. !" H Sty? burning W.J KLAMATH COUNTY'S ..OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER h.y:i& itirratf. TMth Year Ne. MM PRESIDENT ORDERS MILITIA READY TO PROCEED I'nllfii Iin Service , WASHINGTON, June Ife- (0 P. M.) It It announced that President' WIIon hat decided to call aubiUntlally all of the militia In the country for border service. Not all militiamen will be tent to the border at onee. United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, June 19 Amerlca't mailed flit confrontt Car. ransa. The militia mobilization la the administration's last trump to quiet the troublesome situation. If the trump falls to take the trick, some officials fear war will mult Calling out the mllltla does not mean Intervention. The policy It to keep Pershing's epedltlon In Mexico, strengthen the border patrol and end the recant bandit outrages. v Secretary of War Daker liu sent ChsJnaan Hay of tbo houaa military coaualttee a special resolution making Immediately effective the now army law, saving the war dopanmont author i Ity 10 oroer mllitln Into foreign tor rttr Saturday nlrht, qeneral Rlcarut told Oeaeral Parker or Rrowmvllle to lin mediately withdraw Major Anderson's expedition south or Brownsville, or fight the Carrnnzlxta. The Mexicans destroyed all International bridges con nectlug with nrownnvllle, but Ander - son's men withdraw safely. f Mexico City reporta say that Car ransa, In addressing a cltltena' mass meeting last night, expressed a hope for a peaceful srttlemont, but added: "If we are forced to resort to arms, ' I will toad yon.- Carrantlsta virtually surround Pershing's command of 85,000 men. There are at least 60,000 Mexican sol dlera between . der. Pershing and the Bandits attacked nn American rear euard near lfaiimorae TMlnrHiv Onn ' Melcaa killed were) a Canaan uul- font). Panthinir Carranza soldiers amond are reported to be armlnn Mexican citizens. The administration's reply to Car ranta'a wJthdr.wn! .lmand Is schad ule-Mo be sent fonlrmt It declines to attfritp ir- the drmand nnd callH at Mention to mlzslatem rts by Camn tlata sources. The stale department has sent "rr raasa representations concerning Gen eral Trevino'B threat to attack the American forces If they continue op- rations In Mexico. The extent of the iwaraaatauoas la not reveaiea, out ii to wadenteod that the corsmmeat has frnkly stated Its displeasure. OLD TIMI ftOPIRS WILL TAOI A ROPst CONTI8T ASHLAND, June 10. A feeling of rivalry seems to exist between several of tat old time cowboys of this section. as regards their skill la roping. The Xouad-Up committee, In order to settle this question, will stage a special old buckeroos' roping contest Centestanta must ha over 60 years old. X J. Mvrpny and Owin Butler of from Spokane, where be is attending Ashlaad have 11184 to eater, also X Gonzaga College, to spend the sum Praak Aaaau of Klamath. No doubt. mer vacation with his parents. then will be many more befonuthe ' sheets are etoted, , -- Pram Algema Mr, aad Mrs. E. T. Bishop and J. C. Borer of Algesia came la Saturday night on business. Crap Game is Raided by top$; Fourteen Arrested "Ctoaw aa, you aba-ben," latoaed Ileag Slag, asvwitb thirteen others, he was thrawiag tkt boaes ia Jack Ryan's peel reem at ShlppUgtoa last night. Just thea they "etaM oa," fire short of tlMAtoeky eras, aumeral, but suf fioleafh; to 'fre to arrest the crap ahonsg,eateite the dice, eonascate tlT oa. she toWe aad take the mea to TO FRONT: AUTO USED TO GET SPFED OF BIRDIES SCIENTISTS IN AUTO USE SPEED- OMETER TO FIND HOW FAST BIRDS TRAVEL LITTLE ONE8 f SWIFT A8 BIQ ONES United l'rea Service BERKELEY; Calif., June 19. Ex periments conducted under the aus- pices of the University of California) show that little birds . normally fly j as swift as big ones, and that the' flight of most birds Is considerably' bor-Wowcr thnn ls popularly supposed. An nutomotiiio specuomctor was used lottne drawing or a grand jury, rulings And how fast the birds fly. In comnnnv with Uoton Matthews, a California deputy gamo warden. AI-' ' -..-.t nr,.... At.. t,a. a, .4.- ' .ujiuimur wuiiuurv, ui inu uuueu outius . blolottleal survov. made dally trios from Lcmoore to the shore line of I Tularo Lnko and Dakorsflold to the trips also from! region of Buena Vista Lake. When birds were found flying In a straight line close to tbo automobile, tho speed of tffo machine was gradually changed until the ob-. sorvors wero traveling at a rate equal to that of tbo bird. Tho two scientists found that the little horned lark, only eight Inches In spread of wings, travelled at a rate of. twenty-two to twenty-eight miles an, hour, and that tbo latter rate was not oxceedod by tho great blue heron, laundry; was not a partner, and that doaplto tbo heron's six-foot spread of .ho should be refunded $400 he bad in wings, vested In the concern, and $400 back The red tailed chicken hawk was salary, less the amount of shortage found to be travelling twenty-two shown by the books miles an hour, two sparrow hawks twonty-two and twenty-five miles an hour, a rcd-shafte'd flicker twenty-five miles an hour, a raven twenty-tour miles and a shrike at the rate of twen ty-eight miles an hour. Home from 8ehool "Jack" Llnnman returned last night Officials Visit p. W. Churchill and J. Churchill of .,Yrekn and G. W. Klrkman of San j Francisco, all officials of the Caufor- nta-orcgon rower company, wore vu 'ors In Klamath Falls Saturday night. town In three automobiles. The arrostlng officers were Chief of V..1I'--. vi-t. ti.i1.Im.Im mi rkAntilv fihnr. ' Iff Lloyd. Low, They made the srrest at 11 o'oiock last night " The fourteen men arrested were brought before Police Judge Leavitt Kach fa out undir 20 ball to appear before Leavitt for trial at i o'clock tomorrow evening. KLAMATH; Silliman and Edwards Are Ordered to Leave Mexico ..fBgggggggV aaBBBBBBBjaw .gggggggggggggggggggiW .BBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBn LjggggggKPLjgggggLjggggV ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggV. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBn. , WkaflalawBwawawJWI -.? Consul General I WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 19. I Consul General John R. Sillimau la , enrouto from Saltlllo to El Paso. Iho Ktate departmont ordered him to leave i Melco, Circuit Court Regular The June term of the circuit court commenced today, and In addition to! on motions, decisions In equity cases and examination of applicants for cltixcnuhip are occupying the court Aftnr thn Hrawfnv nt IIia bi'Ihi, 4iifr - ". o w o v a" trial Jurors were excused from further attendance at court until next Monday morning. Members of tho grand Jury are: M. P. Evans, J. L. Davidson, L. D. Ross. Charles Loomis. J. J. Bennett. J. J. Kerns and C. V. Loosley. Judge Kuykcndall appointed Loomis as fore- man, and the Jurors were sworn In and .instructed Judge Kuykendall today made a rul ing in the Superior Laundry case, in which Mrs. Joseph Smith brought suit for an accounting. Kuykendall ruled (hat E. P. Blttenger, manager of the ! From Left' to Right President Wllsen, The ownership of the laundry ls ' - - ' ' , I awBaaBaBaaMa , bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbw v BBBBBBBnBBBaaBBBBBBBBa SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBa-aBBjaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBB gSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB- ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBw bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB SBBBBBBBBBrB''. ,fsSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSa BSBBSJSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSa BBBBBBBBBBBBBSBlSSMBaaBM BBaBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBw BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB- gtsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "- IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB IWafflfS-PSaasKwaBBBB B-8llMHBBBB-BaB SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB & aaaBBBBBBBBB ' i .-I.... n.i.i. t..Mi.i iW"i..i...iiiim ui...m a..i. .. m.... guivpnuc wnii, - i. nii.v-,iw ..--.-, -wrwiary t w- nwmmn uaneing, aeeretary or ;-aae witoea, Secretary , War Hewbia D. Baker, Peetmaster Qtn.ral Surlston, Seeretory ef ,We. Interler Franklin O. Lane, and Secretary af CeW ReeeW. ' v' .V '; ' ;, w-0' thii in tim ntt nnnioinnn uii plete photograph of the cabinet, Robert " - - WW -)-- -- - secretary of war, and Thomas W. ns FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1916 John ft Sllllman , No American consuls will be alloweO to remain in interior Mexleo. Upon advieca from Washington, km- sol Edwards ; as moved his otic from I Juarez; to faeo. Starts Its June Grind therefore between Mrs. Smith and Nel- He Halley, anil must be settled be- 'tween A demurrer to the Indictment of C. c. Randolph oa charge of larceay of :i steer was overruled. Randolph then pleaded not guilty, and his case was set for trial Juae 10th. When William Doyle was brought tefore the court to plead to the In dictment charging htm with murdering Magglo Jones and Mary A. Wilco, his attorney, w. H. A. Kennerx, present-, oil a demurrer to the todlctxeent Aa yet, Judge Kuykendall has not had an opportunity to decide upon tbe merits of this. There are a number of applicants for fall naturalisatioa to be erssilaal as to fitness by the eeurt A speetal agent of the U. S. bureaa of aaturaHsa tion is here front Seattle to asatot In the Sunday at Spring Creek Mr. and 'Mrs. B. K Smith aad Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Shetherd speat Sunday at Sprtag Creek. t. f SecreUry ef the Treasury William r--r -T- w-w-i -r m wj-vtl . IVWfWVnei reconiirnetaa uuut wrnumui I-msing hu"ftakealMr: Bryaa'a'' alaee' Gregory has taken --r 'j-' Wilson and His Advisers in Present Mexican Crisis KHLH I1"' lummii FOR DUTY United l'rens Service PORTLAND, June 19. Tbe Third Infantry, Battery A, field artillery, one trooD of cavalry and a machine ana company are scheduled to mobilize at . . - . . - ..... j me uiacaamas nne range tonight.) ) Miuuamen were routed rrora taeir tA. -. m--,. -vj- W1II-.M "" mramgiiH HWIUMM', j began. i Oncers are calling for recruits to j bring the companies to fall strength. ;Many enlisted within an hoar after (he mobilization orders were received. ttecrultlng Is very brisk teday: Thr Oregon mllltla also Includes eltjhf companies of coast artillery. United Press Service SAN ANTONJO, June 19. General Punston today stated that the xeJlttia will be mobilized in the respective states, and will come to the border only when Funston calls. He said it may be some time before tbe militia Is needed at the border. United Pres Scrvico SAN FRANCISCO, June II. The California militia Is mobilizing, aad of ficers are hurriedly recruiting the com panies to full strength. Most units are ready to reach the Presidio tfr the Sacramento fair grounds on a few. hours' notice. L'nlUsl .Press Service SAN DIEGO, June 19. The cruisers Denver and Chattanooga are. taking oa supplies today preparatory to sailing for the Mexican west coast tonight, under sealed, orders. eETTHElllTV; h 20 MiNUTFS FOUR MILE LAKE FISHING IS DC CLARED MARVELLOUS BY STATE OFFICIAL, WHO MAKES INSPECTION TRIP It took Just twenty minutes for a nartv of anelem to catek the uit at rainbow trout at Four Mile Lake yes terday, according to State Fish aad Game Commissioner Chas. F. Stoae, who made an official inspection of tbe results of Rtocklan the lake with fOOO Spencer Creek fry three years ago, and then closing it to fishing. v in the party journying to the lake yesterday were W- Paul Johasoa, Deputy Game Warden Stoat, 3. L. Slater, Jesse Siemens and Stone. Stoae says the trout are as thick la the lake as. at the state hatchery breeding pools in Bonneville, aad the fish, also fight like fiends when booked. ' ' Q. McAdoo. Attorney General T. W. a .: . .-.. . ; . .;rxj - viima .n.... ..- ..- j..y niSBIMIl ! S S !! ! BB-BBWrK lb n as' seeretory it atato; Kewtea p. r'"f' ri tilltnitf ' Bimifal MEXICANS;. - RG ARMY N NORTH COAST TOWNS AN6RY United Press Service t" - -. JUAREZ, June 19-Oeneral Serraae, the MeirieM eMef ' .j. .. .- ii -tiitr.i.ii'V;- .J'.-. w,?"n" "" """" " . fT'TT" in" """ ' . . ... . .:.- -.-'.. i ican ii uepw in cm wi war wm HHuniwi wwnea. . 'i--,Ji(-',- I 'i irl Press Service -,i OALVESTON, June ItTtMVsteaiiwr NHe arrived Mexico, witnnine rerugees aaeara. -s-i j - eJlMSi a IslxlWsB ViaaftJitaaSI. fiUSaa fll IRairsBs-lsisBt saH'slsttaistJltslsi - "- " """" www w 1ww.w""w pinwiawwit, .lf.e.J . fcLkaWaW 'mM MlaAW -.!?" A J .-. "A. , t ,W'.; K 11 HVJBaB MW Br BaLBWIBBB-. 71' . Ail American gunboat Is ressevlii''"Amer1eeBs V ji ited Pre Service " LABEDO.! Texas, Juae lsv Maaual Virgil, former editor Meadema lilt newspaper here, baa arrived at Maav Laredo with slxteea caaaea aat artillerymen to reinforce tae Carraaca garrisoa. WASHINGTON, D. C, Jen 19. Official reports of the capture of'twe American naval oleers by Mextoaaa at Masatlan reached the aavy depart- meat, this, afteraoes aad Mexieaa'Axe- bassador Arredondo also iafenacd LdinsiBg reaanuag ise eaposre. v - s Arredondo requests the gmeisauiBt. to instruct aaval oMeers to asaaa.'.ao' attesaat toJaad la Mextoo darlag Abe exeitetaeeJt; far. fear tbe laadlag artgaf eaaaer resagllcattoae, ( ),; SAN AHTOMO. Jaae If. qeaeral Fuastoa- suBoaasss that .torga'feraea of Carraaststae are tweea OJIasga aadTsres, $. :,Two.unBored aatossaaalea, machine gaas, rsasbsd Fort'l y toa today. - -.",- Uaited ProM'Servlee J :?:' BUBNOS AIBBB. Juae 19. Meet Seuth: Amerieaas beUere tbe UMUsl States) to Btaaalas; territorial sjon. They fear tbe mllltla call an attempt to grab Mextoo, so are bitterly hostile. , Harry P. Galaraeaux, formerly aitor cal business maa. bat for the past three years connected with a big-auto mobile accessories fina la Saeraaaaal Is a Klamath visitor.. GeJaraeaaz has just been asslgaed to this, territory. and wlll.vistt Wtoamth lalto erery slz ' ' . ,i Mrt. J. H. Farrara daughter of ;jhtr. and Mrs. J. W. Bryaat, aad'ferawriy a resident oc this eewaty, died Fri day at Myrtle Point SbewlQ-be burled at Ashlaad tomorrow, aad the Bryants and Mrs. C B. DaLaa weat over there to attend the funeral. Mrs. Farrar was also tbe soother of Mrs. Claude Coon, fonaerry of this eky.r: mu) ' ; ; ' !r , iBi.n. - irv. - .'ai.,P .iZ.'i .rt'., ',. "T r7.ji lAi a4su4atoirattoa.' Stoea .... .-. .- v!r.,"'( ,tSJt - Mr ov 'x. V ' Vs.v "V via. Ar 1 r i a.," , v to ye.i&'. in- j,-y' wi: rates Wm ; ws& agf -i-aWF- . . aaVI-PM! '?'- ' aWwPfkt' Mllt&: 1 &'tjXfP:it rwjiTm I v ..yt ',17 g3f- &m& - . T fi k"i!'1', vt.L . :' w .. i9n'j- w- . r-,-r - ,ik ggf igTJggbfgair lawMgalBBSt W " ","W'fi!i"eixtsfi- JLi.2J'rrs1'-J, " 7 WX.I .. ; t 1 1 i. i . i-i xm?rJM r . "r tJt t fttiTiC Ai. - Taayiaayt - 1 r 4ii- CRISLER WARMS AUTOtwW TWA sc? r'jreR& ctj.v.' tcssswi f.'.Av rv f. rviT rv yj. VditA-y 5.. w ttounr wr . asuuggguauguBi ' AgaaSaaaaMgBai'j SBBfl raaaaaSaBasw-rryk. SWfJapffBJsUjaBajBBajaaaBBB ensswlfjnPi J tg . iiiiSiifSaaAfea , 'm:MM$MWm$ smsmmm WAICHYOURUR m . niinnrnxn teym.wnn oubhta mmsm a . -e i ', -zs?m,rvx-t.L-ijr r.p iM,v";i,? V..,i-iii3S5; . iwri,ntww !, !.- IV fflWI 'Mr - "' tojis '. , " " -, . sr-'&AS-itefiifii&i&t,- a-tiii. mmmm ''t i, . - '. ! n si tj.ilWtuaiaiJ .:rmMffmU mm Sm eoart.Bi.,BTBBsath . beaiastadyiacvfl totiosukMarsr, Crtotor I . U auteteui wtoh htm'ilkMikitMMm QSSSI ?t"TTl ..""i F -t"W lf'awBBBBajhir jayagtrMriii BrsaaTtatoeBs.-". ..:.--..a tf ijri2&aft mwmMMM i .V.ABWalsBi: laWwH ISJ -J BBjT. SaagBjgaBaaaji ffaaaaaj. viMj to the lealsaoy of YiZZLir iL. ' - l.. ? A7--.r5Stn to toavetaesr! a, street or : reeaX AtoMi BgtW'UwaaV TsaaBaaV'W'atqWlClaV.' colttolcawxUmMa'taav it 'must be Btegfn r r e m it n aa.""s 1 -.7rt?f5 7i tX RELIEF lltflhVX 1 DL NlLHLiT nlil r ' m r r r is: gswaaaaj aana aaat bbbh ss r ajsa au , aaavaaBBT bbbIbbI fill L:. ; Im bb. waek bV ISV bVbb! :Jvi'l.''tof, v. eaii ioT(.aa avaiiaaee UBBaasaesais., hi'beea seat oat Jhy tlaKiMR-XlwaaB'Sl'& relief oomnOtU. ;:,, 1 $& potrt, bJlia at l'sraW - I II TatobaUeaas.' Bas,'aa Milbs1aBai1sw" baa beeailtoiUfitart-e v and Sixth, baa laaali relief warkar by Mr; stoija. inst heea-'reatod. 'aad-tsaaatsa ri:.aaa be the BMl.ineetlag'fw sean -taasr """ "f'r-rr;.-!''?' w-.--w,-ft - '- wmw ! ' . wmmmmmm. snB.i , mi. iiiiiii. - . - AM..,., hand uhleestbera to Ms? eat to convert this tata- - -v S ta,'""' liat for aee M'treattaaT lled aad Teatoato eeMlesa ai hospitals. The toeal xioue to BMk ap-a.bsiai pitai baadagee reraaaal -nasi, aaa taw-. uateers tara eat ha r ,f. ' ,-Z-Vi ?&:.. -,jsr "a-fe1 .iAM-vy ALL ASKED Matirwti fflB CLEAN UP ?J -- J?$!&$ft ii.V ., r -i mM1' ' " ,Twnerrowv is),tB ;ds Mayor,. WTMiertiior.esi cp;iite.f,Vtoltla4i 'PR mBSbBbnS totac, slb d m to aaawi i a. . a-.j-Bta.- "i.a BSMRS7,Ba4 T-M- M . tt-tt.w. "- bru-bsaastat will be awiy edbytbeBta aad j.r. c - i ii. -- Tts lj tff- ?"ii -- waaiatoi'at. ma0Jxr Saa.wfwsw, ' jpfyM. . , !'-."" 'k'o' W . na-Sa. ,i. M tf, . S'l . V nasfrinal nalMI ? MV-B bbbbbKbD ' BBuaBHaBasnBBBBBBI -aaSBV-.il f?1 i .V.'.IhS.'j ; -v A.Ml mtieM w '3L OA i'm" .. 'r. S& itiffi ij?ns ftf .IB. W.iM JI - '.X .; s5.." - y S? r-",.,f-. ?m ! ' t :S