" yi vj-'- Wa'i .'"tanaaan A 3Ij lummg i JSt: && .4'FrWit .. if- A Bl$ KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER VI lUMJ a saw', fe A. iuMinn riutMM jt f:i OFFICIAL NEWSPAPM; 1 i'v" ".rrtW3(e LtT j i fcA '. .4 T. . J '5XK.. &$&: . Tenth Year-No. M12 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1916 tteralft GENERAL KITCHENER AND STAFF PERISH WITH WRECKED CRUISER ENGLAND THROWN INTO CON STERNATION At RESULT OF TRAGIC END OP HERO 'With rill SUN, British War Cord Waa on His Way U Ruitla, to Confor R?.. girding Future Optratloni, Whin. Crulserjtampshlrs Wai tubmarlmd I "" or Mint), and Sunk Off thi Orkniy Islands Last Night. t'nlli'd Press Service LONDON, June V It la officially an nounced tbat Karl Kltcbenor of Khar toum, accretary of state for ar, und a field marshal In the British army, with bit entire ataff, perished taut night aboard lbs crulier Hampshire, which wm lunk nortb of Scotland. Tbo admiralty atatement aaya: "The ,ablp Hampshire, with Karl Kitchener and bla ataff aboard, aunk lant night off tbe Orkney Island, on tbe mull of being atnick by either a mine or a torpedo." Shore observers saw four lifeboat leave the nfalp. At tbat time heavy aeas were running. Later, aearebera found. several corpses, and ono cap- tlted lifeboat. Patrol boala, and de- itroyers were rashed to tbe acene. Tbe Hampshire waa en roate to Bus tla, where Kitebener planned to confer with tbe ciar'a military leader re tarding future operation!. Public conaternatlon and amazement Krceted the aanouacemenL Crowd are arouad the bulletin board at tbe poMofflre, and all through tbe kingdom. The war oStee tag brat bah? mat, and tbe bllnda are drawn. Captain Herbert J. Sarin command ed tbe Hampshire. Tbe aewa of the tragedy waa aent via wlreleaa by Admiral Jelllcoc. Kltcbener'a career baa been one of tbe ajoat brilliant In lirltlah military blitory, and he will be revered In tra dition with Wellington. Dorn In Coun ty Kerry, Ireland, In 1850. be gradu ated the Royal Military academy, and after aenrice with tho French In the Franco-Pruaalan war, enterod tho roynl engineers aa a lieutenant. In tbe Nile expedition In 1881 ho no distinguished hlmaelf aa a cavalry commander that he waa breveted a lieutenant colonel, and received sev era! decoration. He waa atatloned In m anaaaaaPfr .,y?3:-uyiB3t'deWTlaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaael m aeTdaaV $WWtLfyKX&&MKHHKUKIM SHkIsHbbbI f ssmbsmbsmbR"SbsmH tX Baaaaaaaaar 'X4,ClBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal w$ fi j'3 tf0!n3Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal wTBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: ri. SaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasanaaaasnaaaaaaaV bi SSSSSHliBBBinBHBallSSSSSSl I BaaaaasSanaaaBanaaaaaas G. 0. P. PLANKS BEIN6 SHAPED FOR PLATFORM mmmsms&m EARL KITCHENER OF KHARTOUM United Press Service CHICAGO, Juno 6. Senators Lodge and BorabIt Is learned, may draft tbe republican platform planks, denounc Ing tbo democrats for allowing Ameri can prestige to diminish in China, al llefccuTy encouraging Japanese ambl- Ittnn Tho uttftratk'anA mllltniv trnlti. lu? planks ure almost certain to cause fijchta. There will be planks attacking watchful waiUng-'and assuring Ameri cans world-wide protection under tbe republican administration; naming tbe pledges made at Baltimore and broken by (bo democrats; 'providing for tbe wecond largest navy; protection for American Industry. and labor; denounc ing tbe government, armor factory and tbe. LaFolletto seamen's" bill. Suggestions will, be "received tomor row through tbo resolutions committee Leader Pet kins of tbe progressive camp today declared bis party will ac cept only Roosevelt as presidential nominee. The radicals are' apparently deter mined to nominate' Roosevelt Friday and run him as a third candidate again, in the, event of the republican's nominating another. Victor Murdock today stated tbat he will nominate Roosevelt In tbe repub lican convention, and asked to be. quot ed to this effect. '' ' HOUSES OETROYEO IN EARLY MORNING FIRE Eicypt for Kovernl years, and In his op erations with the Egyptian troops ho was stcndlly promoted, and was given several knighthood orders by the crown und by tbo Egyptian khedlve. As Sldar, he commanded the British- EiryiIanforcc n 189$, recovering Doa Roln for Eio'Pt. nnd ho was made a major general. For crushing the power or tho Khnllfa two years later he was raised to tho peerage as Baron of Khartoum, thanked by parliament, nnd made governor general of Egyp tian Soudan. doing to South Africa tbo following year, he rendered Invaluable assist ance to Lord Roberts as his chref of staff. When Roberts was called home to become commander In chief. Kitch ener succeeded him oh commander of South Africnn operations, and carried nit tho campaign to a successful con clusion. For this, ho was again raised In tho peerage, and appointed com mander In chief of India. With the oubrcok of the present war, Kitchener was made secretary of state for war, and as a result of his active work both In this capacity and as a Held marshal, In preparing tho raw re cruits for service, he was made an earl. As is always the case in such a crisis, there have been, frequent criti cisms of Kitchener from British sources, at times amountjng to de mands ror nts removal rrom omce. Kitchener was a campaigner, not a "parade soldier." Ho pursued the course he deemed best, caring not a whit what the people thought of It. He has always been a wonderfully shrewd calculating military machine, and while It cannot be said tbat ho was universally loved through the Brit ish empire, he was universally respect ed. He dealt with the public as with an army, and though the people railed nnd cursed him, they appreciated, nev ertheless, tho fact that he was making n thorough Job of tbe affair be bad been naked to arrange In the same way that be made bla military successes. GOUNCILMEN WHO ARE ATTACKED TO. FIGHT-MANDAMUS 8TRUBLE CALLS UP THE RECALL ORDINANCE Effort to Start the Bill Is Unavailing, However, aa Miller Moves'That It Be Tabled, and a Contest Made Against the Petition for Writ Men Under i Fire Vote This Way, so Question Is Now Up to the Circuit Court. '-" -J-..-'..'g... I ,- I J. I I MM I' j..MIUtw 1 , rntt, Ptt;WMH (,;WL: ; Glenn Spnngs mM Again Raided by Mexican Bandits " lriS?ftf9KS : Figures Are Prepared on Cost of Citv Road Instead of meaauring a mile mad a balf, the route of the iblpplngton blxhway BMMnrea a mile aad three quarters, according to the report filed hut night by City iBglneer Zumwalt upon the coat of this .oosatruetlon work. No measurement of the actual distance waa made until after tho tpeclal election. Two route were submitted by Zum wilt with hta figures. .One of these sires the Pelican City aad boat land ing spur rratea aa efttllaed la the measure before the people, aad tbe hr one shortens the distance of these two branch roads. The estlautee follew: OriflMl Route 'Oregon aveauefrem Delta to Bteaurk atreet (length, . Me foot). 0Unce4ejn' , I18.1I4.W Sbuta and front street,. (length, t.TtT lent). urading .. Craaaed rank Holablrd street (lengtb, 1, MT foet), Oradlag Crushed rock M""1 184.80 861.60 r 183.00 7M.60 letal eeetfifv.H8.10 Alternative Route Oregon avenue ...$18,2M.OO Street through blocks 43 and 47 (length, 8,698 feet). Grading - "0-00 Crushed rock 883.60 First street (length, 1.660 feet). Grading MM Crushed rock 638.60 Total Improvement cost 820,098.60 In addition, Zumwalt submitted figures on a bltullthlc pavement, olgbt feet in width, with a four foot) rock shoulder on each side, for the Oregon avenue, or main trunk route. The cost for this would bo 817,818.46 for' Oregon avenue, making tho cost of tho project 119,848.66, following tho original routes for branch roads, or 119,617.06 for the shorter branch roads aa outlined In the WITEPSKIE GETS BIG RECEPTION FAVORITE MU8ICAL NUMBER OF LA8T YEAR'S CHAUTAUQUA IS PROVING A WONDER AGAIN THI8 YEAR In order to thoroughly familiarise themselves wltk tho two routes, etc., tbe members of the city council, tbe mayor and city engineer wlU make a trip over the Shlppingtoa aeetloa tale afternoon. The report will be acted upon at tbe next meeting of the coun- Wltepskle's Orchestra certainly scor ed an Immense hit at last year's Cbau tuqua assembly, Judging from tbe at tendance at today'a session, whlchwaa the best attended this season. There will be a still larger attendance to night, when the orchestra and Mme, Morvlllua. appear .again. Mrs. Harrletto Gunn Robot-son's lecture today was of great Interest to all attending. After tbe lecture, she was given a reception by the Woman's Library Club. Arthur Franike'a lecture, "The Matchless Book," yesterday aftornoon proved an able defense of the Bible against the theorists of evolution. Dap wlnlsm, etc. Irneet J. Bias' locture on "Home Town ''PeBaedness, waa given last night, and the plea for civic progress waa enlivened by local appli cation of the suggestions of the speaker. Buildlna Permit " '' A permlf waa last night granted R E. Wattenburg to erect a 86JO0O residence for John Martin on the cor rir of Seventh and HI atmts. Two frame, house on Oak street, between Second and Third, were des troy ed by lire early this morning. Prac tically all of the furniture waa saved. The disorganized' condlObln' of the fire department made a quick response to the alarm out of the question, so the flnmes gained a good headway. Will Test Alarm The city officials will test out the fire alarm tomorrow noon, prior to formally accepting tbe system In stalled. Yuan Shi Kai , Dies in China BnenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenVV " HflESKInHBnenenenenenT BenenenaBaVfsBenenenenenenenenenV " Yuan Shi Kal United Press Service w WASHINGTON, D. C, June 6. The state department has recelvod an of ficial report tbat Yuan SblKaL presi dent of China, Is dead. He was born in 1859, and of recent years has been highly active in Chlneao national af fairs. He succeeded Or. Sun, Yat Sen aa president of the Chines republic, and,' waa chosen as emperor when a tew months ago Chinese changed the government back to tbe Maarchlal fOTSB, .,!, When tbe revolts became: serious, yuan changed the form back again to a republic. ' C' Yuan died last night, Hewaa re ported as seriously ill several days 1. A message received today,! aaya.the premier, Luan Chi Jul, has pledged bla support to Vice President LI yuan max. The question of recalling Council men Miller, Mathews and Doty has, by tho votes of these three men, bees again' held off for a time. The ques tlon is to be fought in the circuit' court. At last night's council meeting, Councilman Struble called the atten tion of tbe council to the alternative writ of mandamus Issued by tbe circuit court, directing the city oSclalls lo cal 1 a special election on tbe recall question, or show cause. He suggest ed the Introduction of' tbe ordinance already prepared,, calling the special election. l "I move that the ordinance' be tabled and tbe city attorney instructed to an swer the mandamus and protect the city's Interest," said Miller. There's a very vital question there aa to the petition being legal." Doty seconded this motion "It's Uke this," said Struble. "The court has ordered us to take action or show cause why., I understand this proceeding has all been regularly aad according to. state law, and Leant sew how any of us can sidestep. I want an aye and nay vote." Sheets seconded this. He also asked If it is obligatory upon tbe, city to de fend the case. t City Attorney Groesbeck explained that the alternative writ was served upon the defendants aa officials of the city; that it was up to the council as to tbe election; tbat the court i has the power to order the council to call an election or show cause, as It has' done. He stated that whatever the council does, it does in the name of the city, and that therefore it Is up to tbe city attorney to do as directed. On the vote to table the ordinance, the three counciimen threatened with recall' voted "yes," and Sheets Struble voted "no." I "til 'f'd Press 'Service ......-.. . T . . , .. y ' ,( SABS marathon, Texas, June - courier arriving: lau wis afleraeset wZ$mi brouaht the rtnori that, ten American Mldlirm wars killed ai-rfMiiNMiak.Vi-I w , ., T v w ..... To-T" y ,j.-e ca ixnis inranoen in a nnnt wrai Mexican Mtneiu - ..' ' It Is believed that the Msxlsans asain attacked ' J - f -ftfji af,j-ri.A'r4i... V-X'ii town, where a share, tint ae several fAmsrisan esvalirsMnVwsrsjMlrteVtYf vnwwra nvr www irjinp vn cemtniinraaie p win wnn Ullf iw.yi in(yg,., tfl full details, but fsr without aiaiotat. f y mMSJMm renewing uie wsx mis -ai uisnn ssTinge, American was ( mwr&i 'fr- " ' -i :, r- 7. 7,TW7srzyiMfiUiM m , . . - .. . .... . .. .... . ' . '.. .T -i.i" . .'. j'. , i'S2A '.,TV' Dorscr in soarcn oi in ssnsiuv sns tne ciiiaews snwea tnemseivse wmt-wm-z&sw: ed in the bund. fnhs Unhed Press Service COLUMBUS, June 6Offlcers declare .there are twswtyth'stisawdCal-'iHM tlstas In Mexico hindering the wsrk' sf thsAiMrican expidRlew, U'.2;i ranslstas INSTRUCTORS WEDDED: TODAY MISS LAURA BICE BECOMES' MRS. A. J. MAYER AT EDOiNJam- FORMED ON WEST SIDE "THIS if ' " . , . r ? MORNHtaS'j; If it5rw -a?-' fw J la the presence of a few friends, Rev. tS. V. MICHSTSS SI T.3V UU united A. J. Mayer and MissLssra Bice in matrimony. The ceremony waa performed at the home of her Foster a. . . - . L. , J-- . "r lt .- erouier, Lnuncumsn k. j.- Bneecs, ana wife, and .there, were present' Mr. r and PAVING METHOD i . e " . iH&mi fw&Jm. ORLAND TO PLAY LOCALS SUNDAY FAST SOUTHERNERS MAY PLAY A DOUBLE HEADER KLAMATH HAS WORK CUT OUT IF BOTH GAMES ARE TO BE WON Mrs. R. J. Sheets. Rev. E. C. Richards and wife, Mr. and Mrs, Oeo:, A.Haydon. Mrs.- Howell and daughter, Martha Howell of Merrill, Miss Lain Watten-K burg. Miss Helen Paxsori, William Hagelstein and Vivian Sheets. Immediately after the marriage, the couple departed on the train for T7n dercIUfe, Colorado. They wffl also visit other Middle Western points, re- sad turning here when school epens: The1 bride' Is well known' here, ss sho has taught in the' grade schools for the past Are years. and'baa been reelected aa a member, of the staff for the coming 'year. Bhe has proven her self a capable lnstraetor, 'and has a host' of close friends! Mr. Mayer came here last year as head et: the manual training department' of the Klamath county nigh schooU and he' is also to be on the .'ataff next yeak Both are known In social circles.- and their friends join, the Herald in wishing them happiness and prosperity through their years of wedded life. .btaJL i V 'iHH'Ji i'.- -vu kji:i5y2 j:2rn isri-'u: ,urT l u . :inniirr .mm iri ab liMjr L T- w--r. .""T", " 1T..",'.trr, ' "' .. 'K J.v; ', f. j ..' , BIOS-ON BOTH BtTUUTHtS&AIM-u f'ldACADAMARE. )aC:"S.'.:. ;Vj Zumiiui nntrntnrm ' "1. .,,.' .' -t r -? ' z? will be seed in the nSvbaar 8ttfrM.IatoUsba.as4'o''; ' .-.. hJi"" ,1 , Jjl.''il'. iuuu u t.rnjpccujjje uiraBOBViattiiiaM. we HPw;.pwnsts;Wos, p-notirss asi "imfmm M i-ivi,f-?,..a-' ? iwWWSSr MWX mmiwmm :mHtemMWmt: iM t . y i irtri-hrtCtw-4t ttiJi.JikJt A Wbetber bttnHthle or oiled ssnMagfj sssi ""- ' n T.T--7-"" bbbT snasnaaVSanaWB-w'; &'.-?? mi in.uM'bows.': :...;. I I -------- --' i' -- ?:-ffJ''.'. .w -ia.i-TA frK ty,rm ".r'-FT?.'r?.!' A"'kv : After .taws iweremaae: ay vmOmMi ' "... . ",rr -.. C7.5 C1 C. Brpwer and'-' was- deferred for a Svfcl ti'JtrvS-M 31 The Klamath Falls baseball tessera will meet Orland here Sunday after noon. Manager watt states that be ex pects there will be two games played Sunday; In the forenoon and afternoon, between tho two teams. Authentic In formation in regard to this will be given in tomorrows Herald. It is said .tbat Orland possesses a strong bunch, of players, and will be accompanied to this city by an aggre gation of enthusiasts. "Chuck" Thode, who is known throughout the Sacramento valley as a fast twlrler, and Klsselrlng, will ac company the players as twlrlers. for Orland'. It Is reported that too mack cannot be said about the rest of the tram in regard to their efficiency In playing the national game. Tbe local boys art busily practicing this week. They feel centden: that they can again keep the "bacon" at home. ' Having in mind that the game Bun- day will be a fast and furious one, the fans will turn put strong to give the local boys a lift,' both in a Aaanetal way and by "rooting!" The, expenses of, brinttagftbOriaud team tetbia city wilTbe heavy, and a 'good turn out to seeded to asset the ,. ..,, fIW.""?S. '5 'SifSi ;fand.,dnrtui;vt,.iHta i mat tune; tae Kieveatn street?peope:-;fft y sae" ej; i il '-'' - -i-vft ' win aecHteispoB wmen sans s'Bmve-,'j Vn'p-l t " thmr wanf 'nYh f iijimjrfl'5 ' ' ' proceed to aecest' J.H.;aarret-sb4donoed was f 1I484J8.: tlon .eontnsnr .siaT."tUJtLx. aa"lad '.?Wi3: D.aeadani; and 818,8.N Mr. and Mrs. Harrison of Koyston are here today, on business. iMH viT, Jf?ki."l. a;iid:. '7tf8mwx$m "JiM&S7$3p P?z . ' h.'l .ii.fciW S 1t&M)l. xTkmMOmWZmm nM..m&mia&wmm 'Mmmm. Mj m . rw ... r r- ' Jci-. l'SSJilLZLi!! uniwwmimi, nmtmm, J""essssBWUMiwi raF3fr'l Unltedtr'lserVlee ' ' . frllf of'tiepowierstea."!' ;V'W -,L i ----- '-.--- -. .Jf..-j.ai2l .-,Ut. rrftvUVVaV UU,1 at once.' oi fores a 1 loe strike leaders. vlciy, , , !. , HV-k-Vlnlng, Jefttoday.;JfoV',a!iteipM W-,8an' Pranc'tecoAPortland 'UlkW'-4;?Sf coMt -points, ; ,, JXkJmm vfaMI' t i aeiJF MMmtirvvi" tjf v,,I jaPf)fvift. U". ." . m ... j af ' - I raT W " ! i.nsiHr isriKiHs: i.nir nhnrssn sswewawsBn aassni sbbl Bsn.ssm nsn- asm bbssbsbsi snr i i ssav nss sni sbblsbb am ass Baw eflv-snasrssni asrenTB) Sjsni .'SBJRBSBVSBBSSBBK'aaBBF . " BBVSBBaaaBBlBnsaBdTBn 9- sBBBBVBnThtBr. , Jrt ,'J-ftW. n.rtfVrNV- K lannarh kallc Kvos?nlivkl M'. It was after 11 o'clock last night before the council had disposed of suf ficient old business to be in readiness for the installation, of C. B. Crtaler aa mayor of Klamath. Falls. Despite tbe long hours of routine, however, a' large audience awaited eagerly the change of administration; Following' the" adoption, of the or dinance approving the purchase of a combination automobile' Ire truck; Mayor Mason arose,, declared that his work ended, there, ,aad prepared 'to a- ireanes tae new'maysr,.j - - "i want to tauK yon, memsers o the, pounell, .for yesr hearty co-opera tion." , said he: "Our work' togetker has been pleasant ferine, and althsnah dsVu 4Ms spBNal BBbwBjBj ts(sM?BJBHsV Ml apafXsMB ,HV appear at times, tnyyikM$, i nave touna ii aisappear jusc :iss4KajWffi:-l lly.i ,1 'nave nothing bat tae;kJadort4lf)'i feeli'nss for you. nnd: essneli''yB)las'Sr'te-' J judge! cltyttornsy;tiregM lice depsitnasat 'and iliswmgl smmmm TfaHst ,?i8 S)m?&'!. owe was imrs Lea Mtt. and the sage. .TbWwaC ssweM'assln'seasnaatdar nsansck -V '. .1 -J'T, r.- ' .i-.T..7P". .TI'-TTI nulsmauesa-H. Foltewlngtala; IcMwi'Ikto asswss' V& jr v'1M'PB"jeBj"asa. Of: ffliiW ,w lip": 'aiuj 'aktdBSBaSl.'SBnl SS.iSisaBrBlsaV' d"WH d(8aBBf "!, BBSJJBM, l' ,?v " ansmnsVj' Sflasssn "71 Z W ' " v -iiTV,J.Bs.f'j, ' I!V?.f ,-,.. ,v" , " , V tf.-Wi&wm&mttA?-lJ jjt.