i iflViTJV ... -ti 4.aFJi . '..5 iC- .-,. i 'J- i r.A" ' , - . . 1 . H. -'iH.- " ' "" 'W K -ri . I, - - i- i.ii ' t r 'C-iM f eBBBBBBBM I gasa. i Elg iEueninn Hrrald ,f 'vpn, . , ' - -""" i m i ! ii w hum timmmmmmmmmmwmmmKdimr-- n m i r - ' " Tenth Year No. 3,02 MAY Mexican Garrisons Strengthened With Men; Yankees Arm WASHINGTON, 0. C, June 17. The state department la seriously con sidering recalling all American con aula from small Mexican towns. This follows a note, alleged to hove been prepared by Qeneral Trc vino, threatening to attack the American troops unless they are immediate ly withdrawn, The Mexican embassy here, declares the printed text of the note ta undoubtedly false. The war department has receive d word from private sources to the effect that netlcee have been poate d In Chihuahua and Juarez urging Mexican civilians to at once secure arms and ammunition. Culled Pre Hcrvice IL PASO, June 17. The three thousand Carranilsu troops stationed at the Juarez garrison, across the river from here, were reinforced by the arrival of eeveral hundred mere laat night. Mexican troops are encamped twelve miles east of this city. General Ml, eemmandlng the troope at Fort alias, la holding every " man lit his command ready far any mergency. The situation le admitted-, ly danfcrvuc. - Wnltcii PrM Bervlce . . rtOWNSVILLI, June 17. Fighting between American troops and Mexican aawdlte la reperted In progress at Ranchlto. The Twenty.flghth Infantry has Nan ordered there. INDICTED IN ARE MIOKIFF AND KltllOH RLKAD NOT OUILTV OTHKRt ARE OJVtN TIM! TO tNTIII TH1IFJ FLf At The four men Indicted yeaterday by thr grand Jury were arraigned today In the circuit court. James MldkJS charged with non-support, and Floren Krelfb, charged with burglary, enter d pleas of not guilty. W. H. A. Renner was appointed to defend William Doyle, who is charged with' the murder of two women In Laa gall Valtay. Doyle will plead at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon. C. C. Ran dolph, indicted on charge of stoaling n stear, will enter his plea at tho same hour Monday aftaneoa. ARRAIGNED Lakeview Business Men Lose in Morning Blaze Amrdlag to advices from Lake vlaw, fr early this morning destroy ed a number of frame bulldlaga in the kvalMM district Among the losses an Um ItUewjIag: Stag eoayujrVi oflce. Ckarlea Umbaea's law offlco. Itaama fomeriyi oeeupled by Hor tflsVa aa)ao. f aydea opara house, jrallaee uadertaklag parloni. lacaaa el Masater Thmton of the taleptMe fieaaage. Daa Mulley, Mr. Wallaee aad'Jfa l-- . -Owm te the Mniaa) ef the tel- RECALL CONSULS FROM ( DEMOCRATS Will ORGANIZE FORCES MASS MEETING WILL EE HELD AT COURT HOUSE TUE8DAV NIQHT TO EFFECT A "COUNTY DEMO- i CRATIC CLUE With a vlow to working for the sue etas of the democratic national; state and county tickets, the democrats of tho county will organize soon. A mass nicotine will be held at 8:30 Tuesday night at tho court houso, when a coun ty club on committee will be formed. All democrats are asked to attend. To Spring Creek. Wesley O. Smith leaves today for a week's fishing at Spring Creek. ophonw oUlce. it was Impossible to get satisfactory details.-' Early today it was reported that the entire two blocks wost of t,he courthouse were destroyed by fire, the destroyed build ings Including the Heryford building, First National Bank and tho Hotel Lakeview. When communications were reestablished, this report was proven erroneous. Manager L. R.' Robertson of the lo cal telephone exchange went to Lake view today to assist In the re-estab-lllshmant of service there. No estimate of the loss, the amount of iasuraorte or the cause of the con flagration have been received here: KLAMATH I Progressive Nominee for Vice-President Captain John M. Parker of Louis iana, who wan nominated by the pro gressive national convention on the ticket with Theodore Roosevelt, was one of the members of the. confer enre committee oc(JaIs convention which met a like eoaaaalttee from the republican convetkvln an, attempt; to bring about hamofty and coalition of the two jarUea. -.,, SCHOOL BOARD . VOTING MONDAY ELECTION WILL BE HELD TO FILL VACANCY CAUSED BY EXFIRA- TION OF AFFLBOATrS TBRM OF OFFICE The annual school election .of School District No. 1 wlU be held at the Cen tral school Monday afternoon, bag! nlng at 1 o'clock. At this time, on di rector will be elected. The director Elected will take the place on the board to be vacated by the expiration of the torn of Mater I. pplegate. J0NIGH1 SMOKER CARD ISFAST ONE ALLEN ANO YOUNG JOB OANS IN TIF-TOF SHAPE FOR THE MAIN ' GO DORRI8 LIQHTWBIBHT S TO MAKE APPEARANCE A fast program of boxing awatU those attending tolght'a smoker sjlrak by tho Klaroah Falls Athletlo Clue, it the dope can bo tolled Upon in prognoatlcatlnff. There will be eix- riiund event and two two-round curtain raisers. -' Bobble Allen will he pitted against Young Joe dans, a lover colored box- vx from Sacramento, In the mau event. Both have been training hard, Md the lightweights will furnish plenty of excitement. ' In tho lhe-round go, Kid Chip ef Dorrls will meet' Battling Uvlnsky of Weed. Haryey Sargent, the well known Dorria Ughtwelght, will meet one ef the fast loeal heya In oe ef the twe- rounders. .. . ,.,vja. nulv Hatflold witf referee thraasats', Louis Oerher will ,of sMiMiamaehi ae4 of eourse, zeeae the It MJLAIUJjlJtajap PALL!" dJWOOK, SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1916 -uil .ivuiium.i-.,.v lir.-ji.lij .-. . . . SUFFS E iTFiOllilT iSlie SO WIRE WILSON FIGHT FOR BILfc'IN CONGRESS IS RtSUMBB General Weed, Whe'Ts Cleeeet to Reeaevelt, , Cenfera ' Today With Judge Hughes, aeThls Is Believed to Precede -af ffermeJ Qet-Tefether. Perkins and Teddy Confer Regard- rf T' Ing the .Urtktti ' -A L'r.JKHl Press Kervlc ST. LOUIS, June 17. The suffra- gists dislike the suffrage plank adopted by the democratic national convention. Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt today-,tele- Rraphed. Wllaoa asking him to clearly state his position, on. this plank.' Miss Anne Martin.' chairman of the women's party, is returaiav to Wash ington to renew the .aatort for a det nlte cohgiwMioaie) j sattesju United Press Servloe WASH1NOTON, J. C, June M. Major Qeneral .Weed today conferred with Charles L'Hughes.rfAs Wood, is one of RoosevisH'if cleeeet friends. many believe Weed is working to have the coleael and ijUghoa.jQjtai foreec t ""Thia aftarnnsm gMghes eesif erred with Senaters Woska an'ategtieBuVeg California. United Press Service NEW YORK.. Jane-, IT. Chairman Perkins of the. progressive national committee today conferred wtth velt for two hoars, it was announced afterwards that the plana for the re union, of the progressives and. tho republicans Is progressing satis factorily. FOUR MILE LAKE . ALIVE WITH 'EM AOVISABfUTY OF PLANTING FISH IN STREAMS IB CONCLUSIVELY PROVEN BY RESULTS IN KLAM ATH WATERS , A decided proof of the advantage of tho state fish and game oommlasion'a Doilcv 'of atockiag'atreaane and lakea with Ash is shown by eendJtiOM at Four-Mile Lake and Four-MUe Creek. W. Mil Johaaon, O. W. Behertaea and Qame Wardens atost and Ramaby made a trip there a few daya ago, and they were astounded' by the. conditio of the shies. This lake'.and ereek were planted with Sen three yeara.ato by Ramsey and Stout Today srenr time a line is thrown into the water a Ash quick ly grabs It, and there la a lively tea sle; in store for th' angler. It is poe sible to count myrjada: of Ash from the shore. r ." Robertson and. Johaaon. caught a beautiful string of gamey rainhowa, weighing from iwo and a half to alx pounds each.. They any it la Juet a. QueeUon of suylag uere and eatesuag all you wish aw of eourse Jonnson and Robertson are m of the "game hbgclase, The party made the trip partly by auto and partly1 on ;feot, The last Ave milee was made oyer anew from five to ten feet in depth. -Mrs. Cater Better. ' Mrs, Dorothy Cbferl'whehas been suffering treat an attaek of aeuU ther- -' AMaA Sft flAAA M aBjV a nese eresssse as legwraesi ee mtumm ,mw " s..-7,, ,:t f .i i.l - - - ....-- - - i'ihhhiiiii ..mirtw iw, A. Men Wko WorM . for Union of the Parties i DEPARTMENT IS i f WcSBSSmM . ll U tJL" COMKimt If; ' Wv,ffli' . JI'll Mi if' jg!ianeM"sseisj J fVvr'SBVBBBBBmwv .BBBBBBBBBmVC 7 Jjr aVBBBBBBBBmW V. ' JTi .JBBBBBBBBBBBBK . Jf smmmmmVBBBBmV - mJ mWW JBBBBBBBBBBBBmm K &. Wv smBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBaH . W X I bbbbbbbbbbbbbI a BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl Ti U smaBaBaBaBaBBmaBaBaBaMBBT - n & Eul H mtWkWWm- IL U gggggggggggggggW H BBBBBMSMmmF If V BBBBBBBBBBBstr H ? VS. SJBBBBBl V M JBBBBBBmFr -V Jf w mssBBi .new sw v -snsnsmw'' . .sanv s e SmSmmW JRF hfcsBB .sflJBK tSMfTK ruAfli ateMEffMesciisx . -rv SpM5tBSt ST nen"sssw w SbsbsbE?"sbw t vv a smBMBmK Mr .JBmmmmBmmBBBmi Xk. ASBaHvsjBBBBBBjanflHsjan It mmmmmmWtM-t. STV :BaBBBBBBBBBBUBBk:m M BBBBBbbKII nr7mBmBBBBBBBBRPnA,iaV ar BBBmmmoii-:'.. i BmmmmmmPB5sBKS AT EfBBBBBBBb"!S? ZMmmWMmmm!tZZ,imW3m " BBBBpWV II nmmWKKtKti'JKMm i BBBBKW IB unii . iWammmW2MFZZMElM I' U mmm,m,ig mmmXmmy$mmmmmmmWmESfmmM t W BBBBmBBW V9W STBBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBBBBBBBu IVKf gallL aBBBBBBBBBBWamBBTeBBBBlBBV-'" ,11 BSBMHBstrfl?:J' '' ' Bme' 7- fSjKr BmamsmBpaiBnnnf i -xSKLiey- , ??-5!lii i...T7 'gggBBebBMBll rmi mirm intnirri.V . t!T IfTZSmmmt iHBBBBBaHHl BmBBBmBST'.'' hlBsf l..jBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmK?Ht. BBBBKlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmmmBBBBBBBBBBl I '.BtrBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV. WSmW' VJBmBBBBBBBBHs BBBHBBbWWHKsBBBBBBBC BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKaJV mWmWBSSSmmWW riBmBBBBBBBBBBBaMfflBBBBBm . JgSBBBBBBBBBBBBBWamSsl IsBBBBBslrlBWamBBBeflBBBBVi " Ii amBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmsPSl 4 mmmmmmmmmmmamWMmZ:-OrnNmmXMmmmmmmmmmmmni': KXgQQHnl JLKtw I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWBVBlBfffl f 1 ''bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHbAbB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBDIaW!BBBBMiBH ; BBBBBBBBBBBBBKrKrKHHgBm,. YgBBawsBBMBBBBW f BVlBBBBBmiiSJylMBBBBBBBBm " xBBBMMHfBBB7 BmiBiBBBBBBmBBi SSmmmWmmmW -''If SB BJV BLBBB lgaVBBBBT ' IL3HbBBBBp'5 ?-v " MBMBSMBSsVBBSivMeJPiSPABBgggggW y JiajBBBBBBcr nr ' mt. - fteeee- BBBBBBmsBBfJsVSirnBWAMBBBEjggW U'JOmvt.PtMmimK.B -iiM,. m. aBMaaBnnnnnnT jf u .maa a.si - en am bm m. NjHgV jy l JJtr MW 1 BT Jjf v.; Here ere eight members of the two republican and progressive convention ;n Chicago In thelrieffert' to get-.to- gf .'tifci- on one candidate tor the pteaide...'" . At the first session the progiW., Ive B.embcrs stood solidly for Theolora I:ooeerelt, whom "the repeMIeans tPirld.- "DAO" WILSON PULLS IN FISH EIGHTY -YEAR-OLD' SPORTSMAN . SNAKES IN A THIRTEEN POUND. BR WHILE FISHING UP AT ROCKY POINT "Dad" Wlllson need take his bat off to none of the younger anglers, despite his eighty years. Reports from Rooky Point are to the effect that he, u still getting the big ones. Thursday morning. "Dad" success fully landed a beautiful, gamey rain bow weighing 13H pounds and meas uring Sett laches in length. He caught four other Ash while out on thla trip, and the five weighed 36 H pounds. BOY PREACHER. TO MAKE FATHER'S DAY ADORESS United Press Service ' SPOKAN8, Wash., June M Charles riannigan, 15. will preaeh tie aeraaea and conduct the jreUgloue part of the Father's Dey"exerelaeeat the intw state fair. grounds here tomorrow, A chorus of 1.0M boya wlU aaslat U the observance of Father Day. A. red roae for the other' who.. Uvea, a white rose In memory of the" father who lt dead, are the flowers of. the day. Mrs. John Bruee Dedd. who orlr lasted the Father Day 4 ; r, V).r r y. C X J ' L'lJl'l T 'iri conference committees named by. the " 4 ,. , IIt NEW JAPANESE AMBASSABOtl '; TO AMERICANS APPOINTED " 4 v" TOKYOJune17. Almaro Sato wfll be the new smhesMdor fyeen Japan to tnls country, sueeeeaung vwefunt Chinda, who goes to the conrt of St; Jamea at London, it has bee oaseially anneuneed. , i Leave at ElgM. The' Upper take exenralen hoata leave Sunday mominga at t o'clock, t $ Brand New Benlfeee. I ;! i james tome. iaie or tie aupenor. Isundryand of the "Night in Bt company, la now night clerk at the Hotel HalL ". Aa a result, of a discovery of . tueer motha in some at tlM potatoes, a ahip- ment of 10S aaeka of potatoea rsietras here last night waa. oondemned,jby PoUto and Fruit Inspector O. L jOMgft Bad will have to he returned' to-Cal- ' '".yilM arose waa, some uane age sppoieise Uapeotor ky the county eeuit. aa4 Ua nBeolntment waa rattled' BWigsetMsil tural Commlsslener JU-efljailn Hel watohlng ly k)Ma Tt "''fJwsjBjgBjBejB; emypesjvep WMyr- .vdCl: w&j-;: TsaUs, Mntk l7nrJ . DbV BflT-gi BBBJBIBJBJBBB1S1BBBBSV M. UMUMMMM. .1IAUUI B --. . ..c SjA. --- "is: -,'A '"-'jri ..-v. i ,.k-! v: -i.i.i..".. .-, i,.i , KLAMATH HUeW f -" -- - VS,ij UFjriUAa.l ,'" ."WVWwf'f U"llvjr mm t1&gr4pi'."tl .. ?-, ZL. . -a- agwfcy ..,. " -'. --!, f 5w T mSWIi MiiiMnMMMnMHMaaBHHk lwrvirn BBBl bbbbbbbW BkWBBl '-ggamBB-BH ti l.smsBBm.U J 1 k;H r4ff " iH BBBBBBbT bbbbbVbbbb. bbbb... VMr . emsB .gasss'V. bH samml H bbbW " bbbbbbt , geM ? JbW'bb v bbbb 'bbbbb -"mhVjgBBl . bbbI EV m bm aT BmjjBBL'Mt?mijBr tmmwrmmW ,'y-t''t mmmm stsi.e,awiafef!"ifW.'i -- : 4.1 ' at B I rt KHIK KK1HIM fr Ii'BRENNBMAN IS OHMBNriMM, mm,- ' r rf- --,.i,3V.l XTi'ittff ET4VJ -v? m9m?:mmMgmA Meyer, d Csee'HeWFfa1alla'.MS'? MtV ilMll - -'--- " .?--.-g..tVMgP! ' ; 'ft: tJij?f&ifcm IwihiH rmr nmi -JrnnIKa;;;fi',;?:.;l n fi. i . -. .tssf&jccfvim ,m$&M CHy Preesrtv ' PeriwosisBHBsnirt.-';:- .-.-. I l, j.. r, . j-. -....i ,.z t- r . t' t v i. --j -r--.;- "-. j v ni- -I ft" BIIBiBT1 IsVtil ssfgi HIS) wlfBBBW BrejaBTffigjgBj t'tsV el aws.aepsjBjBsjgjhj? w vtv . Teeeeey $ ''S?'J 4 & 3&7.WV sir: tArii -'-:.. j? ., 'IX J. t s j ' Xstr 5lSVS ; 4Kate.heAertabUahed la BJSBB. .2,'.Cil --' -. K'n.r,rr-smr f m-l . '- .--.-- . T a'.. i"-- -.. ' t.tv.Crtl inio was. oeeioea npc stemeesang; .& of cltlik H'Ust'nie.e ts'elt:'.v , -- t .j.4 ffU' V'r J( ' y -.- :..- &.-. , t ' K. mayor u B. Crieler; !iiWtV'-! -i memhera W-the ?olii Jiisilmaitt. precraiajeo. ai hub tiartment. was temper wlth'OsWr Bre.eemaBas:eMef'Sa,;: rlri'fwls tr-'t 7faaBisBmjwt ,s jstjk j ? J --"j s ..' ." av m" - ' - -.- VA. Ambrose end Lester 1 prepWi tUllr-e the ?injaer,,,awfnn "'1- T -"' '.J i s- .,- . jbt . suiier ok lu. "-- ' - --' T7V "-i rr x-i SBhJBiBBf ,je ..eTemuHmsme ? j?MfcllMa ThevpWi for lreeVsadarsJMIe. to bmus the aeeerate at tWeKr heal -;.' ;;.--; C T--i l "Nl'tJt'. p"- -f'A-M,'-!'' , ..- tIfclW'S" sjHi'rrea've..tettenea-B)eeeeoemfe tMonieei, iB,manMsmjieW';asBew1iM ' " " .rJfrW -a7 - ' m ' t,w- '' U U It IbT BnHgtHBfBWslBiTI :.0'l5i f hr in. Rrnnuiin . 'es. uv -. ; ..1A.2Q''ii;J?$..:&5; CATTLE ARE ft . . K-.J,--.r,kVi' I MPVJBUmaSB' ; . VHIU i I .'IjI SSSS5 : v jr.y? ?Ttta ;.w-.wv.iiTO?(",w-i w.i DEAL FOR FtVEHUNOPlBO; HEAD; iMM . bb bt f. iniwwsn ,-ufi i , errwyB. v ?K i a7jan)enanmMeeSB asresenjeja) " hlAssisfeleeew sa WwV Vsim' u jTT?'1 .'':iT:v'"r?'. OBTV lliBV KHU.ta (' XnBBPB.BBaB)-- eJSBBMl,:BjpjBJTJf, a'fct . 222&&i8&'Tm; '. iv.gy Af.a TaaaT iJl'. T-WHi".-jT.D W&ITV iu.W'i) -" . f.ST'flava-'V.'i' . t -L?,?JHS, BBBBBBMBkBBnBBmBBBV "H.ki emy&'dr- ceAUe rwlU heVdrlv-t ! ti4Bkes'siiS 1 shJpped'te Idaho from that mmli'Mi . rm3mmlt-nm?!mmm-'mmm"t,1mmit&v.l made. , Jo.B' 'rjn4a' e; sjbe 'fc.;r lit . HHBHV. 'L 1 Wntt'raj BJBTbV'?? 4 J - ' - l1 ... -. r 'r-wrn.'Z BBI Bl 'X-MiuAt jiASiffx.. 'TaiSVJ..i ,. rr s?7-ft5h.i . - In From Deipy,- yisii; i. . r ..- K. .-y-. --. . - '. iL-.j " Mr.-iM'swi;;,; sk-vBBMgpsBs;'naw here area. Dt!l "- . ' m J3H& ut.' .. ?Mr .' ''&z&mm'-:i "'-Bw'laiJli '' vfjWkMvBl'' MummrMk.r m.. . i.'rr&v., rzji pwf,.a- jw . 'j ' i. :v It'ie'WBrtM'tef-the h''.'tiik."i CBVHMIBm BBlslUgMBl , ? eBBBBBs . gveeneBPBBBBB I - . J ta , - ,ii - ).aa)dmiatlMi eWeW BBBBBBBgBBBBSyBBJ pfl LVi-TawVtebir fulittfeot thee ttuMBBBt W JlJfMlttMhBBBLM ' " m 1 SJanBBBBlBBflBB, sr.tffVto.st "eanhe $& tt ML ft Is St2? r-V'm i '.. j& . '.$& '"J -t i 4 -I3i!i!' . rvi "V.. ,S m iiiw. TfiWMi tj(juf a ''JKi - -ises mSi ""' BBBT-.A t4'affi 'S'SSPftll aw .i'itH'ii! WJ'S' s&.J SSS1 jV1! 1 u:yra :a w i 5. 1 y-itn M . "'- t-iiTn -l f nv'oW ?,: V