T TTrr . muurainr si ub reicmnaM mr tmm -k t. z Field Marshal von Der Oolx, taearst military governor of Belglasa, aad ok A-m if ZMM AT GRANTS PASS MANY OF THE FANS ARE PLAN- I MlaUft An JOIIRMEVIMa nVaVR - a-a-iap sai t -t- baav t-ABs sanel i ris niaaewo ,iw,nwwi r-wrt in GOOD OLD HOME TEAM ' Klamath plays 1U 'irat away KtAMATH riflio from home Sunday, whea the bays wm era along Tula Lake aad Coaaty igri play a return game witk Oraata Paae culturiat H. Rokuid Gtelarar, haaai on the Grants Pass dlamoaA. Coa- paraatiy halted what might have ihaaa sidering the 4 to S ending of the here, the contest Sunday la tke of1 much specuUUoaw Many of the faaa have arranged to accompany the team to Grants Uaaa to see the came, aad to shout ea- couragement at sundry oceaaloss. Oth-j er fans are now -forming partiea. for chartering automobiles. , x This will ,be .the Jart, game' .be fore the beginning of the 'three-game series with Duke & Hughsoa's 'Ail Stars from Sacramento. This series starts July 3, and should be intensely WVMft. , July 6th the .team goes to Dorris to play the Willows GlanU. Following that gam.er the Wlllowa players will view Crater Lake and other Klamath scenic points, and will meet the locals again on Sunday, July 8th, at Modoc park. ,v 1017 CADETS MAY . 9RADUATR AT ONCE WASHINGTON, D.; C, June . Embarrassed by a akortage of regular army officers at this time, taambara of the geperal staff today considered graduation next month of the class at West Point who ordinarily would grad uate In June, 1917. la the eveat of war. soma oSclals teday: told Secre tary Baker such a step would be neces sary. . s . Tke suggestion aow ooaaldered la to. give these men their commissions la July aad aend them aa militia aai recruit Instructors. Should the num ber be Insufficient, it waa. suggeeted these cadets be obmmisaloaed aad aa tlgued posts, while the class that would ordinarily 'graduate la ill! he Ml ntout aa.mlUtla Inatruetora, r- i- , i . SACRAMENTO. Juse iL-AdiaUnt Oeaeral ThBVM deelarea that the Ca .-.i nl.. j-, 1- v4 , o1j'v..w. - --'-' I'j'iitM1 .-.i.-l, llerate aUMtto reeruHlag la Ha. saya V'I v I i . k . 1 f ' i the most cowplcuoas agures iaGar- . --.: .-:a. ...- -,. many aa a luaaanoa , ass . the Fatherland la thai chief of .stolf of Oeaeral von. MoHke niWm who died at Ber: ! kPOP.'W-, H wgs;.saSafTO ,t, ! i M i hi I in i mime ii i war,t, , . ..Cht't''Wf fWfjV'VLjW-; 3, aasi fv - - ", ,iir - . . '""a." v'- TULE LAKE FARMBRS AN COUN-' TY AGRICULTURIST COMBtfli IN' hT atieeaaaPUL. wa on thi'in.'' ' "A SCOTS V A i .Prompt action pa the part of faraa a aerlaaa graaahoapar plagua. farms, were infested with tkeae whea control sidered. . Glaisyervprepared a. peris mash, aad the farmers, report that since putting out this nouoa) 'ttaMar' a aotlceahle decrease ta the dumber. of hopaats. tf m t Early IndlcaUoaa aktkat there wUl be a big attendaiee 'at the baaebaU benefit dance at Houatoa'a opera'houae tonight Tke Paerlsaa1 orchaatravwlil render music, and J. H. Caraahaa anil "Mecca" Walker are elated to lead the grand march aad iatroduea eevea sew dances. , Aa a result of tke volaataers as-j rlnar lk nail nf Ifavnv f. W ?rU - sflsa9HLJH aful Mm iirrriiA BIIN6BEAW . Jt -, Campground tor Autoists is Already in Real Use ti yesterday,- Klamath' Falla .ssJ::ss)t!gi.yfJy'gfl attractive 'fraa cmp asdtia ".71,3,1.,' heaeit of. autoUU aad ck paaatog through thacity. pity water w ta ;ae i rrom j.eaw ssaaa s piped to the grouade. aad:sfawatl,;aTeikueai,ralSii Impravemeats wUl ka..maeto.to;.law.1toitke..ea;;siaejB) Aim. :. i , t 'T!aa7aur'aatbanM Tke workers yesterday neatly feaeed taa aamp grauaa. Tsay awo atasraat away underarssh aad atoaraedias the . v .-..iai J .. n " u. nM "e, white tkose,hassV wRhkiamsirinSmhecof.si aid saw ; seastrusiod :-: tastoe aad jsaaases Irom lusaer, desalad ba-.tsa Mf asa.'f w? iSr,ai's:.niM,,'ss (Already the' " VA-ia. wvL7! "7''".L''ril.S'N, VV --tJ'. TVTM:V&- VI, Utsvrjj w.;i wmm WfW- MVV Ws !5Sf V iV.i l,jf ' ' ,' tfh.?J'tlv , , p. 4. m UbRItU BT r iifi ft frft U& MSJ? Mt-AUN Ul-AKB1T BATTLE aacoND Mii.iTif iimerwaaT:,AMPwyj;i sn::L- m. Z.:,LVMA ".Punsteii Saya HeeWSeeeeid; . aliat far MiiwaWyOeaafwaiM .!; -? j-.'" .vr vjf irtTJV r.'wsi -. .? ... a. rmmwmnmi k --' " - ' --'- - - - .TRrti 0w bsw. r ssi piessseapaa WKjrwvr& s 1 a . .p i" , r,T " .'. jl' ii .!. J?il'K..'-W,Tl '..-iAm.- af - -. ,-..l..tM .v. -J.V 1 H f a" " I'Mltwr t'row Servlee ji ... "CiiA a"W-V .. M-Vjn.) . mmi AMm . PAN 'ANTONIO,'; Jaaof,iu:Oaaeral;: ; iT . ". VT "'HJv"i-i:"'if:LiI':if ue'iaav aigaiiaaaava'iaeasmeitwawsBaa-, ''The warJaiMMmssit.rthaeh. adied &&, faVtryrnU .two eavairr: n - c - r.u' TheM'-wjnWf'reahtf-wrV-- CUt"loBiaByjaaasaiairtaQav -,( I'trrtiar-.-au;kava:fk'; , lucaie.any mexieaa VMaw.waaam jaaaagtp 'ot - ine eqmmaaissiissi.iamtsfc ti,Taw.wMK;;.H; tteasuy raaaaat, taa aaaaw, faaaraaag.y ikherWiane iif CatMaHSBtfssrtSsaBBk '&? ". S!F-W;-""Stf"."Kra i J J ' J' .',' . ' am "- ,.-- -, . T .----' - - ... rrsaisPisnwIaa proaeMy eaaaed the 7wtmtKWS!iSSSBS sawe; onajsaaaimuK vRSBsawi-.Ttw? ! ' l.j22.Mii'i "" '' -'-- '--"" -Va Miite' att'2 PS aasuejauBif mam e - i lut .-",rW4'4iAniiK'i '- -.;,, v. -.H. .MH WmJl,!. aaSjijaaSPSIaaSa , " V !1 mWA. v3wawWBV&,M - - - v.wiBW TthaaiafTaasaacpBaBa;.Ti i f avS-Sl - sSjaajajaaa t"x ,'i c,ttv Xvv 4 V 1 . - V-"- fcl., .it.r 5i v IS f ORBED HERE . '.' m-f' ft .. JV J V . 1 BBSaBBaSSSSasSrBmSSSSBSri1'' i TBillisragi ssWaMSSsSmSfmf.T "iWILSOHEASII . , l , "" I I I I '4Tfr.(Ai4il1,VT. -!rl X-, .V"Jlf?:jJliK'S,yi.' .. . ."f,. ,'l. XfiitS rtc-nnfmi'r mamtT aantituiuv t'; ,.. , ." ' -. ., " . ' ftlW&J.Vii!aiS.rf.VJift.lAl pnjjmjmrhkfii MBBTItfC AND TEMPORARY W. , A WUn aad Marsha: Cahwaa.j' formed by KaakuTccWiaaseM titjz.i. .'.iiiLs:fiij".'iiViijT ortkouse. n slUI XiJWiZSii u ..,e?.v syaseaaasawttei-r mr!Sclary . J, B. Griffith-wM-eheaeu.;t cfcairmaa aad-'OV;;Wlisfr?i secretary. ;,Thof eluhwll , v .. '4-w-!i,',lA gect praasieM ;etwaa: e1oglatog.toa:fasiBjail mL ivew- ro e.aecti tloa. Talks .eutaghrtagr party and tha'satloaaiieasBsHw'waraiM made by; 'itoltojafMiBiaramaiM Griffith. W. A: DelselL rbSllis" nssAS I ,p.' E. wmy.'(pUm-I:aMeihet:!H', WTWBrwggjg This moratag two,auaJ Ullr tOaU OMt,',aBsl -,l f1 tklde It;:Tki site pfg.'v ' iMaapM rnaasa. . ctossaa .to,is, i- j i. n.iK. !a - - whaah to - j MpltgJWBJ I ssa WHsaiiJp, NMM b I ' t .- - '"-t - in l. rwp :r ' i j.'. . i '.i. .-j.ax.1 a ..mamwjbW ' . 4' s-,1. m ami 515 7StKM SASf itfit Vdt-H ';'',! 'l '-2 f 1 ,h Wl m - k .t i '-1 .'3rt J ,ya,li j-V '' . ''.'' uyi .;.,' -