s? ra IP V 11 (Ehr iEimthuj i ,. V;IWHrfJii . i'A"J J ,j. .'. KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER iroM i KLAMATH OFFICIAL f i1 Sj&iK f e Twrth Year-No. tjHT KLAMATH FALLS, ORdfl( MONDAY, Jtmi! 12, ltli ? v-' i a z'Vb.fc . ,."j,li;in','.A'll,jij'.r tl. ..i a. iiuk i.' i.'iirf' lafiMK-vi. h '.'.r Wl. , i ' . ' : v.w Strength of Hughes is j browin? tverv Hour MODERATOR OF BULL MOOSE SAYS HE WILL SUPPORT THE JUDGE llnlted Press Service ST. LOUIS, Jan 11 Henry Allen, chief moderator far the progressive mention, declared today, his inten tion of supporting Uughes for presi dent, and ha predicts the progressives of the northern Central states will do the sum. , Furthermore, he believes. Roose velt will actively participate in the Hughes campaign. He suggests the advisability of Hughes being the pro gressive candidate. Other progressives have suggested Murdotk as a presidential candidate. United Press Service NEW YORK, June 11 Roosevelt's demand for time to consider the pro gressive nomination, with a refusal to aeeept as tan alternative, u taken by the newspapers of the nation as an ladlwtlaa of bis Intention to sup port alas.. Hughes roashsd here this morning. Asked If ho earn to see Roosevelt, be replied that ke could not discuss politics. "I am here primarily to make my summer arraaajemeats," said Hughes. EsAtteraey General' Wlckersham War Bulletins i, lolled Press Service ROMS, Jans 11 The Italians have assumed th tensive nil along the Trentino, front, in co-operation with the Russian tensive against the Aus trians. Oonoral advances are reported. United Press Service LONDON, June 11 The Russian embassy laarsinr tan Austrtans completely routed aar CaoraowiU. The Russiaaa oaptured two enUra dl visions, ihwMIng the generals and their stain, and the artillery and am munition. t Coseseka ar oTsrrunalng the tot rltory behind ,the fleeing Tautens. Orland Is Out It vu easy pickings for Klamath Falls yesterday, and th game wound up with a enoro of I to 1 tho last men Uoned drift rtraUag th share of Orland Ju the ate runs .rung up. " was jut another saamptejnf a fast team being eatelassed by thtffar faster Klamath team. Game With Klamath Falls Y. Big walked notof y, ait aonoay. Wt .truck out eteten and nltewsd four nits and the bays all around him played the sam alasa of baseball. D Itle was teaoaad (for ten kite, including two aoabte aat a inpw, aanat aii four man wHh pitehed talk. Wa teanwnate pUysd a toed game bat tbesr wot oatsleasott, -. s3amath wea the aim la the, first laalag br eaaalnc la four ran. Or- Iaa4 4at at bat two awn to Ant,' e oa to seoeaa an saw w wiB ''as VI W1' ? Jebason. th. first loeal ap la the m toaing, miaed.first on Marshall's errant bartW't Stat, waatw sseesw wboa IwsUa kU4 owi ' a sf e kuat, . WtAtni ,tBa' aesi wiw i ivUlti'd HuRliob today, as did score of other prominent republican, In cludlnf Henry Tait, brother of the ex-presldeat Twenty reportora sent Hugbea a re quest for a atatement upon the action taken by the German-American Al liance, which Is virtually an endorse ment of Hughes for president Hughe replied that he aw no I canon to add anything to tba mes nai;o of accoptanco he sent Chairman Harding of tlio convention Saturday, nnil ho called attention to hit state ment rejcardlwt "thorough-going Amer icanism." United Press Service CHICAGO, June 12. Governor John son of California started for New York today to confer with Roosevelt Be fore leaving, he said: "I am sure that, Roosevelt's declara tion was prompted by the highest motives, but it leaves us in a hard position. We are used to fighting. We will continue to fight on the Pa- clflc Coast "Many progressives,, will support Hughes If Roosevelt deslreVbut we will not be enthusiastic anpatrters." United Press Service BERLIN, Juno 12. It is officially announced that tho Germans and Aus trians have repulsed a strong Russian attack northwest of Bocxacz, capturing 1,300 prisoners. Maguires' Father Is Dead in East J. F. and Charles Magulre today received the sad Udings of the death or their father in Boston. As a re sult, the J. F. Magulro company's store has been closed all day. - Classed in ns did Bowden. After Nelson flaw out to Msranau, - " - to third to eaten Alien musoa mm third sacke'r a mile, but an over seal nut; sub for the Orlandere fielded this, and throw it third. Btgbee, on second nt thlB time, stole third, and scored v. lion Marshall threw to first to put out Greenwood. Tho Klamath Palls battery present ed the locnls with another run In the fourth, Blgbco starting things by knocking a two bagger over right Held. "Ginger" Greenwood than received the real "bean ball," for the ball hlttln hi head bounced half way to third base. Clarke drove out, a nice single, scoring ttlgbee, but ha was put out yhen Palmer's drive waa dropped by the c'enternoliler,. and' tho. ball wua Ithrown to catch Clark at second. 1 IV the: sixth, after Blgoe ranneo, Greenwood doubled, went to 'third when: "Clark was thrown out at trst and awkwii'afl Palmer's doubte. Th rlRht nsHsree feeeled this ball' that Patmer him earn home, Xa the Ceaa)w aPat I STUDENTS RETURN FKM UNIVERSITY OUNBAR REMAINS TO 00 tOMI tPBCIAL SUMMER WORK NEW BURY8 RETURNING PROM THE NORTH BY AUTOMOBILE Forrest Pell and Ralph Ham, who have been attending tho University of Oregon, arrived Saturday night, be ing the vanguard of the Klamath students coming home from Eugene. Ernest Nail will be In tonight and to morrow night Joe (Bonos) Skeitou Is expected. Fred Dunbar, who finished the Uni versity this year, remained to take special work at the summer school. Dunbar has been connected with the reportorial .staff of the Eugene Register during his last two yean at Eugene. Claude Hill left, the train at Ash land, and has y gone to Ftedeabnrg Springs, where he will be in tho em ploy of the Hopkfhs'Lumbet company. Dick Nelson, a university student who Is playing ball here, came In Saturday night to spend the summer. , Miss Maud Newbury, her brother, Donald Newbury. Mrs. Vernon Motschenbacber and Lawrence Mahaf- fey form a party returning from tho University City In tho tetter's auto. They wlU arrive Wednesday or Thurs day. BANKERS ASK FOR RESERVE OPENING IKMKNS INTRODUCBS RISOLU TION AT BTATI CONVENTION WHICH IS HEARTILY INDORSED BY ALL Captain J. W. Siemens, president of the First Stat SarlagB Bank, re turned last night from Portland, what he attended the convention of tab State Bankers' Association, and inci dentally wirto of tho Ros Festival. He reports both' as of groat interest Captain Siemens is always on the job when it come to looking after Klamath's Interests. White at tn con vention, he introduced n resolution, urging the federal 'government to aoa the 'Klamath' Indian Reservation to settlement, after proper provision has been made for tho Indiana' welfare. This resolution was the first on adopt' ed and It received th hearty support of all of the bankers, attesting. EAGLE RIDGE IS OPEN FOR SEASON FAR FAMED UFFER LAKE RESORT OFENS TO FUBLIC ROCKY FOiNT IS ALSO READY FOR THE TOURISTS East Ridge Tavern. Mrs. OrimthB famous summer resort on Upper Kmm atb Lake.'epened today for the susa mer season.' Tho cook and other mam bers of th rw reached th Urtfa today, and svrthing Is in rsadiaaaa for th biggest nmmer's buslnss la the history of. th.' summer retreat' - During th winter and spring; th arimths,hAVsaaao a number of Im provements at(th,".rsort to render ,H even mor Jav4taiv Rooky Polnt,1th rosort conducted, by Mr. and Mi.. Chart D. WlUoan, m also open to'Ut1 publte, and reports art that th fiahiat thor is sa. -th RMto aad Raoky Pt draw aroas c DEMOCRAT SHOW is next for A NATION'S EYES ST. LOUIS IB REAOY VUiTNPN Flank to Frsveai Other Jurist a slderssl by, Ohali Commits FiaoferniAWl!, ta th Main,' Land His JsntfaMIMs) " United Press Senrios 'L ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Jna 11 Th fuH democratic nattenal bare today to eompkvaipiaas tar tho national convention, two days amtaat St Louis coliseum Is now ready for tho hatf havlnar bass an reeMvaaat. t CbaIrman MeCombs he has prpsr4 a, mandina: . a' SMSstsu preveatla any ffisal1jjaa ing elected ta aay, la a alroot oataiowla-af tho Urantmvtttf ' Tho dsmssiaTIr ;iMfnrm wffls cur WHsaa m.wsai aat to the Mexicaa and at th asm tkn v arsssrviaa; tho neaco .and nonar. sf "uop-Q step srs'5rtTii-'' to put labor plaafts tatho pmtsorm. Th oaToattoa program Includes keynote sa ttoa of n platform Thursday, tioa of Wilson Friday, Saturday. . Th oomasltte approrod of ox-Oov-ernor Otyaa of Nw York' aa tem porary ebalrman and J. . Cramer of Montana aa temporary aocratary. ON WAFER PLANT SEVERAL QUESTIONS' WILL BE SUBMITTED AT A SFijWAL ELEC TION TO. BE HEL" THERE TO MORROW , . The matter of bondingths city for lt,t for a water fund to arovM water for1 fir protecttoa will be 'voted upon; at a special stesUsa by th peopl of htorrlQ. The election will also aooMe th question of anmndlng the) Hr,harter, and laeuing fl.toa ia baaas to fund the warrant Indebtedaee f:'ta,lty. GRAND JURY IS NOW IN INVESTIGATION INTO CRIMINAL V MATTERS STARTED fOOAY AT THt OFFIOE OF THSFRBSSSUT. iiun AWnaklBV i iv, ' 'i4' A session of tho IQaaaabh; oouaty graad 4ry atarted this miitiHat. as a arslad to th opsnlas.afbb Jaa tons of taoobouit eoart aaat Monday. Th seMloa te bte aith ofitee V VPBWr"BB( BbBjBBSBjBSB,aaBBBBJ IcWowm A number of rsallasitB'afT LanssU , Tj s J) wyj t " w fsw ts ssssejrww vaUsy ar aroaaat aa wHaaiiat, Taw innjssfse isa mvnstisaMsmvst tha htB javasrjnwst .vssn ensswssissBBss'srvm ps usw s tag ,af-Mia.,laJej',sjMj!Mra. ass A WJlaas ttaoa ah vsaaaty. - UVLAK IIINI.MiXII aNMIIIAItfHL ---.., :;. .ammmmmmmmnnmw l:,:.mr : . renetntsd ra-fmntshsd M aiUnnnmmmmmamchnnVKIammmmmmmm PMeaeaa attaattons, mmmfeMimmmm&mmmamUMWMLrV TSSfk.sSf'. : stmspsmsn a van iiavp mm&rrrrtxrsyHB&maimwEMBMmHaum' a.T: Trr?urrz,j;. 'rr'rajn w iw..(.i - BB1LIIIIII I III -UIIIL annnmmnSESRMSsimlEaiamnBammT&l! ..' rijLWUA', '"L'iiUBBl ttetlyrecussntowlttstrinnsgaaMm IHI n It II I I II II lil nnnlll lip 'I1 1 1 iinmnT'Pfi i ilmi i ' i lmml IflLIIIIILsV I J IVil al'ansasw-'aB''---' i JimmaiA" ''', aP'-jr?rrfa-.'. . .j- ?,Ai. iBB MMJ fcjaBBBBMtgagKT;vtgX-raMMBBBKIBMBBkJ9jMKTWWrfmTaa.5?JBBBBI ,. uluijIUR i .---.,-, ." 1.,APW.V ..i?wOtfrJ;' IrfC'WM't Jffls Sri3So. , MORE TROOPS GO SOUTH AFTER DISTURBING REPORTS COME IN fBsanW.fsaWal BM' m iamVBBk fJRmV aVVaV , om Wk mV fflW 9 W'snttsl' nmaJfA W afJ MHtt V' A'sMpssmt jHnWlmnVJBV V S? - . . . jl. L --. - - ".:. v-x'jiMM-iniP&h" for con- satsAJVl I1UU1 ! If JL&sU sVA l aVi 1 M M'MMLmsmmmwmj:rt,:-L - ' - -,- - ,l it-j-.-if " - .j NV viij- . yi Jj,iti,s- "ri(.i"iw.y r - 6 ta .. 5jmm-j SiMliriT, ;"-. Frwliant I. Cm- - , pVslaplPaRanEanEBaW '. "VJT WmmW V , JanmTnfBmmmmmmmmwBSBSanmmmmm ;""i km VP S3aarSfli rsssw'.sf Naslenal AaayiBslmmmnmmmmlaBB9BsHN .v'v 'ri i- ' "rrr.'f , .'- i$&&$&ifrlKv ,: y:s!nmmntaain WMsmlan Aimta. H::4'Ma4Bmmmmmmas ?, ' :;&-isjb'Miiii.&mmKiEmnMaaaafm.ii i ftifa . VM!Aifj.-itojiiifaii4on'i.,..iy. 'r-i's m vv:---.,:;23bm.K':-E tvt-ivjtssmmmpw' raSnmmmmmmmmnmnl t i .?? .J. . . -i A--' ,AftT?Ji. i-,' s.kiYz - :f)HaymnjnigijfBnmmm l''v ,''i tWHm&ffj-, tiijmmWKKimlK'f' I " Wlla;; a)afaaitwjbm ' rttsmmmFSemms3Snnmmm1jmmmmmmW S Ht-fJ ' , ,,immmmfmmm 11' 'v ismmltlii sill a&TVBJHiBBJBJBBJBJBJBJBJBjanmm - flSKanmmmWBmmmmVaTsmmmm :;"" ' l&lm&mmMiKm, ' mmm&mmmmmmmcs m:rMmmmimmy oenspteteiy 'iWmmmmmSSm 'mKKm ffrwVWW'm wtyfeMMtmHJr?11'. !i5iS?!ffiSS?'-!!':F .; ' anaonassd that ?lAi&si3K&EBmmmwmtWmW31r lr' sp.w ssasssfcvs;ssnsnsnnsBnBnsn;sp.'-''!-1;" ssrss -".. mmmmmmmmwmmmimM;: from he- ' .M fiaiBTOnmmma1 ---- mm. .A!1.,wwsssMasaimnaaTAiBBmnmK'snssBi)TL tn.;- Tm . - . Tats nnmnmWZ3!SrBBn S ' nomsnt, nmntWmK?jaiTJnmn ';i; antnnffSgaEaHBa V. ' : J nmnBlflsSlan-lannnnn "" mm!t?faglSisSmnmmm ana-nauon. Sana- ' gama:;: :Z sBBaHBKaKHSu'RaTkSMnsnBBBBm -.. '. .- WsshMsday, adop-l ppYMlii3i.SliIQRK3anm . aomlaa- ppffiBi.-BEBa ballotlatl nmmmsnmBs;BsHBllsnmmmmmmnstfna '"'' ''"' mmWSalWWmKn(mmmmmij i iriiiaityiisaii:-WBir. a, ansaaemy, ,- -y-v-. , WmM&JW -'JnammmmmaBaammmmmmmalaammmmmKa 'Vf-rJWmafr-f.mmf t w i - - at i i iiwiMiiirMiiT.ininiiiTnnfM - ia ii ! iiim ii mtm i " ' -- - -Sf j! FREE CAMPING GROUND PICKED MAYOR AND COMMERCIAL CLUB ; FAVOR TURNINB OVER TRACT, IN REAR OF LAKESIDE INN TO VISITtNO AUTQIBTB : With tho tourist season already started; Mayor Crisler and th Cem- mwJI' Cktk ar at work arraastai for a ,froo camp groun; for nutome bll parties travelling throagl tho city. Thy hays tentaUvsly dMd upon tho tract to; the roar' of th, okt Tata traet , Is graas eovered, and baa many beautiful trees around t Thar Is slty water oa tho spot, and Lalm pwaaaa la noarby, for both Bak ing and swimmtag. "PEP" AND FRUIT Vt' , fc t ROBUE RIVER, CANNERS 'WlU. MAKE A STRONB BID FOR LO- . CAL MARKET, BHIFFINajN CAR- LOAD LOTS . - WalUs c. Laraoa, vteepreillent e ta htesM Btror VallsrlTaK Oaa- ngaism ' A uyjplmAlAgj. mjk"?fjassiff, mmLm wPi, saiisTpajBsspwsBum 1wmw'iiaPEFavjfjivwwam say gmair aa SHIPPED IN HERE sm,--tlMWg;aW mvwaamw FWMrPEHT CAWWANZA . .-', '"fi 1J...H .--5. iWi.J tea mc ia nroouota of' his t. company. m.i:'i.' .'w.2 -?? " ." te: mm oaaaai fravnu ,vas- UWee, etc., shippsd aors la lots, and kept' In a warehouse for quick delivery to morehnata. -' , The RognerRlvar,scoaacoms)wra favotably with aay 'oa'tao'nmrkoti aid havo ts;furthr'aantago;ofybijMt a Soathora Oregon prodmot la'aaV has;ilso lntroduced'atlooal 'soda foun tains thatyaTrt:ieeattaYsskaam; berry aad fruit juices knownas "pep." Back t Fsrt sir. aad Mrs. UadseyiC. Siaamor left yesterday f orjtho Fort after a short stay; aero. Mr.ana an, jamosrsnaa asm Mrs. J. O. Cotehak loft thai tat for that , At, a moatmt at t1 rap abHasn ,oea-' tral .BtraVilraBraay' aftwr- nwg,uw louowta .WKf UMi AaH ffAT taaa.mavlmaMa vVnaMBftf f iVv . y t. "ttwt :.? .iff"" -vw VwtmasiAimsmB -tM sasary e,. t. oavar-tr wwaai. Coagrossleaal JfaamwHtaaana Cat a.- '-. a' ,' s-r'A-? .; .. "' ' ' . CU.iA. WW.'W'V''! PWSSW. jj' ,f.,v 'f'TO State nummHtesMsn Th flssrs aL isstyasaaQ -sr r ' a . - -.IT' ' '-.ii'--..?t'-0- Leavitt C a- 4amte)'.W.atvVlsauif .'asm' saaaoln ass aasslaaalmall . R Rlllll I I I WWl .11. ...'.T WWVWS.iHl.flMV H i. v . t..r..7gL ia wrtjur.l,i.i V,.KCJjrrr' ' I'-L!-. i T .nT: -T. FSsaiUiy"" Jl flatly rsfueoato? the ;Amerleanvftes,tm c vtswtqf1 -TSS''WT'ff 3? ffff Vw) wssBsmm. S?orary,efWar'B,ns7 aam(th';'agaowi.eorpa:at ton jOrTwuf ; mmrmw atmyio inw.: saosisna ;m ?;ThtaifeUa,. taftiksm-jia Tj.v!wiw.aLmMTUYW; Ki'i'g asauaaaamt ,i Ciai-' - Bausman W?fS'fWwlv'f . wmm'aat-:s'z-r . - "itCa," imc ?ft j- i SSIIms-W ": A'H Tf S"1 .-.rf V LiTTLlt . '& HURT AT AnKBUkL. aMSnSL';'i . 'Tm',ltttsynaatsT J aL v ' '' ' ."' m--.' .'n.ii' i. .win aowrai.wH;puiwa;.smrisW2i, with - ----"' - TaTeJss 'Tsaai MMSBnt's ?""r y?r,'r'i""-''l-'","i u---; .- lj nst: a.ssrleas. mJnry.'Ths 2 jrt?L.sp?iv;. taroman a hoi in th a ritted off ui.fhsad of ; tah Hid strak'tha.Uttls;gil.;0 "S..iiWii2:i2ii v ' mr -mwim,i Ucudm the .AlxNai&-Ytblt: man. wM'obosssi'aa a. . rT n . at. . r..' T"5ri .- i-.. j . T -.,"' 1 .. " M " I, .B.AiVsaBstl. lav I - ;r. - . ji-- .f.. r . t: . . sassaaia:;taa.K was smsior;.aam imia( ta"g,to(hJa PT . . . ' . ssnssssssiXift,; ". HBttast. K ;V?tv.' awMt. -;,:.; Naw Hpan ist ilV.Jf' eaeatmaNm,maimarmju'?' t. t?.'' assatatttomaem aat aoosesfal p Js' " V : .-' ; 1 1 .- t" , .- i .-' iSfi?P?'-,5 t ..?.' :.t ; V,i f 1l '