f ': -tp; ' .' H' -'? -V ..jf.. , ' (S i. ' --i 14? A IT. I kV HTE5 .xv ' V ,r V 4V n WtM.; . 18. KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALL 7 OFFICIAL .ubI t4aTA. -w .-"rr'vi ' ' -,,. -,. , . -. . , - . '-'SfjrifvA--'' ' ' cIrbqon, 1 r Tenth Yesri-Ne. M07 KLAMATH FALL!, WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1916 iEurntitn Herald .tt am O.HP . i" ..t : .v .1 .l'A.'Vii.,Uf mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmtik': ;;. llVC" W ' !e Hundredth Day of Verdun War Sees No Let-Up United Prose Service PARI!, May SI. Thlo li the hundredth day of the bsttle of Verdun, and during that tlma there hae Been continual fighting. Critlea agree that the offensive begun Sunday by the dermans li finally the eupreme effort an the part ef the crown prince to pierce the line. 'The valuma and violence of artillery activity eclipse's anything in hletery. Tha entire dlitrlot rocke under the ahock of the big gune. Kalaor Wllhel'm, It la reported, It returning to the Verdun front to wltnaee tha big offenelve. Before the week le over, it It expected that a million Oermans will be ateaultlng tho French poeltlone. Tedae announcement atatea that Inst night the French evaouated thalr flrei line trench to the aouth of Caurctte Woodt. Under tho moat vlojtnt attaaka by tha Oerman dlvleloni, the French alao retired aouth af cumleree toward Chattoncourt. ' Later, In a deeperate counter attack, the French regained their po eltlone aouth ef Cumleree, recovering all'of the ground loot. ' Tremendous 'fighting ragea today all along the Verdun front. Between tha Meuee and Dead Man'a Hill the Qermana are repeatedly hurling violent, aaaaulta along eeotlone of the front from two to five mllea In ' length. lolled press Service BERLIN," May 31 it le officially announced that the French have cleared rem tha foraot aouth of Cumleree. In the final onalaught, ninety, ana prieenero wara captured. Thara la alao lively fighting along the Brltleh front from Labaeaeo la Arras. . LONGSHOREMEN IN A STRIKING PACIFIC COAST FREIGHT HAND tlt!8 WILL QO OUT TOMORROW IF WAtl INCRIASE DEMANDS ARE NOT MET Ualted Press service SKATTLK. May 81. Tho longshore . .'- -iu k Dajlfln UMlt MOOD man ia every w v .. -.. r"i....,i . m sii Mnnir. Mm. Manx msi iiaitv " ""!"'::. r.4i th bulldlnir. and the Crandalla a ni.-M will alMVa totaorrew unless tneir oemanu. ., hither wagea are granted ll la dieted that all shipping will be para lyied, aid It ia feared that tboro Is ao hope of a walkout being averted. It ia reported that 12,K union mem bers art ready to quit. The dock workers tatt already called a atrlke. Mk front Fatt Mrs. X Mk AdaaM and son Mar tta rttwaed today from a trip to Wood Hirer taller yaaterday with Mr. Ad- Carranza Again Requests a Withdrawal of Troops Ualta4 Praaa ervioa . WAEMWOTON, D. C, Hajr tt- CamaWa lateat coaunateattea to the UMM ttatM wm daUraraa to tha UU insHMiHt today. It mueaU the wrthdrawal et Amerloaa tvm frag WactM u trWaBW U lec-a M c aha part o( tha Ualted aHataa. Feadlag a withdrawal, Ue note aaka a delaa aa4aaaUon ef the raasona rer keUg the expeaMUea ta Mexloo. OajfBBpi aanthe expedltloa raaaalaa iatoUer ia the day. atata datarUBaat ROOMING HOUSE CHANGES HANDS CRANDALLS DISPOSE OF FURNI TURE OF WASHINGTON HOUSE TO MRS. MANO, OWNER OF THE BUILDING A ileal becomes offoctlye tomorrow Vberoby tho Washington House, a wall known local hostelry, paasea from tha management of Mr. and Mrs. w. Cran- Ull ..-.--,- m. ;,, tn w se pre-1"" -" - "v" ;"."..,.'". BnO Will COnuuci m' rnmuiiouuivui hcraolf. The CrnnUullH have operatod Jhe Washington Houso for over five yoara and tho catabllshmout has boon ex tremely popular during that tlma. Al though thoy-aro retiring from the hotel business, tho Crandalls do not Intend to leave Klamath, but will reside here. Mr. Crandall and son Russel expect to loavo in a short time for a visit In Trinity county, where Mr. Crandall has mining property. officials declared the note waa "aMra ly a continuation of dlplomaUo cor respondence." United Press Service COLUMBUS, N. M., May 81. Amy n tndftv claimed to foresee a lanathv stay in Mexico for the Asierl can expedition when General Persh ing issued an urgent order for the en gineer corps to begin work tht abandoned roadbed of tha Melhawa railroad leading to Dublaa. C( nvicted of Murder J - - r . - saaa. h: ai ai aaaw .aa aa( Baaaa' aaaaaaal:H'''J aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaav Hrl BBBBBaV LbBbH gflBBBBBaf ' BbbW ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB gflBBBBBBBBBBBlV BBllllllHgflDBm BBBBllllllllllV aH aaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBHeeBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiV I J4UR. VrAtlREN gMim Dr. Arthur Warren Walte la in the New York county prison, the Tombs, awaiting death sentence on Thursday, having been convicted oa the charge of having poisoned his father-la-law la ono of the most sensational murder cases the country baa known tn sev eral years. Dr. Walte is a dentist who never practiced much. He mode practically, no defense himself, Insisting aa "alter ego," or "a man from Egypt," forced him to do bad things. , MAIL ORDER PLAN AGAIN SHOWN UP CORRESPONDENCE STUDENT IN - KLAMATH LUMBER CAMP FINDS NO INSPIRATION IN MONTOOM- ery-wArd BOOKS UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugeat May 31. A Montgomery-Ward cata log may open the 'door or enchaataaeat to some people, but a correspoadaace student who Is working In a lumber camp In Klamath county complalaa that be cannot find, sufficient Iasf4ra Uon lu It for his' English thetnee, la asks permission to borrow hooks from the University library. This atudant is time-keeper, aad oa account of the nature of hia work baa considerable spare time, that ha ia de voting to atudy, and la one of. 610 Ore gon residents who are now taklag work In the State University corre spondence study depajtmeat, lastrae- Uor in which la free to Oregoalaas, ex capt for a poatage caarga. Tha TJal vearlty library a also at their sarriae) OV FALLS TO DEATH OVER SUTRO CLIFFS a United, Praaa Bervlce BAN, FRANCISCO, May tl.fraak Diunn, aged ll,"aUpped over the; edge of Sultro CUE UU yaataraay aad drowaed. Ma wm seeMag ataaw with hU fathar.aad brothar Caarlae, the latter held Freak by a leg uaUl he legaa, aUaflag himself, wheat ha let sa, aa neak faU te Ua death. RESNNS THE EVENT i JACK LtCAIJM SEVEREtV INJUR-, ED, AND RjiONBV AND MECHAN-, ICIAN ARE ALSO INJURED WHEN. CAR HITS WALL t'nlted l'reaa nlce INDIANAPOLIS, May 31. IMrio RcAUdriviag'a Puegeot, won the 300 mile lateraatlanal Sweepstakes yes-. terday. Hto time was 3:M:10.2, or an average ef 13:26 miles an hour. Pierre DAlene, in a Daeaeaherg. waa secoai. Mllfonl, driving a Pue geot, tnlahed. third. 'Jack LaCaUt's DeLage overtumed. The lajuriea he recelvedjare probably fatal ;i JL ' Rooney'a Premier hit tha wall oa a turn, and Kaoney and bla mechaa- hclan, McAllister, were both seriously hurt BOYS IN SOUTH REMEMBER OEAD MEMORIAL SERVICES ARE HELD AT ORAVE OF SOLDIER KILLED AT PARRAL MEXICO OFFERS TO SEND FLOWERS United Preaa Service NAMIQUIPA, May 30. (Delayed) General .Perahlag has ordered aevere punlahmeBtifor any peraoaa atteaapt Ing to aell liejaora la or aear the Amer ican expedltloa'a camp. It to-wporteeV-UMHIa-snaaaatianra tloa of Metnorial Day ia tha Uaitad States, the'MesJeaa sovenuaeat today offered -to send flowers to the grave of Corporal Markahmry of the eaglaeer corps, who waa killed la the sklraikh in which Cervaatea, a Villa Uemteaaat, waa ahot. The American soldiers held. Memo rial Day exercises at (he grave of Ser geant Beajaaala MoGhee, who died from woaada received ia the Parral incident i FLAG OAYTO BE OBSERVED HERE ELKS ARE NOW ARRANGING, AN OBSERVANCE, PRESIDENT ASKS ALL TO OIVE SPECIAL SiSNlt-l CANCE TO DAY United Preaa Serviee " WASHINGTON, D.C May II Prea- Idaat Wllaoa today laaaat a aroeJaaaa- be given to Flag Day.-Jaaa 4th. r mmmmmmm The local OsaarraUaa will be aader the dlreetioa a sUaaaath Falla Lads No, U47, B. P, 0. aala. reeaailftaea have heea aaaaajl to take aharta, aad aa approanato avagraai will at i dared.' .; ', CALVIN HEAD OF THE UNION PACIFIC MAN WHO HAS WORKED UP FROM THE SHOPS IS OHOSEN TO WO. OEBO MOHLER. WHO HAS TIN V" T A, OBREO HM RMMNATION Ualted NBW YORK. May tl.-The beard SPEEDWAY of dlmtaraaf the Uatea Paetae to-viaHora from Waahmaoe, Idaho, atoa day etoetod & CatflB irtalaaat eC'taaa .aad Britlne Cenmbu; smea the rallread,',!! nUg PresJdeat Mahler, wbeae railpstlsB biismm ef sattva, 'sP (t (. t A Terror to Gretuert J BJBweaMeBssBaeaaessBBeaSBBsBBBBBaeBBBsiBasBeeBBw""" f araTaaTaaTal ': .BBarsBarsBarsBaTsBarsBarsBBBaw lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK bbHbbbbbbBbSsIbbbbbbbbbbbbbT l BaBaBWT'llliBaaaaaaW BbBbBI&bIbbBbBbBbH BBHRaJasLkSaHBaBBBBBBBBBBa' B9saaTaTaTsaaTsaTJ WBHBBBaaBaaV SpilsflsBBfssW av''Bu8alBsaaaH mlag'aaiaaaaaaaaaj VsaaBBTSBBTSF it!! h I it iWi rsaasaaaBgl sawlSaTA BBbbbbbbbbbbIbI flt S'aBKM 'gBMSaBaBBBBBBBBlBI &geiM5 aaMtBBBBBBBBBBBrJBl laalBBt&BMaBBBaaHBl am BaBBBBBMgW ClBBmVBBBBBBBBBBBftmmmmmmVsBBl Lieatoaaat George aPattoa, walla oa a foraging trip near tha Saa Anto nio camp, visited the Saa Miguel raaoh about sixty mllea southeaat of Naatl- qmlpa, aad with a scout aad aiae ea listed bmb la. three autoaaobOee aa- countered aad killed three Vttllataa, oae of whom waa Cantata Julio Car- deaas. a well knows lieatoaaat- at VUla'a. Pattoa and hia men left the camp In their three autos, aad fought the bandits from the autos, that la to say, they sprang 'directly from their can Into the fight, putting tha eaeoa tor' In a class by Itself. Ueatoaaat Pattoa Is thirty yearn of age. Ho ia from California, and a graduate at Weat Point ROSE SHOW BUT FEW DAYS AWAY TENTH ANNUAL EVENT WILL START SEVEN OAYS FROM TO DAY. AND PORTLAND HASTENS FINAL PREPARATIONS Herald Special Serviee PORTLAND, May 3X. The curtala la about ready to rise on the Tenth Annual Rose Festival. la seven daya aaUelpatloa will be turned to raallsa Uea. All la ready for tha great celebra tion. The Btreeta for the festival eaav tor ia the park blocka have heea closed to tramc. aad more taaa forty beds of bloom are fast taking shape. The Rose Fountain la nearly complete, aad sixteen communities of, Portland will compete for the prisea la the Serai feature of the testa. While the festival, baa ita oamial opealag the aaeralag of Jane 7th, the aaeea la to be arowaed the araalag before, la order that aba. may ride erewaed hi tha eaJbtreaa parade oaea (ag moratagat ;'!. , The nllroads have otered low fares far the revad trip, vOreat erowda are exaeeted la PorUaad. and all hetola are ready far she gaesta. I are that Portkad will eatortala mau sssala of railroads ail ever the North- west" report, may iaairiaa reaarda the atarea,ef the Wl aWe lasttvei. FORT AND YAINAX WILL PLAY, AGAIN TEN INNING OAME AT FORT SUN DAY RESULTED IN VICTORY, FOR i WOOD WANT RIVER, AND REVENGE INDIANS The baseball fans of Northern Klaav ata will lata eat ea ansae at Fort Klamath Sunday afternoon, waa "tad Fort Klaasath teaaa will play a second game with the rejuvenated Talaaz'la dlans. Tha game promises to' be eavs of the warmest ever' played on the Fort .diamond. " The Yalaax Indiana wont to the Fart Sunday, and with BM Riddle iav'taW box aad their ltaeap otherwiee' Im proved, they gave tha Fort aiayeta all they wanted. The, game went tea Innings before the Fort emerged: vl torioas, the eeere bemg S to 7. ";.'",: Suadaya game waa arraaged at 'the reqaest of the Taenia, who are ac-". tlciag bard this weak to be able to tara the tables:, '... . MRS, KELLER BUYS THE SUGAR BOWL 4 ' : LOCAL WOMAN WHO PROVED A ' J. SUCCESS IN v CATERING BUS!- NESS TAKES OVER CONFEC- TIONERY 8TORE. TOMORROW -, . t Another ehaage ia local, hualaeas circles to become eSeetive tomerrow wui ae tae tnaung, over ectae Cowl by Mrs. Jeaa 3. Keller. Fred Garrich today aoM the -watt esUbllahment.to bar, aad it u theilav tenUoa of Mrs. Keller to. eaibelylM- model the wtahllabmaat asm the atoek meat eomplete. - Mrs. Keller la widely kaewa aa a business woman, owing to the astern- did success she aad her,haahaaf had la the maaagemeat of KaUer'fe 'Cafe, which they started. She plana modern Innovations far the Sngar BowL . .w- I War Bulletins United Preear Serrtee ''"" VIENNA, May St It ia eaacmH anaeaaeed that Austria baa eoataar ea JiBMgo, upoa watea raatea im main Alpine defense Maes. ,i The Aaatriaaa have captured other Important peelfJoaa, including Moa'ta- bello. United Preaa Service " '- "LONDON, May 31 Winatoa Chareb ill, discussing before the house of coaa mona tha motion to reduce the aalary of General Kitchener, charged the war. omce with "grave mlsmsasgemeat, lnj emcieacy aad defective orgaaiaatloB.!' Miss Runk III y: -,'' Miss Kate Kaak. of the millinery Arm of Rank k Sayder, la aerieaaly Mil aa a result of a rasHared btoed'vea- set, oauaiag a pressure est aer 1 m 1. - atY m. m m'm. m . - aTS) nmT IBBllflBBJiNBl i ID r r m- " ""frf1 tiny mm eav mm ami mm nam ami bbbbbbi amramah. Ualted Preaa Serviee ,. KANSAS CITTS May; ll.-WhUe FaBBagag eaaSgaBaavaBw emgm ea ernes i sgaismgaBga; sajsj aaaaap asgfBSBrBi jg saFaamg mjBagT g BR agamgajagm, eaiBSjBiRa w esjsm was, tiwewi1 m It etreek the maahlna CsjVWaWsl.aW VHssalsjVgf j-t, "'A-u-'i ' BanrntlrT MeOfatk sttaamltn It asaBmgatVM eamvwwaaraam saiiagFwBfi.wF keep the matter a aaerat, eaifcmg M a gjBaJifBt-,-. ) eBe j, BGft ajsBsmmgi jBPai. aBaaBamBaaBamgaai smajsage j.gg.1 wgyia- a gKnnjga naw aaa ajaJjg i0BfsmmmjeBmn. ammmma-aa, evvamy for dtrtlM prtauliABjsit art Tr t F -. wB ' trie mho eat hW waa vttMaMe v Plan of Rid . k m t S t w f'tbep y:;', I1DHHD CirTDBV I iinniiiiiii I nil lafiri s BILL IS PASSED BY HOUSE T v.-,7iT m thb naw bill aaTS awvsniAS. iJ FRtJfUNMi rft-..: ..'KVA : " s li,aJiiBf f f'MrmnAmmiMhAm mm' v - 'Part of One Year Prearawr ta -". - -."a.... JfZ&. VarXaMia'gawVlv sHi9fTJBwtMsjW4 nVOTlsw -UaaaiiM 4m Slam, a mm -Baa -- ''- yi?,:'- , v,:w&hm Feearai Armor pmte,Faeeery le w $. 7 Z 5J&KS t;v7 . i - &te4. ?yikiw aaar waaanv naaaaranmr nmnam - ..-i . . ,.sw r t - s ''i? . M'j.aottS M r m ." m i t .- i .14 Sfes&l UBiiea.t reee awxnee m- frwa.v iwASflnfomif. n 'c. uk-'mtJimt. house' eemmlftee of the -wae;asdB1 fsMuwjnumasi seaeru bliv whereby theaev build and oaarato a JhUdael3 oaj 1U own The K ameadment to the aaval UoabfU. , i - .- !,..' i i pmj .Tni aa nuiaaua mmrn tAasaaaaaaai -aajnmMaaaamak the conatractloa ef aay .aaaaweJttJbs paof the naval; program, Tbe endment prortdlag for two ef tbeae I big 'fighters waa defeated 19 teU47? iAn."-i(njeadmeat- ' aatharmiaEitae,. bafldlag of six instead ef tveibattle crulsers-suirered a Mke fater'H "TThe house added thirty jabmarlnaa toV the1 program; makings a total et, flfty divers authorised far the TJattsei BUtee aavy. . T;.-.vK mitmryi iHjj.nMrr ' iJfc-i --M- rmy4rmi,Tr ffm.jWHf v.j. F -iS.Ka.? , " !$,' ' -M - TT S - Iftnx ' ' , 1 T '.' r- ! Tjj'S''Afw. -1V. ',' .Vv 10 KIEL MO. 2 t-'phS '! CONFESSES TO FLOTTO KILL ON. $ ja, -ss iJttrii iiAQMaTE waa . AHsrrBait aar. '" " -' -. itj JERi THROWING BRICKS MSTO VANDERBILT MANSION . ! J ,-? l t United Praia Serviee' NKW YORK; may tl. .. ma Italian aged 4awna afreatadtaasl through the wlndewB of W. K l"z : . . i bnt'aFlfth aveaue henraa endawgoriag x 'The poUee aay be baa Pkktlag irith three ethers to t aite theoU magaeu.; - Amerioa -flfteea yeara age,, aadr fereed to be aabway laboiaiB 'aGa-j fi"'9t.,. AMU 'Hianung atocaeieiier ana ataar ltalUtsfor their troaMethey to .threw hrieka late the Vi house, aad aboot. RocketeBer aT raa bat M ' 'a .- Chair to' Meet' VA r At the; requeet of htov.' Ma.: Presbyterian ehoir wlB meet at i hMriV it mfmlmmtolt . m . 5i Mra. ,Hlaaay.Slilc AM Mrs. staesy uamugway aa la a ' aoaaewhat 'eritleal from aaXerug a aaralyttoaltahavj ts i. - (, i.i i pi ' ,ia6i - o'fv - .i'srv4 irai ;iiji i.m.mz;,:.'-2mj am ana saa annanae-aaa . ma ana-mmmaaaa w aaa. bbb anatamaaam .r. inn 'S?tSn '. WliUUi ,mv. jifipii j eeeaeaed sTadleVsL sanfle vaiaaaaV I acam.jaaaaima,kagi reagmasateii eaajfhjJakmaMMR mammY ' ammmmaV jSssjEmmmmmmmaajjvejammv , BiTlar jFfPWdJIfJaT ua, m sWefeft'eMi , WsWsWSrS;1 5 K - & ssssBMBMBaa saa sa. gasmaw jsaarr, ,.ti: aj Km- ITALIAN TRIES rnsruv" .TiKt4ofciri. f. Srty &t&?j?iixiF Amummtmttm m saUltiavasaaSjat .l: . "aan tmmmmmmmwM rawmsEmaag dBJ& flUBl JsBSBjmBammagagagc amgaBrasammmmmmm, a jy, .ft.i M '! m ."! l i wv s, ?-& 'V-a.M-jJKiWrfc , - "