"r ir., 1 ,.;,. V-, v At aur At Hk Aivrt lj lEuimtttg Herald 1 kZ. fe . WB KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER to. "&r ... , ''!!' i - til OFFICIAL NEWSPAFBJI -' ,i 2m&; T.nth Year Ne. 3,010 KLAMATH FALLS, O N, SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1916 .' r' Price Pr "',- WRIT TO FORCE RECALL IS ASKED IN CIRCUIT COURT MANDAMUS PROCEEDINGS ARC STARTED TODAY Court It Asked to iMUt an Alternative Writ to Compel tho Passage of an Ordlnanct Submitting to tht Pooplo t a Special Election tht Question of Recalling Counollmtn Matthews, Mllltr and Dety MAN'8 BODY FOUND IN ODELL LAKE YESTERDAY A inan'H body wan found in Odell hike yesterday, according to meagre indvlciM iccclvcd by Coroner Whltlock. I Tim justice of the. poaco nt Crescent Is IncHtlKfttliiK, and will notify the coroner If nny huhpIcIouh clrcum-Htnnci-H come to light It In belloved 'hero linn tlm body In tlmt of a man who Iiiih been nilMdltiK from Crcscont I for Home weeks. After apparently remaining dormant for some lino, deflotto actlon'ln' the matter of recalling Councilman O. D. Matthews of the second, A. I). Miller of the Fourth, and M. II. Doty of the Oflh ward, was taken today, when J. C. Ituteulc filed a petition for n writ of mandamus to compel action toward or iIitIuk Iho recall election. In Oil action, K. W. Wakeflold Is tlm plaintiff, and proceeding arc di rected against Mayor J, U. Mason, COMMISSION FORM ISN'T LIKED NOW DENVER IS TIRED OF THE CEN TRALIZED FORM OF CITY OOV ERNMENT, WHICH SWEPT THE ENTIRE NATION Latest Advices Add to the Magnitude of Big German-British Battle iTfV llatT'i ' mi -- s"-xs I " LOCAL COUPLE WIRI ' r' WEDDED THIS MORNINQl At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Waldron, Rev. aVC. Richards this morning married Harry L. Harrison and Frances C. WaldroaT The bride has attended the local schools and high school and Is well tknown In church circles, while the groom la an employe of the Klamath Manufacturing company. Culled l'ren Seivlce DENVER, Juno 3. Denver ImH Jual oer thrown tho commission form of roveininfftt ufter three yearn' trial. ( Tho city today Is under the former mayoralty Hcheme. The elinnco wiih made at a special' election held ItiHt month, Robert W. Rpccr being elected mayor on a charter nineiidinunt. Wilch won the anti-thesis if ( oihiiiIkhIou ko eminent. While the iPRlnlntlvc power under llie new elmiter Is vented In n council- Muor-elect C. U. Crlsler, the Ave couu illmen and. Police Judge A. I.. Le.'txllt, An alternative writ Ih luked, directing Ills lljkfAllflftttlu fit lllittr IIS! f ttinjl 111 4 I . , . . , nmnle board of nine memberH, Speer to pass and enact an ordinance nub- . . , , ... ,..i .i it .f . ., . I appointed four of them. Kitting the recall quest on to tho vot- ' ., , , ", , 7 ... ., ... J The other the were chosen In a en. and to proceed with the election . , .. . .. II Ml II 111' I lill JI 1WI f J .-!" iiiraDKCinenfK Several weeks ago the petitions unk ing a lecall election were filed, and after a week or so the council ordurcd an ordluunce calling a special election prepared. Thin woh prepuredby City Attorney flroexbeel;. hut the council has never taken action lu the matter. NEW FIRM WILL 60 AFTER FORD hI7i. The Denver f'hle nnd Commer cial nsxocliitlon, the Trades' Assembly, the Ileal Estate exchange, the Rotary club and the Manufacturers' noch lion each elected a councilman. This plan followed to save tho peo ple tie com of an election, future boardn will be elected by popular vote. The new charter crenled an Indit"- i trial bureau to encourage Industrie and the employment of Inbor. A mnyor'o cabinet wiim created, con-1 HlKtlKK of the mayor, the manager of j TWO HUNDRED MILLION COM PANY IS FORMED BY OVERLAND MAKERS TO PUT OUT ANOTHER LOW PRICED CAR Improvement and parkH, the manager of revenue, the manager of health and i charity nnd the manager of snfety and cxcIho. Speer appointed these heads of de partments. DIvlHlon of responsibility caused the downfall of the local commission gov ernment. The people wanted a cen tralized authority and responsibility. United Tress Service TOLEDO, June 3. A two hundred million dollar corporation haa been formed by a combination of the Wll-leys-Overland company and makers of other automobiles. This was confirm ed today. The combination plans to build u new practical, cheap automobile to compete with the Ford Motor com pany's prodtMt- Two Seek Citizenship Petitions for full naturalization have been filed In the circuit court by Frank Gabriel of Bwan Lake, a native of Aus tria; and Prank Paygr of Ifalin, a utttlve of Bohemia. It's airl Bora to Mr. and Mrs. It. C. SImmen of MS Walnut afreet this morning, a nine pound daughter. Going to Fiesta Sheriff C. C. Ix)w nnd wife, Mrs. Steve Low, Miss Josie Low and Miss Mmle Ttnmbo leave in the morning hy uuto for Portland to attend the rtoso Show. Iow will also attend the Mnte sheriffs' convention. The party go via Bend, Tho Dalles nnd the Co lumbia Itlver highway. South for Health MIsh Catherine Prehm of tho Mer rill Record left yesterday for California to spend three weeks for the benefit of her health. During her absence, Tom Wilson nnd R. Vance Hutchlns will conduct the newspaper. Down from the Fort Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ryan, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Otcy, J. E. Sfsemore, J. A. Slscmore, Chnrles Lemz and P. L. Uurns nro among tho Fort Klamath people visiting the county soat today. Local Lumbennaii Named Head of While Pine Men ' -; According to telegraphic advices re vived from Baa PrancUco today, Har old p. Morteason, president of the Pel ican BayLumber company, baa jtut hb elected president of the California Hugei and White Pine Manufacturers AuecletlM. . - This organisation, was' tentatively formed a short time ago, and its mem bership Includes all of the leading pine manufacturers of the coast. Of a total f ftMlltM feet of estimated lumber capacity, over alx hundred million feet ffflmentM in the asaeclaUon mem- If oeast seetlen Is the only pine duHHeftftt remained unorganUed un- til tho uHHOclution was formed. The association will standardize the grad ing through a grattlnx bureau and In spection, traffic problems will be dealt with, and everything possible will be dono to develop this great Industry. Klamath Falls has occasion to be proud of Itadlstinctton In having the first president of this association, which is destined lo become a big factor In the development of the coast lumber sections. Although one of the youngest men In the manufacturing & II..i.... kna sill tltMangi proven himself a Uve wire, and be haa , "" been largely Instrumental In the forma tton of the association. :' y gmmmmmjgEejagssisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisM 1 lammmmjii , iaa , In i . Ii ..eamiiiiae urn aammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi i m u iwmnkW'i , n n i fnirry iiubT glaississississBBOTi? gggggBlWiBS geBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeSgemaeHlv tJt Xf'r'z Ai'K.'&iufaSmBWYXW 1r s&i ,;Vi T vi'r X " y s& i- Ss.''?' , i4 BagsaeaeaeaEjiifcO: SSL . ' BississississHgIBM0tH Btsssissississisi?3KJ: : ' gjgsaisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisis v V Mi ' ." &'-fiiU?&& giggggggBM"ji mBBBBBBBBBgSHHQ ggggggggHLMgM gLgili.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.WgHBi smmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmnHBjraBmmmmmmmimmmmmnu II B1B1BB1BB1BB1BB1BB1BB1BB1BB1BB1BB1BB1BB1BB1B1BB H 1 tUZSt SEA FIGHT MAKES U. S. TAKE NOTES WATER USERS IN ANNUAL SESSION MAKE NEW RULES " ALL AMENDMENT ARE ADOPTED, Y VOT " " 'M .1 TWO OREADNOUQHTS WILL BE ADDED TO PROGRAM A8 RESULT I -'- i OF THC GIGANTIC BATTLE OFF 8KAOIRRAK 1'riiteil Pre-ts Service Changes Are Made In the Personnel , or ins earn or Directors rer me '-i Ciiulno YearAlthough It Carried hft .Jf'il ,"by An Overwhelming Voter ',tion te Take Over Piece! Agency $ Is Leet ' yf-n- jviiyrumy a iihtcuhk " (- holders, of tho Klamath Water Un AMoclation, the following directors u-erc elected for the ensuing term WrsMlstrlct J- B. Griffith. ' Second district A. L. MarahalL Pope, R, E. WASHINGTON. D. C. June 3. Sen- Jator Den Tillman of the senate com mttteo on naval affairs today stated ..aiia ..... ... ,inai me senate intends to add twoH Third district P. L. dreadnoughts, one battle cruiser and aJ flotilla of dirigibles to the building pror t project at largo C. A. Busting, gram as a result of the Skagerrak iV ThV'offlcers will effect their nri bettle. , ,tatIoaXlate today. A cablegram received says Com-j All oi the proposed amendments ear mandcr Powers Symington, an Amer-'ried. by, landslides, nearly all reeeivtag lean naval attache, reported lost on 7,doOj vote's out of the 8,e59 shares of one of the British warships, Is ' safe j a tocW represented. In London. . -one of. the amendmenta provides -for the election of the directors for a period' "of threo years. Another ar t. HOPEFULS WILL - ' ranges .their terms .of office so there' ' 4 can ,be oae or more elected each ear. '! Yet - "another makes It BoeslUe for T PT Al III Pflfl I waie ui" who WkaBOt attend, to east r r I III IWrlf M"ir;. & w- v WfciwiMViBessed,:jt&, to the seeretary. 'A..reoltttJon peUUonUg the GAME WILL - S.J -x '"HS-ryiB'qie-TaterhwT:arlsW mb AWkm . tmAliti ... V. ..t Lm V. M....a-.'j K 1 kjwav irs neLiBuva"u " "" u uiw ahbms, FORENOON, TO AVOID A CON- project received a vote of T.7I4 ye TWO OF THE BRITISH FIGHTING VE8SEL8 SUNK IN WEDNESDAY'S BATTLE WITH THE GERMAN HIGH SEAS FLEET OFF THEnDANISH COABT I'ultod Press Servlce- LONDON, May 8. The admiralty's official story of Wednesday's naval battle follews: "FIRST PHASE Admiral Sir David Beatty, commanding a British battle cruiser squadron, met and Intercepted the Germans. Interior explosions des troyed three British battle cruisers. "Submarines were most active. The Marlborough made port safely. from the Queen Mary were saved. All hands are believed to have been lost on the Indefatigable, Defense and Illack Prince. The destroyers Shark, Nomad and Nestor are added British losses. Seven survivors from the Shark have arrived. They report the German super dreadnought was sunk. The admiralty denies the report that tho Warsprlte is destroyed, and hast 11 o'clock. A dense smoke hung over the water, and shells hit near us." The commander of the German cruiser Etbing scuttled his ship, follow inc; the battle, as she was severely damaged and unseaworthy, according to three officers and fifteen men of the crew who arrived here. I reports that eight German warships I "second phabe Admiral Beatty, fled to Danish waters. discovered a second Beet of Germaa battleships hiding In the mist They forced him to retreat to the open sea. "The situation developed that Ger man dreadnoughts were fighting Brit ish cruisers. In this stage, the Ger mans far outnumbered the British leet "THIRD PHASE Admiral Beatty'a call for help brought Admiral Jelllcoe with an unknown number of British battleships. The main engagement then ensued, with dreadnought against dreadnought "The range waa about seven miles. The Germans lost two dreadnoughts; the British, none. "One Zeppelin was seen, and It re treated when damaged. "FOURTH PHASE Germans re tired." It la. officially admitted thaWover 4,000 British" perished In the' engage ment, including Rear Admirals Hood The entire crew of the Invincible, except five, died. Only eight sailors b nlted Press Service BERLIN. June 3. Vice Admiral Hebblnghausi commanding the Oeramn deet, announced that at wast thirty four British battleships participated In Wednesdays battle. "MORE TEAMS" IS CRY OF U. S. R. S. ALL AVAILABLE TEAMS WILL BE PUT TO WORK AT ONCE ON THE TULE LAKE LATERALS WORK IB STARTED TODAY United Press Service LONDON, June I. Fishermen reach ing Danish ports report observing hun dreds of corpses of Germaa and Brit ish sailors floating la the 'open sea. The steamer Thames, reaching Hook, Holland, reports rescuing eleven "Every' team taken to the camp of Con Murphy at Adams Point will be put to work on the Tule Lake lateral construction," said Project Manager J. G. Camp. "As our allotment for this work will not be available after July 1, the beginning of the new fiscal survivors from thejQermaa cruiser) year, we must rush the work through Frauealob. at once. "All of the ditch work Is In sandy hoII, so no hesvy equipment la needed. We are paying ST.0 a day or four horse teams and. a teamster, and we furnish a driver. We will sell hay and grain If requested. It is up to the men to provide their own boarding houses." Work waa started on the lateral con struction tinder the direction of Con United Press service YMUIDEN, Holland. June 3. Cap tain Hunt, .of the Dutch Biles, wit nessed the' Skagerrak- fight He said: "The Germane had Bfty ahlps, In cluding dreadnoughts. The smaller British fleet phjcklly endeavored to cut In hehlndTthe Germans to prevent their retreat A fast British erwiser then Murphy this morning. He haa twenty irv-iviua uay, win win aire ail ap plying to him at the Job Quite a number ot'hTda have, been received oa the contract work. These headed westward after reiafercemeata. "At 7 o'clock reuforeemeata ar rived, and the Germans cemmeneed to withdraw. land 60.no, or 91 persons voted yea, FLICT WITH THE CHAUTAUBUAfnnd a."?;?0- In Dlte tw the mean- . : fure failed,- because It waa not approved. MEETING by a majority of the stockholders la . ; jthe -aisociattoa. Arrangements have been completed! fc?!, made CMM 2 , - .-.. . ... injr. Project Manaaer J. O. Camn. lad lor a uaseDau game tomorrow Between'. ,i . , " 77 Iho Klamath alls team and OUvflH?rnTBi and everaL ? i" -'! ?egnendos. This will be in the nature of a pracllco game, and no admission, nill he charged. The game will be played in the fore noon to avoid a conflict with the Chau tauqua program. It will begin at 10:30. us iers. ' Boy Is Born . I An eight pound soa arrived yester-j day merning: at the -heme of Mr. aad Mrs. Saaa'H. Chapgell at the Buena- -.ista boat PRESIDENT SI6NS . IARMY MEASURE From Merrill Miss Delia Marie Majorawitcs, to, teacher In the Merrill school, is 'a county seat visitor. .?' I LAW PASSES FOR STANDING Ahmv op twa MMMnaran tuaii. r'-1.c.-' SAND AND NEARLY HALP A MIL- i ' LION MILITIA Here for Visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles Horton are In from Hildebrand for a abort visit Move to Spring Creek ' " R.-C. Spink and family have moved to Spring Creek for the remainder of the summer. ft United Press Service ' WASHINGTON. D. C, Juae f, President Wilson taday signed the nrmy 'bill. This provides a standing army of 206,000 men. , Tbe'mlHtla strength under this a uro is to bo 424.000 men. . t i Chautauqua Starts With Most Pleasing Prospect i , " -?. .. JL Last year's Chautauqua i ' ' ' i , .i waa a Will be of sreat Interest to rtutrnte ab4 .. i W ..- ., w w lll. H '(P.. splendid success, but present lnqMca-iPW- " Sc'"i tlona are that the second assembly... .neF" w eWHi auenaaaeeammi, .& wa mi uu m arsin riria mmr atB bbbbbb ni m starting touay, win rar excel it .The , Qo ..-- .,":..: r-T .Tgr.Jtt5 attendance oa the opening day is bet-lj,tei.Ba i-j ml. .jh ... . ..-.-: - r tz'-tj- ' -!- . ter thai) a year ago. and the "- f- i rlfillfl rriavam It I to bo presented Is, If anything, better, inieetlnj: the gereMdfft'wtH a r.m .ss.. .... a. - ea.L.i.' w J. . ., m. i u" auiy youagawni were oa nana rosiumc ana , ;nat'fga9s'. thla forenoon for the Junior Chautan-' humeWeaa WaimMm"amdvmJiiii'M qua, conducted hy Miss Joy BumM.!ju)charaeer deMasatlaei' aessa Mlaa Harmon takes the children tokt,hehjm fsmous.;wiH'also deUgfct tteyl daj-s of King Arthur, and the stefy.enee. . tfM'&l-,. fa' hour Is one of great interest, as" the, " " ' ' - j'- . valorous deeds'' of the Round Table, morrow's program, with Yllilf Mgf Vnlvhia m -j-j ""rf.wLb ,k. .k,l- i-i.-.'T- ..-..- w -...-... uvvm. tv ainiiu if m, bBV & The children will also hold outdoor feearllluer. Murdeekwill 'aeasawa "'ici ! 1 -Jt. . " T games aaa exereiees en ue counaoaee lawn. Ataao'oM.of ChautaJKmaiey will pretest the results of the starlet rupcle famv loeaeeresjk tha4ghi seesa.y;Te Otwam 1Mb . 1 A- 1 1 . . . .5 ear, aneraat m mm ,i fA ruaalag tght the ensued until M be opened at 10 o'clock Monday isaa eawewes ta a pretty pepMUUaM pr;iiyi wlttgtaBB "Klag Arthur aad Via Court," which lecture ii ifiViiilamaa -