'v w a fWfc fis. 3tty? tEinmhtg Brrali ffSJEfVl rr; KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER . ...i P-V' ( "r&' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER mi u5l-iRl ,. vInV " $ Tenth Year Na. MO itEQON, KLAMATH FALLS, O FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1916 rriee new mm .'-g . '.-IS-A I?f German and British Fleets Battle r ' . ,. f ; tll000V00aja0Ajl1A0A0A0Aj0a mm00 !'. WMWI' ' Newest Member of High Court Greatest Sea Fight of the War Is Fought on Wednesday Monster Fleets Fight to Death Near Denmark United Press Bervioe BERLIN, June aV Tho admiralty today madi official announcement that the Barman high eeae float engsced In battlo with tho main part of tht British Boa t WsMasday. The ewBlBemom occurred between SkaQcrrak and Horn Rlffal. TaeMlelal aUtamtnt regarding the battle aaya: "During an enterprise directed tc the northward, our high aaaa fleet encountered the main portion of the British fighting fleet, considerably superior ta aur forces, en May 31. "During tha aftarnoon a heavy engagement developed, which wae sue ceeeful far ue. The fighting also continued during the night. "We destroyed the large British battlethlp Waraprlte, the battle cruliere Quean Mary and Indefatigable, two armored cruisers of tho Achillea type, ene email cruiser, the destroyers Turbant, Nestor and Al castor, a number of torpedo destroyers and one submarine. "Apparently a large number of the British battleships suffered heavy damage from aur gunfire and the attacks of our torpedo boat flotilla. "Among ether large British ships, we torpedoed the battleship Marie, borough, Prisoners confirm this. "Several ef eur snipe rescued parts of the crews of sunken British ships. There wore only two survivor from the Indefatigable, Indicating that all ethcro ware killed when the vessel was destroyed. "Among aur leaaea were the small cruiser Wles-Badan, which waa sunk by gunfire, the Uttleehlp fommern, which was sunk during the night by, a British torpedo beat "The fate ef the battleship Frauenlob Is unknown. It may be lost. "A number ef torpedo boate and destroyers have not reported, and they may alaa have been lost. "Meet af the veaeela ef tho high seas fleet returned to their base yvtterday afternoon." faiiiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiV smWlBmmmmw''''.r m i a3dBEEESmvi. m sMsEEmr ' -tf RUSSIAN TREATY TO BE DIFFICULT j i ' - AMERICAN ATTITUDE REGARDING aAlO TO BE RBSENTBD BY THK jMUSCOVITSS ' f I S -r.' After a blttor right lasting several weeks, durlug.which time the judiciary committee of the senate named a sub committee to conduct .hearings into tho question of bis. fitness, Louis M. Brandies has at last been approved by tho senate as anassociate Justice of the United States supreme court The senate yesterday voted this In a confir mation of President Wilson's appoint ment of Brandies. United Press Service LONDON, June 2. It la announced that a British cruiser fleet, four battlsehlpa and a flotilla ef destroyers and submarlnee engaged In battle with a Oerman fleet Wednesday. The British last the battle cruisers Queen Mary, Invincible and Inde fatigable, the cruisers Defense and Black Prince, and the destroyers Tip. perary, Turbulent, Fortune, Bparrew Hawk and Ardent. s (Editor's Nate The scene of the battle was tho North 8ea, to the weat Denmark. Skagerrak la the broad channel at the northern extremity of Denmark separating Norway from Denmark, so the battle was not far from the mainland ef the Scandinavian peninsula). Candidates Telling How Much Campaign Cost NO BALL GAME IN MHT YET KLAMATH FALL8 TEAM WILL BB KEPT AT HOME IDLE SUNDAY. TO PLAY MEDFORD HIRE ON JUNE EIQHTEINTH Thore will be no ball game here Sunday, the management of the Klam ol h Falls team being unable to secure game with nny outside team with sufficient class to make the game in teresting. Rather than give a one sided exhibition and disappoint the fans, It was deemed advisable to leave tho date open. The team to play here a week from Sunday has not been definitely decided upon. The Sunday following that, the Medford team, heralded as the fastest seen In the Rogue River valley la years, will be here for a game with the locals. This game will be oaa of the moat interesting of the season for the fans, and the grandstand and the bleachers will be crowded. - U ta not alwaya the man.who spends the meat massy who makes the most Buccaealaj aa, goal Iff. Bo, at any rate, 'Upaeare stftar yanual of tho cam Mitt txaaiai rerorta tied by Klamath owy eaaifrasii u the primaries. ,' Oaaraa 'MNaB, for Instance, ex pended 138.76, while his .opppnent'a campaign cost him 157.90. The big items in all of the campaign reports are the cost of attending baaket and pie socials, and automobile trip coats. Continued on Page t Going to Seattle Mrs. J. G. Cotchett left today for BeatUato Join her husband, who was formerly coanectedwith the Weed Lumber company.' flha has been visit lng her sisters, Mrs. James Peltoa and Mrs.-Lindsay Slsemore at Fort Klam ath for the paat two weeks. By WILLIAM-PHILIP BIMB (United Press Staff Correspoadeat) - F&TROGRAD, Jane 2. The. United States faces tremendous diaUteo la any tttempt to acawtlato araew com mercial treaty with RasaU to replace the one abregatai dartes the Taft ad ministration beeaase af tike Jewiah QHoatlea. Tkla waa MBMd by the United Press on) Mm MsjMat at "Negotiation Western Woman Head of American Women's Clubs atharity. a trade among themaerres Uatll it la cob eluded, Russia will make bo outside arraaasaaaata. Fraaoa is bsaad ts counter difBcaltiee, at least momentar ily. "If the treaty Is accomplished at all. it must confine Itself to economics and not eater Into discussion of Rus sia's utaraal alfairs." Count KokokorsosT, former premier and former minister of finance. In an exclusive Interview granted the United Press, made it plain that Russia would consider no treaty la which Its treat meat of Jews was made an Issue. "I am not an anti-Jew," he said. "My record is proof of this. I admire Amer ica. I welcome American co-operation in building industries and railroads and In opening vast resources of raw material of every sort Before the war Germany hod made no special de mands on Russia. It waa too keen. Having ulterior motives, It scattered the wildest stories against Russia, making trouble and meanwhile vir tually monopolising trade. "Americans ought to realise that Russia cannot entertain outside sug gestions regarding internal afairs. Americans must coma la like 'any oth ers, leaving Russia to settle its in terior problems" IrmgammmmHslaHl I BammmmmmmmHBB' PsfafafarafafafafaK' srami ssTaQsrammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrJ fJamt BTammmmmmmmmmmfsraKBTaV Bj SmmmmmmmmmmaVkKlMammmmmmma a sssaassssnir xkEiyTasasssssssaa I BBBBBBtf-i'-vvJSSHBM' I BBgHBfif wSBsm BBB BBBBBBBBBBBBVu"v'A. l-i:- &M'v$w11b9BBBBBBBkH M gammmml'tlqBBflQ m BBBBBB&!MlldltaaBVI Bl BammmwClaliJ-aMpBammmmM I BB vifii-''l3mB All Types of Al and Marine Craft Used BRITISH ADMIT LOSS OF BLBVBN VESSELS AND BIX OTHERS ARE MISSING BRKAT DINNER TO BE HELD MONDAY COMMEROIAL CLUB AFFAIR IB BROUGHT FORWARD A DAY, THOSE INTENDING TO ATTEND MUST SPEAK UP The Commercial Club luncheon to be addressed by Ernest 3. Bias will be held If oaday noon instead of Tuesday noon, aa first onnounoad. This will be held at the White Felieaa hotel, aad all interested are iaTMaa. . Those Intending to be present are asked to leave their names with Becre- tary Fred fleet of the Klamath Com mercial Club, as reeervatleas. etc., will be attended to by him.., Cress Is Heme B. A. Cresslocal attaraey. returned last evening from asaaath'a vuit la Callforala. waara ha weat far tSa beie fit of hU health. Ko aaya ha U feeling 1m after Ma rest Mia daughter ae- las aa am tMs, . tA MRS. J08IAH EVANS COWLE8 United Press .Service NEW YORK, June 2. It was official ly announced late yesterday that Mrs. Joslah Evans Cowles of Los Angeles has been elected president of the Na tional Federation of Women's Clubs. The other officers elected are: Vice president,-Miss Georgia Uacon of Massachusetts, Mrs. Eugene Reiliy of North caroliaa; reeertauaaaretatr. Mrs. C. McFarland, South Dakota; 'cor responding secretary. Mrs. Francis Ev erett, Illinois; auditor, Mrs. W. P. Bar ber. Washington. WRITER TO BE HONORED HERE MEMBERS OF WOMAN'S LIBRARY CLUB WILL TENDER RECEPTION TO MR8. ROBERSON AT CLUB ROOMS TUESDAY Arrangements are now belnx made by the members of the Woman's Li brary Club for a reception to be tender ed Mrs. Horriette ounn Roberson. who is to take a prominent part in the Chautauqua assembly program. The I reception will be held Tuesday after noon, and detailed arrangements will be announced later in tho Herald. Mrs. Roberson is well known as a contributor to a large number of young people's magazines. Her contributions to the women's pages of the metro politan papers are also wall known, and in syndicated form, they have won thousands of admirers, for their author. CARLOAD OF YEARLING DURHAMB SELLS FAST Two-thirds of the fifty head of full blooded Durham bulla shipped here Wednesday from California by Hortoar c company have already been sold to Klamath eogaty stockmen aad raaeh ers, adNtsWotae will also sja fast The bulla are all ysailmgs,aad are ef exceptional quality,''' 'X War Bulletins PARIS, June 2. It la announced in today's communique that the French hare penetrated the Gorman trenches' Bouth of Caurette woods to a depth of 100 meters. Artillery halted the Oerman attack between the villages of Cuurette and Cumleres. It is admitted that the Germans pen etrated the French lines la the south ern end of Callletta wood, aad made progress along the shore of the pond at Vaux. The Germans are ahelllng rouaumont, apparently in preparation for an attempt to recapture the village. Two German aeroplanes were wreck ed this morning while fighting the French squadron. By BD L. KEEN (United Press Staff Corresponds), ' LONDON. June 1. Aecordlac a aeV Wees from; naval .autherltlae. fjraa-e sea aad air fightang apparatus waa IeeeeeeeeeweBj oStheDaalah Wesdaeoday. This waa the greatest of the war. British admit, the lose of r eleven vessels. SUx' additional shins are' 1 KsLL.Ka-H missing. ' The cruiser Warrior was abandoned. yesterday forenoon. .-.i The German losses will aggregate about 16.000 tons. The British loaaes 'run upwards of 125,000 tons. i, Zeppelins were used In the aid of the German fleet The Germans, ac , cording to the fleet commanders, with' drew before the full force of the Brit ish fleet was brought to bear agalaat them. The engagement lasted all day aad practically all atgfct- The British crews leas totals over 6,000 men. The Oerman losses are about 1,000 men. afiEEEEEEEmW !d.Hk .tssEEEEEEfel sTdEEEEEEfl9sl&' BEEEEEEEEEEEf I Going to Reee Show Mrs. Marion Hanks aad daughters' are preparing to leave for Portlaad to "attend the Rose Show. Judge Haaks was called to the Rogue River vaBey on account of the Illness of his paraata. but he writes that they are batter I and has arranged to Join his famly i go on to Portland. Here from Matin : M. Dobry, Mr. Pagyr, Igaae Caeka, A. Kallna'aad Frank Klabnba were among the residents ef Malla vlsttamg the county seat today. All But One Ankeny Canal Right Secured x4 Vt- The Ankeny canal problem kt nearer a satisfactory eolation today than U haa been la all. of the years of turmoil aad contest regarding the closing of the objectionable waterway. Great progress has been made toward the closing durlug the adaiaUtratioa of Mayor J, B. Masea. V During the past few months the couaell haa from time to. fJsma beea! these, -and ta addltlaa. a. .- J-: m yf r .- 4.J& 'Xtr S .&'! h- 'i-. VW j3j v i'-? v M&. rights hve beea gives) the sat,; WS cost whatever. As a reanK. thSM'feaaBV beea no water in the niton thai .mr.' ml ae them waa bo teiiii t lt'mS:K:iXi' 1 mm. .., - "-.--'-;a-iTA" v this week, the eity efKlaamth W has ytry water' ife;kaaw:?;'.fBS ; Leattrtiaat. eaoeatf taatVaf, lt ItrJstol. ; Bristel saahae M.rmMm wster,rigatHhi;ssa'siiftSBg- buyiag water rlajbU from owaers at an eewWtaat f1 ' -x ' - . .. ' "