4 Up iturniny Brralvi kr KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER a KLAMATH, VALUfk OFFICIAL NEWiFAPEH .vt; -w.7 &3l .y- -u"? --. ? ' tiVL'tf& Tenth Year-Ne, M KLAMATH FALLS, N, MONDAY, JUNE 5, lMf ri00 PIM MM mmammtmtMmmmssa -.J V - 'J li BRITISH CLAIM BIGGER LOSSES FOR THE KAISER GERMANS CALL KNOLI8H VIEW A JOKt latest Lenden Reports Bay That One BstlleiMa, Two Battle Crulters, Three Deatreyere, a Light Cruiser ana a Submarine Were Loit by Qtr. many In Addition te Thaat Reported. Othai War Mewe. foiled Pre Service LON.ftON, Juno 0. The German ton nnso loss In Wednesday's battle Is now admittedly 31,000. and the UrltlMh 1M.0JS Tka British claim un additional ton nage low of W.000 tona for Germany, consisting of the battleship Weatfallon, the battle crulatn Derllluger and Lut ter, thrt destroyed, a light cruiser and a aubaurlae. United Praaa Servloa UKRUN. June 6. Germany regards UrIUsb clatavt t a victory Id the 8kag errak aaa ht m a great joke. "If the BrtUah won such a tacUcal victory to thla ft, two more such victoria would reduce the llrillsb uavy to a cavato at rawaoats, aald aa ad miralty United fraaa tarvloe PAUS, Jaaa . The Ftancb re pulsed' Mverai llgwid tre attacks oreaad rart Vaux yesterday A gen irnl raffinffiTT'. awiak kaavtar'tkaa usaal, rage along the east of the Meuae, with the Germans unable to roreaa. ' Counter attacks have ousted the Ger mans from tka trenches they selxed Saturday, batweta DaaUoup asd Vaux. United Praaa iervlce 11ERUN, June 6. The oBclal an nounceaaaat save assay French attacka upoh the new German positions along the Vaux-CalUette-Damloup line have bn ronUeed. Artillery Ira yestsrdsy shattered a Btronr Brlttoh charge to the southeast of Yrcsa. United Press Service VIENNA. Jua C It Is announced that the Auatriaaa catured 6,00 IU1 lan, three eaaaoa, eleven machine gvaa and IIS aria throwers Saturday. o Away an ualnaaa. J. O. Beardaley has gone to Salem to attend to business. He expects to be abiaat several maths. Chicago to Spot on Earth tor Week United Preaa Service CHICAOO, Jaae I. Chicago atarted today to atake good oa the prediction that for tka aoat week It wl'l be the noUltst spot la the world -unless Jt be Verdaa. Cartstoly it will be tbe Hpit where asere' words are ipllled than anywhere ekte. ' All of which la by way of prefer to the faet that the eeavaatlaa crowds began arrtvlag today. They cttme chiperoaed by banrts, megaphoned ns Mttuata, hlafera aad Jat Ul aolse ackers. Ity Wedaeaday, kkago will oe wnl lH wMk eete te nearly twlite It nttaud alaa. Taere are MS deleft et t" the reyaalieaa aatleaal convontlen to arrive., NT aKatMtMkts tbe aaatf ; nMly l,m delegates sad alterntUM to the gretraaalTe aatleaal cmtyen "oa; Hjm woatee worker, for the shHot, aaatly aate-tawa hooaterj; to 8y 9tkiataC.Jwjt aWa specUtors to AhseytkeleeiHefelChlaaao'sloey tala aagag aa aaaked wltk humaaHy Senatorial sflataaaV .adaataV aw Mf 'VLk ' e-B - aiaL BsW 'v KBBBaF aLLLkW. LLLLBaF ". t FJPva- T BavBBBBBBW .jasBBBwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai BBBBBBBBBB sBBBBBBBHBr Bmmti22kSEmKti&$ti5m LH ,BBm.BBTaV BBBBB .W .aBBBLV MtMBMBBBBBMpBBaBgjBaaaa BBMiBBBilffiBLBBmaSi BBkV tf - ..H -1,IMM ..PBBBBBBM BBBBBBBBBK2BBBBBMiXflVN BBBBBBBBkBBBaw BBBBK P i MafBBBBBBBw .H BJBaMMBVBHBttaBMamBBBBHBMariaMBl H BM BBBBBBBBbI rafafafafafafafaf&OiBfafafafafafafafafa BTBMbW V4 7 -i-BBBBBBBBBaafJ BBBbbVBbBBHbBbH BH BBBBBBBBBBH. aTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTJPaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaT aTafaBTaTafaW .BLaBBTaTaTaTaTaBk VBBBBBBBBHBBBBHBBHLBBBbSBBBBBBBBV"JQ H HkBBBBBBBmBBBBWBBBBBBBm BBl H.x' JJBBBBBBBBBBBBBbHbBBBBBBBBBHP BBBHBBHaBBBm'afafM a4aBBKaBBBBHBlBBHBBBHII BBJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLfBBBBBBB WaBBBBBBBBA aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr' IbbbbbbbbbbBBH flKHBi IbbIbbbbbbbbbbbHbB "' bbbbKBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbII IHbBBBBbIBBBBbB '" BlBBBiBBBl IbKBBbHIbEBBBH iflKflBBBHBBBBBfl BBKBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflBBaMuBBBBBBH ABBBBBBB-BBBBBBBBBBS'aBBBBBBBBBBV M BBBaBkBaaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBKlBaBKBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaM bbbbbbbbbbk''ibbbbbbbbbbbbvbbbbbbbbbbbbbbt PflB afafafflfafflfafflfafflfafflfaVBTafflfafflfafflfa afafJ BBbSbWbbbbbbbbbVPtLV aBaB9B9BBBaB9B9BBBaB9B9BBBaB9BaBam afaBBBBBafaBPiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BafaBBBBBBfaBBBBBBfaBBBBBBfaBBBBBafaVPB BB KatMrS'S V'B flBBBBBBBBBBaVaflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBA VflallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllKaH b1 aVaVflB"MllaB"AVaVaVaVaVaVBjJB VaVaVaVaVaVaVaVAAVaVaaaVaVaVaVaVaVfl BvBB9PBBBByiw if fABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsBBBBBBBWBBrB BJ BlBBJH;"wBBBWw'Ay&FBBBBBBBBBBBB," BBBBBBBBBBBBvVBBBSBMBawBBKlBJiB BvMI' WflWlAV ''IwaVSVaVaVJ afaVaVaVaVaVaVaVAV-''IV LVaVaVaVaVaVMafaVaTaBBVSVaalBVSVSvBI BbIBBBjBJlv BBBBBaTi. .,ik"! BBBBBBBBBBBBBBV W BBBBBBBBBBKBBaaaaaBBaaaaaaaaaWBBBBBBBBBBBBK laWkE'a-fe -IfBalllllBTBW AHiBTbK1' BTHBBaBYB.HiB.llH I IHbB4IbybybW btH..IV 11 ..bb.bbHIbtbtHLi13bt..bbBI IVaBflaH;llaBBTflBM '"BBTflmBaBTflaf .1 flBTflBBTflaBTMSBflaBTflHBaBTflaBTll IPP-fMrrlfcHilP-f-.H ' iTbW cl BaBTBBTHIIfyBTBBTBilH.BTBBTBil liBTBB;'ll.B..BBHl.M.BB.BB..B I SfaB :rS fffBL"!!!--f95aHflBVaBBVaBBn BaBVaBBHsaHflllBK I lir''''lH:' M-:;I.bTbTbIH..bB Bb. ki.'jSjiA BBBBBBm j fii 4&& BBJ BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBff BtzSI . faBrBBTB. ViS-vVif i r i Left to right Senator Wm. E. Borah, TIioho wimpMliotH of ilo rupubllca Hcnatorn who huvu been considered for sro tho luicnt photoRrapliH taken. With -JiiHtlcn IIukIics and Roosevelt out of 0ID8 OPENED TODAY ON TULE LAKE CONTRACT lllds wero opened this morning at projoct headquarters on small con tracts In connection with the Tula Lake lateral construction work. About 23.000 yards of excavation Is affected by these. Saturday morning mora blda on other schedules of tho work will be opaawd. ir. In tho -meantime, wrokrbyorea ac coant Rrin progress, and Con Murphy j tn,p0ylng every team brought to the ronatructlon camp near Adams' Point Preparing to Build. Preparatory to erecting it home on the corner of Seventh and Hlgb streets, John Martin has moved the cottago fntmerly occupying the corner to the ndjolnlng lot on High street. This cottago is occupied by Mr. and Mrs. C. Austin Hayden. A petition for letters of administra tion was filed today by J. D. Falrchlld, a Ytoka attorney, In the estate or tho lato John T. Bloomlngcamp. Tho de ceased owned property both in Oregon ami California, between Klamath Falls and Ager. Harry Telford has returned from Lakeview, wbero ho delivered two now Saxon Sixes. George Blooming camp and James Oiven of the Bly country are also possessore of Saxons, as tho renult of activity on the psrt of Telford. Be Noisiest jllenti convention hcssIous four yeara ngo. All tho hotels, Incidentally, began today removing every bit of furniture f i om tho r lobbies, no nower poi vascf or chairs will clutter up space wbr-ro enthusiasts may t'ouatp. nor hn near at hand for weapons In cure ar. gtinionts wax too hot. Ono well known hotel, which ppu.tsJBchool house last week. This was aa n fountain In tho mlddlo of ona of Ub .H..I... ,nnn,H. hcunii today to Incluae this snot of water. It ic a precaution which proved Buccossfiil four yeati ngo(foro the business session. and saved a lot of readies or persons ( .- hinD which in urovloua ronven- tlon times scorned to bato a iwiural hhbtl of gravitating thereto, Tbe Collsoum and Audlurlum, wboie tbe republican and projtroHilve boats will hold solemn conclave, were lewly for the crowds today. TicK'jis for tho republican convention wc.ro .tt'thablg gtt premium they ever have been for such a gathering. There ware plenty of offers of 1850 for a single Ucket admitting holder .to Concluded oa Page t Candidates for Senator Laurence V. 8herrnan, Senator Commander of the British Fleet r-Ju . . t-fi"Srf. ThU is Vice Admiral Sir David Dcatty. commander of the British leet giving battle to the German high see fleet off tbe Danish coast laat FARMERS' Ittl GREAT SUCCESS SOUTHWEST KLAMATH FARMERS CLUB HOLDS A SPLINDID COM MUNITV QATHKRINQ FOR OUAR TBRLV MIIT One of tho most successful commun ity meottngs over held In Klamath county was the quarterly meeting of tho Southwest Klamath Farmers' De velopment League, hold at Plevna all day meeting and picnic, and about eighty people were in aiienasnc. Twq splendid Ulks were made be- H. F. Mur uocu pono on "nurui meun Taxation," and County School " intondent Peterson talked on the same topic. At the business session the following committee heads made reporta'of prog ress : J. A. Bushong, farm productloa; jnH. A. Stansble, marketing; R. V. aTas, fin m supplies; William Himmetwright, roads and communications! MrSr-TrOr Haguo, 'education. George Ager, tbe treasurer, also tendered a report. 'In. order to broaden the scope of the club's work and to give the same at tention' to the home aad school aa te a"i-jBBaaaaaaaa' .aaTaaBBBBBBaa. Ebbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb! f the RepsbOcan A. . CummjM, ienator Warren 0. Harding, Senator John Weeks. the ripubUcan neplnatlon for president the way one of Uhw may be aoaaJnated Fortjrjper Cent of Laud tor WASHINGTON, D. C, June 5. , Oregon will' receive only 60 per cent of the proceeds from the. timber sales) 1 of the Oregon California land grant ,Thc reclamation fond beaalts to the 'extent of 49 per cent,. aad, the federal treasury will be enriched IS per east. The conference, report -oa the bill agreed upon, retalaa thla.dlWoa of (the funds, as made in the bill passed , b the house. j Senator "Chamberlain, leading the fight for a large share far Oregon in the conference, found the house mem bers Immovable. They threatened to return to the house for- instructions unless the senate yielded to the divi sion of funds made by the house; which meant Indefinite delay -had doubtful results. As compensation, the Jtouse con ferees, yielded the proylsiea allowing the sale of timber oa credit All Bales must be for cash, which will place the timber on the tax roll as soon as sold. ; The house corferees also yielded to the amenament wnereoy uregon wiu snaro a 60-60 ratio tn the sun received from tbe, railroad on excess sales and taxes ine farm and its problems, the league named some aew coaunltUes, with the following ekainaea: JUareatlea, Mrs. George Xerae; "sinltstlea. Mrs. James A, StaaaMet baautWeattea. Mrs. Geo. A'get;.hoaea eennomtee, Mrs. each. ,.Cety, Agricultariet K. Belaad Oleisyer, who waa ereoaat. made a well reeetved talk oa apro rtate lines, aad eeTered the anlataaee U Ida eases aad the cooperative extension heads la the furtherance of the plans or the league. 'The question of having all loose wire fences on the raagee properly ad justed so' they will comply with tbe law was discussed. A committee was named to attend to this, 'Plana were also discussed for another eoaunaaKy picnic, and this will be held Jtly 4th, at Round Lake, arraagemeata betag la oaarge of Mr. ; George Kerns. Mra. losorn Kerns. Mrsw.wuaam noaa. Mrs. R. V. Isa aad H. A. Talbot. Going te Montana. Leroy Hilyard aad Floyd Muady plan to leave la a few days for Mon- to make that state their koaw. Frem-OwmaT V D, M. Beylagtoa ef ooaaty seat vttter. Odessa la a '' . D, R,.Dotea et Keae was a eat visiter O-JiL. ABmSaBatHaBkT at aaLflaTaaaaaaaaaaaaVaaatr' m BfHBBBBjBamv No were obtained in Waahlagtsa. They at the Chicago convenUoau Reclamation paid. It la estimated this will gate $3,000,000. This reaatt, I realise, will not be satisfactory to tbe people of-Oregon." said Senator Chamberlala. "It was the very best we could do. It was accept hi. a. n.in. - k.j -vt. M. r MWMMMBa ! W, WM VfVIJiaiaK. to lose unless prompt action la while the opposition 'had "nothing, to lose. "We obtained some compensations In conference for the cash sale provi sion, which will be of great advantage In bringing the timber te the tax roUs." i The CO per cent going to Oregon win ' be split evenly between the state , school fund and the counties. 1 Before the final provisions were fixed, Chamberlain conferred with the Oregon house members, aad it- waa agreed that 26 per cent aaaortloaed to the counties shall be expended by the' county courts of the land great coaa-. ties for roads, schools and vert die-1 tricts la such. manner aa they any dt' rect j This will enable the local problems of equitable division of the fund la these counties to be determined by the local interests. The delegation agreed that this waa a better plan than to try to fix an arbitrary division In the MIL NEW MAYOR WILL GO IN TONIGHT CRISLBR ADMINISTRATION BE OINS AFTBR TAKINCt OF OATH. MAKIS APPOINTMENTS OF OF FICIALS MayoEIect C. & Crlsler drops the suffix from his title this evening, whea at the session of the council he will be formally Inducted into office, J. B. Ma son retiring. Crtsler will outMae aw plana for a bualaesallkeaad Bregrea slve adklalstratlea la' a waaaage te the couaeil Tonight the new ogacial will nuke public bin appoiatawata to the varloaa city ofllcea. At tkla tUae he wUl awe name hla ooaaell eeaualtteea. a To Leave Heeaftal. Mra. Jehaj Brett, who uaderweat a surgical eperatlea at Btaekbara kaa elLd but week, wUl he t w to Or. -fc, Hughes Boom Gains Strength I. L'aMc4 I onT.R.Is Admitted - ; -'? 'CHlftACO, uJne S. Lata thla aftrfmton tha Hugh as baom aoMtvatf a commanding lead. Progrc&alvaa admit that thVflootevalt baom Ma atumped 'natsrlallw ku hw mrmAlr a rauIdSl litaf'nx '.,. ProfrcaalvcJcadara admit thatthtrajia a, 'wide dlvergance of' Idaaa , their 'camp regarding .the beat plan of Action.' ' tt la generally conceded, howeVer, that the floht for the nomination la J t ween two former governor of New Voffc-HncjWJa and Ptooeevelt. In preparation for the convention openings tomorrow,, repubUcan'-aid proeeHalve delegations axe arriving from all parts of the. country, and. cap palgn decoratlona. bands and parades are much In evidence. rbe Callfornians arrived last nlfbt tn a special train. The Ohio men ,' brought a glee club. Thirty-three wo:4 MOM taa1ata ttlA tltnWMhSdttiA MMM kavv' aw effce vv suv yiVBvaetTt: vvu- tventlon are here, " r,-" L.J.O. Mott of Los Angeles says' that jKaesevelt la not California's choice for tBi republican noadaation. .."1' The progressive natlottal committee has appointed Chairtuus. Perkins, Oov crnor Johnson of PiWai ala aad HoV-&c.Wllkerson-a committee to ooasalt the1 republicans nfoa the tatfar'.ad candidates. rJThla is called the "pnb Ifclty roaimlttat' Republican-proareailve hamsonv u being discaaa'ed. Paridsa atatod today that ha favors hamoay. "hat tka frrie may be too high." TUaJa takaakaA flat refaaei of Hnghee by the ii i bm n 1 1 am m Mamie luiff airf nominaUoa la aa only ballet IbJbwH able. He conteada KaaaearirlB n eelve more Irst vote aanetathaa'the strength of all "favorite aoaaT coat Mned. v Roosevelt's 'secretary. MeOrath. to-! ! " aVweevrttnoelUtewUl - ncr visit Chlcaao darlmc tkav eaaiveaw " tloc. MURDOCH OHABLFi TO APPEAR Mi KANSAS BULL MOOSIR IB SUM unuin -pa uirinA miii ' will he followed throaghoat tka lRIPARKONBSSDiaATCISSUS.!blr" , STITUTCO FOR HIM A wave of disapBolatmsat aweat over the Chautauaa aadleaee Sattsv Con vention of Womens Party Is Started Today United Praaa Serviee CHICAO.O Juae .The woawa'a party, meetiag la iU trst eoayaatioa, struck Its Initial aaag today whfa tt tried to crowd 1,6ft delegates, repre- aeating a docea 1lato the Blackstone theater. whlek has a seating capacity of oaly 1JM. :- na at a .s amai ' .l ueiore noon, lotwwwg aau oey oi ed that the three day eoaveatloa which U held to Impress tbe progressiva- twu vwntNH wm at iwa . via (www, winaax wui wr iwhivh overflow meetings. ' ""-" "w. '- ,,"i""T."f? w"" liiIWl,Mi i atatea" were glvea the drat aeaee today, aad win eeaUaao te head Irst place la the eoaveatloa toaaerrew aaa iae aay touowtag. " rree" woawa aaa aeeeae to uw main boot or xae ueater. utaer wo- t. j-.-a- a. -... . a: aaea crowaea Ww uw iseewe wNiaire oc newaa, waw.; !. .-t--i-- A, ? --- '- A,V ' ' . ... A. 1 aneaaee iae mrwww inwp. Mlaa AMee PaaL awUoaal eVBatnB.w. IMM anBeavUMV BE eVyaaSnSwl VSaray Vaa-anaBajp a S e-eleek tale wif3flMMf 4jM MC and Lead" I-" li j" dhy nightr'cn it wan announced that owing to be Chicago coaveattoa,' aavd, Murdock's- prospecU of balari riti'v' prc9identlal nominee, be vuj casfandf-would not appear night. ' Those who attended hurt fieltiropaid, however, aa the dehaU preparedness' substituted proveCthe speakers, able to cope with the aetv lect. and to brine out tnanv annua fnAtnta-fnr thit nnTWutlna- vtawa nt tkla national questioa. . r " ; -.Captain Wilson L Daveaay, peat ad jutant .general ofjhe United Bpaalah Veterans, upheld Ihe aflrsaatrre,- aad Robert'Cromwell Root, eeaat dtreeter '' or'the; American Peace Society aad secretary. 'of the California Peaaa) a1 cieties;;tooK tne negative hMMMrJMf both"c men" are wattoaally their auitiorative views apoa aessMt-Is needteas to aaytaak tta' , audience Cwna treated to oaee-taa. flaesTenbeit&u and enlaaallaag at4 airsldaa' of thla great imllia hBBii v .vrTs. leetwe, "The i the TJaaeea,"" glvea 'yesterdar'afler nnna'-arSk-la itfwMma taal ataala1 ' The doctor delved deep trhla tbaaw. hot hu'.traataeat of kJeaahJeet was" ae n plendld that henever oace leet the j tereat et-hia hearers, -rlt waavaBa si,, forthejaer . v!. .t. - .. derful thlnas, sachvae rto tbe hlaer aatare. aad k.iMaalar the development of theeey to tta'.at. '' most In the coming taeratloa.thregh sympathetic attention.. and coaradihlg on the Vert of parents. The wprk of the Gulotta Trio jraa aa- ceptlonally good. These maaleiaaa Dleased at both the afternoon aad awaav ihg programs yesterday. x ' , ! rJ,Avote waa taken Saturday eighth upon the tine 'of beglnnlag tka ereit-. ling progress. All were la tavor.of be Isinnlak promatly at 7:S0rso awaww- -.nuntrf .ilanallaai .aaktaaaSaai f .7'? n Tzrrn. zrr.jrzTTv? aaaaaaVMBaBBTBBBM!!LrxTn-Q mSTtmi Heme From Visit , -Mrs. 1, D. Duncan haa ietaraedfreaa4' aa .exteaaea. -Mi-. witK reiawrev-a rV eaa, cTancnwo aae urn-aw em .f .The rules of the woauaVa party say that the penaaneat ekeinaaa aMMt I elected from one of the elovea eiateal la which womea are allowed te fata.! Tip. to the time of the bellotiac aa aaat had any idea who the tret MBBMiaaT chalrman:of the woman's pariy tltt fPba'nt-tnlnt ktutlaAaiaa aa lks m0. , ww. ejw are NSV4V-H swwaweswwww ww nw-wl - ternooa waa the naming' of coauidttaeai' i .... .. ... . i v 2j aaa reports from the ewvea eeacl wm-t beea pwaaed for taw evealag. JtittfMfa era at the eoaveatloa wllLkazfnifif1 jasiae saawi loeeger os aaasaaisfrt OWCO, MISS Ma tlBBOy WSIIlie -eSfV Sj.cramfato.' Mrs'. . WahwJ,! Mrs.' Barajhvd fleM ef a)M VfaaMlg-, co aad lltelf 9ttMbilli , DrkeleyTAaaa Mariki &iii Mrs. wauaee wiuwate.ee , luaw, .waaa.; Misa'Allff nMs or neve, iinaa: . .-. . :..' rs H. sawteHa:of '. H..KarrV.ar Oak bora Metog Iw aa'MCareUM BMB4BHMM ' WBfcMaBaVawi:' aa-L' Jfaaaw. i ae' 'aaaatlaall IHaVi.! aaaiBH eBSJBScSi U'.,' I i uf -1 1 - f zr't iA! tr . ? K 'ri t fmm?" s: "" u ' ii&'Md '.ij :r .-i4-'---I