ym 'A'V THE EVKNINO HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OEEOON ATURDAV jiiu. .. -" " ftutAu kAMj 0mn.llaa IM11 aaenaHfe gOMheh fjnrTVny WffOT Wnll 4TNB WW fBPBB HaairsChMiedJUn. ate sate at tovarlaeteanaeV Ftf canto a Baa, The Eroning Herald W. O. SMITH, Wrtor At the Churches FOR SALE FOR SALE Piano wagon with roller boating. Will give terms to respon- alU party or trade for lumber. A bargain. 8hepherd Piano Depot It-it Published tally eaceet Sana ine tienu niwim TTffT nmmaia nun, ex lie nuta Entered nt the ath Valla, Oregon, far tarongn tee nutter. f-etam Subecrlptlen terau by anil address in the unite one year One month . . . to any .31.00 . .10 VOtt SALE Team of maree, colt, new wagon and harness. Enquire J. P. Price. 17 Ma Eighth. ItSt POR SALE Household furniture. Bi quire 347 Ninth st 14-dt POR SALE Cheap; one Baah Laae plane, one Stafford piano, one Vic- troto with 19 records; good aa new. P. M. Qarich, at Sugar Bowl 16-dt FOR SALE One Harley Davidson motorcycle. Telford Bros. Wt eod KLAMATH FAIJA, ORBGOX 8ATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1010 THE REAL VOICE OP THE PEOPLE FOR SALE Or exchange for Portland 1 property, well located business lot one block from White Pelican hotel. Will sell at aacrince. Cash or terns. Property absolutely clear of eacum- Am willing to assume small en trade. Address Owner, 615 Yeon BMg.. Portland, Ore. 175U FOR SALE 1U4 Model Ford In Brat cms condition. Han high tension magnet. See or call up Telford Bros. lMt-eod FOR 8ALE Several pianos, ased but not abased; low prices; renting terms. Inquire of Shepherd, next door 17-tf J FOR RENT FOR RENT Good store room small lodge room, eorner Second ad Mam. See Chlleote. t FOR RENT Sevea room it: claw in; M per U K Wleeoes. phoae 33. IMt fur- LOST AND FOUND FOUHD-Saell eanhaTe at tan Herald If ktt, of took. Owaar, by prorlag property and paring MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Permanent tenants far completely furnished modern fonr rosna apartment Mrs. E. J. Murray, Cedar and High. Mf. MONET TO LOAN At S per cent Artha B. Wilson. tl7 Main. 33-tf Chicago Republican The Kansas newspaper advice to "back up the freo trade president seems appropriate since the president himself makes his" chief business either backing up or backing down. Dawsoa Co. (Mont) Review Mr. wusoa nas naa many views on are. paredness, and it Is not strange that congress found it dlmcult to follow his many changes of mind. Caldwell (Idaho) Tribune The Wil son administration for tho second time is withdrawing from Mexteo anna ac complishment The Mexican problem will be with aa forever, at the rata we are going. Unlontowa (Pa.) Herald Over and over again Mr. Wilson has been warn ed where hta "watchful waking" pol icy was tending. Salem (Ore.) SUtesmaa Now Mex icans want the United States soldiers to get out of Mexico, on the 'ground that their object has been accomplish ed. This. too. may take some "watch ful waiting." Mt Vernon (Onto) RepusHcaa-Newa As might be expected, democrats In congress have been very much em barrassed by disclosures regarding the "slush rand" raised by Italian lemon importers for the purpose of lnluenc lng tariff legfamtion In 'this country In IMS. Ashland (Wis.) Press President Wilson planted n tree recently. We hope It stays punted, and n hundred years from now It can be eetntet out as the tree planted by America's great est note writer. Burlington (In.) Hawkeye Demo cratic National Chairman MeComha believes in quitting weSe the anftUng Church of Cartas Bilanmnw Sirrtiaa are held en Sunday morning nt 11 o'clock and Wednesday evening nt o'clock la Christina Science TsnH la the Jacobs' block, earner Taert and Main streets, upstairs. Sunday school (rem 0:45 to 10:41 a. m. The faubject for tomorrow's lesson will be. "Is the Universe, Inswntng Man, Evolved by Atomic Farcer" The reading room of the Society t the same location will be open on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday .ifternoona from 1:30 to 4:30 until turther notice. Grace Methodist Pg bungs! Corner Tenth and High itreata. hi. C. Richards, minister. 10 a. m 8uaday school. B. M. Chll eote. superintendent. 11 a. m., preaching. Rev. Geo. F. Hopkins of Portland. p. in., Epworth League. John C Yadon, president 8 p.m., preaching, Rav. Hopkins. Midweek service Wednesday even ing at 8 o'clock. Choir practice Thnradey at 7:M P-a- Vernon T. Motaeheabacher, choris ter. Miss Lorain BUton, pianist The public is Invited to the 'preach ing services. , Emmanuel Septic Meet la the li brary bulldugveerner 14 una Mala. Bible school. 10 a ax. O. P. Coach man, superintendent Rev. Hunter of Ashland will preach at 11 a. Baptist young people's serviee. 7 p. m., Mrs. Perkins, president '7:30, children's program. Communion service arst Sunday of each month. Cottage prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p. m. Women's home and foreign minion ary society meets fret Thursday of each month. Mrs. Miller, tendeat Mrs. Origsby. tendeat You wiU OUR WEEKLY SERMON t J (Phrok's Dtugkter' J.-W. JENKINS, Paetor ef First Christian Chursh. mlsslwnsry angaria- auperin- wiU the Charles T. Ill FOR EXCHANGE 160 acres timber Jnad. estimated two 'million feet for Klamath Falls property. Enquire nt HeraM erne.' 144t OR. F. M. WHITE BYE, BAR. NOSE AND THROAT 317 Odd Fellewo Building Wood SLAB, LTMB AND BODY Sewed te nay leemta. Oar heat bleak weed is dellverei onrect rvecn ahsds, aaa la always dry. One land watt convince yea. KLAMATH FUEL CO. o. Fes-tea, Mar. PaemS7 Trenton (Me.) Republican Ameri can Industries aave always protection, and wOl need It mere tana ever when the present Bnropeaa war ends, and the products of cheap labor will be hunting n market In this coun illaot (N. D.) Optic-Reporter Pres-J went Wilson Is evidently determined to fight It oat on this line if it taken all the stationery in the White House. Senator Herding "Watchful wait ing" brought on as contempt In Mex ico, lessened respect for as in Bare, ana lowered the standard of coat- dencent PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Standing ef the Club Won Lost Pet AAAWW0WAWWWW0WVWWWW If yea want information regarding land oa Klamath Reserve- address Clayton Kirk NOTARY PUBLIC Chiioqiua, Oregon); aesmata lafermaUon regnrdlag aU Indian esute lands and description of property. "----"-- -rri".--.--. - i mm nuj Vernon Los Angeles. San Francisco Portland Salt Lake . Oakland ..41 -37 n 31 33 30 3fi .Of 461 M$ .413 .4 .170 Reealte Yesterday At Portlaad R. H. EL Portland .. 31 Vernon . j g a t PnPhehmjpsaj,siejvjsaw,usv STAR DRUG COMPANY Constipation Is a very simple, natural trouble, but unless prop erly treated, it may develop into n moat serious and complicated eaaea. W adrw that Carl'a Mftlf Liver Lifters he kept la ev ery aeuc W cannot recommend these, pills too highly. We eau-f uea ear patrons against the free and Indiscriminate use of laxa tiraaaad pureatfves. 3Se: Star Drrif O. iww''y Hagcrman and Fisher; Spencer. Hess replaced the ninth. At Los Angels R. H. B. San Francisco . t 6 2 Los Angeles . 3 g i Couch and Sepulveda; Seogglns and Boles. Brooks replaced Benulved. in the eighth'; Zabel replaced Seogglns in the ninth. At Oakland R. H. B. Oakland 3 3 0 Salt Lake 0 7 0 Boyd and Elliott; Hughes and Venn. m Rarnihnniieiiatlaa 'Accountant now la Klamath Falls will establish ttjewat system for yen and keep yea straight oa easy terms. Also bandies InakfwL mercantile and aU lines of bwlacss. AAdrses baa pM, KlsmathFali,. r mts ' ' If yew expect to buy a hem In the city or eeuntry, Chljcete em aave yen money. ' ' f Sad a Emmanuel Baptists. ajt. , , til 1 in I JTJSBJE nSBByyM(awBB Third and Pine etreets. Hurd, pastor; atreet Until further notice servtece will he ld regularly aa feBewa Sunday nt 10 and U a. m. and at! p. m., and the mldwaaa. aacwss ea Wednesday evening at g p. m. Christian Chursh Ceraat nth are. andPlnestreet J. W. Jaajdaa, paster, room t. Hotel Waaatagena. 10 a m.. Bible scaeel.ciaas.Oeo. A. Haydon. superiateaaeat 11 a. m., preaching, 7 p. m., Endeavor meeting, Mies Ap- plegate, president All not worshipping elsewhere are cordially invited to attend these ser vices. Baptist Church Comet Eighth sad Canal streets. Rev. J.B. Grhlth pastor. Bible school at 10 a. m.. C. R. D Lap, superlntsadsat Regular morning services. Preaching at 11 am. sad 7:30 p.m. Everyone cordially Invited to these services. Bonaasa M. E. church Pastor Sidney W.HalL Services for the month wiU ha held as follews: First Sunday At Bona naa nt 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m.; nt Dairy at 3 p. m. Second Sunday Po Valley at 11 a m; Bonaasa at 7:30 p. m. Third Sunday At Lorella at U a m.; Bonanza at 7:30 p. m. ' Fourth Sunday At Bonaasa at 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m,; Dairy at 3 p. at When there are Ire Suadaya la the month, morning service wHl be held at Text Exedu. 3:140. W have albums In our homes con talntng photon of oar loved ones and our friends. We love to turn Its pages and read the lessons wrlttea In the faces. Even the dress and styles are Intereatlng. and soraetlmea amusing. We also have another book on the center table tiled with pen pictures. It la Mower's Bible. We love to study these pictures of the long ago because they are ao full of Interest Human nature la ever the.samo, and a single life truly portrayed as by an Inspired pen Is always Interesting, because It touches our lives at .so many points. This beautiful, aweet story, or rather pen picture of Pharoah's daughter Is before us, and let us study It First, let us eliminate our subject from all others of the same name, There are three persons known In the Bible as Pharoah's daughter. In First Chronicles, 4th chapter and 13th verse, we learn that Merod took aa his wife PhaVaoah's daughter. This woman lived about one thousand four hundred years before Christ She Is known to posterity oaly because of the company she kept In n geneologlcal record ah la called Rlthlah, Pharoah's daughter, whom Mered took. No one knows which Pharoah's daughter she was. We read In First Kings, 3d chspter. 'And Solomon made aBalty with Pharoah. king of Egypt and took Pharoahw daughter and brought her into the city of David." Some say she was treated with distinction for n time, but later the king's conscience troubled him because she was an idol ator, and he removed her to n house he built for her. She, too, derived her renown from her associations. She wan the wife of land's greatest king. The pa picture does not portray tho talents and virtues of this woman. If fche posssaaad any. Pharoah's daughter, the preserver of Moses, lived aeaarty three thousand Sve hundred years ago. For n simple net of womanly benevolence her name has been Immortalised. Twice her i la mentioned In the New Testa ment Oaee by the great apostw to the Gentiles, and once by Stephen, the rat martyr for the Christian faith. The pen plctur of this young woman, aa drawn la the book of Exodus, Is beautiful beyond descriptica. A good ly child ts born to n Hebrew family, The creel decree to clay the male children 'of the Hebrews had gene forth, but ,a mother's love doted the king's decree. The child waa con cealed la the rushes In the waters of the sacred NUe. Fharoah'a daugh ter came to bathe la the river. The cry or the helpless infant awakened compassion, aad Israel's future law giver waa saved alive. The Bible leaves as la ignorance as to what Pharoah's daughter ahe was. Josephu tells us her name waa Thvrmuthla, and history saya ah waa the daughter of the mild king Set! I., and sister of Barnes s IL The world la under lasting ooUga tione to this young woman, who aaved In her own palace aad "educated la ail the wisdom of the Egyptians," Moses, the man of Ood. Who waa her father History says Set! I., the cruel Pharoah who said, "Behold, the people of the children of l Israel are aiotv nnd mightier than we; come, let ua deal wisely with them, text thty multiply, and it come to pass that, when there falleth out any war, they also join themselves to our ene mies, aad tght against ua, aad get them up out of the land." And who commanded the midwlvea saying, "If tho child be a son, then ye shall kill It. but if II be a daughter, then ahe shall live." The empty tomb of this heartless trnnt who Issued this de cree is at Thebes on the Upper Nile. ; His stone sarcophagus, covered with hieroglyphics, now lies In tho Laone Muncuni In England. In July, lttl. his mummied body to- Kotliur with that of his daughter, and many Pharoahs and priests were dis covered at Deir-el-Babari, west of lb Nile, opposite Thebes, and are now at the National Museum at Boulak in Egypt On June 1, 183. In the pres ence of the khedive of Egypt aad oth er dlstlngutahed persons representa tives of other governments, the band ages were removed from the body, and men looked once more Into the face or the Pharoah who made the chil dren 'of Israel to aerve with rigor. Two tinea f hieroglyphics were found upon bis breast, which said: "In the year nine, in the second month of Plrt. the ltth day was the day for re- clothlag the king Mu-Me-Ra, to wk be life aad health and strength." How atraage It la that after the lapse of thirty-four centuries, just at the Urn the critics were pronouncing the Old Testament records myths, these characters should coca forth and any: "It la truth." How real It makes the Old Testament! Bxodus In no longer a myth. Pharoahn daugh ter waa a real woman with n woman's heart that eould he touched by aa In fnutV cry, and Pharoah was a tyrant. who relet his people with a rod of iron. Qodhad said to Abraham. "Know of a surety. -that thy -seed shall be so- journers la a lead that to not theirs, and shall aerve them: aad they shall afflict them four hundred years: aad also that aatioa wheat they shaJl aerve will be judge; aad afterward ahall they com oat with great aubstaaee." Our text has shown to maay genera tions Ooda tdeUty to his word. By the noble act of this Egyptian princess God has shown how, la his providence, he overruled the wicked plan aad murderous purpose of the king, aad through this child, educated In hia own palace, fulllled his promise to Abraham. 'Through Mosea be brought the ten judgments upon Egypt, and by his, hand he delivered the children of Israel from bondage. Ood has said, my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways. For as the heavens sre higher than the I earth, ao are my ways higher than I your ways, aad my thoughts than youri thoughts. For aa the rain cometh' down and -the snow from heavon, aad returneth not thither, but wstcreth the earth, aad maketh It bring forth and bud, and give seed to the sower and bread to the eater; so shall my word be thai goeth forth out of my mouth; It shall not return unto me void, but It shall accomplish that which I pleaae, and it ahall prosper in the thing whereto I scad It Greek Towi Tikes Law in Own Hiwli ! """HI BROI, I rti.i . ATHENS, June 17. "This is th t'kf of police at U'Arta." explained inntt at lha other end of the wire when tin) telephone bell rani In th desert. mont of tho Interior offices today, D'Arta Is a village or 600 not far from Athena, "We held n mass mooting In our town this aftornoon, aad decided that we will not allow the asportation of grain from our village. Five hundred of us voted to that effect" Inquiry developed that when tho British ira!n blockade beean mini Greece, the village banker In d'Arta laid In a lurgo supply or grain and flour, and today d'Arta Is one of the airy few villages In Qreece that haa nil the Hour It wants. The village folk Oetcrmlned to follow the plan of the great nations In nlmllar situations, but tho small grain supply of Qreece Is no unevenly distributed that the clmnces aro that d'Arta may he forced by tho department of the Intorior to part with aomo of Its horde, in spit of the village resotutwa. "OWNtSa.01, Dill Hill t- '.. - '"" "" that ta Hc of wall pr to, v. meed from 10 lofo per wat this sprlugt We boutft Urge shipment just prior to his advance, to Wo ar, ,ft fc ponltlon to nervo you the Ut Ml a,lBn too n old price. You csn get paper for ty. ry room in the house tntu 11.36 up for a room inl9 We also have a coopfets line of w. p. Fuller A Co Paints, OIU nu.1 Vsrnlih,,' No old stock. Dont forget the number. 1029 Main Street SATURDAY tPIWALt 30 per cent discount on all Wall Psper BROWNE BROS. BROWNE SW 3B3ErBE5g , "aoaBBenaeBBSBWBeseBMNaanMeaea 1 YJH' UNIVERSAL CAH You must net 'juaee the Pert car by Ita first coat That la lew, because the best manufacturing metheda and the great velume ef ereductlsn reduce the cost ef making and selling, tetter materials, bought at lower prices, maks tha Ford a better car for less money. Order yeura today I Runabout (443.30; Touring Car I4tl2t. ON SALE BY GEORGE BIEHN AQBNT i fi I f m 'I I I ' ' OsWfDALH Lorella at 11 a. m. aad at at 7:30 p. m. Organist of Bonansa church aad Baa- day school, Miss Grace Lytic. Sunday school at Lorella every Sam- day morning at 10 a a., superintend ent, Henry Haines. Sunday school at Dairy every trst and fourth Sunday, superintendent, Mr. Sedge; organist, Miss Odea. Lloyd Underbill la doing sons Blow ing for H. 8. Fox with aa eugte a haa pnrcaasedJrota the IateraaUoaal Harvester company agency of aTJaav athFsMs. James Staasbieaat a O.Hnnt have talsned pllowlng oath ceatract they had of H. 8. Fas. The farmers of thia vteialty are having conslderabl trouble with the Jackrabttta at preseat We are In hopes tho county wOl pat a bounty oa them ao as to encourage huatera to come out and help a kill them off. The heme ef the tna sempanlec. See Chllcete. b Grand Union Tea Store Special Portlaad pries aa Ten, CweTw, Sskes ad Ssjpaiies A Trial will Ooavlaee Tea LEWIS PheaeaSU a p. Sixth ant Oak, R. V. Ess has his eaaal la from the river almost completed.. He will soon be ready to commence Irrigating. AN OLD RECIPE TO DARKEN HAIR SAGE TEA AND SULPHUR TURNS GRAY, FAOED HAIR DARK AND OLOSSY II SOAPS All Kinds Fine Imported soaps for the fastidious good Castile snd gtyctr Ine soap for those who prefer these kinds. Great big assortment that makes cheesing easy, and gives you the bist st low prices. W pv KLAMATH FALLS QWEtimiEf (ZfjQSaS) uy WHERE PWmCULA PBOPk BUY THEIR" OMUB Miss Hadley, who resides aear Mcr riU, called on Miss Muriel fJtaaabie a day or two this week. Wm. Brown of Reaad Lake to run ning two wood wageairat present. neuung two cords oa each Robert GISu aad Wat Waawtor oi Odessa spent hwtaraay aiaht in incse parts, rsturahiK Sundsv to Mr. Mumfort to having mere trouble with his pump. He to patting ea a smaller cylinder la bene of erereom lag some of hto trouble. Monday to, the ueeel school meet ing day. j Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compounded brings back the natural color and lus tre to the balr when faded, streaked or I gray. Years ago the only way lo act this mixture was to make It nt homo, which is inussy and troublesome Nowadays we simply ask at uny drug more for "Wyeth's flagu and Sul phur Compound." You will get a largo bottle of this old time retina inwm. ed by tho addition of other Ingredients, ) for about 60 cents. Everybody uses mis preparation now, because no one can possibly tell flint v. ii.ri.r your hair, as it docs It no naturally and! evenly, you dampen a sponge or sort brush with it, und draw Uil through your hair, taking one small strand at tlm; by memiag th gray hair die-' """i miw pouter applica tion or two, your hairbceomes beaut! fuUy:dark, thick and glossy, aad yon look years younger, Wweth's Bag! and Sulphur Compound to n delight fnl toUet reeulslte. ft is, not intoaded Tj$mfm,rr-fmmu UPPER LAKE TRAFFIC We are agente for Calkla Hamilton's mail, I fM-lKlu boats on tit Upper BJemath Imkr. Iluern leave thU oMn eiery uiornlaff esrept Snntay, at liSA. I'MONB 1S7 Wc3stern Transfer Co. MAIN STREET, NrAR FlrTH NO END OF' ll rCHISE&SANBORNS, HIGH CRADl IISTERTEAS Van Bros., Grocers Caaajtry, i ' k -.