. ,.-.j'--v ?"W'y .ifV T THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREOON WSPNA6QAY, JUNS ,4, ,lf Military Career of 17-Year- MtrMt hat BOM M fa I The Evening Herald at Huatlagtaa. Roosevelt Shows Signs of Illness While in 'Gotham W. O: SMITH, Editor laltan CMteste. t Puhtlehed dally sawn Saadey at Old Briton Is Very Brilliant Salem to Te get a IW.666 aread sao tory with a 9s.t06 MirtUr payreU. The Kerala Publmalac Company a( Klamath, rails, at lis roarta Batered at the poetomce at BrnkTsdissiMiUvs. ath Falls, orogoe, ror through the malls at attar. a. t It ft MM)fM( tavertaalelaaeV FOR SALE FOR SALT Piaao wagoa with roller bearings. Will give tones to respon sible partr or trade for lumber. A bargain. Shepherd Piaao Depot 12-tf FOR 8ALB Team of mares, colt, aew wagoa and harness. Enquire J. P. Price. 1 No. Eighth. U4t" FORSALB Hoaeeaoldraraitara. Ea- quire 347 Nlath it 144t FOR RENT FOR RENT Geo store km aad all lodge room, eoraer SscbbA aad -Mala. Sea ChUeete. S LOST AND FOUND FOUND WaKe parasoL Call at Her- aldoStee. Mt LC-8T NaturaHsetioa papers aad shares la Aerial Ferry Co. Finder please mail to P. O. box 784. Klamath Falla. Pick Psnagos. rat" LOST Between Oleae aad Xkumth Falla, black overcoat Flader leave at Amerieea HataL Reward. 12-2t MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Permanent taaaata far completely famished modern fear room apautmiiat lira. M. J. ktarray, Cfcdar and High. Ut afONBY TO LOAN At 8 pa Artkae R. Wimsa, AM Kate. 22-tf WANTED Dressmaking, ptoia sewtag or' aay Had of work. Mm. 314 8a 6th street t T F. M. WHITS TE..RAR. NOSE AND THROAT 27 Odd FeHewe BalUKa I SLAB, UMB AND ROOT te aay leraftta. Our aad fa alwaya day. One teed wOI cam KLAMATH FUEL CO. O. tVyiaa, Mar. Phono 1ST ar m0fwm0wwia0w0aW0wwwa0 U yaw waat aaf ormatloa regardiag uuh laaa oa mamatw Kaaerra- r addrass Clajrton Kirk NOTARY FUBLIC ChUoqiiin; Oregon Aeearate Jaformatloa regarding all aetata lands and deacriptioa of property. WW(WMIWIMWWW(WWWWWWWi 0t0nWi0i0mm0w0v0wwwmmr STAR DRUG COMPANY Oeaetipatloa la,, a Tory simple, aatural trouble, bat Balsas prop. air treated, it may develop iato serious aad eompUeatai We adrlse that Carl's Little Llrer Lifters be kept la er aty home. Wa caaaot recoauaead these pills too highly. We eaa tioa our patrons agaiast the free 'aad ladlserimlaate use of laxa tives aad' purgatives. JBc. Star Drag Ce New City Lmky Abb HAND WORK We guarantee eueerler work' Shirts, Collars aad all Bilk Goods Wft4.r .! Tin mw amm4b1m. v viii , w, mmfimmmm Fttaat 114 127 Fourth St . KLAMATH PALLS. ORB. - tSeaj as year work by pareel past C eBpMpf Mi wai aa accaweoa Wood Sabscriptfoa tenaa ay matt la aay address la the Ualted Mataa: Ofte year pew Oae noata .. KTiAMATH T ALM, OtUgOOlf WIDNBSDAY, JUNK 14, tW FLAQ DAY SAID HKNRY WARD BKRCHSR: "It's not. a palated rag. It la a whole national history. It is the Coa atituUoa. It U the OoverameaL It la the free people that ataad la the gov ernment oa the constitution.', The aaalreraary of the birth of the American flap; haa become the occa sion for fitting obaerraaceB of the kiad that re-kindles latent patriotism, aad today, more than at aay other time. the observance la oae of appeal to ev ery citlxen. The ahadowa caat by com ing ereata are largely responsible. With Charles Eraa Haghea. the choice of the people, a nominee for the presidency: with Theodore Roosevelt, an acknowledged leader la thta coun try, renouncing his intention to again seek the presidency, and instead, fall- lag Into line for the aappert of the people'a choice aad a return of repub licanism, the flag observance takes oa a aew significance this year. It mesas that with the coming change of ad ministration, the American flag win be restored Its prestige oa toad aad aaa, that the "aew freedom' we have beea hearing of as a posetbility of late, win emerge from Utopia Into Reality as "undiluted Americanism. with beauti ful bat ineffective phraseology planted by jadldeus action. ' '. Scattered Shots . e i WHO &AJD,"Where,s my eaat," ( day? I MUST HAVE BEEN a fellow Agar- lag on selling needleaa Junk. "WHAT IS THBREr queried W. H. A. Renner, our nearest counterpart of Justice Hughes, who admires Wilson only because he likes baseball;" what is the one factor in connection with this here national game that makes It so uncertain, and, changes a lot of other wise staid citizens into a howling, yell ing mob." "THE UMPIRE.' sagely replied the "cheerful" Idiot, sitting back of W. H. A. R. at last Sunday's NOW THAT HUOHBS is ted, there is a whole lot of real prepar ednessfor a return of real prosperity. TWENTY-FOUR QUART orders are just aow taking precedence ever the two-quart Variety, accordlag'to Dorris advtoea. A Talk With a Klamath Falls Man C. Smith, carpenter, ef 22 Ninth Street, Telia ef an Interesting There is nothing like a talk with oaa or our own citizens ror giving nope aaa iy encouragement to the anxious sufferer : from the dread kldaey disease. We, therefore, give here aa interview with a Klamath Falls man: Mr. Smith says: 1 wed to be subject 'to lambago, which, at times,, was vary severaOftea my back got so lame and stiff that It bothered ma a great deal whea I same to straighten up. Whaaever I feel this trouble comiag oa, I start takaag Doaa's KldneyrPill, ami they alwaya relieve the salsery la .ay bask aad ike It possible for ma to get about aa well as ever." Price, Sta at all dealers. Doat simply ask for kldaey ramedy get Doaa's Kldnef Fllle-tae same that Mr. imlth-had. Feeter-Mllhara Co., IFromi., Buffale, N. T -Adv. tJmamT KSHaVmBmrmBBBBBmBmTSPA jvsTuUteSsajmnsfiasnea jrsjfiaaaaBBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmma jiSIIIKnBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Br t mBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBkt tEaBfBBBBBBBBBBBBBas XBBBT M E'. BBBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBlrMBBBBB B Vs BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT BbBBBK ? iaBBBBBBBt TjlHl Hi hat aBEB8BBBammajmjjSjBQHnvv,3E? v-. v1-?! bbb BtP BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMgfflBBBBBBBW Hj hV aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHaWrawRSflVflV' C' IEBJWIaBH BTg BrV SaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKW-RBaBBBBBBBBBB SS as ffJBBBBBBBBma: jMRS 9f R amMABBBBBBBBBBaXleaaaBBBBBBaflH BH BBBBBrWBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBtSlH tit K bbbbbV'bbbbbwSI'V 1 Sat aBBBBBBBBBBBlBBB4x 'vl'aBBBBBTjBYf e SB? BBBBBBBBBBBKBBBBtr .CSaBBBBBBSB.aBBBBBBBBBm WX BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB?'5; BBB Sw SBBBRBBBBMjSiBBBBBBBaBBBr iTmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTi 1 BBB irdaBBfBBW 4kBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB aa BBB 'SBBBBBBBBBaw BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKBTaV STJ Bk aBaBBBBBBBBw mBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBumBBBBBBB ISa M t&vca.vee XWb5ju MBRMPf) Be BJa utM1 W' - . BBB aMt-jVhy-tt-'VMfvi : aejNwfc.f ''tij'y-e8awBMMaKSSMiliMW?fT-KaBBBPnlag'?vaBBBBl bbmTt r 7y!aSamg; iStii hF iiBBBBinyBB TiiiiaBBBBa ilaTi i Ibbbbbw ROOSSVKLT ON HIS RKCKNT FRKFARIONISS TOUR United Press Serrlce NEW YORK, Jane 14. Coloael Rooeerelt was erldeatly ill today wkea he met his son Kermit aad the latter wife and child as they landed from a Panama transport He showed signs Optimism Pervades the Democrats Coatiaaed from Page 1 itself' had been repainted throughout, mostly with white paint, ae that every possible bit of light was reflected, lake its gigantic Interior. Special ventilating apparatus cooled the sultry air. Delegates aad alter nates alone were permitted oa the ground floor, permitting more comfort able seating apace for the men who actually do the convention work. One topic which was eagerly dia cuased by the crowds on the streets and in hotel lobbies was the sc-called "unit rule" 'and "two-thirds" regains tlon which from, time immemorial has ruled at democratic conclaves. There was general belief expressed that the regular quadrlennlal attempt to overthrow these ancient rules would succeed, this year. Delegates recalled that the attempt was made four years ago in. Baltimore and defeated mainly because there was such bitter strife between the' candidates. If the two- thirds rule had not been ia elect at Baltimore, Champ Clark, Missouri's favorite son, would have beea named. This year, it was conceded, will be an excellent opportunity for the demo cratic, party to abolish the precedent requiring a two-thirds majority ; necessary to a choice. There, is only one candidate in the minds of the peo ple Wilson and this oflera a free road to revision of the rales. Most Important, also, in the miade of the gossipers and hotel lobby debaters. - BROWNE BROS. BROWNS BROS. Did you know that the price of wall, paper ,has ad- t vanced from 10 to 26 per cast i this spring? We bought a large shipment Jast prior to this advance, so we are la a position to serve you the lat est designs at the same aid price. You can get paper for ev ery room la the house from $1.25 up for. a room" lxxltxf. Wa also have a complete Une of W. P. Fuller eV Co. PalnU, Oils aad Varnishes. No old stock. Doat forget the aumber, 1026 Main Street SATURDAY SFBCIALS 20 per ceat discount oa all Wall Paper. 0m BROWNB BROS. BROWNS BROS, of suffering pain, aad frequently press ed hla hand to his side. Mrs. Richard Derby, his daughter. said that the Coloael was ill ail of last alght He consulted a physician today. at St Louis wss the platform upon which democ racy will make this, year's race. The democrats believe they have the "edge on Ike repabllcaas, slmply,. cause they will have an opportunity to see what sort of a statement ef prin ciples the Chicago convention kaa en acted, and" to meet these prlafies ia the democratic pledges,. , An Inside Bath . Makes You Look and Feel Fresh Physicians the world over mead the inside bath, elalmlag this la of vastly more importaaaa thaa oat-, aide cleaallaeas, because the pores do not absorb, impurities Iato the blood causing ill health, while tha pores ia the ten yards of bowel do. Mea and womea.are urged to driak eaca morning, Decora areaatast, a glass of hot water with a teaspeeaf ul of limestone phosphate la it, aa a harmless means of aalpias to wa from the stomach, liver, klaaeya aad saw aavvaasaavu, wVf SMVcaamam) 4SHB the previous day's Udigeetlble al, poisons, sour'blle amA' toa bowels material las; thus purifying the entire alimentary enaej before putting mereAfoadjia.the SlOBSSCf. Juat as soap aad bet water eleaase aad freshen the skla, so kotvwator ami limestone phosahafe .aet. oa the eiimtaauve organs. , Those who get up wtth a bad breath coated tongue, nasty, taste or have a dull, aching head, sallow complexion, add stomach; others who are subject to. bilious attacks. .or eoaaUpaUoa, should obtain a quarter pouad of lime stone phosphate tat tbadrug atore, ThU will coat very (Jtttf, hut toauAI. cleat to demonstrate the value of la side bathing. Thaa who eoatlaue It each, orning are. ;ss)ired,.of pro. Bounced results, both la tasard to health,, and sppearaaee, Adv.' ' ,. Oiled paper has been foaad to baas excellent material, for paekiaf . tree fetedllags whea sUaped U aratea. When cratw are net wed, paperrUaed burlap .makes, a,pareuiarlr setiejae my wrapper, h -. . ..J.. ": Ask fhllen --- 4hA atiaMak Ceuatiy. f wye atase ef hot. water wtah WBBmmjmaamm BHfffaWwl (""' kaeps lllaeea away, iiaajiby latlltaaa. After Fibbing About Hit Age, Youth , Sy WILBUR S. FORRBST (United Press Stan Correspondent) 1-ONDON. June 14, Scads of thrills enough to make the wildest dreams cf a uorio hero pale to Insignificance have been packed Into the youag life of Lieutenant Clifford Probert, aged 17. The full atory came today from Blaen nvoa, Wales, Probert'a native, .village. Daring deeda. uader Are, promotion from the ranks, awarded the D. 8. O., wounded tweaty-two times, blown up while on a hospital ahlp aad taper of memory are n few of the youthful soldier's experieacee. Before the war youag Probert oper ated a haulage eagiae ia a coal mine, aad was the aeelataat chief boy scout of the district. Ia September, 1914, he joined the army by misrepresenting hla age to a recruiting sergeant. He told the sergaaat he was 18 years old wkea be was only IB. Ills parents ob jected to his militarism, so he changed hla name to William Gordon Williams. At Hill No. 66 In Northern Franco, the youthful soldier received his bap tism of Ire. He also went to the hos pital for twelve weeks with ' two wounds in the head and two In the legs. Some time after he had rejoined his regiment, the colonel commanding decided, that a distant tower was be ing used as an enemy observation post The colonel chose two mea to cut the wjrea that connected the tower with enemy batteries. The mea chosen were Lieutenant Murphy aad Williams (or Probert). After crawling two hundred yards through darknassMa the direc tion of the tower. Murphy was shot through the head. Porbert crawled forward aad event ually arrived. He dug In the ground around the tower for an hour with bis "Young Joe If coasistent tralalng counts for aaythlag.wBobWe Allen aad "Youag Joe Gaaa" should ba In the beet pos sible condition when they meet each other Saturday alght la the main event of the Klamath Athletic Club's smok er. In spite of the hot weather, both boys are bexlag, skipping rope and doing road work. ''' The two will meet In a six round bout, which promises to be real Inter estlng. Billy Hatfield will referee, and the local BUI Jordan, Louis Oer ber, will make tke usual Introductions sad anaouaeemeats. Kiofchlp of Dorris and Battling Llvlnaky of Weed, two clever Heat- weights, will appear In a three round preliminary. There will also be two bouU of two rounds each by loeal boys as' a eurtaia raiser. The value of livestock drlna f dlaease oa the aatioaal forest ranges In 1915 was less than 1206.606. a ma. rlty of the eattlemea are now vaeei- natlag their atoek for Maekle. one ef ifiiiiMtdt' diseases of tile Watt, aad thaa areveatiaa tha Mrtous loasea of tbo fast ' MCvfSImSBBBmBBt mnmnmnmnmnmnmWnM ImlSlB BBBBBBBBBBBwW ' BBBBmamaKfril BBBBBBBBBBBBellfc9 BmBmBBBWakvM$aVcl BmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB mBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmF WWM pspifLpi Decoration for Hit Valor in Imndi before he discovered" the wrae. There were seventeen, which meant Hint soventeen German batteries were bolng nccuratly informed of the .ac curacy of their fire on the British past Uoiih. Probert tried to snip the wires with his pocket knife. The metallic round produced, however, aaadt .the operation dangerous, aad ke.soeekjedj hi Red cross pacxet ror vaaauae. Smearing the oil on the wires, he spent several hours in nolaelessly eat tlnp all seventeen, and then crawled Uullously back to the British treackee. It was on September ISth. the start of the big nritlah offensive, that the, young trooper agaia got Iato actiea. Hla regiment charged. A handful mached the third line of the Oermaa trenches. Probert was one of the Imndful. A shell exploded aearby aad threw him Into the air. Date' awf aufferlng from the shock be arose aad rhnrged again, but came under the Are or a machine gun, and fell with Ave tullet wounda In hla abdomen, both bins riddled and hla head badly bat tered, ne lay la the open, without at tention, for two days before stretcher benrcra came along. Probert hovered between life aad death In a base hospital for weeks. Youth and vitality finally conquered, v:it II he had sufficiently recovered strength to be aent to Bnglaad. Subsequently, with other Wounded men, he, was takea to Boulogne aad tneed nboard the hospital ship Aagiia. The ,Anglla, Bty wy cress the English channel, en route to Folk atone, when ahe was mined. The ex rloalon occurred just as a aurse waa raising Probert'a head, to see ike coast of England. The nurse nnd an orderly carried Probert, cot and all. to the mala deck, snd telling him to hold oa tight, slid him into the sea. A rescuing destroyer Gam" Tram DHLiaUaUBMT Callfornia-Oregen Fewer Csmaaay. eMHI rrwhn9wmWw0 pwIIivOMS tNUTiue There is doHaquoat aaoa tha fonawiag oasensea " r? account of Assessmeat (Na 4) levied ba tha lith aay of April, 111. several amounts set opposite tat aimr of tha raspecUve aharehoUeri, as follews: V T" ' " NOTICB-Thare la dellaauoat NAMB. Murcantlla Trust 'abuiv nt Su rhLi.. (huiu IBS Mercantile Trust Comaaay ef Baa iTaaeiaeo, Trustee JtT Mercantile Trust Coempaay of Baa FraMl, Tmtee, - JW ' MercanUle Trust Comaaay ef Saa FraacUeo, Truetee JsM Mercantile Trust Compaay of Saa Fraae'iwTraetoe .,466 Mercantile Trust Compaay of Saa rraaclsco, Trustee ..461 Mercantile Trust Compaay of Saa FrwisM; Trustee ..4ff Mercantile Trust Compaay of Baa fraaclsoa, trittoa ..462 abb in acaoraaaoa wiia, Mw.aaa aa,i on the llth day of April. Iflij aomaay j w nuy aajtecessaw wm aa sold at HwuwrB.a-.retn.sNwaTaaamsp, uaisiflrpis, oatweMff ".BT.sn'lti'ttMie. tb. hour of 12 oniwm mmfjjm&t on, together with costs of adrertislag and lff)fihrM.iI j. O. TaTOMfipw. Secretary of CaUfofaJa-Ortfwa, Fawer Compaay- UJ. m Oatet: Number Ul Utaaa4araTJeamt, afraalsw, Ca Wi !nj Action nicked him ua before he h, ...u too much sea water. " Kventually he arrived In t is..iuw hiwpltal,.. Here he waa awarded the medal of the dlstlntulshad .!.. .. d,er for gsJIaatry. sad apprised of hi, pmotton, to a lieutenancy. ''" '-' weeaa laior, lTObert was well enough to be.dlf charged (rem the as? fore aomethlag seemed to snap la hu brain aad wipe away hla memory. Tai young officer was Anally found la Lea dog, wandering. 8cconeriMnUed urn nma BMfTBpB BUblld i a London aewspaHr ' It was not until he caught sight of. familiar sceaes la hla native village that Probert re gained hla memory. He hopes to re join hla regiment la another month. "I want, to get bach: into the scrap before it la all aver,- Probert U tell ing hi towumaV'up la Blaenavoe, Wales. COMB SAGE TEA IMIO GRAY HAIR OARKINA BAAUTIULFLV ANO St. TOg ITS NATURAL COLOR AND LUSTRff AT ONCt Common garden sage brewed Iato a heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked aad faded hair beautifully dark aid huuri ant. Mlxlag the sage tea aad sulphur recipe at home,. though, is troublesome. An, easier way is to get the ready-to-use areaaraUoa Improved by the addi tion of other Ingredients, costing about GO.oeaU a bottle, at drug stores, kaewa as "Wyeth'a Sage aad Sulphur Coat pound," thus avoidiasa.lot of muss. While gray, faded hair U not slaful wa all, desire to retain cur youthful ep pearaace aad.attractiveaesa., By dark ening your kair, with Wyeth's Sage aad Sulphur Comppuad, no one caa fall, because It does it so aaturaly, so eves ly. You. just, dampen a sponge or soft brush with it aad draw this through your hair, takiag oae amall atraad at a time; by morsiag all gray hairs have disappeared. After another applica tion of two your hair becomes beau tifully dark, glossy, soft and Jasarl aat aad you appear years younger. Wyeth's Sage aad Sulphur tCoamouad U a dttUajrtfultoi'at requisite, It U art lats&ded.ror Ut .ears. aUUgatiaa or prtresUoa.of diseue. Adv. EVHtYTHING ELECTRICAL HaAaalat Irene, ChaAlaf Olebea, Fuse Flute, Batteries, Flash LlahH Hwdy LaMe'rae, ate., ate. Aeti matee Wfotrieal iMUIleWf. cheerfully fivaa. CECIL WEEKi, ILiTR40IAN M aWWMain, hee BALK MOTICS. l,aeaUtii of arinelaal alaoe ef asoa thaf fallawug described stoak, No, of OertlANo.of eato AawteAawae. Iff 166 m 2 MM "i w'M r tha ajtoa ,Mmm 'Suit Suslaeef,