' 7rrTt'j' j Herald KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLT mi OFFICIAL 'NBWnAffMIl - ,t j w "" ' ;-j w & Al:-l Tenth Yesr-No. EjBIS KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1916 ,,Y fin (Hhp lEurittrui a Progressives Asked to Join Democrats to Aid Woodro w United Press Service ST. LOUIS, Juuo 13. Chairman Me Comba of the democratic national com mittee today wired Bainbrldge Colby or New York aa Invitation to join the democratic party. Colby nomi nated Roosevelt at the progressive con vpntlOB laat week, and he later Issued a statement repudiating Roosevelt. McComb's telegram follew: "It appears that Rooaevelt haa at tempted to send hit former enthusi akile followers stumbling to destruc tion. Progressive democracy cordially and sincerely offers them safety." William Jennings Uryan arrived to day to attend the democratic .national convention, which opens tomorrow. Ho U here as a newspa'per reporter, and will take no part in the convention. Secretary of War Biker arrives to night, bringing with him a draft of POSTOf FICE AND BANKS TO CLOSE FLAG OAV l fO IE OBSERVED MERE TOMORROW PATRIOTIC EXERCISES TO BE HELD AT ELKS' TEMPLE IN EVENING U aaaenrance of Flag Day tomor row, tb basks wlU remain closed all dayaaa the postoBce will be closed. flags will be displayed In front of .nearly every business house. Tomorrow night a patriotic oh cervaaee of the birth of Old Olory will be held at the Elks' temple, under the direction of Klamath Falls Lodge, No. 1H7, B. P. O. Elks. This will begin at 8 o'clock, and the public Is invited. Miles Qlve Program of Merit A musical program of merit was gives at the Star theater last night by tho MUos, a musical family tour ing the Northwest as a summertime tacaUoa Jaast. All are splendid musicians, and' their numbers evoked much, applause. The MUos will ap pear this evening again with a new program. Bids Are Asked on the Shippington Highway At last the Satnnwgtoa highway is on iU way. The council last night j parsed Councilman Matthews' motion tc advertise for bids tor the pavement of the road. The bida aro to be opened JuaoMta. Oil maeadam.aad a combination of oltullthlo and rook are the materials for tho pavement of tho mala trunk road. Crashed rook wiU be used oa tho braaeh eoasectlag tho highway wka tho eoaaty road to PeUoaa City. A tatoiatisa was alto passed eaaag lag the rente of the mala highway from over the hill to around by the water fraat Tho route, aa approved in tho nm- Wtloa, (a aa follews: . Oregon aveaae f ram Delta street to Nevada avenue; Nevada aveaue to California avenue; CUferaia aveaue to Frost street; . AMskt street to Vradariak street! Fred- orlefc street threat Meek S of Balf pmatea Addition to tho eater use oc BUawrk street This U a dtoUaeo of Mtf lost, as i the platform unproved by Proaldent Wilson. Democratic dclcKfitcn nre pouring In on every trnln. Before night, It Is estlmntcd the entire 1,092 delegates will be here. Tlitro In a Kravo fthortage of seats st tho CollHoum. This Is earning some concern. ThomsH Marshall Is apparently the party favorite for vlco president Tho suffragists here plan to tell tho democratic resolutions committee to enact n suffrage nmendmont to the constitution before tho end of the pres ent session of congress, or face de termined oppOHltlon from women vot ers. Mnudu Younccr of California today raid the women liavo $500,000 to use nRHlnAt tho Wllaon administration In the coming campaign unless the suf frage amendment Is adopted. KLAMATH TO HAVE A MARCHING CLUB THOSE INTERESTED IN SUCH AN ORGANIZATION ARE ASKED TO OET IN TOUCH WITH THE COM MERCIAL CLUB A marching club Is the latest or ganisation proposed for Klamath Falls boosters. Such an organisation, with uniforms, is a decided asset to any city, as It brings the live ones to gether, and Inparaftes, pagcantB, etc., It always makes a splendid appear ance. There are a numbor of former sol diers and guardsmen In Klamath Falls who arc anxious to have such an or ganisation formed, to take an active part In public affairs. Those Interest ed are asked to communicate at once with the Commercial Club, so Secre tary Fred Fleet can arrange a meet ing for discussing organization, elec tion of officers, selection of uniforms and other features. . Lakeview Women Here Maude Koontz of Lakeview Is regis tered at the Hotel Hall. compared to 9,220 feet in the original route, and It furthermore lowers tho total construction cost because It elim inates the branch road to the boat landings, a distance of 2,717 feet Engineer Zumwalt estimates me .cost of the trunk road along the new route at 119,852 for oil macadam, 16 feet i,i nn.i 121.193 for bltullthlc paving 8 feet wtdo. with four foot rock Bhoul- ders. The Shippington highway connects the lumbering district of Shippington on hn iTnoer Klamath boat landings with the main portion of Klamath Falls. It will make It possible ior we man uarniuK $50,000 to $80,000 a month to come here to do their trading, for ihelr children and families to enjoy church, high school, library and social nriviiana here, and for tourists and othara to reach the boat landing for Upper Lalce scenic resort points over a suitable highway. The road Is to be Improved at gea eral expense. Tho property owaers voted ia favor of the improvomoat at a special electioa last moath. New Union Pacific Chief mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm gmHFsflrltMmLm lIQBmLBw E. E. Calvin i:. E. Calvin has been elected presi dent of tho Union Pacific railroad, a road which Is the principal artery of several westorn states. Mr. Calvin has risen from the ranks. He began as a telegraph operator. ROSE FIESTA IS PRAISED BY MAID MI88 WAIVE JACOBS AND HER FATHER ARE HOME FROM AT. TENDANCE AT THE BID SHOW. ' LOUIS 8EE8 PROSPERITY Miss Waive Jacobs, Klamath maid of honor in the Portland Rose Festival, and her father, L. Jacobs, who ac companied her, returned last night from Portland, loud In their praises of tho splendid treatment accorded them. Miss Waive, as a member of Queen Muriel's court, was In a position to see the many events of the Rose Show to the best advantage, and la addition, there were numerous side trips, dinners and dances in honor of the royal retinue. Mr. Jacobs states that Klamath's float In tho parade attracted much at tention.. It was made up aa a repre sentation of Klamath, wonderful lum ber resources. Jacobs, while In Portland, talked railroad, transportation, tourist factory matters with prominent of that city.- He returns thoroughly convinced that Central Oregon, es pecially Klamath, Is on the evo of wonderful development SUCCESSOR FOR HUGHES TO WAIT SUPREME COURT ADJOURNED YESTERDAY UNTIL OCTOBER, SO THERE'S NO RUSH IS SURE TO BE A DEMOCRAT ' United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, June 1. President Wilson has not yet begun consideration of a successor to Jus tice Hughes on the supreme bench. Because of his recent survey of available lawyers prior to the appoiat tuont of Justice Brandels it waa aald at the White' House today that It would be easy for the president to mako up his mind quickly, but as tho supreme court recessed yesterday aa til October it was thought likely ho would not hurry In making a cholee. Justice Hughes' successor will bo the third 'member of the coun namoo by President Wilson. The reslgnatioa of Hughea leaves Eve republicans aad three democrats on the court It la expected that Wilson will appoiat a democrat MORE FIGHTING REPORTED FROM : SOUTH OP LINE ' BAD BORDER OUTBREAK THREAT. ENID Negro Troopers Kill Carranslstas Near; Casas .Orandes, and Detachment oft Thirteenth Cavalry, Ambushed toy! Vllllstas, Beat Off the Attacking Party With Soma Less for- Mexico United Presh Service ! 1 EL PASO. June: 13. It is reported! that American aegro troops killed three Carranzlsta ia a skirmish near Casas Orandes yesterday. ' iiiiiil l'ie Service SAN ANTONlO June 13. General Funston today anaounced that the four companies of Coast artillery enroute here from tho Bast will be rushed to Eagle Pass, near Pledras Negras, which Is a hot-bod of anti-American activity. Serious outbreaks are anticipated there. The Coast artillerymen will be used as provisional infantry. CtilteU' I'resa 8enriee FIELD HEADQUARTERS, Mexico (via Radio to Columbus, N.'aL), Jane 43. A detacamoat of tho Thirteeata cavalry yesterday roatod the remnants of Cervantes band of VtlMatSfl, tweaty miles northeast of BJata Clara. The Mexicans atteaapted to ambush the ;AmaciesawXatttMty woro-drtvoa off before they injured aa American. Three Mexicans were killed, aad sev eral were injured. MANY KILLED IN BALTIMORE FIRE A BURNINO GRAIN ELEVATOR FALLS, CRUSHINO MEMBERS OF CREW8 OF SHIPS MOORED AT ADJOINING PIERS United Press Service BALTIMORE, June 13, While esU mates vary. It is feared that at least twenty men died today whoa a grata elevator burned, and the burning struc ture collapsed, destroylag a pier aad damaging two stoajaore. Tho prop erty losa ia estimated at I3.WS.WS. Fifty were injured, aad many are missing, either in the grain elevator or' In leaps Into tho water from tho structure. Twenty-five members' of tho crew of tho Dutch steamer Wtlhelm Vaa Briel wore crushed whoa tho vessel caught Ere and tho aide wall of tho elevator fell oa her. smashing tho ship. The, casualties aboard the steamer Klsbeck Hall, also damaged, have not been ascertained. RESOLUTION TO KEEP U. 8. JUDGES ON BENCH United Press Service WASHINGTON,, p; C, June 13. Senator Thomas today Introduced a lesolution urging a constitutional emendment prohibiting supreme court members from beeoaUag candidates for public offices. a Changs In Phone OfRoo ,MIss Annette Shaw aaa resigned her position as chief operator for the Pa cific Telephone Telegraph company's local exchange after eereral yeara of work. She will bo' sueeesded by Miss Eva Haaka. The i Quarry aad Towmo oompaay will erect large dooka sad buildings at Astoria. " . '. Tho Northern Paoito bmm to baUd into New President of ''- KaaaBaaaaaaaalaaalaaallaaaaaaaaalaB ! liKlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw I ! BB 92saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam am Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaial I BBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVaaaaaaa BBBaaaaaaaaafJsaaaafaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" l aaBmmmmmmmmbtgfflBBaaBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaVsmBafJBaa" feaaawvsSaBmaHBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I hsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVJ ,z m giiJHBatsaatsatsatsatsaa1 '' aafsaaaaaaillSBaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaal ' IBaafaaaaaaamPaaaaaaaaaaaaaa1aMJBaaaaaaaW m dHaBaBaaaaaaaaHHHB!lBmaaaaaf ' I iBaWTWWIlTniWinT Baaaaaaaaf J aaa gaeamaataaaaaaw aaaaaaaatei'laaaaaMJKBaaaaT - I BaaaaaaamPflaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaalBaaaaal W KslaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaV - I aaaaamSBaV'aawHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaV ABa aaaaaamBawlliPJMP9BBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaari H aaaaaaaaaaHlSilaBaaaaaaaaaBBaaaaaw I ' iBaaaa'BBBBaaaaaaaaawBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaial' ' Bat BawBBaaaaaaaKaftawiBBBaaaaaaaaaSVaaaaaVsa mfBOKKBKmm f BaV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaCKj ' 'UM aafJ 'UVUAHUNQ Li Yuan Hung, vice president of tho republic of China, becomes Dresideat ion the death of Yuan ShikaL Ho'haa been notified of his accession. He ia 52 years old. He served on a cruiser during the CbtnoJapanese war, and af terward entered the army, holding sev eral commands, and be spent .two years In Japan for the study' of fortt flcations. On the outbreak of the revo War United Press Service PETROGRAO, June 13. The Rus sian advance la continuing unchecked. The Austrians have been demoralised by the stunning defeat administered thorn. It is estimated that over one-third of the Austrian strength has been killed, wounded or captured. The new Russian line has forced a deep wedge Into the Austrian defenses toward KoveL This seriously en dangers the German lines near Riga. United Press Service V PARIS, June 13. It Is announced. that the Germans In night attacks along the Meuse last night penetrated the, advanced French trenches east of Hill No. 331. All other German attacks were re pulsed. The German Infantry yester day charged all along the entire sector west of the Thlaumont farm. United Press Service LONDON, June 13. King CJeorge Queen Mary, members of the royal household and many British peers, sol diers and statesmen attended Ahe memorial in honor of the. late Earl Kitchener today at Saint Paul's Cathedral. Thousands stood outside In (he rain, with bared heads.. Many wore deep morning. SOFIA, June 13. In military quar ters at the Macedonian froat and la political circles here the opinion ia expressed that, while an offensive move on the part of tho entente forces at Salonikl Is 'not out of the c-icstlon, such a nuiteuver would he devoid of all prospects of success It uuderlnken with fewer than fifty nrmr rorrs, or about z.oon.ogo RERUN, Juno 13. It Is officially announced that the Germans have made progress aloag tho oast bank of the Meuse near Foj-V Douaumoat Bev ersl attacks there by Russian treoaa have bean reanlaed- Bull Chinese Republic 1- f lution at into accepting command of; tho Uonary' -forces. .whoswogaiiaas;a directed. Hei "waa .mainly lastrameatal In arranging fo) .the Saaagaal vasee conferenceand after the abdlcatlosi of the Manchus, waa elected vice, areai dent of the republic, aaa aajsoiaited chief of the general staff. He was awao" a general, and In October of U13 waa re-elected vice president etins , W china rssam '. I lokth- British forces are today launching an attack against the new Ge; positions on the heights to the south- wat' nt Vimi v , In the eastern theater, according to the statement, German arUllery .aaa dispersed the Russian cavalry aoata east of bubena. The attacks of .the Russians around Strypa are also checked. A Russian aeroplane was captured last night near Podaayse. Wu Chang ao waaoooraai $m?ZMW-m3mmSMt Logging Operations Ruining Scenic High way Motorlsts and the motoring public are up in arms over the destruction of the roads around the west aids of Up per Klamath Lake by tho logging and timber companies, who are using the roads for the purposes of hauling tim ber and logs. Heretofore there has been but little complaint, aa tho Um ber and logging companies have con structed their own roadways, and have beeu careful not to Injure or damage the publlo highways yln their logging operations, .but tho present condition of the west side drive .Is such aa to arouse indignation. It is pointed out by the local people that this drive is one of tho awst scenic and most beautiful drives la Klamath county,, and Is a favorite route to Crater Lake and the northern part of Klamath, county, A great deal of tho taxpayers money hasbeen spent in the past to mako this road paso- able, aad now to have this waatP od aad tho road ansa Impaosabla aw losflsf eaoratloas. wateh arewaoity 'iii jyjti m- ES COINS A , .4 '. T .?? J NEW WORD FOR i j"j j'wa Ifi , I BATTLE SI I Baa '' ."UNDILUTED . AMERICANISM'' IS K PLATFORM v ' - v Tells Bullmeese Leader , r Taae .tef i ' . . . .... . t Wants. Support on Hla AwerleoAPwI. !j . " v . v , :. '&,' UbM ley Roosevelt to Work for IJia-'"1 V psVednsss Wilson's .i ?-'' . , :: -..; h . kA U -ik ' ' WOWS- jiU , , pelirt Echeee Seme of Hogseo',Sao. .I 'menu Made on , Saturday v,Aetewieiiii'', -' - - United Pj rrens,Senrte -mm .&:& i f.:m (NEW YORK; Jaao I.Caarios mm Hughes, la talking to tho rolswawi 's.. ,;aky coined a aew ae,:-UadUao4,, ' in'.":rm' .. --:,-,V ssaiesajHina Ameneanism." Tin, na will 'lecome tho Haaaes stogaa. ' - uitrar Mirauna. mmm if miumhih - :-..- !.r. : : rr -av- -; . -v m jciosesv ineaos, teiegrapaM .nagaoa 'ihat'h'e'ia urging the progreaelvea to 'i,nArf'l,.- -SV" i -J-.i.J. .-ilLjiiS nuj auuy iWn !. mwm-g port a thoreaah-anla'a JleVsaik'HaaaiSL ' H V2aiJi. Z--s21lLj,m-& f"s. nuunciiik ay una jjwvwrMimji today, tcmeet at inaswMs ".:- : fit -who arrive today "from Piaamaoa the .trnspc;Kpatrl0k:7,'---?T oj n .:.. iwuMiaim' imm.-i ii cokmelaaa dured hissaeef oat off r& nn1itlr1W Siv'tLi'.liU:rtii-sikii!v:;'ftl : hVrwlHalskkai:'laitaaiaaamM. 1 1 ijf jl...?.. .. .'-"- $' t .- - -'vt.,. ftftfC',9 ' aaaavw.sasilelBmDg oaawajma aa, gaaraBBaaaBrtaasaaBBBBsaBBBt! ,. j"sfiS5 tmmim . ''.... i. .. .:: vWTiinsreps ! f fli AriTTm' y t'A'vyya:?gysyytfr ..- Xt'iir s't f A '.v. . yAS. ft-jS?tT.res.71Vt"4JC!r- hikrtimU-.dm-M.Tb'.. i IT I lirin ifBaaaW lal illaaaaMaaaaaWaaa J States JfiMtarr ssaVfteaaPra: "; I ISBS .ndoahteolyrH:- bY I met lea's dwty Ml in fc, ,Miiiall ''! MMilkAdba'"f-l- .. t .- -.- .. -. .i.-' : ...: ..'' w .w. w.., iii h m. Jmmmirzmm. ' wviib f"i teigoiaf-jto reaaaotaat speaks she . WUaoaateo ataaaaoi to i .3f-il Moareo. Poetriao. V' T .A1 ,.,-s-l . .,- '.- " - -w f - c H ffrWlJi'l "Noaoqy waa; faua.u pat k f --- -Lma. - u wAjr kl: Ifr J? p.'a'oaHn w, B,-yaaa-a wsi JanAaVlttflh fl AmmtMmimiMmm Jr&i. . . . -A yL Tl rrrrr -'.. . KT:8Si. " a t i i ii i .. ' PREDICTS A DttUNtgl - ' LnitedPreaa--rfea7f P-xW-' V S ! iiii iiitiaafiiiii r 5-iii-, i" iiiWjinaaiM iv, f o, 'c iiaao r la. r - Thofoaafal trade, eeasafcsiea'Sevlf J! PREDICTS A DECLrWt;-)'''" J '-?- . i JP:. 'U. . i " . ,W eoeo saM oreoa -fao;nsar-Bnoo,v' "y of.gaaoUao iadloates taMa , have rehW. the maxisaam. aad wtt become lower throagaoatitao ooaatry, , -Bi'C .'PavIm tt niUakviwI jl Will :l inrtn'of ;LaasaU rallar" arplaoreto; , ijestify before. tho sraad Jaiy. ',' - tdt'Mr1 for the 'benefit of Tt7.VlK. J H i i " " ' -. ft If Brivata omjetiam. ttt-,M te aartwo, Joara the detriment aad dsmage of tho pan- ,; iic.lsso'nwtbiagthatwiUaetboaaioi- ' esced-inv-wlthout a fight ' 'ii" -, I -At'omV place a wggwg?,chatehas( - been extended; clear; jiNwtlfW completely blocking Itj aad.UMt.aaMM', ,C must detour around through tao braak'.v . and over rocks aad stasM. te Bft'haokN'; oaitho nighway.At'eaa atala,: springes the result; coao;moarsit .attempting, to drtve over tarn read l' eunchyv.FrommoekCtA-isat.. behind Ode.sa'tae:.r4k;'alaaat:hvi'A buuuiu -siajrvuv.avnWaaVJI on account of " I ZT mJ W feajavalJaagfial upon tWdefeaa a aami . - .r ooattad ,H" iVr.vy. ;The Wiag'sessoalo , and it M oaaootat that haadbmas af aa side cirwiu;oWire;teaaa ovor ud road tb'saaiaiaSaajsiB aaaabr ' has been eateaattaty aawatMgad SB s sumaear aaeaaaav lit aaa akMaaat aaaa ' ' ' f tf-5j v- - J, Lii .j'i,.! T ,. T. -. , i. V'ttA 1 ,&M . 8 l1 I "ty ' .! . i 4. j,? t BMW SUI y-v w tJK M; fSi I ATTVm t "Kl . 'sl .' .-4i"vi 0t- i '. 5F . V. W 'l'MS v- l if I rrf" p Ji am. .tS.rti tu. ,rvW .imm.i r i mmt"ijj ;.v;i jl4 mmmF--i