f'PaujnFi.p,r " nJJ v r ,?f r T -.7 QflrsBsaBBBBBBBBa! '.f'" 4 .ill1 . . IH8Bl KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Tenth Year Me. 9Jt1 " '" '" ' " "MW'" ' ' - - - BBBaBBBnani snaaBBBBBBnan jlsia ; irnritiii "rWr F W'aWsJopa 3ft7? lEuetttitg official imSBlil W..I. ... i.. ri. ''.-wt.Vh. v. - t .. ...ft WILSON LAODED IN PLATFORM OF DEMOCRAT PARTY E KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1916 - ' " ,f r '" -"''.- '- . " WS3TP?' of the platform, and thin Oorernor Ferguson of Texas DreisnUri th. , minority roport, precipitating one .hour's dobfttc, Too minority report affected only fthe suffrage plank, urging a substt , tuto plank containing no rccommonda- I ion ror nurrrnKc, but urging tho states ,to scttlo this question Individually. Suffragists in (he eallory hissed Fergu- son. Th Platform was udoptod an pre- APPROVES SUFFRAGE IN BMALi Vr y 'Bo lmoriiy of h rcsolu- mv""a IN SMALL ,,onil committee. The democratic con- MEASURE vcntlon then adjourned sine dlo at 3:11. t lurln Out platform dnbato, Dele While Adopting Suffrage Plank, Oemo.'?"10 ' Al Moonoy of Massachusetts . . .....-.. " "mnnded recognition. He presented emtt insist That This la a Question)" Plank tmylnR tho democratic party up to th tuu. Tham-lv!:!:!:'" tho Mnb I eiiv luf uwiny, Prnhic Ptmi9m Ca ll avast g !VmiV IWI National Couveotioi 'AmoricaJ!lsm" Is Also Injected Into' The delegates hissed, laughed and . .. . I groaned at this. There were yells of This Structure, and Aihihm Oe. "Raus mlt.hlm!" "" or fentes Art Pavers. Halted Press Service Wl innia - . .. at. www iv, j use u. Aner ,a aea loa ef tWMty-four hours, the rcsolu. Uosa coaaBltUe baa lalsfatd taa deao cratic flutam. This, as praawttd at ta eMVMUoa. coataiss twenty four plaaka. There was a long Agbt on suffrage, but the coauBlttee finally adopted a plank approving woman suffrage, hol log It to be strictly a state issue. Te pRKforaa heartily endorses tho adatlalatratloa. It reviews the demo cratic legUtaUoa of the hut four yoars and endorses the Underwood tariff Achedule. "Asaerlcans of divided ai. leglnnce" are strongly denounced. An adequate amy and the full de velopment or mooern naetboda In sea coast defenses and naintenancn am endorsed. Tt also suggests aa ade- onate elUaeaa reserve, and a Ixed poUlcy tor eoattanes naval develop ment PnnAnserican amity and Increased South AnMrteaa conwserce are urged. The Idea of Intervention In Mexico Is called "revoking to the people of the United SUtea.- Wilson's Mexican poucy prauea.1 The pending ahlpplng bill Is praised as aa effective aid to establishing a merchant aaarlne. Conservation of the nation's resenreas, aadn vigorous pfeeeenUoa of laveaUcsllon tending to reader agriculture nk proiUble are ravored. 1 1 "! ATTEMPT IS MADE ON LIFE OF SPRY BOMB SENT THROUQH MAIL TO GOVERNOR OF UTAH EXPLODES A8 MAIL 18 TRANSFERRED IN MONTANA United 1'rens Service HUTTK, Mont., June 16. A bomb concealed In a sack of mall addreasod lo Governor Spry of Utah, exploded today, when tho sack was loaned from n Northern Pacific train to the mall car of an Oregon Short Line train. Tho Interior of the O. S. L. car was completely wrecked. The bomb Is believed to have been cent by members of the I- W. W., who have repeatedly threatened tho life or Spry because he would not com mute the death sentence Imposed upon Hlllstrom, an I. W. W. agitator con victed of murder. United l'resn Service ST. PAUL. Minn.. June It pIxIm of pronlbltlonlsts to vote against any presidential candidate or party not pledged to the abolition of the lienor traffic, rather than an actual serious attempt to elect a national ticket. (teemed the possible keynote today of the national convention to be held here July llth. On July 18th, a preliminary meeting will be held of the 5.000,000 voters' league. Which .(ak tn ullam KAAftAAA voters on the platform of a prohibi tion pledge, rather than 'for the prohi bition ticket. It Is claimed that 160.000 voters .m Minnesota alone will be secured. Eu gene N. Poss, former governor of Massachusetts, and William Sulaer. former governor of New York, will be here durlnc the convention, onmln July 19 th. College men from the entire aalloB will hold aa oratorical contest as a preliminary to the convention, on July 17th. Only One Vote, It Cast in Opposition to the President Other things endorsed are: Federal Sid la SMthrfln nnat nH mil Hary roads; UvJatg wage and eight nour day ror all! government em ployes; adequate industrial accident compensation; seaeea'a act; speedy eaactaent of child labor laws; de velopment of hariors and Inland waterways. While awaiting; tie report of the resolutions coamMtie this forenoon, Senator Keed nddteised the conven tion. He declared tsi republicans had to aeeataate "a aui who has not opened his lips for ifx years KLAMATH OSEO AS BRIGHT EXAMPLE MEDFORD 18 AWAKENING TO THE FACT THAT A PAYROLL 18 MORS POTENT FOR PROSPERITY THAN IS FRUIT RAISING jJNPbJBsbBnT"" a 'V nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnl nanaVannnvHPBnnnnnBBll nnflnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnW LnSsnaasannnnnnnnKdl ' nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnr snnnnnnnnnnnsnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnW & snnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnv BananananananaHsananaH' "ntaBlsaa! SaBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBnaBBBnaaaal saaaaaaaaasaaaal BLLLLLLLLLLLLUBPsaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnl mBmM M saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai saaaaaaaaaf aanwsnanaW saaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnaaBBBBBBni saaBBnaaaaf aaaBnanaananl aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanas SnaaaaaaaVjSaaBSnaaaana Uf'tbettm Ihd Worse Teily mr -v i .. .' X- '""rl1 -'?. , FtlUli lllDlblrinv ' I Villi IH VI afl aVaaTil ' ' H mn oiv rorrn! unu OlA v? W6 ',' "( v IECB j- Pin ? A, i B.S.i,.ort, .5-..B, J lO, wialft.ly nm bsj ss Ktiu : Mi'" "Flsi m,. 1 & J; by mmm - fv "MC ' .... '.$ HVTI.K IB HKI-Bl E1B1 A ' BHlBBlBai . ' , ! --.w -, n..mvimnn.-i .. United Press Service NEW YORK. Jane U. Calomel Roosevelt suffered another mmm coughing spell hut night Asaresait, nis condiuoa is aiueh worse today; and his physician refuses to adnt visitors. v i41 Roosevelt to unable to seeak abev- a whisper. He appears to be contian- ally suffering great pain. It . Yesterdar he went to a apeelsh-t for a second! exanstoatien. Thei-ray proved the Irst ----- ..'n-ii -v... v . . .i-f.l" -. miiw is ae correat. . ;- .. A k. . ...- i jinPBBBaaa. bbs near an si Tienos oi juoseveu and aaesf--"--t -- .-- wnusiisBiS'i believe the :tw great resnblk-qrffl ! - i-..if J"' . t.Sl.?Jsfe . . .. ... -TI 'i , " " MRWIHS aeSTSSBSl S ua comierence an soon ns-'taer ?Z . . , Jmif&m his present treaWe. 'a?- -i . - v SssSSSa I i ; .YAfi'.'-S'-i'j; 4l .! M -ferl V.".l Ifih wcgr,;iiibl. -wseer- en Fert KieMrM eaa) Am Preed,.M Was start rteM e HSMe - ;.'sEfc.. ,.fti ,;' 3 MeW.neV:;.' "rA- In from Eugene Lawrenco W. Mehaffey, who motor ed north to the Roso Show, came in last night with Miss Maud Newbury, Mrs. Vernon T. Motschenbacher and Donald Newbury aa bis passengers. The Newburys, who are attending the University, will spond the summer with their mother, Mrs. Wilbur A. Jones. Here for Summer Melzlne Mumaw, who has been at tending college in Los Angeles, Is here to spend the summer aa the guest of Mrs. A. F. Salflcky. Going Camping. Mr. and Mrs. John Siemens and Mr. mivej sw upe ror u years." - .i .-. ..-, Senator hHeae nmd the adoption for a fortnight's outing at Odell Lake. RfrMajpigEu rooeWOI Good words for Klamath Vails from Medfordf Doesnt seem possible, does it? Yet the fact nevertheless renaanu that our busy UtUea1p;'la;at present oeing neia up as ajMignt and shining-example of TbasTgirifH ttn do. Witness the following fa regulation body type, appearing In a recent ar- tide in the Medford Mail Tribune, urg ing efforts for more Industries: "On account of dlscrlnnatin froia-t rates which force up the -price on all merchandise and the lack of n-rralla which force down the pocketbooks of the local consumers, It. Is unquestiona bly hard scratching to nuke both aada meet in this valley at present As soon as we secure a railroad to the coast. a lumber mill or two and a box factory, conditions will be as they are In Klam ath Falls, for Instance. "Last week Mr. Larned and Mr. Hoke visited Klamath county, and sold in Klamath Falls alone more carloads of goods than this whole valley will consume, according to the present in dications. Yet Medford is twice the site of Klamath Falls. What's the an" swer? They have the payrolls. We have not The, local aHrcaants and consumers appreciate the nnexceUed quality of the pack, ot the loeal can nery, but there cant be ama increase In consumption, until there isa Marked increase in cash." Weedrew Wilson ' United Press Service t ST. LOUIS. Jane Is. The demo- cratic national conutlttee hut night renominated Woodrow Wilson and Thomas Marshall as densocratle candi dates for president and -ice presi dent. - Wilson was nominated nt 11:60 last night by a vote of 1M to 1. Robert Emmett Burke, of Illinois, attended the convention for the express pur pose of voting agains Wilson. Tne Wilson demonitration was the noisiest ever held in St Loads. It Thomas Marshall H-uaa, jusT'iaree-qasnen of an nour. Four minutes after Wilson was nont inated, Marshall' was noaalnated by acclamation. All of the om-Ho to Marshall heard several days ago -aa completely vanished test night United Press Service, WASHINGTON, D,. (J., June If. Many congTatnlatorytelegraani have been received today by President WO- son. vicj PresideatMaranall wired:, "in the light yoa'are to wto.! am alwaiB vnnra tn lUnmuijn I BALL GAME WILL g START EARLIER t-iJtff f -rfi a: UMP8 WILL YELL, "PLAY SAL't" .. Vi . . ti" at 2:w SHARP. MKnraitr-r i s . -,,. . 5 .( - , .-.j.-! . . -'-. ITCS CAM GET HOME THE AM DAY " WilUaai Devi. riM;'- -b: C -itondelpb. ittoM vt A . ., -: ., 4-, ' ,Vi 51 vi-,'; f Hit THBllwUy -W ) awK-t'lUM Dan MeCausUn. WfNOUNG PUS HONORS WO LUMBERING 6AK! OPON OUR "CAP" FORMER HEAD OP WEED LUMBER v COMPANY AND KLAMATH DE VELOPING COMPANY I INTER. ESTED IN ADDING MACHINE PRESIDENT OF LOCAL BANK, ALSO HEAD 'OF COMMERCIAL CLUE, 18 GIVEN IMPORTANT PLACE8 IN STATE WORK George X. WendliaK. one of th. p dip Coast, best knows lamber nten, wrw(i7 " oc use weea Lanuer company, and at one tlaw head.of the Klamath Develonment comn-nv hu forsaken lumbering. He has becosae interested In the Daltoa Addlna- ma chine'' company, and is now with that company as vice president and gen- daT-LI alBilsaai aaaaaaaun-n. v --- "w eSMBeaesa i Be Some StrenuousTask Wa r Bulletins 7 V n United Press Semot 11. iupi United Press Service LONDON, Juae Is. 'iwsupplsg Europe after the war Is aolar to be as colosssal a dlploautto task si the war hu been a salutary underUllag. European stotesnsen belie1 it will take several yean. Seau ar things wiu begin to adjast tbeaaieras grsd- uaUy wkUe the Ightlac stlU fti and that the struggle will suklde by degrees as the readjuaiaseata fected la spots. To skew hew cated the situation will he, tewing Is a sunusary front swUo aatkoriUes, of the caaai allien aaauestioaably will they win deetelvely over the newarat Belgtoai restored aad posalhw possesslea ef Holland as far River Waai; HoUaad. la this tag coatpeasated by a gttt ol urntory to and iaeludln Ol The Freaeh freatler eateads RaUi froai'the IwiM te the or Date freatler; The Tyrol. an istna, tacHMuag fiaane, lad Bsaea A-alsia ttalv.. V osaiWy traaslerred freat Austria wiiaeriaaa. BarrassM from Oennanv to Russia, as German and Austrian Poland re-established aa a self-governing nation under Russian domination. Scbleswlg-Holsteln returned by Oer mnnv to Denmark. Huncarv nrobaniy made a seperate Independent kingdom. Dukovlna turned over to Russia, ru rrnnla made a nresent of Tranavlvanla and possibly of a part or even all of Bosnarabia, as' a tree gin rrom uussia. Another ble slico of northern Bulgaria aloo transferred to Rumania. Serbia and Montenegne united, with nil of conquered Serbia restored and, in niMIHnn. Bosnia. Hercasovlna. Del- matt and part of European Turkey coded to the pair. A nt h frantlnn of Turlcev handed to Greece, except In the now unlikely event' that the Greeks should Join the central powers. Turkey, according to the'generally accepted program, will be expelled 'completely from Europe. Shun 4ln1nmita favor a nartltlon of the saltan's Aslatk possessions also among the allies, others are aisposea to leave him a remnant of this terrl- Concluded aa rate I PARIS, June, W. The chiaibsr ec deputies has met In secret sessloa to interrogate tne government regardiag French defense preparations at VeK dun before the Germans began their attack there. It Is officially announced that fol lowing a two day lulL the Gernaana yesterday attacked Thteumoat fans. Tneir assault was frultless,;as Ireaeh artillery killed the Germans ln th trenches before they were able to tea. United Proas Service BERLIN, June 16. The Oenaaas gained ground on .the southern stone oi. Dead Man's Hill and captured sev oral Maxims yesterday. Captain J. W. Fiomena has Just been notlled by C. C. Chapman of his an. pointment as. a member of the consaait tee to prepare a tentative conaUtutioo for the State Chamber of Comaeree, an organisation of all the coaamerotel and booster bodies of the state, for concerted effort for the upbuilding of Wendllng.has many friend, in th.lWfon- atM to B0W MMi lamath country who wish hiss well In two drm?to prlor to Jelr submissloa. ' The Captain has also been notlacd of his lelectioa aa a member of the finance coaaatlttee of. the State Tax League. This statewide organisation has started an effective "-mpitga to reduce taxatloa la Oregon by the ebav ination of useless expeasea aad' the use ot real business prlnetsies in the eeadsct of state, eoaaty aad nMatelpal anaire. X u ART SMITH TAILS: AND BREAKS LEG ! Klamath country who wish bJsa well la ais new venture. SUNDAY BOATING TRIPS RESUMED CALKINS HAMILTON WILL OP- ERATE THE SPEEDY MOTOR. OATS IN SUNDAY EXCURSIONS TO UPPER1 LAKE POINTS i , t J- i Going to the aanw Saadayf Tkafi anout. as asinine n faasUoa'as'the one sprang these days by the koaaM i something about. "la tMa hot ' ror your' butwhat weTre drMas'at la-that if Tfrn am sjning aid aRof us are yon nsnet ataitaartv. -.-., FoUewtes reeetat-.af reeest'frea. Medford, it is anasuMed today-mint Suaday'a game at Modea Itefcr-wui start pronaptly at.g o'eleok. Thte wilt K peeerMeiter.the htaaa la. era. and fane te get an earirvstart en ZOrTLrTTtm. biiibii wis m mmamwmr front aR the dene. With WahahM to paste 'ear over,, the Meal fnani':'feel a waeseiMteasler, bat; they ahw keep in arind the fact that Medford. ku strong teaaavthisyear. o Pick Neleen wiR wnnelii fcn .inn n iryow u ine aox Baaday for part or the aanse, as Manager Watt .-will need a seeoad piteaer for the Jury games and the big Irst bagger ife anxious to show what he eaa dev Caster' will no doubt plteh for Med ford. with' force behind htothiwirs. and Force also, at .the reeervtor.end ot the battery. In First Raakar-Wiw eon, Seennd Backer rSherty" TfMis. Shortstop Sehoh?, aad Meraa at "the dlflcult eprner. Medford than eleasa an esceptieaaBy strong iaSeht,.wKh men oquairy goot at aattiag aad bald ing. 'The Medford eatSehL.Cesasnaa. &... . " ' . " Muier aadeieusete also said to be a wee bit speedier than moat aardoB I H. at i-fi j. - t .n.-i .. -ri.-a i;r-s??a(' Jifsv i S , ! VS4 pWPi ''A .:jr?,T . Sn. Bnlur , - - ' 'V...I i ril.ii li . ?T.- - ...-''.' ... lt,..t . . 1 r:rJSoK4EE2rjKJH ; . ,VJkiU.i-i .. . i j,'x.,Leaeh and a rtnll.i ' ' is - 4S v ,.'? ? I .,.fwnk-yonf Haltoa'IaadjCTaaeW' Price; hweeayU " ' "MMWv ' fv4 ;'& .iS". H-'' tkvt Dorie- is; tseist.l f-'; 1 of- ifra. htarv wnU, 'i fw - 1.. 7: rrr- w . ---.snweainnsnraBB Joelnliel Yalfc is .. i j . --- .v -j ay.Xrlea isr 7' w ', J.t. Sftv.J'l Jsl .r.f ?4' itim .ijif lnsL.:tii.wini'ii-i''--ik'r-Ii..''m-: 'mwmsim 1Mwa.enr -ureseeat. aw :i7i&ii?XU7l iv.snwj mwrnmrnr jmrw , araaaa aanaBBBBBBBBBaaBBBBi ; Baaar?Mv Julie 'kayaaadaaV asnaPttMaaa2WrJs uminim- i ntmo oonot n f. w pjajaj sjEjBManffv aja VfEj (-I. MiM .f JcXfl 'if '-Vi. f'-F.-fl wmm: n tf t Dr. J. O. Patterson was kere treat MerriU yeatorday ea basin isa. H a Here From Malta. ' B. Ohlsaa is here Chariea Leas Jr. la here- fma-the Ktentath Mama: . -j .-. . J . ; wt HJ -H-V ONLY : FIVE OEATH-EXPRT ,i$ :,- - .fPrXf&w-.i :. inr n , fOiMYWLIVElTwWlfX.aWlWWii 'aVkam IU UVK TauannT'ihaVhaBBmanaWUshaBB l?. CcJtwt JPrtM T, ZZWZ-PlKr J.Ti'j-.-'it. i. - j i. ..Bi ii TiiV J! .D.afir.. 'tl-V VklarH '.Mi,' th:wreekod -mlZLZZ. S:aieU.:ap:;tifeV: &Ufy,att.. :cerrnn2: '"''''-- - I the 'bodies of 'tkeVaw. !fa.ti.v4. r --vi; IZy M1A; eswiie -tunes ' sjaras nwsjsanhvanaanaBBBX sbbbk isbbbbbi saaBBBBBar A,Jtr i :-Sil saved. .-.The lias iaiia;inli-..ii' " I J -..--- -.. SP. V.---- TF!!-r.-l :!rr,i.j,,ie "wy pewesvensannBBani-.SF. .'. a . 'r' . ' .; IdajkAlsnuaByBam Vi' -l.VT :T,tfT.' -.-T.T'. SMIil inaaavT &JTOsay'atspsAM SW.i.'i5,H5M fiiiwHW7 '(r7nBV',t,Hnnv)nno: , . -T' y..-.--,,8gj;,7.ia.t (3 United Press,' Service PBTROORAD. June 18. The Rna. slana captured 11,900 more Austrlaaa while advancing between Kovel aad Prutb. This makes a total of U4.0M prisoners. k' Vaeausre Is Married ' ' John Raymond Piakatt of Malht mm Ethel Dontlly were married here last nlxht Pickett is well known as n broncho buster aad rope artist. The most certain ladteatloa that this is the gladsoame auauaer time in the Klamath Wonderland la the an nouncement of the resumption of sum mer excursion schedules, by Calkins Hamilton, who operate the audi boats Oakland, Curfew aad -Spray oa UMer Klamath Lake.'' The ant . tursloa will be held Sunday. Buses will pick up passsagera aloag Maln street Sunday momlnr. andth boaU will leave the laadinc at about 9 o'clock, The different? points of In terest arouad Ullahe iriR be vtoitod, and. a stop wlU be auutoat Raeky Pelst tor laaealng aad.' ashing. The Sunday excursions have alwava dkt. en very popular wittKaiaaath neanto has ana Kiasaatn viaaaea. YOUTHPUL AVIATOR WHO STAR." RED AT EXPOSITION LAST YEAR SUPPERS MISHAP IN A PLItHT IN JAPANESE ISLES.. United Press Service 1 SAPPORO. Japan. June 1. Aviator Art Smith's engine stopped when his sipiane was m feet aloft Hia.au chine teU and was wrecked, .and Smith's right tec was fractured. " Smith was 'the star aviator m4 the Panama.Paaiac.IaternaUonal enpe- siuoa at sen Ftanetoeo.:and since then sjrrtng UghU U . J J ' -- . .T . . .. . . -."-"i.: 1 's v-tr ASCfJSStmsm VAWiMMA i' rtw9Mimm2! i uiLiiir itniHinin mai LaBi"Sia''W-a.nwaflBL4( 4VwafanfJ mm a t -. f - ' k-' ti.v-t j . t . r." - ... wwm .li-itf W 1 ' ,fdfl ueiavi nW ftp? t lift LMi Bm aaaaaaWS Tr apBwwrisBj fk.1 'As "WA mmm ra .--..-i-L-&jmi.n. puma,. ... r 'jiv J.? vs A 1 v,,: v-' Gee;'iirli am.anBfsap), sunfMat Until the tow highway Mi9ftt'an Southern Oregon eaa da a freat deal to iasure the pavemsat of the reada in Crater Lake Natieaal Park''i all i the. eoenatsretel -bodies, eounty ..... . i. i , "Tti.'- . -' ..'i ' "f , fw,- wfii ,onee.-vlaxe, aeuen to have the Orenon atelesnilaairnaahw a. strwuatr aglU for the appropriatten for this yeaVs work, yet to be ---- by eeagress;'' The Commsrctel , Cash here hM already' takaaaa ttutnaaatac wRh the Orepea delegation and with ntk --- :--: --" 1' t .-ill . . -... i uniiiia. wBIa, .-ivti- -' Aa, approprtetton actSMM'was asked for the nsTsassWnf tk'hiaau wayalarthe- park,' tola" year., lieSci-' aatOesrsa.-m- OaaaTwatPraftaV -. V - J,i'--f. -- . TT- .JTr-"WW Ruannaa jgjaaaMaaajnMjElE MarhhBnBlBnBBBBBBVmaB.r ' WsanfihnnBM anBBBBBBBBVRBBBBBLBBBBBBBBBkBBBBBBBBBBBBB'n ' JTeTJRMmBVSwVjaVnnBBBBBBirn i. teir:na4 etrteaahhni' ",,,,ii vf , , ' "-" fffSW-'W Up- tf ipmmmmmi tfmmmm ismwm' sp ?paiessnnB;en:;inwianBn4ahh1EeBB 4 ifiy ''( l - , V -- ?'dt i'V" tf1J?4SF7 SZSfiSB 4 fl?CH -tVTO 'W'25 (