iv'mr-w TUBSOAV, JUNE 20, 1911 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON . n Wj-'C j"4VM Harmony Shampoo A highly concentrated, cleansing; shampoo, A few drops makes a do llshtful thick foam which cleans the linlr and scalp thorouRlily. Leaven tho hair 110ft and glossy and frco from ntlcklnonti. Dalntllly perfumed. Greamof '? ,. . , "v j jj Almonds Standard Price , ssMaaadamaaiaBMMas, ' T ' nUKii aajaj-afjaaadjy: -,' J ft gj. The HexaXZ Store bbbbbbbBbbbubbbsbbbbbi .7"fy,:i Readers the skla whete? soft tad pliable, aad la praitlectty a liquid cold cream, that ;pre vents roughaeas aad ehapptag.- Standard Pries One Bottle . ...35c This Sale Two Bottles 36c One bottle 50c Thlt Scle t Two bottlaa 'n'; mmmKBaliWMmi ism am IWi' 'V v'Wv;SiB8BViHH;Av jeaaae H ! Cigars ...... i Two for a Cigars Two for Cigars ,.... L5c .Two for .....1.,., ...10c Liggctts Gum . . . . '. 5c Two for lie NEXT rJL K- rw & Ak Razors, Durham Duplex Two for . , . i .Mr mS imJ Star i. ,.. ..rAi. .i.jnt ONE-THIRD OFF ON BOX CAMOMU ( $ v,;wiWK?v THURSDAY, FJRIDAY AND SATURDM fH $' YOU ASK US, "WHAT IS A ONE-CENT SALE?" It It a tule Wherelveu buy an Item at the reaular price then another Item of the same kind for 1c. As an Illustratien: Trie standard price of Rekall Tooth Patto Is 25c. You buy a tube at this nrlec find by oaylna 1 c mors or 26e you ast two tube. Ever1 article In this tale Is a high clan standard piece of merchandise just the same as we ssll you ovary day at regular prlcss, and have told you for yeara. The Conditions of This Sale Are Such That All Purchases Must Be Cash Mwttftf liKWttfi Vnit ACV TIC "P4M VOTT APPODTk Tfl STfrl.T.. UPPrUiMnt617 AT TUHff DDTnVt)" V. sfi WW W WW, W. .WW ...... W. -W W - M..W......,W... ... ... S.WWL.1 Our answer la. "We cannot." This sale was davelaasd by tha. United Dr'ua Co. ma an advertlslna sla. HaUiir thsataaaaat - i :. . . x .. - .. -.. . .. . . ' .. 1 ; r targe sums or money in other ways to convince you or im merit or tnese aoode, tney rt us to sell you a full slse package of high standard morenandlse for 1c. It coats money taken on this sale win be well spent ir the geeaa aieaee yen. advertising ataaw Hathar tlww.aa"aat,yj aaendlng K an thta auto X gtiiiiJWIaiM te get new eneteiwera, and Jalaaa 'M No Telephone Orders Received for Itexm on-This Sale l f y 'M . t jit.i WfrV V. . m HtJ ftlfe- 1 s 'CI . 'X M& m && ar mm 1,-ttS t l-il 1 m '& 16e Comba, two for ., 18c, 15c Harmony Glycerins Soap, two for 16c 35c Cascade Linen Paper, 2 lb package 36c 35c Correspondence Card a, two boxea ............ ....38c 25c nexall Eye WateV, two for ... .....26c 25c Rexall Compound Cathartic Pllla, two for. ..26c 25c Rexall Charcoal Tableta, two for 26c 25c Rexall Foot Powder, two for . ....26c 25c Rexall Corn 8olvent, two for -......'.... 26c 15c Rexall Culture Linen Tablet, two for. .. 16c 28e Raxall Bed Wsttlno Remedy, two for ....... 26c 50c Rexall Blood Tableta, two for ,..r..61c 50c Rexall Nerve Tableta, two for 51c 10c Rexall Aluminum Drinking Cupa, two for ......11c 35c Our Own Bath Powder, two for .- ..36c f ::sa IgV '- taBMsV REXALL SHAVING CREAM Gives a rich, crcumy lather and doc not Hraurt or dry on tho faco. In her mctlcally Healed, collapslblo tubes. v Standard Price One tube - ..,.6c This Sale Two tubes -.. 26c NON-ALCOHOLIC Aromatic Fluid Extract of Caacant, 2Gc ttotall Value 2 for 26c REXALL TOOTH PASTE A porfect dentrlOoo, antlstptlc and deodorant Cleans and whiten tho teeth. Comes out Eat on the brush. Standard Price One tube This Sale Two tubes 26c .....26c ft TO IPh I Jmcn '' Hn I i . LORD BALTIMORE LINEN WRITING PAPER A high arade white, fabric finished writing paper aad 84 envelopes to the paekage. Standard Price One package .- -.9fc This Sale Two packages Sac HARMONY COCOA BUT TER COLD CREAM A u ondcrrul building cream. A true nl;lii rood. Tho well known properties of Cocoa Duttcr makes this a dlaUnct Improvement over any other. I One jar 60c This Sale Two jare y , '. Sic Standard Price vv!fw;J! " i TANGARA FABRIC A white fabric finished wriUng paper with a narrow tinted border on both papqr and envelopes. The 'envelope is a new cut and the; paper is regulsr corrcspondence size. Border conies in assorted colors. ' One box Two boxes Standard Pries This Sale 3c HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES 60c Kidney Pills 2 for 61c EOc Kidney nemedy2 for 61c 11.00 Kldnoy Remedy 2 for $1.01 50c Blood Tablets..2 for 61c 50c Pile TTcattnent-2 fer 51c 1.00 Beef, Iron, Wine ' 2 fer 61.01 11.00 SarsaparillaJi fer 114)1 tl.00 Celery aad Iras. Tonic 2 fer 11.01 REXALL TOILET SOAP' Unexcelled In anallity for 10c Lathers freely In any water. One trial will convince you there U nothing better for the price. Standard Price One, cake 10c This Sale Two cakes 1 11c M 3teasB i "eur- i REXALL COLD CREAM An antiseptic aad heallag cold cream, specially racoaaaMaded for chapping and roughnesstof the skla caused by exposure" to sir aad wind. Standard Price One Jar .. Two Jars -ac This Sale VIOLET DULCE COMPLEXION POW DER The name1 stands for the highest quality, being one of the famous Violet Dullce Complexion requisites. One of the best qualities of this complexion powder is that it does not "show" when used properly. Delightfully scented with Violet Dalce odor. Brunette, White and Flesh tints. One box Standard Price "Two boxes This Sale Sic I iSa IsV II w Im I Sn'lm BRUSHES 60c Violet Dulce Liquid Comp.,Powd. 2 for 81c 50c Alma Zada Comp. Powd. 2 for 61c 50c Violet Dulce Vanish ing Cream - fer 61c 50c Violet Dulce Cold Cream .....2 fer Sic SUNDRIES 25c Violet Dulce Taseam Powder 1 fer SSs. 50c Arbutus VsnlshlBg Cream 2 far S1c 25c Medicated Skla Sosp 2fsr SSe 25c Witch Hazel Shaving Lottos Jl fer ago 25c Harmony Imported Soap .j 2 far Etc aSMMSSMMMBasaMaSSBSJSBSHSfeBSf; . aw; Bi.' Jasi 28c Rexall Cherry Bark Ceuah Svrtm. two sJSa 26c Rexall .Warm Syrup ferChlaen,;wa,fef ?J-fE 2$c Rexall Teethlna Svrue Ur. ChHdren! rwa faV'Bfc,?;, 1.00 RexaH Every .Day Tenia, twe tlVLBUtp ate Rexall Teeth .Wash, twe fer f oTtaVs; . : . i L - ry, mmm essaaj BBSJJBB1SE btarajr SntSJb WWW TWTJ .:.,-- , stSSEBI) 9Se Ravall Whit Llalaua tun . .. ...MsjW i .. w , , . , , , . . ,, J fJ .e )). iW.TJ5E t ' R K'. $1J0 Rexall Syrup Hypspheephlteetwa fer, KjM zae aaent Nuraer ana assEi Nipata, z fer ana . , 'H. - , t-'r y v,.. V.i?ySTAf 20c Scant Playing Cards, twelver l'its--i V t-it Jr!MJwfc,TwKiS.': BAe VliM Bub . .-.--- M-'...-L..;A:''JT?jf Hi , , ,- . . 26c Rexair -I m 2Sc Raxall Catarrh itarrh Jey, rwe fer; .i.V.r-iHlas'.V; : V" M Rexall Remedies are in every cass sold with the personal guarantee of the Rexall druggist making the eale te return yeur money without quibble or question should it net prove entirely satisfactory. Thla money-aack guarantee Is alee printed an every package of Rexall Remedies. You don't have te elan anything, Just return the package to the druggist from wkem you purchased the remedy. Can anything be more falrf Surely you cannot doubt that Rexall Remedies are honest weaMelnee In face of that honest guarantee. . , STAR DRUG CO., INC. THE REXALL STORE A. KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. . -NvUE ft . r. ii GUARANTEED w .... . . . v , jiwaiir -warrnxmmn T ..TaktrsUtsJHei'. heiiimithmii.'l werkLcTka s4a imiiit la'acaa each. Guaraateed fer two years. i'i,At l-fEsiajsa4iVto.V.: Am kMU . " " Twe aettles TMetaia' .- ' Wlf r' l& .. j.. - " 'W".,1 . aBaaertri'?A mun f-.irA aasaaaaaaaas. sf BBBBBBBBBBBBv,i BSBSBSBSBSBSsl' ggggggggggggf'i ggggggggggW;-' aBBBBBBBBBBBBV.1L' BgggggggF;'; L. . -a1 &f ,, .... itss .. iv uiifiNwuuu tuiVMiiAjrxaw Regular Big Value This Bate X r I a, -f. " T. . T1 JUUWH M aauiasieaiaafgaBji.iaj rf lV. ' . f iK Three AddlUoBSI'Baacaea-ferjOaly.lCHMSA f.'ivti vUe Haas! iU Kaad - - - U.!-"..C!is ffH Brushes-. rjzL-j, "zimimh , - ;..' -v v . aaaaaWl taBaai V r SitM BOUQUET IKANICK ! .a . rz-.rtf.x,? of extreme tosBeeaaJaiisaTil-r' Is one caU fragrance,' It aruaa te .jm. P& comblaed oden.of taaJtjaags;gal violet, tne neiiotrope; taa: gi .the jasmine and ''other eheiae all of which are deWahtfaUjr In Bouquet Jeantoe .TakuaaFaaslar standard rmyWW One can -. Two cans, . TnteBac f Atmmw, t!"& l m mm Mki i( ml ; litS? wrix WA m j? ate t it USr? '35. 'ft 5SJ Lt ;g5 :? B1 SS :5.? : w5? a m . tai 1&1 h && fflif tas t m I ivkv lVtMi SS Mi ?f', rf if I niiir AVJ st!BaVfLTf!3pl.eaV :. . ' lSZHBVSMwaBBBBBBB)aBj .gRjRsPsj n gggggggUaBaa eaBBhiBBaaBaal 4 r BBaH BBBBaaaaBBBBBaaBaaBBBBaaaBBBaaaBB We Are Ready German food Supply Case to Drop D J-i-J L, Tvn,rl a ncraicu vj navcreio NOTE To aacertaln at first hand 4vhat effect the food stringency In Germany was having on the lives of the civil population, Shepherd weat to Rotterdam and secured a set of food stories from travelers leaylng Germany, detailing their experience Editor. By WILLIAM G. SHEPHERD thad Id their kitchens, dining roosaa (United Preaa Staff Correapondent) .and stomachs since the food stria ROTTERDAM, Holland, May 25 goncy to Germany became noticeable. nv Mail) Babies seven months to a I These travelers feel themselves , year old nro ontlng carrots, apples and horoos, as, Indeed, you come to re J spinach In Uormany. '.Ran- tho. n manner speaUag, Other folks uosiae Dawes are nnvjur. "" mow . . odtroubleb, These food stqrles we'll , solves to a full, man's sled meal A Loa of WsmnI in Your ' SewtJ Any Tims Scehorn GETZ WooJ 622 Main Street Phone 72 food ' tnll hniif them all. Ihorfl. If you' watch I the consulates here Travelers to Berlin, especially the and keep your eyes on tho Incoming American writing kind, live at the trains you can moet, every day, a best hotels. They return with stories scant few peraons who have Juat come from Germany and who will gladly J tell you what experiences they hare of plentiful and excellent food, i Berlin Is the wartime show place of Germany and the batata where writ era go are tha wartlasa aaow places! No wonder; he Is oaly aavea xaontba of Berlin. When tha AaMriean writ old." era have aald of tha ataettfalaess aad the excellence of tha feed, la aot neces sarily true. Here la Rotterdam yea get the truth. Aad here are Germans rich, elder ly, retired Germans who haunt tha doorways of the hotel restaurants, waiting for the American plan dllner straight from tha alalax rooms andi" to rin w kitchens of civilians la every part of wy sauna, evea i mvw r Germany. It lndleatea that life Ia!8 . They are here tor a Germany la nnMiafartuta, highly so, for a civilian ,who la kaaplng house. Here's a Swedish aseehanlc from Germany, ranntag aroaad' Rotterdam JUllng his, arms with packages of bacon, bottleatof aUva. ail aad rice, perhaps the Hollanders ''.will refuse him permlssloa to take taesa things across tha border, bat, "Km gotag to make a try of it says he. I Here's a pretty laierleha "girl dining alone in a Xetterdam reetaaiant BlCa studying muski la shwUsu , "I've just run over to aTeOaad to apaad. a week atlng.1an'aayB.v , ' I ..Here's a Bpastaaiwoaaak, with three UttlaieajUdrea, ribwaaabA the baby dowa .to. aat.hJsa-aaaa, asBk. ,Me ia twea araarraaa, week. Then they go back to Ger many. , Germany, civilian Germany, la hungry.; Not hungry for victuals, be cause victuals are anything a human ' can eat and digest, but for decent feod like meat and wheat and milk aad animal aad vegetable fata, (How aad why tiny, toothless German babies est apples, carrots, spinach aadcatmeal. instead of gurgUag milk, wilt be the subject of Shepherd's next German food Btory), as. . .- Betray Notice Came io ,my place about June Pth, four ahoates. Owner eaa have by paying fer feed aad sapeaaee ; v ' R. B, BPAJtlCS, ( f?-! Executive Beard Meets ,v " 'cThe axeeutlva board of the Boath- weat Klamath farmers Development League will meet ia the eStoe at Caaa ty .Agriculturist H. -Rolaad Glalsyer Saturday atteraaoa. s,mjMti'n&A m m f m W, Backed by Amole Monev to msst every eendlten er smer-v..-' gancy, wis is an wmtnmyfw mmmig hank at 'wkiak te have vsur( ae.".Kt' . Uualrfa tkM 'MMm'ikmm'i .u.k.klJ t WJ.I. ,nBiM la imnnnnini mmwm vhiiim wm -m able nwnaaenien ana iwaa a uwt TrC 1 veu can get any ; MS'eMWecaxi mi at any time 'klSSSlp vcur MaiauuW toUviSl? Ubiuneda apaeiai gipp mtm Jf mPfim chkK. .K.K3UaJtog;v oisthiari - 'mWmmWM k"c".fa if jr Liaaal it f. X sT.ltl-. A..l...aV Aaaaasal sAskSM -i x IintJ llfraagg-ajes, pgggajaBBsa WTWfW Jliejaj-j . rMy a aeea nana sen ee wttn mmffyu i , .-, i t aaajBal nRwT;'STATE-:SV Iv'taaMATMMXJJL , VwwftfliwwiL: ,1j)8 i - I '1.. v... . rrm S'WKSi w-:, 41 i;a s ji -iM. ' "" ?'