'; v" it . :W .?. '- . v -3ir. ,-, 't L- '-';"' ,, fT' .V - T -' ' "I I IImH MMli W KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER IkMUUIiniPMMV !:.' OFFICIAL 1 fSEi r, - v "7mti:j4ji.!jiv ' . " ':-L XXwiS?7J75- f aT , jWy,'', - ?" Tenth Year N. 1,013 . T" M, "Wl 1 KLAMATH FALLS; OattOON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1916 V. f a' i.f fWSI WSJBJl SJBSJBSJBJI i ROOSEVELT STOCK BOORS IN BOTH CAMPS 4iky smmi& 'ft:' I - 4SBBjF eta. bbpisbBbw) -k. aav .aw . : am . saw assisTi av m . Lti ititpitmn iram s - -v- -- .- ! , ... '. ,W 9X&s;':-& 1 1 III A I t - f Sos,&S.ri,-i -. LffiMIV.-!' :-r WMWWWMMWWWVWWWWWAWMMWWMWiWWVWW WWWMWWWWWWWWWW,(M Coliseum Where the Ftght for War or Peace Began in Chicago Today Colonel's Name Is Heard Among the G. 0. P. Delegates -.,..: x.xtfti United I'reM Service CHICAOO, Jane 7.-Bookmakera are betting even mopey that Roosevelt will be the republican nominee for presi dent. Jlm.O'Leary. a prominent bet tor, says It looks decidedly like Roose velt Westers cattlemen have bet $760 against $3,000 .that Roosevelt will bo Jbe Bosnia of both the republicans and progressive and will beat Wilson. Odd at 3 thla afternoon werelx to tve agaiaat Hughes, nvo to one against Root, six to one against Dur um, mvm to one against Cummins, with Weeks, Ford and LaFollette not listed. . naawfcag the suffragists' parade of tO.000' woaaen, representative of all parties are Interviewing the women's .party laaSors, veealag.to get the party's vste. The Mlehtcsa republican delegation plans to cast thirty vote for Ford on the first ballot It will the shift 1U strength to Hughes, a It la sot the In tention to place Ford In formal aomlna- It la predicted that Coleman Du- t lont will quit the race for the nomina tion, aa the delegates from his own utate, Delaware, would not make him ,v national committeeman. Fred I. Du Foul, his cousin and political opponent, led the I ght against the powder manu facturer. Coasenratlve progressives express ( strong hopes that the republicans will make Roosevelt the nominee. They be lieve this afternoon's demonstration at the progressive convention shows the republicans that Roosevelt Is the only harmony 'candidate. "Wo want the progressives to nom- sJA Senator f moot to the Utah republican delegation this morning. "Amalgamation Is Impossible, and wo will be glad to get rid of these progressive radicals." , , Thu republican convention was call cd to order by Chairman Hlllea of the national commlttoo at 11:28. When ordor was'obtalncd, bo stated that the matter before tho convention Is pol itic!, which mean patriotism, and af ter tho nudlenco arose and sang "Amer: Ica," Ilov. John Stone made tho In vocation, asking Ood'H blessing upon tho convention and praying thnt there be no hastily spoken words. Hciint attention was paid when Sec- ictary James Reynolds read the con vention call. Warren 0. Harding then became temporary chairman. Harding's plea for harmony evoked front applause and prolonged cheering. At hli declaration for "a navy fearing none In the world," and his assertion that America should not be "too prowl to, fight." the convention spirit.wanued lin tirittnlit'iinrii1',il'i'i MarlMkll up nbtlfcenbt'y. and'cheers rang for an hour. The convention adopted a resolution for tho appointment or officers and adopted the convention rules used In 1908, owing to disputes over the 1911 rules. Several comauttees were named and other routine business waa attend ed to, after which an adjournment was taken until tomorrow. Senator Lodge, who was chosen head of the resolutions committee appoint ed Dorah of Idaho, Sutherland of Utah. Fall, Madon of Illinois, Howland of Ohio, Oliver of Pennsylvania? Wads- worth of New York and Clark of Con necticut as nub-commltteemen. A public bearing will be held at the Coliseum at 4 today to hear the suf fragists, Samuel dompers and union labor representatives regarding their suggestions for, tho platform. The plat form will be drafted at a secret ses sion tonight ' - " -" I IBml .'II " n JMlBl SMi '"4 4&&yv9&WVJxJftjsyNi SI ' MSMSLS 9S1kbH &rJmKr7i si arsz 7&mu3t, sMsassssssssPBssssssssssl ae1 u. mMm&MZm .m i ismiii i ssHsw .iMssssssi -.i aH I mL&f'tlXrsMOBX.W talF sssssssssssMdssssssssssssssssssssssCssssssssftsWrgVBgrgWajassmm k KFi'MUnM I.JBHb1(BBBBBBBBHPBflBBllsBBBBIl i. HaV msmm IgLLslsBwasssssH&sssssbsWSllflllllSffBJJJJJJJJJJJJJll am mssB ibbbbu Za V JHaVH famaF.. ". 'aamBaHKcH.HVcBBLeisaaaagaW". sbbSjB ' R . mJ Wfc?SM H .C?B,"gBBM(BKaBBgMi?-BMBMBCT?gaBMBBBBBBBmP' I 'I I I ill J ,l I JIMBW IIWIBaWIII PWlfilBMBBMBBBBIiSBBWI 4 nf;t.lJlBHBBMSBBBBBBBBBBBBBnWslBlrSnBBHBfl1SM 4lPS"'llLBBBBBBBBBBBK9tfJKjBJ ? MsHllffiiSKlBHHiBBBBBHIv 11 IBaaMBiBMlmMMPBMMflnf liBIl m ... tSBKHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjBBBJBBmBaaBBBBBBB UlaBBSHImiBfaBBBBBB&BBlBfjBWHBSH i ilmBBBVBmsVCSBBSBVBSBSBSBSEBWBSBSBSBSBSSBSKX'laBWlBM ,' 1 Mjwlfi 'VZIZBBBViBBBBmHHBBBHBBBBBBBBBBlBB2BBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBl' '' .'.' """1 .'." "JJyffimmmt --.--.------.LM : i. i; - t $ jTw!5 r1-? ff i . J ' ' " . T , -v mmm ., .,?-. ?. ft i ;A-Zy IS 4f IIMIHIWH .V wifi;wiy.WIIW.I mih aa: m J ''' wm to-WiUHiM mnWrA k 35 ft Ml BUI V J i-K&A&f ,?T-?Kr,-3,!?jiV. ATMOOSERMEET v, iL, , " " x r.-.-.r.'q.'it; TROhJ.,01MOMWAT1NFik,- ROOMVtLTf & A' ti UA Vi ise-atakHit r '"rfs ftasi - . re-tmm W i.4HNl,Ollmr vif aaralitaiaiBi Ami'AM ! 'wM Used n OemenelnttaA Ue4taf Ovarii Hs. sLi1,.- .C ' -wi f f-T,1,. "'t!Ml3?1 iwhe4av:ar.1 ist'!i$i .. .. . ?, ,-. ' . ". .?W1 T V p' --,-. as.a- .M -"-. . 11 vUhltea; Pre Service -jg:, ,7 The'progreasttee?? ; freg reset v the Celeml 4i , CHICAGO. Jane.' il 'V"'vr, . VIBiaBTBr 'I ( . - . -r - 'r.woj?yKr''l Kotanvu BIWWIJ, WT, Ur BUBBWt.eOBhtTI veation this fi Sfti TheaUohlgaa f, y". :ti ttcfife. Ll. yj. 1 ,i - . f . . t -V 1-JJ B. tered at 11:M. I.Wa tta ?; A'r itj-. "J. jZiTj?v .. .,,. j. ..- ?. 4.' irei-inssi ',Via fiMl rVaaua UimU J'lftV1 X'k.j-A.v; , L . . . ' i II AW II II, II A ,M17 IM This photograph ahowa the Collseutn,in Chicago, wh national convention. Colonel W. F. St one,, the making final arrangements. , , JJUH r fctjrmj?-1 KIDO 1ES TO ACT FOR CHAUTAUQUA "KINO ARTHUR'S COURT" Wltto BE PRESINTld IN FAQtANT BY THE JUNIORS ATTENDING THE FORENOON SESSIONS Jva j v. 1 - r - ., t K -L ., 1 t CTClOim v . .7v the repnhUema national convention began today. BV B UYCI7, ""-' .-f-- 1-M! u. ji : -. t-t, i ' ' "PBm t -r. . thPMHTlmksdMdl..n otMJ greets ;the:him of the Ua';; tar SHOHlM Tm iiyiTMfc T . -T W TTT' ."- " ' i.' i-ame,- la ahowa on the small ptetnre: He has been oa the, ground, several , . . 'f , l.'lt,. --n I m: THE SOUTHLAND FORTV-NINE REPORTED KILLED IN MEMPHIS AVICES DEMOR ALIZED CONOITION OF WIRES CAUSES DELAYv t . . FIRE ALARM JS BEING TESTED kJHPT"!. T. ?"? "T'i'.i!r. - "T7.i-XTiTrW.7Vr?!7KKT!7W.fe ,'daja attending tot ;wW!t;yjnisi.is)iJiaUaii mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtm' 'J: . lHVniiBHK.THH . . .4 AH'i vf'J'eWcs ? weflM':TlUalTf,wM'M'S'"'vsTrtdl,'' aw- . vjsn. . rss Luf'ffjiyr,gij-ai-.'Ti'ipitai Bk b BSk aaTai Jfc' sVflali b. I I iism viMnBe fV r j6 MMfV .tflW tW . r I Jill IIAI'I '-IH lair; ItnnaaTalt l inlniBitiii ' nnillisili FUR DULL UKgMS&ffilnit . aissKrrrisjss PAILURE OF SYSTEM TO WORK WHEN NEEDED YESTERDAY MORNING MAY RE8ULT IN ITS REJECTION A local feature will be used in the; United Press Service closing day of the Chautauqua assess-; MEMPHIS, June '7. Tornadoes sweep- tO.P. Convention Opens With Noise, Crowds, Rain By FERRY ARNOLD (United Press SUE Correspondent) CHICAOO, June 7.-Joatllng crowds on Michigan, boulevard, the blare of banAt, wriggling lines of densely pack ed humanity n hotel lobbies, berth hose and be-badged visitors, and the buu, buxs of talk Ula waa the open' lag day of the Republican and progres slve national eoaveatloaa. Much of the usual parading, etc., waa toned down oa aeeouat of aa unexpect ed dpwa poor of rain. But despite xbla there were 16,000 delegates and spectators at the Coliseum whose hedges aad clothe were bedraggled by parading through tho rata. A eoaUattotu roar of Boise kept up ft feroaooa, with Rooeevek aad Kugaea aa tho iriBClpal topiea of poll tloal eoaversatlea. A( lout, these wore the outward auatfeatlUtioaa of the ehosea few of two aatioaal parties awetiag in solemn oaekv to aame a presidential ticket. ,ear.. 'yeara' ago the steam roller Mfcklita "garganUun" way through CWeago's streets, down and through he CoUaeum and hack Into the round Meof polltlcalAUtory. UHi stai roller had, not perform ed; there would have bote), only oa MUoaial ooaveaUoa' today, iut those who were quashed by the pancake making wheela of the Juggernaut arose, brushed off their dusted garments and assauged their" mangled bodies with tho balm of convention, candidates and machinery of their own. It appeared today that the bruises the steam roller of four years ago In flicted might be entirely healed. The republican man in the street and the progressive man In tho street hailed each other as brother, not a political enemy. Gono today was the bofore-tlio-battle acrimony of four years ago, which cou tered about the smallest mlnutae of the convention machinery. It may be said the leailors of the progressive and republican gatherings still maintain an air of aloofness mixed with a curiosity aa to what the other side was doing, but there waa not nearly so much grim desperation in the chase of the southern delegate, tho. pursuit of the elusive unpledged delegate or in the jockeying for placos on the permanent roll of the conven tion renter. I The business scheduled in both na tional gatherings is to be more or less perfunctory today. Calling to order, prayer, Introductory speecaee ay mo bly tomorrow, when the children who have been attending the Junior Chau tauqua conducted by MIsu Joy Har mon will present a pageant "King Arthur and Hla Court" This will be given aa the afternoon program, fol lowing a short concert, by Kekuku's Hawaiian 'quintet All through the assembly the chil Ing Arkansas land Mississippi killed forty-nine people. Rescuers are unable to report on account of tho demoralised condition of wirea aad other meaas of communication i,, ... United Press Service ; WYNNE, Ark., Juae 7. Tornado re ports indicate eighty' deaths aad ana- Zr7 . J ZT i' ,gww, mum m rvir mmm as aren nave seen nnenaing ei me rj a million aad a half. vllion mornings, and have Been iom the romantic stories of aaalae. Kli.g Arthur, Sir Qalahad, Sir Launcelot, aad the other loyal knights of the rouad United Press Service JACKSON. Mia.. Jane 7. The cy- Alius blllskjt Ataata eea - UbW i.VI. tk..MkfAM ik. Ua1 nasaall !' vfav am-jaw, sWjBteB M ",u"". u "" v" " "" ' r here. It destroyed lf Coatlaaed oa Pat 4 etc., In a moat interesting maaaer by Miss Harmon. She has also traiaed the children, and they will enact the Proving of King Arthur,". "Launcelot and Elaine," and other Incidents, Marion Masten waa elected by the juniors aa King Arthur. Dorothy Del-1 zeii waa me popular cooice ror anaiae. In addition there will be more taaa forty other youngsters, participating as sir knights, ladles and other courtiers In the pageant to be presented tomor row afternoon. , The largest' audience yet assembled at the present assembly turned out last night to hear Witepskle's Royal Hun garian orchestra and Mme. Morvlllua, wesiocontralto. The program woe by fur the moat enjoyable enterlainmeat of tne assembly, judging by theXre- mondous applause given each number, Frederick Vining Fisher, head of the lecture bureau of the Panama-Pae'lle espoaiUoa. aad Elisabeth deBarrie OU1 present today1 programs. Mrs. GUI it a leader and vocalist, and plsy her own accompaniment on a harp.. Dr. Fisher's afiernoon topic ls"One Blood," and this evening he will talk ox "Ameri lea Before the World." Tonlghtkjc turc will be Illustrated by stereoptleoa 1ews. United Press Service MEMPHIS, Juae,7.--Foar addlUeaal j deaths, and seveaty4v people lajared are reported froat Taekenaaa. Arkaa- Unlted Press Serrte f ST. LOUIS, Juae 7.-U la reported that tfty-oae were kRIod la the Mbwu-sIppl-Arkaasaa toraadeae. War Bulletins Whether or not the are alarm system insalled here' is just aa the manufac turers, agreed it would be la a matter the members of' the council are en deavoring to settle. As a result, the alarm has been ringing today,, causing many to pester the telephone centrals with the three word query: "Where's the.trer The. system waa installed subject to trial and! approval. At Monday night's council, a letter waa read, In which tho manufacturers Informed the city they would like their money. A very few hours later, are broke out on Oak street, and after sounding three taps, the system went on the blink. Consequently, most of those whq were awakened by the hell de cided they had been dreaming and returned to Slumberland. MUSIC TO BE A FEATURE AT.SUM.' DAY'S GAME LOCAL TOSMRS ARE GETTING IN TRIM, FOR REG. ULARQAME " V V; VL.M A ' ' SeeTeK-M: endorse by the progressives, I Vt,.. f- mmJ :'WL,-TJJ.-' ll.'f "T?.iv,"f"? . lllM-tWBllBlsi IflealV Vt Allar MtaawJ r"mr"9Tmmv-wt m - ? A . a mz TC4i Toeatie. by. Btehop MeleU art ta; j reBwuow w jrABierwa," meroeoa; tasro- J daeediRaymoad RoMna tka temperary t caairman, ;aad, tae ooavaauoavaaai "T1.-! xossaa- ageeea jsutnoa ,tao - aaaes ..aa "r , r--1- .,- -.-x' 'Je,' velt ;desaonstiaUoa. ia 'oaraeaf, m wbok; ho' refetred .tdt''KoeeTettta greatest? ,MMevxorsM.ttMilS9 1 '.'JiZ, :l .11 vaa": :J3fift ZTM In addition; to briagiag ia tho beat team obtainable for Saaday'is gnmi. the management of the Tflasaath'tathf baseball vteam .to also . arraagin fee C3SS a band concert durW aMnsVuyY eat)- TliSS1 aa hi VI.B.A m.lt'i A v-.i . 1 . ..", wwnwv iihmii mm .iip m Uiiia aa i j i, . , ' ' I mtrmrn wm wtmma -- -v.t " I' ia. &.a. m m L ! T " -r rr cr s ' (-T.' jc'.t - . u mmmmmmmfmm.m ir.i cofikidering the-Jaof that theOrlaaet GSES:"232iiiiiS?S:-Sffi a 'wii '-ita-;-- - rff?jwwtw"j" -m -TT- ' ' w ' - - - " " " "'"" 7" - auutii .,-- w.. team' mi Kfi miles' to play here Suaday, the loeali The progressiva, !i!!2Kiwrf mSSSa Mm tW'WffPfA all semi-pro' records of thai kind. Thh tT'lTA &77m?-!&s&&) si&&z.'ssEzzssasasm JZc TJ "?. O0K fore tho rnmpmmlas as antlatlona wRJ' up with the best baseball outside of i the leagues, aad should matei tally In- create the attendance at Modoc Park Sunday; ' S-MW'Mlji).ti.-a i1 ,v" uY l: ttr. v t -. m tne renuMieam aartr. ; : ' ;t j-,- wt i ) HearyABea of.aaaaa;:presaaiar1: SUMMER SCHOOL 1 BEGINS MONDAY United Press: Service LONDON, Juae 7. Premier Aseultk has temporarily assumed eaarae of the war oflee until Kltoheaert sueiessor u named, it was saaessd today. From the Fert "'.-.. B. N. Pomeroy aad Qt W. Ban are dowa froat Itot KUaMth. United Frees Service ' 'PARIS, June 7. The Oermans are shelling Fort Paux la the saost ua precedented .feroeity.'t ' Two vloleat charf war asade) amJawt tho aaal- ttoa, bat both failed, ' United Press Servte WASHINOTON, Juae 7.-U Is lean ed oMclally that taa.BrMlsli iateraad Jokm stUsfilss, aa sJsierHaa arrattai mxoaaeeUea. wlU the Irish reTeeatioa. 8ALEM INSTRUCTOR AND ASH. LAND SCHOOL HEAD WILL HELF TEACHERS FREFARE FOR THE EXAMINATIONS There is much interest among local educators in the teachers' summti school, which opens Moaday aad'oa tlauea for thro weeks. The tralaing school supersedes tho eld tlaaa coaaty teachers' coaveatloa. Mrs. M. L. Pulkerson of Ssless, oa of the sUte's most eSklent ustructors, will conduct the "work for primary teachers, The work for the advaaoed grade teachers will be tot charge George A. Briscow.l superinteadeat of tho Ashlaad sehoobii , The training school will gire the teacher aa opportualty to preaare far the toaebers assmwattoas to bo toa- dvaUd by tho state tho latter part of Juae, a- rw.T., V'rt ,-i:l -? : ' Coatlaaed "tmrrmmli&&S-Mr eaaaaawsa . .- . ' ' . I. ''"T' 'V "'iTii-S" . ss5g jaamsgsamM ring Day Program Is Being Prepared by Hb 3 .-jdrvd!jk',T'7ri. -5- ' J'aaf'' An observance of Flag Day, will be held Wednesday evening. Juae 14,at the Elks' temple. This is being ar ranged by Klamath Falls Lodge No. J2I7, B. P. O. Elks, and the pubUef ea peclally members of. the churehes. Grand Army, ,Womeas JteUf Carps, etc., is especially UvHed. , ' i, . The following nagvDay praelajaa tlon has boaa. issued by Oovefaor Withyeembs: , . a Where.. Juae 14, WW. la the 1MU anniversary of the adepUea of the Stars aad Stripe; and - J ., Whereas, Organtsatloasef a.patrl- otlc nature in Oregoa aro deoireaa that special emphuta W plaoa uaoa.tals day aad .Its aseaaing; aid .'"t ;-v Whereas, Tata generation aMa ad time, when myaity sa4 pettiottsas syBsore;:sattlredUH;;air;;wraM tsW the eaeoarsseaasht of; tioaal virtuee Is Now, i 1 claim WedBeiay.uae XtUkTW Day throughoat ttkstato;of?0i aad I earnestly urge that tka vor asvoted to exeretaee tadleaUve of cpaduelve to loyalty to a lag i ia Boaws, seaeoist';easrl ss eotblamea aw fllUigly obeeoed.-tSsst aha "w,WS,,j:, vBsSIbb aMpsaeasaf aaaaaaaBma aamaVs'? MbBbw BbBS mmm Md that the eattra. thUertUoalperiadoll rest, aaJte'ta hMMtajt tta i mm'ilM 1 '2'-' AU r Ji r uwia aaaias ox , tslgreaew ItaadthentHiBjIsx uU .avM, .i . TT?Wr-V"i MIL4UM, ;:U Te41awsv smlasatsgyaat saal'at taa asaah W 5 s r, FBSaWSBB jjELjan ISM MM gzs .I1A P's IX ,W- iv s i a""1 ! .: