KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER W$v Uxttmtm Hrrald i Tefltli Yogr No. 1,014 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNES, 1916 7. it MOOSE START PAVING PROJECT MOVE FOR WILL 8E TALKED PEACE the United Press Service CHICAGO, June 8. To, keep more radical bullmoosorH from "spill ing tbe beans" by premature action od thereby spoiling chances of a sue constat reunion with the republicans U the dlmcult tank ahead of Chair- iMiai perains or me progrensivo na tional committee. nodical of tbe progressive party be lieve the Moosers will nominate Rooge-i-lt before midnight. Conservative? deny tbla. It la predicted tbnt Governor Hiram Johnson of California will again bo JlooRe velt'a running male. Tbe conservative, It Id reported, h.vo forced an agreement upon Walter Rrown of Oblo as tbe permanent chair man. flefofe tbe convention won called to day, Perkins urged Radical Loader Parker to defer nominating Roosevelt until tomorrow, lest be ruin the chance of tbe republicans nominating the Oyster Day man, William Allen White of Aa Informal mooting of the city coun cil will bo hold tomorrow ovenlngj ut the city linll, nt which time will bo ' hoard the IntorcHtcd proporty owncru In tho Klcventh Htreet paving district. ' Tim council Ih ready to award tho contract for paving hh Hoon as thot proporty owners decide which kind of paving they desire used. The meeting J has been requested by sorao of the' proprty ownoni nnd It Is desired to havo as many interested parties pres ent oh possible. Teddy Says Hi Will Address Republican Delegates if Asked War Bulletins United Press Service PARIS, Juno 8. The Krench war of flee admits that Germans have oc cupied Fort Vaux on the east bank of the Mouse. 1 I'nlii'il I'ri'HM .Service LONDON, June 8. The Austrian of ficial statement admits a flve-rallo re- Kansas, on tbe otber hand, urged .l '""""oust of Uukowlna by Franz Parlor In net thl nttMrnnnr, "" "l. iiuviwiir ui iuu Governor Jobnaon favors a delay, j "",un ""iiory activity is nescnoeu , ... , - , . ,.. ' an "tremendous." AflO UVlVgaiCTf MI17 IIVIIXIl-U Willi -' cltement A big riot broke this afternoon when tlarfleld of Ohio moved the appoint incut of a committee to confer with tho republicans. IfoWas bootted, as was Olfont Pinchot'x second to the motion. During the debate, Murdock of Kansas urged tbe nomination of Roose velt at one. Bedlam reigned. "1 favor harmony, but 1 want harmony both ways," said Murdock. "fibtlJ we kne-tl to the old crowd at tbe CoUaef YellHjof '.Vol" came fronTall side of tbe bouse, and the delegate arose, shouting for Roose velt. One delegate arose to make a speech for unity, but be was bowled down. During tbe clamor, the gavel repeated ly rapped for order. In tbe long run, a resolution for a conference was Inally adopted.' Tbts apparently defers tbe Roosevelt nom ination, pending negotiations. Oyster Bay advices say tbe colonol l expected to leave for Chicago to night or in tbe morning. Russian successes agulnst the Aus--tie-Herman uie developing southward from the Prlpot river, along a 2E0-mlle front. Russian ndvlces claim big cap tures of men, munitions and arms. In this offensive, which Is declared to be 'a carefully coordinated move-, ment, the Russians are said to have a plentiful supply of ammunition and men and with tho roads now in good condition their maneuvers are ex pected to develop swiftly. The number of the Teutonic allies facing tbe Rus sians Is reported to be about 600,000 men. smmmmmmjmmmjHmmmmmmmm mmmmi99MmmmmV 1 i mWrmW!PWWfemmmmW At fi ,, 1 ammr'''mmmBm V .mmCSmmmmmmmmmmw BgmmmmmmmUmmmwImmma .' amnmnMPwPmnmnmnmnmnmnV mmmmmmrawmmmVmml i: ' ' damamWcSrSBBBBBBBBBBBBB mmmmmmmmmmmsmmmmmmmmV. d" ' BwPIP& llPilmmmmmma' mmlmmmmmmMimmmmmvlmml J? &'SW ':,MMmm tmgffRllputlmmmmf-vmmmT i ' fsJw ?3samflflimnuuuuuuu' mmmKTWLmVtkSr J - amlfc-iSWftiSt? 'tsmmmmmM mmmVsifiKlBm'BVuAmmi t ' iVVmHyKmmmmmmml ' fUw'PBI 1' ''" mmmmmmmmmmmwLmmmmmmml 1mW)& 'Wi'irkimmmmmmmm i PSkmmWmmmmmmmmmmmmw .3!lmbMSipigmmmr '1 fgflBmHHmmmmmmmmr mmmmmmmWimmmmmmmmlr mmmmBaSmmlmmmmmmmmV ( jammmmmmmlmmmmmmmmmm mmmmWflmmmmmfmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmVmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmt M$M , mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmvsmmmmmmmmmmmW - .-asammmmmmmmeammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ..mmmmmmmmmmi immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmF mamnmnmnmnmnV' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmf h HimigrH NELSON AND ANSE CORNELL COMING j UNIVERSITY STARS WILL JOIN OLD TEAM-MATE, SIQBEE, IN TIME FOR SUNDAY'S HARD v.T.ri n.'vu i Awi Akvjtffl ' t.f'irJ nfi'Hvh..:'a Ji!2JjVSSs . -r.Vi. ' &. 1 im 1V it. ?. j.irtitrWrfi,lfs' '"".' 'i.rjw fcistfffiS V- ".-j.Cff . KLAMATH fALtr-M OFFICIAL N1TOPAW L ' -iMJ.tfy &Y,tfcfhl afWlMMm' 'mft' 'lmTCf iflRmll aurriiflwrui OAMC WITH ORLAND 1 V. fill tod Prjwf Service OVSTBI HAY. June 8. Colonel Uooseyeltfoilowing the receipt of an Invriftifon.from William Jackson o ad dress the republican national conven tlonat Chicago, JMufanswered: "In answer to your telegram, I can only say that the matter depends upon United Press Service ! the republican convention. "If the con- LONDON, June 8. The German Ad-jvention desires me to address It, I shall mlralty admits tbe battle cruiser Lut- be glad to do so." zow and the cruiser Rostock both sank onAthelr way to the naval base as a result of damage sustained in tho Skag- errak battle. Tho loss of tho Lutzow odds 28,000 tons to tho German ton nage loss. This was ono of the new est German vessels, tho keel being laid in 1913. Detailed figures are not ob tainable on tho Rostock. Republican Committee Wifl Organize Saturday The organisation meeting of the . have boon mixed up in (actional fight Roosevelt further Bald be hoped the republicans and tbe progressives will remember the gravity of tho American situation today and nominate a candi date to restore America to its right ful place among the nations. He charged President Wilson with dulling the national conscience by "teaching our Vefl to accept high sounding words ' atonements for shabby dealst" Tlm;maiaJJae,,hai unuuw, ro uiaoa juomnemmvum ana national preparedness. "If we are net' thoroughly prepared, sooner or later we must submit to an alien conqueror," said tbe telegram. Roosevelt also denoanced "profes sional German-Americana" as "anti Americans to the core." "They are at tempting to terrorise the convention," Bald he, "seeking tbe election of a man as viceroy of a foreign government" In concluding bis telegram to Jack-, son. Jtoosevelt Implored tbe. repubU- cans nd progressives .to forget their past differences and join, forces as of yore, for tbe. nation's safety i to jBBfotceVba piditiOBotJi Americanism and preparedness. SUlM United Press Service CHICAGO. June 8. After reading Kooseveit's message regarding a speech here, Temporary Chairman Warren O. Harding of the republican convention said: "Roosevelt Is always interesting, bat the chair has no authority to Invite him to apeak unless the convention so orders." Klamath Fall's chances for Sunday's game with tbe Oriand team bar, bees materially strengthened by tbearrtval of word that Aaae Cornell and'tHee: Nelson, stars of tbe University of Or-, sua hhmu lemm, will aw not sat-, urday night, in time to. play In Sna- clfiv'a MMA i Nelson Is well known to tbe fans on J account of bis work last year. This .year he is playing a still better 'game, and is tbe captain of next yearVuil verslty nine. He will resume his oid t place at frst, and , Aiten wiU go to'the ,outleld, where be can be relied pon to get 'em all. " Asse CorneU, in the yean be waa.at . Portland.: Academy,, and in his years ,at tbe university, has becomo one' of 'the coast's best known athletes. He wae captain or the university this year, and as an ontielder hechas .few equals. Cornell will take Mafaer'a 'place at short. v,s. t Oriand Is noted as a baseball team. .and this year. Manager George Miaard baa a more formidable array then eyer before. If Klamath gains" a victory lover Oriand she 'can, claim the Pa cific coast semi-professional champion- ,' If Klamath loses well the fans will tat least say that they died a-ihihtwjc. for the boys are out every ngbt'prae Uclng bird; .- BssebaU teams tnraaliy are content to play the nearby tewns: i.wf tbe;KtaimA':j:,mi. T- wV,I,'I?Lv9,f, nag one ec ine woat's teat teams distance oforwiW mBea, tkertaam u deeenriag of the support of all of the fans, and tbe stand and bleachers sbbald be packedSanday.. ,, IN PLATFORM OUTLINE mm w$ t - f. a1 M? ,.t i. I'fr1 j?" , '-, i ,:; ! gatlen waa adapted. United Press Service CHICAQO, June I metfen. te appelnt a cewwWrMeeie ee , rer with the prereeelve poaee.Adele-- W "',, $& -. ,. ar.w United. Press Service ,"! if. ?!& " m?;jsm dorsea woman's sutaaM.OM'rttaw Platform aleak hr'i .veto. '7aa'-' Ktm zj: tbo opponeas nemang -a tderatlon. '$, SSI HAWAIIANS BRING WITCHING MUSIC fWBIRD, TUNEFUL MELODIES OF I THE 8UNNV I8LI8 OF PEACE I OELIOHT ALL CHAUTAUQUA QO- ER6 members of tbe county republican con tra! committee, which has been called for 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the court bouse, Is attracting consider able Interest Committeemen In twenty-three of tbe twenty-nine precincts In the county were elected, but there was a tie vote in three of these pre cincts. Tbe successful candidate will havo to bo decided upon and vacancies tilled by tbe certlled members. There Is much speculation as to who will be selected as chairman, as this official will have tbe burden of hand- Mar the campaign tbla fall. It Is not known whether R. A. Bmmitt, the pros ent chairman, will seek reelection or not. there Is a feeling that he has dlsquallled himself by hla activity at sPk tho primary election In attempting to select a personally picked ticket. The fact that every one of his publicly sup ported candidates was defeated ai the election; has not added to his strength as a political leader. As the expense of tho fall campaign will havo te be berae mainly by the repuWleaa candidates, there la a feel ing that the.cbalrman selected should be a man known to be friendly and occeplaUV to thane candidates, Aa Mr. Hmmttt opposed practically every nucceseful candidate on the republican ticket at tho primaries, it to believed be will recognise the impropriety of Huplring to the chairmanship. Sentiment among republicans in tbe county aeenu to favor n more repre sentative rganUaUen than has ob tained In the Mat, with now Mood at the hand. It to argwad that men who In the paKt should give way, for tho good of the party, to newer men who are not handicapped by political en mule of tho past, and would thus be bettor able to prbmoto a stronger or ganization. Amnnir Din niitne.- hearil montionud n possible cnndldatcB for chairman oi tbe committee are : Judge A. u Leav itt. Dr. Oeo. If. Meiryman nnd W. H, A. Rcnncr. Judgo Leavltt has been In politics In Klamath county about as long as "Mob" Emmltt. No ono seems to know iust when either of them started. Leav Itl's experience, however, has been more ns n candidate and office holder than as a political "boss," and ho has rendered soma valuable assistance In the counsels of tho, party In the past Dr. Merryman, former stnto senator, has takon a part In many of tho cam paigns In tho past, but haa not been active polltlcnllly for the past two years. It Is not believed that he would consent to neglect his business to as aume tho management of a political campaign- W, H, A. Renner, In comparison to tbe other men mentioned, Is practical ly 'a nw " H we,t known In the legal profession, here and during his six years residence has acquired a ouneMerable acquaintanceship through out the county. This is the nrst year h has. token a very active interest In politics, but bis active campaign for Judge Kuykendall proved that he was an effective and energetic wower. Those insisting on new blood at the bead of the organisation are Inclined to favor meaner far tho pcatton. TODAY I WILSON- ROUSES COMMITTEEMEN ACT ON IN NAM I NO THR TEM PORARY CHAIRMEN OF ST. LOUIS SESSION IS NOT FLEAS-INQ TEACHERS' EXAMS BEGIN JONE 28TH xmm-M TjblAthtal aftemVflUlAS. '- let 24f.: "T. . -wawBM usmmibtjn'mempBmmmrt.V'f' 4 7 began reading uie plaaofmdsHelhntJ , "-- 7,-f"'"- a.mmmtwmt .nw- fr ..-t.-i ii'' . . 'ijl.- JA S prviuices fnuomi ox UHnNB jngesol "t. ,-1 c.c. wenmc. nvwnuny m ?. : 'ii, In -the platform, the WUeea dealn . f-f 1 1 ...... - -. . . ' " .'' '"uVrf. "--T-l wirauons ioreiga pottey le eaue.7au- " miliatlng." Horror le ezpreased 'nt '$. 'h Mexican sltmatlosLfer whkb the ad--- Biicistratioai la held respomriMe. ' -hi The .Darty nledeea Itself to nilwn a . 1 order, in Mexico, reiej,tho;koniwav;4J vocinne, ana nvora a eonunuauon or yi. fr ir .$ m H UNCLE JOE HAS AN OPPOSITION HOWEVER, THE OCTOGENARIAN 8AYS HE ISNT WORRYING AS HI8 OPPONENT IS A policies causing closer latlonahlps between North and SewUi America ??&&& . " THaglf TTaatse .-dl .llmr fl C- llat-' a ."complete failure In recy-1 is est" , The-pUUormfavorsaresseasblsWR ;: tectiTeUrit.aaa4raU:a41I; mlwr-rimwm feated In , the eceatteeaeetW V i: V lifter: chrmvHardl eailed-1 I li.vJ-ii-Je..H..v-. -. - .r r?t. . r. ,. jr,.TAr.7rT mLmr.m..T-. ." 'vyi t, , IreMrtoftheenHleaUaleoia.ltts.'w' ': 1 -.iiriri'rar--1 -w - .- .ii- .,- zijii- ,ii " i NUffira:uwuuf arMmMumnam QomtY. ltte,rport;eakiaempceW WMl raundfar rhssrsil ai "- ----- --. chalrmaaand-HaTdiii:':- thanked toe clte for :tn great f hencr: , f " ' ' ,' ' ;-f $&& 3 i - - - a.-,1 J i . ,f - . "" ' i"V, fr "T am - m iV.i' WifC r,$and'a4voeaUmrjrf' . eUey. He made -if . J . RUNNER APPLICANTS FOR STATE TEACH ERS CERTIFICATES WILL BE EX AMINED AT THE HIQH SCHOOL BUILDING The plaintive sweetness of Hawaiian songs, rendered to the accompaniment of tho strumming ukuleleB and guitars, form a combination bard to equal as u musical entertainment, and aa a con sequence, all who heard the prelude concert at Chautauqua this afternoon by Kckuku's Hawaiian quintet are! tolling their friends to be sure and at tend tonight's program by the same entertainers. The quintet is composed of members of tho celebrated Tootn Paka and Bird of Paradise companies, and members of the Hawaiian Glee Clubs which proved such an Immense hit at the Horticultural Palace, the Hawaiian building and the California building at 1 tho Panama-Pacific International ex position. All are splendid singers, and tholr solo work proved ns pleasing aa the quintet numbers. A feature of tbe program all will enjoy will be tho steel method In guitar playing, as used In solo work b Joseph Xekuku, its discoverer. In this Hawaiian's hands, the guitar to; made to play tbe most bewitching music by a slurring aetlon he originat ed quite by accident, and tbe tones havo tho same appeal to the ear and soul as have the strains of the violin. Tho Hawallaus furnish the closing program of the Chautauqua. This to a bill well worth the1 patronage oj all Klamath" Falto people. - jk Forestry Head Visits J, M. Bedford, supervisor of forests on tbe Klamath Reservation, is here from the United Press Service , ST. LOUIS, June 8. The appoint ment by President Wilson of ex-Gov ernor Martin. Glynn of New York as temporary chairman and Senator Ollie James aa permanent chairman of the i democratic, national . convention has distressed tbe democratic national com mittee. The members believe Wilson should havo consulted the committee, before acting In this manner. . Tbe cabinet at Washington yester day considered a draft of the demo cratic platform as prepared by Secre taries McAdoo, Daniels and Baker. e i " CHANGE MAOt IN TIME OF MASSES Announcement has been made by father Hugh J. MarsaanV pastor of Sacred Heart church, thaf haroafter services will bo held ahJBisr lags at 6 o'clock and o'clock instead of 8 and 10:80, as heretofore. The change is made owing to tho, summer season, with its many Bvnday; picnic parties. Jo give the eicuroienisto an opportunity to' attend "servittss before leaving town for thaAejr. ' Chaages have also boon made re yardlag the time for holdlag eatoehoti cal instructions. County School Superintendent Fred Peterson has arranged the order of subjects for the regular June, examina tion for .state certificates, to begin June 28th. This wiU be held at the county high school building, and the program follews: JuneSSth Forenoon Writing (penmanship) , Music. U. 8vHistory, Drawing. Afternoon Reading, Physiology, Manual. Training, Composition, Domes tic aciencee, Metnoas in Heading, Course of Study for Drawing. Methods in Arithmetic. June 2tth Forenoon Arithmetic, History of ('ducatlon, Phychology, Methods In Geography, Mechanical Drawing, Do mestic Art, Courso of Study for Domesi tic Ari Afternoon arammar,, Geography, Stenography, American Literature, Physics Typewriting, Methods in Lan guage, Thesis for Primary Certileate, Edncatlon, Science of, June 30th Korenoon-Theory and Practice, 0 thography, Physical Geography. Bag llah Literature, Chemistry, Bdaeatlea, Htotoryof. , Afternoon 8chool Law, Geology, Al gebra. Civil .Government, education. Childhood and Adolescence. July, lot rSorenoon Oeonietry. Botany, Bdu cation, School A4nUate4ratfoa. Axteruoen oonerai nustory, look- keepwcBdueaUai, CHRONIC V"s, WASmNGTON. D. C, Jane 8. Uncle Joe CaaaoB says he's not worry ing because of the new head-hunter on his trail out' in ala Danville dlatrlctl Henry B. Downs, a fellow townsman, has' announced' he will enter' the primary against Cannon even if "all the. opposing' forces of hades are ar rayed against him." "Oh, he's Just' a chronic maner,? said Uncle Joe. "He la a. kind of a' fellow who runs for nomination' and if defeated, runs at the election aay way. I wonder where he got the "Hon orable' attached to his name." R. Spear, one of" the. West's beat- known turfmen, will appear an a jockey in the races during the bix celebration of the Fourth at Dorria. He' came down from Portland to prepare for tho contests, and haa made a' couple of vis its to Klamath Falls during that time. '.Harding refused to 'make a vi1 L.'kli.tA.m.J ''Tr -.'-'' '.v. . THtt . k nnui whiw uwtmwjm bbbwv a:taia.rt oepew .was opened;Bis dieeourse of Ford Jokes.' Soon, however, he turned htoyttrM oa, ue oemocrauc'M the Underwood tariff, a atnsisnr farataw aaUev. w " 7 T' .T . ' . 7T..-7. . ...... . '" . '.A'... A vrtf!t ' sirwiageparwoaoetweea tae eoa-; ,v, veauon of KM and 'the present, eesi"- i't--. ,..1.- L ...: 'v '' .-.. . .j :; Aa oration .greeted'tbapnWuWA?U of "Uncle Joe1 progressives, tares -he amdletad "This convention will Bomlnstacal-; , real republican for, president, and nelf. f wiU wta-eathetmtesof hcaamK' prevent a epuacan'Votacy.T;, WrmVlm , , inih, vwv, (.tji mm ti? l party to stana strong tn;Ka anneal-? Uon regarding the nal tloaalhonor. 'He-- also attacked Witooa's f The convention recessed at 1:33. and ' "A reconvened at 4 o'clock to?UWviijtpyi 7 1"1-V .w "&'-J2t era plan to make the nommattona tor.. ' i . am. -.- t- " rV ''VitVS .J.W iiiKoi, ii poeuBto.- ' ,'.,," f- ' SiT "? m h?&A jW "1 -f.pr'i p 'n IT1 'H Patents have been' granted, by United Stotea to the following i-Aliatv nAAnla M,ft1tM taaaaj. fcMwv, vK..w n. . Are Qranted'Patentis. thaVpent ,few.' wrws ara thurU Hatchj 80 acraaVln,.4n.; Pa, K uaya: untcv vnn, ABW.aerea M f n:- if, Joseph Martin. 320 acres' la 4-ll: 'JatttPft S S)fN v W e-KSf WMiki ' ;? ' a 5j(K. C Sedfleld, 160 acrea in 8M. m IWM M II' m'MM, i . aj . j jjw aaj' , a. Aiiiiw u:ii7 gtix-ji-4 n Ullllll BTXIII mlBJfB'marr,v.i-r EPunmn mm enrmjj am BJ anrna mm ajjajj BJ nm 'mTsnl ml ml mwgMmm nVVa1 nM En SmnPanUml vAMA Sft CmmnW SAdml ' ' JunSWPVpvEVAemVm r .... 5rl Hughes;JudgelgnoresIt ?V8,Uoe Hughes wenNrnwde torn.;,. :-;--; , attack'upanhlgS leanlai lis nf has nensi " ' MaaanMsM' naanannna'' f . $j United Press Servloe , , - WASHINGTON, D. C., June a. RepreeenUUve "Alfalfa BtH" Murray, democrat; of Okiahema, haa' attacked .tho Hughes boom u a vtelatlon of the American, rule, that, the supreeae , court must be kept from peUtlea. .' , la hU attack eWHuga,'u!,ci;. j vvyfvn! . ivwi A BBtrl lllglgl tarn' Irnft MdadVfhsf w ejj-w- mjwtwwjisisjn I mj, m ate of tnrtsnn with moeuav uifji la view of thai at ,CMcago,it;.waa.: ipoay to mau,a hu poslUen, V Tno anan wnai 2mT-. vijE,w ' iLi'L La a. -- 3"y nm?.$"yit'Km "a sail wakisW ta a kla.M aaasWXwsa'i'nsaaMaaai .aaaaaua ham aeaaematf'Waua aaa-auaw aaaaia dbcu'' aaHjaM gaaawsnar'avmlaas