'it - ,-t JW EST vtx J: '-rt -Vi f-'WfoV A. A "V:?H 3.U 'f ..'j P.y IV, (Egg iEmmmg Wvtalb -. ; tj3sw& :i;. irroiaawj ; KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWIPAPER I n KU1MA1H FMiUr ,' nvwroTAi uturiiMM-:'l ... . .. asa -S;.V wi'iKuiK nanmnscuM ".,!. "'" "'Mi.M7 . "ATiiV i j - Tnth Year No, KLAMATH FALL, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1916 Mot WlStSJaa'I'twiyji If '.Si . fj ) j? try SENATE LAND GRANT BILL PASSK THE V &? r'- ." .jjlM" 'f SKIRMISHING ON NATION WATCHES IULL MOOSERB AM STILL BEING . WATCHID srklnt Says Profftioivtt Art Still. Rtady to Support Candidate With! Progressive Principles Republlcsn Committee It titling ContttU1 Among the Southern Delegations " . United Press Service CHICAGO, June 1. tieorgu W f'erklns today announced that tlio pro Kreitdlvo party ntlll Intends to support any candidate advocating pro(rrcBMvi prlnelplte. "The convention should bo for America flmt, and party atterwardH," , mid he. "Carraaia's lateat nolo ac cuses the administration of misleading I too Mexican government. Thin In thi( ,-flrat time a foreign power ha ever dared to aecase'Uacle Sam o( treach ery, and our prime object should be to atop thla aort of thing and rcstoro our itood iwi." Chairman Hlllea of the republican! niUeeal-'ootflmH too, said tie believe,1 the progressive and republicans will unite. He denlea the report that tint committee, at a meeting today, planned to name a compromise candidate. Hotel lobby talk today indicated tho f 01 mat Ion l a combine against HukIioh by antMIugaao republican and Roosc veil republicans. Rooaevelt'e sccro Ury said today that Roosevelt la "moat surely" a candidate The republican committee la hoarlni; forty contests affecting sixty-two Southern delegatea. Hlllea aaya theao are mainly technical fights for atato control The committee late thla afternoon aeated six Alabama "llly-whltes" an delegates at large, following an hour' argument by the "black and tan" con letting delegation. The contenting negro delegatea In the Ninth Alabama district were seated over Chaa. J. At llaon and J. O. Bath, both white men. United Pratt Sorrlee PITTSBURG, Jane 1. Colonel RooHovelt today reiterated his inten tion of remaining away from both of the Chicago ooaveatioas. "1 will not go to Chicago," said he, "and that's all I have to say on tho subject," Mrs. Mtrryman Leaves Mrs. Oeo. H. Mtrryman left today for a visit with Portland relatives. Dr. Mtrryman took her to Ashland by CHICAGO NO Reservation Opening Is a live Topic in the State The quattiM of opening the Klam ath indlaa RaaenraUe U receiving ucn Uttmt ail oYtr the state, com awcUl olubt all ortr Ceatral and Houthera Oregon are promising their aaaUtaaoe, aid a atimber of influtn tW PortJaM sjm art sow bard at work. "- i AccortMig t a ttUsjraaa received by 'Tldeat J. W. Mnnh 9t tht Ram tn Cosamsrsaal Clab from WlU g, wordea, tho rorUaad Commerelal O" haa Mgrtaatd desire to co PMU wltk, tad aatltt tht Klamath iwoHa ta otnt way atlble. C. C. Caaaitaa tht OrtflM Voter has also . ,.. 1--- Priest on Stand Attacking Mayor of New York Hi 'HBsBBsssssssssssssssssml ienammmmmmmmmmmmmmTdmu aa,ctjrs.jam-tg' 'aastssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss' MGR. JOHN DUNN, CHANCELLOR OF NEW YORK DIOCESE Mftr. John J. Dunn, chancellor of the Catholic diocese of New York, de nied on tliu witness stand the chnrKe of Mayor Mitchell that he had offered a wltnuxK $100 to leave tho Htntc. Tho controversy between tho monslgnor and tlio nut) or became blttur over tho cbargeu tho two made. BRANDEIS WINS IN LONG FIGHT 6ENATE TODAY CONFIRMS THE NOMINATION OF BOSTON AT. TORNEY A8 AN A880CIATE SUPREME JUSTICE United Ii eas Service WASHINGTON. D. C Juno 1. Tbo senate today confirmed President Wll- hoii'h nomination or l.aultt M. Urandele of lloston as iiHsocluto Juatico of the buiireino court, HticceedlnR tho lato Jus tice Lamar. The vote was 47 to 22, From 8teel Swamp Mr. and Mm. P. E. Muipby of Steolo I Swamp nro In Klamath aFlls. takon up tho Klamath cause. The mnttor of opening tho reserva tion Is tho llveat topic hoard on the Kinmath IloHorvfttlon today. It Is the general quoation discussed at nearly every mooting of Klamath Indians, ana is tho principal question talked, of at the tribal council meetings. In tho moantlme, tbo two bins pro ni hv membors of tho Klamath Commercial Club and forwarded by that organisation to waamngwu, n. now In the hands of the senau-eosv mlttee on Indlon affairs for considera tion, Senator Harry Lane, 'who Is much Interested In Klamath Indian af fairs, Is a member of this committee. u t) W non' COLLIER-PORTER WEDDING TODAY WELL KNOWN YOUNG PEOPLE ARE MARRIED, AND ARK NOW SPEEDING ON THEIR WAY TO PORTLAND The tint June marriage for Klamath county occurred at 6:30 thisjnomlag at th'o home of Mr. and Mra, Philip J. Slnuott, when Andrew J. Collier and Miss Georgia L. Porter were united by How Chas. T. Hurd, pastor of the Pres byterian church. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lincoln and the Slnnotts were the only persons attending. Following the ceremony and a wed dine breakfast, tho happy, pair de parted for Glendale, Eugene and Port landbut not before the First Na tional bank force appropriately be; labelled their luggage and tendered' the couplo a generous rice shower. Tho Colliers will be at home after July 1st at their sightly little residence on tho corner of Conger and California avenues, whore the groom has been busily engaged in painting, gardening and other Improvements for soma weeks. Mrs. Collier was for two years a teacher in the .'Mills school, coming hero from Afton, Iowa. Tbo groom.lt assistant cashier of tho First National bank, and la also a director of the First National bank of Merrill. He it a graduate of the University of Oregon, n native of Eugene, and cornea from pioneer stock on both sides. Haj la a ncp'iow of E. P. McCornacK and Coun ty Commissioner Frank McCornack. la tho social life of the city,, the youag people have become favorites, and botb bare hosts of friends who wish them well. Ceoktd Food Sale, The women's curiauanjemperaace Union will bold a cooked load aate Saturday, June 10th. The place will bo announced later, WASHINGTON, D. C, June l.-The Senate thk raMaY patted the Oregon it California Land Great M. The! measure patted with all the amendmentt atked bjSenatorChamberlain, its author. Seaator Borah of Idaho, incorporated an amend ment foireririf the ttnie of residence on each claim from ftaafto three years.. . T1 taeaaure had previously patted the House. WAITE TO DIE EARLY IN JULY POItONER -THINKS COURT, FOR! SPEEDY TRIAL, AND SAYS HE WILL TRYitTD. MAKE REPARA- ' TION ' FOR W16NQS " J .y United PreifvJJerico . NEW YORK, Jtee IJuaUce Shearn today aenteneaV;brr Warren .WaJte to electrocution' atJBIag Sing during' the week begftawlagyjuly 10. Walte was neat to thai paaHentlsry. The convicted poisoner thanked the court for a sjrtedy11 trial, stating that ho was wllilagto give his life as par tial payment fetv wrongs be bad done, others, and thtJAlstaoul would go on trying to make tMraUoa. -ii-jn -v j Here for Suspect Deputy 'Sheriff "Curley" Wilson la here from Jacksonville to get Lee Spears, arrested at Fort Klamath yes terday on charge of ateallns: a horse in Jackson county. Spears denies the tbeft, and says be bought the horse in question. 'Home-Town' Worker to Address Local Boosters BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBB .:-aisBaBaH sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssslssBsassssssss BBHEiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1 1 e t i - - IRN1ST Something oat of tae.tfdlaarr ia the way of a basinets maat "get together" laaeheoa will be aaMvat the Walt Pelican hotel Ttttitr aaoa, whea Ernest J. Slat, rtamtawy. develop ment worker forstUta Caaataaqua system, will addreea taa aata of Klam aUFalU. fof Thltatalr la tataggiroa-,kTtae XUaMtk Coaaaetttal CtaKaad the terrltot at Mr, ttaa woro toadored lay LOCAL CAESAREAN SECTION SUCCESS BOTH MRS. BLAKE AND 80N WILL LIVE AS RESULT OF OPERATION PERFORMED BY DOCTORS TRU- "AX ANO HUNT For the second time since the es tablishment of the Blackburn hospital, a Caesarean operation has been xuc cessfully performed there. Drs. Truax and Hunt performed such an operation upon Mrs. T. A. Blake of Turner's Mill, and the mother and her son are botb recovering nicely. The Caesarean operation consistn of delivering the unborn babe through the abdominal incision, Instead, of the usual manner. In the majority 'Of eases,- either the mother -or law catkr falls to survive. The name Caetareaa comes from a legend by Pliny to the effect that Julius Caesar was brought into the world in this manner. Daltens in Town "Mr. and Mrs. WlU C. Dalton are in today from their ranch on Tule Lake. j. SIAS' tho Chautauqua oompaay. k charge will be made for tea dlaaer only, aad all men are Invited to atttad. Ia the twenty yaart he hat beta be fore the- public, Mat aaa glrea oxeta- tlonal. atady to the poaalbUlUea of "homo towa" work, and ho wlU hriag a metsageta Klamath Falls boottora weUwarth their teriout ooaaldoraUoa. Mr. Siaa , la trail remttabered hart aa atjretalt of ala aaloadid lectare aa a Lyeoaauractoa a few yaart ago. aaijtiVJtM'tVt Prettiest Ghl Weds WliSBBBaBBasaBBaeBBBBBBSBBSBaaBBBBBBBiBBBWlaBSBaBSaSBBBHBn s I . 1 i V aassssssssssssssssssssssMaBsssW . . , !iBSBBBsK.F BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa'4 aBBBBBBBBBBBBBUaV ?M Mra. "Winnie" Sheehan Broadway was startled the other day to learn that Miss Kay Lanrell, one of the prettiest girls the theatrical world has ever produced, has married in Lon don Wlnfleld R. Sheehan, manager of the Fox Film corporation, and former secretary of the. New York police de partment Broadway did not even know popular "Winnie" Sheehan was more than aa acquaintance of the beauty. Many artists hare said Mrs. Sheehan was the most beautiful girl they have seen. For three years they have vied to paint her portrait , CONSIDER SUINQ THK STANDARD OIL AGAIN United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C. June L President Wilson and Attorney Gen eral Gregory conferred today regard ing contemplated proceedings against the Standard Oil company, charging a violation of 'the supreme court's or der dissolving tho trutt Hare en Business H. F. Tolie of Merrill was here yes terday. Will Bestow Antlers ' Klamath Falls Elks will Initiate a class of candidates at toaight'a matt lag. r m ril , file 1 1 -' tsiH aWmVfaa afffsv ma BssV bTsTtB mrJ maTTsBiBTBml bbbTbb araBsV a Bsa maamalsmTaM BBBrsmBH Tsr vuadi jiuuuuiK iicu m Longshoremen's Strike United Prose Servloo SAN aTUNCISCO, Juao LToa thoutaad loagahoremea struck today, paralysing shipping along tho- oaUro Paello coast Tho marine oaglaoora may also Jela la the walkout J -Tho Saerameato rivor ttoamors art all idle. Aa a retult, Saa Fnaoltoo faoeo a vegotabto thortago, Thoro are MSTtaeola tdto la Coast aorta. PkkoU have hot ataeed'at alldookt. laastta that HHhibrttktta OFFICIALS SHY MEXICO REQUEST TO BE REJECTED SHORT AND UOLY TERM FOR CARRANZA r Administration Takea tho Prevlalenal Preeldent It Matttaf MlasUtemanU Regarding tho Oat come of the Conference Between l A V Scott and ObregenPerehlng aad Qavlra Confer e United Press Service .i WASHINGTON. D. C. Jane L The administration plans to issue witMn a fortnight a -statement rejecting Car ranza'a newest request for a with drawal of American troops aad calling attention to Carranza's misstatements regarding the Mexican situation. In-thls way an attempt will bo i to eliminate Carranza's mlsrapratoata tlona.and show aha that Americans V'jnil.lilVM'BHM, W rjj, T j, vi General Scott declares that Carraaaa has wrongly. Jaterpreted-tlie eatt-v Obreaxm eoafereace- arrases mt.-vl i " 1 ilna-l i - r - - - ----i' i-r-K-'i-vfrijWM ensued as agreement eovanag a win- drawal or evea a promise not to par sue the border raiders. The American reply, may laalaaate that Carranza ia not. co-operating with the United States. .. General Funston today teat odirtsf word that the Seott-ObregaSBftr-ences reached no agaeemeat Thia'j'ia designed to counteract aay Mezleaa claims that the agreement Included the withdrawal of American forces from Mexico. United Press Service DUBLAN, June 1. Generals Persh ing and Gavlra today opened a cca ference in the tatter's private oar, which wan sidetracked ia tho neatral strip between the Aaaerteaa aad Car- ranziata War Bulletins United Press Service PARIS, June 1. The offlcial announce ment says the German attack oa the eastern slope of Dead Man's Hill was repulsed. French aviators dropped twaaty bomba on Thioaville and Audit ata tloria aad Ifty sholla eaOM'tsaaaa supply depota at Axannea.' --.- United Press Service BERLIN. June 1. It U that the French eaatured 4M vanle Gorman treacbea southeast ofOtad '?' -r- w- w .wm , Man's Hill. -,) German patrols la Aloaco aeaetratod French positions to a depth of Stt f 1 yards. were to he brought ia made Jla ttsatW Uon'more tease. " ?('$& , v . r." ... . i- f' m reponea mat wa uepanmoat Of f.' attempt mediaUoa. 1" -Zf The Hlad-aalf Martgatfea has tafV roadorod to tha.elalam' a;.'ssat- smb. Other st ssmsbbj simgstr attaa- aoatoUToa aaet'tedejr:atlvttithJad tho dtmaadt. .- ..rS?'- &H-'5ri :t Thelpiagv aMata9ta'' atVaaV leaUo settleateat M ftiliaii astts: ""W' " ' !' -SS -.A AU. -- JWf, &u.&MhitJi ti-fi u .. t1 i Www ,".' HA t .A w- 4 - ) J'i Kf'SyCir V. r "5k&wJ . ," 'Xt '.4 ,