' J '! !'-; &' ,$," W!S ?Sf- V'sW t,J?ifJ m .' ;i.;C.'( $& m: f ,i Q i 5t x jaj ' v rf'fc . , KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ic.eMw-i, OFFICIAL MIWIFAPU ! WHa Tsnth YearNo. 3,0-4 KLAMATH FALLS; pKEGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 2p, 1916 . , 'n mJM-. ., ANTI-AMERICAN FEELING BITTER THROUGH MEXICO BODY OF AMERICAN POUND JUST OVER LINK STIFF NOTE SENT CARRANZA CIRCUSES WILL PAY A LICENSE Administration Refuses to Withdraw. , and Gives Its Reasons for so Deciding Troopt tTST Man in Charge For Uncle Sam &jsm.&ms&mmmz'!if"2'vtyz iK" 'wrMlrii . PLANS FOR IISINfiTHF. . " Tr' tew - l." ' 'IJ (X '-r. a . Sptelal Agent Rodgora at Mexico City Is Arranging for Special Train to Move Amaricana from Capital Sal. tlllo Reported at Embittered Fol. Jawing Carranta Reply, Arredondo Cuta Engagement I iilul I'll' Service BAOLB PAB8, Juno 20. Tho antl American feeling In Intense at Saltlllo. It la reported that aovoral AmoricanA and Englishmen wero forcod to acek refute In the British consulates 8unday night. Ttjese demonatratlons occurred after Consul Genoral Sllllmau departed for the border. t 'lilted I'rwts Service WA8HINOTON, D. C, Juno 20. Special Agent Rogers at Mexico City wired tho etato department that he haa arranged for a special train to lake Americana from tho capital to reorrow. . Rodgora wired that anti-American .demonstrations there are serious. United Press Service LAREDO, June 20. Mexican aro circulating wild rumors tending to low rr American prestige. A Ncuro La redo newspaper declares that General 1'orshlng haa agreed to leave Mexico, nlwidonlng hla artillery,, motor truck nnd mutation. foiled Press Service BROWNSVILLE. June 20. The Itody of William Broene, an American cuttle. buyer, waa found on tho Max. Iran aide of the river. A. bulled bole In hla bead waa dlacoverad, and Broeno hnd been dead for several days. . aBaaaaaaaaa- BBn"RJMBjBjBjfBBiiiiiiMeraw' gjpjBBkw - amBBJ. i Jtmkm. j aikssm . .,m I WlimaW I bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW -t 1 I wMMkWrnm I aSBBBBBBBBBBBsi' 1 w vM0Ommamm I aa-KJaaaaaaaaaaaaaaf I I lliiBBBBBBf 1 LSbBBBBBBBBbW ' J ; iPMWmV m. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbV iKa'WM'WMM m. .BbbbbbbbbbbbW B tmuMmm VagBBW J 'BBBBBBbWV4W2BBBbV tBBHLiaBBBwi I' llgyp gHBr ' 1 bBBBBBBBBbW. aBBBBBBBBBBV "SHbB1 , a BBBBBBBBBBBIu. JaBBBBBB 'BBBBBBBBBBBBKaBaXBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaw sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbwbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbmsihbbbbbbmiil i !bbbbbbbbs1bbbbWIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbMs1 v gBLLBLBKBaBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB K MHLMiiHsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHHBWl ' BBBBBaaSlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa;.'':'iaatBaBBl aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaxaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa LbbbbbbbbbbbbbH-bVL ALARM i BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH , gaBBBBBBBBBBjujnBBBBBI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm ( ' LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV BLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbII bBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHI ri BbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW; awBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBUM 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbKbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbII. !?bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1I 1 sbbTbbBbbbbbbHI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB)bBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB11 ' 0 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHaTeBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBvllBBBBBBBBBBBfl ' MATTMIVyi OROlNANCI RBjo. VIDIi A ARAOUATIO tCALaVTO INCLUOI ilOMHOWS, MENA. OtRIBCv rrc. A. 1.2J .. t- .. k j ai wk !. tanuut, uib coobcii r piissea u.eruHet prandias rer the ; licensing oc eircMee. etc. TMa pro- viaea'S-iM wiiu oer rina Mr Mr- fiiiiliiaAA etMBlA am m laa i - taJ 4A rtac ciretu, aiut f 10 A ok aA AJUlatiagi1 ellieai t alaiA charjtea $M Bcwst for MeiaMriea aad i Mf- MM afEAaM ! Sa am aililAailaMVap Drntfer tiaiartlnance, aU freaJu, moMtroalUeii,' ftc., for which aeparate adaateow.amekarged, shall pa $16. a day. Dorsad poay ahewa. aad traveling., iwih using other than a peisaieatvildlng la. wUekr to ex blblt; ustmiib pay a lloiaao. Ring "roka aad'.otikr' pames so i iiiamnn In connection waa cireusw aad carnivals aro taxed IMJf a day. aad they eaa. inor be oDeraflM on StysAav. . ., ta.U : -ft 'a4aaaaaaaaaaaaaw7"Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai 't as w4FlamA I laaaaaaafr i1 !-ail-:;'.' J f! i 'iBsaaaWLffl-B , aBBaaaanBBBBBaa&s Bl I 'BBBBBBBaBBBBBMgaK? " ? HaaaaaaaaaaK?1! i M & f WBaaaaaaaaK : ; M ; snaaaaaaaaaaMLt UaBBBBBBBlPIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi BaaViaaaaaatTBlBBlBal m aaaaWl!aaaaBaBaaaavSH Hi W BaaaaacjawlBBBBBBaaanBBl ! 1 BaBgBBaH P r- HlPAiSBBaaaaaaaaf II faaBBaaaaaHBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV l fHPVzBnBBBrfaaaaaaaaaaal .,, WftMAaKVaBtaBaaaaaaaaaaa f, v?i jjf,3!uaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaal yl ' SleTBBaBBaaaaPRRBSBl ra . cwatfiawBBHBBKilMSBal Ml' li K9aagBBa?BBBMK8BBl Pi i gffRawflaaamBaaanSBaaaal Sal aa swavae saiBBSMBy k oh 4bbi'' Mflei miuiiHmutixiimj IINnPR FIINTftN aav.aw bb aal BBi. BM .Ai bbb aga "S aai BBtaar bb aaaaaw gga Av aar ggfaaB jivaiT.i - cr a tr , a.w; at, ' United rVeaa Service He ...!. a ihk-r Kt u-.i j-i,ir vH 5 &! vj.t- i?i' a WASHINOTON; O. C, Jihm aaThe.war rtirWm Awa a ':..J ..,i ,. , .AV .t.r 1 iiV'T'iiiiL . "ii.ua!, until war iia rsavtjv vr,.Hi 'mmetncie .... .. ... -' i autnenzing um igllltla te enter Maxlee. -A ' tAA y,Lm.aaaat.',.a . a'1 f ??& ' -JBSa '. SslKSSJ . f : T .!.. SYS TEM iflMCHASED It Is feared the Mexicans war. anaajaa '.?,.. ,,., fi-i&"ji-X MMeaM'W.Aa'.rMevaeiaei'Mi; ' , . .MSiXVJ mlfM eonrtrue the reSeiwMea.aa';,,aa'ast ttjil 9B asaaaiMl tuml -Is ian aa stiasai -.-- ..--tn.i' L'uitinl I'resa Service . BAM AMTAMtO Juu .. . t - 7' : " - , ;:; rrrTi7v;j.vvrAB npwimini nw arseroa tne aasnermaaur aepartment.ac-fet Jaaa; ihw' ten, to pureaaM ftavogg horses awl nralss fsr will be advertised'fer iirnnedlatelyT antrthe asMmbly at varieiis statlsns thrsuihsut'tiw a. - ' i . v. . ., - j t t'p ". mrai?i..i a. me war fteiMrtiiMM retfiiMCesJ Funtton u tefyihawniMir gaaaa 'BiaBavaftga'aatiFsaav & aa.axaaBHa ItW llWJWa'Ilaaw .BJaaawaBaaaiWawlfMaaRaWjt'TjV) anlrna wtH lirt nhi iBttaj 'tW.'-V :: T -. VK;ia,in?4iijr3i rLt men are needed -linmesHatety, This is Brigadier General, Frederick ' Iunston, commander, at the Southern j department of the United 'States army. 'j who v,wffl' command the atllltiA calledi i-nited II e Sen-ice ' I to the border. Mexican affairs area onaVi Aun i... .(Specialty with, Fanaton, as be com manded.the first American expedition ary army to enter Mexico during the Wilson, administration, holding Vera Crux for several months, and be has He declined te divulge iWry ,.rdem.Vhi reislf 'Jj iiJ W.SyilcUWI PIPSjA! It Is belWvew, KewsWr, tliathe asksd far ahsfia;Tli.Vf A.. .'4 u '-t TB-,a, WASHINaTON, D. C, June, 20. ( only being Indifferent to banditry, but the Oaaiewi Two Views of gecretaryof state Lansing ( United rrensonlce r.inza government is charged with not. . COUNCIAimtft A THOROUGH in. (also been In command or he... opera- 1 . iflAnai rf lWnavaif DAMliliia'a aAJIMai 8-ICTION, OIC.DM SYSTEM IS L tt;Mesleo. ,., ,7., ,7 ALL WSHT, ANO OftOERS WAR-1 Funston is another general who haa teer foreMl He wan a member of oae 'of the Kansas reglraeaes aeat to the iPbiUpateas la 1MT, system installed hyi m RANT tSSVM be distributed, along the herder from the Oulf of Mexlee to CaUfsrala. BA1I i VS'-'LlS .,jf.l ti il '.i2V." 1 . I SViCPi'.i'nj aTa " JSS: ' "ivrti.-. : .i :: u . . .n-'i,i. .v'iii f ft M T'5I Alans eoasaaay, la sKjr. TIm ceaaail. The ntate department today nude pub- even with aiding and mcoursgtog.the;saUfaetory ll th tnvf'nf tha lnne nnlM 'lent "to hnnHIt IoAom .-w,-'-t. '-i'is. fiftavatikM lV vaaaba- ab'av av aav pvawp aavv wayaa. M T'1vW . aajiv ' - " fc"Yj aa aajpa) V aVaTWaraaaaV41paTaVV WrSlTaaaVaVaVBaWSaa aaaWSS HV Carranta in reply to hla demands forf Cairantalls also charged with nttfnircfdetl that tie' Syatoa,' la aajtifitotwj ! a withdrawal of American troops. The iy falling to take proper steps for the The ooaacll, at Its sseetlag last; note threatens Carrania with "the ' apprehension of Villa. night, therefore Moved the tssasnee' gravest consequences" if bis troops ' Detailing the attacks upon Browns- lof a warrant tot pay for the .ayateas. I 010ED1IJ; Mm nttnek the Americans. vllle and the ferry, the Progresso post- TOMORROW NIGHT PORTLAND, Juno iK.--Aeti.taMt Oeneral Whlto. toon.Nstlenal, Ouard, annsiwiaas' that mwilsBtlefi ef tl?Sirtiaaa. fi ka.111 Bba - -.- - .- - aa.aA . ' . '. - .' - . '..' ' , " . ""' vinpiW, lnaaS IHBWC. lffH WMWTOS ' rSrHSW " HWI march this afteniMfl to fc nrfclH.lln rm .-lvJ ...!,... -.. - Lieutenant Williams af 'tha rtorarwy.'wfce hMtM aaarga-e'' , .murterln.,.tra,wWli-slto,OvaiafiT - . ..t.vi . - -..t. ,.. rt1.-.,!.. i..k-.. :, J,.c--tw. -jit v. aM:'f, m- h m 1 wartrSasaatW- TWmmFMl M A - f ta " h I. Ik' "" T . ... a .: --Ar J- uniieurrasSiMnriea . M' .- Sy JSfigW' ,SANDIe0JaaHiasTlW.arr-SI.Bi ,i , - . .. -.?.! ', 3' Wii" ?.."'.';"'' .ffti'iV J."'':i?.'. '"".. r,ini, .owiinmwaap .av-asati-aaias -issav suawm atJtwHt'aaaasi stor;',wsMS;at : iayara.v Ths'Un Dtoaa aasa stahar to Maaislaa :arvSyBsaaMraaaiflaalfc to wh.re It is meat neWed.- -t Wrl'Wl r-rW asaTaaBTsafSaaTaaaal . aJantrBjBBBkBMU4BBBBBaaBBmmMi AaaaaaaaaaaalBgBjapBvH awaaaaaM.BBjflaBaBBiAdBBaaBM aaaAaBBaaaaai a jlI ' j . .' .-Lr n :. .TTh. Trrr. "-,",. "" Instills, the administration positive- office and Las Peladaa, the note de-1 declines to withdraw tne expeai-. clares that tne carranzista aaneraats r ; United Press Service WASHINaTON. D. C, Juno 20. Mexican Ambassador Arredondo can colled his agreement to see Secretary of State Lansing this afternoon, after ho received a copy of tho govern ment's reply to Carransa's demands. No reason waa given for hla action. y tlons. participated in the burning,. killing and The note excoriates Carranza for bis looting with ruthless barbarity. The failure to co-operato with the United. San Ysabel massacre is cited, and Car States in hunting out Villa and the ranza is charged with failure to give other bandits. It also resents Car-.proper protection. ranza'tt Intimations of bad faith. The note charges Carranza withi TRENCH MACHINE FOR DITOH WORK Jj.nitod frewa Servtca WASHINGTON, 0. C. Jww aaws-rssWe WHee ate cemmlttea an naval-a to 'saaclfy at toast; Md ...... a.11, J- - . j - .-.' ..' ..-. V L AFFAIR IS OIVEN TO RAISE FUNDS 'navy bill. He wants two dreadneMghtsJf 'pwsWe. FOR KEEPING KLAMATH FALLS . . oi.nrr'jmiL- - r 7' .. v.'i: rTf,v jivefy''t f ' jk . ,i s EgBmma1 aaPaSa , SKnRp aaBSEmVa vSjaii iatoiaght to.toe v I: ,- SUPPLIED TEAM WITH A WINNING i ; United Press Service A..Wtl'Cfe5 t .': VI &.S4Wt WASHINGTON,, D. &, Jims aW-Majer General Leaaar. '.m&mf M "America cannot recede from her. failure to even attempt a frustration, ' - --... .. ..... ...-M '. .1 -.' . . - ,' . ' .1.11.. frtfi-Pl A .manaing tha asaartmsnt ef tha East, today resusetod Saaraeana?4War j.-.. .. .. . -...'. :.. . --: . ,-. '.ttoWr---:" -. . HKir io aaaion nim ta a aaaaitiaus in - .-...-..t.....,, - " '"7 !,"" rT- -r- JTTrP r,.-rh '.' 'i.' ' . General Waad entorad tha r '. !;., i- .'-'a-uk ' : - v-'i?'f.1.-fj:Jk.r - :. - i. j.-(i. . Atf vi-t ,-v -wri tttr' ' OH PAVEMENT IS TO DE REPAIRED Ma.! il, All-. a Ji -t.af A k.I SoIik 1.AB a S ITIllArM lao.til!. aMaI aaAltmB awaw. "- : . .. .- hcuiou ocitrrniinaiiua w nmuuniu , vn uyovno uooisno auuaKnura- RECLAMATION SERVICE SECURES An opportunity for the loyal fans to national rights and prevent further, ica. It also points opt the fact taaV . donate toward the maintenance of the raids across the bordor," says the Carranza did not even attempt to halt , A machine to, DIG the, SMALL tan team fl at the gaH0 Ubo y, Spain. He was aevernr-aMral -ef Cwha for severa note. In It are also.chargca that the.Vllla'a flight after the Cohmbtu nM. nlTeHsjft im cr.iuHscrinij wiru an evening of danclnc. wUl he Uterd-'ccntly completed a term as ehlef af'etoi aif the UaMsd . a.. -..ait ..i..I,Im iiMHlaM HwtMAi4u TttAtaA attat aava 4titm haIa AMn. r . . r ." pnOTim iaiMn, mucuww i....., ..,,,..-.,., - C(j tomorrow night, when the baseball j . i j iiiivd nut uu uu.j..TO w. - -- -..... - - - w.....--. -..-.-, oeneat aance win be given at Hobs- cnlied Press Sarvtoa "' " in uuj . .......-o . ,.wr- . ton's opera nouse. Tne nroceeas win ter tovM : war iwfth ';?- 'A?ii&: governmdent v statements regarding the Scott-Ob- Scores of Instances of bandlto by(regon conference areyall answered in Mexican bands are recited. The Car- detail, - v.4a .J'. Z. -rr'"-ff-sv- '"-.vvifi IN FEW DAYS type of streets. Ho will clean, re-olr nnd repress tho worn spots on a yard. , age basis. I Portions of Third, Sixth and Wghth f COUNCILAMOUNT OFUreets and Oregon avenue are to no repaired. The council will, in a few days, determine the extent of .the, work to he' done. BID OF J. H. GARRETT IS ACCEPT ED BY WORK IS TO BE DETERMINED CONSCRIPTION , Tha Brat stop in maintenance of the oiled Bucadaa streets was token whsn (be council last night accepted J. H, Oarrstt's aid far the repair of this IS TALKED IN MINN. Mi IftwM araaaaaalllBV ttta wfmf ! . The aat equips tohe aevUiad Houston's opera house was donated itomorrw ? "---".' 71 TVI." ?iVl Here from Dorrls John B. Hubbard came la last sight from Dorrls on a business trip. He reports great preparations for the Fourth of July celebration taara. Paving Delinquencies a Cause of Some Concern QUESTION OF RAISING THE NA. TIONAL GUARD TO FULL WAR STRENGTH IS ONE BOTHERINS. THE STAFF I i. Although many owners of property Xatoaa aavsd streets are promptly pay tat their paving assessments, auay others are not doing . The iatarast coapaas.'oa pa paving bonds are clipped aBdprassBted' regularly, how ever, aad tha asysMst of the InteraaL therefore, becomes a rather, serloas jproiotltioB- " f la aa afart to allevUU this condi tion, aad force the dellatueats to pay p, the Saaaee eonualttae will work thU week upda soats plaa of actios At aa pursued. This may result la wna forfelesvrts of Uapwvaatoat Haas. A motion waa made by Miller to Instruct the police Judge to enforce M the payment) of all delinquent paving liens along Eighth and Ninth streets not 'under the Bancroft, or ten-year payment plan. This was finally chang ed to all delinquent liens on all paved streets.. and after considerable discus Bio, li was decided that this would be, quite a little chunk to bite off all at once, aad' the motion was lost ., MlUetUea' move to put the matter up to the finance committee, the com mittee to report Maaday sight. ThU was United Press Serviea ', ST. PAUL. Minn., June . Coa- tunvlntlnn tnav tm IcxTC.fA UDOS HlBBS. soU men capable of bearing anas, to recruit the Minnesota natloaal gaard to full war strength. The Minnesota military coda' pro vides for enrollment of eligible 'arms ' bearers, with the taking of each can ass. High mlUtary authorities today said they considered this clause suSloteat by tha 'Klamath reclaaaatlon oroiect v. ...i.. v. r v ira- n- la an AasUn tr-ch digger. This wlU Peerless orchestra "donated its ser.;" Va, asaJ fa wn .- km -Mall L mmwm .- -w -.- - rices also, and splendid music win he ditches 'la connection with .the drain-a featsra of the daaca. age system, rii - i -i The asa of tha awe-las, oMclals say, ' will greatly Tedaea tha east of con-trucUa--ofthe dltoaas as compared with tha cost of small ooatract or. fores I account -arews. ',5 I a i MARE ISLAND. June -tU-The -eatravara atauiart .-! .... . . -'' -T-T A,VT!?TrmSXS 41 Weffl$pJ t ??-i The destroy rs Preble and Part Jones leave July IsC; yj:S I -Jm naSl ROOSEVELT WILL CITIZENSHIP IS GRANTED TO FOUR Frenchman's Letter Said to Show Soul of &Af "aajiriSSiral mmmmmm tW&ifmw i Sftj NUUKS E HUGHES (EXAMINATION OF OTHER APPLI- CANTS WILL BB CONTINUED TO DAYONE MAN'S APPLICATION IS CONTINUBD COLONEL vPLANS TO MAKE A, STATSMENT JUST AFTER THBj At -at-j-jiaiuo- examlaatlaas BULL MOOSE COMMITTEE MEET-' conducted before Circuit JudgeKuy- ikendall yeatorday, the followlag ware INQ NEXT WEBK 'granted full cltlsenshlp: I Joe Kotara of Malln, a aatlve of . A y " Austria-Hungary. Unite Press Sarvtoa ( AMtm U9iini natlTe u oymtsiii ax, Jsae w.-u was Austria-Huasary. at vou-iuu m j wmvm -i .ub utavj w v n... . ij. -.-av aa.. .- ground for forcing Minnesota men to coloSel-BoossYtit U plaaalag to asa-' .?"" iZZrZZJZrZl llrly endorse Hughes' aaMMaey. jthBrt appltaatto-. a subject of Otaat t This eadorsemeati will as made lm-, Britain. uedlatelr attar tha pragrasslve na- --. -,i. ! , stin. . . ' . " i One vBppUeaUoa considered vaster- By ED L. KEEN n ''""v Wf W1SM sTM-rwa-aV;' I la-Hit -C 'PajaaBaj-sl,,j (United Press 8taB OHTsepoadaatV LONDON, June 10 (By Malt). "There speaks the soul' of fraaae," aald Franklin jBoaUloa, tha dis-aaaish-ed French, deputy, at tha iBMricas Luncheon Club la, Laaaaa, attar; read ing this touching letter writtoa by a French , -. 'mere tNMKauttoa. aad'I'.lMMiVaa aa aa- it-V Jalda vo a'lu--M''-M''ai.Ml ( tn" .-Mill S3fc side you andheeptyaa'M but as rsaldr-w;:aat:lBtowa;:;;,to ay 'owe .wiviw-bwbb fN wlth good eheer aad ta,i "Am tot ram, aa;sata Jih.alirafB,. tovad. yos aaddo ,teW: tor -ar;-Nra, .jwww ifp. ,- -jumm: imrMti i g. -J soldier,. Osorte Betoad. a 0"n you, to ha Mattot' enlistment The matter may aa brought before the state supreme eaart for a test Activity la recruiting is due to the disbanding of four national guard com panies aad threatened disbanding at several others, due. It la said, te tap. efficiency aad' the fact that the gaard Is below paae etraagth. In on Business r . U. ML Lea-Boa of Plaa Flat coaaty seat vtoHse today. Cronemlllar Vfsito day was deferred aatll .September. .This afternooa, other appUsatloaa are i. JF t-l I I I Fred P. Croaemiller, fonaer receiver being aasaalaed. of tbe.Lakevlew laM. aatoe, aad the , owner of the X-Ocevtoarv-bMU-lner, la. Here from Algema vbtKlac MUbUshadUto fSUSv CreasaMltor I UMaCartor.ls aawa from d JVBaBBmy naaawaa i cook, to his wife. "My dear Yvonae; Don't be. wor ried. I have good hopes of seeing yoa again, as well aa our, dear' hay,; Kay. mond. But, if by 111' Itwk anything should go wrong with sa for we ars J at war, aad, ot course, ars rvaaiag risks I hops yoa wlU remain aowa- geous; aad be sure, 'la aasa I die, I have ooaspiste coaSaaaoa ia yauV' I aak you to llvs far tha asks at ariac-' ing up the boy so as to be a right gatS' Iy aad true-fellow; aad glva alalia good adueatloa accordlag to the 'art aai at year disposal' , "' ui',ft. "Above all, whea aa la grown Of toU him that his father died for him, dr, at leak,' frA''aaM .that, iraaM,aa 'at eolea to Mm aad aU tha geastaataM ta Jagaaa?" ,' i.y'4 J r '9tov, av aar Tvaaaw, aB is hM 4 ?; Mua -a- A-Ta a Af --. . -!i,..'f"-D-y-rf U".T"w ?F "pj? to you and hla ear bay tto. waiaat v-i--.'a, ."-iCtfVli,'.. S. ,;,-.; :w&w "-'aa;nayjanari wntar w 4'-ricv.in-. J''j i, ..'. epii in v, :.,- .v-ia-. xi r J .'I.'S :v. ; t" '' '"!B"" ' as -wea. sats-b B-. -". ft-'r t.,' . aKM V .lr" . On ' hi1 mm v' mill li IlllBHH bMIJIKl, ; Z A .i : : s"-; raaeRaajBJpiBMBBBjBBaav , J KiAvasrB-i -a-aa.aBaaaBa pv"-. ' j: ' 'j.-wmm 'j . ' I.W .-HK.. .1 . -1.TI :-f J.J-Ji AJHLAKD, BSflStM giJW;!